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MRI Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Children Reversible Lesions of the Corpus Callosum Syndrome

HUANG Zheng-wang, WANG W en-xin, QIAN Xiang-dong, CHANG Sha, ZHENG X iao-yan (Guangdong Tongjiang Hospital Radiology,Foshan528300 China)

A bstract:Objective To in ve stig ate the c h ild re ve rsib le corpus callosum le sio n syndrom e (RESLES) M R I im aging features and c lin ic a l m anifestations,provide reference fo r the early diagnosis and treatm ent o f the disease in the fu tu re.Methods O ctober2013 -the h o sp ita l w here the author co llected in p e d ia tric patients diagnosed RESLES2015 d u rin g O ctober,the c h ild re n were re tro sp e ctive ly analyzed c lin ic a l data and im aging data sum m arized RESLES diagnostic M R I features.Results10 cases o f c h ild re n w ith the m ain sym ptom s in c lu d e fe ve r,d ia rrh e a,v o m itin g,convulsions,le th a rg y;e tio lo g y exam ination revealed

2 pa tie n ts o f H R Y, 2 patients as M P, 1 patients was IN F A;cerebrospinal flu id showed no a b n o rm ality

h e a lth;e le ctro lyte s fo u n d fo u r cases o f c h ild re n as h yponatrem ia;E E G m a in ly fo r each guide d iffu se spread o c c ip ita l wave background P ianm an;h o sp ita l stay was(5.6±1.2) d;prognosis are good.F irs t M R I le sio n site m a in ly corpus callosum, 1 p a tie n t w ith sem iovale in ju re d;D W I prom pt re s tric te d d iffu s io n, high sig n a l,T1W I showed s lig h tly m ain signal,and 1 case showed no abnorm alities;T2W I m a in ly higher sig n a l,and 1 high sig n a l; 1 case M ERS type,the rest are type I.Conclusion A fte r treatm ent,the review strongly suggest th a t the lesion site abnorm al signal disappears,no sp e cific c lin ic a l,M R I exam ination has ce rta in ch a ra cte ristics,can be used to assess the e ffica cy and prognosis.

Keywords:M R I;R e v e rs ib ility o f the Corpus C allosum Syndrom e;P e d ia tric P atients;EEG

摘要:目的探讨儿童可逆性胼胝体压部病变综合征(RESLES)M R I影像特征及临床表现,为今后该病的及早诊治 提供可参考依据。方法收集笔者2013年10月~2015年10月所在医院确诊为RESLES的儿童患者,回顾分析患儿 临床资料及影像学资料,总结RESLES诊断中M R I特点。结果本组10例患儿主要症状包括发热、腹泻、呕吐、抽 搐、嗜睡;病原学检查发现2例患儿为H RV,2例患儿为MP, 1例患儿为IN FA;脑脊液均无异常状况;电解质检查发 现4例患儿为低钠;脑电图主要表现为各导弥漫性波及枕区背景波偏慢;住院时间为(5.6 ± 1.2)d;预后评估均为良 好。首次M R I病灶部位主要为胼胝体压部,1例患儿伴有半卵圆中心受伤;D W I提示弥散受限,呈高信号,T1W I主 要呈稍低信号,1例无明显异常;T2W I主要为稍高信号,1例为高信号;1例为MERS I I型,其余均为I型。治疗后 复查均提示病灶部位异常信号消失。结论RESLES临床表现无特异性,M R I检查具有一定特征,能用于评估疗效 和预后。

关键词:M R I;可逆性胼胝体压部综合征;儿童患者;脑电图

中图分类号:R742.89 文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-8174(2016)20-3767-03

2011年,国外学者提出了可逆性胼胝体压部病变综合 征(RESLES)这一临床与影像学新综合征,该综合征表现为 脑病或脑炎症状,即伴发可逆性胼胝体压部病变轻微脑炎/脑病(MERS)[1]。临床症状主要为呕吐、抽搐等脑病症状。磁 共振成像(MRI)的不断发展和改进使头颅M R I成为MERS 临床主要诊断方法。使用M R I诊断最初发现磁共振扩散加 权成像(DWI)高信号是MERS主要特征,之后又有学者发现 胼胝体压部受累只是部分受累区域,此外可能有胼胝体及 中央区白质受累[2]。因该病有良好预后,影像学特征相似,因此外国学者提出了 MERS谱系概念,将MERS分为I型和