千与千寻Spirited Away(英文剧本)

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Spirited Away

C: I’ll miss you, Chihiro. Your best friends, Rile

F: Chihiro, Chihiro, we’re almost there.

M: This really is the middle of nowhere. I’ve got to go to the next town to shop.

F: We’ll just have to learn to like it. Look, Chihiro, there’s your new school. Looks really good, doesn’t it?

M: It doesn’t look so bad.

C: It’s gonna stink. I liked my old school. Oh````Mom, my flowers are dying.

M: I told you not to smother them like that. We’ll put them in water when we get to our new home.

C: I finally get a bouquet, and it’s a good-bye present. That’s depressing.

M: Daddy bought you a rose for your birthday. Don’t you remember? C: Yes, one. Just one rose isn’t a bouquet.

M: Hold on to your card. I’m opening the window and quit whining. It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.

F: Wait, did I take the wrong turn? That can’t be right.

M: Look, there’s our house. It’s that blue one on the end.

F: Oh, you’re right. I must have missed the turn-off. This road should get us there.

M: Honey, don’t take a short cut. You always get us lost.

F: Trust me, it’s gonna work.

C: What are these stones? They look like little houses.

M: They’re shines. Some people think little spirits live there.

C: Dad, I think we’re lost.

F: We’re fine. I’ll get a full wheel drive.

M: Sit down please, sweetie. Slow down. You’re gonna kill us.

F: What’s that?

M: What’s this old building?

F: It looks like an entrance.

M: Honey, get back in the car. We are going to be late. Oh for heaven’s sake.

F: This building is not old. It’s fake. These stones are just made of plaster.

C: The wind’s pulling us in.

M: What is it?

F: Come one. Let’s go in. I want to see what’s on the other side.

C: I’m not going. It gives me the creeps.

F: Don’t be such a scaredy cat, Hiro. Let’s just take a look.

M: The movers will get to our house before we do.

F: It’s alright. They’ve got the keys. They can start without us. M: Alright. Just a quick look.

C: Forget it. I’m not going. Come on you guys, le t’s get out of here.

F: Come on honey. It will be fun.

C: I’m not going.

M: Chihiro, just wait in the car then.

C: But mom….Wait for me.

F: Everybody watch your step.

M: Chihiro, don’t cling like that. You make me trip.

-What is this place?

-Oh, do you hear that?

-It sounds like a train.

-We must be near a train station.

-Come on. Let’s go and check it out.

-What are those weird buildings?

-I knew it. It’s an abandoned theme park. See? They built the

everywhere in early 90s, then the economy went bad and they all

went bankrupt. This must be one of them.

-Where are you going? You said just a quick look. Now let’s go back.

Did you hear that building? It was moaning.

-It’s just the wind. Oh, what a beautiful place. We should have brought

our lunch. Then we could have a picnic.

-Look, they were planning to put a river here. En~~~ you smell that?

Something smells delicious.

-Yeah, I’m starving.

-Maybe this theme park is still in business. Let’s go.

-Chihiro, hurry it up.

-Wait a minute!

-Over there….This way.

-How strange! They’re all restaurants.

-Where’s everybody?

-Aaa… There it is! Hey, I found it. Hi, you got to see this. In here.

-Aaa… Look at this!

-Hello in there. Does anybody work here?

-Come in Hiro. It looks delicious.


-Don’t worry honey. We can pay the bill when they get back.

-Good plan. Hey that looks great.

-I wonder what this is called. Oh… It’s delicious. Chihiro, you have to

taste this.

-I don’t want any. We’re gonna get in trouble. Let’s just get out of


-Don’t worry. You’ve got daddy here. He’s got credit cards and cash.

-Chihiro, you have to try this. It’s so tender.


-Thank you.

-Come on, you guys. You can’t

-That’s weird. It’s a bath house. There’s the train.

-You shouldn’t be here. Get out of here, now!


-It’s almost night. Leave before it gets dark. They are lighting the

lamps. Get out of here. You’ve gotta get across the river. Go! I’ll

distract them.

-What’s up with him?

-Mom, dad, come on, quit eating, let’s get out of here. Ahh~~~~Mom,

dad, where are you?.....Water What?... I’m dreaming! I’m

dreaming! Come on, wake up! Wake up! This is a dream. Just a

dream. Away, away. Disappear! Aaa~~~~~? I’m see-through! It’s just

a bad dream.

-Don’t be afraid! I just wantta help you.


-Open your mouth and eat this. You must eat some food from this

world or else you’ll disappear.


-Don’t worry. It won’t turn you into a pig. Chew it and swallow. There

you go. You’re all better. See for yourself.

-I’m OK.

-You see. Now come with me.

-Where are my mom and dad? They didn’t really turn into pigs, did


-You can’t see them now, but you will. Don’t move. That bird’s

looking for you. You’ve gotta get out of here.

-My legs, I can’t stand up. Help! What do I do?

-Calm down. Take a deep breath. In the name of the wind and water

within thee, unbind her. Get up.

-You have to hold your breath when we across the bridge. Even the

tiniest breath will break the spell and then everyone will see you.

-I’m scared.

-Just stay calm. I’m back from my mission.

-Welcome back Master Haku.

-Take a deep breath. Hold it. Hang on, almost there.

-Master Haku, where’ve you been? What? A human?

-Let’s go.

-They know you’re here.

-I’m sorry. I took a breath.