当前位置:文档之家› 现在分词和过去分词的用法





Having noted down our names and addresses , the policeman dismissed us.

表时间,相当于After the policeman noted down our names and addresses , he dismissed us.

I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert.

表原因,相当于Because I had promised to accompany my mother to the concert , I was unable to accept your invitation.

Having suffered from heart trouble for many years, Mr. Li has to take medicine wherever he goes .

表原因,注意分词结构带有的时间状语for many years, 时间状语提示分词该采用完成式。



The house being built is a big project.


Being surrounded , the enemy troops were forced to surrender.


Did you see the boy being questioned by the police?

Having been told many times, he made the same mistake again and again.



现在分词的否定式构成是“在带ing的那个词前加not ”。如

doing --- not doing ; being done --- not being done ;

having been done --- not having been done ; having done---not having done 。

Not having heard from his girlfriend for a long time , he felt very worried.

Not seeing John , I asked where he was.


A. 把下列各句改成分词作结构。

1.When it is seen from the hill , the park looks very beautiful.


2. Don’t speak until you are spoken to.


3. Because the boy was greatly touched by his teacher’s words, he did a lot of things to help his classmates.


4. As he was surprised at what happened, T om didn’t know what to do.


5. The meeting, which was attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero.

___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you know the man who is speaking our headmaster?


B. 把下列各句改成从句形式。

1. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, known as 3M.

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. The disc, digitally recorded in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. The flowers smelling sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Hunted everywhere, the wolves had no where to hide themselves.

______________________________________________________________________________ 5. United , we stand ; divided , we fall.

______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Although exhausted by the climb, he continued his journey.

______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Weather permitting , we’ll have the match tomorrow.

______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Some of them , born and brought up I rural villages, had never seen a train.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Everything goes well as expected.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 10. He fell off the horse as if hit by a bullet.



现在分词和过去分词的用法 现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。 表示伴随 1. 分词作状语:分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果(补充说明)、让步、伴随等。分词做状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。 【例】Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word. The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station. Given better attention, the plants could grow better. He looked tired and depressed, visibly disturbed by the news of his mother's illness. 分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。 【例】Not shavings enough hands, we turned to them for help.(we don't have enough hands) Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handled our affairs better. (we are taught/teach us) Inspired by Leifeng, the people in China worked very hard to achieve their modernization. ____the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge. (CET-4 1996,6)

英语语法 现在分词和过去分词的用法

现在分词和过去分词的用法 分词是一种非谓语动词,在句中不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,它可以带宾语、状语和表语构成分词短语。分词有现在分词和过去分词两种。现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。分词在句中可作状语、定语、补足语和表语。 1.分词作状语 分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。分词做状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。 1) Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. 听到消息后,他们都欣喜若狂。 2) Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word. 利用你学的词干和构词法,你就能猜猜新单词的含义。 3)The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. 学生们边说边笑地走出了教室。 4)Accompanied by his friend, he marketed his products. 在朋友的陪同下,他去推销了。 5)Given better attention, your orders will be more successful. 如果好好地办理,你的定单会更有胜算。 6) Not knowing the financial standing of the company ,they made an enquiry to the Chinese embassy in Tunis. 因为不知道那家公司的资信状况,他们便向中国驻突尼斯大使馆咨询。 7)“while ( when, once, until, if , though等连词)+分词”结构作状语,如: When leaving the factory, she was satisfied with the quality of the products. 离开工厂时,她对产品的质量很满意。 8) With the test finished, they began to order.测试完了之后,他们开始订货。 9) The goods dispatched, they faxed a shipping advice to the buyer. 货物装运后,他们便向买家发出装运通知。 2.分词作定语 分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(即与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(即与名词是动宾关系)。 1)We will go on with our experiment as soon as we get the added fund. 一旦我们拿到追加的资金,我们就会继续实验。 2)This is really an exhausting day to all of us! 对我们所有的人来说,这真是令人疲惫不堪的一天。 3)We can see the part of the moon lighted by sunlight. 我们能看到被太阳光照射到的月球的那部分。 4)After a night spent in excitement and sleeplessness, I continued to explore more orders for my company.经过一夜的激动和无眠之后,我继续为公司招徕更多的订单。 5)More and more developing countries established strategic partnership with developed countries.越来越多的发展中国家与发达国家建立了战略伙伴关系。 3.分词作补足语 分词在see, watch, hear, observe, notice, feel, find, glimpse, glance等感官动词和look at, listen to等短语动词以及have, keep, get, catch, leave, set, start, send等使役动词后面与名词或代词构成复合宾语,作宾语补语的成分。 1) On the top of the hill, we could see smoke rising from the chimneys in the village.站在山顶,我们可以看到炊烟从村子里面的烟窗里弥漫出来. 2)The little boy sat there and watched the trains roaring by. 小男孩坐在那里,注视着火车呼啸而过. 3)I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time. 对不起,让你等了很久了。 4)I had the goods stowed, but the stowage charges would be at your cost. 我已经让人理仓了,但是理仓费由你们负担。 4.分词作表语


现在分词(present participle)(又称-ing形式、现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,即在句子里面不能单独充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语和状语),并且它们具有动词的性质,所以又是类动词的一种。 一、现在分词的两个基本特点: 1. 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country. 一个发展中的国家,boiling water 沸水, a developed country 一个发达国家,boiled water 白开水, 2. 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级,the exploiting class 剥削阶级。 the ruled class 被统治阶级,the exploited class 被剥削阶级) 二、构成形式和时态与语态 主动被动 一般式doing being done 完成式having done having been done 三、否定式: 所有否定式都是在-ing前面加not 四、现在分词的时态:现在分词本身不能表示具体的时间概念,其动作发生的时间只能是相对于谓语动作发生时间相对而言的。这一点和不定式用法相同。 a) 现在分词的一般式:doing 表示分词的动作和谓语动作同时或几乎同时发生。或是谓语动作发生时,分词的动作正在发生过程中。 she smelt something burning.(smelt发生在burning的过程中。)她闻到有东西烧焦了。 she sat on the chair, reading a novel. b)现在分词的完成式:having done。表示现在分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前。 Having worked for 2 hours, we had a rest. Not having received his letter, we all felt worried. 五、现在分词的语态: 现在分词用主动还是被动,决定于它的逻辑主语。如果现在分词的逻辑主语是分词动作的执行者,用主动。反之,用被动。 Entering the room, I found Tom watching TV. I knew the man sitting under the tree. (the man是sitting的逻辑主语,而且是分词动作的执行者,故分词用主动。) I found the car being washed. 六、现在分词的逻辑主语: a)如果分词在句子作定语,其逻辑主语就是被修饰的名词。


现在分词和过去分词的用法一.现在分词和过去分词的构成 done

现在分词完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,常用作状语,表时间和原因。注意现在分词的完成式不能充当定语。 Having noted down our names and addresses , the policeman dismissed us. 表时间,相当于After the policeman noted down our names and addresses , he dismissed us. I was unable to accept your invitation, having promised to accompany my mother to the concert. 表原因,相当于Because I had promised to accompany my mother to the concert , I was unable to accept your invitation. Having suffered from heart trouble for many years, Mr. Li has to take medicine wherever he goes . 表原因,注意分词结构带有的时间状语for many years, 时间状语提示分词该采用完成式。 四.现在分词的的被动式 现在分词的一般式和完成式都有被动形式。 The house being built is a big project. 现在分词一般式的被动式,用作定语,表“正在被…” Being surrounded , the enemy troops were forced to surrender. 现在分词一般式的被动式,表原因。 Did you see the boy being questioned by the police? Having been told many times, he made the same mistake again and again. 现在分词完成式的被动,表示让步。


现在分词与过去分词的区别与用法解析 现在分词和过去分词是英语中两种常见的非谓语动词形式。它们在形态和用法上有一些不同之处。本文将详细解析这两种形式的区别和用法。 一、形态上的区别 1. 现在分词的形态 现在分词的形态是动词的-ing形式,例如:working, playing, eating 等。当动词作主语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语和谓语等时,常用现在分词形式。 2. 过去分词的形态 过去分词的形态通常是在动词原形的基础上加上-ed、-d、-en、-t等词尾,例如:worked, played, eaten等。过去分词在完成时态和被动语态中常作主语、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等。 二、用法上的区别 1. 现在分词的用法 (1)作主语:现在分词可以作为主语出现在句子中,表示正在进行或经常性的动作。例如:"Reading books is my hobby."(阅读书籍是我的爱好。)

(2)作定语:现在分词可以修饰名词作定语,常表示主动、进行 或经常性的动作。例如:"The running water is very clear."(流动的水非 常清澈。) (3)作宾语补足语:现在分词可以作及物动词的宾语补足语,表 示正在进行或经常性的动作。例如:"I saw him painting the house."(我 看见他正在刷房子。) 2. 过去分词的用法 (1)作主语:过去分词可以作为主语出现在句子中,表示完成的 动作或状态。例如:"Broken glass covered the ground."(破碎的玻璃铺 满了地面。) (2)作定语:过去分词可以修饰名词作定语,表示被动或完成的 动作。例如:"The lost key has been found."(丢失的钥匙已经找到了。)(3)作宾语补足语:过去分词可以作及物动词的宾语补足语,表 示完成的动作或状态。例如:"I have finished my homework."(我已经 完成了我的作业。) 三、常见用法说明 1. 现在分词表示主动、进行或经常性的动作 例如: - Smoking is harmful to health.(吸烟对健康有害。)


现在分词和过去分词的区别和用法 今天我们要学习的语法是:现在分词和过去分词的区别和用法。 我们先看看现在分词和过去分词主要差别在于:现在分词表示“主动和进行”,过去分词表示“被动和完成”(不及物动词的过去分词不表示被动,只表示完成)。分词可以有自己的状语、宾语或逻辑主语等。 表示伴随 1. 分词作状语分词在句子中作状语,可以表示时间、条件、原因、结果(补充说明)、让步、伴随等。分词做状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。作状语的分词相当于一个状语从句。 Eg. Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. Using what you know of word stems and word formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word. The students went out of the classroom, laughing and talking. Accompanied by his friend, he went to the railway station. Given better attention, the plants could grow better. He looked tired and depressed, visibly disturbed by the news of his mother's illness. 分词在句子中作状语,使用何种分词,要取决于分词与句子主语的关系:主谓关系用现在分词,动宾或被动关系用过去分词。 Eg. Not shavings enough hands, we turned to them for help.(we don't have enough hands) Taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handled our affairs better. (we are taught/teach us) Inspired by Leifeng, the people in China worked very hard to achieve their modernization. ____the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge. (CET-4 1996,6) A) Having believed B) Believing C) Believed D) Being believed 本句意思为:相信地球是平的,许多人担心哥伦布会从边上掉下去。许多人与相信之间是主谓关系,及分词与主语之间为主谓关系。


现在分词和过去分词的用法 1、否定形式(前面加not) Not given a chance, he felt disappointed. Not knowing what to do, he turned to me for help. 2、不及物动词、连系动词常用现在分词做定语、状语等;及物动词常用过去分词。 There are many events happening in the world everyday. provide help for the people going hungry. the remaining books 3、现在分词表动作的主动或正在发生;过去分词表动作的被动或已经完成。the falling/ fallen leaves the boiling/ boiled water the rising/ risen sun the developed/ developing countries a polluted river a sleeping boy 4、分词不具有名词特征,不可做主语或宾语。(定语、表语、状语、宾补/主补)Participating in various social activities is beneficial to our future. (动名词) Praised in public made him shy. (错) Being praised in public made him shy. 一、做定语/表语 1、和定语从句的转换 The student who is sleeping has suffered a high fever. The sleeping student has suffered a high fever. Those who have drunk the water which is polluted may get poisoned. Those who have drunk the polluted water may get poisoned. 2、单个分词做定语常置于名词之前;分词短语常置于名词之后。 Do you know the man seated/ sitting next to the professor? The man looking at the map has got lost. The building completed ahead of time has caught many people’s attention. 比较:The building being built has caught many people’s attention. The building to be built next year is well designed. 3、现在分词和动名词做定语时的区别 a reading room (动名词) a swimming pool(动名词) a crying baby(现在分词) a washing machine(动名词) 4、使役动词的分词形式做定语或表语时,常遵循人V-ed,物V-ing的原则,但修饰反映人心理活动或某种情绪的词时,用V-ed形式. encouraging words an embarrassing atmosphere feel embarrassed be shocked excited tears a surprised/ determined/ frightened look After hearing my encouraging words, a determined look appeared on his face. 5、修饰令他人有某种情绪的词时,无论人还是物均用V-ing. The disappointing student has disappointed his parents a second time. 6、有些分词已经形容词化了 a demanding jo b a promising teacher an interesting book 三、做状语(时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随或结果状语)


现在分词和过去分词的用法 一、现在分词 (一)现在分词的定义: 现在分词(Present Participle)(又称-ing形式、现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,由动词原形+ing形式组成。具有双重性,一面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作,是非谓语动词的一种。 (二)现在分词的功能与用法: 1. 作定语 单个分词作定语时放在所修饰的名词前,分词短语作定语时放在后,并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系。一般都可以转化为一个进行时的定语从句。 e.g. a running boy→ a boy who is running the girl standing there → a girl who is standing there 例如: The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not specific qualifications. A. requiring B. to be required C. being required D. to have required 2. 作补语 只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补: 1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe keep find listen to look at 2)使役动词:have get catch leave set 注意:要想用现在分词来作宾补,只能是用于这些词后,但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)。 eg. I saw him singing now. Don’t have the students studying all day. 注意:宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者。 3. 作表语 (1) 分词作表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词作表语,一种是过去分词作表语,究竟是用现在分词还是用过去分词作表语是学生们经常困惑的地方。一般来说,表示心理状态的动词如excite,interest等都是及物动词,汉语意思不是“激动”,“高兴”,而是“使激动”、“使高兴”,因而现在分词应该是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”,过去


现在分词和过去分词的用法区别 (一)分词的作用 ·现在分词可用于: ·①构成进行时。e.g. We are studying English. ·②当副词作状语。e.g. The children came, singing and dancing. ·③当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. Falling leaves danced in the air. ·I saw many birds flying along the river. ·The story is very moving. ·过去分词可用于: ·①构成完成时。 e.g. The play had begun when we arrived there. ·②构成被动语态。e.g. English is widely spoken in the world. ·③当副词作状语。e.g. Seen here, the city looks more beautiful. ·④当形容词作定语、宾补和表语。 ·e.g. a boy named Tom ·I saw the girl kille d with my own eyes. ·I’m interested in English. (二)现在分词与过去分词的两大差别 1. 现在分词与过去分词的最大差别在语态上:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。 2. 现在分词与过去分词的第二大差别在时态上:现在分词表进行,过去分词表完成。

3. 把握主、被动关系的两个前提 1)弄清动词的确切含义。不少主、被动关系判断错误都是由于没弄清动词的确切含义造成的。 Wrong: Girls frighten snakes. Right: Girls fear snakes./ Snakes frighten girls. 牢记: tire, disappoint, satisfy, terrify, interest, frighten, worry, excite, surprise, please, seat, puzzle, ect. 只能作及物动词,都有“使动”的特点,都含“使……”之义。 2)能熟练判断分词的逻辑主语。即明白与哪个词去构成主、被动关系。 分词的逻辑主语 逻辑主语就是与分词具有主、被动关系的名词或代词。它既可能是句子主语,又可能是句中宾语,或者是句中其它成分;它既可能是动作行为的发出者,也有可能是动作行为的承受者。那种认为逻辑主语就是动作行为的发出者的理解是片面的。 分词的逻辑主语的位置不是固定不变的, 而是“活”的——随着分词所作 语法成分的不同,其逻辑主语位置也不同,所以确定逻辑主语前首先要确定分词的语法成分。 (1)作状语时 Seeing the teacher come in, all the students stood up. the students是seeing的逻辑主语 Heated, the metal expands. the metal是 heated的逻辑主语 结论:分词作状语,其逻辑主语是句子主语。 (2)作宾补时 I saw him reading last night. him 是reading的逻辑主语 His wife found his hair dyed black. hair是 dyed的逻辑主语 结论:分词作宾补,其逻辑主语是句子宾语。 (3)作表语时


分词也是非谓语动词之一 分词在形式上不同于不定式和动名词,它有两种形式; ①现在分词:动词原形+ing(同动名词形式) ②过去分词:(规则动词)动词原形+ed (不规则动词)构成没有什么规律 分词也和不定式和动名词一样,在句子中不能作谓语但它还保留一部分动词性质,它可以带自已的状语和宾语,有时也有它自己单独的逻辑上的主语 例:(1)He saw the thief stealing the books from the book shop.(带状语)他看见这个贼正在书店偷书。 (2)Hearing the news he jumped.(带宾语)听到这个消息,他跳了起来。 ( 3 ) Li Ming being late, we had to wait.(带逻辑主语)李明迟到了,我们只好等他。 另外,分词具有形容词和副词性质,它可以在句子中担任表语、定语、状语和宾补。 The story is interesting. I'm interested in it.这个故事很有趣,我对它感兴趣。(作表语) This is a moving film. 这是一部感人的电影。(作定语) The woman dressed in blue is my sister. 穿着蓝衣服的妇女是我姐姐。(作定语) The secretary worked late into the night,preparing a long speech for the president.(作状语) 秘书工作到深夜,为总统准备一篇长的发言稿。 Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果再多加注意,这些树会长得更好。(作状语) When he passed the bank, he saw the thief stealing some money from the bank.(作宾补) 当他经过银行时看见这个贼正在偷钱。 When he was decorating his house, he got(had)the bedroom painted first.(作宾补) 分词的形式(及物动词的分词有七种形式,不及物动词的分词有四种形式) 动词类别及物动词(do) 不及物动词(fall)语态主动被动主动被动 一般式doing being done done(2) falling fallen(2) 无 完成式having done having been doing having fallen 无 完成进行式(1)having been done having been being done (基本不用) having been falling 无 注:(1)以上几种形式中完成进行式不常用。(2)fallen是不及物动词fall的过去分词,表示主动, 而done是及物动词do的过去分词,表被动(除了这两个是过去分词外,以上其余皆是现在分词。) 例:Not knowing anything about the accident, he went to work as usual. 关于这一事故,他什么也不知道,所以他还像平常一样去上班了〃 Not having received a reply, he decided to write again. 因为他没有收到回信,他决定再写。 它们的主要区别表现在语态和时态上 Ⅰ. 从语态上来区别 1.在语态上现在分词无论是及物动词或不及物动词,一般都表示主动的意思。 Do you know the woman talking to Tom?=Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom? 定语从句(主动语态) 你认识那位正在和汤姆说话的那位妇女吗? Entering the city, they saw a lot of soldiers marching.=When they entered the city, they saw a lot of soldiers marching. 状语从句(主动语态) 进入城市后,他们看见许多士兵们在行进。 2. 及物动词的过去分词一般表示被动。 The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor.=The soldier who was wounded in the war has become a doctor. 在战争中受伤的那位士兵现在已经成为一名医生了。 Seen from the top of the hill, the city is more beautiful.=If it is seen from the top of the hill, the city is more beautiful. 如果从山顶上看这座城市更加美丽。 注意:请注意missing的用法。 be missing=be lost


现在分词与过去分词的用法区别 一、分词的作用 1、现在分词可用于: ①构成进行时:eg:We are studyingEnglish。 ②当副词作状语:eg:Thestudents came,talking andlaughing。 ③当形容词作定语,宾语和表语:eg:Falling leaves dancedinthe air. I saw manybirdsflyingalong theriver. Thisstory is very moving. 2、过去分词的作用: ①构成完成时:eg:The play had begun when we arrived there. ②构成被动语态:eg:Englishis widely spoke nin theworld. ③当副词作状语:eg:Seen here,the citylook

smorebeautiful. ④当形容词作定语,宾语和表语:eg:a boy named tom I saw thegirl killedwith my own eyes。 I aminterested in English。 二、差别 1、在语态上:现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动 2、在时态上:现在分词表进行,过去分词表完成 三、分词做表语 共同点:分词做表语时,起着形容词的作用 不同点:分词做表语时,句子的主语就是该分词的逻辑主语。但现在分词作表语时,与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系;相反,过去分词表被动。 Eg:He looked tired withcooking. Heremainedstanding beside the table。


现在分词与过去分词的用法 分词作为英语语法的一种形式,在句子中起到了重要的作用。其中,现在分词和过去分词是两种常见的形式,在句子中可用于表示动作或 状态的变化。本文将详细介绍现在分词和过去分词的用法及示例。 一、现在分词的用法 1. 现在分词作状语 现在分词可用作状语,修饰主句中的动词或整个句子。它可以表示 伴随、原因、结果等关系。 例1:Walking in the park, she enjoyed the beautiful scenery.(伴随关系) 例2:Being tired, he decided to take a break.(原因关系) 例3:The car crashed into a tree, killing the driver instantly.(结果关系) 2. 现在分词作定语 现在分词可以形容名词,作为定语修饰名词。 例4:The crying baby woke up the whole neighborhood.(形容词) 例5:The running water sounded soothing.(形容词) 3. 现在分词与现在分词短语 现在分词与现在分词短语可以作主语、宾语、表语、宾补等。

例6:Smiling is contagious.(主语) 例7:I saw him playing basketball in the park.(宾语) 例8:Her main duty is taking care of the patients.(表语) 例9:They kept the fire burning all night.(宾补) 二、过去分词的用法 1. 过去分词作定语 过去分词可以修饰名词,作为定语使用。 例10:The broken window has been fixed.(形容词) 例11:I visited the abandoned house yesterday.(形容词) 2. 过去分词与过去分词短语 过去分词与过去分词短语可以用作被动语态、完成时态、副词等。 例12:The book was written by a famous author.(被动语态) 例13:She has already finished her homework.(完成时态) 例14:He walked out of the room, followed by a group of reporters. (副词) 3. 过去分词作宾补 过去分词可用作某些及物动词的宾语补足语,补充说明动词的含义。 例15:I saw my friend off at the airport.(宾补)


过去分词和现在分词的区别 现在分词表示主动的意思,过去分词表示被动的意思;现在分词所表示的动作往往正在进行,过去分词所表示的动作往往已经完成。现在分词和过去分词在句子中可以作谓语、表语、定语、补足语和状语。使役动词现在分词表示人或物的本身特征;过去分词表示人或物的心情或状态等。 过去分词的用法 过去分词作定语的用法: 单个的过去分词作定语一般都放在修饰词之前,而过去分词短语作定语则一般都出现被修饰词之后。 The frightened kid hid himself behind the door, holding his breath.那个受了惊吓的孩子把自己藏在门后,屏住自己的呼吸。 过去分词作表语的用法: 过去分词作表语一般来说都比较简单,很多时候这些过去分词就直接被认为是一个独的形容词。 When I got home, I was really exhausted.到家的时候,我已筋疲力尽。 过去分词作补语的用法: Don't lie to me. I saw you beaten.(过去分词作宾补)你就别骗我了。我看到人家打你。 She stood in front of me, disappointed.(过去分词作主补)她站在我面前,一副失望的样子。

过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号。 The meeting,attended by over five thousand people,ed the great hero.他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人。 用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关。 The boy looked up with a pleased satisfied expression.男孩带着满意的表情举目而视。 现在分词的用法 (一)作定语 动词现在分词单独作定语,通常放在所修饰词前。例如: The sleeping boy is Tom. 现在分词短语作定语放在所修饰词的后面,意思同定语从句差不多。例如: Tell the children playing outside not to make too much noise. = Tell the children who are playing outside not to make too much noise. 现在分词可相当于非限制性定语,常用逗号分开。例如: Tom, wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. = Tom, who is wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. 有时现在分词可以和副词或名词构成复合词作定语。例如: This is an English-speaking country. (二)作表语 现在分词作表语多表示主语的特征。如amusing, discouraging,



现在分词和过去分词的用法 1)As Lily missed the bus, she was late for the class. Missing the bus, she was late for the class. 2)As the student was scolded by the teacher, she felt unhappy. scolded by the teacher, she felt unhappy. 一、现在分词 (一)现在分词的定义: 现在分词(Present Participle)(又称-ing形式、现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,由动词原形+ing形式组成。具有双重性,一面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作,是非谓语动词的一种。 (二)现在分词的功能与用法: 1. 作定语 单个分词作定语时放在所修饰的名词前,分词短语作定语时放在后,并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系。一般都可以转化为一个进行时的定语

从句。 e.g. a running boy→ a boy who is running an old man standing there →an old man who is standing there 例如: The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not specific qualifications. A. requiring B. to be required C. being required D. to have required 2. 作补语 只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补: 1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe find listen to look at 2)使役动词:have get make 注意:要想用现在分词来作宾补,只能是用于这些词后,但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)。 eg. I saw Thomas playing computer games . Don’t have the students studying all day. 注意:宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者。 3. 作表语 (1) 分词作表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词作表语,一种是过去分词作表语,究竟是用现在分词还是用过去分词作表语是学生们经常困惑的地方。一般

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