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职 位 申 请 表

Application Form

说明:请认真填写以下A ~N 栏 (本表将对您以后工作安排具有很大的参考价值) Note: Please fill in items A to N (Reference for future role allocation)

申请部门/ Dept. Applied : 申请职位/ Position Applied : A 、个人情况/Personal Information

B 、工作情况/Work experience

C 、家庭情况/Family Information

D 、教育程度/Education Background

E、培训记录/Training Experience

F、其他技能/Other skills

□语言能力 /Language □英语/English □普通话 /Mandarin □粤语/Cantonese □其他/Others


□其他技能/Others Skills:

G、主要工作成就和曾经获得的奖励情况/Main achievements and awards in career



H、本人主要性格特点/Personality characteristic


I、业余爱好和兴趣/Hobbies and interests

. J、你对应聘职位的认识和理解/Understanding of the position you apply for:


2、主要职责/Major responsibilities:.


3、任职资格及要求/Qualifications and requirements :.

. K、对公司之期望要求/Your Expecting Requirements:

1、个人期望月薪/Expecting monthly salary:¥元

2、食宿/ Boarding & Lodging .


L、信息来源/Information source:

□朋友介绍/Through Friend (朋友姓名/Friend Name:)□报纸/ Newspaper □电视/ TV

□网络招聘/Internet Adv □劳务公司/职介所/Job Agency □人才市场/Job Market □其它/ Other

M、你有没有亲属在本公司工作?/Do you have any relatives working in our company?

□无/No □有/Yes 姓名/Name:关系/Relation部门/Dept. . N、如被录用,何时可到职/Available Date:. N、声明/Declaration:


I declare that all the above information is true and correct and agree that the reference detail can be checked with relevant previous employers. In the case that false statement being found, the company has the right to terminate the Employment Contract immediately without paying any compensation.


以下为公司专用/Company Use Only.

O、行政人事部初试意见及用人部门意见/Assessed by Personnel &Admin. Dept .and Relating Dept.


P、行政人事部最终意见/Approved By Personnel &Admin. Dept.

Q、总经理审核/Approved By General Manager