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“ Twenty years from now you will be more disappo in ted by the things you did n ' t do tha n by th throw off the bowli nes sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ” Mark Twa in



1. You will grow as a pers on


When you travel the world, you have the opport unity to experie nee differe nt cultures and meet new people. It is in evitable that through these experie nees you will learn a lot about yourself. Who you are as a pers on and what yc want out of life might very well eha nge.



2. Freedom


You will enjoy a much greater sense of freedom when no one is able to tell you what to do. You are the boss. You decide where you want to go, what you want to do and how long you want to stay.



3. Simplicity


You will discover how much better life can be when you live it simply. No phone, email, TV, job, schedule, bills to p just you, your surro undings and your mind. Perfect ion.


4. Food, Glorious Food


You will have the chanee to taste food from all corners of the globe. Do you like eating Chinese, Thai or Indian foo You will enjoy the food even more when you eat it from the place it originated.


5. Meet New People


You will have the cha nee to meet new people whe n you travel; some in teresti ng, some bori ng, an (dowmueght crazy. Every one has a story to tell, cha nces are that it will be worth liste ning to.


6. Nature


In stead of look ing out your office win dow to see a hun dred skyscrapers stari ng back at you, you will get the cha nc to see the world in all its natural beauty. See the deserts of Africa or the jungles of the Amazon with your own eyes in stead of look ing at a still image in a book.


7. Become Street Smart


You might already be book smart but add street smart to you r s on athe n there ' s no stopp ing you; it ' s a from being able tdoarter, to knowing whe n you are trying to be conn ed, there are many thi ngs new places can teac you.

comb in ati on. Travelli ng teaches you many of life s and yo u w illegso m pearls of wisdom along your journey; 你可能很会读书,但要是再能有一些生存智慧,那就是完美的组合让你无往不胜。旅行会教给你生活中的许多经验教训,你一边旅行一边采集智慧之珠;从讨价还价到不受人蒙骗,每到一个新地方,你必然会有新斩获。

8. You only live once


We all get a limited amount of time on this Earth, and no one knows when it will come to an end. Do you really wai to stay in the same town or city your whole life, without meeting new people, tasting new foods and seeing and experie ncing life as others do?



9. Comi ng Home


After travelling round the world, there is nothing quite like the feeling of walking through your front door, dropping your bags on the floor, and going upstairs to sleep in your warm, comfortable bed for a day or two. As much fun as travelli ng can be, every one n eeds a place they can call home.
