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AnalySiS Of Russia’s foreign trade and ItS

Enlightenment to China


FrOm the POint Of VieW Of history, foreign trade is the COmerstOne Of the internatiOnal economic relations. The reasOn is the gradual development Of the economic relations between the COuntries of the internatiOnal divisiOn Of IabOr PrOdUCtion PrOCeSS to accelerate. RUSSia is actively invoIVed in international trade, RUSSia received the funds of n ati onal PrOdUCtiVity developme nt is one of the importa nt WayS is foreig n trade, RUSSia many times of foreig n trade reform and inno Vati on, WhiCh CaUSed great Cha nges in the StrategiC decisi on. In the direct ion of developme nt of the StUdy of Russia's foreig n trade, the historical Cha nges and its practice, Un dersta nding of national foreign trade,We explore the SitUation of Russia's foreign trade and coun termeasures, We Can From its inno Vati on。 The PaPer first PrObeS into familiar With Russia's CUrre nt foreig n trade SitUati on, to Un dersta nd the policies formulated by the RUSSian national implementation foreign trade, familiar With the RUSSian import and export PrOdUCt composition, to explore the impact of Russia's foreign trade factors。 Then Understood the problem of Ch ina’s foreign trade in development need to face。Fin ally, accordi ng to the RUSSia n foreig n trade being the problem,give the PerfeCt SUggeStion of RUSSian foreign trade,from the

development of Russia’s foreign trade in SPired to make the foreig n trad e of our COUntry to be better developme nt.

Key words: RUSSia; foreig n trade; an alysis; en Iighte nment

一、导论 (1)

(一)........................................................... 选题的意义1

(二)....................................................... 国内外研究现状1

1. 国内研究现状 (1)

2. 国外研究现状 (2)

(三)....................................................... 研究思路与方法2 1•研究思路. (2)

2•研究方法 (3)

二、俄罗斯对外贸易的现状及特点 (3)

(一)........................................... 能源原料占到出口的绝对比重3

(二)燃料能源商品推动经济增长的功能减弱 (3)

(三)............................................... 贸易合作的对象有所改变4

(四) 俄罗斯外贸规模的现状 (4)

1•俄罗斯出口的现状 (4)

2•俄罗斯进口的现状 (5)

(五)......................................................... 商品构成特点5

1. ........................................................................................................................ 出口的商品

结构 (5)

2•进口的商品结构 (6)