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①For others,academic concepts seemed much easier to remember when introduced in a song.

②Although acknowledging that the best works at the Place Dauphine were by women artists,he castigated parents who"cruelly"encouraged their daughters to become professional artists.

③Found throughout the South,pokeweed is traditionally the first green plant to show up each spring and is best eaten when very young and tender.

④If necessary,she would just write the article without the interview.

⑤What drugs,if any,did Murray give Michael Jackson?

⑥I wish it were that simple,but it rarely,if ever,is.

⑦When in doubt,don't open an e-mail message,especially if it includes an attachment.

⑧As a small child,my earliest remembrance of music was listening to my older sister play the piano while I attempted to sleep in an upstairs room.


①….When they were introduced in a song.②Although he acknowledged that…③…when it is

very young and tender.④If it is necessary for her to just write,she….⑤What drugs,if there were any,…?⑥I wish….,if it is ever that simple,is.⑦When you are in doubt, don't open…⑧As I was a small child,….





①He inspected me as if he were a prosecutor.

②As he was a young adult,he worked as a carpenter,then started his own construction business.

③When he was a young boy,Hugh Brogan,wrote to tell Tolkien how much he enjoyed learning about hobbits,dwarfs,and elves.

④Though he is a soft-spoken fellow,he's a tough taskmaster who demands originality and initiative and is very blunt about the kind of people who anchor his news shows.

小测的答案是:①He inspected me as if a prosecutor.②As a young adult,he worked as a carpenter,then started his own construction business.③When a young boy,Hugh Brogan,wrote to tell Tolkien how much he enjoyed learning about hobbits,dwarfs,and elves.④Though a soft-spoken fellow,he's a tough taskmaster who demands originality and initiative and is very blunt about the kind of people who anchor his news shows.

通过上面的小测解析,我们不难看出,被省掉的部分是与主句相同的主语和be动词。再如:He acts as if(he were)a fool.他的行为举止好象是个傻子。

As(he was)a young artist,he entered and won first place in a major illustration competition

sponsored by the Population Institute.


Though(he was)a capable pilot,Stoker always was aware of her limits.尽管斯托克是个能干的飞行员,她也知道她的能力也是有限的。

有时虽然状语从句的主语与句子的主语不相同,只要不引起歧义,也可采用省略形式。如:As a little girl,my summer holidays in Provence kicked off when my grandmother arrived from Paris for a weeklong stay.


As a little girl相当于As I was a little girl.虽然从句的主语girl与主句的主语my summer holidays不相一致,但是读者或者听话者不会产生理解上的困难。

有时,某些“连词+名词”结构很难说出省掉了什么,已经成了固定的说法,即便在逻辑上可以还原被省的部分,但是被这个还原的说法很少使用。最常见的有if a day,if an inch,if a yard,if a man等等,这些说法常常翻译为“肯定有,至少有”。它们的作用是:如果条件句中的陈述是真实的,那么主句中的陈述也一定是真实的。如:

He wasn't a youngster.Forty-five if(he was)a day,but with no body fat.


The painting must be worth a thousand pounds if(it is worth)a cent.这幅画价值至少有1000英镑吧。

The package weighed ten pounds if(it weighed)an ounce.这包裹一定有十磅重。

I’ve come three miles,if a yard.我肯定走了三英里了。

He is six feet tall,if(he is)an inch.他一定有六英尺高。



①It was the ultimate brainwash and if true,would certainly make a travesty of their motto.

②His search party had formed a circle around me and stared as if ready to pounce at a signal from their Captain.

③When ready to jump,I have such total body awareness that my heart rate doesn't increase.

④The goal,he adds,is to prevent,if possible,the most vulnerable populated island states from disappearing entirely.

⑤I practice releasing the buckle a few times to be sure I'll be able to get out quickly if necessary.

⑥Where appropriate,agriculture is going to continue and thrive.

⑦A hydrothermal vent is a place on the ridge where cold

小测的解析是:①It was the ultimate brainwash and if it was true,would…②His search party had formed a circle around me and stared as if they were ready…③When I am ready to jump,…④The goal,he adds,is to prevent,if it is possible(to do so),…⑤I…quickly if it is necessary(for me to get out).⑥Where it is appropriate,agriculture is going to continue and thrive.

⑦….where it is cold.


When(they were)fully grown,the children were freed and taken away to some faraway land.


So,if(it is)true,this is just astounding.这要是真的话,也太离奇了。

He leaned forward as if(he were)ready to spring.他身子向前倾,随时准备跃起。