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1、- When are you going on holiday? - _________ Next week.

2、- Are you fond of reading novels? - _________ Yes. I like reading novels.

3、- Excuse me, sir. I'm writing a research paper on Chinese culture. Do you mind answering a few questions?

- _________ No, of course not.

4、- Good-bye for now. - _________ See you.

5、- I wish you success in your career. - _________ The same to you.

6、- I am going to ask for a pay rise. - _________ I think you may talk to your boss.

7、- This is Bill speaking. May I speak to Mr. Smith? - _________. Here he comes. Hold on.

8、- What's the problem with your bike? - _________ Nothing serious.

9、- You speak very good English. - _________ Thank you very much.

10、- Paul, this is my friend, Ann. - _________ Glad to meet you, Ann.

11、- We've just checked into Room 218 and I'm afraid there are no towels in the bathroom. - _______ Oh, I'm sorry about that.

12、- How much is this blue tablecloth? - _________ Ten dollars and thirty cents.

13、- Excuse me, it's urgent I'd like to talk to your manager. - _________ Hold the line, please. I'll put you through.

14、- Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? - _________ I believe not.

15、- Great party, isn't it?- _________ Yeah, really.

16、- I've heard that you are going to Thailand? - Yes, I'll leave on Sunday.- That's great! _______ Have a nice journey!

- Thank you!

17、-I enjoyed the food very much. -I'm glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. -_______ Yes, I will.

18、- Bob, you have a very successful business! _______ Well done!- Thank you!

19、- Welcome to the party! _______ How pretty you are today!- Thank you!

20、- Sorry to trouble you. - _________ It's a pleasure.

21、- I heard you got a full mark in the English exam. Congratulations! - _________ Thanks.

22、- Good morning, John . How are you doing? - _________ Not so bad. And you?

23、-I'm taking my driving test next week. -_______ Good luck!

24、- Why don't you come to my birthday party this Sunday? - _________ Ok, I will.

25、- What do you do? - _________ I'm a college student.

26、- Bring me the bill, please. - _________ Please wait for a moment, sir.

27、-Don't forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know you've arrived safely.

-I won't forget. Good-bye then. -_______ Have a nice trip.

28、-__ _____ Did you do it yourself? I like your new hair style.-I'm glad you like it. My sister did it for me.

29、- What are you going to do? - _________ I'm planning to go to the cinema with my friend.

30、- Good night and thanks again. - _______ Good night.

31、- Carol, you look very well. - Thank you, Jane. You look wonderful too. Your weekend tennis must have done you good.

- _______You think so? That's encouraging.

32、- I'm looking for a shirt for my father. - _________What size does your father wear?

33、- Excuse me, could you tell me the time? - ________ It's three thirty by my watch.

34、- May I borrow those magazines? - _____ ___ You may keep them for two weeks. By all means.

35、- Hello, may I talk to Jerry?- Sorry, he is out of the office right now. ______ Would you like to leave a message?

36、- She is running a fever, but now it is under control - _________ I will go and see her after work.

37、- Hello, Peter. What do you do? - _________ I am a student from Bonn University.

38、- Why didn't you tell me? - _________ Sorry, I forgot.

39、-I think I'm coming down with a bad cold. -_______ Then you'd better see a doctor.

40、- Do you happen to have twenty dollars with you? - _____ ____ What for?- I want to buy a notebook.

41、- How much is this necklace? - _________ It costs fifty pounds.

42、- Welcome to Unitex International. I hope you will enjoy your work here. - _________ I am sure I will.

43、- We are planning an outing. _________ Do you want to join us?- Sure.

44、- Would you like to have some coffee? - _________ No, thank you.

45、- What are you majoring in? - _________ Mathematics.

46、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ Nice to meet you too.

47、- How do you do? - _________ How do you do?

48、- If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me. - _______ Thanks. I think I will.