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冰雪奇缘台词 纯英文

冰雪奇缘台词 纯英文
冰雪奇缘台词 纯英文

Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining, This icy force both foul and fair.

Has a frozen heart worth mining.

Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.

Strike for love And Strike for fear.

See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.

Split the ice apart.

And break the frozen heart.

Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!

Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!

Beautiful! Powerful!

Dangerous! Cold!

Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.

Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.

Stronger than a hundred men!

Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining. This icy force both Foul and Fair.

Has a frozen heart worth mining.

Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.

Strike for love and strike for fear.

There's beauty and there's Danger here.

Split the ice apart!

Beware the frozen heart.

Come on, Sven!

Elsa. Psst


Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

Anna, go back to sleep.

I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,

so we have to play.

.Go play by yourself.

Do you want to build a snowman?

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Do the magic! Do the magic!

Ready? - Uhhm... - ...

This is amazing!

Watch this!

Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.

I love you, Olaf.

Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha! -

Again! Wait! -

Slow down!



Mama! Papa!

You Ok, Anna. I Got you.

Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!

It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.

- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. -


Faster, Sven!


Please... Help!

My daughter!

He is the King!


Shush. I'm trying to listen.

Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.

Your Majesty!

Born with the powers or cursed?

Born. And they're getting stronger.

You are lucky it wasn't her heart.

The heart is not so easily changed,

But the head can be persuaded.

Do what you must.

I recommend we remove all magic,

even memories of magic to be safe...

But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.

She will be okay.

But she won't remember I have powers?

- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa, -

your power will only grow.

There is beauty in it...

But also great danger.

You must learn to control it.

Fear will be your enemy.

No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. Until then,

we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.

We will limit her contact with people

and keep her powers hidden from everyone...

including Anna.


Do you want to build a snowman?

Come on let's go and play.

I never see you anymore. Come out the door.

It's like you've gone away.

We used to be best buddies.

And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.

Do you want to build a snowman?

It doesn't have to be a snowman.

Go away, Anna.

...Okay bye.

The gloves will help. See......

- Conceal it. - Don't feel it. -

Don't let it show.

Do you want to build a snowman??

Or ride our bike around the hall??

I think some company is overdue.....

I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.

Hang in there, Joan.

It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.

Just watching the hours tick by.

I'm scared. It's getting stronger.

Getting upset only makes it worse.

Calm down.

No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.

See you in two weeks.

- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa. -


Please, I know you're in there.

People are asking where you've been,

They say have courage and I'm trying to...

I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.

We only have each other.

It's just you and me.

What are we gonna do?

Do you want to build a snowman?

Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!

Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon. Why do I have to wear this?

Because the Queen has come of age.

It's Coronation Day!

That's not my fault.

- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack! ? -

What's the magic word? Please! -

A..a... a... a! Share!

I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!

And for a whole day!

Faster, Persi!

Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.

Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets

and exploit your riches.

...Did I just say that out loud?

Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.

See the Queen and the Princess.

I bet they're absolutely lovely.

I bet they are beautiful.

Princess Anna...?

...Huh? Yeah?

- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't. - I've been up for hours....

Who is it?

It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.

Time to get ready. Of course! -!

Ready for what?

Your sister's coronation, ma'am.

My sister's cor-neration......

It's coronation day!!

It's coronation day!!

The window is open! So's that door!

I didn't know they did that anymore.

Who knew we owned salad plates...?

For years I have roamed these empty halls. Why have a ballroom with no balls?

Finally, they're opening up the gates!!

There'll be real, actual people

It'll be totally strange.

But wow am I so ready for this change!!

For the first time in forever,

There'll be music, there'll be light.

For the first time in forever,

I'll be dancing through the night.

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,

But I'm somewhere in that zone.

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone... What if I meet "the one"?""?

Tonight, imagine me gown and all. Fetchingly draped against the wall.

The picture of sophisticated Grace.

I suddenly see him standing there,

a beautiful stranger tall and fair.

I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!

But then we laugh and talk all evening,

Which is totally bizarre.

Nothing like the life I've led so far.

For the first time in forever,

There'll be magic, There'll be fun.

For the first time in forever,

I could be noticed by someone.

And I know it is totally crazy.

To dream I'd find romance.

But for the first time in forever,

At least I've got a chance!

Don't let them in. Don't let them see.

Be the good girl You always have to be. Conceal. Don't feel.

Put on a show.

Make one wrong move and everyone will know. But it's only for today.

It's only for today! It's agony to wait.- -

It's agony to wait.-

Tell the guards to open up the...

The gate!-!

For the first time in forever.

Don't let them in don't let them see-

I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.

Be the good girl you always have to be.-

A chance to change my Only world.

Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.-

- A chance to find true love - Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know. -

I know it all ends tomorrow,

So it has to be today!!

'Cause for the first time in forever......

For the first time in forever!!

Nothing's in my way!!

Hey! -I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? -?


I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. - Are you sure? ... -?

Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going....

- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness. -

Oh... Umm... ......

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

Princess Anna of Arendelle. -Princess...? -

My Lady.

Hi... again....

Oh boy....

Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,......

but just because we're...I'm awkward....

You're gorgeous. Wait, what?......?

I'd like to formally apologize for

hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse......

And for every moment after.

No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess....

I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...~~...

'Cuz, you know......


But, lucky you, it's-it's just me....

Just you??

...The bells. The coronation.

I... I...... ...

I better go. I have to...I better go.......


Your Majesty, The gloves.

(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...

...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Queen Elsa of Arendelle.

Princess Anna of Arendelle!

Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay....


Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.? ...

You look beautiful...Thank you. -

You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller....

You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.......

Thank you.

So, this is what a party looks like??

It's warmer than I thought.

And what is that amazing smell??

... Chocolate.

Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.

Weselton. The Duke of Weselton.....

Your Majesty,

As your closest partner in trade,

It seems only fitting that I offer you.

Your first dance as Queen.

Thank you... Only I don't dance....

But my sister does.

Lucky you... -Oh, I don't think... -...

If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.


Like an agile peacock...

Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.

Why did they shut them in the first place??

Do you know the reason? Hmm?? ?

No. -No... -

Oh, all right. Hang on.

They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.

Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.......

Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady. Well, he was sprightly.

Especially for a man in heels.

Are you okay? - I've never been better.? -

This is so nice.

I wish it could be like this all the time.

Me too......

But it can't.

Why not? -If...It just can't.? -..

Excuse me for a minute.

Glad I caught you. - Hans! -

I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry. ...

... Your physique helps I'm sure too....

What's this? I was born with it, -

Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.

I like it.

Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.!

Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers? Twelve older brothers.

Three of them pretended I was invisible...... literally... for two years.

- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do. -

... And sisters.

Elsa and I were really close when we were little.

But then, one day she just shut me out, and...

And I never knew why.

I would never shut you out.

Okay, can I just say something crazy?

I love crazy.

All my life has been a series of doors in my face.

And then suddenly I bump into you.

I was thinking the same thing, because like......

I've been searching my whole life to find my own place. And maybe it's the party talking,

Or the chocolate fondue.

But with you......

I found my place.

I see your face.

And it's nothing like I've ever known before.

Love is an open... door!!

Love is an open... door...Door...

Love is an open... door...

With you! With you!!!

Love is an open door.

I mean it's crazy. What? -?

We finish each other's...Sandwiches!... -

That's what I was gonna say!

I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me. Jinx... jinx again....!

Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation, You and I were just meant to be.

Say goodbye.

To the pain of the past.

We don't have to feel it anymore!

Love is an open... door!!

Love is an open door!!

Life can be so much more...with you! With you!...

Love is an open... door.

Can I say something crazy...??

Will you marry me??

Can I just say something even crazier??


Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there? Thank you. Oh, there she is....

Elsa! I mean... Queen...! ......

Me again. May I present,

Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.

Your Majesty.

We would like...your blessing.........

of... our marriage!

Marriage...? Yes! -

I'm sorry, I'm confused....

Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.

We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.

Of course we'll have soup,

roast, and ice cream and then......

Wait. Would we live here? ?

Here? -Absolutely! -!


Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...... What? No, no, no, no, no.?

Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...... Wait. Slow down.

No one's brothers are staying here.

No one is getting married.

Wait, what??

May I talk to you, please. Alone.?

No. Whatever you have to say, you... ...

you can say to both of us.

Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.

You Can if it's true love.

Anna, what do you know about true love?

More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.

You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.

Now, Excuse me.

Your Majesty, if I may ease your......

No, you may not. And I-I think you should go. ...

The party is over. Close the gates.

Yes, Your Majesty.

What? Elsa, no. No, wait!? ...

Give me my glove!

Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.

... Then leave....

... What did I ever do to you?!

Enough, Anna....

No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!

Why do you shut the world out?!

What are you so afraid of?!

I said, enough!

Sorcery. I knew there was

something dubious going on here.


There she is.

-Your Majesty! -Long live the Queen! -Queen Elsa...- - -...

-Come drink with us.-

-Queen Elsa.-

Your Majesty? Are you all right?

There she is! Stop her!

Please, just stay away from me....

Stay away!

Monster... Monster!...!



Wait, Please!!

Elsa, Stop!

Anna! -No.! -

The Fjord....


Yes, snow!

Are you all right? -No. -

Did you know? -No. -

Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!

The Queen has cursed this land!

She must be stopped!

You have to go after her... -Wait, no! -

You! Is there sorcery in you, too?

Are you a monster, too?

No. No. I'm completely ordinary.

That's right she is.

... In the best way....

And my sister's not a monster.

She nearly killed me.

You slipped on ice...-Her ice!... -

It was an accident. She was scared.

She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...... Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.

So I'm the one that needs to go after her.

-What? -Yeah. -Bring me my horse, please.? - Anna, no. It's too dangerous.

Elsa's not dangerous.

I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.

I'm coming with you... -No... -

I need you here to take care of Arendelle.

On my honor.

I leave Prince Hans in charge!

Are you sure you can trust her?

I don't want you getting hurt.

She's my sister,

She would never hurt me.

The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight, Not a footprint to be seen.

A kingdom of isolation.

And it looks like I'm the Queen.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried......

Don't let them in, Don't let them see,

Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.

Well, Now they know.

Let it go. Let it go.

Can't hold it back anymore.

Let it go. Let it go.

Turn away and Slam the door.

I don't care what they're going to say.

Let the storm rage on.

The cold never bothered me anyway.

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small. And the fears that once controlled me.

Can't get to me at all.

It's time to see what I can do,

To test the limits and Break through.

No right, No wrong, No rules for me...

I'm free!

Let it go! Let it go!

I am one with the wind and sky.

Let it go! Let it go!

You'll never see me cry.

Here I Stand And...

Here I'll stay.

Let the storm rage on...

My power flurries through the air into the ground.

My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.

And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...

I'm never going back,

The Past is in the Past!

Let it go! Let it go!

And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.

Let it go! Let it go!

That perfect girl is gone.

Here I stand in the light of day.

Let the storm rage on!

The cold never bothered me anyway.

Elsa! Elsa!! !

Elsa, It's me, Anna... ..

Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault. ...

Of course, none of this would have happened

if she'd just told me her secret... ha......

She's a stinker.

Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.


Snow, it had to be snow,

She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic

that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm......

Fire! Whoa!

Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.

Ooh! And Sauna......

Big summer blow out.

Half off swimming suits, clogs,

And a sun balm of my own invention, yah??

Oh, great.

For now, how about boots,...

Winter boots... and dresses?...?

That would be in our winter department.

Oh. Um, I was just wondering...Has another young woman,... The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?...? Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear. You and this fellow... Hoo hoo....

Big summer blow out.

Carrots. -Hah? -

Behind you.

Oh, right. Excuse me.

A real howler in July, Yes?

Where ever could it be coming from?

The North Mountain.

North Mountain.

That'll be forty.

Forty? No, ten.

Oh dear, that's no good. See.

These are from our winter stock,

where supply and demand have a big problem.

You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?

I sell ice for a living.

Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now....

I mean, that is really...

Ahem. That's unfortunate.

Still forty. But I will throw in a...

visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!

Hi, family.

Ten's all I got. Help me out.

Ten will get you this and no more.

Okay, just tell me one thing...What was...

...happening on the North Mountain??

Did it seem magical??

Yes! Now, back up

while I deal with this crook here.

What did you call me??

Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa! ......

Bye bye.

No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.

But I did find us a place to sleep.

And it's free.

I'm sorry about this violence.

I will add a quart of lutefisk,

So We'll have good feelings.

Just the outfit and boots, yah?

Reindeers are better than people.

Sven, Don't you think that's true?

-Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.-

-Every one of em's bad, Except you.-

Oh, Thanks, Buddy.

But People smell better than Reindeers.

Sven, Don't you think I'm right?

-That's once again true, For all Except you.-

You got me. Let's call it a night.

-Good night.-

Don't let the Frostbite bite.

Nice duet.

Oh, it's just you.

What do you want?

I want you to take me up the North Mountain.

I don't take people places.

Let me rephrase that......

Take me up the North Mountain...


Look, I know how to stop this winter.

We leave at Dawn......

And you forgot the carrots for Sven.

Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... ...

We leave now. Right now.

Hang on! We like to go fast!

I like fast!

Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you raised in a barn?

Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.

So tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy? Oh well, it was all my fault.

I got engaged but then she freaked out because... ... I'd only just met him, you know, that day.

And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage... Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met?? Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad.

And then she tried to walk away,

and I grabbed her glove......

Hang on. You mean to tell me.

You got engaged to someone you just met?!?

Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is... ...

she wore the gloves all the time,

So I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt. Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?? Yes, they did......

But Hans is not a stranger.

Oh yeah? What's his last name?


What's his favorite food? -Sandwiches.? -

Best friend's name? -Probably John. -

Eye color... -Dreamy. -

Foot size? -Foot size doesn't matter.? -

Have you had a meal with him yet??

What if you hate the way he eats??

What if you hate the way he picks his nose??

Picks his nose??

And eats it.

Excuse me, Sir. He's a Prince.

All men do it.

Ew. Look it doesn't matter, it's true love.

Doesn't sound like true love.

Are you some sort of love expert?

No. But I have friends who are. ...

You have friends who are love experts??

I'm not buying it... -Stop talking.... -

No, no, no. I'd like to meet these... ...

No, I mean it.


Sven, go. Go!

What are they? -Wolves. -


What do we do? -I've got this. -

You just... don't fall off and don't get eaten....

But I wanna help... -No.... -

Why not??

Because I don't trust your judgment.

Excuse me?!


Who marries a man she just met?

It's true love!


It's Kristoff! !


- You almost set me on fire! - But I didn't. -

Get ready to jump, Sven!

You don't tell him what to do!

I do! Jump, Sven!

But I just paid it off.

Uh-oh. No, no, no.

Grab on!

Pull, Sven! Pull!

I'll replace your sled and everything in it.

And I understand if you don't want to help me anymore. Of course I don't want to help her anymore.

In fact, this whole thing has ruined me.

For helping anyone ever again.

- But she'll die on her own. - I can live with that.- - But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.

You know sometimes I really don't like you.

Hold up. We're coming.

You are?!

I mean, sure. I'll let you tag along.

Arendelle... -It's completely frozen. ... -

But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.

Will she? -Yeah. -

Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?

More like this way.

I never knew winter could be so beautiful. YEAH... It really is beautiful, isn't it?... ?

But it's so white.

You know, how about a little color? ?

I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse...... How 'bout yellow...no, not yellow....

Yellow and snow? Brrrr... no go.?

Am I right??

- Hi! - You're creepy.- ! -

- I don't want it! -Back at you!- -

- Please don't drop me. - Come on, it's just a head.- - Don't!

All right, we got off to a bad start.

Ew, ew, the body!

Wait, what am I looking at right now? ?

Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?

...Al'right. Wait one second.

Oooh! Thank you! -You're welcome.! -

Now I'm perfect.

Well, almost.

It was like my whole life got upside down.

Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just... ...

Woo! Head Rush! Are you okay? ?

Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!

I've always wanted a nose.

So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn.

What? Hey! Whoa.

Oh, I love it even more! Hah... ...

All right, let's start this thing over.

Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs. Olaf??

That's right, Olaf.

And you are?

Oh, um... I'm Anna. ...

And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?

That's Sven.

Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?


They're...oh, okay...Makes things easier for me.... Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose.

I like you, too!

Olaf, Did Elsa build you?

Yeah. Why?

You know where she is? Yeah. Why? -

Do you think you could show us the way?

Yeah. Why? -How does this work? -

Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here.

Yeah, Why? -I'll tell you Why. -

We need Elsa to Bring back Summer.

Summer? - Uhum. - ...

Oh, I don't know why but. ...

I've always loved the idea of summer,

And Sun, and all things hot.


I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat. Nope!

But sometimes I like to close my eyes

and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come. Bees'll Buzz, Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz.

And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer.

A drink in my hand, My snow up against the burning sand. Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in Summer.

I'll finally see a summer breeze,

blow away a winter storm.

And find out what happens to

solid water, When it gets warm.

And I can't wait to see, what my buddies all think of me. Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer!

The hot and the cold are both so intense,

Put 'em together, It just makes sense!

Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,

But put me in summer and I'll be a......

Happy Snowman!

When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream

of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!

Oh the sky will be Blue...

And you guys'll be there too.

When I finally do what frozen things do in Summer!

- I'm gonna tell him. - Don't you dare.- -

In Summer!

So, Come on! Elsa's this way.

Let's go bring back summer!

I'm coming!

Somebody's got to tell him.

No. No. You've got the bark facing down.

The bark needs to be face-up.

Bark down is drier.

- Bark up... - Bark down.- -

Cloak. Does anyone need a cloak?

Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness.

The castle is open. There's soup

and hot glogg in the Great Hall.

Here. Pass these out.

Prince Hans, are we just

expected to sit here and freeze

while you give away all of Arendelle's Tradable goods? Princess Anna has given her orders and......

And that's another thing,

has it dawned on you that your Princess

may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress...

to destroy us all??

Do not question the Princess. She left me in charge,

and I will not hesitate to

protect Arendelle from treason.


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy. Easy. Easy.

- Princess Anna's horse. - What happened to her? - Where is she?- - - Princess Anna is in trouble.

I need volunteers to go with me to find her!

I volunteer two men, my Lord!

Be prepared for anything,

And should you encounter the Queen,

You are to put an end to this winter.

Do you understand?

So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?

Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.

That's your plan? My ice business is

riding on you talking to your sister.


So you're not at all afraid of her?

Why would I be? - Yeah. - ...

I bet Elsa's the nicest, gentlest,

Warmest person ever.

Oh, look at that.

I've been impaled.

What now?

It's too steep. I've only got one rope,

And you don't know how to climb mountains.

Says who?

What are you doing?

I'm going to see my sister....

You're going to kill yourself. I wouldn't put my foot there.

You're distracting me...Or there. -

How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?

I'm just blocking you out 'cause

I gotta concentrate here.

You know, most people who disappear

into the mountains want to be alone.

Nobody wants to be alone. Except maybe you...

I'm not alone...I have friends, remember?... ?

You mean the love experts??

Yes, the love experts! !

Please tell me I'm almost there.

Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?

Hang on... - Hey, Sven?... -

Not sure if this is going to solve the problem, but I found

a staircase that leads exactly where you want it to go.

Ha ha. Thank goodness. Catch! !

Thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise.

Now that's ice. I might cry.

Go ahead. I won't judge.

All right, take it easy. Come here, I gotcha.

Okay. You stay right here, buddy.


Knock... Just knock...... ...

Why isn't she knocking...??

Do you think she knows how to knock??

It opened. That's a first.

You should probably wait out here.


Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything. But. But...Oh come on, It's a palace made of ice. ...

Ice is my life... - Bye, Sven.... -

You too, Olaf.

Me? - Just give us a minute. -


One... two... Three... four... ............

Elsa? It's me... Anna. ..


Wow... Elsa, you look different.........

It's a good different...And this place.... ...

Is amazing... - Thank you. -

I never knew what I was capable of.

I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd known... ... No, it's okay.

You don't have to apologize.

But you should probably go, please.

But I just got here.

You belong in Arendelle.

So do you... - No, Anna. I belong here.... -


Where I can be who I am,

Without hurting anybody.

Actually, about that... - ......! ... - ....

Wait. What is that? ?

Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.


You Built me. You remember that?

And You're alive?

Um... I think so?... ?

He's just like the one we built as kids.


So we were so close.

We can be like that again.

Slow Down......


No, We can't....

Goodbye, Anna... - Elsa, wait... ... - ...

No, I'm just trying to protect you.

You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid.

Please don't shut me out again.

Please don't slam the door.

You don't have to keep your distance anymore.

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I finally understand.

For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in hand. We can head down this mountain Together.

You don't have to live in fear.

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I will be right here.

Anna, Please go back home.

Your life awaits.

Go enjoy the sun And open up the gates.

Yeah, But... - I know! You mean well, ... -

But leave me be.

Yes, I'm alone. But I'm alone and Free.

Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.

- Actually, We're not. - What do you mean You're not?

- - ?

I get the feeling you don't know??

What do I not know??

Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow.


You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere....... Everywhere??

It's okay, you can just unfreeze it.

No, I can't.

I don't know how... - Sure you can.... -

I know you can!!

'Cause for the first time in forever,

I'm such a Fool! I can't be Free!

You don't have to be afraid.

No escape From the storm inside of me!

We can work this out together.

I can't control the curse!

We'll reverse the storm you've made.

Anna, Please, You'll only make it worse!

Don't panic.

There's so much fear!

We'll make the sun shine bright.

You're not safe here!

We can face this thing together......

I can't!

Anna. Are you okay?

I'm okay... I'm fine... - Who's this?... - ?

Wait, it doesn't matter. Just...You have to go. ...

No, I know we can figure this out together......

How? What power do you have to stop this winter? ?

To stop me??

Anna, I think we should go.

No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa.

Yes, you are.

Stop. Put us down!

Go away!

Heads up!

Watch out for my butt!

It is not nice to throw people!

Wow, Wow, Wow Feisty pants. Ok, Relax.

Just Calm down. Calm down.

All Right. I'm Okay.

Just let the snow man be.

I'm Calm... - Great.... -

Oh... Come on! -

Uh-oh. See. Now you made him mad!

I'll distract him.

You guys go.

No, no, not you guys.

This just got a whole lot harder.

What are you doing??

I got him!!

It's a hundred foot drop.

It's two hundred.

- What's that for? - I'm digging a snow anchor. -

Okay. What if we fall?

There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there.

It'll be like landing on a pillow......


Okay, Anna. On three.

- One... - Okay. You tell me when...- ... - ...

- Two... - I'm ready to go...I was born ready! Yes! - ... - ... Calm down.


What the... Whoa! That happened....

Ah. Ah. Man, am I out of shape.

There we go. Hey, Anna! Sven!

Where'd ya guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there! Hey. We were just talking about you.

All good things, all good things. ~~


This is not making much of a difference! Is it?


Hang in there, guys! - Go Faster!-

Wait, what?


Don't come back!

We won't.

Hey, you were right. Just like a pillow.


I can't feel my legs!

Those are my legs.

Ooh. Hey, do me a favor, grab my butt.

Oh, That feels better.

Hey, Sven! He found us.

Who's my cute little reindeer?

Don't talk to him like that.


You okay? - Thank you. -

Um... How's your head?

I mean, It's fine. Ah... I'm good. ...

Ha. I've got a thick skull.

I don't have a skull...Or bones....


So Now what? - Now what? -

Now what?!

Oooh! What am I gonna do?~~

She threw me out. I can't go back to

Arendelle with the weather like this.

And then there's your ice business......

Hey, hey, don't worry about my ice business...

Worry about your hair? - What? -

Just fell off a Cliff. You should see your hair.

- No, yours is turning white. - White? It's... what? - ?

It's because she struck you, isn't it? ?

Does it look bad??

No. - You hesitated. -

No, I didn't. Anna, you need help. Okay? Come on.

Okay! Where are we going? - To see my friends. -

The love experts? - Love experts?!-

And don't worry, they'll be able to fix this.

How do you know?

Because I've seen them do it before.

I like to consider myself a love expert.

Get it together. Control it.

Don't feel. Don't feel.

Don't feel!

Look, Sven. The sky's awake.

Are you cold? - A little. -

Wait. Come here.

So, About my friends... ...

Well, I say friends, they're more like family... ... Anyway, when I was a kid, it was just me and Sven

until you know, they took us in.

They did? - Yeah. -

I don't want to scare you, they can be

a little bit inappropriate......

And loud... very loud.........

They're also stubborn at times, And a little Overbearing. And heavy. Really, really heavy. Which you... But You know, you okay. They're fine. They mean well. Kristoff, they sound wonderful.

冰雪奇缘 英语台词加翻译

Elsa.Psst! 喂艾尔莎 Elsa 艾尔莎 Wake up.wake up.wake up. 醒醒醒醒快醒醒 Anna,go back to sleep. I just can't .The sky's awake,so I'm awake, 我就是睡不着天上有光我就是睡不着 So we have to play. 所以起来玩吧 Go play by yourself. 你自己去玩吧 Do you want to build a snowman? 快来陪我堆雪人嘛 Come on,come on,come on,come on. 快来快来快来快来 Do the magic!Do the magic! 快用魔法快用魔法 Ready? 准备好了吗 This is amazing! 太神奇了 Watch this! 看这个 Hi,I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. 你好我叫奥洛夫我喜欢热情的拥抱 I love you,Olaf. 我喜欢你奥洛夫 Hang on .-Catch me!-Gotcha! -等等-接住我-接住你了 Again!-Wait! -再来一次–等等 Slow down! 慢点儿 Anna! 安娜 Anna? 安娜 Mama!papa! 妈妈爸爸 You're okay,Anna.I got you. 我会保护你的 Elsa,what have done?This is getting out of hand!

艾尔莎你干了什么太过分了 It was an accident.I am sorry,Anna. 这是个意外我很抱歉安娜 She's ice cold. 她像冰一样冰冷 I known where we have to go. - -我知道该去哪儿 Ice? 冰 Faster,Sven chan 再快点斯温! Sven! 斯温 Please…Help! 请帮帮我 My daughter! 我女儿她 He is the king! 是国王 Trolls…? 地精 Shush.I′m trying to listen. 安静我正听着呢 Cuties,I′m gonna keep you. 小可爱们,我要把你们都留下 Your Majesty! 国王陛下 Born with the powers or cursed? 是生来就有还是中了恶咒 Born.And they′re getting stronger. 生来就有而且法力越来越强了 You are lucky it wasn′t her heart. 幸好伤到的不是她的心 The heart is not so easily changed,心不容易恢复 But the head can be persuaded. 头却不难治好 Do you what you must 请你尽力 I recommend we remove all magic 我建议抹去所有和魔法有关的东西 even memories of magic to be safe…为了保险有魔法的记忆都不要留‘


冰雪奇缘 它来自寒冷的冬天,裹挟着山中的雨滴 Born of cold and winter air,and mountain rain combining. 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍受但绝对公平 This icy force both foul and fair. 它有一颗值得探索的冰冻的心 Has a frozen heart worth mining. 我们来剖开它的内心,它冷淡而透明 So cut through the heart,cold and clear. 拷问爱也拷问恐惧 Strike for love and strike for fear. 它的美丽锋利而透明 See the beauty sharp and sheer. 切开冰封,释放这冰冻的心 Split the ice apart and break the frozen heart. 哈!嚯!注意脚下!起! Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 哈!嚯!注意脚下!起! Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 多么美丽!多么强力! Beautiful! Powerful! 多么危险!多么冷酷! Dangerous! Cold!

冰雪的魔力无人能控 Ice has a magic can't be controlled. 比一个人强,比十个人强 Stronger than one, stronger than ten 一百个男人也比它不上! Stronger than a hundred men! 它来自寒冷的冬天,裹挟着山中的雨滴 Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍受但绝对公平 This icy force both foul and fair 它有一颗值得探索的冰冻的心 has a frozen heart worth mining. 我们来剖开它的内心,它冷淡而透明 Cut through the heart,cold and clear. 拷问爱也拷问恐惧 Strike for love and strike for fear. 它多么美,又多么危险 There's beauty and there's danger here. 切开冰封 Split the ice apart! 当心这冰冻的心 Beware the frozen heart. 来吧,小斯! Come on, Sven! 艾莎,嘘 Elsa. Psst 艾莎 Elsa! 起来!起来!


1?Born of cold and Win ter air And mou nta in rain comb inin g,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2?This icy force both foul a nd fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3?Has a frozen heart worth mi nin g.誓破坚冰续奇缘 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear劈开冰块冷又坚 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 6?See the beauty Sharp and Shee冰雪美人冷艳又危险 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前 8 ?And break the frozen heart.用爱融化冰圭寸的心! 9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大! 12?Da ngerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险! 13?Ice has a magic Can't be con trolled 冰雪的魔力难驾驭 14?Stro nger tha n one, Stron ger tha n ten一当十一当百 15?Stro nger than a hun dred men 谁人能挡寒冬至 16?Born of cold and win ter air And moun ta in rain combi nin g.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17?This icy force both Foul a nd Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mi nin g.誓破坚冰续奇缘 19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.劈开冰块冷又坚 20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 21?There's beauty and there's Da nger here冰雪美人冷艳又危险 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前 23?Beware the frozen heart.用爱融化冰圭寸的心! 24Come on, Sven快跟上斯特! 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂 26 Elsa!艾莎! 27Wake up. Wake up. Wake u快醒醒快醒醒 28Anna, go back to sleep安娜快回去睡觉 29I just can't. The sky's awake, so rm awake我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着 30so we have to play快起来陪我玩吧 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 32Do you want to build a sno wma n?尔想不想堆个雪人 33Come on, come on, come on, come oi快!快! 姐姐快! 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法! 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔... 36This is amazi ng!哇!好神奇! 37Watch this!看好了! 38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱!

冰雪奇缘台词 纯英文

Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining, This icy force both foul and fair. Has a frozen heart worth mining. Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear. Strike for love And Strike for fear. See the beauty Sharp and Sheer. Split the ice apart. And break the frozen heart. Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic Can't be controlled. Stronger than one, Stronger than ten. Stronger than a hundred men! Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining. This icy force both Foul and Fair. Has a frozen heart worth mining. Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear. Strike for love and strike for fear. There's beauty and there's Danger here. Split the ice apart! Beware the frozen heart. Come on, Sven! Elsa. Psst Elsa! Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Anna, go back to sleep. I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play. .Go play by yourself. Do you want to build a snowman? Come on, come on, come on, come on. Do the magic! Do the magic! Ready? - Uhhm... - ... This is amazing! Watch this! Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. I love you, Olaf. Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha! - Again! Wait! - Slow down! Anna!! Anna?? Mama! Papa! You Ok, Anna. I Got you. Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand! It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna. - She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. - Ice?


1 ?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 2 ?This icy force both foul and fair? 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 3 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 4 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透 5 ?Strike for love And Strike for fear? 为了爱不畏恐惧 6 ?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer? 一双善于发现美丽的 眼睛 7 ?Split the ice apart? 打破寒冰结境 8 ?And break the frozen heart? 融化冰封之心 9 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!? 全神贯注!放手去爱! 11 ?Beautiful! Powerful!? 美丽!强大! 12 ?Dangerous! Cold!? 危险!寒冷! 13 ?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled? 寒冰的魔力无法被掌 控 14 ?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten? 胜过一人胜过十人 15

?Stronger than a hundred men!? 胜过一百个人! 16 ?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining? 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 17 ?This icy force both Foul and Fair? 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining? 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 19 ?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear? 凿穿冰封之心冰冷 又剔透 20 ?Strike for love and strike for fear? 为了爱不畏恐惧 21 ?There's beauty and there's Danger here? 危险而又美丽 22 ?Split the ice apart!? 打破寒冰结境 23 ?Beware the frozen heart? 小心冰封的心 24 Come on, Sven! 快跟上斯文! 25 Elsa. Psst! 埃尔莎喂! 26 Elsa! 埃尔莎! 27 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! 醒醒醒醒快醒醒! 28 Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜回去睡觉 29 I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 我睡不着天醒着所 以我也醒着 30 So, we have to play. 我们得起来玩游戏


1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰2?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前 8 ?And break the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大! 12?Dangerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险! 13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.?冰雪的魔力难驾驭 14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.?一当十一当百 15?Stronger than a hundred men!?谁人能挡寒冬至? 16?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰17?This icy force both Foul and Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 21?There's beauty and there's Danger here.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前 23?Beware the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特! 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂 26 Elsa!艾莎! 27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒 28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉 29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人? 33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快! 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法! 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦!- 喔... 36This is amazing!哇!好神奇! 37Watch this!看好了! 38Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨!我叫雪宝,喜欢热情的拥抱! 39I love you, Olaf.我爱你雪宝 40Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我!-接住啦! 41Again! Wait!再来一次!-等下! 42Slow down!慢一点! 43Anna!安娜! 44Anna?安娜? 45Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸! 46You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的安娜姐姐抱 47Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!艾莎你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了!48It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.都是我不小心对不起安娜 49- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她浑身冰凉!-我知道怎样救她 50Ice?雪?



1 Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 2 This icy force both foul and fair 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽3 Has a frozen heart worth mining 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 4 Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透5 Strike for love And Strike for fear 为了爱不畏恐惧 6 See the beauty Sharp and Sheer 一双善于发现美丽的眼睛 7 Split the ice apart 打破寒冰结境 8 And break the frozen heart 融化冰封之心 9 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 全神贯注!放手去爱! 10 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 全神贯注!放手去爱! 11 Beautiful! Powerful! 美丽!强大! 12 Dangerous! Cold! 危险!寒冷! 13 Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 寒冰的魔力无法被掌控 14 Stronger than one, Stronger than ten 胜过一人胜过十人 15 Stronger than a hundred men! 胜过一百个人! 16 Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出 了她


Frozen 《冰雪奇缘》 主要人物:E: Elsa A: Anna H: Prince Hans K: Kristoff M: Minister 旁白:There are two beautiful princesses Elsa and Anna in the picturesque Arendelle. Elsa was born with the ability to create snow and ice. With Elsa's age growing, her magical ability becomes stronger and stronger.what's worse,she even hurt her little sister Anna.To conceal her magic, the king askall his servants to close all the gates and stop Elsa meeting anyone, including Anna. 在四面环海、风景如画的阿伦黛尔王国,生活着两位可爱美丽的小公主,艾莎和安娜。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的能力,但随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至在与妹妹玩耍时险些夺走妹妹的生命。为了不让任何人发现她的魔力,从那一天起,国王紧闭宫门,艾沙被限制与人的接触,也包括妹妹Anna。 第一幕:40” 场景一:Anna想去找姐姐Elsa来和自己玩,在姐姐的房间敲门询问,可是姐姐不出来。(Anna.边敲门边问) A:Elsa?Elsa? Do you wanna build a snowman? (你想堆雪人吗?)Come on, let's go and play (我都没再见到你,) Come out the door (出来吧。) It's like you've gone away (你就像不曾存在。) We used to be best buddies And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why ?(我期盼你能告诉我这是为何?) Do you wanna build a snowman? (你想堆雪人吗?) It doesn't have to be a snowman.(也不一定要堆雪人!) E:Go away, Anna. (安娜,走开吧!) A:Okay, bye.(好吧...掰~) (以上这段是唱出来的,音乐曲目《"Do You Want to Build a Snowman?"》) 第二幕: 旁白:Three years later, and finally reached the age of Elsa crowned.On the coronation day, gates finally open, and the nobility come to congratulate. 三年后,终于到了Elsa加冕的年龄。加冕那天城门终于打开了,各国王公齐来祝贺。 场景二:城堡的门口,众人等待开城门,祝贺女王加冕 M(迎接宾客):Welcome to Arendelle! (欢迎来到阿伦黛尔!) Watch your step, please. (当心您的脚步。)


冰雪奇缘台词中英文对照完整版 1?Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰 2?This icy force both foul and fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 3?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 4?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 5?Strike for love And Strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 6?See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 7?Split the ice apart.?掘开寒冰勇向前 8 ?And break the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 9?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 10 ?Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!?嘿!嗬!踏歌行,随心去 11?Beautiful! Powerful!?美丽又强大! 12?Dangerous! Cold!?寒冷又危险! 13?Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.?冰雪的魔力难驾驭 14?Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.?一当十一当百 15?Stronger than a hundred men!?谁人能挡寒冬至? 16?Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.?天上甘露凝成雪,山中泉水聚成冰 17?This icy force both Foul and Fair.?冰雪严寒只等闲 18 ?Has a frozen heart worth mining.?誓破坚冰续奇缘 19?Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.?劈开冰块冷又坚 20?Strike for love and strike for fear.?战胜恐惧求真爱 21?There's beauty and there's Danger here.?冰雪美人冷艳又危险 22 ?Split the ice apart!?掘开寒冰勇向前 23?Beware the frozen heart.?用爱融化冰封的心! 24Come on, Sven!快跟上斯特! 25 Elsa. Psst艾莎喂 26 Elsa!艾莎! 27Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒醒快醒醒 28Anna, go back to sleep.安娜快回去睡觉 29I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着天还醒着我也醒着 30so we have to play.快起来陪我玩吧 31.Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 32Do you want to build a snowman?你想不想堆个雪人? 33Come on, come on, come on, come on.快!快!姐姐快! 34Do the magic! Do the magic!快用你的魔法!用魔法! 35Ready? - Uhhm...准备好哦! - 喔... 36This is amazing!哇!好神奇! 37Watch this!看好了!



Elsa.Psst! 喂艾尔莎 Elsa 艾尔莎 Wake up.wake up.wake up. 醒醒醒醒快醒醒 Anna,go back to sleep. I just can't .The sky's awake,so I'm awake, 我就是睡不着天上有光我就是睡不着 So we have to play. 所以起来玩吧 Go play by yourself. 你自己去玩吧 Do you want to build a snowman? 快来陪我堆雪人嘛 Come on,come on,come on,come on. 快来快来快来快来 Do the magic!Do the magic! 快用魔法快用魔法 Ready? 准备好了吗 This is amazing!

太神奇了 Watch this! 看这个 Hi,I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. 你好我叫奥洛夫我喜欢热情的拥抱 I love you,Olaf. 我喜欢你奥洛夫 Hang on .-Catch me!-Gotcha! -等等-接住我-接住你了 Again!-Wait! -再来一次–等等 Slow down! 慢点儿 Anna! 安娜 Anna? 安娜 Mama!papa! 妈妈爸爸 You're okay,Anna.I got you. 我会保护你的 Elsa,what have done?This is getting out of

hand! 艾尔莎你干了什么太过分了 It was an accident.I am sorry,Anna. 这是个意外我很抱歉安娜 She's ice cold. 她像冰一样冰冷 I known where we have to go. - -我知道该去哪儿 Ice? 冰 Faster,Sven chan 再快点斯温! Sven! 斯温 Please…Help! 请帮帮我 My daughter! 我女儿她 He is the king! 是国王 Trolls…? 地精



英文版:Thesnowglowswhiteonthemountaintonight Notafootprinttobeseen Akingdomofisolation,anditlookslikeI'mtheQueen Thewindishowlinglikethisswirlingstorminside Couldn'tkeepitin Heavenknowstried Don'tletthemin,don'tletthemsee Bethegoodgirlyoualwayshavetobe Conceal,don'tfeel,don'tletthemknow Wellnowtheyknow Letitgo,letitgo Can'tholdmebackanymore Letitgo,letitgo

Turnawayandslamthedoor Idon'tcare Whatthey'regoingtosay Letthestormrageon Thecoldneverbotheredmeanyway It'sfunnyhowsomedistance Makeseverythingseemsmall Andthefearsthatoncecontrolledme Can'tgettomeatall It'stimetoseewhatIcando Totestthelimitsandbreakthrough Noright,nowrong,norulesforme I'mfree Letitgo,letitgo

Iamonewiththewindandsky Letitgo,letitgo You'llneverseemecry HereIstand AndhereIstay Letthestormrageon Mypowerflurriesthroughtheairintotheground Mysoulisspiralinginfrozenfractalsallaround Andonethoughtcrystallizeslikeanicyblast I'mnevergoingback, Thepastisinthepast Letitgo,letitgo WhenI'llriselikethebreakofdawn Letitgo,letitgo


For the First Time in Forever好久没在生命里安娜: The window is open, so’s that door所有的门和窗打开了 I didn’t know they did that anymore我真不知道他们这么做 Who knew we owned a thousand salad plates? 装沙拉的盘子有八千个 For years I’ve roamed these empty halls 空空的舞厅常走过 Why have a ballroom with no balls? 不举行舞会做什么 Finally they’re opening up the gates他们终于把门打开了There’ll be actual real live people真实的嘉宾将会到来 It’ll be totally strange这感觉有点奇怪 Wow, am I so ready for this change 但我已准备好这转变了 Cuz for the first time in forever 因为好久没在生命里There’ll be music, there’ll be light音乐响起灯亮起 For the first time in forever 好久没在我生命里 I’ll be dancing through the night夜里跳舞不停息 Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy不知道我有多喜气洋溢 But I’m somewhere in the zone但我一定在那里 Cuz for the first time in forever 因为好久没在生命里 I won’t be alone我不再孤寂 Tonight imagine me gown and all, 想想今晚我的新晚装fetchingly draped against the wall 妩媚地轻轻靠着墙 A picture of sophisticated grace 这张图画又高贵又大方 I suddenly see him standing there, 我突然看到他站在一旁 a beautiful stranger, tall and fair 高大陌生人美丽目光 I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face 我想把所有巧克力吃光 But then we laugh and talk all evening, 当我们聊了整个晚上 Which is totally bizarre 有点奇异和反常 Nothing like the life I’ve lead so far我的人生此刻才开放 For the first time in forever 好久没在我生命里 There’ll be magic, there’ll be fun感到乐趣与惊喜 For the first time in forever 好久没在我生命里 I could be noticed by someone 吸引到别人的注意 And I know it’s totally crazy我知道我是有一些疯狂 To dream I’d find romance梦想浪漫天地


《冰雪奇缘》16句中英文经典台词 《冰雪奇缘》英文名《Frozen》,这一部影片凭借着优美的歌曲和个性的电影人物迅速红遍世界,其歌曲《Let It Go》更是一片红,连爸爸去哪儿2中的姐姐grace也拿它当起床铃声。今天新通外语小编就为大家梳理下影片中的一些经典台词。让大家边看边积累词汇,助雅思一臂之力。 冰雪奇缘(资料图) 1.在迷人的阿伦黛尔,诞生了一位神秘的女王,她天生拥有呼风唤雪的魔力,却被恐惧孤独地包围。魔力被一直隐藏,却终有释放的一天。 1 in the charming Allen Dale, the birth of a mysterious queen, she was born with a suction call snow magic, but fear loneliness surround. Magic is always hidden, but eventually the release day. 2.我会带姐姐回家,我会搞定的 2 I will take her home, I will fix it 3.你不怕她吗? 3 you are not afraid of her? 她是我姐姐,她绝对不会伤害我 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!

She is my sister, she would never hurt me 4.没错,我觉得她是最善良的人,不是吗? 4 yes, I think she is the most kind-hearted people, isn't it? 你可真是恐怖 You can be really terror 5.大家好,我叫雪宝。 5 Hello, my name is located. 你是爱莎堆出来的吗? You are Essar out of the heap? 6.我们需要爱莎把夏天带过来 6 we need Essar to take over the summer 7.好可爱!就像个婴儿的独角兽 7 lovely! Like a baby Unicorn 8.乱扔雪人可不礼貌 8 litter Snowman not polite 9.我们先要挺过这场暴风雪 9 we'll get through this storm 10.那不是暴风雪,那是我姐姐! 10 that is not a snow storm, it is my sister! 11有生以来第一次,我的梦想变成现实 留学改变人生,教育改变中国!


冰雪奇缘 Born of cold and winter air 生于寒冬 And mountain rain combining 山雨降临 This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融So out through the heart 剖开心房 Cold and clear 冰冷清澈 Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧See the beauty sharp and sheer 直至看到锋利的壮美Split the ice apart 切开冰块 And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 打破冰冻的心Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去 Watch your step Let it go 小心走,随它去 Beautiful Powerful 美丽而强大 Dangerous Cold 危险而冰冷 Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 冰之力,束不住Stronger than one 胜过一人 Stronger than ten 胜过十人 Stronger than a hundred men!胜过百人 Born of cold And winter air 生于寒冬 And mountain rain combining 山雨降临 This icy force both foul and fair 冰冷的魔力,似善似恶Has a frozen heart worth mining 封冻的心灵,渴望消融Cut through the heart 剖开心房 Cold and clear 冰冷清澈 Strike for love and strike for fear 追寻爱情,驱赶恐惧There's beauty and there's danger here 这里有花也有刺Split the ice apart 切开冰块 Beware the frozen heart 当心冰冷的心 Come on, Sven. 跟上,斯文 Elsa. Psst!爱尔莎Elsa!爱尔莎

冰雪奇缘中英文剧本 打印版

1 Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 2 This icy force both foul and fair 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 3 Has a frozen heart worth mining 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 4 Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透 5 Strike for love And Strike for fear 为了爱不畏恐惧 6 See the beauty Sharp and Sheer 一双善于发现美丽的眼睛 7 Split the ice apart 打破寒冰结境 8 And break the frozen heart 融化冰封之心 9 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 全神贯注!放手去爱! 10 Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! 全神贯注!放手去爱! 11 Beautiful! Powerful! 美丽!强大! 12 Dangerous! Cold! 危险!寒冷! 13 Ice has a magic Can't be controlled 寒冰的魔力无法被掌控 14 Stronger than one, Stronger than ten 胜过一人胜过十人 15 Stronger than a hundred men! 胜过一百个人! 16 Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining 寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她 17 This icy force both Foul and Fair 冰雪的力量危险而又美丽 18 Has a frozen heart worth mining 一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘 19 Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear 凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透 20 Strike for love and strike for fear 为了爱不畏恐惧 21 There's beauty and there's Danger here 危险而又美丽 22 Split the ice apart! 打破寒冰结境 23 Beware the frozen heart 小心冰封的心 24 Come on, Sven! 快跟上斯文! 25 Elsa. Psst! 埃尔莎喂! 26 Elsa! 埃尔莎! 27 Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! 醒醒醒醒快醒醒! 28 Anna, go back to sleep. 安娜回去睡觉 29 I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 我睡不着天醒着所以我也醒着 30 So, we have to play. 我们得起来玩游戏 31 Go play by yourself. 自己玩去吧 32 Do you want to build a snowman 你想堆雪人吗 33 Come on, come on, come on, come on! 快来快来快来快来! 34 Do the magic! Do the magic! 快用魔法!快用魔法! 35 Ready Uh-huh. 准备好了吗啊哈 36 This is amazing! 真是太神奇啦! 37 Watch this! 看这个! 38 Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. 嗨我是雪宝我喜欢热情的拥抱 39 I love you, Olaf! 我爱你雪宝 40 Hang on! 等一下! 41 Catch me! 接住我! 42 Gotcha! 接住啦!

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