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针对考试频率比较高的Activity这块内容,基本上可以分成这么几种大项,第一个当然是Study,托福考试是给学生考的,平常生活当中涉及到最多的一个活动就是Study。学习的话题考的形式有很多种,比如说你是喜欢跟学习小组一块学习还是喜欢自己一个人学习,这是最常见的一种题目。还有一些学习方法的好的建议。接下来是Work,比如说你是喜欢在学校里是一直全职的学习,还是喜欢当个兼职学生然后工作。然后是Sports这一块,当然是托福老三样,口语考试里边最常用的语料就是Sports。还有Traveling、Volunteer Program都是近期涉及到的活动之下的



托福独立口语的另一个出题趋势是科技这一块的话题,近期涉及到的也比较多,所以希望大家能够针对这几个话题准备好自己的语料。比如说科技话题分Internet、Cellphones、Online shopping、Computers。大家可能看到Online shopping比较诧异对不对?但是托福考试里边,特别是在近几年的考试网购这种题目已经变成了自己的一套体系,会问你是喜欢在实体店购物还是喜欢在网上购物。还有一道题让你描述一下网购的坏处到底是什么。所以科技这个话题,不光要了解手机网络跟电脑,还需要准备网购话题的物料内容,不光要知道好处也要知道坏处在哪。对于科技这个话题,希望大家能够积累一下自己的语料,然后在考场上的时候方便变通,把它说出来就可以了。









1、每天的发音练习必不可少——至少坚持一个月。大家要记住:语音方面,如果不是糟糕的不可救药的话,都是可以纠正过来的,所以首先要对自己充满信心。那么到底要练习哪些音呢?其实就是国际音标中的6个困扰音,即中国考生最不容易发到位的音——[ɑ:]、[e]、[ ]、[ei]、[ai]、[au];考生必须对着镜子把嘴型做到位,不断读这6个音,同时也要读其相关的单词,每天至少要练习30分钟。






1. 性格(A-Z,准备“万能品格”)

I like honest people because they are easier to deal with. They open their heart to you, you feel safe to confide your problems to them, and they always offer their true opinion for your good。

The person who I admire should be good tempered. They hardly get annoyed and they smile to everybody. I is easy for them to forgive others。

2. 美丽山水—地点题

X.X is a full of breathtaking views. There’re verdant tree s, blooming flowers and carpets of green grass. Take a casual walk, start some sweet chat and fresh air will get us refreshed. roam on the sidewalk, watch the water ripples in the lake, frolic near the artificial hill, sit on bench and enjoy the cool in summer


20150110: T1: Talk about a kind of music you enjoy the least, explain why you don 't like it. T2: Do you think universities in the future will one day stop giving lessons in classrooms, they might give online courses instead. 20150111: T1: Which of the following is the best way to spend your weekends? Attending sports event, cooking your favorite dishes at home, or visiting your friends? T2: Some people prefer to live in old buildings, others prefer to live in new and modern buildings. Which do you prefer? Explain why? 20150125: T1: Which of the following activities would you be more interested in doing? Teaching children, teaching adults to use computers or cleaning the city park. T2: Some people prefer take a job with a single task, others prefer to do multiple tasks on a job. Which do you prefer? 20150131: CN T1: Which of the following activities would you like do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending sometime with families. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint? 20150131: NA T1: When visiting a new city, which of the following would you choose to better learn about the place. Visiting a museum, walking through streets, or take an organized trip. T2: Some people like surprise visits from their friends, other prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one do you prefer? 20150201: T1: Which of the following study methods do you think is the most productive? Having discussions with friends, reading textbooks, or writing reports. T2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that people should dress following fashion trends. 20150307A: T1: If you have a chance to learn something new, which of the following would you choose to learn? Flying an airplane, playing a sport, or playing a musical instrument.


托福写作科技类范文 Does technology make children less creative than in the past? Are our kids becoming lazier and less creative, less imaginable than before as a consequence of highly advanced technology? My answer is no, and just the opposite, technology has apparently assisted our kids to become more creative. First and foremost, technology has provided children with easy access to scientific and liberal art resources which is their best source of inspiration. For example, children could now easily gain access to academic databases through iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on Internet. These great works are essentially helpful to arousing their curiosity and prepares them with key knowledge necessary for any creation. However, these wonderful equipments and facilities are never as handy in the past, when kids could only reach limited resources in public libraries or schools. In this sense, technology has provided the possibility for children to be more creative.【新托福独立写作范文】 Second, technology has equipped children with professional apparatus which could finally realize their imagination. This takes form particularly as computer softwares and applications, such as Photoshop for creative graphic design, Overture for easily composing a piece of music, 3DMax for building up a virtual world, etc.. All the software were never as handy as they are at present, and this would absolutely provides our children an effective tool for realizing their creativity. Third, technology itself is a market place where creative ideas are economically encouraged. Steve Jobs earned millions of dollars a year for his unparallel creation, and Mark Zuckberg gained his reputation for the genius social network. Therefore, technology has provided children the internal motive to develop their creativity. However, it is undeniable that technology might make children become lazier and be comfortable with what is already available because everything are so convenient nowadays and there seems to be no way to improve them. Children lost in pc games or blindly pursuing every single piece of


雅思写作中科技类话题常用词组 雅思写作“科技类”话题必备短语 1 ,登月moon landing 2 ,国家安 全national security 3 ,核武器nuclear weapon 4 ,科学成 就scientific achievement 5 ,科学仪 器scientific instrument 6 ,可再生资源renewable energy sources 7 ,能源的耗损depletion of resources 8 ,能源危 机energy crisis 9 ,人工智 能artificial intelligence 10 ,踏足于set foot on 11 ,太空研 究space exploration / space research 12 ,天然资 源natural resources 13 ,现场直 播live TV broadcast 14 ,濒危物 种endangered species 15 ,环境恶 化environment deterioration 16 ,机械劳 动mechanical labor 17 ,家庭电 器household appliance 18 ,全球变 暖global warming 19 ,寿命life expectancy, life span 20 ,处于灭绝的边缘be on the verge of extinction 21 ,促进人类社会的发展 promote the development of human society

,恶劣的环境 hostile environment ,降低成本 lower the cost ,降低风险 lower the risks , 破坏社会稳定 undermine the social stability ,提高工作效 率 improve work efficiency ,提高生产力 increase the productivity ,下岗工人 laid-off worker ,不合伦理道德的 ethically and morally wrong ,改善生活质量 improve the quality of life ,出现、产生 come into being ,机器翻译 mechanical translation ,不可避免的趋势 an inevitable trend ,大量的知识储备 vast stores of knowledge ,个人优缺点 individual strengths and weaknesses ,个性化的改变 personalised shift ,老师指 导下的学习 teacher-directed learning ,有深远的影响 have a profound effect on ,环保的 environmentally friendly ,散布信息 disseminate information ,身心健康 physical and mental health ,受到普遍欢迎 gain widespread popularity ,有深远的影响 exert a far-reaching influence on ,在线金融交易 online financial transaction ,直接的反馈 instant feedback ,把虚幻当现实 take fantasy for reality 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


VII. Task1,2练习题目: Task 1 people 1. Describe a person that you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. 2. Describe the famous person you admire most. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your response. 3. Describe a person who had a positive impact on you. Explain how this person influenced your life. Give specific reasons and details to support your explanation. 4. Describe a person whom you would like to spend time with. Explain why you would like to spend time with this person. Include reasons and details to support your response. 5. Describe a person whom you would like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends, family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about? 6. Describe a special friend in your childhood, why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response. 7. Describe an elder person that you respect. This person could be one of your grandparents or neighbors. Explain why you admire this person,and how this person influenced you. 8. Describe the person to whom you would like to turn for advice when you are in trouble. And explain why you would like to turn to this person for advice? 9. Describe your favorite performer or musician. Explain why you like this performer or musician most. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 10. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good leader? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these qualities are important. 11. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good friend? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 12. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a good teacher? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important. 13. In your opinion, what are some important qualities of a good team member? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why this characteristic is important. 14. In your opinion, what are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use reasons and


托福口语喜好类话题必备词汇及常见题目 在托福考试中,有这样一类很口语话题会经常出现。而且,在日常的聊天中也会经常用到。它们就是——喜好类话题 ! Which of the following types of book you do not enjoy, science fiction, biography, or romantic book? Explain why you do not enjoy it. 话题简介: 小伙伴们开心地在家度过了寒假,也和家人一起过了春节和元宵节。那么,接下来,等待我的便是学校了。有些童鞋想快点儿回到学校和自己的小伙伴们玩耍,聊天。 有些童鞋觉得假期还没有享受够,还想和家人在一起,不想回学校。但是,有些事是我们不想做又必须做的。所以,我们还是应该积极面对这些事情。那么,开学在即,你准备好了吗 ? 必备词汇: register登记、报到 compulsory course 必修课 optional course 选修课 credit 学分 scholarship奖学金 school uniform校服 military training 军训 curriculum schedule 课程表 department 系

major 专业 be interested in对有兴趣 be keen on热衷于 take a pleasure in 以... 乐; 喜爱 have a fancy for 看上,入迷 take enjoyment in喜爱,享受;从获得乐趣 have a mark on喜爱,爱好 repugnant讨厌的 disagreeable 不愉快的 ; 厌恶的 disgusting令人厌恶的 detest 厌恶; 憎恨 Want/ Enjoy/ Like/ Dislike 1.Describe time when you are asked to do something you do not want to do, and what happened as a result. 2.Talk about a thing you always wanted to do but didn ’t have time to yet. Explain why you want to do it, give examples and details in your explanation. 3.Describe a job you have done in the past or a job pecific you’d like to do in the future. Please include s details in your answer. 4.If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study what would youchoose? Explain your choice using specific reasons and details.


托福写作教育类词汇整理 a s s i g n m e n t,h o m e w o r k任务,家庭作业 r e q u i r e d/c o m p u l s o r y c o u r s e s,e l e c t i v e c o u r s e s 必修课程;选修课程 c h i l d r e n a n d y o u t h/a d o l e s c e n t青少年 a d a p t t o s t h./a d j u s t o n e s e l f t o s t h./ b e c o m e a c c u s t o m e d t o s t h.适应 s e g r e g a t e s t u d e n t s区分对待学生 t e a m s p i r i t团队精神 t h i n k i n d e p e n d e n t l y独立思考 s t u d e n t s’f e e d b a c k/i n p u t,学生的反馈 s t u d e n t s a p p r a i s e/e v a l u a t e t h e i r t e a c h e r s’ p e r f o r m a n c e学生对老师的评价 g e n e r a l i s t, s p e c i a l i s t, w e l l-r o u n d e d/v e r s a t i l e 通才;专才;多才多艺的人 h u m a n i t i e s,s o c i a l s c i e n c e,a r t s,s c i e n c e a n d e n g i n e e r i n g,b a s i c s c i e n c e, a p p l i e d s c i e n c e人文;社科;艺术;科技;基础科学; 应用科学


托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲 解 托福口语虽然话题广泛内容变化众多,但在答题过程中其实是存在一些可供考生使用的套路的。今天给大家带来了托福口语TASK1-6全部题型答题套路汇总讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语全部题型答题套路汇总讲解 托福口语一二题无明显套路 首先,是答题思路,一般口语一二题就是缩小版的independent writing(可以在高分作文里找思路),而三四五六题是通过听力提取信息。一二题大家可以用机经来练习,一是可以熟悉题目,二是可以练习把握时间。三四五六题,则有模板可寻:托福口语第三题套路介绍 先阅读一封信或是一个通告,一般是一个建议,对校园内的一项进行一个改变,这个“change”是阅读*中至关重要的,因为后面的对话主要是围绕这个进行的,至于*中给出的理由,并不是很重要,因为没有时间也没有必要说这个。之后听一男一女对话,主要是找主要说话人的态度,然后记下他或她的两个理由和

举例,不用全记,每点理由记一到两个原因或事例就好。之后组织语言:是change+态度+两点理由。 托福口语第四题套路介绍 先阅读一个科研类*,然后听一段lecture,之后对一个概念进行定义和举例解释。在这道题,阅读的部分需要抓住的要点比上一题要多,首先是题目,题目一般是所要解释的概念,所以要把题目记下来,然后在阅读段落里找对这个概念的定义,一般是含这个词的一句话,记下,之后听lecture时主要记下教授解释这个概念所用的例子,一般可能是一个故事或实验,这时就要记下主要轮廓和具体的对比或例子,之后组织语言,按:*讨论某事某物+定义+教授举例解释的方式回答。 托福口语第五题套路介绍 这道题不用阅读,直接是一男一女对话,主要是其中一个人遇到一个problem,要着重记下,然后是另一个提出两个解决方案,并且各给利弊。之后题目会让你在两个方案中选择一个。很多老师的建议都是选择第二个方案,因为据说这样更好回答,符合大家惯用的让步反驳式思路。答题时,思路为:叙述这个问题+两个解决方案+你分析后的选择。由于回答较长,需要注意用连词。 托福口语第六题套路介绍


题目1:电子图书馆能否代替传统图书馆 Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replace their functions. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 思路: 1. 基于网络,可以随时随地的连接和使用,这带来了极大的便利。举例,人们在家中就可以上线阅读,这节约了那些原本要花在交通上的时间和精力,同时,这也消除了那些行动不便的人,如老人和残疾人对于出行的担心。最终,电子图书馆提供了阅读上舒适和方便,通过摆脱物理上的限制(physical limits)。 2. 电子图书馆是一个虚拟的系统,节约成本。举例,它的组成只需要一个小小的机房和几台服务器,这大大的节约了土地和建筑成本。此外,电子图书馆能实现电脑对于图书的自动管理,这也节省了那些人力的维护成本。 3. 极大提升信息检索的效率。电子图书馆是一套先进的信息管理系统,人们只需要输入关键字和点击鼠标,它在数秒之内就能够完整地,准确地分析,查找,归类和排序相关的信息资源,这大大节约了人们在数据查询上的时间。相反,在传统图书馆,人们不得不花费大量时间和精力在书架之间游荡,或是搬运图书。 4. 环保。电子图书馆实现了信息的无纸化存储。这大大减少了对于纸张和工业印刷的需求,最终,它保护了森林,也减少了污染。 范文(Band 9): IT industry has made too many revolutionary changes in all aspects of the society, and the public education is not exempt from this trend. Personally, I strongly believe that the Internet-based library, or electronic library, will take the place of the real-world library in this century, and my reasons will be explored as below. This assertion is fundamentally right, because of the incomparable advantages of advanced computer technology. Firstly, the e-library can bring great convenience to the audience. Obviously, online technology eradicates the physical and time limits, and makes the e-library universally at all times and places. For example, people can have an easy and comfortable access to the e-library by using the Internet at home, which saves the time and energy that could be wasted in going out to the real library, or standing in the long queue in front of the loan desk. The second reason of supporting e-library is about the costs. Compared with a


2016托福口语独立题目汇总 Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms? S2: Do you agree or disagree that celebrities are good examples for young people. Which one of the following history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modern history of the 20th century? S2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which one do you prefer and why? If you were to do a volunteer job in the community, which one of the following jobs would you like to choose? 1. clean up the park, 2. plant trees, 3. build a bicycle lane.

S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools and universities are successful because they hire experienced professors? What hobby would you suggest your friend who is busy with his or her work to take up? S2: Which one of the following two factors is more important to the success of an artist? natural talent or hard work Many people move to new places for work and education. What are the disadvantages of this? S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for the students to be successful. What is the biggest challenge for university students and why?


托福口语Task1四类话题整合及思路整理 托福口语当中,task 1,2作为independent tasks,是很多考生比较头疼的问题。虽然它相较于后面的integrated tasks来说形式简单,给你一句话的题目直接说出你的思路即可,但是它所涉及到的知识面是非常广泛的,甚至会涉及到我们之前完全没有思考过的领域,甚至是不熟悉的领域。这就要求着我们在复习的时候对于不同话题的思路整理,包括相似话题的整合、以及陌生话题的思路扩展。 Task 1无非就是让我们描述一个与我们生活息息相关的一些事物,我们较为常见的一些话题可以简单来说归纳为四个字母——“OPPE”,及O(object), P(person), P(place), E(event)。 一、object类话题 根据以往常出的题目总结来看,object往往可以分为tangible object(有形物体)以及intangible object(无形无体)。 Tangible object,顾名思义我们能够看得见摸得着的实物,除了一些比较常规的special gift,meaning object之外,还包括出题者最爱考的一些关于book类的话题,即让我们描述最喜欢看的、或是读过的最有意义的一本书。另外,较为常见的一些题目还包括描述a song, a film, a painting, a photograph等题目。在这样的题目当中,很多同学因为不知道要说什么或是不熟悉这样的事物导致完全说不出或是表述不流利,结结巴巴说不到重点。在遇到此类题目,一个比较简单的思路就是不要纠结于一些大家都要知道的名著,我们完全可以从自己比较熟悉的一些话题展开,如自己画的第一幅全家福。另外,尽量避免每个人都在讲的一些话题,比如大部分人都在说《Harry Potter》,那我们如果换成《How to win friends》会不会好很多呢?一定不要给自己挖坑,怎么便于表述怎么来。 至于intangible object,较为常考的有让我们去描述positive invention,favorite subject,important characteristic等话题。在这里还是一样,就我们容易表述的说,每个想法列出两个关键词,再去展开就可以了,在这里表述以简单易懂为主,千万不要说一些高深曲折的大道理。掌握了这些素材之后,object类题目就没问题了。所以建议在考试之前,先把所有可能会考到的题目先过一遍,想到要说什么就已经成功了一半了。 二、person类话题 Person类话题在task 1的考试中形式不多,总结起来无非两类人,一种是我们比较熟悉的在我们身边的人,例如family member, best friend, favorite teacher, an old person you respect 等,由于这些都是我们较为熟悉的,所以比较容易想到,在表述的时候也较为简单。相对来说会有一定难度的就是第二类人——famous person名人了。在task 1,它有可能让你去描述一位你钦佩、喜欢或是想见面的名人,甚至给你规定一定领域。这是如果碰到一些不关注这一领域的就不太好说了。比如一些女生平时对体育不感兴趣,但考试的时候让你去描述一个你最喜欢的足球选手,那可能一下子就懵圈了。但是遇到这样的题目也不用怕,在我们备考时完全可以提前准备好相关素材,在考试的时候也不是任何领域都会考我们,常见的也就actor/actress, singer, spotsman, business man, leader这几类,所以就算我们不喜欢不感兴趣,只要我每个领域都想出来一个人就完全没有问题啦。 在这里给到两个我们凡事涉及到人都非常通用的一些素材思路,一是表述ta在专业领域上的卓越表现。比如ta是歌手,我们说ta歌唱得好,是演员我们说ta演技精湛,是商人我们说ta把公司


托福独立写作八大话题 众所周知,托福独立写作是托福写作的一部分,涉及到的题材也非常多。下面是文都国际教育小编给大家整理的8个常见的写作话题,希望能给大家提供帮助。 教育类话题 教育类话题主要涉及到学生的一些基本情况,包括选课、就业、学校活动以及课下作业等很多方面。此外,学校的一些决策、设备变更、教师选择等也都有涉及。教育类话题在托福写作中的占比很高,在历年托福写作考试中大概占据25%左右的题目。 高分句型:现在,除了学习以外,还应鼓励学生们在其他很多方面培养兴趣,例如体育,绘画和音乐等。 —>Today, in addition to_____, a student is also encouraged to _____ 满分词汇:培养(某种素质) —> cultivate/foster/nurture(vts)心理健康—> psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(nouns) 社会类话题 社会类话题涉及的范围很广,主要是指一些社会话题、事件以及观点类问题。例如:Do you agree or disagree that society benefits more from works of greatartists than from political leaders.是否同意:艺术家比政治家对社会的贡献大。 高分句型:摩天大厦造的环境问题,很多人开始反思摩天大楼是否必要. —>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____. 满分词汇:生活节奏加速—> the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—> create alienation between people 科技类话题 说到“科技”,我们可能会想到现在日益发展的手机、电脑以及各种各样新出现的科技产品等。这些科技产品使得我们的生活变得更加便利,高效。 高分句型:互联网对人们的生活方式产生了深远的影响,它变革了人们生活方式以及思考问题的方式。 —> _____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____. 满分词汇:尖端的技术—> cutting-edged(adj) technology信息爆炸—> information explosion/ information overload


雅思大作文专项突破:科技发展的影响 本文收集整理了雅思大作文专项突破:科技发展的影响。这是目前常见的、高频的雅思写作话题,同学们在备考时可以边写边学,积累写作素材,以便在考试中更胸有成竹。 Topic 12: There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What form do these problems take? Do problems of using mobile phones outweigh the benefits? 解析:雅思作文有关科技发展的题目主要考查现代科技对人们生活习惯和生活方式产生的影响。现代科技主要包括因特网、电脑、手机以及各种小电器。当然,汽车和飞机的广泛使用也经常被认为是近代主要的科技发展成果。主要的考点包括: ? 科技发展的影响是正面还是负面的? ? 科技发展让我们的空闲时间变多还是变少? ? 科技发展对我们的文化、思想、观念和社区有什么影响? 科技发展的正负面影响都有,没有必然的结论。科技发展使人们的生活质量极大提高的同时,也可能导致人们养成不好的生活方式和习惯,对健康有不利的影响。考生在考试当中要注重论述的质量,至于倾向哪个方面未必一定重要。 科技发展的正面影响有: ? 生产效率更高,人们可以在更短时间内完成工作,因此可以有更多的体闲时间; ? 给人们生活带来极大便利,提高了人们的生活水平; ? 人们通过网络可以做很多事情,比如购物和处理个人财务,不用花太多时间在通勤(commute ); ? 人们联系更加方便,即便行动不方便的人也可以通过网络联系家人和扩大朋友圈; ? 人们获得信息的渠道增多(譬如说网络、手机、电子图书馆、电视),知识更加丰富。 科技发展的负面影响有: ? 因为竞争激烈,人们需要接受在职培训和教育,工作节奏加快,压力更大,和家人交流的机会更少; ? 因为通讯发达,人们在下班之后也被同事和上司联系,在家里査阅工作上的电子邮件;通讯的发达同时推动全球化,工作的性质也趋向于全球化,人们的工作吋间在某种程度上被延长了; ? 人们享受着网络娱乐和其他媒体所提供的娱乐,因此忽视和家人的交流; ? 人们喜欢上网,不愿意外出,性格变得孤僻,和外界的联系减少。 手机所带来的问题和负面影响: ? 社会问题:在公共场所讲话声音大(speak at an increased volume),让人感觉不舒服(feel uncomfortable); ? 技术问题:信息可能会被第三方截取(intercept)或者偷听(eavesdrop in); ? 医疗问题:有可能增加患癌症的几率(increase the risk of suffering cancers); ? 安全问题:开车时打电话(talk on the phone while driving),导致交通事故的发生(correlation with road traffic accidents) 手机所带来的好处和正面影响: ? 丰富生活:除了发信息(send text messages)和语音留言(make voice calls)之外,手机还可以用来浏览网页(Internet browsing)、听音乐(music playback),管理个人信息(personal organisers)、收发电子邮件(e-mail)、拍照(built-in cameras)、下载铃声(ringtones)、玩游戏(games)和听广播(radio)等,由此丰富了人们的生活;


托福口语经典话题集锦 新托福口语题目数不胜数,很多考生无从下手。下面为大家根据话题,整理了十分经典并且常见的新托福口语题目。 1. Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do you prefer and explain why. 2. Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation. 3. Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why? 4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely. 5. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation. 6. Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details. 7. Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will be more successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. 8. Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement. 9. Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion, explain why.

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