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Day 1:

People are applaud ing the player人们正在为演奏者鼓掌。

The law ns are being watered 草地正在被浇水

The man is putt ing on his glasses这个男人正在戴眼镜。

She is carry ing two buckets.她提着两个桶。

She is diggi ng in the ground.她正在挖地

They are movi ng in opposite directio ns.他们正在向相反的方向走去

The men are mowi ng law ns.男人们正在害U草

He is playi ng a musical in strume nt on stage 她正在台上演奏乐器

The road is being paved 道路正在被铺

The woma n is pay ing for an item .这个女人正在给商品付款

The pharmacist is handing some medici ne to the patie n 药剂师正在给患者药Trees are being pla nted树木正在被栽种

They' re playing on a swing in the playgrour他■们正在操场上荡秋千

A woma n is poin ti ng at somethi ng on a drawi ng.—个女人正在指着画上的什么东西 A man is tak ing a picture. 一个男人正在照相

A waiter is pouri ng water into cups. 一个服务生在正往杯子里倒水

He is putt ing on a laboratory coat.他正在穿实验室室服

They are taki ng off their un iforms.他们正在脱他们的制服

The man is reach ing for his wallet.这个男人正在掏钱包

The ladder is being repaired 梯子正在被修理

He is worki ng on the roof.他正在屋顶上干活

She is handing the scheduler to her frie nd?正在把日程表安排给她的朋友

A woma n is shopp ing around in the supermarket一个女人在超市买东西

They are strolli ng arm in arm.他们正在挽着臂散步

A microscope has bee n placed symmetrically一个显微镜被整齐地放置着。

The horse is walki ng along the edge of the water这匹马正在沿着水边走。

Day 2

1. They are seated across from each othe他们面对面地坐着。

2. The man is sta nding n ext to the arm chai这个男人正站在扶手椅边上

3. The place is crowded with spectators? 个地方挤满了观众。

4. The papers have bee n stacked up n ext to the copie纸已经被堆在复印机边上

5. The bed n eeds to be made床需要铺一下。

6. The table is placed between the sofa and the lam 桌子被放在沙发和台灯中间。

7. There is a flower vase n ext to the stairway楼梯的旁边有一个花瓶。

8. The wome n have their legs crossed? 些女人交叉着腿。

9. They are seated in a circle 他们围坐成一圈。

10. The cars are all parked in a line 汽车停成一圈。

11. The boxes are lined up in a row 箱子排成一排。

12. The road splits in two directi on s.这条路交叉成两个方向。

13. The man is lea ning aga inst the fence这个男人靠着篱笆

14. The law n has bee n n eatly mowec草地需要被修建的很平整

15. He is sta nding at the n ewssta nc他站着报干刊亭

16. The vehicles are parked n ext to each othe 车一辆挨着一辆地停放着

17. Garde n furn iture is set up outdoors花园家具被放在外面

18. The shelves are packed with package架子被包装盒包着。

19. Two men are watch ing at the parade两个男人正在看阅兵游行。

20. Labels have bee n attached to some of the par标签已经被贴在一些部件上

21. The tables are partially shaded桌子被遮住了一部分。

22. There are no pedestria n on the side wall人行道上没有行人。

23. Falle n leaves have bee n piled up n ear the tree落叶堆在树边

24. One of the doors has bee n left open其中一个门开着

25. The floor has bee n polished to a shi ne地板被擦得发亮

26. She is look ing at her face reflected in the mirror 她看着镜子中反射出的自己的脸

Day 3

1. The woma n is resti ng her chin on her hanc这个女人用手拖着下巴。

2. The files are scattered around the office文件散落在办公室。

3. The man are all weari ng short-sleeved shirts男人们都穿在短袖衬衫。

4. The chairs are being pain ted 椅子正在被涂漆。

5. They are all li ned up side by side 她们肩并肩站在一排。

6. The boxes are stacked up by the sin箱子堆在污水槽旁

7. The woma n is sitti ng n ear the men这个女人正坐在那个男人身边。

8. All the equipme nt has bee n removed from the site所有的设备已经被移出现场了。

9. There are skyscrapers on the other side of the rive河的另一边有摩天大楼。

10. The boxes are stacked on top of one ano the箱子被一层一层摞着。

11. Potted pla nts have bee n set out o n the stair盆栽植物被放在楼梯上。

12. They are sta ndi ng in line at the front desk of the hote 他们在酒店的总服务台前战成了一排。

13. The shelves have bee n stocked with product架子上存放着物品。

14. The build ing is only one story high.这个建筑只有一层。

15. There are build in gs of various heights 这里有各种高度的建筑。

16. We hope we can accommodate your required我希望我们可以接受你的要求。

17. Please do not sit in the aisle请不要坐在走廊里。

18. A strict dress code即plies实施严格的装修规范。

19. The new rule is effected to all employees 新的规定适用于所有员工。

20. The public phones are uno ccupiec公共电话没有被使用。

21. Store all emerge ncy items in a safe place把所有紧急物资储藏在一个安全的地方。

22. In the eve nt of a fire please gather in the car pari在遇到火灾的情况下,请聚集到停车场。

23. Notices have bee n posted on the memo boar通知被粘在了留言板上。

24. Please, clea n the premises after us使用完场地后请打扫干净。

25. The man ageme nt would like to remi nd every one of the compray' s in ternet policy.管理人员将告诉所有人公司的网络政策。

Day 4

1. His greatest achieveme nt was completi ng the reports 最大的成就是完成了这个报告。

2. Please do not alter the report!青不要改动这个报告。

3. I am not done with the annual report yet我还没完成年度报告。

4. The budget proposal for n ext quarter is due on Wedn esda下个季度预算计划书的最后期限是星期三。

5. I have to revise my first draft today.我今天必须要修订我的第一个草案。

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