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调查报告 英文版
调查报告 英文版

A report on the influence Factors of Graduating Students a

Survey Report on Employment

1 Introduction

In the last two decades, owning to education, we witnessed a rapid development in industry, agriculture, science and technology in China. Education can not only enrich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole. However, with the new higher education policies coming into effect, a growing number of college students are fully aware of the uncertainties of their future careers. How to find a right niche for ourselves?

As a result, we did this study aims to investigate the influence factors of graduating students’ employment. We hope we can offer some advises for college students based on the findings of our research.

65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated and 65 questionnaires are valid. The questionnaire is both in electronic form and papery form. We collect the data and type the result into computer. Besides, in order to make the result more directviewing, we use Excel to make diagrams. Through our statistical analysis, the results indicated that most of the college students want to get a stable job with a high salary. And they tend to work in big cities or work abroad where there has

a good development prospect.

2 Research Design

2.1 Research Questions:

The questionnaire is clearly set out in appendix I.

More specifically, the following questions were addressed:

1. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs?

2. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job?

3. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job?

2.2 Participants:

65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated. 40 of them filled in the questionnaire online. The students who have been surveyed were voluntary. And the average age of students was 20. And 30 percent of the students are male and 70 percent of the students are female.

2.3 Instrument:

It was designed by Li Yaru, and it was developed in English to evaluate the thought of graduating students’view in employment. And the questionnaire contained 11 items in total, including 10 choice questions and an essay question. Modifications of the questionnaire were made by Zhang Yinwei, Wang Rui and Liu Yang.

2.4 Data Collection:

The questionnaire was administered on 12nd, May. Students were surveyed randomly online. And students were asked to complete the questionnaire honestly and carefully. In addition, students were assured to complete anonymity of answers.

2.5 Data Analysis:

The data collected from questionnaires were entered into Excel for statistical analysis. Bar chart is applied to evaluate the number of male students and female students. And Pie charts were used to analyze the results of the rest of the questions.

3 Findings:

1.What is your gender?

65 graduating students from Shandong Univercity were investigated, including 13

girls and 52 boys.

2. Which job channel do you tend to choose?

According to investigation result, about 68% students tend to choose the way through friends or relatives to look for work. The result may be due to the Chinese old saying, at home one relies on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends. Our familiar people never deceive us. Although most people tend to relatives and help find work, but there are still roughly 17% the graduates want to look for a job through recruitment fair. This suggests that some college students tend to find a job by own efforts.

3. After graduation, which field do you hope to work?

It is surprised that 89% of college students are not willing to work in a major-related field. They think the university teaches learning methods instead of professional knowledge. As a result, a cross-professional job will not affect the future development, and this will give them more challenges in the wok.

4. Do you think which your preferred salary standard is?

For graduating students, the salary of their first job should not be too high. But it is found that 46% of people choose the highest salary. This suggests that some of the graduates are full of themselves. In their mind, such work is not worth doing. This is also the reason why a lot of college students can't find work.

5. In the process of looking for a job search, which will hinder your choice?

In the process of looking for a job, the biggest obstacle is poor working conditions. With the improvement of living standard, many college students are pampered and they can’t bear t he poor working environment. Therefore, 51% the people want to have good working conditions. In addition, salary is another big obstacle.

6.Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs?

Obviously, most of the students think the gender has impact on applying for a job. Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society and economy, there have emerged many working opportunities. But there exists a problem that high-level jobs are mostly occupied by men even though some women are also competent. That disagrees with the equality of men and women. It is a well-known fact that there are many women, Madame Curit and Margreat Thatcher, to name only a few, in history who work as scientists and politicians. When we talk about this phenomenon, first we must admit that there exist some differences between men and women. Then we should know that neither side could be regarded better or worse. For example, if you say men are often calm and objective, but don’t you see some men are more careless than women? Besides, if you think women are always hesitant and sensitive, and then what would you say when they behave thoughtfully in work? Therefore there are not absolute advantages for men when considering their gender. Personally, I firmly believe that women should be given the same rights as men, because they are equally important in all human activities. However, this kind of prejudice has been existing for a long time. No matter men or women have been affected more or less; this idea has even made some women lose confidence in themselves. Therefore our whole society and especially our government should take efficient measure to encourage a certain percentage of jobs especially high-level jobs to be reserved for women. Through this way, we would hopefully see that more and more outstanding women can be working in their favorite jobs and can get their desirable position. And just by that our working field can be called a kind of equality of men and women.

7. Where is your ideal working place?

52% of college students want to go to the east regions after graduation. 6% of college students want to go to the middle China. And there are respectively 39% and 3% of college students want to go to the north regions and the west regions. In my opinion, most of college students want to go to east regions. It may be because that the eastern economic prosperity. There are a lot of job opportunities and there have more sp ace for development. And some cities in middle China, such as Wuhan Xi’an Zhengzhou, also have good jobs to do. But the environment of the western and northern is not so good, so very few people were willing to go and work there.

8. Why do you choose the upper vocation?

43% of college students chose the upper vocation for high income. There are respectively 5% and 40% of college students chose the upper vocation for fitting in major and good promotion prospect. And 12% chose the upper vocation for the stability of the work. So I think that many college students want to find a good job and earn a lot of money to improve the standard of living. And some students want to find a job which can enjoy themselves and live a simple and stable life.

9. In your opinion, which of the following ability will be the advantage when you look for a job?

According to our survey results, only 9% of the students choose the education background. About 32% of college students think that their advantage is learning ability, and the rest chose innovation ability and communication ability. It is always a hot topic that what should a boss focus on more, someone pay their attention to ability, and what they think of "ability is everything" ,but at the same time, some others argue that the opposite one--diploma is more important. In my opinion, different choice should be made on different occasion. In other words, if the employee is a young man who just graduated from universities, then diploma and how does the man show in university should be think about more, there is an old saying: a man should always be responsible for his job, as a student ,he has an obligation to do his study well ,and at this point ,a beautiful school report card is great, at least it proves his study ability, which is very essential for the coming days, and because he is so young that he owns the enthusiasm on work, which is also a necessary factor. But if the employee is a

forty-year-old man who has quit his job or been fired by the original corporation, then the boss would think a lot of things such as working ability, experience and so on. Then the diploma would be seen nothing as it is just a history to him. All in all ,both of them are important, of course ,there are some else are also indispensably, to the boss ,before making a choice, think about what he want best, namely, which person he need most is the most important thing.

10. Did you ever think about being self-employed?

When it comes to some questions about being self-employed, our survey shows that 72% of the college students never think about being self-employed, and 17% students think that they can create their own business. And only 3% of the students have decided to be self-employed, but they are not well prepared. As we know, many college students hope that they can work in some famous companies after graduation, so they know very little about being self-employed. If there are less and less college students cannot create their own business, China's employment market will be worse.

11. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job?

In the questionnaires, most of the graduating students think the English skills and the ability to use computers need to be improving. As we know, many students want to work in foreign companies, so if we can’t communicate with others, how can we work? There is no doubt that English is one of the world's most widely used languages. English has become the language of international trade and transport. And the most important is that English has become the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced results in space, nuclear and computer research are published in it. In fact, every student should learn English well whether you want to work in foreign companies, because this is our basic skill. We are inevitable to meet some data written in English in our work. So a high level of English is very necessary to us, we must learn English better and better

In addition, being well informed with computer is very important to our college students. No matter what work will you do, computer technology is extremely usefu l to us. There is a saying, “If you know little about computer, you will be an illitera te person in 21st century”. In today’s world computer has become an essential

part of our life and it is our best companion. We spend most of the time with it wherever w e are. Thus in the world where pizza’s come faster than ambulance, the booming of the computer technology is the gift for a common man. A day without a computer is like a day without Sunrise. So learn computer technology well is very necessary to our college students. In some ways, it is related to our future.


惠州市现代物流发展现状调研报告 调查单位:惠州学院05级物流管理专业 报告撰写:李建锋张敏 2008年1月

目录 1导言 (1) 2调查情况 (1) 2.1 调查范围 (1) 2.2 调查对象 (1) 2.3 调查方法与主要方式 (1) 2.4 资料收集 (1) 3 惠州市物流行业宏观发展现状 (2) 3.1 惠州市物流产业2006年总体发展状况良好 (2) 3.2 惠州市拥有良好的物流发展配套环境 (2) 3.3 惠州市行业物流与第三方物流投资越演越烈 (2) 3.4 惠州市第三方物流的发展现状 (2) 4 本次调研数据分析 (3) 4.1 物流企业数据分析 (3) 4.1.1 物流企业调查样本分析 (3) 4.1.2 物流企业人力资源分析 (4) 4.1.3 物流企业经营环境分析 (5) 4.1.4 物流企业基础设施现状分析 (6) 4.2 工商企业物流运营数据分析 (7) 4.2.1 工商企业样本基本信息 (7) 4.2.2 工商企业物流运营基本情况分析 (8) 4.2.3 工商企业物流人才状况分析 (8) 4.2.4 工商企业物流基础设施现状分析 (9) 5 惠州市大力发展现代物流的对策 (10) 5.1 继续加大政府部门的支持力度 (10) 5.1.1 加大对物流基础设施的投资力度 (10) 5.1.2 营造良好的政策环境 (10) 5.1.3 重视标准化的建设 (11) 5.1.4 重视物流教育和培训工作 (11) 5.1.5 树立现代物流理念 (12) 5.2 构建惠州市现代物流企业本身的核心竞争力 (12) 5.2.1 科学细分物流市场,发展专业物流之路 (12) 5.2.2 引导物流企业建立稳定的客户群,增强把握客户需求的能力 (12) 5.2.3 重视物流人才培养,实施校企联姻人才战略 (12) 5.2.4 建立大型现代物流集团 (13) 5.2.5 加强物流信息化和科技支持力度 (13) 6 总结 (13) 参考文献 (14)


英文调查报告 广告的目标 1. our main goal is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 2. our main purpose is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 3. the main objective is to establish brand awareness among our target audience. 本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。”main goal”, “main purpose”, “main objective”,都是指‘主要的目标’。 调查的数据 1. according to my figures, of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwa n. 2. the numbers we have show that of the working women we polled, 50% said they read at least one of the top-five selling women’s magazines in taiwan. 3. as the facts prove, of the working women who responded to our poll, 50% read one of taiwan’s top-five selling women’s magazines. 说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。关键词为”figures”、”numbers”和”facts”等。 依调查判断


一、导言 随着大学的扩招,越来越多的人能够进入大学校园,在大学里度过自己人生中的四年,大学是培养人才的地方,向社会输入精英的地方,那么作为一个大学就应该为大学生提供一个很好的环境,这里的环境指的不仅仅是教案环境,更应该是一个生活环境。因为大学生不仅要在这里学习四年,更是在这里生活四年。在这四年里,他们的思想不仅要得到提高,身体更应该强壮。作为大学生,大学四年可能是人生中最美好的四年,但究竟他们对大学生活的满意度如何呢?大学的餐厅是大学生活的一个缩影,我们就是想通过大学生对餐厅的满意度情况研究一下大学生活对生活的满意度。 另外,就在我们学校附近的河南工业大学100多名学生在学校第一餐厅就餐后,出现腹泻、呕吐甚至发烧等症状,其中病情严重者被送往医院。我上网查了一下,发现校园集体中毒事件还是不少的,如前不久的,吉林大学珠海学院的集体中毒事件,四川师范大学集体中毒事件,有大学的,还有中学,小学,甚至幼儿园的。这些事件的发生就使我们更加地想了解大学生对自己学校餐厅的满意度。 如何能使同学们吃到安全餐、放心餐,文明就餐,更切实地了解同学们的就餐状况和对餐厅的满意度,为此,我们进行了这次“郑州市大学生对餐厅满意度的调查。由于调查对象的特殊性,我们采用了访问式问卷的形式,在郑州市的五十多所高校中随机地选出几所进行调查。通过对同学们对餐厅的满意度的调查,为大学生们的就餐状况向餐厅学校后勤部门提供一定的合理性建议和测依据。 二、研究方法 (一)调查方式: 介于调查对象的特殊性—大学生这一群体,我们采用了访问式问卷调查的方式。采用概率抽样中的偶遇抽样。先从郑州市中所有的大学中选出了郑州大学,郑州轻工业学院,以及中原工学院等几所大学,按一定比例随即抽取这几所大学的学生。样本容量是318份。在问卷设计阶段,我们小组成员同心协力,本着认真负责的态度及对科学研究的求实精神,查阅了许多文献资料,同时还请教了康绍霞老师。在康老师的指导下,我们进一步把问卷系统化条理化,设计出更加切实有效的问卷。 在正式调查的前一天,我们在本校进行了试调查,发现并归纳总结了问


2018全球汽车市场(V2X)市场调研报告目录—英文版 Published by QYResearch Mar. 2018

Global Automotive Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Market Research Report 2018 Hard Copy: 2900 USD PDF Copy (single user): 2900 USD Enterprise wide License: 5800 USD Pages: 142 Tables and Figures: 139 Published Date: Jan 2018 Publisher: QYR Automotive Research Center Summary This report studies the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top manufacturers in global and major regions, and splits the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market by product type and applications/end industries. The major players in global Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market include Delphi (Aptiv) Continental AG Denso Cohda Kapsch Qualcomm ETrans Savari Autotalks Arada (Lear) Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of Vehicle to Everything (V2X) in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering North America EU China Japan On the basis of product, the Vehicle to Everything (V2X) market is primarily split into V2V V2I V2P On the basis on the end users/applications, this report covers


英文调查报告 广告的目标1.ourmaingoalistoestablishbrandawarenessamongourtargetaudience.2.our mainpurposeistoestablishbrandawarenessamongourtargetaudience.3.the mainobjectiveistoestablishbrandawarenessamongourtargetaudience.本段的关键在于清楚地表明公司的目标,同时下文即可循着这个主题发展。 "maingoal","mainpurpose","mainobjective",都是指‘主要的目标'。 调查的数据1.accordingtomyfigures,oftheworkingwomenwepolled,50%saidtheyreadatl eastoneofthetop-fivesellingwomen'smagazinesintaiwan.2.thenumbersweh aveshowthatoftheworkingwomenwepolled,50%saidtheyreadatleastoneoft hetop-fivesellingwomen'smagazinesintaiwan.3.asthefactsprove,oftheworki ngwomenwhorespondedtoourpoll,50%readoneoftaiwan'stop-fivesellingw omen'smagazines.说明调查的结果,并作为下文结论的根据。 关键词为"figures"、"numbers"和"facts"等。 依调查判断1.ifyou'lltakealookatthischart,thebestmediamix,then,wouldbeacombinatio noftvandmagazineads.2.bylookingatthechartyoucanseethatthebestmedia mixwouldbeacombinationoftvandmagazineads.3.asyoucantellbythechart,t hebestmediamixwouldbeacombinationoftvandmagazineads.根据调查结果提出方案时,通常会以图表作解释。

调查报告 英文版

A report on the influence Factors of Graduating Students a Survey Report on Employment 1 Introduction In the last two decades, owning to education, we witnessed a rapid development in industry, agriculture, science and technology in China. Education can not only enrich people’s knowledge, but also improve people’s moral standard as a whole. However, with the new higher education policies coming into effect, a growing number of college students are fully aware of the uncertainties of their future careers. How to find a right niche for ourselves? As a result, we did this study aims to investigate the influence factors of graduating students’ employment. We hope we can offer some advises for college students based on the findings of our research. 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated and 65 questionnaires are valid. The questionnaire is both in electronic form and papery form. We collect the data and type the result into computer. Besides, in order to make the result more directviewing, we use Excel to make diagrams. Through our statistical analysis, the results indicated that most of the college students want to get a stable job with a high salary. And they tend to work in big cities or work abroad where there has a good development prospect. 2 Research Design 2.1 Research Questions: The questionnaire is clearly set out in appendix I. More specifically, the following questions were addressed: 1. Personally, does gender has impact on applying for jobs? 2. In your opinion, which of the following abilities will be the advantage when you look for a job? 3. Do you think what ability needs to be improved when you look for a job? 2.2 Participants: 65 graduating students from Shandong University were investigated. 40 of them filled in the questionnaire online. The students who have been surveyed were voluntary. And the average age of students was 20. And 30 percent of the students are male and 70 percent of the students are female.


关于写社会调查报告范文 社会调查报告是针对社会生活中的某一情况、某一事件、某一问题,进行深入细致地调查研究,然后把调查研究得来的情况真实地表述出来,以反映问题,揭露矛盾,揭示事物发展的规律,下面是小编给大家整理的社会调查报告范文,欢迎阅读。 【篇一:社会调查报告范文】近年来,XXX区文化局在区委、区政府的正确领导下,以十八大重要思想为指导,坚持科学发展观,以配合“四区”建设为着力点,积极扶持和关心农村自办文化活动,大力开展农村三项活动,全区各乡镇农民自办文化工作得到了长足的发展,下面是关于此项活动的社会调查报告: 1、净化农村文化市场树立乡村文明新风 农民自办文化普遍具有文化实践活动吸引力强、内容比较健康、参与者身心满足感强的特点。这也就意味着,在乡村社会,农民自办文化越多越普及,则深度参与其中的农民群众必然越多,相应地,留连于、沉湎于腐朽、落后文化的农民群众就会越少。从而为形成文明乡风提供健康的养料和良好的导向。学习科学文化知识的多了,参加健康有益的活动多了;搞封建迷信活动的少了,聚众赌博的少了。

2、传承乡土文化推进农村精神文明建设 相当一部分农民自办文化源自乡村民俗文化,或具有不 同程度的民俗特征,是对乡村民俗文化的继承。这是由于乡村民俗文化在时间安排、内容和形式上往往与农民群众的生产互补和平衡,与其生活相适应和相融合,容易培养共同的兴趣爱好,成为农民群众丰富的文化,因而,乡村民俗文化很容易被今日的农民群众在生产之余和生活之中所沿袭、所采用,很容易转化为农民自办文化。因此,农民自办文化因具有文化的传承功效,将为当代的农村精神文明建设作出重大贡献。 3、提高农民文化素质增强农民致富能力 在丰富的农民自办文化中,以开启民智为主要目的和主要内容的农民自办文化不在少数,如,农民读书社、农民书屋、农家文化大院、农民故事会、农民电影放映队(放映各类科教片)等。此类农民自办文化开展得越多、越普及,则越有助于提高广大农民群众的科学文化素质,有助于农村的经济发展。 4、增加沟通交流促进农村社会稳定的聚合功能 由于农民自办文化一般伴生着农民群众的聚合现象,从而也就大大地增加了农民群众互动、交流和沟通的机会,其结果往往是有助于促进邻里、婆媳、党员干部与群众之间关系的和谐,有助于实现农村社会的稳定。有助于农村和谐社会


2018年全球监测市场研究报告目 录—英文版 Published by QYResearch Mar. 2018

Global Surveillance Market Research Report 2018 Hard Copy: 3800 USD PDF Copy (single user): 3800 USD Enterprise wide License: 7600 USD Pages: 137 Tables and Figures: 138 Published Date: Jan.2018 Publisher: QYR Electronics Research Center Summary This report focuses on surveillance system used for residential and commercial. This report studies the Surveillance market status and outlook of global and major regions, from angles of manufacturers, regions, product types and end industries; this report analyzes the top manufacturers in global and major regions, and splits the Surveillance market by product type and applications/end industries. The global Surveillance market is valued at 22308 million USD in 2016 and is expected to reach 43672 million USD by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of 11.85% between 2016 and 2022. The major players in global Surveillance market include Hikvision Dahua Technology Axis Communications AB Panasonic Honeywell Security Hanwha United Technologies Tyco Bosch Security Systems Pelco Huawei Technologies Siemens AG Avigilon Corporation Uniview Flir Systems, Inc Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, revenue, market share and growth rate of Surveillance in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), covering North America Europe


调查报告英文版格式 篇一:英文论文报告格式-汇总篇 Report title Unit Code and Unit Name Declaration I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. 原创性声明 兹呈交的论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果,在论文写作过程中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果均在文中以明确方式标明,本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。 Signature(签名): ________________ Date(时间): ________________ Table of Contents

(字体Times New Roman, 四号,) (空一行) 1. Introduction ...................................... ................................................... . (4) 2. Sample title ............................................. (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4) Sample title ............................................. ................................................... .. (4) Sample


社会学调查研究报告 篇一:社会调研报告 重庆交大思想政治理论课综合实践--“社会调研”报告关于过江坡村农村留守儿童的调查 学院:河海学院 专业:港口航道与海岸工程 学号: 631103040122 姓名:向幸华 指导老师:张晓平 “团队分工说明及自评成绩表” 注:(由团队填写,个人调研不填;由团队成员据分工情况自主将30绩效分在3名成员之间分配!) “社会调研”成绩评定表 注:(此表由指导教师填写;若为团队调研,“成绩”一栏为:基础分70分+该成员分得的绩效分!) XX年 3 月10 日 关于过江坡村农村留守儿童的调查报告 一、引言 (一)研究背景 在当代中国社会的偏远山区生活着这样一群特殊的孩子,当他们还没有学会走路甚至还不能说话的时候,他们的父母就因为迫于生活的压力背井离乡,到远离家乡,远离孩

子的遥远城市里谋求生活。他们只能从长辈口中或者偶尔的一个电话中得知父母音讯。当城市中的孩子幸福地享受着父母带来的无微不至的爱时,他们却落单的小鸟一样成长。他们就是我们所称的“留守儿童”。地处偏远山区的过江坡村就是中国千万留守儿童现状的一个缩影。 随着中国社会的不断向前发展,民生问题逐渐得到党和国家及政府的重视。为了构建一个和谐的社会,儿童的成长和教育问题得到越来越多人的关注。儿童是祖国未来的花朵,是民族的希望。留守儿童是中国儿童中的一个特殊弱势群体,帮助这个弱势群体改变现状,让他们也能像城市的儿童一样拥有一个健康快乐的成长环境,对家庭、社会、政府来说,有着义不容辞的责任和义务。对农村留守儿童现状的调查有利于完善社会服务体系,有助于改善留守儿童的生活现状。 (二)研究内容 1、问卷设计 2、研究对象和方法 (1)研究对象 湖南省溆浦县沿溪乡过江坡村留守儿童。 (2)问卷发放和回收过程 XX.1.21-XX.1.31上门走访乡村,对留守儿童及其监护人进行调研,并让孩子和家长填写问卷,填写完后收回问卷。 XX.2.1-XX.2.4到学校及村委会了解学校及村委会了解


英语教育调研报告 英语教育调研汇报(一) 一、调研目的: 为了解班里学生英语学习现状,即学生在英语学习中对听、说、读、写的掌握程度及在实际学习中是如何进行听说读写来提高英语水平的。 三、调研地点:望都县望都实验学校七年级初一3——6班各班教室 四、调研对象:望都县望都实验学校七年级初一3——6班全体学生 五、调研内容: ⑴你平常是否"开口大声"地读英语? A、通常B、有时C、(几乎)决不D、不知道 ⑵你能听懂别人说英语吗?

A、通常B、有时C、(几乎)决不D、不知道 ⑶你能"随心所欲"地说英语吗? A、通常B、有时C、(几乎)决不D、不知道 ⑷你有好的记生词的记忆力吗? A、通常B、有时C、(几乎)决不D、不知道 ⑸你喜欢背诵生的语法规则和生词吗? A、通常B、有时C、(几乎)决不D、不知道 ⑹你认为学英语最大的难习题是什么? A、单词太多记不住B、语法不好学C、白话说不好D、其他 ⑺你现在最想提高的是? A、英语白话会话能力B、英语阅读能力C、英语写作能力D、英语应试能力E、其他

六、调研过程:在各班进行问卷调查,最后进行统计、分析 七、调研结果: 调研结果还表明,学生在背诵新的语法规则和生词时,存在一定的困难,如单词太多,记不住;语法太杂,不好学(如习题项⑷⑸6)。所以在指导学生记忆英语单词时,要避免孤立、机械性的记忆,应依据情景、上下文及句子来记忆单词。至于语法问习题,教会学生巧记语法规则的同时,对部分容易混淆的语法现象要进行比较、分析,并应有相关的语法专项及辨析习习题,让学生在实际运用中轻松、自然地掌握语法。另外,依据习题项7,表明学生在英语阅读方面的不足,他们急迫想提高阅读理解能力。这不仅要求学生具有丰富的语言信息资源、开阔的视野、丰富的语言知识,拥有较大的词汇量,还得了解英美国家的社会及文化习俗、背景等;同时必须具有较快的阅读速度,较强的推理、归纳、判断及解习题能力。因而,在实际教学中应帮助学生克制畏惧及焦炉心理,加强阅读训练,指导学生阅读技能,逐步提高学生的阅读理解能力。 八、调研启示: 通过这次调研,我清楚地了解到重点初中学生平常在英语学习中的


英文调查报告范文 关于正宁三中高中生英语学习现状的问卷调查报告正宁三中高一五班李素珍惠小花王康丽指导老师:史晓真 一、背景与目的 随着社会的发展,社会对英语方面人才的需求逐渐增加,在21世纪,英语发挥着越来越 重要的作用。获取英语知识的方法就显得尤为重要。在学习英语方面,我们面临的问题较多, 一方面当前高中生对英语学习方法还存在着很多不足,他们对自己学习英语的方法满意程度 普遍较低。另一方面,对学习英语方法重要性的认识较为清醒,但学习效果一直不佳。我们研究小组针对中学生学习英语的现状,困惑,以及教师的教学方式等方面情况展开 调查研究,以便让更多学生走出学习英语困境,从而进入高效学习状态。二、调查过程 1、组长:李素珍课题成员:王康丽、惠小花小组分工:李素珍:查找资料,全面 总结。 王康丽、惠小花:发放、收交问卷,分析数据。 2、调查方案:(1)讨论选定课题, 制定活动计划;(2)讨论制定关于高中生学习英语方法的问卷调查;(3)发放关于高中

生学习英语方法调查问卷并根据反馈情况,总结分析当前高中生英语学习方法现状,指出问 题之所在。 3、调查情况:我们把正宁三中高一、高二、高三共三级的1500余名学生作为调查对象,发放问卷1490 份,收回有效问卷1450份。针对问卷中的15个重点问题,制成统计表,展开分析,说明, 并提出有关建议。 三、调查结果分析: 表一、高中生的英语成绩评价统计结果显示:我校高中生的英语成绩普遍较低,这与平时学习英语的方法,英语基础,学习环境等有着密切的关系,所以应该重视这个现状,掌握正确的学习方法,提高英语成绩。 表二、高中生对英语学习的兴趣统计结果显示:高中生对英语的学习兴趣普遍不浓。“很喜欢”的仅占2%,“喜欢”的占34%,“一般”的占47%,“不喜欢”的占17%。兴趣是最好的老师,所以应该加强培养高中生对英语学习的兴趣,增强高中生对英语的了解,提高对英语的认识。表 三、高中生是否经常参加英语补习班统计结果显示:我校高中生参加英语补习班的人数较 少,仅占23%。可以看出,绝大多数高中生不喜欢上英语补习班,因此,应该加强培养高中生对学习英


社会实践调查报告 一、社会实践调查报告的含义 调查报告又叫调查研究报告,应该说后者是它更准确的名称。因 为它不仅是调查的产物,更是研究的产物。调查报告主要功能是搜集情况,并通过对调查所得情况的深入研究,提出一定的见解。因此调 查报告是根据某一特定目的,运用辩证唯物论的观点,对某一事务或某一问题进行深入、细致、周密的调查研究和综合分析后,将这些调查和分析的结果系统地、如实地整理成书面文字的一种文体。像考察报告、调研报告及××调查等都是常见的调查报告体裁。 二、社会实践调查报告的特点 1.真实性。真实性是调查报告首要的、最大的特点。所谓真实性, 就是尊重客观事实,靠事实说话。这一特点要求调研人员必须树立严谨的科学态度,认真求实的精神,彻底抛弃"假大空"的虚伪作风,不仅报喜,还要报忧,不仅要充分肯定工作成绩,还要准确反映工作中 存在的问题。只有严谨的科学态度,才能写出真实可靠,对工作具有 指导意义的调查报告。 2.针对性。这是调查报告所具有的第二个显著特点,这是由具有 很强的工作针对性所决定的。一般来说一项调查研究工作,特别是大型调查研究,要花费较大的时间、人力和物力,不是随意组织进行的,而是针对一些较为迫切的实际情况,解决某些实际问题而进行的。因此调查研究就具有很强的针对性,在调查报告的写作上,必须中心突出,明确提出所针对的问题,明确交待这一问题所获得的事实材料,

分析出问题的症结所在,提出具体可行的建议和对策。 3.典型性。典型性是指在调查报告的写作过程中所采用的事实材 料要具有代表性,以及所揭示的问题带有普遍性。这种典型特点在总结经验和反映典型事件的典型调查中表现的尤为突出。 4.系统性。调查报告的系统性或完整性是指由调查材料所得出的 结论,必须是具有说服力,把被调查的情况完整地、系统地交待清楚。不能只摆出结论,而疏漏交待事实过程和必须的环节。因为这样的疏忽势必造成不严密、根据不足以及不足以令人信服的印象。这里所说的系统性和完整性,并不是要求在调查报告的写作过程中,事无巨细,面面俱到,而是抓住事物的本质和主要方面,写出结论的推理过程。 总的来说,调查报告就是论证系统,逻辑严密,摆事实,讲道理, 具有强烈的说服力,从而使之成为科学决策的可靠资料。 三、社会实践调查报告的类型 从内容性质分,调查报告有以下六种: 1.专题型调查报告。专题型调查报告,就是侧重某个问题进行较 深入的调查后形成的报告,这类报告一般常常在标题上反映出来。它能及时揭露现实生活中的矛盾,反映群众的意见和要求,研究急需解决的具体的实际问题,并根据调查的结果提出处理意见,或者对策, 或是建议。 2.综合型调查报告。它是以综合调查众多的对象及其基本情况为 内容、作全面系统的调查和反映的报告。具有全面、系统、深入和篇 幅较长的特点。它与专题调查报告的主要区别点就在于它的综合性


调查报告英语范文 篇一:调查报告英语作文 Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results. About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with ’s difficult for them to get along well with their other twenty percent of the students say they are weak in complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or after school activities. Dear teachers,would you please give us less homework and more time to relax ourselves?Dear parents,we want to take more exercise to keep will do our best and we want to a time to study and a time to play. Our school has made a survey---“Don’t keep your worries”.Here are the results. About fifty percent of the students in our school are worries about their have so much homework to do every they feel stressed too thirty percent of the


社会调查报告范文 一、社会调查报告的前提——调查研究 要想写出具有科学性、指导性的社会调查报告,必须进行深人细致的社会调查。而正确的指导思想、实事求是的态度以及科学的调查方法是必不可少的。首先要认真学习,不断提高政策理论水平。其次要努力深入到基层,扎扎实实地把社会调查工作做好。再次就是要讲究科学的方法,提高调查研究的水平。 科学的调查研究包括两个方面的内容:一是调查研究的具体操作方法要科学。仅靠过去传统手工方式进行调查已显然不够了,系统论、信息论、控制论等一系列的自然科学研究方法逐渐渗透到社会科学研究领域中来,形成了社会调查研究方法现代化的三大特征:数学方法在社会研究中的应用;自然科学研究方法对于社会科学研究的渗透;定量研究和定性研究的综合运用。这就为调查研究的方法提供了科学的依据。我们除了要了解并掌握有关普遍调查、典型调查、个案调查、抽样调查以及文献调查法、问卷调查法、访问调查法、观察调查法等各种具体的调查方法以外,还必须注重对调查对象加强正确引导,确保其讲真话、讲实话。在实地考察时,要防止被假象所蒙蔽,要透过现象看本质,确保调查的科学性。二是调查研究的思想方法要科学。(注释:参见1983年1月5日某报有关专文,提出了政策调查的“十个要点”。) 二、社会调查报告的材料整理

对社会调查报告材料的整理,一般分成三个步骤: l.检查鉴别。首先检查社会调查报告材料是否切合研究的需要,其次要鉴别事实材料的真实性,数据的准确性,保证材料的真实可靠,确实反映客观实际。 2.制作图表、数表。以其直观形象信息量大,帮助读者理解社会调查报告内容。 3.分类分组。社会调查报告材料分类的标准,依研究目的而言,可按材料性质分为记录资料、文献资料、问卷资料、统计调查资料等。可根据研究的目的按年龄、性别分类,或按职业分类等。也可分为背景材料,统计材料,典型(人或事例)材料等。 对社会调查报告材料的分析,应该说是调查研究中的一个十分关键的步骤,是能否将社会调查报告材料化为研究成果的关键所在。所谓社会调查报告材料分析,就是用科学的方法审查、剖析调查材料中包含的被研究对象的状况、特点、社会背景、基本结构、本质属性与成因、组成因素与相互关系,以及运动机制和结论的过程。对社会调查报告的调查材料进行分析研究,最基本的类型是定性分析和定量分析,应该用辩证的观点对待事物,对质和量两个方面进行综合考察。(一)社会调查报告材料的定性分析 社会调查报告材料的定性分析是据事论理,用思辩的方式,依靠个人经验判断能力和直观材料,确定社会现象或事物发展变化的性质和趋向.以划清事物性质界限的方法。定性分析的根本的方法是哲学方法,即揭示事物发展的一般规律的方法。除此之外,还可采用系统方法、


编号:TQC/K949 英语教学现状调查报告完 整版 Daily description of the work content, achievements, and shortcomings, and finally put forward reasonable suggestions or new direction of efforts, so that the overall process does not deviate from the direction, continue to move towards the established goal. 【适用信息传递/研究经验/相互监督/自我提升等场景】 编写:________________________ 审核:________________________ 时间:________________________ 部门:________________________

英语教学现状调查报告完整版 下载说明:本报告资料适合用于日常描述工作内容,取得的成绩,以及不足,最后提出合理化的建议或者新的努力方向,使整体流程的进度信息实现快速共享,并使整体过程不偏离方向,继续朝既定的目标前行。可直接应用日常文档制作,也可以根据实际需要对其进行修改。 XX年9月13日至10月17日我到xx市xx三中进行为期一个月的教育实习,实习内容包括两个方面,一是英语教学的教育实习,二是班主任的工作实习。在这期间我积极地努力地工作,虚心向有经验的老师请教,取得了优异的成绩。同时,我还在实习期间做了一次深入的调查工作,是针对英语这门课而言的。为了得到教师和学生的真实想法,我费了一番心思,最终的调查结果对我将来的从业有很大的帮助。


关于正宁三中高中生英语学习现状的问卷调查报告正宁三中高一五班李素珍惠小花王康丽 指导老师:史晓真 一、背景与目的 随着社会的发展,社会对英语方面人才的需求逐渐增加,在21世纪,英语发挥着越来越重要的作用。获取英语知识的方法就显得尤为重要。在学习英语方面,我们面临的问题较多,一方面当前高中生对英语学习方法还存在着很多不足,他们对自己学习英语的方法满意程度普遍较低。另一方面,对学习英语方法重要性的认识较为清醒,但学习效果一直不佳。 我们研究小组针对中学生学习英语的现状,困惑,以及教师的教学方式等方面情况展开调查研究,以便让更多学生走出学习英语困境,从而进入高效学习状态。 二、调查过程 1、组长:李素珍课题成员:王康丽、惠小花 小组分工:李素珍:查找资料,全面总结。 王康丽、惠小花:发放、收交问卷,整理分析数据。 2、调查方案:(1)讨论选定课题,制定活动计划; (2)讨论制定关于高中生学习英语方法的问卷调查; (3)发放关于高中生学习英语方法调查问卷并根据反馈情况,总结分析当前高中生英语学习方法现状,指出问题之所在。 3、调查情况:

我们把正宁三中高一、高二、高三共三级的1500余名学生作为调查对象,发放问卷1490份,收回有效问卷1450份。针对 问卷中的15个重点问题,制成统计表,展开分析,说明,并提 出有关建议。 三、调查结果分析: 表一、高中生的英语成绩评价 统计结果显示:我校高中生的英语成绩普遍较低,这与平时学习 英语的方法,英语基础,学习环境等有着密切的关系,所以应该重 视这个现状,掌握正确的学习方法,提高英语成绩。 表二、高中生对英语学习的兴趣 统计结果显示:高中生对英语的学习兴趣普遍不浓。“很喜欢”的 仅占2%,“喜欢”的占34%,“一般”的占47%,“不喜欢”的占17%。兴趣是最好的老师,所以应该加强培养高中生对英语学习的兴趣, 增强高中生对英语的了解,提高对英语的认识。 表三、高中生是否经常参加英语补习班 统计结果显示:我校高中生参加英语补习班的人数较少,仅占23%。




报 告 课题名称:关于安徽大学学生阅读情况调查报告

可有可无。那么究竟对于我们大学生来说,课外阅读是否有必要?阅读对我是否有很大帮助?目前大学生进行课外阅读的目的是什么?大学生喜欢阅读什么类型的书籍?为了解答这些疑问,我们小组就安徽大学学生进行了一次有关于大学生阅读情况的调查研究。 关键词:大学生;课外阅读;专业书籍;阅读目的;费用研究目的和意义 大学生在进入大学以后,接触的新事物多了,面对的诱惑多了,对阅读的兴趣也降低了,阅读的范围也改变了不少,因此,对他们的阅读倾向和阅读行为进行引导、帮助大学生学会选择读物和形成正确的阅读习惯.激发大学生读者潜在的阅读需求和阅读兴趣.本调查旨在了解我校大学生阅读情况,及时发现存在的一些问题,促进大学校远良好风气的形成。 二、资料与方法 抽样方法:在调查之前,我们就大学生阅读情况进行了相关资料研究,发现大部分大学生阅读方面存在很多问题。对相关问题进行整理并分析后,我们设计出一份自填式问卷就安徽大学大一大二学生进行调查,首先根据年级对大一大二进行分层抽样,每个年级40份,然后在每个年级中根据性别进行分层抽样,男女各20份,对于这20位同学我们采用随机抽样方法,即随机到每个宿舍区抽取一份。此外我们还随机抽取了其中一位学生进行了相关访谈。问卷一共80,回收80份,回收率100%。 资料收集与分析方法:由于我们的研究属于描述性研究,因此我们主要侧重于基本的描述统计和推论统计。问卷回收后,将有效的问卷整理出来,将数据输入到spss软件中分析,这样就可以根据数据统计结果对大一大二目前的阅读情况进行相关描述,并对相关现象进行合理解释。由此我们可以推断安大学生平时的阅读情况! 根据研究的目的,我们小组对每一个被调查者都依据下列指标进行分类和编码,这些指标是: (1)性别(A.男 B.女) (2)年级(A.大一 B.大二)

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