当前位置:文档之家› 电影中的经典对白中英对照


I'm dying to see you.我死都要见你

This is a very important time for cooperation.这是一个协同合作的时代。

in years past, some of our most influential business leader have said, that the most important principles of a partnership, are honesty and integrity.一直以来,许多商界人士一直坚信,合作,最重要的是诚信。

Let me shift your attention to what I believe is the most important principle to your partnership, communication.让我们分析得更透彻的话(但我认为),合作最重要的,是沟通。

When communication breaks down, the connection to your partner will be lost. and that will endanger your partner... 一旦欠缺沟通,你和伙伴的联系将会消失,这将会使你的伙伴陷入困境。

It's the difference between life and death.这是一个生死悠关的问题,很重要。

If you can maintain a good level of communication, then in times of trouble, when your partner reaches out his hand for help.如果我们齐心协力,紧系沟通,当伙伴处于危难之时,你才能及时的伸出援助之手。

The hand of integrity and honesty will be there!

Men must be to repair the computer, before a person will not repair your own computer, then things we all know.

In order to understand the causes of insomnia last night, and today, I insomnia again.

Money is like toilet paper, looking at tingzhi, with the would be finished.

Occasional impulse, indicating that we have passion for life; always impulse or not impulse, indicating we do not comprehend life.

Every story has an ending. but in life, every end is a new begin.

婚奴(wedding slave),房奴(mortgage slave),宅男(Otaku),宅女(Otakugirl),躲猫猫(hide-and-seek),闪孕(quick pregnancy),山寨(cheap copy),装嫩(actyoung)

beauty queen(选美皇后)

My heart waiting for meet the sad...(我的心等者迎接伤悲)

Yes!! of course!! (是的,那当然)

Do you accept...? (你接受...吗?)

Anything else?? (还有别的吗?)

How did you know my number? (你怎么知道我的电话?)

How did you do it? (你是如何做到的?)

How did you know that? (你是怎么知道的?)

What are you doing here? (你在这里做什么?)

What are you doing? (你现在在做什么?)

Where are you going? (你现在要去哪?)

Why don't talk?(为什么不说话?)

Do you know what is...(你知道什么是...)

I'm coming back!(我回


I'm going to now!(我出门了)

No! Impossible! (不,这不可能!)

You are welcome! (不客气)

Of course! This is my duty. (当然,这是我的职责)

This's perfect! (这太完美了!)

That's right! (这太对了!)

Don't re-error! (不要再出错了)

Don't touch! (别碰!) Don't move! (别移动!)

Can believe your so fast! (可以相信你是如此的快!)(你的速度另我难以至信)

Fax(传真) Device(装置) File(文件)

No problem! (没问题!)

I every night in here. (我每天晚上都在这里)

Thanks you sent the mail,I'm TENCENT member,Future you can Send offline files.(谢谢您的来信,我是腾讯会员,以后你可以发送离线文件)

In my heart you will always first. (在我的心目中你永远是最重要的)


You see! how beautiful you are...(你看! 你多漂亮啊..)

You's so yummy...(你是如此的美味)

Wonderful coffee~`(美妙的咖啡)

I'm always yours.(我始终属于你)

In English! dude? English...(说英语! 猪头? 英语..)


I'm falling with you..(我属于你)

I miss you every day..(我每天都会想你)

Good evening.Good morning(晚上好.早上好)

Thank you for waiting!(谢谢你的等待!)Can I help you sir?(有什么可以帮到阁下的吗?)

I need rest now. Good night.(我需要休息了,晚安)

例如:Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:08 AM

1月 January
2月 February
3月 March
4月 April
5月 May
6月 June
7月 July
8月 August
9月 September
10月 October
11月 November
12月 December

星期一 Monday
星期二 Tuesday
星期三 Wednesday
星期四 Thursday
星期五 Friday
星期六 Saturday
星期天 Sunday

东 East
西 West
南 South
北 North

Exchange 交换
changing 变化

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