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Great Expectations

Charles Dickens

Pip,a young orphan lives a humble existence with his ill-tempered older sister and her strong but gentle husband,Joe Gargery.On a Christmas Eve,Pip helps a convict who escaped from a prison ship by giving him some food and a file.One day,Pip gets invited unexpectedly to the house of a rich old woman in the village named Miss Havishamas.Miss Havisham is an old woman who was abandoned on her wedding day , so she raise her adoped daughter Estella as a cruel-hearted girl who will break men's hearts.Estella is beautiful, and Pip develops a strong crush on her, but she treats him coldly and contemptuously.From that time on, Pip aspires to leave behind his simple life and be a gentleman.Fortunatly one day Pip is given a large fortune from a secret benefactor and get a chance of education to become a gentlemen.For many years Pip has led a fairly undisciplined life in London, enjoying themselves and running up debts,and finally becomes a selfish and peacockery youngman.It lasts until one day,Pip learns the true identity of his benefactor——it is not Miss Havisham (who has made many misleading comments indicating it was her) but rather a petty criminal named Magwitch who is the convict Pip helped in his childhood.It is he that left all his money to Pip in gratitude for that kindness and also because young Pip reminded him of his own child.Pip is appalled, but he feels morally bound to help Magwitch escape London, as the convict is pursued both by the police and by his former partner in crime.Before Magwitch’s escape attempt, Estella marries an upper-class lout. Also,they are discovered by the police and captured to the jail, because of their convict partner's tipping off.Pip by now is devoted to Magwitch and recognizes in him a good and noble man and Pip has discovered that Magwitch is actually Estella's father.Without money or expectations, Pip, after a period of bad illness during which Joe cares for him.Pip decides to go abroad in the mercantile trade. Returning many years later, he encounters divorced Estella in the ruined garden at Satis House. Pip finds that Estella’s coldness and cruelty have been replaced by a sad kindness, and the two leave the garden hand in hand, Pip believing that they will never part again.

Plot summary: Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens

Philip Pirrip, who is known as Pip because, not surprisingly, he finds it difficult to pronounce his name, has a terrifying childhood experience in a graveyard on the Kent marshes.

A prisoner, who has escaped from a nearby prison ship, grabs hold of Pip and demands that he fetch food and a file to remove his manacles.

Pip is an orphan, and he lives with his older sister and her husband, Joe Gargery, a village blacksmith. Soldiers come to the forge to repair some manacles, and then set off to search for the convict, whose name is Abel Magwitch. The latter allows himself to be caught, because the same fate then awaits his fellow escapee, the hated Compeyson.

Pip is invited to Satis House, ostensibly to be the playmate of Estella, who is the ward of Miss Havisham, a recluse who, many years previously, had been jilted at the altar. For Miss Havisham, time stood still on that day, so the clocks are never wound, the wedding cake stands where it always did, now covered in cobwebs, and she still wears her wedding dress. She has sworn to revenge herself on men, and she is bringing Estella up to think the same way.

However, Pip falls in love with Estella, and at Satis House he also meets a boy of his own age who is playing in the grounds. This is Herbert Pocket.

Jaggers, who is Miss Havisham's lawyer, comes to the forge, where Pip is apprenticed to Joe, to tell Pip that he has "great expectations" that will come to him from an unknown benefactor, whom Pip assumes must be Miss Havisham.

Joe releases Pip from his apprenticeship and he travels to London, where he is befriended by Wemmick, Jaggers's clerk, and Herbert Pocket. Meanwhile, his sister, Mrs Joe, is brutally murdered at the forge.

Pip has a hard time of it in London, including financial difficulties caused by his belief in those "great expectations" coming to fruition, and the knowledge that Estella has rejected him in favour of Bentley Drummle. The worst shock is the reappearance of Magwitch, who has escaped from the penal colony in Australia to which he had been transported. Magwitch tells him that it is he, and not Miss Havisham, who is his mysterious benefactor. However, this horrifies the somewhat

snobbish Pip, and he determines to help Magwitch to get out of the country.

Returning to Satis House, Pip asks Miss Havisham for help to set Herbert Pocket up in business. However, she gets too close to the open fire and her dress catches light. Pip is able to douse the flames, but Miss Havisham dies from her burns. Before she does so, she implores Pip's forgiveness and gives him clues that Estella is the daughter of Magwitch and Jaggers's housekeeper.

Pip gets a mysterious message that calls him back to the Kent marshes. There he is nearly

killed by Orlick, who works with Joe and who is revealed to be the murderer of Mrs Joe. Pip is rescued by Herbert. Pip and Herbert return to London, where they are about to execute Magwitch's escape, but they learn that they are being watched. The plan is to take a boat down the river, but they are intercepted by officers who are guided by Compeyson. In the struggle, Magwitch is wounded and Compeyson drowns. Magwitch is condemned to hang, but dies before this can happen.

Pip returns to the forge, intending to propose to his childhood sweetheart, Biddy, but finds that she has married Joe. Pip goes to Egypt to join Herbert Pocket's shipping firm, and only returns several years later to find and marry Estella, who is now widowed.


高中区域地理(世界地理与中国地理)复习的一般 思路 高中地理教育教学内容大体分成三块:自然地理、人文地理和区域地理。区域地理实际是自然地理和人文地理理论在区域中的实际运用。区域地理复习的一般思路如下: 一、把握区域特征: 主要是掌握区域地理分析的一般方法和思路。一个区域特征包括自然和人文两个部分。复习时一般可这样分析区域: 1、自然特征:位置、地形、气候、水文、植被、土壤等 ⑴位置特征:包括绝对位置—经纬度位置,相对位置(海陆位置、山河位置等)例如美国本土位于西经75———西经123之间,北纬30——北纬49度之间西接太平洋,东临大西洋,南接墨西哥湾和墨西哥高原,北与加拿大接壤 ⑵地形特征:包括地势特征、地形类型、分布、起伏大小以及可能存在的地质灾害等 例如美国地特征为:地势东西高,中间低;东部为古老低矮的阿巴拉契亚山脉,西部为年轻、高大的科迪勒拉山系(海岸山脉、落基山脉等),山脉间有宽广盆地,中部为广阔平坦的平原。 ⑶气候特征:包括气候类型、降水和气温等气候要素的分布、影响气候的因素、气候对动植物资源和河流的影响、气候与农业生产的关系等方面。 例如美国气候特征为:气候类型复杂多样,温带大陆性气候广布,地形对气候影响显著、易受寒潮、飓风威胁等 ⑷河流特征:主要从河流的水系特征、水文特征及水资源的开发利用等方面进行分析。 ①水系特征:主要是指河流的流程、流向、水系归属(如太平洋水系等)、河道特征(河谷宽窄、河床的深浅、河流弯曲度)、河网密度(支流多少、河湖间关系)、流域面积、水系排列形式等。 ②水文特征:主要是河流的流量、水位(汛期、枯水期、断流、干涸)、含沙量、结冰情况(有无结冰期、结冰期长短)等。 ③水资源的开发利用:在河流中上游地面起伏大、河流流量大、落差大、水流急的地区,主要开发水能资源;在河流中下流地形平坦、水流平缓、河道宽阔、流量稳定的地区,主要开发内河航运。 2、人文地理特征:主要包括人口、居民、城市、交通、工业、农业、环境和可持续发展等, ⑴居民:主要从人种、人口及分布、民族和宗教、文化等方面分析。 ⑵农业:农业结构、地域类型、区位条件、农业生产特点等分析 ⑶工业:主要从工业部门、工业分布特点、区位条件及评价如原料产地、工厂和市场三者之间的关系,技术和交通条件及布局要求)等方面分析。 ⑷城市:主要从城市化水平、城市布局特点、城市区位因素、城市环境问题等方面分析。


高二地理试题 一.单选题。(本题共40小题,每题1.5分,共60分) 读图,完成1—2题 1.甲、乙、丙三艘船同时出发驶向180°经线,而且同时到达,速度最快的是 A.甲B.乙C.丙D.乙和丙 2.有关甲、乙、丙附近三个阴景区域比例尺大小叙述,正确的是 A.甲的比例尺最小,丙的比例尺最大B.甲、乙、丙的比例尺相同 C.甲大于乙、乙大于丙D.乙的比例尺最小 20世纪90年代以来,湄公河流域的共同开发和经济合作成为国际社会关注的新热点,据此回答3--5题。3.湄公河在中国境被称为() A.澜沧江 B.怒江 C.红水河 D.雅鲁藏布江 4.为发展湄公河流域的经济而新建的“泛亚铁路”的起讫是() A.,河 B.,新加坡 C.,曼谷 D.,胡志明市 5.对开发湄公河流域的作用叙述正确的是() ①推动我国的西部大开发②带动和中亚地区的发展③促进该流域的旅游业发展④加强中国——东盟的经济合作 A.①②④ B.①②③④ C.②④ D.①③④ 6.印度和巴基斯坦从地壳板块分布上来说,位于() A.太平洋板块 B.亚欧板块 C.印度洋板块 D.美洲板块 读下图,回答7—8题: 7.在图中②城市南部的广阔海域,为世界著名的渔场,其形 成原因主要是由于() A.冷海水上泛而B.位于密度流海区 C.沿岸大量河水注D.位于寒暖流交汇处 8.甲国附近海域污染严重,其主要污染源是() A.海洋航线上的油轮B.大陆架上的石油钻井 C.港口工业区的废弃物D.被污染的河水 9、下列地貌的形成与冰川无关的是()

A、欧洲平原上低缓的波状丘陵; B、斯堪的纳维亚半岛西侧的峡湾; C、阿尔卑斯山地两侧的湖泊; D、阿尔卑斯山脉峰峦挺拔,峰顶终年积雪 10.西伯利亚不利于农业发展的主要原因是 A.年降水量太少 B.常年气温过低 C.森林面积过大 D.灌溉水源不足 11、澳大利亚发展牧羊(绵羊)业的有利条件是 ①草场广阔②气候条件适合③人口多,羊毛、羊肉需求量大④没有食肉猛兽 A、①② B、①②④ C、②③④ D、①②③ 2001年11月15日图瓦卢领导人在一份声明中说,他们对抗海平面上升的努力已告失败,2002年举国移民新西兰。结合右图,回答12—13题。 12.使图瓦卢成为第一个“环境难民国”的主要原因是 A.冰川融化B.全球变暖 C.海水膨胀 D.地面下沉 13.气候因素是造成海平面上升的主要原因,为控制海平面上升,发达国家应该 A.绿色消费 B.减缓工业化进程 C.减少温室气体排放D.援助发展中国家 读1989年中、美、、法、英、日六国组成的国际横穿南极队考察路线图,回答14~16题。 14.当图中A点时间为1989年12月12日12 时,时间为 A.12日14时B.13日2时 C.12日2时D.13日14时() 15.当考察队到达站这天,考察队员回忆 的下列有关情况,正确的是 A.太阳从西南天空下落,又从东南天空徐徐 升起 B.中国的五星红旗迎风向北偏西飘扬 C.天气异常寒冷,气温低达-70℃ D.夜晚睡觉时,考察队员的房子时常被烈风掀倒 16.有关南极洲的叙述,错误的是 A.世界上平均海拔最高的B.世界上最寒冷的 C.特有的鸟类是企鹅D.每年的7月到9月是暖季


受夏季风影响明显的地区,称为季风区,降水较多 高考地理之世界与中国地理 1、我国地理位置的优越性 (1)纬度位置及其优越性 我国领土南北跨越了近50个纬度,且北回归线穿过我国的南部,我国的领土大部分在北温带,小部分在热带,没有寒带。这种纬度位置及所造成的南北气候差异,有利于多种农作物的生长,为我国农业发展多种经营提供了有利条件。 (2)海陆位置及其优越性 我国位于亚洲的东部,太平洋的西岸,背靠世界最大的大陆,面临世界最大的海洋,是个海陆兼备的国家。这种海陆位置使我国深受海陆的影响,成为世界上季风气候最显著的国家之一。夏季,我国广大的东部地区受海洋的影响较大,降水较多,且温度又高,热量条件充足,因此,非常有利于农作物的生长,使我国的北方地区也能种植喜温植物。我国东部沿海有许多优良港湾,便于发展海洋事业,加强同海外各国的交往;西部深入亚欧大陆内部,有第二亚欧大陆桥与中亚和欧洲各国友好往来,有利于发展对外贸易。 2、我国地势对气候河流的影响 利于湿润空气深入内地形成降水;使许多大河东流、沟通东西交通;河流从高一级阶梯流入低一级阶梯地段,产生巨大水能 3、我国五种基本地形齐全:为因地制宜、发展多种经营提供条件 山区面积广大:占三分之二,不利于发展种植业,在林、牧、矿、旅游等方面有优势 4、我国的降水 (1)空间分布 特点:从东南向西北递减(最多在台湾的火烧寮、最少在吐鲁番的托克逊) 原因:受夏季风的影响 东部地区:东南季风影响 西南等地区:西南季风影响 西北地区(受夏季风影响不明显,称非季风区。降水较少) 季风区与非季风区分界线:大兴安岭—阴山——贺兰山—巴颜喀拉山 —冈底斯山(大阴贺巴冈) 重要等降水量线:800mm 通过秦岭—淮河一线;400mm 通过大兴安岭—兰州—拉萨一线 (2)季节分配 特点:季节变化大,集中在夏、秋季节(5月~9月) 5月——南部沿海进入雨季 原因:由夏季风的进退规律所决定 6月中旬——长江中下游地区梅雨(东部地区的雨带推移) 7月中旬——华北、东北进入雨季9月——雨带南撤至长江以南

luck 马克吐温 中英文

I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated1 English military men of his time. I do not want to tell you his real name and titles. I will just call him Lieutenant2 General Lord Arthur Scoresby. 我出席了一次在伦敦举行的为当时最著名的英国军人举行的宴会。我不想告诉你他真实的名字和头衔,我只想叫他阿瑟.斯考兹比爵士。 I cannot describe my excitement when I saw this great and famous man. There he sat, the man himself, in person, all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him. He seemed to show the true mark of greatness. His fame had no effect on him. The hundreds of eyes watching him, the worship of so many people, did not seem to make any difference to him. 当我见到这位伟大而著名的人物的时候,兴奋之情无以言表。他独自一人坐在那里,浑身戴满了勋章。我的注意力无法从他身上挪开,他好象就是真正伟大的标志。他的名望对他根本没什么影响,成百上千双敬佩的眼睛,那么多人的崇敬似乎对他没有一丝影响。 Next to me sat a clergyman, who was an old friend of mine. He was not always a clergyman. During the first half of his life he was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich. There was a strange look in his eye as he leaned toward me and whispered –“Privately –he is a complete fool.” He meant, of course, the hero of our dinner. 坐在我旁边的是一位牧师,我的一位老朋友。他并不是一直是个牧师,他的前半生在吾尔维希的军校当一名老师。当他向我斜着身子轻声说话的时候,眼睛里有一种奇怪的表情:“别跟别人说,他是个十足的傻子。”他,当然指的是宴会上的那位英雄。 This came as a shock to me. I looked hard at my friend. I could not have been more surprised if he had said the same thing about Napoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon. 他的话使我感到很震惊。这比他说拿破伦或者苏格拉底或者所罗门王是傻子更令我吃惊。 But I was sure of two things about the clergyman. He always spoke3 the truth. And, his judgment4 of men was good. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about our hero as soon as I could.Some days later I got a chance to talk with the clergyman, and he told me more. These are his exact words: 但是,对于这位牧师,我有两点可以确信:他总是说实话和他对人的判断总是对的。因此,我想尽快找出我们那位大英雄的更多的秘密。几天以后,我找到了一个和这位牧师谈话的机会。下面就是他跟我说的,原文是:


一、东亚 [读图识记]1.五国及其首都;2.青藏高原、蒙古高原;3.日本海重要海港 1、概述: ⑴位置范围 纬度位臵:绝大部分在北温带 海陆位臵:亚洲东部,太平洋西岸 临海国:中国(首都北京) 内陆国:蒙古(首都乌兰巴托)——第二大内陆国(第一为哈萨克 斯坦) 半岛国:朝鲜(首都平壤),韩国(首都首尔) 岛国:日本(首都东京) ⑵地形、河流 地势西高东低(许多大河自西向东注入太平洋):西部多高原山地,东部多平原丘陵 海岸线曲折,多半岛(朝鲜半岛、山东半岛、辽东半岛)和岛屿(日本四岛、台湾岛等) ⑶气候: ①东部沿海地区季风气候显著 东亚季风典型的原因、成因及气候特点(夏季高温多雨、冬季寒冷干燥,高温期与多雨期一致) 温带季风气候与亚热带季风气候的比较: 最冷月均温>0℃、年降水量800mm分布上;分布界线:秦岭—准河一线为什么东亚季风气候显著?主要是海陆位臵引起的:背靠最大大陆,面临最大海洋→冬夏海陆温差大→冬季西伯利亚为高压、海洋为低压;夏季亚洲为低压、海洋为高压→冬季风从陆地吹向海洋、夏季风从海洋吹向陆地。 ②西北内陆地区的温带大陆性气候 距海远,地形闭塞,地势高,不受或很少受来自海洋的夏季风的影响,降水少,气候干燥,气温的年较差和日较差都很大,大陆性强烈,属于典型的温带大陆性气候。主要分布于我国西北地区、蒙古等地。 ⑷人口和经济 人口分布:主要分布在东部沿海平原,人口稠密人种:黄色人种 民族:汉族、蒙古族、大和族、朝鲜族等 ⑸沿海与内陆的差异:自然环境方面、人口方面、经济方面 东部沿海地区:自然条件优越,平原多,耕地比重大,气候温暖湿润,利于农业发展,沿海港口多,交通便利,人口众多,劳动力充足,历史悠久,科技文化水平高,为经济发展提供了极其有利的条件,现已出现很多工农业发达的地区,是世界上主要的水稻、蚕丝、茶叶的产地。日本是世界的工业大国、现代工业发达的国家,此外韩国、中国的东部沿海地区、台湾省、香港地区等经济发达区和新兴工业区不断形成。 西部内陆地区由于自然条件较差,人口稀少,经济发展水平较低,但这里天然草原广阔,矿产资源丰富,畜牧业和畜产品加工业在经济中占一定地位,矿产资源也正在开发利用之中,经济发展前景很可观。蒙古地广人稀,色楞格河沿岸范围


The great expectation of Pip and Magwitch We all know that chapter 39 is the turning point of the whole novel. Pip knows that his sponsor is not Miss Havisham, but the escaped prisoner Magwitch, who is saved by Pip. This truth makes Pip’s great expectation shattered. From the context, we can see that “the great expectation” is a kind of ambition from both Pip and Magwitch. It is such an ambition that hold up the life of both two people and bring a lot of change to their character. And the ambition is also the indication of one’s life. First, let’s see Pip’s ambition. Although the text don’t illustrate it clearly, we can infer from several details. At the beginning of the text, Pip states that “I had a taste for reading, and read regularly so many hours a day.” This state can fully demonstrate that Pip has a strong eager to learn knowledge, which means that he wants to become a real gentleman in the upper class. And when Pip is told that his benefactor is Magwitch, rather than Miss Havisham. He is shocked, disappointed as well as heart-broken. He repeats “Estella, Estella”, which tells us that his intention to become a gentleman was because of Estella, he wants to be able to match with her. From the above, we can conclude that Pip’s ambition


高中中国地理与世界地理知识精选 中国地理 1. 荒漠与荒漠化:荒漠是指气候干燥,降水量非常少的地区或自然景观,它包括沙漠、 沙地、戈壁等。荒漠化是土地退化的现象,是一个变化过程,其结果可能出现荒漠景观。 2. 我国的土地沙漠化主要分布于西北地区,石漠化主要分布于南方地区,盐渍化主要分布于西北地区和华北平原,冻融荒漠化主要分布于青藏高原。 3. 荒漠化常与贫困相伴。土地荒漠化严重的地区多是我国贫困人口集中分布的地区。 (1)荒漠化是人类过度的经济活动和潜在的自然因素相互影响、共同作用的产物。 (2)在荒漠化的发生和发展过程中,气候因素的变化,特别是降水量的变化,往往影 响着荒漠化的进程。 (3)人类活动在荒漠化的发生和发展过程中起着重要作用。 4. 南方丘陵山区水土流失的主要原因是当地能源缺乏,农村薪柴匮乏,乱砍滥伐严重。 该地区人口稠密、经济发达、城市较多,而且这里土层薄,一旦发生水土流失,就难以治理,因此造成的经济损失远大于黄土高原。. 5. 黄土高原地区的注意点: (1)有关黄土高原地区的考查通常以经纬网图为切入点,要注意典型地理事物的经纬 度位置,如秦岭(34°N)、大同(40°N);掌握110°E经线穿过的主要地理事物。 (2)黄土高原地区一些地理事物具有典型的地理界线特征,如长城、太行山脉、秦岭、 祁连山脉等,要掌握其地理意义。 6. 资源开发的优势条件,一般可从资源、市场、交通三方面进行分析。资源数量和质量具有优势,市场需求量大,且交通便利的地区,资源开发条件较好。 7. 煤炭外运能力不足和水资源短缺是山西省煤炭资源开发面临的主要问题。 8. 山西煤炭资源丰富,以煤炭为基础的重化工业在生产过程中会造成“三废”污染,给 山西带来严重的生态环境问题。 9. 水力资源是否丰富主要取决于两个方面:一是河流的水量,二是河流的落差。一般来讲,水量越大,落差越大,水力资源越丰富;反之水力资源越贫乏。 10. 流域开发建设与综合治理的分析思路:先要充分利用案例提供的各种数据、图表(气温变化曲线、降水量柱状图、地形剖面图等),对流域内的自然状况和社会经济条件进行全 面的分析,得出流域开发的有利条件和制约流域发展的不利因素。再根据有利因素制定流域发展的方向,根据制约因素探索综合治理的对策。 11. 影响河流航运价值的自然因素,主要有河流径流量大小与季节变化、河水的流速、 河流的通航里程;影响河流航运价值的经济因素主要有流域内的经济发展水平和人口、城市的数量。 12. 流域综合治理的一般措施 上游:治理原则是调洪,做法是修水库、植树造林; 中游:治理原则是分洪、蓄洪,做法是修水库,修建分洪、蓄洪工程; 下游:治理原则是泄洪、束水,做法是加固大堤,清淤疏浚河道,开挖河道。 13. 东北地区的自然环境特征可简要归纳为:山环水绕,平原内孕;气候冷湿,森林茂 密。 14. 不要错误地认为,只有年降水量大于800毫米的地区才属湿润区。东北的北部和东

远大前程 阶级分析

Social class played a major role in the society depicted in Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Social class determined the manner in which a person was treated and their access to education. Yet, social class did not define the character of the individual. Many characters were treated differently because of their social class in Great Expectations. Seeing the contrast between how the poor and the rich were treated will give a clearer understanding of how much social class mattered. In chapter 27 when Joe comes to see Pip, he treats Joe in a different manner than before because Joe was now in a lower social class. His feelings about Joe's arrival were "Not with pleasure... I had the sharpest sensitiveness as to his being seen by Drummle." (p. 203). He was afraid that Drummle will look down on him because of Joe's lower class. Not only does Pip treat Joe differently, Joe also treats Pip differently because of their difference in social class. He begins to call Pip "sir" which bothered him because "sir" was the title given to people of higher class. Pip felt that they were still good friends and that they should treat each other as equals. Joe soon leaves and explains his early parting, "Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man's a blacksmith, and one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come...." (p. 209). He creates this metaphor than he is a common blacksmith and Pip is a goldsmith. This difference in social class had brought upon their separation. Other characters that were also judged by their social class were Magwitch and Compeyson. They were both on trial for the same crime but Compeyson got off easier than Magwitch because of his higher social class. Magwitch describes Compeyson's defense speech, ."..here you has afore you, side by side, two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one, the younger, well brought up... one; the elder, ill brought up... which is the worst one?" (p. 325). The decision of the trial was solely based upon social class appearance. These cases show how much social class really mattered. In Great Expectations, a person's social class determined the amount of education they had. It is important to perceive this relationship between education and social class to clearly understand the importance of social class. A person like Joe who was a common blacksmith had no education at all. Pip, in the early days when he was low class, had a poor education at a small school. The school was not the best of schools, but it's all that the lower class had. The teacher spent more time sleeping than teaching and Pip had learned more from Biddy than from the actual teacher. Even though he had an education when he was low class, his education as a gentleman with Mr. Pocket was much greater. Another example of how social class affects education is the difference of education between the two convicts. Magwitch, born poor and low class had no education at all while Compeyson, born rich was high class and a gentleman with an education. Education is a factor in showing how social class greatly determined people's lives. Even though social class determined many things, it did not establish a person's true inner


2009-05-03 21:00 高级英语Lesson 9. Mark Twain ---Mirror of America Noel Grove Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finn's idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyer's endless summer of freedom and adventure. In-deed, this nation's best-loved author was every bit as ad-venturous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. I found another Twain as well – one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night. Tramp printer, river pilot , Confederate guerrilla, prospector, starry-eyed optimist, acid-tongued cynic: The man who became Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens and he ranged across the nation for more than a third of his life, digesting the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer. He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steamboat days, signaling two fathoms (12 feet) of water -- a navigable depth. His popularity is attested by the fact that more than a score of his books remain in print, and translations are still read around the world. The geographic core, in Twain's early years, was the great valley of the Mississippi River, main artery of transportation in the young nation's heart. Keelboats , flatboats , and large rafts carried the first major commerce. Lumber, corn, tobacco, wheat, and furs moved downstream to the delta country; sugar, molasses , cotton, and whiskey traveled north. In the 1850's, before the climax of westward expansion, the vast basin drained three-quarters of the settled United States. Young Mark Twain entered that world in 1857 as a cub pilot on a steamboat. The cast of characters set before him in his new profession was rich and varied a cosmos . He participated abundantly in this life, listening to pilothouse talk of feuds , piracies, lynchings ,medicine shows, and savage waterside slums. All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic Steamboat decks teemed not only with the main current of pioneering humanity, but its flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, and thugs as well. From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are. His four and a half year s in the steamboat trade marked the real beginning of his education, and the most lasting part of it. In later life Twain acknowledged that the river had acquainted him with every possible type


2020高考地理世界地理和中国地理 1.读“毛里求斯岛及附近区域示意图”和相关材料,回答下列问题。 材料一普莱桑斯的气候资料表。 材料二毛里求斯是地处印度洋西南的一座火山岛。自18世纪以来,甘蔗一直是其主要农作物。 (1)说出毛里求斯岛内主要交通运输方式及其分布特点。 (2)结合材料,分析毛里求斯发展甘蔗种植业的有利条件。如果2019年寒假期间你要去毛里求斯旅游,指出应防范的除暴雨外的气象灾害。 (3)近年来,该国不断压缩甘蔗制糖工业、纺织工业等传统工业,努力转向发展旅游等第三产业。简要分析主要原因。 【解析】(1)读图,根据图例分析,岛上运输以公路运输为主。主要分布在沿海地区,呈环状。岛的中部有一条高速公路穿过,连接港口和机场。 (2)甘蔗生长环境,喜温、喜光、喜肥,需水量大,该地气候高温多雨,火山灰土壤肥沃,

河流众多,水源充足。甘蔗种植历史悠久等,有利于发展甘蔗种植;1月份,毛里求斯是夏季,印度洋热带洋面上多飓风灾害,应注意防范。 (3)传统产业产值低,发展慢,成本上升。而该地具有热带山地风光景观、可能有火山活动(或火山遗迹),旅游资源丰富;交通便利;建成国际旅游岛,不仅提供补给、休息、游览便利,还可带动第三产业的发展,增加外汇收入,促进当地经济发展,增加就业机会,加强与世界其它地区的文化交流等,但同时也应该注意到发展旅游业可避免发展石油工业带来的环境污染、生态破坏。 【答案】(1)公路运输主要分布在沿海地区;呈环状;中部有一条高速公路穿过(连接港口和机场)。 (2)气候高温多雨;土壤(火山灰土)肥沃;河流众多,水源充足;种植历史悠久等。飓风(强热带风暴)。 (3)传统工业产值低,发展慢,成本逐渐升高;发展旅游业等第三产业环境污染少、生态破坏小;处在印度洋石油航线上,对外交通联系方便;热带山地风光景观,有火山活动(或火山遗迹),旅游资源丰富,适合旅游业的发展;第三产业的发展,可增加就业,促进经济增长。 2.阅读材料,完成下列问题。 斯堪的纳维亚半岛资源丰富、森林广布、河流众多。左图为斯堪的纳维亚半岛示意图,右图为哥德堡降水量统计图。 (1)图中洋流按性质分属于。斯堪的纳维亚半岛西海岸曲折的峡湾主要是由于侵蚀形成的,它会(增加/减小)沿岸地区的气温年较差。 (2)挪威可以优先发展的可再生能源有、。 (3)甲城所在地区的典型植被类型是。瑞典运送到德国鲁尔区的矿产资源主要是。

远大前程赏析Be Spiritual Gentle Not the Gentleman Title

Be Spiritual Gentle Not the Gentleman Title 当一份远大前程从天而降,命运即将扭转为金碧辉煌的华美,谁人不会心动呢?匹普有幸得到这样 的馈赠,从下等人一跃进入上等人的生活圈,心性和生活态度的改变是必然的,他的内心被财富和 优越感慢慢侵蚀,他开始漠视善良的乔和毕蒂,并凭借着上等人的自信开始追求自己的爱情。正是 因为这样,这个可怜的孩子背弃了曾经生活的阶级和自己的道德良心,离开了善良的朋友乔和纯洁 的爱人毕蒂。随着匹普内心的变质和人生态度的扭转,残酷的真相也开始浮出水面。当匹普得知 自己是由逃犯马格韦契资助成为上等人时,狄更斯细腻的描写,对于皮普对浦俄洛斯感情由厌恶到 感激的逐渐变化也很有意思,一点点的变化,内心的波动。当他刚知道金主竟然是一个恶行累累的 重犯时,他内心的感激和骄傲彻底被击碎了他陷入了深沉的矛盾和痛苦中。但进一步的相处后,他 意识到那个外表狂躁无比的罪犯,为了报答自己当初被迫给予的一顿晚饭一把铁锤,竟用一生去回报,不息生命,不为救赎,皮普也忽的觉得罪犯身上的人性光辉并不比乔少。 Who would reject great expectations falling from the sky and changing his fate to magnificent beauty? Pip is lucky to have such a gift. He jumps into the gentleman's circle from the inferior circle. As a result, it is inevitable that the value and life attitude change; his heart comes to be eroded by wealth and superiority. Because of that, Pip abandons the life of past and his conscience, leaves Joe and pure love Biddy, and with great confidence, he begins to pursue his love.Along with Pip's change in the attitude towards life, the cruel truth begins to surface. When Pip learns that he has been funded to become a gentleman by the escaped convict Magwitch, it is interesting of Pip’s gradual emotional change from aversion to grateful about him, through Dickens’s detailed descriptions, The gratitude and pride were completely making he fell into a deep contradiction and pain. But after a further connection, he realizes that criminal with manic appearance, in order to repay his dinner and a hammer, uses the whole life to pay back, not for salvation. The humanity of Magwitch is no better than a gentleman. 那个外表狂躁无比的罪犯,一心一意要把皮普培养成上流社会的绅士,在与皮普相处后,变得愈发 温和与向善。一个身处社会底层的罪犯,穿着简陋乃至破烂的衣衫、过着任人鱼肉的艰苦生活,但 是他们在言行中却闪现出高尚美好的品性。表象永远具有欺骗性,皮普在最初也以为眼睛看到的那 一身得体的衣衫、周到的礼节以及优雅的言行就是绅士的象征。但是经过人生的磨砺后,他终于懂 得用心而不是用眼来辨别,他终于明了,心灵的高贵远胜外表的漂亮,绅士的品性是内在散发的光华。何为绅士?不是华丽的衣饰、雄伟的城堡;不是繁复的礼仪、做作的言行;不是奢靡的排场、傲慢的身姿;也不是高贵的出身、自诩高人一等的社会地位……真正的绅士,应该是拥有一颗高尚 的心灵,是富有同情心,是善良,是正直,是慷慨,是内心精神的富足…… The mania criminal, who determines to cultivate Pip into a upper-class gentleman, becomes more gentle and kind after getting along with Pip. A criminal in the bottom society, lives a hard life in ragged clothed, but comes out noble character in words and deeds. Appearance is often deceptive, Pip in initially thought that the symbol of a gentleman is a decent clothes, considerate manners and elegant words. But after that, he finally understood that a noble mind wins much more than a beautiful appearance. What is a gentleman? Not gorgeous dresses, magnificent castle; not the complicated etiquette, affective words and deeds; not luxuries ostentation, arrogant posture; not high birth, boasted superior social status... A real


My Pals Are Here! English (International Edtion 国际版) 教材构成: Textbook(课本), Workbook(练习册), Teacher’s Guide(教师指南), Audio CD(CD光盘), Grammar Practice(语法练习), English Tests(测试手册), Homework(家庭作业), 教材开发的范围和结果符合大多小学英语大纲的要求,教材的设计目的是 依据小学1-6年级学生的身心发展及认知能力所编辑,与国际英语课程纲要相呼应。 内容编排融合听、说、读、写、自然发音,任务式导向学习法(Task-Based Learning)的 设计理念,让学生更能运用所学融会贯通。课程衔接完善,满足教与学全方位需求,多 元化的主题和具挑战性的教学活动,有助学生创造力与自我发展。 让准备参加国际学习或者考试的学生在英语方面取得好成绩。 Key Stage 1 (lower primary): LEARNING TO READ 关键阶段1 (小学低年级):学习中阅读 Learning to Communicate in English 学会用英语沟通 Entry level competency: assumes zero English literacy.入门级的能力:零起点。 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to communicate in social and school settings.主要成果:小学生将学会在社会和学校环境中使用英语进行交流。 Key Stage 2 (upper primary): READING TO LEARN 关键阶段2 (小学高年级):阅读中学习 Learning to Learn in English 学会用英语学习 Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to achieve academically in contents areas.主要成果:小学生将学会使用英语学习学科知识。 Pupils will use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.小学生将学会在社会上和文化上使用英语的正确表达方式。 Achievement upon exit: well prepared to excel in secondary/high school!学习成果和出口:在中学/高中的学习中取得优异成绩! 为不同的教学需求提供了一个无缝集成的学习和教学的解决方案 利用模式和帧来搭建脚手架和加强课文,语法和语言技能的学习 基于交际教学法,使用真实的任务中常见的人际关系,社会和文化情景/际遇 基于多元化的来自不同学科的主题和词汇,包括科学和数学(跨课程学习)

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