当前位置:文档之家› 剑桥英语青少版第一版第四级入门测试3



1.v. + doing / v. + to do

Complete the sentences. Use the gerund (doing) or infinitive (to do) form of the verbs in the box.

e.g. My brother wants to go to university.

1)Please stop _______ and listen.

2)I hope _______ you again soon.

3)Don’t you remember _______ Jack about the party?

4)Paul offered _______ the old lady.

5)I don’t mind _______ at home if you don’t feel like going


2.n. suffixes

Make nouns from the v. and adj.

e.g. imagine imagination

1)agree _______

2)different _______

3)kind _______

4)possible _______

5)react _______

6)entertain _______

7)protect _______

8)prepare _______

9)popular _______

10)relax _______

3.Iwish / If only… + past simple

Rewrite the sentences.

e.g. I don’t like sports. →I wish I liked sports.

1)Ican’t speak German. →If only ______________.

2)We have so much homework every day. →Iwish


3)I don’t have enough money to buy Mum a birthday

present. →If only ______________.

4)Tom is so good-looking! →I wish ______________!

5)We have an exam tomorrow. →If only



Complete the sentences with the words in box. You won’t need to use all of them.

e.g. If you commit a crime, you’ll be punished.

1)When you’re in a crowded place, you have to be careful of


2)If the crime isn’t serious, you may just _______ a fine.

3)Jim was arrested for _______ last week.He’d stolen a shirt

and tie from a department store.

4)The police think that the fire at the local school was


5)There has been an increase in the number of _______ in our

street over the last year.

5.Phrasal verbs

Complete the sentences. Use the phrasal verbs in the box, in the correct form. You won’t need to use all of them.

e.g. Sally turned the job down because she didn’t want to leave

the company.

1)I’m sure all your hard work _______ in the end. You’ll do

really well.

2)They _______ the match yesterday because of the bad


3)If you _______ my new Franz Ferdinand CD, please tell me!

I can’t find it anywhere.

4)There was a loud noise and then the lights _______.

5)Peter’s car _______ twice this year –and it’s new!

6.Linkers of contrast: however/ although/ even though/ in

spite of / despite

Choose the correct words.

e.g. Although√/ Despite John was good-looking, he was

very shy.

1)Tim speaks very good English. Even though / However, he

doesn’t think so.

2)Everyone enjoyed the picnic in spite of / although the bad


3)I love playing tennis even though / however I’m n ot good

at it.

4)My uncle has a lot of money. However / Despite, he isn’t


5)I enjoyed the meal although / despite not being hungry. 7.Problems

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in the box.

e.g. It’s usually best to sleep on a problem as things always

look better in the morning.

1)My best friend always _______ a solution to my problems.

2)The problem won’t go away if you _______ i t.

3)A serious problem _______ at work yesterday.

4)Is there anything you want to _______ with me? I can see

you’re upset about something.

5)Don’t worry about the mess. I’ll _______ it _______ later. 8.Modal verbs of deduction (present)

Complete the sentences with must be, can’t be or might be.

e.g. Tony must be very rich because he owns 5 cars.

1)That _______ Ben at the door. He’s in Spain at the


2)Sarah _______ at work. She sometimes works late on


3)You _______ hungry. You’ve just had a huge pizza.

4)You _______ exhausted! You haven’t slept for 48 hours.

5)I think Louisa _______ annoyed with me. She hasn’t even

said “good morning”.

9.Modal verbs of deduction (past)

Complete the sentences using must have, can’t have or might have with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

e.g. Where are the car keys?

Oh no! I must have left (leave) them at home.

1)You _______ (forget) my birthday! I reminded you


2)I don’t know where Ben is, but he _______ (go) to the

gym after work.

3)The movie _______ (be) really bad because a lot of

people left before the end.

4)Jack _______ (fail) his driving test. He’s had so many


5)I wonder why Laura is so quiet. I guess she _______

(have) a bad day at work.

10.E xpressions with be + prep.

Complete the sentences. Use suitable prepositions.

e.g. A: Where shall we go this evening?

B: I don’t mind. It’s up to you.

1)I’m really _______ chocolate at the moment. I had too

much at the weekend!

2)Be careful! I’m sure Miss Jones is _______ us. She’s b een

looking at us very strangely!

3)Look at the sky. I’m sure It’s _______ to rain.

4)I’m totally _______ using animals for experiments. It’s

cruel and unnecessary.

5)It’s _______ you if you decide to accept the job or not.


新概念青少版入门级测试( A )听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词 1、() A anorak B 2、() A egg B 3、() A hamburger B 4、() A monkey B 5、() A nose B 6、() A pizza B 7、() A ruler B 8、() A seven B 9、() A sun B 10、() A under B 二、选出你所听到的句子 1、( ) A Hello, Robert. B 2、( ) A Look at my red kite B 3、( ) A Jelly, yummy. B 4、( ) A a blue umbrella B 5、( ) A This is my father. B 6、( ) A What's your name B 7、( ) A It 's a robot. B 8、( ) A Here you are. B 姓名________ ball C doll family C fish insect C jelly little C mouse orange C parrot queen C rabbit salad C school bag shirt C sister tomato C three violin C xylophone Hello, Flora. C Hello, Kim. Look at my green kite C Look at me Yummy, an orange . C Yuk, an insect. a yellow umbrella C a green umbrella This is my mom. C This is my family How old are you? C Where is my ruler? It 's train. C It 's van. Thank you. C Be quiet.


新概念入门级A测试题(Starter A U1-6) Name___________ Score__________ 第一部分:听力部分(共30分)一.选出你所听到的字母选项(10) ( )1.A.b B.g C.p ( )2.A.l B.s C.x ( )3.A.a B.j C.h ( )4.A.y B.i C.v ( )5A.u B.w C.q 二.选出你所听到的单词(10) ( )1. A.boy B.blue C.ball ( )2.A.no https://www.doczj.com/doc/183343777.html, C.nose ( )3.A.leg B.zebra C.cat ( )4.A.queen B.violin C.king ( )5.A.brother B.family C.sister 三.选出你所听到的句子(10分) ( )1.A.look at my blue mouth. B.look at the violin. ( )2.A.This is your brother. B.This is my brother. ( )3.A. This is my family. B.This is my friend. ( )4.A. No ball. B.No cat ( )5.A. what’s your name? B.My name’s Peg. 第二部分笔试部分(共70分)

一、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ( )1. A.cat B.fish C. dog D. ball ( ) 2. A. apple B.egg C.jelly D.kite ( )3. A.monkey B.panda C.zebra D.zoo ( )4. A.leg B.blue C.nose D.mouth ( )5. A.red B,green C.blue D.ball 二、用Yes /No填空(10分) A cat A orange An boy An egg An monkey ________ _________ ________ ________ ________ 三.用“a 、an 、the或/”填空。(24分) _____ apple _____ fish ____ ball ____cat ___boy ____ dog ____insect ____egg ____girl _____hat ____jelly ____kite ____leg ____ mouth ____ nose ____ orange _____sun ____umbrella ___king ____queen ____monkey ___panda ____pig ___table 四、 Match(连线)(10分)


课题:Unit 1 Things we like doing课时1 执笔:许爱玲审核:王颖授课:授课时间:学案编号: Learning Aims (学习目标): 1Improve reading skills . 2Grasp present simple (positive and negative) Procedures (学习流程): Step 1 Starter: 1 Refer Ss to the photos of Page22. Ask them which country they think it is and where the girl is. 2 Pre-teach any vocabulary (hang out, drivers’licence, take off, land, pilot ) Step 2 Individual Study (独学) 1. Reading for gist and finish 1a 2 Read the text again and underline traffic lights for difficulties. 3 Read for details and finish 1b 4 Listen and repeat. Step 3 Group Study Check the answers. Step 4Presentation 1 Traffic lights for difficulties. 2 Ask individual student to read the text. Step 5 Self assessment. 1 Finish off page 23 of the students’ book - 1 -


1.v. + doing / v. + to do Complete the sentences. Use the gerund (doing) or infinitive (to do) form of the verbs in the box. e.g. My brother wants to go to university. 1)Please stop _______ and listen. 2)I hope _______ you again soon. 3)Don’t you remember _______ Jack about the party? 4)Paul offered _______ the old lady. 5)I don’t mind _______ at home if you don’t feel like going out. 2.n. suffixes Make nouns from the v. and adj. e.g. imagine imagination 1)agree _______ 2)different _______ 3)kind _______ 4)possible _______ 5)react _______ 6)entertain _______ 7)protect _______ 8)prepare _______

9)popular _______ 10)relax _______ 3.Iwish / If only… + past simple Rewrite the sentences. e.g. I don’t like sports. →I wish I liked sports. 1)Ican’t speak German. →If only ______________. 2)We have so much homework every day. →Iwish ______________. 3)I don’t have enough money to buy Mum a birthday present. →If only ______________. 4)Tom is so good-looking! →I wish ______________! 5)We have an exam tomorrow. →If only ______________. 4.Crime Complete the sentences with the words in box. You won’t need to use all of them. e.g. If you commit a crime, you’ll be punished. 1)When you’re in a crowded place, you have to be careful of _______. 2)If the crime isn’t serious, you may just _______ a fine.


小学英语之《剑桥少儿英语》和 《新概念英语青少版》之间的选择在中国,一般学校在小学三年级开始学习英语了。经常看到有家长问,小学生应该学剑桥好还是学新概念好、应该给孩子买什么教材学英语等等的问题,通过下面的介绍希望给大家带来帮助。 1.《剑桥少儿英语》的特点? 《剑桥少儿英语》是英国剑桥大学考试委员会于1996年正式推出,针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力,建立起英语学习的自信心与荣誉感的学习系统。 参加培训考试者均可获得由教育部考试中心中英中心和剑桥大学考试委员会联合签发的写实性证书。以需要为前提、以适应为特色、以第二课堂为基地、以培训为核心,,以考试促学习、以质量为根本、以素质教育为宗旨。《剑桥少儿英语》根据中国少年儿童生活实际情况,设计了贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏,通过"玩中学、学中玩"的教学活动,使孩子们容易理解、轻松掌握。 剑桥英语把大部分学校所教内容通过少儿喜闻乐见的形式贯穿在教学内容之中,能有效巩固、补充和促进学校的教育。国内唯一可获少儿英语等级证书的学习系统,证书国际认可培训后,可通过国家

和剑桥大学于每年3月和9月统一举行的考试来评估学生的英语水平,并获得由剑桥大学考试委员会(UCELS)和教育部考试中心中英中心联合签发的写实性国际证书。 2.《新概念英语青少版》的特点? 《新概念英语青少版》是“新概念英语”教学体系的新成员,由世界著名英语教学专家路易·亚历山大、朱莉娅·亚历山大和罗伊·金斯伯里专为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。 《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 《JNCE1A-3B》共涉及2000个单词和短语,有效地补充了现有校内教材的不足,衔接了小学至初中的英语落差,是三到五年级学生强化听、说、读、写英语全面能力的首选教材。 《JNCE4A-5B》以《新概念英语2》为蓝本,根据青少年的心理和认知特点进行改版,更适合初中阶段的学生使用。 在秉承《新概念英语》先进教学理念的基础上,语法大纲更加强调渐进性,凡涉及新的语法结构,都会循环不断地复习前面所学过的语法知识。此外,教材针对中国青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言教材,课本以一个英语家庭以及他们的朋友为故事情节,结合精炼幽默的语言,通过精心设计的口语听力、阅读和写作练习,帮助青少年扎实地掌握各项英语的知识和能力,进而实


新概念英语青少版入门级A 册综合测试卷姓名___________ A.圈出你听到的单词(13分) 1.anorak 2.dad 3.brother 4.cap 5.dancer 6.eight 7.family 8.queen 9.jelly 10.monkey 11.salad 12.shirt 13.robot 14.sister 15.postman 16.sausage 17.kite 18.zebra 19.short B.听写单词(10分) 蓝色 __________ 小猫__________ 果冻_________ 女孩_______ 腿________五________ 汉堡包_______ 昆虫___________ 熊猫__________ 兔子__________风筝________ 橙子___________ 黄色_____________ 衬衫________ 王后_______窗户_______ 舞者________衬衫_______动物____________ 一 ________ 二_________ 三________ 四_________ 五________妈妈__________国王___________ 六_________ 七________ 八________ 九_________ 十________看_________狗___________ D.写缩写形式(10分)例:They are happy. They’re happy. 1、You are six. _____________________ 2、He is tall. _____________________ 3、She is not tall. ___________________ 4、They are not red._________________ 5、He is not fat._____________________ 6、I am happy______________________ F.回答问题(10分) 1、What’s your name? ________________ 2、How old are you? ____________________ 3、Are you ten? _______________ 4、What colour is your pencil-case? _________________ 5、Are you tall? ______________ E.翻译句子(10分) Is it an apple? ______________________ What’s your name? ________________________ This is my book._______________________That isn’t my pen. _________________________ How old are you? ______________________She’s tall.________________________________ He’s a teacher._______________________She isn’t a doctor.___________________________ It’s a dog. _________________________This is his rabbit.____________________________ F.填空(11分) That’s _________(她的) sister. That’s _________(我的) mum. This is


《剑桥少儿英语》与《新概念英语青少版》的区别 一、特点 《剑桥少儿英语》针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力。通过贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏进行英语教学。 《新概念英语青少版》属于“新概念英语”教学体系,为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 另:《剑桥少儿英语》和《新概念英语青少版》都有入门级教材,针对学龄低5-8岁,没有英语学习经历的儿童。 二、适合年龄 《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣。适合培养儿童英语兴趣,发展语言能力。更多是作为一门兴趣课来学习。

《剑桥少儿英语》有其测试系统。剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。 《新概念英语青少版》适合9岁-15岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照: 级别词汇量适用年级英语水平参照 《新概念英语青少版》(1A、1B)约600个生词和50个短 语 小学3、4年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准1级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(2A、2B)新增700个生词和60 个短语 小学5、6年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准2级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(3A、3B)新增750个生词和60 个短语 初中1、2年级学 生 相当于国家英语课程标准5级要 求 《新概念英语青少版》(4A、4B)约1500个生词和所有 高考语法 初中1、2年级学 生 相当于雅思4.5分 《新概念英语青少版》(5A、5B)新增750个生词和60 个短语 初中2、3年级学 生 相当于雅思4.5分或高中英语水 平


青少版新概念英语(入门级A )期末测试题 姓名: 成绩: 一. 写出26个字母(大小写) (13分) 二. 涂颜色(8分) 三. 选出与所给字母或单词相同发音的一项(10分) ( )1. Aa A Gg B Jj C Ii D Zz ( )2.Bb A Tt B Oo C Yy D Hh ( )3.Ff A Dd B Ee C Ll D Rr ( )4.Uu A Yy B Xx C Vv D Qq ( )5.Ii A Ww B Kk C Mm D Yy ( )6.game A fat B cake C apple

()7.beef A he B egg C schoolbag ()8.good A cool B book C zoo ()9.umbrella A mute B tube C bus ()10.bike A big B in C kite 四、按要求写句子(10分): 1、This is my ba g. (改为否定句) 2、That is your kite. (改为否定句) 3、Is this your ruler?(肯定回答) 4、Is she a teacher?(否定回答) 5、It is my yellow hat. (改写为缩写形式) 6、What is that? (改写为缩写形式) 7、My name is Pop.(改写为缩写形式) 8、I’m fat. (改为一般疑问句) _________________________________________ 9、You are a policewoman.(改为否定 句)______________________________ 10、He is eight. (改为一般疑问 句)_____________________________________ 五、在括号里写出与数字相应的单词(10分) 1() 2() 3() 4() 5() 6() 7() 8() 9() 10()


1.Reported statements & questions Write the direct statements and questions in reported speech. e.g. “I didn’t enjoy the movie.” Matt said he hadn’t enjoyed the movie. 1)“We can’t come to the party.” They said ____________________________. 2)“What time does the exam start?” Sarah asked ____________________________. 3)“Have you seen my MP3 player anywhere?” Louise asked John _____________________. 4)“I’ll help Tom later.” Mary said ____________________________. 5)“Why didn’t you say something?” Rose asked Jack ________________________. 2.Appearance Put the words in the box in the correct columns.

3.Personality Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You won’t need to use all of them. e.g. Janet is so bossy. She just loves telling people what to do. 1)Mum always thinks of other people first. She’s so _______. 2)It’s impossible to help Ben. He’s so _______ and always wants to do everything by himself. 3)I’m sure Claire will get to the top as she’s very _______. 4)Now, if you were _______, you’d go to bed early as you have an important exam tomorrow. 5)Sally is one of the most _______ people I know. She always creates such fantastic things. 4.I wish / If only + past perfect Rewrite the sentences.


新概念青少版入门级测试(A) 姓名__________ 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词 1、() A anorak B ball C doll 2、() A egg B family C fish 3、() A hamburger B insect C jelly 4、() A monkey B little C mouse 5、() A nose B orange C parrot 6、() A pizza B queen C rabbit 7、() A ruler B salad C school bag 8、() A seven B shirt C sister 9、() A sun B tomato C three 10、()A under B violin C xylophone 二、选出你所听到的句子 1、( ) A Hello, Robert. B Hello, Flora. C Hello, Kim. 2、( ) A Look at my red kite B Look at my green kite C Look at me 3、( ) A Jelly, yummy. B Yummy, an orange. C Yuk, an insect. 4、( ) A a blue umbrella B a yellow umbrella C a green umbrella 5、( ) A This is my father. B This is my mom. C This is my family 6、( ) A What’s your name B How old are you? C Where is my ruler? 7、( ) A It’s a robot. B It’s train. C It’s van.


新概念青少版入门级阶段测试题(60分钟100分) 听力50% 一、听写字母组 12% 二、听录音,写单词 8% 1. a n 2. h u 3. l c 三、听录音,给下列图片排序10% ()()()()() ()()()()()四、选出听到的单词10% ( ) 1. A. boy B. ball C. brother ( ) 2. A. mother B. mouth C. monkey ( ) 3. A. train B. ten C. table ( ) 4. A. pig B. pizza C. panda ( ) 5. A. hat B. cat C. kite 五、选出听到的句子10%

( ) 1. A. It’s an orange. B. It’s orange. ( ) 2. A. That’s my sister. B. That is my sister. ( ) 3. A. What’s this? B. What’s that? ( ) 4. A. You’re ten. B. You aren’t ten. ( ) 5. A. It’s next to the bedroom. B. It’s next to the bathroom. 笔试50% 一、看图片,写单词10% ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 二、划掉错误选项10% 例:a an ball 1. a an jelly 2. a an umbrella 3. a an red apple 4. a an anorak 5. a an orange 6. a an dining room 7.8. It is isn’t an insect. She is isn’t a postman. 9. 10. It is isn’t in front of the table. This is his her frog. 三、写出下列短语的缩写或完整形式6% 1.I’m = 2. you’re = 3. isn’t =


青少版新概念入门级测试卷 Date: Name:________ score:________ Part 1 听力部分 一.Listen and write. 听一听,写出你所听到的字母大小写。(2x6=12’) 1. 2. 3. . 4 5 6 二.Listen and tick the sound. 选一选,选出你所听到的单词。( 2x6’=12’) 1.( ) A. jelly B. orange C. pizza 2.( ) A. ruler B. rubber C. mother 3.( ) A. car B. cake C. bike 4.( ) A. yellow B. green C. pencil 5.( ) A. pink B. panda C. pencil case 6.( ) A. father B. brother C. sister 笔试部分 一.Write letters according to the rules. 在小写字母旁边,写出相应的大写字母。(2x6’=12’) q c k a m o 二.Mach the pictures with the right words.将图片与单词连起来。(在括号里填上图片的字母。)(2x8’=16’) A B C D E F G H book salad doll train book bag mother sausage tomato ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三.Fill in the blanks. 根据自然拼读法,将下列单词补充完整(填上元音字母a,e,i,o,u)。(1x10’=10’) 1. c t小猫 f sh 鱼 h t帽子 j lly 果冻 c r汽车 2. l g腿 p g猪 b y男孩 d d爸爸 p n钢笔 四.Choose the right answers. 选择正确的答案。(1x8’=8’) 1.()What’s your name? A. I’m Coco. B. Thank you. C. I’m fine. 2. ( ) What’s this? A. Yes, I am. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s a van. 3.( ) Who’s she? A. It’s a monkey. B. She’s my grandmother. C. He’s my father. 4.( ) What’s that? A. No, it isn’t. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s a hamburger. 5. ( ) What color? A. It’s blue. B. It’s yellow. C. It’s green. 6.( ) Are you ready? A. Thank you. B. She’s my mother. C. Yes. 7.( ) Is that a pig? A. Thank you. B. It’s a monkey. C. No, it isn’t. 8.( ) Is it a robot? A. Yes, it is. B. I’m fine. Thank you. C. It’s a robot. 五.Classify the words.请将下列单词分类.(1x20’)


1.Present simple vs.pr esent continuous Complete the https://www.doczj.com/doc/183343777.html,e the present simple or pr esent continuous form of the verbs in the box. like spend have learn think n o t understand e.g.Do you like surfing the Internet? 1)I______what you mean.Could you explain once again please? 2)More and m or e people______English these days. 3)Simon______at least2hours a day on the phone. 4)I______professional footballers get too much money.It’s ridiculous. 5)______you______a good time?Y ou look a bit sad. 2.Making new friends Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. fit in bond with join in feel left o u t settle in stand ou t e.g.Jack always stands o u t because he wears very brightly colored clothes. 1)Mary often______at home because she has5brothers. 2)A way of______is t o listen t o the sam e music as everyone else. 3)I usually______quickly because I’ve changed schools so


新概念英语青少版入门 级A单元测试 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

新概念英语青少版入门A(U n i t1-U n i t5) Name :____________ Score:___________ 一.填空.(10分) (1)DE___G (2)A___CD (3)HI___K (4)____PQR (5)CD____F (6)FG____I (7)X___Z (8)___BC (9)____FG (10)G___IJK 二.连线.(10分) (1)C g fish (2)F l queen (3)G b jelly (4)Q i girl (5)J h leg (6)K c insect (7)L f ball (8)B j cat (9)I k hat (10)H q kite 三.用a或an填空.(20分) (1)___egg (2)___jelly (3)___girl (4)___apple (5)___cat (6)___hat (7)___insect (8)___kite (9)____dog (10)___ball (11)___orange (12)___table (13)___zebra (14)___pig (15)____monkey) (16)___panda (17)____queen (18)____mouth (19)___leg (20)____violin 四、看图写单词并写上中文意思。(12分) 五、判断正误,若是错误的请给出正确的答案。(6分) A apple A ball A boy? A cat A insect An egg? 六、翻译下列句子。(16分) 1. 一顶红色和黄色的帽子。 2. 一条绿色的鱼。 3. 一把蓝色和黄色的伞。 4. 一只绿色和黄色的昆虫。 5. 看着我的红色的腿。 6. 看着你绿色的鼻子。 7. 看着那把木琴 8. 看!一把伞和一张桌子. 七、默写26个字母。(26分)



《剑桥少儿英语》与《新概念英语青少版》的区别 一、特点 《剑桥少儿英语》针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力。通过贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏进行英语教学。 《新概念英语青少版》属于“新概念英语”教学体系,为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 另:《剑桥少儿英语》和《新概念英语青少版》都有入门级教材,针对学龄低5-8岁,没有英语学习经历的儿童。 二、适合年龄 《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的

英语学习兴趣。适合培养儿童英语兴趣,发展语言能力。更多是作为一门兴趣课来学习。 《剑桥少儿英语》有其测试系统。剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。 《新概念英语青少版》适合9岁-15岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照: 级别词汇量适用年 级 英语水平参照 《新概念约600个生小学3、4相当于国家英语

剑桥英语青少版English in mind 第二册unit6 重点词语

Unit 6 Have fun! 背诵卷 Page 46 一、基本词汇 1.幽默的力量the power of humour 2.笑声laughter 3.对……有益处be good for 4.血液循环blood circulation 5.免疫系统immune system 6.对……感到焦虑/紧张feel stressed about 7.功课school work 8.多笑laugh a lot 9.培养幽默感develope a sense of humour 10.滑稽电影funny films 11.戏剧救济会Comic Relief 12.慈善机构charity 13.需要帮助的人people in need 14.用欢笑来筹集资金use laughter to raise money 15.在每两年的春天every two years in spring 16.戴上一个红鼻子put on a red nose 17.取笑某人make fun of sb 18.做‘愚蠢’的事情以使他们自己和别人开怀大笑do ‘silly ’ things to make themselves and others laugh 19.邀请你的朋友们到你家来invite friends round to your house 20.坐着最舒服椅子的那些人those with the most comfortable chairs 21.举办一个才艺展示hold a talent show 22.向学校其余人卖演出的门票sell tickets for the show to the rest of the school


新概念青少版及剑桥少儿英语的区别 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

《剑桥少儿英语》与《新概念英语青少版》的区别一、特点 《剑桥少儿英语》针对非英语母语国家6至12岁少年儿童的英语能力培养和提高设计的考试。分为剑桥少儿英语一级、剑桥少儿英语二级、剑桥少儿英语三级,考试包括听、说、读写三部分。从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力。通过贴近生活的易学、易懂、易掌握的对话、练习、歌曲、游戏进行英语教学。《新概念英语青少版》属于“新概念英语”教学体系,为中国9-15岁的青少年以及英语初学者编写。《新概念英语青少版》(JNCE)整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。五年完成整个教学计划。教材内容涵盖了最新《英语课程标准》对中、小学生的知识和能力要求,既满足了我国学生升学考试的需要,又兼顾了在实际交际中运用的需要。 另:《剑桥少儿英语》和《新概念英语青少版》都有入门级教材,针对学龄低5-8岁,没有英语学习经历的儿童。 二、适合年龄 《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣。适合培养儿童英语兴趣,发展语言能力。更多是作为一门兴趣课来学习。 《剑桥少儿英语》有其测试系统。剑桥少儿英语考试(CYLE)是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)特别为测试4-12岁少儿的英语水平而设计的一

套测试系统。该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters),一级(Starters),二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers),(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers 直至最终起飞flyers来学习掌握和使用英语)。一级到三级的教材的新增单词量分别在682、1150和666。(一级到三级的单词量为累加过程,即学完剑桥少儿英语三级所掌握的词汇量为2500左右。) 《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。 《新概念英语青少版》适合9岁-15岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照: 三、知识点 《新概念英语青少版》


新概念青少版入门级(B) Unit 1—3 单元练习题日期英文名家长签字 一、单词( words ) 爷爷,外公,祖父,外祖父 奶奶,外婆,祖母,外祖母 妈妈爸爸 伯母,婶婶;姑姑,阿姨,舅妈 伯父,叔叔;姑父,姨夫,舅舅 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 姐妹兄弟 这,这个那,那个 是 男孩女孩 男人女人 瘦的胖的 高的小的 二、知识点( knowledge points ) 1、,是代词。指时间或空间上较近的人及事物。 2、,是代词。指时间或空间上较远的人及事物。 3、区别成人的性别用和。 4、区分小孩子的性别用和。 5、用来提问“人”,用来提问“物”。

6、在回答“this”和“that”作主语的疑问句时,常用“”代替“this”和“that”比如: ——Is this/ that a car 这/那是一辆小汽车吗 ——Yes, is. / No, isn’t. 是的,它是。/ 不,它不是。 ——Who’s this/ that 这/那是谁is grandfather. 这/那是爷爷。 ——What’s this/that 这/那是什么Is a ruler.这/那是一把尺子。 7、缩写(abbreviations) that is= who is= it is= what is = she is= he is= it is not= 三、句型(sentences)(请把下面的汉语句子翻译成英语) 1、那是你的妈妈吗 ——是的,那是。 ——不,那不是。 2、那是我的爸爸。这是李明。 3、这是谁 4、这是一本书吗 5、那是一支钢笔吗 6、那是谁它是Kim。 7、那个女孩是谁她是Jenny。 8、那个男孩是谁他是Jerry。 9、这个女人是谁她是Amy。 10、这个男人是谁他是Kay。

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