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A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit read our tips below:

Visit at Night

Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris, you’ll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. At street level, the spotlights on the top of the Tower and the reflections (倒影) of the Tower in the Seine (塞纳河) are sights not to be missed.

Purchase (购买) Your Ticket in Advance Online

Avoid the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website.

You’ll pick a time to visit and then select w hether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad, a convenient choice if you buy your ticket in Paris without a printer.

Don’t Bring Valuable Objects with You

Before entering the Eiffel Tower, your bags will be examined by a security officer. If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. Probably you will miss the chance to go up the Eiffel Tower.

Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower

If you’re like us, after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower, you’ll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe. Across the Seine in the Trocadero area, there are many elegant cafes. The atmosphere is great, but the prices are in the stratosphere (极高水平). Actually, the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself.

21. Why does the author suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower at night?

A. Because you can have special sights of the city of Pairs.

B. Because you can stand on the top of the Eiffel Tower.

C. Because you can see the Seine as clearly as possible.

D. Because you can avoid the crowds and enjoy it peacefully.

22. What can be inferred from this article?

A. A printer will be necessary if you want to buy a ticket.

B. Tickets to the Eiffel Tower can only be bought online.

C. Tourists are not allowed to take bags to the Eiffel Tower.

D. Some objects can’t be brought to the Eiffel Towel.

23. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The Eiffel Tower provides expensive foods and drinks.

B. The author recommends tourists have snacks on the Eiffel Tower.

C. You will spend more if you have snacks at the Eiffel Tower.

D. The author prefers to eat across the Seine.

【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B


Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine, an early Christian churchman who helped young lovers. Valentine was killed for his Christian beliefs on February 14 more than 1,700 years ago, but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.

More than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers. As part of the celebration, girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container. Boys reached into the container and pulled one out. The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweetheart for a year. Today, lovers still put their names on pieces of paper and they send each other Valentine’s Day cards that tell of their love. Sometimes they also send gifts, like flowers or chocolate candy. Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system. But some used another way to send this message. They have it printed in a newspaper. The cost is usually a few dollars. Some of the messages are simple and short, “Jane, I love you very much.” Others say more. This one, for example, “Roses are red. Violets are blue. I hope you love me as much as I love you. Forever, Mary.”

Most of the newspapers that print such messages are local, but USA Today is sold throughout the United States and 90 other countries as well. This means someone can send a Valentine message

to a lover in a far-away city or town almost anywhere in the world. These messages cost 80 dollars and more. An employee of USA Today says readers can have a small heart or rose printed along with thei r messages this year. Will this kind of Valentine’s Day message reach the one you love? Well, just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.

24. Which time period did Saint Valentine live in?

A. More than 1,700 years ago.

B. More than 2,000 years ago.

C. More than 3,700 years ago.

D. More than 300 years ago.

25. According to Para. 2, which of the following is not part of celebration on Valentine’s Day?

A. Lovers put their names on pieces of paper.

B. Lovers send each other cards that tell of their love.

C. Lovers talk about their love stories on TV programs.

D. Lovers send gifts and cards through the mail system.

26. What is the cost of printing a message in USA Today to show one’s love?

A. For free.

B. A few dollars.

C. Less than 80 dollars.

D. 80 dollars and more.

27. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce the origin of Valentine’s day and its modern style.

B. To advertise for the newspaper—USA Today.

C. To tell you that Americans are open to express their love.

D. To call on all the lovers to remember Saint Valentine forever.

【答案】24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A


Nelson Mandela is respected and admired around the world. And to South Africans he is a superstar. He is a hero who shocked the world by fighting for peace between races, despite the 27 years he spent in the prison of the South Africa’s white, racist regime (种族主义政权).

Mandela who won the nation’s first all-race elections after the fall of apartheid (种族隔离) in 1994, retired in 1999. But he remains as popular as ever. His popularity has inspired

an entire national industry. His portrait (肖像) has appeared at many places, including on some goods. His face has appeared on a South African coin, and some business leaders hope to build a statue in his likeness—the Statue of Freedom. It would stand taller than New York’s Statue of Liberty.

“His popularity is similar to that of John F. Kennedy with US or Winston Churchill in Britain, but few politicians in his times have achieved his level of admiration,” said Tom Lodge, head of the political science department of the University of the Witwatersrand, “What a skilled performer Mandela has been throughout his political career! He’s a very, very clever man.”

However, he is far from perfect. Most articles for his birthday, which appeared in every major South African newspaper on the day, briefly mentioned that Mandela did have his shortcomings.

Then they returned to their flowing praises. “Through the ages, the human race has had its icons (偶像)—men and women who rose above ordinary people to inspire their generations,” The Mail and Guardian Weekly said. “In our generation, the gods presented us Nelson Mandela.”

28. Mandela is a hero to South Africans because ________.

A. he’s as popular as Kennedy and Churchill

B. he spent 27 years in prison

C. he’s a great fighter against the racialism

D. he’s the first all-race elections president

29. What can we learn about Mandela?

A. He is not so popular as before.

B. His portrait has appeared on some goods.

C. He is the greatest politician in history.

D. He did not realize his own shortcomings.

30. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means ______.

A. Mandela was as great as a god

B. we are proud to live in Mandela’s times

C. Mandela often gave presents to others

D. we are proud to know Mandela

31. What can be the best title of the article?

A. The Statue of Freedom in South Africa

B. South Africa’s white, racist regime

C. Mandela, the hero to South Africans

D. Mandela, Kennedy and Churchill

【答案】28. C 29. B 30. B 31. C


The World Happiness Report, a United Nations agency report, measures (估量) how happy people are, and why. Norway is the happiest place on earth—beating neighbour Denmark from the number one position.

Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland are among the top five, while the Central African Republic came last. Western Europe and North America took up most of the places at the top of table, with the US and UK at 14th and 19th respectively.

The World Happiness Report mainly depends on asking a simple question of more than 1,000 people every y ear in more than 150 countries. “Imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top,” the question asks. “The top of the ladder is the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder is the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?”

The average (平均的) result is the country’s score—from Norway’s 7.54 to the central African Republic’s 2.69. But the report also tries to explain why one country is happier th an another. It looks at reasons including economic strength, social support, freedom of choice, and generosity.

This year’s report also has a text titled “restoring (恢复) American happiness”, which examines why happiness levels in the United States are falling, despite continually-increasing economic improvement. “The United States can and should raise happiness by solving American’s social problems—rising inequality and distrust—rather than focusing mainly on economic growth,” the authors said.

Jeffrey Sachs, the director of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, which published the report, said President Donald Trump’s policies were likely to make things worse.

32. Which of the following are the top five happiest countries?

A. The US, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland.

B. The UK, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland.

C. South Africa, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland.

D. Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland.

33. How does the World Happiness Report mainly measure happiness?

A. By asking a question.

B. By having a conversation.

C. By doing scientific research.

D. By carrying out an online survey.

34. What problem is the US faced with?

A. Its people live an unhappy life.

B. Its economy is going downhill.

C. Its social pr oblems can’t be solved.

D. It has a lower happiness level than before.

35. What’s Jeffrey Sachs’ attitude toward Donald Trump’s policies?

A. Supportive.

B. Unfavorable.

C. Respectful.

D. Uncaring.

【答案】32. D 33. A 34. D 35. B



How to Stay Out of Trouble

Sometimes it may seem like you're always getting into trouble with your teachers or your parents. ____36____ The best thing to do is to stop trouble before it starts. It's always possible to turn over a new leaf.

1. ___37___ Joining a sports team is a great way to stay out of trouble. Whether you're playing soccer or baseball, team sports are a great way to find something to do rather than get into trouble.

2. Join a club. If sports aren't your thing, you can always join a club. You can join an art club, chess club, French club, cooking club and so on. ___38___ Therefore, you won't have time to annoy your teachers or parents.

3. Go volunteering. ___39___ If you're too young to do it on your own, go with a parent to a volunteering event. You can help people learn to read, clean up a local park, or work in

a soup kitchen. Find something that is meaningful to you and commit to it at least once a week.

4. Read as much as you can. Reading can help you improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills. ___40___ Getting truly interested in stories can help you forget the hours passing

by. Reading for just 20 minutes before bedtime every night can help you develop an addicting lifelong habit.

A. Join a sports team.

B. Play soccer or baseball.

C. Then you can have a good time with your friends.

D. Volunteering is another great way to stay out of trouble.

E. These clubs can help you focus on something you care about.

F. What's more, if you're reading, then you're not getting into trouble.

G. And no matter what you do, you just can't seem to get things right.

【答案】36. G 37. A

38. E 39. D

40. F




When I arrived in Sydney two years ago from Brazil to study, I struggled to find work to support myself. My savings soon became dangerously ____41____ and I was upset that I might have to ____42____ my overseas dream.

One day, I was at the park, worrying about the future and ____43____ with my own thoughts.

A lady sitting next to me noticed the ____44____ expression on my face and gave me a sincere smile. She asked if something ____45____ had happened and if I needed any ____46____. I didn’t want to bother someone I had just ____47____ with my problems, so I ____48____ that everything was fine. But we ____49____ chatting nearly two hours later about life in Brazil and what I thought about Australia. This lady gave me lots of tips about places to visit in that country.

___50___ we knew it, it was almost five o’clock. She said she had to go to work and ____51____ invited me to accompany her. Why not? I ____52____ although I felt a little surprised.

We arrived at a restaurant and the most ____53____ thing happened. She said that she ____54____ the place and needed some help in the ____55____ as one of her chefs was leaving soon. She asked if I wanted to take a part-time job there. I ____56____, of course, and started the next day.

I spent almost one year ____57____ in her restaurant, improving my English, and ____58____ my skills. And most importantly, I built a good ____59____ with my boss. Even now living in

different cities, we are ____60____ close friends and enjoy sharing long chats about life.

41. A. normal B. small C. unbalanced D. different

42. A. give up B. put up C. take up D. keep up

43. A. comparing B. connecting C. combining D. arguing

44. A. curious B. angry C. worried D. shocked

45. A. exciting B. special C. new D. bad

46. A. help B. change C. information D. money

47. A. called B. met C. mentioned D. recognized

48. A. believed B. decided C. pretended D. intended

49. A. felt like B. insisted on C. put off D. ended up

50. A. While B. After C. Before D. Since

51. A. anxiously B. unexpectedly C. positively D. practically

52. A. agreed B. explained C. promised D. hesitated

53. A. convincing B. amazing C. encouraging D. embarrassing

54. A. owned B. won C. saved D. knew

55. A. hall B. washroom C. counter D. kitchen

56. A. ignored B. admitted C. accepted D. understood

57. A. studying B. working C. travelling D. playing

58. A. developing B. sharing C. showing D. requiring

59. A. reputation B. future C. culture D. relationship

60. A. only B. already C. still D. even

【答案】41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. D 56. C 57. B 58. A 59. D 60. C


61. That was the second time that I __________(lose) my mobile phone.

62. The local guide told us that we __________(fly) to Cairns tomorrow.

63. We also went to the zoo, __________ we saw many rare animals like Koalas.

64. They rushed over to help the man __________ car had broken down.

65. I feel quite dull, so let’s talk about something __________ can bring me much excitement.【答案】61. had lost

62. would fly

63. where 64. whose

65. that



Many people wonder if there is any ____66____(connect) between our senses and our health. Scientists observe that making the most of our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life.

Why do we feel ____67____ (anxiety) or tired? One study shows that ____68____ (approximate) 90% of our time is spent watching television or using computers. It is added that while our sense of sight is used too much, our ____69____ (sense) of touch and smell have been ignored.

People often ask ____70____ or not we should develop all our senses. The answer is yes. Experts suggest that we do the ____71____ (follow) things more often. While having dinner, listen to some ____72____ (enjoy) music rather than watch television. While relaxing at home, have some flowers next to you ____73____ smell nice. Before going to bed, turn the lights ____74____. While sleeping, wear a nightshirt that is pleasant to touch—it _____75_____ (make) us sleep well.

【答案】66. connection

67. anxious

68. approximately

69. senses 70. whether

71. following

72. enjoyable

73. that/which

74. off 75. will make



76. Even though some of the gorillas were quite dangerous, this did not __________ Dian.

77. Howard Carter, however, lived on until the age of 65. Some people say the deaths were just __________.

78. If breathed in, they can __________ illness or even death.

79. Below the mountains, the sunshine __________ on the many lakes, making them shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.

80. In this peaceful land, __________, far away from the noise and worry of the outside world.

81. A minute before, she had __________ someone to come along. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still.

82. A few seconds later, a hand __________ and grasped her arm.

83. I grasp it in my hand and use it to feel the __________, so I can know if there is something in front of me.

【答案】76. discourage

77. coincident

78. result in

79. reflects

80. people live in perfect harmony with nature

81. wished for

82. reached out

83. pavement









Last Sunday I witnessed traffic accident on my way home. I was wandering down the sidewalk while I heard a loud noise. Two taxis crashed into each other about ten meter away. I went up and found the two drivers badly injured, bleeding or trapped in the taxis. Lucky, they were rescued in time because of people came to help them and called an ambulance. It was clear that the taxi drivers were such eager to take more passengers that they drive too fast. These drivers lacked responsibility for the safe of their passengers. What they did was dangerous for others as well as them.


while →when

meter →meters

or →and

Lucky →Luckily


such →so

drive →drove

safety →safe

them →themselves










Dear Joe,

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua 【答案】Dear Joe,

I’m very pleased to tell you something about the Winter Camp for International High School Students this winter.

As planned, it will be held in Changsha this year from January 22nd to January 29th. The participants include 50 students from different high schools around the world. There will be a lot of fantastic activities for you to enjoy. You can visit a wide range of places of interest, exp erience traditional Chinese culture and taste wonderful local food. What’s more, you can exchange your ideas with other high school students, which will broaden your horizons greatly. Please remember to e-mail me before January 20th, 2019 to make sure you’ll take part. I do hope you will come and join us.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


2020-2021长沙市长郡中学小学数学小升初一模试题含答案 一、选择题 1.六(2)班有四成的学生是女生,那么男生占全班人数的()。 A. B. 40% C. D. 五成 2.一个大西瓜平均分成18块,小明吃了3块,小华吃了4块,他们一共吃了这个西瓜的() A. B. C. 3.下面得数不相等的一组是()。 A. B. C. D. 4.把边长4分米的正方形剪成两个同样的长方形,其中一个长方形的周长是()分米.A. 8 B. 12 C. 5 5.一件衣服原价100元,先提价10%,后又降价 10%,现价与原价比较,是(). A. 提高了 B. 降低了 C. 不变 6.一根木料锯成3段要6分钟,如果锯成6段需要()分钟。 A. 12 B. 15 C. 9 7.下面四句话中,错误的一句是()。 A. 0既不是正数也不是负数 B. 国际儿童节和教师节都在小月 C. 假分数的倒数不一定是真分数 D. 在生活中,知道了物体的方向,就能确定物体的位置 8.把同样的黑、红、白三种颜色的花片各2个混在一起.闭上眼睛取出2个花片,可能出现的结果有()种. A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 9.根据下图中点M和点N则的位置,下列说法正确的是()。 A. 点M在点N的东北方向 B. 点M在点N的西北方向 C. 点M在点N的东南方向 D. 点M在点N的西南方向 10.下面各题中的两种量成反比例关系的是()。 A. 单价一定,总价与数量 B. 圆柱的体积一定,圆柱的底面积与高

C. 全班人数一定,出勤人数与缺勤人数 D. 已知圆的面积=圆周率×半径的平方,圆的面积与半径 11.有一张方格纸,每个小方格的边长是1厘米,上面堆叠有棱长1厘米的小正方体(如左下图),小正方体A的位置用(1,1,1)表示,小正方体B的位置用(2,6,5)表示,那么小正方体 C的位置可以表示成()。 A. (6,2,3) B. (2,2,3) C. (2,6,3) 12.要比较东东和杰杰6到14岁的身高变化情况,合适的统计图是()。 A. 单式折线统计图 B. 复式折线统计图 C. 复式条形统计图 D. 扇形统计图 二、填空题 13.3:5=9÷________= ________=________%=________(填成数) 14.4.85L=________mL 920cm3=________dm3 5t 730 kg=________t 7.54 m2=________dm2 15.把一根5米长的绳子剪成同样长的8段,每段占全长的________,每段长________米。 16.建筑队按2:3:5的比例将水泥、沙子、石子搅拌成混凝土.建筑队要搅拌25吨混凝土需要水泥________吨. 17.的分数单位是________,再加上________个这样的分数单位就是2。 18.用四个不同的偶数组成一个比例:________。 19.商店运进a袋大米,每袋重25千克,一共重________千克。 20.把 L饮料平均分到6个杯子里,每个杯子分得________L. 三、解答题 21.学校建了一个圆柱形水池,水池的底面内直径是20米,高2.4米。 (1)挖成这个水池,共需挖土多少立方米? (2)如果在池的四壁和下底面抹一层水泥,抹水泥部分的面积是多少平方米? 22.求下图阴影部分的面积。(单位:厘米)


长沙市一中高二理科数学考试卷 时量:115分钟 满分:150分 命题人:胡雪文 校审人:江楚珉 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.选对的得5分,错选或不答得0分.) 1.若直线a ,b ,c 满足a ∥b ,b 与c 不平行,则( ) A .a 与c 平行 B .a 与c 不平行 C .a 与c 是否平行不能确定 D .a 与c 是异面直线 2.在正方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1中,下列结论正确的是( ) A .A 1C 1与A 1D 成90°角 B .A 1C 1与AC 是异面直线 C .AC 与DC 1成45°角 D .A 1C 1与B 1C 成60°角 3.下列命题正确的是( ) A .一条直线与一个平面平行,它就和这个平面内的任意一条直线平行 B .平行于同一个平面的两条直线平行 C .与两个相交平面的交线平行的直线,必平行于这两个平面 D .平面外的两条平行直线中的一条与一个平面平行,则另一条直线也与此平面平行 4.空间四边形ABCD 的四边相等,则它的两对角线AC 、BD 的关系是( ) A .垂直且相交 B .相交但不一定垂直 C .垂直但不相交 D .不垂直也不相交 5.空间四边形OABC 中,OA = a ,OB = b ,OC = c ,点M 是在OA 上且OM = 2MA ,N 为BC 的中点,则MN 等于( ) A .12a 2 3 -b +12c B .2 3 -a +12b +12c C .12a +12b 2 3 -c D .23a +2 3 b 12-c 6.若直线l 与平面α所成角为 3 π ,直线a 在平面α内,且与直线l 异面,则直线l 与直线a 所成的角的取值范围是( ) A .2 [0,]3 π B .2 [,)33 ππ C .2 [,]33 ππ D .[,]32 ππ 7.长方体的一个顶点处的三条棱长之比为1:2:3,它的表面积为88,则它的对角线长为( ) A .12 B .24 C . D .8.设地球半径为R ,若甲地位于北纬45°东经120°,乙地位于南纬75°东经120°,则甲、乙两地的球面距离为( )


一、选择题(共 14小题,总计 42分 .其中 1~10小题均只有一个选项符合题意,11~14至少有两个选项符合题意,每小题全对得 3分,漏选得 2分,错选或不选不得分) 1、下列说法中正确的是 A、运动物体所受的合外力不为零,合外力必做功,物体的动能肯定要变化 B、运动物体所受的合外力为零,则物体的动能肯定不变 C、运动物体的动能保持不变,则该物体所受合外力一定为零 D、运动物体所受合外力不为零,则该物体一定做变速运动,其动能肯定要变化 2、如图某物体在拉力 F 的作用下没有运动,经时间 t后 A、拉力的冲量为 Ft B、拉力的冲量为F t cosθ C、合力的冲量不为零 D、重力的冲量为零 3、把一支枪水平固定在小车上,小车放在光滑的水平地面上,枪发射出一颗子弹时,关于枪、弹、车,下列说法正确的是 A.枪和弹组成的系统动量守恒 B.枪和车组成的系统动量守恒 c.枪、弹、车组成的系统动量守恒 D.由于枪与弹间存在摩擦,所以枪、弹、车组成的系统动量不守恒 4.真空中两个同性的点电荷 q1、q2,它们相距较近,保持静止 .今释放 q2且 q2只在 q1的库仑力作用下运动,则 q2在运动过程中受到的库仑力 A、不断减小 B、不断增加 C、始终保持不变 D、先增大后减小 5、同步卫星是指相对于地面不动的人造地球卫星,下列说法正确的是 A、它可以在地面上任一点的正上方,且离地心的距离可按需要选择不同值 B、它可以在地面上任一点的正上方,但离地心的距离是一定的

C、它只能在赤道的正上方,但离地心的距离可按需要选择不同值 D、它只能在赤道的正上方,且离地心的距离是一定的 6.如图所示,a、b、c是一条电场线上的三点,电场线的方向由 a到 c,a、b间的距离等于 b、c间的距离,用φa、φb、φc和 E a、E b、E c分别表示 a、b、c三点的电势和电场强度,可以判定 A. φa>φb>φc B. Eα>E b>E c C. φa-φb=φb-φc D. Eα=E b=E c 7.一宇宙飞船绕地球做匀速圆周运动,飞船原来的线速度是 v1,周期是 T1,假设在某时刻它向后喷气做加速运动后,进入新轨道做匀速圆周运动,运动的线速度是 v2,周期是 T2,则 A. v1>v2,T1>T2 B. v1>v2,T1T2 D. v1


高考模拟英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the woman buy for her father? A. A watch. B. A book. C. A tie. 2. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A. An order. B. A deliveryman. C. The Spring Festival. 3. What did the woman think the man wanted her to do? A. Pick up his parents. B. Lend him her dishes. C. Help clean his apartment. 4. Where did the woman get a copy of the novel? A. At a bookstore. B. At the school library. C. At the man’s home. 5. Why does the man refuse to go to the concert at first? A. He can’t afford the cost. B. He is not interested in it. C. He hasn’t brought his student I D. 第二节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6. Why is the man going to New York? A. To go to university. B. To enjoy a Broadway drama. C. To go on a business trip. 7. Where does the woman suggest the man get a good map? A. At the visitor’s office. B. At the train station. C. At the UN office. 请听第7段材料,回答8、9题。 8. What activity will the man probably do to lose weight? A. Cycling. B. Running. C. Swimming. 9. How much does the woman want to weigh by the end of July? A. 110 pounds. B. 120 pounds. C. 135 pounds. 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. How does the woman know so much about the 57th Annual Grammy Awards? A. She was present. B. She watched it online. C. She saw it on TV. 11. How many awards were presented in the 56th Annual Grammy Awards?


长沙市长郡中学2019-2020学年高三第一次教学质量检测 数学试题(理科) (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 注意事项 1.答题前,务必在答题卡和答题卷规定的地方填写自己的姓名、准考证号和座位号后两位. 2.答第Ⅰ卷时,每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号. 3.答第Ⅱ卷时,必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔在答题卷上书写,要求字体工整、笔迹清晰.作图题可先用铅笔在答题卷规定的位置绘出,确认后再用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔描清楚,必须在题号所指示的答题区域作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草纸上答题元效. 第I 卷(满分60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设θ∈R ,则“ππ ||1212θ- < ”是“1sin 2 θ<”的( ) A.充分而不必要条件 B.必要而不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 2.设函数()31,1 ,2,1 x x x f x x -


第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分10分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题0.5分,满分2.5) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Who is answering the telephone call? A.Bill. B.Mike. C.Kate. 2.What does the man mean? A.He is practising English. B.He doesn’t understand the woman. C.He doesn’t want to help the woman. 3.When will the film probably start? A.At 7:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 6:30. 4.What do the two speakers think of the exam? A.It is difficult. B.It is moderate. C.It is easy. 5.What are the two speakers talking about? A.The man’s friend-Henry. B.An excellent camping tent. C.The weather. 第二节(共15小题,每小题0.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出版社秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。 6.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A new city library. B.Their math homework. C.Their college library. 7.Why does the man probably want to have coffee? A.He is tired. B.He misses the old days. C.He wants to meet the math professor there. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What is the man asking the woman to do? A.Visit Florida. B.Move to New York. C.Move to Florida.

最新高三地理-【地理】湖南省长郡中学高三分班考试 精品

湖南省长郡中学201X届高三年级分班考试 地理试题 时量:90分钟总分:100分 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共50分) 一、选择题(单选题,本大题共25小题,满分50分) 1.201X年3月27日,全球6000多个城市分别在当地时间20时30分至21时30分熄灯一小时,以此响应世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”活动。下图中四城市参加了本次活动,下列说法正确的是() A.最先熄灯的是里约热内卢 B.该日正午太阳高度角最小的是哥本哈根 C.自转线速度由大到小依次是哥本哈根、北京、新加坡、里约热内卢 D.该日昼长由长到短依次是新加坡、哥本哈根、里约热内卢、北京 2.与右图中阴影部分含义相符的一项是() A.太阳能 B.地热能 C.水能 D.潮汐能 3.下图中四幅图分别表示世界洋流模式图、三圈环流模式图、海陆间水循环示意图和地球公转运动示意图,正确的是() A.①B.②C.③D.④ 读右图,假定在北极点放置一个傅科摆,初始时摆沿90°W和90°E线摆动(如图),回答4~5题。 4.三个小时以后,此摆的摆动方向是() A.沿45°E—135°W摆动 B.沿45°W—135°E摆动 C.沿90°E—90°W摆动

D .沿0—180°经线摆动 5.下列四幅图是由于傅科摆所证明的地理现象所造成的平直河道两岸冲刷与堆积(阴影部分为堆积物)的情况,正确的是 ( ) 下表是三个城市的气候资料,据此回答6~8题。 城市 ① ② ③ 平均气温(℃) 1月 5 11 21 7月 29 27 26 平均降水量(mm ) 1月 47 75 1 7月 150 5 610 6.城市①、②、③可能分别是 ( ) A .上海暋莫斯科暋孟买 B .上海暋罗马暋孟买 C .北京暋罗马暋雅加达 D .北京暋莫斯科暋雅加达 7.城市栚所属的气候类型主要分布在 ( ) A .大陆西岸 B .大陆东岸 C .大陆内部 D .赤道地区 8.城市栙所处自然带的典型植被类型是 ( ) A .热带雨林 B .亚寒带针叶林 C .亚热带常绿硬叶林 D .亚热带常绿阔叶林 下图示意某区域某季节等压线(单位:百帕)分布,完成9~10题。 9.甲处可能的气压值和所处大洲分别是 ( ) A .1020 北美洲 B .1016 亚洲 C .1008 亚洲 D .1005 北美洲 10.图中20°纬线与140°经线交点处的风向是 ( ) A .东北风 B .西北风 C .南风 D .西南风 刘东生院士根据中国黄土沉积,重建了250万年以来的气候变化历史。近年来我国沙尘暴频繁发生,除了人为破坏植被等原因外,是否与自然界周期性气候的演变有关?据此完成11~13题。 11.“自然界周期性气候的演变”的“周期”是指 ( ) A .人类出现以前的气候变化 B .人类历史时期的气候波动 C .由于地球运动导致气温变化 D .产业革命以后世界气温出现的波动 12.有关“中国黄土沉积”叙述正确的是 ( )


2020届湖南省长沙市长郡中学高三模拟卷(一)语 文湖南省长沙市长郡中学 长郡中学2016届高考模拟卷(一) 语文 本试卷分第I卷(阅读题)和第Ⅱ卷(表达题)两部分。考试时间150分钟,满分150分。 第I卷(阅读题,共70分) 甲必考题 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~3题。 古代女子以黛画眉,故称黛眉。宋词中对于眉毛的描写非常多,《全宋词》中“眉”字出现的次数达到一千五百零九次。从审美学 上看,眉毛在人的面庞上的作用不容忽视,往往起到画龙点睛之作用。在一首诗词作品中,对于眉黛的描写,能体现女子的美貌动人。“层波潋滟远 山横,一笑一倾城”(柳永《少年游》)描写了一个漂亮的歌女,眉毛像远山一样,眼波流转,千娇百媚。“远山眉黛长,细柳腰肢袅”(晏几道《生查子》)也是通过描写远山眉、细柳腰,向读者 展示出了女子的美貌。 宋人认为,眉毛是很好的表现情感的工具。通过对眉黛的描写,还可以表现委婉细腻的情感。宋代词人陈三聘在《鹧鸪天》中写道“春愁何事点眉山”,把女子画眉和春愁结合在了一起。同样用眉 黛表示愁情的,还有如“金缕歌中眉黛皱。多少闲愁,借与伤春瘦”(石孝友《蝶恋

花》)以及“眉黛只供愁,羞见双鸳鸯字”(贺铸《忆仙姿》)。可以看出,宋词中关于眉的描写,很多时候都和“愁绪”这个意象 联系在一起。眉黛代表女子,以眉而写愁绪,体现了古代女子的惆 怅心理和孤苦命运。欧阳修的《诉衷情·眉意》中有这样的词句:“都缘自有离恨,故画作、远山长。”“远山”指的是北宋时期十 分流行的一种眉形画法——“远山眉”,即眉毛细长而舒扬,颜色 略淡。古人常以山水表达离别之意,歌女画眉作“远山长”,表明 了她内心的凄苦之情,因为她“自有离恨”,故而将眉毛化作远山 之形。 “花黄”也称“花子”“额黄”,是古代妇女面部的一种额饰。它用彩色光纸、绸罗、云母片、蝉 翼、蜻蜓翅乃至鱼骨等为原料,染成金黄、霁红或翠绿等色,剪作花、鸟、鱼等形,粘贴于额头、酒 靥、嘴角、鬓边等处。《木兰辞》中描写木兰得胜归家,换回女儿装的场景为“对镜贴花黄”,说明南北朝时期,在脸上贴装饰物,已然成为一种风尚。宋代上层妇女也继承前代遗风,在额上和两颊 间贴金箔或彩纸剪成的“花子”。这种“花子”背面涂有产于辽水 间的呵胶,用口呵嘘就能粘贴。晚唐词人温庭筠的《菩萨蛮》中描 写道“小山重叠金明灭”,一说即指女子额前的装饰物有所脱落而 造成的或明或暗的效果。这些装饰物,使得词人笔下的女子更添妩 媚动人之态。 “梅妆”也是宋代较为流行的一种贴面妆容,“梅妆”即“梅花妆”。这种妆扮相传始自南朝,宋武帝的寿阳公主在正月初七醉卧 于含章殿下,一朵梅花落在她的额上粘住,三天后才落去, 因而作“梅花妆”。陈允平的《绛都春》中有“梅妆欲试芳情懒,翠颦愁入眉弯”两句,这里词作者专门提到“梅妆欲试”,体现了 这种妆扮在当时的流行性。妆容虽美,但是却“芳情懒”,欲画而 未画,说明这位女子心事重重,自己提不起兴致也更因无人欣赏, 故无须白白画这妆容,更能体现出女子内心的孤寂。 (摘编自梁牧原《妆容与服饰在宋词中的作用》)


长郡中学2018—2019学年岁高一第一学期期末考试 英语 时量:120分钟满分:100分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分12分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A A trip to Paris is not complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. To get the most out of your visit read our tips below: Visit at Night Riding up the Eiffel Tower at night and looking out over the streets of Paris, you’ll see why Paris is known as the “City of Light”. At street level, the spotlights on the top of the Tower and the reflections (倒影) of the Tower in the Seine (塞纳河) are sights not to be missed. Purchase (购买) Your Ticket in Advance Online Avoid the long ticket lines at the Eiffel Tower by purchasing your ticket online from the Eiffel Tower website. You’ll pick a time to visit and then select w hether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or iPad, a convenient choice if you buy your ticket in Paris without a printer. Don’t Bring Valuable Objects with You Before entering the Eiffel Tower, your bags will be examined by a security officer. If an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. Probably you will miss the chance to go up the Eiffel Tower. Have Drinks and Snacks at the Eiffel Tower If you’re like us, after an exciting trip to the Eiffel Tower, you’ll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a Parisian cafe. Across the Seine in the Trocadero area, there are many elegant cafes. The atmosphere is great, but the prices are in the stratosphere (极高水平). Actually, the perfect place for common visitors to eat and drink is on the Eiffel Tower itself. 21. Why does the author suggest visiting the Eiffel Tower at night?


湖南省长郡中学2018届高三月考试题(五)地理 1 第I卷(选择题) 2 一、选择题 3 下图为区域等高线地形图,图中等高距为200m,湖泊东侧有被河流切割成落差为90米的峡4 谷。读图完成下面小题。 5 6 1.图中湖泊水面的海拔可能为 7 A. 1450米 B. 1420米 C. 1550米 D. 1650米 8 2.图中悬崖顶部与峡谷底部之间的高差可能为 9 A. 850米 B. 560米 C. 460米 D. 350米 10 下图为“我国局部地区≥10℃等积温线(℃)分布图”。读图完成下面小题。 11 12

3.有关甲、丙两地积温的说法,正确的是 13 14 A. 甲、丙两地积温差值为500-1000℃ B. 甲、丙两地积温差值最大值可能为1499℃ 15 C. 图中等值线由南向北递减 D. 甲地附近等值线弯曲的原因是受黄河调节作用 16 4.丙地与乙地的积温差异的主导因素是 17 A. 纬度位置 B. 海陆位置 C. 地形状况 D. 大气环流 18 下图为我国华北地区某阴坡陡崖示意图,该陡崖由透水岩层(砂岩)和不透水岩层(泥岩)组成。每年小雪至大雪期间,该19 陡崖上常常会形成壮观的冰挂甚至冰瀑景观。读图完成下面小题。 20 21 22 5.形成冰挂的水体来源可能是 23 A. 水潭水 B. 冬季降水 C. 地下水 D. 土壤水 24 6.2017年冬季冰挂较常年多,下列有关该地区推断正确的是 25 A. 2017年降水量可能较常年少 B. 2017年冬季气温可能较常年低 C. 2017年冬季降雪量可能较常年多 D. 2018年农作物收成 26 可能较好 27 下图中甲图示意渭河两岸物质组成差异情况,乙图示意不同年份渭河下游地区某监测点与渭河中心线最近距离的变化态势,28 监测点位于现在渭河南岸某固定点。读图完成下面小题。


俯视图 主(正)视图 左视图 湖南省长沙市一中2007-2008年九年级第六次月考数学试卷 请同学们注意:1、时间:120分钟,总分:120分 2、写好:姓名、班次、考室号、座位号。 一、填空题(每题3分,共24分) 1、函数1-= x y 的自变量x 的取值范围是______________。 2、把b a ab a 2232-+分解因式的结果是______________。 3、如图(1),圆锥底面半径为cm 9,母线长为cm 36,则圆锥侧面展开 图的圆心角为 。 4、已知等腰ABC ?的腰AB =AC =10cm ,,底边BC=12cm,则A ∠的平分线的长是 cm. 5、不等式组? ??<+-<-06202x x 的解集是________________。 6、半径分别为6cm 和4cm 的两圆内切,则它们的圆心距为 cm 。 7、如图,在等腰梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AB ≠AD ,对角线AC 、BD 相交 于点O 。如 下四个结论: ① 梯形ABCD 是轴对称图形; ②∠DAC=∠DCA ; ③△AOB ≌△DOC ; ④△AOD ∽△BOC 请把其中错误结论的序号填在横线上:___________。 8、如图,如果以正方形ABCD 的对角线AC 为边作第二个正方 形ACEF ,再以对角线AE 为边作第三个正方形AEGH ,如此下 去,…,已知正方形ABCD 的面积1s 为1,按上述方法所作的正 方形的面积依次为2s ,3s ,…..,n s (n 为正整数),那么第8个正方 形的面积8s =_______。 二、选择题:(每小题3分,共24分) 9、2007年中国月球探测工程的“嫦娥一号”卫星将发射升空飞向月球。已知地球距离月球表面约为384000千米,那么这个距离用科学记数法(保留三个有效数字)表示应为( ) A 、3.84×4 10千米 B 、3.84×5 10千米 C 、3.84×6 10千米 D 、38.4×4 10千米 10、下图是由一些完全相同的小立方块搭成的几何体的三种视图,那么搭成这个几何体所用的小立方块的个数是( ) A 、5个 B 、6个 C 、7个 D 、8个 11、下列运算正确的是( ) A B C D O 图2 A B C D E F G H I J 图 3


2020届湖南省长沙市第一中学高三第七次月考数学(文)试 题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.若集合{||2|2}A x x x =+=+,{}2|9=


2018年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高考数学试卷(理科) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.(5分)已知集合A={x||x|<2},B={x|1<x<3},则A∩B等于()A.{x|﹣2<x<1}B.{x|﹣2<x<3}C.{x|2<x<3}D.{x|1<x<2} 2.(5分)若z(1+i)=i(其中i为虚数单位),则|z|等于() A.B.C.1 D. 3.(5分)下列函数中,既是偶函数,又是在区间(0,+∞)上单调递减的函数是() A.y=x3 B.y=C.y=2|x|D.y=cosx 4.(5分)执行如图所示的算法,则输出的结果是() A.1 B.C.D.2 5.(5分)某几何体的三视图如图所示,图中的四边形都是边长为2的正方形,两条虚线互相垂直,则该几何体的体积是()

A.B.C.D. 6.(5分)将函数的图象向右平移φ个单位,得到的图象关于原点对称,则φ的最小正值为() A.B.C. D. 7.(5分)某赛季甲、乙两名篮球运动员各13场比赛得分情况用茎叶图表示如下:根据上图,对这两名运动员的成绩进行比较,下列四个结论中,不正确的是() A.甲运动员得分的极差大于乙运动员得分的极差 B.甲运动员得分的中位数大于乙运动员得分的中位数 C.甲运动员的得分平均值大于乙运动员的得分平均值 D.甲运动员的成绩比乙运动员的成绩稳定 8.(5分)已知等比数列{a n}中,各项都是正数,且3a1,,2a2成等差数列,则等于() A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 9.(5分)在△ABC中,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,△ABC的面积为S,且2S=(a+b)2﹣c2,则tanC=() A.B.C.D.


长郡中学高一上学期英语期中考试试卷内容摘要 第一部分听力技能(共三节,满分18分)做听力部分时,请先在试题卷上作答。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将第1至第15小题的答案转涂到答题卡上,将第16至18小题的答案转写到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a taxi. B. At a bus stop. C. In a restaurant. 2. When does the shop open? A. At 8:30. B. At 9;30. C. At 9:10. 3. Where is David? A. In the hospital. B. At the cinema. C. At a party. 4. How many cigarettes does the man smoke a day? A. At most 40. B. At most 50. C. At most 60. 5. Why does the man want to change his seat? A. Because his seat is in the smoking area. B. Because he wants to get a good view.


湖南省长郡中学2017届高考模拟试卷(一)文综地理试题 茶是我国最具代表性的传统饮品,不仅具有健身功能,还衍生了反映中华民族悠久文明、礼仪的茶文化,深受世界各地人民的喜爱。台湾乌龙茶曾因劣茶冒充等原因而经历漫长的低谷期,近年依靠DNA检测技术杜绝了劣茶冒充,并辅以茶叶定制和茶文化等营销手段,提升茶叶附加值,使得乌龙茶产业再度振兴。据此完成下列各题。 1.台湾乌龙茶知名度高的前提条件是 A、销量大 B、产量大 C、价格低 D、质量好 2.为再度振兴乌龙茶,台湾乌龙茶协会制定的产业发展战略是 A、重塑品牌形象 B、采用高新技术 C、拓展消费市场 D、改进营销手段 3.目前,台湾乌龙茶价格呈上升趋势,其主要原因是 A、茶叶质量提高 B、运输成本上升 C、人力成本上升 D、茶叶产量有限 在不同的城市发展阶段,城市居住区空间结构具有不同的模式。读图完成下列各题。 4.图中①②③曲线代表的城市依次是 A、东京纽约伦敦 B、东京伦敦纽约 C、伦敦纽约东京 D、伦敦东京纽约 5.促进城市进入低密度弥漫型城市居住模式的主要原因是 A、制造企业外迁 B、家庭汽车普及 C、城市人口剧减 D、城市经济衰退 6.②城市从低密度弥漫型城市居住模式逐渐演化成另一种新的城市居住模式的时间约在 A、1950-1960年之间 B、1960-1970年之间 C、1970-1980年之间 D、1980-1990年之间 积雪是指覆盖在陆地和海冰表面的雪层,对气候变化具有高度敏感性和重要反馈作用,是气候系统的重要组成部分。读图完成下列各题。

7.阿勒泰地区冬季积雪深度深、积雪日数长、分布面积广,对该区域地理环境的影响体现在 A、降低冬季风速 B、河流冬季补给增加 C、降低土壤湿度 D、加剧冬季寒冷程度 8.下列积雪观测气象站中,海拔最高的是 A、布尔津站 B、清河站 C、哈马河站 D、福海站 9.多年统计数据变化趋势表明,东部青河站与富蕴站冬季积雪日数减少,但最大积雪深度增加。该现象可佐证阿勒泰东部区域 A、洪涝灾害减少 B、初雪日期提前 C、气温下降显著 D、降水强度增加 城区地面塌陷是干扰宜居城市建设的症结之一。据研究表明,土体松软及地下水位变化是导致地面塌陷的主要原因。读图完成下列各题。 10.该区域冬季地下水位较其他季节高的原因之一是 A、冬小麦越冬需水量少 B、气温低导致蒸发量少 C、降水量大导致下渗多 D、制造业生产用水减少 11.据图判断该区域地面塌陷多发季节为 A、冬季 B、秋季 C、夏季 D、春季 第Ⅱ卷 36.(26分)阅读图文材料,完成下列各题。 潮间带为涨潮水位最高时会被淹没而退潮水位最低时会出露的区域,是沿海渔民的重要生产区域。澎湖列岛多岩石,不利种植业发展。古代澎湖列岛渔民因地制宜在潮间带创造了

湖南省长沙市长郡中学2020届高三数学实验班选拔考试试题 理(含解析)

长郡中学2020~2020学年新高三实验班选拔考试 理科数学试卷 本试卷分第I卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,时量120分钟,满分150分 第Ⅰ卷(60分) 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,毎小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1. 若复数(其中,为虚数单位)的虚部为1,则 A. 1 B. 2 C. D. 【答案】C 【解析】,的虚部为, ,故选C. 2. 已知集合,集合,则 A. B. C. D. 【答案】B 【解析】 , ,故选B. 3. 长郡中学要从师生推荐的参加说课比赛的3位男教师和2名女教师中,任选2人参加 说课比赛,则选取的2人恰为一男一女的概率为 A. B. C. D. 【答案】B 【解析】由古典概型概率公式,可得选取的人恰为一男一女的概率为,故选B. 4. 已知等差数列的前项和为,若,则

A. 23 B. 96 C. 224 D. 276 【答案】D 【解析】是等差数列,可设首项为,公差为,由,可得,,故选D. 5. 已知为双曲线的一个焦点,其关于双曲线的一条渐近线的对称点在另一条渐近线上,则双曲线的离心率为 A. B. C. 2 D. 【答案】C 【解析】设右焦点关于渐近线:的对称点为,则在上交于,由点到直线距离公式可得,为直角三角形,三边分别为,由对称性知,,,故选C. 6. 下列函数在其定义域上既是增函数又是奇函数的是 A. B. C. D. 【答案】C 【解析】对于.函数是奇函数,在为整数)上递增,则不满足;对于.函数为奇函数,由于,则在上递增,则满足;对于.函数为偶函数,则不满足;对于.函数既不是奇函数,也不是偶函数,则不满足,故选C.


【精品文档,百度专属】2016-2017学年湖南省长沙市长郡中学高二(上)期末数学试卷 (文科) 一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每个小题给出的四个 选项中,有且只有一项符合题目要求. 1.(5分)命题“若a>b,则2a>2b”的逆否命题是() A.若a≤b,则2a≤2b B.若a>b,则2a≤2b C.若2a≤2b,则a≤b D.若2a≤2b,则a>b 2.(5分)用反证法证明命题“设a,b为实数,则方程x3+ax+b=0至少有一个实根”时,要做的假设是() A.方程x3+ax+b=0没有实根 B.方程x3+ax+b=0至多有一个实根 C.方程x3+ax+b=0至多有两个实根 D.方程x3+ax+b=0恰好有两个实根 3.(5分)双曲线的焦点坐标是() A.B.C.(±2,0)D.(0,±2)4.(5分)甲、乙两人下棋,和棋概率为,乙获胜概率为,甲获胜概率是()A.B.C.D. 5.(5分)设f(x)=xlnx,若f′(x0)=2,则x0等于() A.e2B.e C.D.ln2 6.(5分)如图是2016年某大学自主招生面试环节中,七位评委为某考生打出的分数的茎叶图,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,所剩数据的中位数和众 数依次为()

A.84,84B.84,85C.86,84D.84,86 7.(5分)如图,M是半径R的圆周上一个定点,在圆周上等可能的任取一点N,连接MN,则弦MN的长度超过R的概率是() A.B.C.D. 8.(5分)已知a为函数f(x)=x3﹣12x的极小值点,则a=()A.﹣4B.﹣2C.4D.2 9.(5分)对具有线性相关关系的变量x,y有一组观测数据(x i,y i)(i=1,2,…8),其回归直线方程是x+a,且x1+x2+x3+…+x8=2(y1+y2+y3+…+y8)=6,则实数a的值是() A.B.C.D. 10.(5分)若抛物线y2=8x上一点P到其焦点的距离为9,则点P的坐标为()A.(7,±)B.(14,±)C.(7,±2)D.(﹣7,±2)11.(5分)已知函数f(x)=x3﹣ax2+1在区间(0,2)内单调递减,则实数a 的取值范围是() A.a≥3B.a=3C.a≤3D.0<a<3 12.(5分)已知有相同两焦点F1、F2的椭圆和双曲线,P是它们的一个交点,则△F1PF2的形状是() A.锐角三角形B.直角三角形C.钝角三角形D.等腰三角形13.(5分)若命题“?x∈R,ax2﹣ax﹣2≤0”是真命题,则实数a的取值范围是() A.[﹣8,0)B.(﹣8,0]C.[﹣8,0]D.(﹣8,0)14.(5分)设f(x),g(x)是定义域为R的恒大于零的可导函数,且f'(x)?g (x)﹣f(x)?g′(x)<0,则当a<x<b时,有() A.f(x)?g(x)>f(b)?g(b)B.f(x)?g(a)>f(a)?g(x)C.f(x)?g(b)>f(b)?g(x)D.f(x)?g(x)>f(a)?g(a)

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