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弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧 abandon v. 离弃,抛弃,放弃abnormal a. 反常的,不正常的 abolish v. 废除(法律、习惯等);取消*absurd a. 荒唐的,不合理的 abundant a. 丰富的,充分的*accelerate v. (使)加速(~crisis) acceleration n. 加速(度)access n. 接近(进入)(to) accommodation n.住处;膳宿accord v.(使)一致(with);n. 一致(in~with) *accordance n. 一致(in ~ with)accumulate v. 积累,积蓄 accuse v.指控(of)*acknowledge v. 承认;对…表示感谢 *acquaint v. 使认识,使了解 (be ~ed with)acquire v. 取得,获得(knowledge) *acute a. 敏锐的;急性的,剧烈的adapt v. 改编;(使)适应于(to) adequately ad. 合适地,足够地*adhere v. 粘附,胶着;坚持(to) administer v. 管理,支配;执行admiration n. 赞美,钦佩(for) admission n. 允许进入;接纳;承认advantageous a. 有利的 advocate v./n. 提倡(者),鼓吹(者)*affection n. 爱;感情(for) *agenda n.议程*aggravate V. 加重,恶化(病情,负担) aggressive a. 爱寻衅的aid n./v. 援助,帮助 *alert a. 警惕的,警觉的;机灵的(to)alliance n. 联合,同盟 *allege 断言,宣称(it is ~ed that)allowance n. 津贴,补助 *alleviate 减轻,缓和(痛苦)alter v. 改变,变更 *alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流a. 交替的,轮流的 alternative n. 供选择的对象,替换物a. 两者挑一的 *ambiguous a. 模棱两可的*ambition n. 雄心,野心 ambitious a. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的 amend v. 改正,修正*analogy 类比(draw an ~ between…and…) *anticipate v. 预料,期望anticipation n. 预料,期望 anxiety n. 焦虑*amplify v.放大或增强(声音、信号、电流等) apparent a. 明显的;表面上的**appeal n./v. 呼吁,要求;上诉;吸引(力)applaud v. 鼓掌,欢呼appreciable a. 可估计的,可觉察的 appreciation n. 欣赏,赏识apprehension n. 理解,领悟;恐惧,担忧appropriate a. 恰当的,合宜的*apt 恰当的,易于的(be ~ to do) appropriately ad. 恰当arbitrary a. 随心所欲的;专断的 array v. 使成队列,排列;n. 队列,陈列 articulate v. 清晰明白地说a. 发音清晰的 *ascend v. 攀登;上升*ascertain v.查明,弄清 *ascribe v. 把…归于(to)assemble v. 集合,召集;装配,组装 assessment n. 评价,评估*asset 资产,有价值的东西 assign v. 指派;分配,布置;指定assist v. 帮助,协助 *assume v. 假定, 设想*assurance n. 保证 attach v. 贴上,附上;使依附;将(重点等)放在


英语短文 十个好习惯教你高效利用时间 Time. You can’t recover it, make up for it, or reverse it. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 in a week, and those numbers aren’t changing. What you can do is use the hours more efficiently and wisely to free up at least 60 minutes a week. 时间——既不能收回,也无法弥补或倒流。一天24小时,一周168小时,永远不多不少。你能做的只有更有效地利用好这些时间,努力争取每周挤哪怕60分钟出来。 Many of my executive clients work 60-plus hours a week still find a way to do things for themselves and their families. How? They do it by prioritizing. They know what’s truly important, what’s urgent, and what isn’t. They know how to say no to certain things and yes to other things. And they know how to maximize the time that they do have and not

dwell on time that they don’t have. 我的很多管理层客户每周至少工作60小时,却依然可以挤出私人与家庭时间。他们是怎么做到的呢?通过优先处理。他们知道什么才是真正重要的、哪些紧急而哪些又可以缓一缓。他们懂得如何拒绝或接受某些事情。而且,他们知道怎样最大化利用自己拥有的时间,而不是一味想着没有的。 Here’s how you can optimize your time: 下面就教你如何最大化利用时间: 1. Track how you spend your time 记下自己都把时间花在了哪里 Do this for one week. Many people are entirely unaware of what they do hour to hour and where the day goes. This simple exercise of noting what you’re doing each hour can have a huge impact. 坚持记录一个星期。很多人根本不清楚自己是怎么混过每时每天的。记下每小时做了什么虽然简单,却能发挥重要作用。 One recent client told me how she spent 15 minutes every morning trying to decide what to wear each day. That’s almost two hours a week she spent deciding what to wear. Another client told me how he spent almost an hour a day in one sitting reading sports scores even though his intention was to just “check them quickly.”Track your time and know where you’re


2015-2016学年度第二学期五年级英语期末模拟练习题 班别:________ 姓名:___________ 学号:________ 成绩:_________ 力部分 一、听选单词、词组和句子。(共10分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. shop B. stop C. song ( ) 2. A. ball B. tall C. small ( ) 3. A. phone B. photo C. Elephant ( ) 4. A. how B. cow C. brown ( ) 5. A. make B. cake C. take ( ) 6. A. tree B. three C. feet ( ) 7. A. never B. ever C. letter ( ) 8. A. stay with friends B. play with friends C. meet some friends ( ) 9. A. once a week B. once a month C. once a year ( ) 10. A. What are you going to do? B. What does he do? C. Where are they going? 二、听问句,选答语。(共8分,每小题1分) ( ) 11. A. She reads a book. B. She’s going to read books. C. Yes, she is . ( ) 12. A. Yes, she is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 13. A. Once a week. B. Yes, we do. C. We usually take a bus. ( ) 14. A. They sometimes take the bus. B. At 7:20. C. No, they don’t. ( ) 15. A. We’re going by bus. B. They are going by train. C. He’s going by plane. ( ) 16. A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 17. A. We should eat something. B. We should help small children. C. We should fight with my friends. ( ) 18. A. I go fishing once a month. B. Yes, I love fishing. C. Once a year. 三、听录音,判断对错。对的写“ T ”,错的写“ F ”。(共8分,每小题1分) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21. ( ) 22. ( ) 23. ( ) 24. ( ) 25. ( ) 26. ( ) My name’s Sam. I’m __27_____. I’m from ___28_____. My favorite ___29______ is fishing. I often go with my dad on weekends. Tomorrow I’m going to have a __30____ with my ___31____. W e’re going to visit our ___32___ in Shenzhen. I’m going to make some model ___33____ with my cousin. It’s going to be lots of ___34_____.


学好英语必须掌握的20个英语句型 如果要记住一个单词,还不如把这个单词放入句子中,将这个句子脱口而出,自然单词也就记住了,印象会特别深,将永生难忘! 要找到实用的句子,句型非常重要,就好像是一个骨架,而这些单词就是血肉,组合起来就是一个完整的句子,好像有生命的东西!学到了,就推荐给大家,20个超级句型,不管怎么样,大家一定要死死记住!并且在日常生活中,口语中运用自如! 1.I'd like to invite you to my home. 我想请你去我家。2.Thank you very much for helping me.非常感谢你对我的帮助。3.Could you please speak slowly? 请你说慢点好吗?4.I'm happy to help you any time.我随时都乐意帮助你。5.How was your vacation? 你假期过得怎么样?6.What do you think of our company? 你觉得我们公司怎么样?7.Do you have any advice for me about learning English?你能给点我如何学好英语的建议吗?8.I'd be happy to show you around Beijing.我很乐意带你逛逛北京。9.Is it possible for you to come tomorrow? 你明天能来吗?10.1 wish I could help you.我希望能够帮到你。11.Don't worry about being laughed at when you


英语基础入门必备的100句基本问句 一、交际 1. Hello, …你好。 2. Hi, …喂,你好。 3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)? 你今天好吗? 5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。 7. Welcome back to …欢迎回到… 8. Welcome to …欢迎到… 9. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 10. What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么? 11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字? 12. My name is…/ I’m…我的名字是…/ 我名叫… 13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs…这位是…小姐/先生/女士。 14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。 15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。 16. How do you do? 你好。 17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。 18. Goodbye. 再见 19. Good night. 晚安。 20. How old is he? 他多大了? 21. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。 22. You’re welcome. 不用谢。 23. That’s all right. 没关系。 24. I’m sorry. 对不起。 25. Sorry, I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。 26. Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。 27. Come in, please. 请进。 28. Have some bananas, please. 请吃些香蕉。 29. It’s time for the cakes. 该吃些蛋糕了。 30. May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 32. May I have yours? 我能吃你的吗? 33. Can I have two cakes? 我能吃两个蛋糕吗? 34. No, you can’t. 不,你不能。 35. Can I have one,please? 我能吃一个吗? 36. Yes./All right. Here you are. 好的。给你。 37. Can I go with you? 我能和你一起走吗? 38. Sure. 好的。 39. Do you know his telephone number? 你知道他的电话号码吗? 40. Are you sure? 你能确定吗?


学习英语的二十个好习惯 学习英语是一个长期的过程,如何能够坚持下来,就是要随时随地的进行学习,每天都在学习,终于养成良好的学习习惯,那么就离成功不远了。下面的二十个学习英语的好习惯示例,可以对你有所启发。 1. 学习英语是随时随地的:我有一个习惯,就是每次买了一件新东西我都会对上面的包装或说明书仔细研究一番,当然我不是在研究商品本身,我是为了看上面的英语注释,想多几个地道的英语表达而已。前几天我买了一瓶止咳露,又从上面学到不少东西呢。比如说,有效期可以说成validity,规格可以说成specification,贮藏可以说成storage,放在儿童接触的地方可以这样说keep out of the reach of children,等等。这些东西都非常实用,虽然有时你看了一遍不一定记得,但当你下次再遇到它们的时候你的印象就会更加深刻,久而久之便会记得。说了这么多就是要让大家知道学英语不光是课堂上的事,生活中随时随地都可以学习英文,商场啊,超市啊,餐馆啊,很多地方都有英语标识就连我们玩的电脑游戏中都有很多英语出现,学习英语是随时随地的,同学们多注意观察,收获一定不少。这样学英语不是更轻松更有趣吗? 2.做好记录:英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,那就是在和别人说英语的时候会突然有一句话不知道怎样表达,或者知道一点点,东拼西凑半天挤不出来那句话,也不知道自己说的正不正确。遇到这种情况该怎么办呢?我建议大家把自己平时想表达而又不会表达的句子记在一个本子上面。然后有机会就去请教老外。方法多多,每天我们或多或少都会遇到一些不会表达的句子或单词,如果我们找一个专门的小本子把它们都记录下来,然后再有目的的解决这些问


开心学英语五年级上册教案 Unit One Come with me ! Teaching objectives: 1.Enable to master the new words and the new language structures of these units. 2.Go over Student’s Book 4 3. Enable to describe and ask about possessions. 4. Enable to ask about needs. 5. Develop the four basic skills of the pupils. Teaching key points: Master the new words and the new sentence structures of these units. Teaching difficult points: Develop the pupils’ oral level. Teaching aids: Some pictures、a tape recorder and so on. Period 1 Teaching content: The vocabulary of Unit One Teaching aims: Master the new words. Teaching key points: Enable to read and write the new words correctly and fluently. Teaching difficult points: Remember these words. Teaching aids: A tape recorder and some pictures. Teaching procedure: 一、Organization. 1、The whole class sing some English songs. 2、Check the presentation of the class. 二、Presentation. 1、By showing some pictures, the teacher lead out the new words“farmer”、“factory worker”、“aunt”、“uncle”、“cousin”、“calendar”、“dictionary”、“diary”one by one. 2、Lead them to read this word for several times. 3、Help them to see this word’s meaning. 4、Let them practice reading and writing these words. 三、Drill. 1、Lead them to read these words for several times. 2、Let them read after the tape. 3、Let them practice reading these words alone. 四、Consolidation.


小学五年级英语必须掌握的一些英语语法知识 一、时态 1、一般现在时: 概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。 时间状语:often (经常),usually (通常),always (总是), sometimes (有时),every week (day, year, month ...), on Sundays,… 基本结构:①be动词;②行为动词 否定形式:①am / is / are + not;②此时态的谓语动词若为行为 动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。 一般疑问句:①把be动词放于句首;②用助动词do提问, 如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。 2、现在进行时: 概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。 时间状语:now, look, listen, … 基本结构:am/is/are +doing 否定形式:am/is/are +not+doing 一般疑问句:把be 动词放在句首

第三人称单数 一般现在时的肯定句中,主语为第三人称单数的动词变化主 要体现在词尾的变化上,其规律大体有三点: 1. 一般情况下,直接在动词词尾+s,例如:get —gets; take — takes 2. 以s, sh, ch, x, o结尾的动词,在词尾+ es,例如:teach —teaches; wash —washes; go —goes 3. 以辅音字母+ y结尾的动词,变y为i,再+ es, 如: study —studies; try —tries 除上述规律外,还应注意下面三点: 1. 动词have,遇到主语是第三人称单数时,要用has;动 词be 的第三人称单数形式是is。 2. 含有动词第三人称单数形式的句子变否定句时,要用 doesn't + 动词原形,如: He goes to school at six in the morning. (变否定句)—He doesn't go to school at six in the morning. 3. 对含有动词第三人称单数形式的句子提问时, 要用助动词does,如: She goes home at five every day. (对划线部分提问)—When /


1.英语常见动物 rabbit(兔子)horse(马)deer(鹿)lion(狮子)elephant(大象)tiger(老虎)panda(大熊猫)fox(狐狸)snake(蛇)zebra(斑马)tortoise(乌龟)wolf(狼)monkey(猴子)crab(螃蟹)butterfly(蝴蝶)ox(牛)frog(青蛙)hedgehog(刺猬)swallow(燕子)pigeon(鸽子)squirrel(松鼠)penguin(企鹅)bear(熊)cat(猫)dog(狗)duck(鸭子)hen(母鸡)cow(奶牛)sheep(绵羊)cock(公鸡)goose(鹅)pig(猪)goat(山羊)ant(蚂蚁)gorilla(大猩猩)fish(鱼)chicken(小鸡)turkey(火鸡)ewe(母羊)lamb(羔羊)buffalo(水牛)bull(公牛)calf(小牛)2.英语常见牧场动物 hen(母鸡)horse(马)cow(奶牛)sheep(绵羊)goat(山羊)duck(鸭子)cock(公鸡)goose(鹅)pig(猪)ox(牛)cat(猫)dog(狗)chicken(小鸡)ewe(母羊)lamb(羔羊)bull(公牛)calf(小牛)3.英语常见食物 chicken(鸡肉)beef(牛肉)fish(鱼肉)pork(猪肉)mutton(羊肉)venison(鹿肉)duck meat(鸭肉)snake meat(蛇肉)dog meat(狗肉)cat meat(猫肉)horse meat(马肉)goose meat(鹅肉)rabbit meat(兔肉)bird meat(鸟肉)rice(米饭)tea(茶)Coke(可乐)vegetable(蔬菜)soup(汤)noodles(面条)milk(牛奶)


养成学习英语的良好习惯 我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生说过:“教育就是习惯的培养。”英语是一门工具学科,在学习英语过程中养成良好的学习习惯可以说是至关重要的。现从以下几个方面简单叙述如下: 一、“听说”习惯 对英语学习者来说,首先要突破“开口关”, 要有“勤动口”的好习惯。这就需要克服害羞、怕说错等消极的心理障碍。在英语课堂上要仔细听辨并模仿老师的发音,先听后说。课堂上注意力一定要高度集中。对于课堂上老师安排的朗读、两人对话、复述课文、问答、讨论等练习,千万不要错失良机,应该积极主动,大胆的去说,不要放过任何锻炼的机会。坚持发扬“厚脸皮”、“磨破嘴皮”的精神,百说不厌。一旦养成习惯,持之以恒,那么你的听说能力定会有很大程度的提高。 二、“记词”的习惯。 想学好英语,必须掌握大量词汇。学习词汇,如同交友,一回生,二回熟。从记忆、理解到使用词汇,需要反复接触,反复练习。好多学生问我记单词有无窍门或捷径,我总是说有,如词缀词根记忆法、同义词和近义词记忆法、分割联想记忆法、词源记忆法等。但无论用哪种方法,关键都是反复记忆。人脑生理学证明:记忆的强度随着复习次数的增加而呈几何倍数增长。只要按照一定的间隔时间反复记忆,记单词就不是什么难事了。 三、“朗读”的习惯 “读”是我们学习英语的重要手段。“读”有两个方面的含义。 一是指“朗读习惯”。朗读主要是训练语音、语调、句子重音、意群停顿、爆破连读、培养语感的训练。朗读时,同学们一定要做到声音宏亮、清晰,由慢到快,由快到熟。对于所学的对话或课文,必须多读、读熟,达到朗朗上口、流利到背诵的程度。 二是指“阅读习惯”。阅读具有综合性,一个英语学习者的阅读能力的提高标志着英语水平的提高。俗话说:“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”。阅读能力的提高需要大量增加语言输入的量。我们应该坚持每天至少拿出30分钟的时间去阅读,坚持由浅入深,由少到多。随着自己英语知识的增多,逐步增加阅读量和难度,从而达到真正掌握和运用英语的目的。良好的阅读习惯,不仅能帮助我们巩固和扩大自己的词汇量,还能帮助我们了解英语特有的表达法、习惯用语、思维习惯和社会文化背景知识,同时又为我们在考试中攻克“阅读理解”、“完型填空”堡垒打下坚实的基础。真可谓一举多得,受益匪浅。 四、“动笔”的习惯 在学习英语的过程中,听、说、读、写几方面是相互促进相互影响的。只有进行全面的训练,我们才能获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力。因此我们必须养成“写”的习惯。“写”有几个方面的内涵: 一是养成良好的书写习惯,能用书写体熟练清楚地书写,大小写、笔顺、连笔、词距、标点正确。 二是养成勤记笔记的习惯。课堂上应主要把每单元每课的重点词汇、习惯用语、交际用语、句型等认真的整理在笔记本上,以便课后随时复习。 三是养成良好的写作习惯。通过写,能进一步提高完善我们的听说能力,达


Name:_________ Class:________ 1. Where were you last month? (China) ___________________________________ 2. Where were you yesterday? (Zhuhai) ___________________________________. 3. Where was Peter last Sunday? (Zhongshan) ___________________________________ 4. Where did you go last month? (Canada) ___________________________________ 5. Where do you come from? (Thailand) ___________________________________ 6. Where did you come from?( Thailand) ___________________________________ 7. What was the food like in Zhuhai? (tasty) ___________________________________ 8. What is the food like in Thailand? (spicy) ___________________________________ 9. Were you happy in Zhuhai last winter holiday? ___________________________________ 10. Are you going to school on summer vacation? ___________________________________ 11. Was your father at home yesterday evening? ___________________________________ 12. What did you do yesterday? (read) ___________________________________ 13. What did you eat this morning? (rice and tofu) ___________________________________ 14. What did Ben have for breakfast? (bread and juice) ___________________________________ 15. What did Lisa do yesterday? (make a model) ___________________________________ 16. What did they do after that?( sing songs) ___________________________________ 17. Where did you go last Sunday? (beach) ___________________________________ 18. Where did they go? ( park.) ___________________________________ 19. Where did Ben and Lisa go on the weekend? (shopping mall) ___________________________________ 20. Did you go to the beach last week? ___________________________________ 21. Did Gogo ride his scooter at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday? ___________________________________ 22. Did Jenny play video games at home on Thursday? ___________________________________ 23. When did Gogo ride his skateboard last week? (4 p.m. Friday) ___________________________________ 24. When did your mother go to bed? (10 o’clock) ___________________________________ 25. What happened? a)___________________ (typhoon) b)___________________ (Many trees fall) c)___________________ (hat) 26. What did you see? (see chairs in the air) ___________________________________ 27. What happened to the windows? (Many windows break) ___________________________________ 28. What happened to the girl?(see a snake)___________________________________ 29. What did people do the next day? (sweep the glass) ___________________________________ 30. What are you going to do tonight? (get a haircut) ___________________________________. 31. Are you going to write to your uncle? ___________________________________ 32. Is your uncle going to meet some friends? ___________________________________. 33. Is your mother going to surf the net on vacation? ___________________________________


简单英语谚语(小学生必须掌握的谚语) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 A cat has nine lives. 猫有九条命;吉人自有天相。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 A little learning is a dangerous thing. 一知半解最危险。 A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. 远亲不如近邻。 A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马;行行出壮元。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作而不玩乐,会使人变得迟钝。 An eye for an eye,and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 As you sow,so shall you reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Barking dogs seldom bite. 会叫的狗不会咬人。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。 Better late than never. 晚做总比不做好;亡羊捕牢,未为晚也。 Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 Easier said than done. 说比做容易。 East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 Easy come,easy go. 来得容易去得快。 Every dog has his day. 任何人都有风光的时候。 First come,first served. 先到先得。 Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。 Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。 Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。 History repeats itself. 历史会重演。


必备的小升初英语学习的十种方法及经验分享 小升初是孩子最重要的起步方向,我们需要关注怎样的信息才能对孩子的未来有帮助呢?学习啦网告诉大家! 预备阶段 充分利用五年级暑假时间,梳理1-5年级的知识点。提前预习6年级知识。初步了解考试题型,感受考试难度。 基础巩固阶段 9月开学升入六年级以后就要开展第一轮的地毯式复习,摸清小学知识的脉络,使学生重新对1-6年级知识进行归纳、整合,形成明晰的知识网络和建立不变的知识框架,开展基础知识系统复习。 基础强化阶段 六年级寒假来临,离“小升初”考试又近了一步,在这一轮复习中,要以思路、方法为主线,以题论法,注重学习技巧的总结,强调知识的综合应用能力,减少重复,突出重点。 冲刺阶段,锁定目标,模拟训练

这个阶段复习资料的选择应以具有针对性的模拟试题为主,建立错题档案,查缺补漏,与此同时,掌握一些应试技巧是非常有须要的。 1、“预习—听讲—复习”三环学习法 有经验的学生总是在上每节课之前提前把老师要讲的内容认真看一遍,并做好预习记录,标明哪些地方不懂或一知半解、本身认为的重点、难点;在上课的时候,听老师讲课就不会太费力了,同时也能够清楚的知道本身哪些地方预习的不足,本身哪些地方重点、难点抓得不敷,鄙人次预习的时候更能抓住脉络,形成好的方法;上完课并不代表这节课的学习结束了,还要及时复习,强化记忆。在做作业的时候,最好先把今天学习的内容再完整地看一遍,这样,做起作业来,错误率会很低。 2、“放电影”法 课间是一次切换,是紧张的学习和短暂的休息的切换。如何利用好这短短的十分钟?聪明的学生总是在头脑里将老师所讲的内容过滤一遍,就像放电影一样将刚才课堂上所讲的内容复习一次。这种做法既能及时强化记忆,又不是很累,在很轻松中就巩固了知识。

休闲英语:10个日常好习惯 让生活变得更简单

I do love to keep things simple. Why? 我喜欢凡事简单。为什么呢? One simple reason and one the most important ones for me is that simplicity reduces the heaviness in life. It makes it lighter, no to stressful or energy draining as it once might have been. 简单说来,因为对我来说最重要的莫过于简单能够化解不少生活负担。生活会更轻松,不再一如既往地充满压力、精疲力竭。 So today I would like to share 10 daily habits that make my life simpler and lighter. I hope you’ll find something useful for your own life among these habits. 所以今天我就跟大家分享一下使我的生活更简单轻松的10个日常习惯,希望大家也能从中学到对自己生活有用的东西吧。 1. Use a minimalistic workspace. 保持办公室简洁。 My work space is just a laptop on a small black desk made out of wood. I use a comfy chair and there is room for my glass of water beside the computer. That’s it. There are no distractions here. This makes it easier to write and to keep a clear mind. 我的办公室只有一张小小的黑色木头桌子、一张舒服的椅子和一台笔记本电脑,电脑边上有一杯水。仅此而已。这让我心无旁骛,更容易保持清醒进行创作。 2. Cook more food than you’ll eat. 一次多烧几个菜。 We usually make 4-6 servings of what we are about to eat. This cuts down on time that you spend on cooking and you’ll have to do less washing up in general. Plus, you’ll have lunch for the day after. And sometimes a portion or two to put in the freezer. And that really comes in handy on those evenings when you don’t feel like cooking. 通常我们一次会做4-6个菜,这能同时节省做菜和洗碗的时间。而且,吃不完的放进冰箱,第二天还可以继续吃。要是某个晚上你不想做饭,这真是再方便不过了。 3. Write shorter emails. 邮件简洁精炼。


新版开心学英语五年级上册期末练习题 一、填写完整单词并写出中文意思 1.Jan. 2.Feb. 3.Mar. 4Apr. 5.Aug. 6.Sept. 7.Oct. 8.Nov. 9.Dec. 二、写出下列单词的复数形式。 1.juice 2.rice 3.salt 4.sugar 5.meat 6.tofu 7.fruit 8.noise 9.boy 10. stamp 11. tooth 12.glue 13.coin 14.apple 三、根据提示完成下列句子。 1. What’s the _______ like today? It’s_______ . 今天的天气怎么样? 热。 2.What’s the________ like ________ ? 春天的天气怎么样? 3.______ ______rainy today?No, _____ _____. 今天下雨吗? 不是的。 4. What’s your _________ season? My ________season is fall. 你最喜欢的季节是哪个季节? 我最喜欢的季节是秋天。 5. ________winter holiday? It’s in _________ and _________. 什么时候是寒假? 一月和二月。 6. Is May_________June ? No, May is_________ June. 五月是在六月之后吗? 不是,五月是在六月之前。 7.______ ______we go ice-skating?We can go in ______ ______. 我们什么时候可以去溜冰? 寒假。 8.My is cooking 我的舅妈正在做早餐。. 9.I like and . 我喜欢蔬菜和水果。. 10. Tony need? He tofu. Tony需要什么?他需要一些豆腐

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