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但是,如果要表达“我知道你昨天去看电影了”,就无法用 一个单词来表达“你去看电影了”,是一个完整的句子,只能用 句子表达,即:I know (that) you saw a film yesterday.这种放 在动词后面作宾语的句子,就叫作宾语从句。
连 接 词

1. 当主句是现在时的时候,宾语从句可以用所需 要的任何时态。 eg. I know he is a teacher. • I know he was a teacher three years ago. • I know he has been a teacher for 3 years • I know he will be a teacher in the future.
注:当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.
1. Did Peter come here yesterday? Li Lei wants to know. (改为 含宾语从句的复合句) came Li Lei wants to knowwhether/if Peter ______ here yesterday. ________ 2. Is Lingling a student? I don’t know. I don’t knowwhether Lingling is a student ____________________________or not. 3. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。 I don’t know whether it will rain tomorrow _____________________________or not. 4. 李明问我周日是否去北京。 Li Ming askswhether/if I will go to Beijing on Sunday __________________________________. 5. 老师问我们是否写完了作业。 Teacher asks whether/if we have finished our homework ______________________________________.
由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾语从句
e.g. 1. I want to know __________________________________. if (whether) he will go to the park with us
2. Ask him _____________________. (他是否能来) whether (if) he can come whether I have seen him or not 3. I can’t remember ___________________________.
在疑问词引导的从句中,一定要用陈述 语序。
把一个特殊疑问句放在宾语从句中,我们要做好两步: 1. 移。就是把特殊疑问句中的特殊疑问词移到句子中来; 2. 变。就是把特殊疑问词后面的一般疑问句变为陈述句语序。 e.g. How can I get to the park? I don’t know. 首先,我们把主句找出来,即:I don’t know. 那么接下来是我不 知道什么呢?后面就需要一个宾语从句,而后面的句子是以特殊 疑问词How来引导,所以, 第一步疑问词移下来变为:I don’t know how… 第二步看剩下的部分:can I get to the park? 是一个一般疑问句, 要改成陈述句,即把主语放到前面: I can get to the park. 加到前面的句子上。 那么这句话就变成了: I don’t know how I can get to the park.
1. Where is Tony from? I don’t know. I don’t know where Tony is from. ___________________________________________ 2. How old is Lingling? Miss Li wants to know. Miss Li wants to know how old Lingling is. __________________________________________ 3. When will my father come back? I can’t tell you. I can’t tell you when my father will come back. ___________________________________________ 4. Where is the bus stop? The foreigner asks. The foreigner asks where the bus stop is. ______________________________________________ 5. Which is the right answer? Can you tell me? Can you tell me which is the right answer. ________________________________________________ 6. Where does Tony come from? I can guess. I can guess where Tony comes from. __________________________________________________
when we’ll have a meeting 4. Please tell me _______________________. (我们什么时候开会) where he is 5. I want to know _______________. (他在哪儿) how I can get to the station 6. Could you tell me ______________________. (我该怎么去车站) why the train is late 7. Would you tell me _________________(为什么火车迟到了)
由连接代词what, whom, whose, which, what及连接 副词 when, where, how, why引导的宾语从句
who could answer the question 1. He asked __________________________. (谁能回答这个问题) whom they are waiting for 2. Do you know_________________________. (他们在等谁) 3. He asked __________________________________. whose handwriting was the best in the class
2.主句是过去时,宾语从句一般只 能用过去的某种时态
eg. I said I was reading a book at that moment. He said he would go home. She told me she had been to Hong Kong.
3. 当从句叙述的是客观事实或一般真 理时,宾语从句仍然用现在时态。
• 连
1.that引导 2.whether/if引导 3. 疑问词when why
where how。
• 接
• 词
注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,
it will sonw this winter. 1. I hope (that) _______________________. (今年冬天能下雪) he missed us very much 2. He said (that) ______________________. (他非常想念我们) the world is what you think it 3. I believe (that) ___________________________. is (世界就是你认为的样子)
eg. The teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.
宾语从句 基本用法
临朐纸坊中学 刘文娟
我们已经学过名词、动名词、代词或动词不定式形式都可以作宾 语。如:I have a book. My father bought it. I like reading the book. I want to remember it. 这时宾语可以用一个单词或 短语表达,我们就直接把该单词或短语置于动词后面做宾语。