英语 必修3 unit4 导学案PPT教学课件

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将来时间表达法: 1. be to do 2. 2. be about to do 3. 3. will/ shall do 4. I will go to open the door (临时决定) 5. 4. be going to do 6. I am going to London tomorrow( 计划安排) 7. It is going to rain, for it is cloudy.(有迹象表明) 8. 5. do (一般现在时) 9. If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go out.(主将从现) 10.6.be doing(进行时) 210210/.12/10 He is coming tomorrow. (动词多为位移动词,go 7
4.Watch out 与watch over 的用法?
I think it hard to learn English
I think it is hard to learn English. 请划分以上两个句子句子成分,并指出 其中it 的用法
3). 倍数+ the +表示长度/高度/宽度等的名词+ of “是…… 的长度/高度/宽度几倍”
My room is three times the size of his. 注意:此结构中常用的名词有:size, height, weight, length, width depth等。
4)表示长度/高度/宽度等的名词+ of A +动词+倍数
+that+of B
2020/1T2/h10e size of my room is three times that of his.
Fra Baidu bibliotek
到的学生是我们预计的四倍。下面哪一句话时正确的( A)
A.There are four times as many students as we expected. B.There are four times as many as students we expected C.There are four times students as many as we expected
3). We’ ll hold a meeting tomorrow. = We __a_r_e__ ___t_o__ ____h_o_lda meeting tomorrow. = A
meeting is _t_o____ ___b_e__ ___h_e_l_d tomorrow. 4). 如果你想要成功,你必须得努力。
1). 倍数+ as + adj./adv. + as “是……的几倍” My room is three times as large as his.
2). 倍数+ adj./adv.比较级+ than “比……(多/大)几倍” My room is twice larger than his. (减一)
I am to blame for what has happened You are to hand in your homework tomorrow.
注意: be to do 还可以表示对句子主语的解释说明,此 时to do 作be 的表语,不表时态。
be to do 的用法: ①“按计划或安排将要做的事情”,(通常指非常正式 的计划或官方计划)
Hu Jintao is to visit Japan next week. ②或表示某事“注定发生”。
You are to be famous. ③ If从句中加be to do,含义为“想要”
If we are to be there before ten, we’ll have to go now. ④表示义务(相当于should),命令(相当于must, have to)
If you are to succeed, you must work hard. 单选:
She c to bed whe she received an call form her best friend.
A. w202a0/s12/1g0oing B. would go C. was about to go D. w6ent
I was about to leave tomorrow (×)
I was about to leave when she came.(√)
而be to do 可以与时间状语连用
H20u20/J12i/1n0tao is to visit Japan next week
1). Here is a message for you from your head teacher: you _a_r_e___ ____to__ ____g_o_ to her office after class. (你 的班主任给你一个口信,要你下课后到她的办公室去。) 2). The worst is still __t_o___ __c_o_m_e_ (come). 更糟糕的事 情还会发生。
课前复习 合作探讨1:学生疑问 合作探讨2:教师疑问 本课小结
1.be to do 与 be about to do 都可以表示将 来,有何区别?
3.My room is twice as large as his 与 My room is twice larger than his 意思相同吗?
My job is to teach English. = My job is teaching Englis. =To teach English is my job. =Teachig English is my job.
与be about to do 区别: be about to do 表示即将,马上就要发生的动作,不与时 间状语连用,但可以和when 引导的状语从句连用。如:
