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2009年12月Vol .28No .6Dec .200960 Journal of Sh andon g University of Scie nce and Tech nolo gy Nat ural Science




摘 要:当前,移动通信的技术特点体现为传输宽带化、业务多样化、体制并存化和网络泛在化。分析了宽带无线

移动技术的现状及其发展,讨论了3G 技术的后续演进L T E 及A IE 的主要特点和宽带无线移动接入技术W L A N 、

WiM AX 及M cWiL L 的发展趋势;比较了宽带无线移动技术与接入技术,指出二者之间的互补关系;最后,讨论了




中图分类号:T N929.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-3767(2009)06-0060-05

On C urrent Developments of Mobile Communication Technologies

C HAI Yuan -bo ,QI Jian -ping

(Co lleg e of Info rmatio n Engineering ,PL A Info rmation Enginee ring U niversity ,Z hengzhou ,Hena n 450002,China )

A bstract :T his paper analy zed the technical dev elo pments o f the ex isting mobile communicatio ns ,whose technical

fea tur es a re represented by the br oadband tr ansmissio n ,serv ice versatility ,multi -sy stem coe xistence and the v ast

e xpansio n o

f the netwo rks .It presented an analy sis o f the curre nt status and the developments of the broadband

wireless and mobile technolog ies and de scribed its main features of the subsequent ev olution of LT E and A IE in 3G

technologies .In addition ,the paper explored the deve lopment trends in the bro adband wirele ss and mo bile access

technologies ,such as W LA N ,WiM AX a nd M cW iLL and co mpar ed the w ireless mobile techno lo gie s with access

technologies .Fina lly ,it discussed the technolog ical ev olution roadmap for co mmercial operato rs ,came up with the

co mpa rison o f wirele ss and mo bile technolog ies and evo lutio n relatio nships and ,analyzed the conve rgence of the net -

w o rks ,the re lated techno lo gie s and the acce ss technologies .T he pape r points out that the co nv erg ence of the mobile

co mmunication technologies ,the access technologies and the w ire line broadband access technologies is an irrev ersi -

ble developme nt t rend .

Key words :mo bile communicatio n ;broad -band wireless access ;ev olution ;conver gence o f the netw or ks



2009年1月7日,中华人民共和国工业和信息化部正式向中国移动、中国联通和中国电信三家运营商分别发放了TD -SCDMA 、WCDMA 和CDMA2000的3G 牌照,至此,国内3G 市场全面商用的大门终于开启。


1 无线移动通信技术发展趋势

无线移动通信技术的发展将促使移动通信与互联网在更高层次上结合与发展,代表信息技术宽带化、移DOI :10.16452/j .cn ki .sd kjzk .2009.06.016