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h ěnm án ɡ h àny ǔ b àba m āma ɡēɡe ji ějie d ìdi m èimei n ǚr én n ánsh ēn ɡ xu ésh ēn ɡ t ón ɡxu é y óuj ú j ìx ìn y ính án ɡ q ǔqi án m ín ɡti ān k ànji àn B ěij īn ɡ j īnti ān zu óti ān x īn ɡq ī xu éxi ào z àiji àn du ìb ùq ǐ q ǐn ɡw èn j ìnl ái m éi ɡu ānxi xi èxie b ùk èqi h ēch á ɡōn ɡzu ò sh ēnt ǐ ɡu ìx ìn ɡ ɡu óji ā m ín ɡz ì

xu éx í h ànz ì f āy īn zh ōn ɡw énsh ū p én ɡy ǒu z ázh ì


(一) 好 大 忙 难

1.中国很( )。

2.你爸爸身体( )吗?

3.汉语很( )学。

4.我们每m ěi 天学习都很( )。

(二)很 太

1.中国的东西( )好吃。

2.中国人( )多了。

3.妈妈的工作不( )忙。 3.他的中文( )好。

(三)去 回 来

1.你( )哪儿?我( )家。

2.玛丽1月18日( )国,你呢?

3.爸爸下xi à星期( )柳li ǔ州zh ōu 看我。

4.欧ōu 老师不在柳州,她( )北京了。

5.老师,我不舒sh ū服fu ,我( )宿s ù舍sh è休xi ū息x ī一会儿。

6.下星期,我请你们( )我家玩w án 儿。

五、组词: eg. 汉(汉语)

难( ) 喝( ) 中( ) 学( ) 国( ) 语( ) 朋( ) 书( ) 请( ) 见( ) 天( ) 回( ) 名( ) 文( ) 字( ) 钱( ) 人( ) 星(

) 六、write the number

38 56 129

370 604 2200


1.I have a young brother ,his name is zhangdong ,he is very busy ,he study English .

2.Tomorrow Anna will go to the post office to post the letter . Mary will go to the bank to draw money.

3.zhangdong will go to the classroom ,he won ’t go back the bedroom .

4.Tomorrow is Saturday ,I will go to the park with my friend.

5.My name is handong , is not hantong .

6.This is my old friend ,Mike . That is my old sister ,Mary.

7.Chinese characters is very difficult , but pronunciation is not too difficult.

8.this is my brother’s German book . That is my friend’s magazine.

9.I will go to the bookshop to buy several magazine . My sister will go to the store to buy something.

10.How many students in your class ?What country are you from?(what are your?nationality)

八、Answer the questions








