第八讲 英语翻译技巧 重复法

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Eg.1) But there has been too much publicity about my case. 但我的事现在已经搞得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 2) If this was a time of triumph for the many, it was a painful period for the few. 多数人兴高采烈之日,却是少数人伤心失意之时。 3) He was handsome, graceful, quiet, gentle and cultivated. 他仪表堂堂,风度翩翩,温文尔雅,矜持寡言。 4)She held out her hands shaking——‖Don’t you remember me?‖ 她颤巍巍伸出手来,说道:“你不记得我了?”
Eg. 1)月亮慢慢从海上升起。 The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 2)我们对问题要做全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。 We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved. 3)他在班里个子最高,篮球也打得最棒。 He is the tallest one in the class and the most excellent basketball player.
Eg. 1)You may take whatever away for all I care. 你可以拿走任何东西,我不在乎。 你想拿什么什么就拿什么,我才不管哩。 2) Don’t worry about the money. Just repay me whenever you have. 别担心那些钱。你任何时候有钱了再还我就行。 别把那点钱挂在心上。你什么时候有什么时候还我 好了。
Eg. 1)You’ve read more books than I have. 你读的书比我(读的)多。 2)It is on this basis that we reexamine the world, our region and ourselves. 我们正是在这个基础上重新审视世界,重新审视我们的地区, 重新审视我们自己。 3.重复“谓语动词+的+谓语动词”结构 Eg.1)A group of young men are planting trees on the hill. Some are digging, some are watering. 一群年轻人在山上植树,挖坑的挖坑,浇水的浇水。
1)Her room is always kept clean and tidy although she is busy all day. 2) Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears. 3) You may borrow whichever novel in my bookcase you like best. 4) They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American. 5) Some have entered college and others have gone to the countryside. 6) Each country has its own customs. 7)把故事看完后,用你自己的话讲一遍。 8)我是在北京遇上他的。 9)天气寒冷,河都结冰了。 10)游客可以去杨贵妃洗澡的华清池洗温泉浴。
4)Read books. They will give you knowledge and power. 读书吧。书能给你知识和力量。(重复人称代词) 5)Medium waves have their uses and short waves have theirs. 中波有中波的用途,短波有短波的用途。(重复物主代词) 6)This is Michelangelo’s masterwork, the Last Judgement, which took him 7 years to complete. 这就是米开朗基罗的杰作《最后的审判》,这幅作品他花了7年 时间才完成。(重复关系代词) 7)This is the capital of the USA, Washington D.C., where he was born. 这就是美国的首都华盛顿。(华盛顿是)他出生的地方。 (重复 关系副词)
Eg.1)班门弄斧 Show off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 2)北山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。 North of the mountain lived an old man called Yugong (literally ―foolish old man‖) ,who was nearly ninety years old. 3)京伦饭店位于首都市中心,通体洁白,像一方无暇的美玉, 镶嵌在十里长街上。 Hotel Bejing-Toronto, located in the downtown area of China’s capital, Beijing, decorated in white, resembles a piece of pure jade embedded in the ten-mile long Chang’an Avenue.
1.I don’t care about it. You may please yourself. 我倒无所谓,随你的便吧。 2. Are you tired? Not very. 你累了吗?不太累。 3. They talked about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution. 他们谈到通货膨胀,失业,环境污染等问题。 4. Students should learn from teachers and vice versa. 学生应该向老师学习,老师也应该向学生学习。 5. After the basketball match, the chairman still has an important meeting. 观看完篮球比赛之后,主席还有一个重要会议要参加。
eg. 1)Gentlemen many cry peace, peace---but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高喊和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。 2) He wandered about in the chill rain, thinking and thinking, brooding and brooding. 他在凄雨中踱来踱去,想了又想,盘算了又盘算。 3) Blood must atone for blood. 血债要用血来还。 4) Long, long ago… 很久很久以前… hot and hot, one by one, hand in hand, word for word 滚烫滚烫, 一个接一个, 手拉手, 字对字
增词法练习 1. I don’t care about it. You may please yourself. 2. Are you tired? Not very. 3. They talked about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution. 4. Students should learn from teachers and vice versa. 5. After the basketball match, the chairman still has an important meeting. 6. This is some place! 7. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 8. Day after day he came to his work – sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 9. He was wrinkled and black, with scant hair. 10. Flowers bloom all over the yard.
Eg. 1)姐姐在等我,我得走了。 My sister is waiting for me, so I have to go. 2)天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那座庙里过夜。 As it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night. 3)大家都应该知道他出国的事了吧? I suppose all of you have been told (the fact) that he has gone abroad. 4)这就是我经常跟你提到的那位老师。 This is the teacher who I always mention to you.
1.增补代词 Eg. 1)接到你的来信,非常高兴。 I was very glad to have received your letter.(人称代词) 2)请原谅,打扰一下。 Excuse me for interrupting you.(人称代词) 3)她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。 She covered her face with her hands, as if to protect her eyes.(物主代词) 4)已经六点了。 It’s already six o’clock.(it表示时间) 5)对于英语学习者来说,掌握方法非常重要。 It’s important for the English-learners to master some learning skills.(it作形式主语)
Eg. 1)咱们学校门口见吧。 Let’s meet at the school gate. 2)该地区已没什么城乡差别。 There is little difference between town and country in this region. 3)这些苹果,你们四个人分。 Divide these apples among the four of you.
第八讲 重复法 (repetition)
一、重复增词法 (一)使译文意思更加明确 (二)加强语气,表示强调 (三)为了使译文更加生动 二、汉英增词技巧
(一)使译文意思更加明确 1.重复名词 Eg.1) In most cases, the interests of a person and of a nation coincide. 在多数情况下,个人利益和国家利益是一致的。(重复主语) 2) We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems. 我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。(重复宾语) 3) This is a good chance for exchanging experience as well as for learning from each other. 这是一个交流经验的好机会,也是一个互相学习的好机会。 (重复表语)
6. This is some place! 真是个好地方! 7. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 8. Day after day he came to his work –sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活——扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。 9. He was wrinkled and black, with scant hair. 他满脸皱纹,皮肤黝黑,头发稀疏。 10. Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。