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一、本试卷依据2008年颁布的《计算机操作员》国家职业标准命制。 二、请根据试题考核要求,完成考试内容。 三、请服从考评人员指挥,保证考核安全顺利进行。

试题1、计算机安装、连接、调试 (1)本题分值:10分。(2)考核时间:10分钟。(3)考核形式:实操(4)具体考核


a)按照操作步骤,正确地连接UPS 不间断电源。

b)在考试机上安装型号为Casio QV 5000SX Digital Camera 的照相机,将带有安装过程中的任意一个步骤的界面以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名“中级1-8A.bmp ”。图片保存后,不必等待安装完成即可停止操作。

c)添加“中文(简体)-内码”输入法,并将添加完成“文字服务和输入语言”的对话框以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名为“中级1-8B.bmp ”。

d)设置D 盘虚拟内存初始大小为1500MB ,最大值为3000MB ,将设置完成的当前界面以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名为“中级1-8C.bmp ”。

e)设置IE 浏览器Internet 安全级别为“中”,将包含“Internet 属性”选项卡的界面以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名为“中级1-8D.bmp ”,图片保存后恢复原设置。


a)文件属性:将C:\素材库(中级)\考生素材1\文件素材2-4.mdb 复制到考生文件夹中,并且重命名为“中级2-4.mdb ”,设置该文件属性为只读,且隐藏该文件,将设置后的属性对话框以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名为“中级2-4A.bmp ”。

b)加密文件夹:将C:\下的WINDOWS 文件夹进行“加密内容以便保护数据”,将设置后的属性对话框以图片形式保存至考生文件夹中,文件命名为“中级2-4B.bmp ”,图片保存后恢复原设置。 试题3、文字录入

(1)本题分值:20分。(2)考核时间:25分钟。(3)考核形式:实操(4)具体考核要求: a)

T he first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece. They paid tribute to Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 17th century , England honored mothers on "Mothering Sunday ," celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent.

In the United States, Julia W ard Howe suggested the idea of Mother's Day in 1872. Howe, who wrote the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, saw Mother's Day as being dedicated to peace.

Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother's Day . Her campaign to establish such a holiday began as a remembrance of her mother, who died in 1905 and who had, in the late 19th century , tried to establish "Mother's Friendship Days" as a way to heal the scars of the Civil W ar.

Two years after her mother died, Jarvis held a ceremony in Grafton, W . V a., to honor her. She was so moved by the proceedings that she began a massive campaign to adopt a formal holiday honoring mothers. In 1910, W est Virginia became the first state to recognize Mother's Day . A year later, nearly every state officially marked the day . In 1914, President W oodrow Wilson officially proclaimed Mother's Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May .

But Jarvis' accomplishment soon turned bitter for her. Enraged by the commercialization of the holiday , she filed a lawsuit to stop a 1923 Mother's Day festival and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a war mothers' convention where women sold white carnations -- Jarvis' symbol for mothers -- to raise money . "This is not what I intended," Jarvis said. "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit!" When she died in 1948, at age 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies.

ⅫⅫⅫⅫ㈧㈧㈧⒔④ⅵⅸ在十分钟之内录入以下英文内容,错误率不高于千分之五。 考 生 答 题 不 准 超 过 此 线