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informal dinner 便宴
2. 肉类名称(The Types of Meat)
beef 牛肉
veal 小牛肉
lamb 羊肉
sirloin 牛脊肉
steak 牛排
chop 连骨肉,排骨
cutlet 肉条
stew 炖肉
ham 火腿
pork 猪肉
bacon 咸肉
sausage 香肠
cold meats / cold cuts 冷盘
fried bread stick 油条
fried leek dumplings 韭菜盒
soybean milk 豆浆
rice porridge 米粥
glutinous rice 糯米饭
braised pork rice 卤肉饭
fried rice with egg 蛋炒饭
sliced noodles 刀削面
描述一次特别的晚餐或聚会,或者一次参加过的婚礼,考生可参考下列提纲: When did you have the meal / join the wedding? Where was it held? Who took part in the meal/wedding? What did the people do at the meal/wedding? What was special about the meal /wedding? What impressed you deeply? Why do you think it’s a special meal /wedding?
toffee fruits 糖葫芦
&nbs, p;hot pot 火锅
4. 婚礼词汇(The Vocabulary on Wedding)
wedding ceremony 结婚典礼
wedding anniversary 结婚纪念日
bride 新娘
bridegroom / groom 新郎
officiator 主婚人
chicken 鸡肉
turkey 火鸡
duck 鸭
fish 鱼
jerky 牛肉干
3. 中餐点名称(Chinese Dishes and Snacks)
stir-fried diced pork with chili sauce and peanuts 宫爆肉丁 stir-fried pork slices with eggs and fungi 炒木须肉 fried pork fillet slices with sweet and sour sauce 糖醋里脊
卡片范例: I took part in my best friend Chris’s wedding last summer. It was an imposing ceremony with a combination of both Chinese and western features. The wedding ceremony was held at a five-star hotel. When the bride stepped out of the luxurious car decorated with flowers, the fireworks were played and confetti was scattered on the newly-weds. Like western brides, the bride wore the white wedding dress and carried a bouquet. She was escorted by the bridesmaid. The ceremony began with the opening words of the officiator. After the welcoming words, he made the wedding readings from a love poem, which was elegant and sentimental. When the newly weds exchanged wedding rings, the solemn music was played and all the guests gave applause. Then according to the Chinese tradition, they served tea to the groom’s parents. The feast was served after the etiquette, which was the climax of the ceremony. The bride changed her dress into a traditional one – a red Qipao. The dress added charms to her. According to Chinese wedding customs, they should toast to every guest at present. The guest also gave their sincere wishes to the newly weds, congratulating that they have found the perfect other half. The groom’s friends made jokes with the bride and urged the groom to drink. It really was a neatly crafted wedding. To my mind, a wedding is a wonderful occasion. It is an important ritual filled with hopes, dreams and excitement. The ceremony I joined is just like that.
On the eighth day of the last month in the Chinese lunar calendar, people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called “La Ba Zhou”. In ancient times, monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day. People still keep this convention.
During the Dragon Boat Festival, though many people cannot reach the river zone to watch the boat race, almost all of them eat the unique food --- zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves.
One of the main snack foods in the Spring Festival is New Year Cake, or “Nian Gao” in Chinese. Gao in Chinese has the same pronunciation as promotion, so it is served on the Spring Festival Eve feast.
fried beef with tomato sauce 茄汁牛肉
chicken in sweet and sour sauce 糖醋鸡块
instant boiled sliced mutton 涮羊肉
“cross-bridge” rice noodles 过桥米线
braised prawns 油焖大虾
In Central China, when a baby is born, the happy father will send red boiled eggs to announce the news.
Fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth, so it is often served on New Year’s Eve.
To most Chinese people, returning home after long absence or departure from home are significant. The return home is greeted with noodles and off home while a farewell is offered with dumplings. This is especially popular in northeast China.
Describe a wedding you joined. You should say: Whose wedding it was; When it was held; What happened on the ceremony; And what’s your feeling about it.
pastor 牧师
groomsman/best man 伴郎
bridesmaid 伴娘
honeymoon 蜜月
invitation 请贴
wedding dress 婚纱
wedding ring 结婚戒指
trousseau 嫁妆
confetti 五彩碎纸
etiquette 结婚仪式
vows 结婚誓词
5. 中国重要节日的食物(Festival and Holiday Food)
braised pork with soy sauce 红烧肉
stir-fried pork shreds with chili sauce 鱼香肉丝
stewed large pork ball with brown sauce 红烧狮子头
fried beef with leeks 葱爆牛肉
seafood noodles 乌龙面
rice noodles 米粉
wonton soup 馄饨汤
spring rolls 春卷
tofu pudding 豆花
glutinous rice cakes 糯米糕
steamed corn bread 窝头
eight-treasure rice pudding 八宝饭
1. 餐点名称(The Names of Meal)
breakfast 早餐
brunch 早午餐
lunch 午餐
afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5 点钟)
high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)
dinner /supper 晚饭
feast 盛宴
banquet 宴会
luncheon 正式的午宴
To celebrate the birthday is important moment in one’s life. When one is young, usually he will eat noodles before his birthday, because the long noodles indicate the longevity in China.
雅思基础口语精讲班第 18 讲讲义
Describe a wedding you joined. You should say: Whose wedding it was; When it was held; What happened on the ceremony; And what’s your feeling about it.
描述一次特别的晚餐或聚会,或者一次参加过的婚礼,考生可参考下列提纲: When did you have the meal / join the wedding? Where was it held? Who took part in the meal/wedding? What did the people do at the meal/wedding? What was special about the meal /wedding? What impressed you deeply? Why do you think it’s a special meal /wedding?
中国的饮食文化源远流长,谈到饮食,我们应该有丰富的话题材料,可以滔滔不绝、侃侃而谈。但是 很可惜,因为缺乏相关的词汇和表达方法,不知道如何去描述一些中国特有的食物,很多考生在这个话题上 变得张口结舌;或者想当然地创造一些词汇,把考官谈得一头雾水。在描述婚礼的话题时,也因为词汇的 障碍,无法描述一些传统的风俗和文化。在准备这些具有较浓文化特征的话题时,考生首先应充分准备相 关词汇与表达法。另外,在一些较难的话题上,可以巧妙地换一个角度去描述,或者干脆尽量少涉及。毕 竟,我们很难在短短几分钟内让一个外国人完全了解明白一些他从来没有经历过或无法想象的东西。Rome wasn’t built in a day。文化的相互交流和理解需要一些时间,在考场上,我们就尽量化繁为简吧!
pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings / zongzi 粽子
sweet glutinous rice dumplings / yuanxiao 元宵
moon cake 月饼
new year cake 年糕
fermented tofu 腐乳
preserved e来自百度文库gs 松花蛋
二、一次宴会或婚 礼
中国的饮食文化源远流长,谈到饮食,我们应该有丰富的话题材料,可以滔滔不绝、侃侃而谈。但是 很可惜,因为缺乏相关的词汇和表达方法,不知道如何去描述一些中国特有的食物,很多考生在这个话题上 变得张口结舌;或者想当然地创造一些词汇,把考官谈得一头雾水。在描述婚礼的话题时,也因为词汇的 障碍,无法描述一些传统的风俗和文化。在准备这些具有较浓文化特征的话题时,考生首先应充分准备相 关词汇与表达法。另外,在一些较难的话题上,可以巧妙地换一个角度去描述,或者干脆尽量少涉及。毕 竟,我们很难在短短几分钟内让一个外国人完全了解明白一些他从来没有经历过或无法想象的东西。Rome wasn’t built in a day。文化的相互交流和理解需要一些时间,在考场上,我们就尽量化繁为简吧!