当前位置:文档之家› 接力版英语小学四年级下册词汇表




grandpa(口)(外)祖父grandma(口)(外)祖母uncle 伯父,叔父,姑父,




Lesson 2

much 许多,大量的football足球



Lesson 3

time 时间


hour 小时


get 得到,达到


打(球)o'clock ’点钟

past 过,超过

Lesson 4

when 什么时候breakfast早餐,早饭class 课,班级home家

Lesson 5





Lesson 6

cow 奶牛,母牛run跑

rice 米饭

sleep 睡觉




shop 商店

library 图书馆


Lesson 8




drive 驾驶

Revision 1

they 他们,她们,它们afraid 害怕的


dance 跳舞


but 但是

tail 尾巴Lesson 9

too 太,过于

soup 汤,羹

careful小心的,仔细的climb 爬,攀登

deep 深的

railway 铁路

Lesson 10

crayon 蜡笔

fan 风扇


Lesson 11

whose 谁的

open 打开

Lesson 12

sweater 毛衣


Lesson 13

tea 茶

bread 面包



Lesson 14

potato 马铃薯,土豆tomato 番茄,西红柿drink饮料


Lesson 15

kitchen 厨房

kid 小孩

toilet 厕所,卫生间bathroom 浴室,盥洗室bedroom卧室classroom 教室Lesson 16

next 靠近

between 在···之间front 前面

Revision 2

coat 外套

fish 鱼;钓鱼

why为什么building 建筑物


















a/one hundred

how much

get up

you are welcome

reading room

in front of

next to





与。。. . . . 相邻

《往:标注为粗体的属于二级词红,其他属于拓展词汇,)go to school

go to bed

play football

watch TV

read a book













(做)···. ···迟到在铁路上

get down

get out

all right

run away

be late for

on the railway


接力版四年级上册单词&句子 Lesson 1 Nice to meet you. 单词:nice, meet, too, name, afternoon 句子:1. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 2. Good afternoon. 3. My name is …. 4. This is … Lesson 2 What is it? 单词:sun, umbrella, plane, light(灯), moon, hat, eraser 句子:What is it? It’s a /an …. Lesson 3 Where is the cat? 单词:behind, schoolbag, cup, move 句子:Where is the…? It is behind/in/on/under the …. Is it behind/in/on/under the …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Lesson 4 Put up your left hand. 单词:blackboard, say, out, leader, round 句子:1. Put up our left hand. 2. Put you right hand on your head. 3. Please go out. 4. Are you the leader? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Lesson 5 The park is on your left. 单词:park, street, turn, school, hospital, along 句子: 1. --Excuse me. Where is the park? --Walk along Read Street. Turn right. The park is on your left. -- Thank you. 2. Go to the door. Stop! Turn left. Walk to the blackboard. Stop! Turn round. Come here. Thank you. Lesson 6 I can see with my eyes. 单词:with, body, these, feet, right, eat, listen, write, part, 句子:1. Parts of body: This is my nose/hair/mouth/left hand/right hand. These are my eyes/ears/feet. 2. Go right. Go left. Down. That’s right. Now draw a nose on the dog. 3. I can see with my eyes. I can eat with my mouth. I can listen with my ears. I can write with my hand. I can walk with my feet. Lesson 7 This is my family. 单词:family, father, mother, sister, brother, his, welcome, like, her 句子: 1. This is my family. This is my father/ mother/sister/brother/me. 2. --Who’s Steven’s/his mother/father/brother/sister? -- His mother/ father/ brother/sister is…. 3. Welcome to my family. This is my father. He’s tall. He’s a doctor. This is my mother. She’s short. She’s a teacher. She likes her pupils.


接力版英语四年级上册教师用书1 (Lesson 1 ~ Revision 1) Lesson 1 Nice to meet you. 教材内容分析 本课学习的主题是互致问候和相互介绍,以在上学路上、在游戏中、在家和在课堂上等情景呈现核心句型"I am ... My name is ... You are ... This is ... Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.Good afternoon.” 板块一Look, listen and say通过在学生上学路上相遇时相互问候并介绍 新同学认识的情景,呈现了本课的核心词汇nice, meet和too及句型"This is """ Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.” 板块二Listen and guess通过孩子们猜人物的游戏情景呈现核心句型"I am…You are…” 板块三Look and say 通过在家里和在教室里的情景,在三年级上册第1, 第2课的基础上复现打招呼的句型"He11o.Good morning.Goodbye.”同时呈现新句型"My name is…Good afternoon.”引导学生在课文情景中理解、学习和运用 语言。 教学目标 1.知识目标 (1)能听、说、认读单词:nice, meet, too, name, afternoono (2)能听、说、认读句型:I am ... My name is ... You are ... This is…Nice to meet you. Good afternoon. 2.能力目标 (1)能准确模仿本课录音中的内容。 (2)能在图片、实物的帮助下或在情境中运用句型"I am ... My name is……Nice to meet you. You are... This is ... Nice to meet you. Good afternoon.”相互介绍和互致问候。 3.情感态度、文化意识、学习策略 (1)培养学生观察和思考的能力,引导学生初步形成英语思维意识。 (2)培养学生礼貌言行,了解与他人见面时打招呼的礼仪,能够在见面时互致问候,相互介绍。 教学提示 在实际情境中运用“I am ... My name is ... You are ... This is ... Nice to meet you. Good afternoon.”相互介绍和互致问候是本课的教学重点。句型"I am ...”的发音、人称代词与系动词be的正确运用是本课的教学难点。新学期刚刚开始,本课建


第二单元: cl_________k(钟)to____ ____ ____(今天)t____(到)ca________(卡片)hap_____ ______(快乐的)birth____ _____ _____(生日) quest_____________(问题)第三单元: tou___ ____(触摸)________ (我的)________(向)l___ ____k(看)yo____ ____(你们的)m____ ____th(嘴巴)e___ _____ (眼睛)e____ ____(耳朵) ha_____ _____(头发)第四单元: p___ ____ (放)f____ ____t (脚)a________(臂)rig___ ___(右边的) _______ d (和)le___ ____(左边))第五单元: le__ ___ (左边)rig___ ____(右边)_____ _____(好的) 第六单元: col___ ___r(颜色)b___ ___e(蓝色的)wh___ ___e(白色的)b___ ____ck (黑色的)gre______(绿色的)yell___ ____(黄色的)r___ ____(红色的)bro____ ____(棕色的)___ ____ange(橙色的)第七单元: st___ _____(星星)dre___ ____(连衣裙)whe____ ____(在哪里)m____ ____n (月亮)moonca___ _____(月饼)第八单元: ____ ____(在....里面)____ _____(在.....上面)____ ____der(在.....下面)so____ _____(一些)wat_____ _____(水)l____ ____e(线)bott___ ____(瓶子) 第九单元: s___ ____(看见)c____ _____(会)c____ ke(蛋糕)f____ _____(飞)m_____ _____(男人)____ _____d(阅读)can___ ___t(不会) 第十单元: sw______(游泳)s____ ____g(唱歌)c___ ____k (烹饪)sp___ _____k (说)____nglish(英语)man___ (许多的第十一单元:


四年级英语总复习 翻译 Wednesday Monday Thursday Saturday light blue \ dark blue \ light yellow \ dark yellow bus \ taxi tree \flower seventeen twenty sixteen eleven thirteen pig sock those spoon twelve eighteen two eight three seven four six five Good morning Good afternoon Good evening rainy wind cloud shirt wear sunny weather her like welcome fork balloon that fifteen nine nineteen fourteen tiger win one ten his brother sister mother father family with body part listen write eat right feet these dark green \ light blue \ light green picture \ book dress \ skirt hat \ cat ship\ boat school hospital park turn along street behind move schoolbag cup blackboard out say leader round meet nice Tuesday Friday Sunday Nice to meet you Nice to meet you ,too Hello,I am Peter My name is Mary cool warm rain windy cloudy dry tomorrow day week wet Goodbye, Dad You are Peter


接力版英语四年级上册教案设计1 Lesson 1 Nice to meet you. 第1课时 一、教学目标 1.知识目标。 (1)能听、说、认读单词:nice, meet, too (2)能听、说、认读句型:This is ... Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too. 2.能力目标。 (1)能准确模仿本课录音中的内容。 (2)能在情境中运用句型“This is…”介绍他人。 (3)能在情境中运用句型“Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.”在初次相识或被人介绍相识时表达问候。 3.情感态度、文化意识、学习策略。 (1)培养学生观察、思考的能力,引导学生初步形成英语思维意识。 (2)让学生了解与他人初次见面打招呼的礼仪。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点。 能运用句型"This is ... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.”介绍他人、互致问候。 2.教学难点。 能在真实情境中正确理解和恰当运用句型“This is ... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.” 三、教学准备 1.教师准备:教学挂图、多媒体课件、配套音响。 2.学生准备:课本及其他学习用品。 四、教学流程设计 1.热身活动。 (1)吟唱歌曲“Good Morning”((详见三年级上册课本第6页)。 (2)师生互相问候交流。 2.新知呈现与操练。 (1)教师可利用课件或教学挂图呈现课文情景,引出主人公Bill,介绍语言情景引导学生猜测:"Bill is on his way to school. Who will Bill meet? Now let's listen and find out the answer.Bill正在上学的路上。Bill会遇到谁呢?现在我们一起听录音,找一找答案。”进人文本教学。 (2)教师播放录音,让学生通过听录音寻找“Who will Bill meet”的答案。教师根据创设的情景语言描述:"Bill meets Ann and Mary. How does he know Mary? Bill遇到了Ann和Mary。他是怎样认识Mary的?”让学生找出答案出处,教学本课核心句型"This is... Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too." (3)教师再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后学生分小组朗读,小组展示朗读。 3.巩固拓展。 (1)表演对话。让学生在小组内分角色佩戴头饰进行课文再现,表演对话。 (2)介绍新朋友。教师利用课件呈现四位新朋友: Amy, Lingling, Peter和

接力版小学英语 三年级下册 重点句型

接力版小学英语三年级下册重点句型Lesson 1 ---How old are you ? ----I am nine. ---How old is Tom ? ----He is ten. ---How old is the bird? ----It is two. Lesson 2 --- Happy birthday to you ! ---Thank you! ---- Here you are ! ---Thank you! Lesson 3 --- Touch your nose. -----OK! Look at me . This is my hair. Draw a mouth. -----OK! Lesson 4 ----Put your left hand up. -----OK! ----Put your left hand down. -----OK! Lesson 5 ---Who is on the left of Mary? ----Lingling is on the left of Mary. Lesson 6 ----What is it ? ----It is an apple. -----What colour is it ? ---Red./ Black and white.

Lesson 7 ----Where is the red dress? ----Where is it ? Lesson 8 ----Where’s the cat? ------It’s in the box./It’s on the box./It’s under the box. -----Draw a ball on the box . Lesson 9 I can draw a car . I can draw an apple. A bird can fly. A man cannot fly. Lesson 10 Tom can swim. Ann can read. Polly can speak English. Mary can cook. ---Can Ann cook? ----Yes./No. ----Who can swim? ---Tom. ----How many cats can you see? ----I can see two./Two. Lesson 11 I have black hair. You have the key. Lesson 12 Tom has a short ruler. Ann has a big dog. -----Who has a long dress?


Lesson1 grandpa(口)(外)祖父grandma(口)(外)祖母uncle 伯父,叔父,姑父, 姨父,舅父 aunt伯母,婶母,姑母, 姨母,舅母 Lesson 2 much 许多,大量的football足球 want要,想要 pear梨 Lesson 3 time 时间 half一半 hour 小时 late晚,迟 get 得到,达到 play玩(游戏等), 打(球)o'clock ’点钟 past 过,超过 Lesson 4 when 什么时候breakfast早餐,早饭class 课,班级home家 Lesson 5 we我们 watch看,观看wash洗 story故事 tell告诉,讲述 Lesson 6 cow 奶牛,母牛run跑 rice 米饭 sleep 睡觉

away离开 Lesson7 playground操场 shop 商店 library 图书馆 cinema电影院 Lesson 8 use使用 computer电脑 there那里 drive 驾驶 Revision 1 they 他们,她们,它们afraid 害怕的 very很,非常 dance 跳舞 little小的 but 但是 tail 尾巴Lesson 9 too 太,过于 soup 汤,羹 careful小心的,仔细的climb 爬,攀登 deep 深的 railway 铁路 Lesson 10 crayon 蜡笔 fan 风扇 candy糖果basketball篮球 Lesson 11 whose 谁的 open 打开 Lesson 12 sweater 毛衣

接力版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 10 Who has a watch_ 同步习题(I)卷

接力版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 10 Who has a watch_ 同步习题 (I)卷 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的一项。 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分)选择下列单词的划线部分发音与其余三个不同选项() A . clown B . snow C . show D . tomorrow 2. (2分)选出单词中划线部分发音不同的一项() A . wow B . slow C . snow D . yellow 3. (2分)wear A . hair B . bear C . deer 4. (2分)请选出语调正确的选项。 A . What lessons do you have?↗I have Chinese,↗Maths↗and English.↘

B . What lessons do you have?↘I have Chinese,↗Maths↗and English.↘ C . What lessons do you have?↘I have Chinese,↘Maths↘and English.↘ 5. (2分)选出发音与众不同的选项() A . sure B . tour C . pear 二、单项选择。 (共9题;共18分) 6. (2分)Mary is______ honest girl. We all love her. A . a B . an C . the D . / 7. (2分)What's the matter _______ you? () A . in B . with C . at 8. (2分)Let's ____to the zoo . A . went B . going C . go 9. (2分)这是给你的。

接力版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 4 I get up at half past six.同步习题A卷

接力版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 4 I get up at half past six. 同步习题A卷 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、翻译下列句子。 (共5题;共23分) 1. (5分)英汉互译⑴ (1)in your bag ________ (2)在床下________ (3)in a box________ (4)在沙发后________ (5)on a bed________ 2. (4分)你会拉小提琴吗? ________ you ________ ________ ________? 3. (3分)翻译下列词组。 ①起来________ ②坐下 ________ ③开门 ________ 4. (5分)英汉互译。 ⒈去溜冰 ________ ⒉喜欢夏天 ________ ⒊谁的包 ________ ⒋放风筝 ________ ⒌four seasons ________

5. (6分)—你喜欢洗盘子吗? —不,我喜欢擦桌子。 —Do you like ________ ________ ________? —No,I don't.I like ________ ________ ________. 二、翻译下列单词。 (共1题;共5分) 6. (5分)翻译词组。 ①一个有趣的国家________ ②很多有趣的东西________ ③欢迎参观者________ ④在网上________ ⑤运动爱好者________ 三、将单词按正确的顺序排列。 (共6题;共20分) 7. (1分)I like to play f________. 8. (5分)阅读短文和首字母提示,每空一词。 Mike lives in Guangzhou. His friend Tom lives in Xi'an. This winter, Tom came to Guangzhou to see Mike. They were very happy to see each other. They asked a lot about each other's family and work. They talked about the weather in their cities, too. Guangzhou is quite warm in winter. It doesn't snow in winter in Guangzhou. Some people in Guangzhou have never seen snow. In Xi'an, it often snows in winter. Children like to play snowball fight and make snowmen. That is great fun. Mike hoped to visit Xi'an next winter. (1)Tom v________Mike in Guangzhou.

四年级上册英语同步练习-Lesson These are pigs 含答案|接力版

Lesson 15 These are pigs. 同步练习 一、看图,从所给的选项中选出适合每个情景的语句,将标号填在圆圈内。 A.I have a toy mouse.B.Here you are. C.Sure.D.My name’s zoom. 二、从B栏中找出A栏的答句,并将其字母代号填入相应的句子前的括号内。 A B ( )1.May I have a look? A.Cool! ( )2.Nice to meet you.B.Sure,here you are. ( )3.Look! I have a monkey.C.Fine,thanks. ( )4.It’s lovely.D.Nice to meet you,too. ( )5.How are you? E.Thank you. 三、情景交际。(把正确答案的序号写在横线上。) Bai Ling:I have a monkey. Wu Yifan:1.May I have a look? Bai Ling:2.Here you are. Wu Yifan:3.Oh,it is nice.4.

Bai Ling:Thanks. A.Thank you. B.Sure. C.I like it. D.Really? 四、英汉连连看。 1.a white rabbit A.一只红色的松鼠 2.a red squirrel B.一只黑色的老鼠 3.a blue bird C.一只白色的兔子 4.a brown bear D.一只蓝色的鸟 5.a black mouse E.一只棕色的熊 五、将图片与相应的句子用线连起来。 1.Walk like an elephant. 2.Act like a rabbit. 3.Act like a cat. 4.Fly like a bird. 5.Hunt like a mouse. 六、找到汤姆叔叔的家禽和家畜,然后把这些单词写在横线上。


小学英语教案四年级下册( 接力版 ) Lesson 1教案 教学重点:句型Who’s that man ?thirteen、sister 教学点:音I think she’s about thirteen. 理解 I think she’s about thirteen. 教学程: 一、身 / 复 1 .和学生一起唱第19 所学的小韵文 2 .学生两人一表演第19 的,并找一至两学生到前面表演 二、介新言目及教学方法 1 .生交流: What’s your name? My name is? What’s your number? My number is? Who’s that? That’s? Who’s he? He ’s ? Who’s the girl? She’s? 2 .教出示主,生:[ 将主在黑板上] :(指中中国女孩)Who’s that?生:That’s Yang Li. :(指另一女孩)Who’s this girl?生:She’s Kate. : How many pictures?生:Six. : Yes. There are six pictures. This is Picture 1. And this is Picture?(指着第六幅照片,引学生和自己一起six) 学生反复This is Picture 6. 3.全班一起听文音,熟悉文内容,掌握准音:全班共同重复句子一遍 学生重复个句子:Who’s that in Picture 6? [板] Sorry. I don’t know. I think she’sabout thirteen. She’s my sister. 教示范I think she’s about thirteen.(示范的同做作解本句的意:食指指向部, 然后再指指中的第六幅,用手表示13 。) 教解sister :(学生出示一自己姐妹的照片或某位学生姐妹的照片)This is my sister. Her name is? 提: What’s your sister’s name?学生回答:Her name is? sister , 小、个人 4.学生打开,自文两分:找出理解或朗中的、点 全体文一遍;听整体文音一遍[ 播放音 ] ;听音、小声跟文 5.两人小文 两人小改文,如:Who’s that in Picture 2? I think he’s about 11.


接力版四年级下册单词&句子 Lesson1 How old is he? 单词:grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunt C1: --Who’s that man? --He’s my uncle. -- How old is he? -- He is 40. C2: -- Who’s she? -- She’s my aunt. -- How old is she? -- She’s 30. C3: -- What’s this? -- It’s a tree. -- How old is it? -- It’s twenty. Lesson 2 How much is the football? 单词:much, football, want, pear C1: -- How much is the football? -- Sixty yuan. -- How much are the pears? -- Ten yuan. -- How much is the cake? -- Forty-eight yuan. C2: -- Can I help you? -- I want the bag. -- How much is it? -- Seventy yuan. -- Here you are. -- Thank you. Lesson 3 What time is it? 单词:time, half, hour, late, get, play, o’clock, past C1: -- What time is it? -- It is ten o’clock. -- What time is it? -- It’s half past ten. C2: -- What time is it? --It’s ten fifteen. Ss: It’s time to get up. It’s time to go to school. It’s time to play. It’s time to go to bed. Lesson 4 I get at half past six 单词:when, breakfast, class, home C1: -- When do you get up? --I get up at half past six. --When do you go to school? --I go to school at half past seven. --When do you go to bed? --I go to bed at nine. Ss: I get up at half past six. I have breakfast at seven. I go to school at half past seven. I have English class at nine. C2:--When do you go home? -- I go home at 11:30. -- When do you play football? -- At 3:30. Lesson 5 What are you doing? 单词:we, watch, story, tell C1: -- What are you doing? -- I’m reading a book. -- What are you doing? -- We are eating bananas. --What are you doing? -- We are drawing. Ss: We are reading a book. I’m listening to a story. I’m writing a story. I’m telling a story.


接力版小学英语四年级上册全册教案 目录 《Lesson 2 What is it》 (2) 《Lesson 3 Where is the cat》 (6) 《Lesson 6 I can see with my eyes》 (9) 《Lesson 7 This is my family》 (12) 《Lesson 8 What’s the weather like》 (15) 《Lesson 9 What day is it today》 (21) 《Lesson 15 These are pigs》 (26)

《Lesson 2 What is it?》 1教学目标 1、知识目标。 能听、说、认读单词:sun, plane, umbrella, light, moon, star。能听懂、会说句型:What is it? It’s a/ an / the... 2、能力目标。 能准确模范本课录音中的内容。 能在图片、实物的帮助下或在情境中运用句型“What is it? It’s a /an / the... ”询问物品、自然景观的名称并回答。 3、情感态度、文化意识、学习策略。 培养学生观察、思考的能力,引导学生初步形成英语思维意识。 培养学生合作学习的能力。 2学情分析 四年级的学生在三年级的学习中已经掌握了一些基本的物品单词,已经学习了“What's this?”这一个句型。本课可在复习旧知的基础上引导学生学习新的句型“What is it? It's a/ an /the ...” 据前两周我对所教班级四年级学生的了解,他们在课堂上都能够积极踊跃的参与到教学操练中,所以在这一次的教学过程中也设计了很多让学生参与的游戏和操练,尽量做到让学生在欢快的氛围中学习英语。 3重点难点 1、教学重点。

新2020接力版小学英语四年级下册lesson 3 what time is it 同步练习(含答案)2

Lesson 3 What time is it? 同步练习 一、圈出正确的单词 1. Time ________(for, to) go home. 2. ________ (Come, Home) on, Amy! 3. Let’s ________(to, run)! 4. It’s time ________(to, for) music class. 5. —________(Where, What) is Mike? —He’s in the classroom. 二、选出合适的答语 ( ) 1. What time is it now? A. Let’s have some chicken. ( ) 2. It’s 6 o’clock. B. I am in the music room. ( ) 3. It’s time for lunch. C. It’s 8 o’clock. ( ) 4. Where are you? D. It’s time to get up. ( ) 5. I t’s time to get up. E. Just a minute. 三、连词成句 1. ten, is, o’clock, it(.) _______________________________________________________ 2. sing, let’s, dance, and(.) _______________________________________________________

3. for, class, time, English, it’s (.) _______________________________________________________ 4. is, time, it, what (?) _______________________________________________________ 5. to, time, school, to, it’s, go (.) 四、选择题: 1. ________name is Frank. A. Her B. His 2. She _____music and sport. A. like B. likes 3. How many _____ are there in a week? A. day B. dayes C. days 4. How many seconds(秒) are there in an hour? There are _______ . A. 24 B.60. C. 360 D.3600 5. It is time _________ lunch. A. to B. for C.at D.in 五、选出不属于同一类的单词 ()1. A. apple B. science C. English D. art ()2. A. English B. P.E. C. Chinese D. class


接力版英语四年级下册Lesson11Whosekeyisthis 练习卷 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 1 . (题文)选词填空。 Who Whose 1. _____ is he ? 2. ______ fan is this ? 3. _____ wears a warm sweater ? 4. ______ sweater is warmer ? 5. That is ____ I want to see . 6. He has a friend ____ father is a doctor . 2 . It is ___ fish . ( ) A. a B. an C. none 3 . ____ a big cow. ( ) A. How B. What C. Where 4 . That ____ sweet . ( ) A. sound B. sounds C. sounded 5 . 找出句子中错误的一项并改正。 1. Put they away !改正__________. A B C 2. Is this you bag ?改正__________. A B C 3. Remember to tell I . 改正 __________. A B C 4. Whose things is these ?改正__________. A B C 5. Who will they say to Micky ?改正__________. A B C 6 . 如果你想告诉对方这是你的照相机,应说:( ) A. It is my camera. B. It is your camera. 7 . 如何询问这是谁的太阳帽:( ) A. Whose sun cap is this ? B. Where is the sun cap ? 8 . 当你想知道谁穿了一件暖和的羊毛衫,应说:( ) A. Who wears a warm sweater ? B. Whose sweater is warmer ?


[小学英语] Lesson 1 How old is he? 第一课时Lesson 1 教案 教学重点:句型Who’s that man ? 词汇thirteen、sister 教学难点:发音I think she’s about thirteen. 理解I think she’s about thirteen. 教学过程: 一、热身/复习 1.和学生一起说唱第19课所学的小韵文 2.学生两人一组表演第19课的对话,并找一至两组学生到前面表演 二、介绍新语言项目及教学方法 1.师生交流:What’s your name? My name is… What’s your number? My number is… Who’s that? That’s … Who’s he? He’s … Who’s the girl? She’s … 2.教师出示主题图,师生讨论:[将主题图贴在黑板上] 师:(指图中中国女孩)Who’s that?生:That’s Yang Li. 师:(指另一女孩)Who’s this girl?生:She’s Kate. 师:How many pictures?生:Six. 师:Yes. There are six pictures. This is Picture 1. And this is Picture…(指着第六幅照片,引导学生和自己一起说six) 学生反复练习This is Picture 6. 3.全班一起听课文录音,熟悉课文内容,掌握标准发音:全班共同重复句子一遍 学生重复个别句子:Who’s that in Picture 6? [板书] Sorry. I don’t know. I think she’s about thirteen. She’s my sister. 教师示范I think she’s about thirteen. (示范的同时做动作解释本句的意义:食指指向头部,然后再指指图中的第六幅图,用手势表示13。) 教师解释sister:(为学生出示一张自己姐妹的照片或某位学生姐妹的照片)This is my sister. Her name is… 提问:What’s your sister’s name?学生回答:Her name is… 带读sister,小组读、个别人读 4.学生打开书,自读课文两分钟:找出理解或朗读中的问题、难点 全体读课文一遍;听整体课文录音一遍[播放录音];听录音、小声跟读课文 5.两人小组读课文 两人小组改编课文,如:Who’s that in Picture 2? I think he’s about 11. His name is…

接力版(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 12 Do you have a pen_ 同步习题

接力版(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册Lesson 12 Do you have a pen? 同 步习题 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、看图匹配 (共1题;共4分) 1. (4分)把图片和相对应的英语句子搭配。 ⑴ _______ A.Gule a string to it. ⑵ _______ B.Cut it out. ⑶ _______ C.Colour it. ⑷ _______ D.Draw a water bottle.二、单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)

2. (1分)Please show me the blue _______(短裙). 三、抄写句子 (共1题;共8分) 3. (8分)根据要求写出相应单词。 (1)have(三单)_______ (2)be(三单)_______ (3)understand(三单)_______ (4)happy(比较级)_______ (5)smile(三单)_______ (6)friend(复数)_______ (7)dictionary(复数)_______ (8)many(同义词)_______ 四、短语翻译 (共1题;共1分) 4. (1分)Peter _______with his family on Sunday.(去公园) 五、连词成句 (共5题;共21分) 5. (1分)are , they , what _______(?) 6. (5分)Time , home ,go , to ( . ) 7. (5分)an , much , a , bigger , panda , than , elephant , is , (.) 8. (5分)you how to will school go (?)(连词成句) 9. (5分)them, you , can , write(?)

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