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1.Make predictions/ a prediction about future 25. carry out/ do/

make a survey

2.Rich natural resources 1

3. without permission

3.Recycled materials 1

4. a business permit

4.Get rid of bad habits 1

5. a solution to problems

5.Free of charge/ for free 1

6. get around Beijing

6.Attach importance to study 1

7. under construction

7.Be optimistic about future 18. keep cool/calm

8.For a start 19. be in the mood for telling jokes/ to tell jokes

9.Be shaped like a heart

10.be connected to the Internet 20. rely on me to solve the problems

11.Be stuck in traffic jams

12.21. My money has been used up/run out of.

My money has run out/ given out.

I have run out of/ used up my money.

22. It is convenient for sb to do sth 23. limit the words to 100

24. Sb be impressed with sth/ sth leaves/ makes a deep impression on

1. 意识到他的弱点be conscious of his weaknesses

2. 随着季节而变化vary with season

年龄从7岁到13岁不等vary in age from 3 to 7

广泛的兴趣 a wide range/ variety of interests

3. 和父母多交流communicate more with parents

4. 与某人达成一笔交易make a deal with sb

大量的垃圾 a great deal of rubbish

与某人做丝绸贸易deal with sb in silk

如何处理这个问题how to deal with the problem

what to do with

5. 卷入到这次罢工be involved in the strike

需要经常出差的工作 a job involving a lot of travellling

6. 请老师帮一个忙ask a favor of the teacher

ask the teacher a favor

请帮我一忙‘ please do me a favor

我支持你I am in favor of you/ I am for you/ I support you

这个建议对我有利The suggestion is in my favor/to my advantage

7. 盯着某人看stare at sb

8. 传播谣言’ spread rumors

9. 陷入恐慌be in panic / get into a panic

10. 应你要求而来。I came at your request / at the request of you


Tom requested that I (should) help him

Tom requested me to help him

Tom requested help from/ of me.

Tom made a request that I should help him

11. 用刀恐吓他去说谎 threaten him to tell lies with a knife

12. 大脑一片空白 My mind goes blank

填写空白处。 Fill in the blanks

13. 现场表演 a live performance

14。 对目前的国际形势作出判断

make a judgement on/about current international situation 11.发展一种正规的方式12.忙于13.握着/携带威胁性武器







develop a formal way of

be busy doing/with …

shake hands with …make a deal in respect hold up/lift up give away read one's mind

up and down

say hello to carry a threatening weapon

Tr ansl at e t he f ol l ow i ng phr ases:



3..与... 交流





8.在不同的文化间变化9.把…介绍给…10.保持警惕in the distance show sb the way communicate with think of written English spoken English body language vary from culture to culture

introduce …to …

on guard