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E.1 This follows directly from partitioned matrix multiplication in Appendix D. Write

X = 12n ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭x x x , X ' = (1'x 2'x n 'x ), and y = 12n ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭

y y y

Therefore, X 'X = 1


t t t ='∑x x and X 'y = 1


t t t ='∑x y . An equivalent expression for ˆβ is

ˆβ = 1


t t t n --=⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭∑x x 11n t t t n y -=⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭

∑x which, when we plug in y t = x t β + u t for each t and do some algebra, can be written as

ˆβ= β + 1

11n t t t n --=⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭∑x x 11n

t t t n u -=⎛⎫' ⎪⎝⎭

∑x . As shown in Section E.4, this expression is the basis for the asymptotic analysis of OLS using matrices.

E.2 (i) Following the hint, we have SSR(b ) = (y – Xb )'(y – Xb ) = [ˆu

+ X (ˆβ – b )]'[ ˆu + X (ˆβ – b )] = ˆu

'ˆu + ˆu 'X (ˆβ – b ) + (ˆβ – b )'X 'ˆu + (ˆβ – b )'X 'X (ˆβ – b ). But by the first order conditions for OLS, X 'ˆu

= 0, and so (X 'ˆu )' = ˆu 'X = 0. But then SSR(b ) = ˆu 'ˆu + (ˆβ – b )'X 'X (ˆβ – b ), which is what we wanted to show.

(ii) If X has a rank k then X 'X is positive definite, which implies that (ˆβ

– b ) 'X 'X (ˆβ – b ) > 0 for all b ≠ ˆβ

. The term ˆu 'ˆu does not depend on b , and so SSR(b ) – SSR(ˆβ) = (ˆβ– b ) 'X 'X (ˆβ

– b ) > 0 for b ≠ˆβ.

E.3 (i) We use the placeholder feature of the OLS formulas. By definition, β = (Z 'Z )-1Z 'y =

[(XA )' (XA )]-1(XA )'y = [A '(X 'X )A ]-1A 'X 'y = A -1(X 'X )-1(A ')-1A 'X 'y = A -1(X 'X )-1X 'y = A -1ˆβ


(ii) By definition of the fitted values, ˆt y = ˆt x β and t y = t

z β. Plugging z t and β into the second equation gives t

y = (x t A )(A -1ˆβ

) = ˆt x β = ˆt

y .

(iii) The estimated variance matrix from the regression of y and Z is 2σ(Z 'Z )-1 where 2σ is the error variance estimate from this regression. From part (ii), the fitted values from the two


regressions are the same, which means the residuals must be the same for all t . (The dependent

variable is the same in both regressions.) Therefore, 2σ = 2ˆσ

. Further, as we showed in part (i), (Z 'Z )-1 = A -1(X 'X )-1(A ')-1, and so 2σ(Z 'Z )-1 = 2ˆσ

A -1(X 'X )-1(A -1)', which is what we wanted to show.

(iv) The j β are obtained from a regression of y on XA , where A is the k ⨯ k diagonal matrix

with 1, a 2, , a k down the diagonal. From part (i), β = A -1ˆβ

. But A -1 is easily seen to be the k ⨯ k diagonal matrix with 1, 1

2a -, , 1k a - down its diagonal. Straightforward multiplication

shows that the first element of A -1ˆβ

is 1ˆβ and the j th element is ˆj

β/a j , j = 2, , k .

(v) From part (iii), the estimated variance matrix of β is 2ˆσ

A -1(X 'X )-1(A -1)'. But A -1 is a symmetric, diagonal matrix, as described above. The estimated variance of j β is the j th

diagonal element of 2ˆσA -1(X 'X )-1A -1, which is easily seen to be = 2ˆσc jj /2


a -, where c jj is the j th diagonal element of (X 'X )-1

. The square root of this, a j |, is se(j β), which is simply se(j β)/|a j |.

(vi) The t statistic for j β is, as usual,

j β/se(j β) = (ˆj β/a j )/[se(ˆj

β)/|a j |],

and so the absolute value is (|ˆj β|/|a j |)/[se(ˆj β)/|a j |] = |ˆj β|/se(ˆj

β), which is just the absolute value of the t statistic for ˆj


. If a j > 0, the t statistics themselves are identical; if a j < 0, the t statistics are simply opposite in sign.

E.4 (i) 垐?E(|)E(|)E(|).====δ

X GβX G βX Gβδ

(ii) 2121垐?Var(|)Var(|)[Var(|)][()][()].σσ--'''''====δ

X GβX G βX G G X X G G X X G

(iii) The vector of regression coefficients from the regression y on XG -1 is

111111111111[()]()[()]() ()[()]()ˆ ()()().------------''''''='''''=''''''''===XG XG XG y G X XG G X y G X X G G X y

G X X G G X y G X X X y δ

Further, as shown in Problem E.3, the residuals are the same as from the regression y on X , and

so the error variance estimate, 2ˆ,σ

is the same. Therefore, the estimated variance matrix is