当前位置:文档之家› 参与式农业推广方法-在小农项目中的应用思路(可编辑)[11页].doc



参与式农业推广方法- 在小农项目



农业推广体系的组织结构 3大系统(农业研究、农业教育、农业推广) 5个层次(中央、省、市、县、乡) 5个领域(农业、畜牧、

农机、水产、农经) 5类单位(政府推广部门、私营机构、大专院校、农业企业、农民协会)当前农业推广的问题是什么? 传统观点

和方式“自上而下”政府主导, 非市场驱动利益冲突执法, 公

共服务, 商业利益机构设置不合理推广机构的重复建设参照行

政体制结构, 而非市场需要续缺乏激励机制缺少有效的工作


不高, 缺少专业培训机会缺少基础设施投入财政投入不够工资



定者进行培训培训培训者参与式推广 PEA 供应链管理 SCM 农产品参与式推广方法加拿大国际发展署在华农业项目借鉴最初由

德国技术公司开发的推广模式; 以具体农产品为基础, 注重农民的

参与; 角色转换-从“老师”转变为“协助者”和“示范者” ; 农

民更多地获得技术和政策的主导权和参与推广过程注重解决实际问题培训培训者课程将介绍成人教育的原则, 参与式工作方法和其它推广工具将战略推广运动作为一种交流策略重点解决增值供应链上存在的问题案例分析-农产品参与式推广方法在小农户示范项目中的应用需求分析(资源分配)基于乡村的农村参与式需求评估方法特定农产品供应链上利益相关者分析. 农产品生产者在品种、田间生产技术、推广方法、市场信息、政策和法规、质量安全标准的应用、小生意的经营管理和市场准入方面的需求制定示范项目行动计划问题树目标树任务分析与小农户有关的性别策略, 环境保护和治理. 实施与实验通过技术支持和培训提供管理和技术援助培训培训者和以农民需求为导向的推广方法基层辅导培训小农户项目计划培训100名辅导员监督与评估

基层协调员对所应用的新方法进行中期评估筛选技术或方法技术传播循环圈更加有效的具有针对性的宣传(如,互联网、视听教材、广播、印刷品、传统的推广等)战略性的推广运动培训培训者计划; 研究/政策循环圈技术或方法的应用若没能成功,我们会开展新的研究活动应用研究的成果会与参与者分享, 并采取一些改善措施本讲稿信息来源得到以下单位支持并致谢农业部全国农业技术推广中心中国农业政策研究中心加拿大国际发展署在华农业项目其他在华农业援助国际机构私营机构非政府组织Thank you for the opportunity of speaking to you this morning

about the department’s new strategic direction. Overall, the agri-food sector has been very successful to date but as we look to the future, there are some opportunities and challenges that we need to address to be able to continue building on this success. In the Speech from the Throne, the federal government acknowledged our role in helping move the sector to long term stability and growth. We promised to "...help Canada's - agricultural sector move beyond crisis management - leading to more genuine diversification and value-added growth, new investments and employment, better land use, and high standards of environmental stewardship and food safety". Today, I would like to share some ideas with you so that you can provide us with some initial feedback and to share some of your own ideas with respect to a long-term strategy for the Canadian agri-food sector. * * * [下载自.downhot管理资料下载] 小农户加工

企业龙头企业市场政府政策研究农民中介组织国家食品安全战略推广和培训农业补贴/WTO - 农业行政管理 - 实验室培训和

食品安全 - 在加拿大培训和培训培训者管理培训需求分析培

训和技术支持 GMP/HACCP 食品检验销售产品检验法规农业



馈反馈市场渠道合同市场渠道质检总局食品药品监管局国家发改委发展研究中心乡中央农产品供应链管理示范项目项目投入项目投入项目投入项目投入项目投入粮食, 经济作物肉, 奶市场体系调研 - 参与式推广方法 PEA 品种信息土壤营养管理 - 保护性耕作综合害虫防治 IPM 农民中介组织及其管理 - 农场质量安全保证体系 - 良好农业生产规范 GAP - 追溯性商务部农业部财政部卫生部 Overview A background view of the Sub Saharan Region of Africa and its position in the World An assessment of the Region as a potential market for Canadian exporters Background - Market Performance Oceania agriculture imports US$ 22.2 Billion - UP Market share of world imports 4.5% Oceania Seafood imports US$ 105 Million - UP Canada’s agri-food exports To Oceania US$ 610.2 Million - UP The structure of Canadian agri-food exports to Oceania Canada’s balance of trade in Oceania for consumer agri-food products Canada’s top 10 consumer


exports to Oceania for 2003 Background - The Economy Oceanian Africa Economy US$ 315 Billion GDP in 2003 GDP Agri-Food

14.6% GDP Industry 28.8% GDP Services 56.6%

US$ 467.36 Average GDP Per Capita in 2003 GDP growth 2003

3.0% Inflation rate 12.9% Background - Top Oceanian

Economies Background C Developing Oceania Background - Oceanian Demography Oceanian Population Total population 673.9 million - Growing 3rd leading region Life expectancy at birth 46.5 - Dropping Fertility rate

5.2 birth per woman Mortality rate 9.1 per 100 birth Urban population 32.3% Education Illiteracy rate adult males 15+ 29.3% Illiteracy rate adult females 15+ 45.4% Background - Top Oceanian Populations Market Attractiveness Analysis MARKET SIZE MARKET GROWTH MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Country Focus for Analysis Australia New Zealand Nigeria Sudan Kenya Angola Republic of Congo Discussion on others Australia Analysis - Market Size Australia Analysis - Market Growth Australia Analysis - Market Growth Australia Analysis - Market Growth Total Trade with Canada Canadian exports $US 231 million Canadian imports $US 170.3 million Total Agri-Food Trade with Canada Canadian AG exports $US 52.3 million Canadian AG imports $US 47.9 million The

structure of Canadian agri-food

exports to Australia Canada’s ‘BICO’ growth since 1998 Top 5 Australian Agri-Food suppliers Some Specific Opportunities

for Canada Poultry meat offal Barley Malt Whey Whiskies Key opportunities: Other opportunities could include in the longer term: Wheat, corn, lactose, skimmed milk powder, pulses Promote Australian opportunities & CDN product capabilities APF competitive advantage in branding Canada’s leadership Increased demand for value-added products Pursue the re-emerging demand for processed food products Increased demand for dairy, and horse genetics Take advantage of good investment climate in Australia Alternative suppliers to USA of agri-food products Market Access not much of an issue Continued demand for high quality bulk commodities Analytical challenges: More info on market entry & distribution system Poor supply and demand data to assess consumer trends Lack of soft information on Australian trends on food quality attributes Better understanding of Australia’s real market opportunities More information on buyer requirements New Zealand Analysis - Market Size New Zealand Analysis - Market Growth New Zealand Analysis - Market Growth New Zealand Analysis - Market Growth Total Trade with Canada Canadian

exports $US 231 million Canadian imports $US 170.3 million Total Agri-Food Trade with Canada Canadian AG exports $US 52.3 million Canadian AG imports $US 47.9 million

The structure of Canadian agri-food

exports to New Zealand Canada’s ‘BICO’ growth since 1998 Top

5 New Zealand Agri-Food suppliers Some Specific Opportunities

for Canada Poultry meat offal Barley Malt Whey

Whiskies Key opportunities: Other opportunities could include in the longer term: Wheat, corn, lactose, skimmed milk powder, pulses Promote New Zealand opportunities & CDN product capabilities APF competitive advantage in branding Canada’s leadership Increased demand for value-added products Pursue the re-emerging demand for processed food products Increased demand for dairy, and horse genetics Take advantage of good investment climate in New Zealaand Alternative suppliers to USA of agri-food products Market Access not much of an issue Continued demand for high quality bulk commodities Analytical challenges: More info on market

entry & distribution system Poor supply and demand data to assess consumer trends Lack of soft information on Australian trends on food quality attributes Better understanding of New

Zealand’s real market opportunities More information on buyer requirements We know that to be the best, Canada must “brand” our sector as a leader New Zealand Analysis - Market Growth Canada ranks 25th in 2003 with a market share of less than 1%. Canada’s market share was at 17% with Brazil leading all suppliers at 49%. This market was worth US$25.3 million in 2002. Canada lead all suppliers with a market share of 61%. This market was worth US$30.2 million in 2002. Canada led all suppliers with a market share of 53%. This market was worth US$22.1 million in 2002. Canada’ share has increased decreased bt nearly two fold from 2001 with a share of 9.7%. This total market was worth US$ 5.8 million. Canada has a market share of 4.5%. This market was worth US$ 55.4 million. New Zealand - Market Opportunities New Zealand - Market Opportunities New Zealand - Constraints & Challenges 00-132-d Presentation to Oceanian Strategy Team Canada’s International Business Strategy 2004-05 OCEANIA - MARKET RESEARCH & ANALYSIS Ottawa - June 24th, 2004 SOURCE: Statistics Canada Background - Structure of Canadian Exports Background - Structure of Canadian Exports Top Products % of Total * Chicken and capon cuts, frozen 8.6 millions Cdn $ 43.5 %

* Seed potatoes 1.8 9.0 % * Skimmed milk powder 5.7 % * Turkey cuts, frozen 5.5 % * Whey 4.7 % * Swine offal, frozen 4.4 % * Milk powder, 1.5% fat 3.8 % * Swine cuts, frozen 3.6 % Total all consumer products 20.0 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 * Lactose 0.7 3.5 % * Sauces and preparations 0.8 3.8 % Background - Structure of Canadian Exports GDP Per Capita Botswana $US 3,184 South Africa $US 2,620 Zimbabwe $US 706 Angola $US 701 C?te d’Ivoire$US 634 Cameroon $US 565 Senegal $US 473 Sudan $US 396 Kenya $US 339 Nigeria $US 318 Madagascar $US 286 Ghana $US 269 Tanzania

$US 265 Uganda $US 250 Ethiopia $US 97 Canada $US 21,834 Source: World Bank MARKET CONSUMPTION CAPACITY MARKET RECEPTIVITY COMMERCIAL PRIORITIES Australia Agri-Food Imports Australia Processed Food Imports Source: WTA as reported by Australia Customs Canadian total Exports & Imports with Australia SOURCE Statistics Canada Australia Analysis -

Market Growth Down 33.79%

US$ values 1998 30,209,000 2003 20,000,000 Bulk UP 110.82% US$ values 1998 9,134,000 2003 19,256,000 Intermediate Consumer Up 11.59% US$ values - 1998 10,895,000 2003 12,158,000 Australia Analysis - Market

Growth Canadian Agri-food Exports by Province

CDN $million. Source: Stats Canada, 2002 Australia Analysis - Market Growth Australia Analysis - Market Growth Canada ranks 25th in 2003 with a market share of less t han 1%. Canada’s market share was at 17% with Brazil leading all suppliers at 49%. This market was worth US$25.3 million in 2002. Canada lead all suppliers with a market share of 61%. This market was worth US$30.2 million in 2002. Canada led all suppliers with a market share of 53%. This market was worth US$22.1 million in 2002. Canada’ share has increased decreased bt nearly two fold from 2001 with a share of 9.7%. This total market was worth US$ 5.8 million. Canada has a market share of 4.5%. This market was worth US$ 55.4 million. Australia - Market Opportunities Australia - Market Opportunities Australia - Constraints & Challenges New Zealand Agri-Food Imports New Zealand Processed Food Imports Source: WTA as reported by New Zealand Customs Canadian total Exports & Imports with New Zealand SOURCE Statistics Canada New Zealand Analysis - Market Growth Down


US$ values 1998 30,209,000 2003 20,000,000 Bulk UP 110.82% US$ values 1998 9,134,000 2003 19,256,000

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