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军民关系犹如鱼水关系。 The army is to the people what fish is to
water. 读书对于精神如同食物对于身体一样。 Food is to the body what reading is to mind.
5. 用as…,so表示比喻关系
1. As blood vessel is to a man’s body,so is railway to transportation.
The cracks are everywhere on the riverbed as if they were shouting protests against man’s greed in exploiting natural resources.
4. 用what引导
D.A之于B犹如C之于D A is to B what C is to D
4. 我的车跑得和火车一样快 My car runs as fast as the train.
5. 生活就像一盒巧克力 Life was like a box of chocolate.
3. 用as if或as though表示比喻关系
…his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires.
( 1 ) 名词型 ( noun metaphors ) Time is money. Life is a journey. All the world’s a stage, and all the men and
women merely players. ( William Shakespeare ) 整个世界是座舞台,男男女女,演员而已。
1). 她漂亮的长发从肩头垂下,好似一条黑 色的瀑布。
Her beautiful long hair fell down over her shoulders like a black waterfall.
2). 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。
Learning is like rowing upstream; you either struggle forward or drop behind.
Metaphor, perhaps the most important figure of speech, points out resemblance but with no acknowledging word.
(Britannica Book of English Usage)
2. 用as…as…
1. He is as strong as a horse 他健壮如牛 2. 这件事已经一清二楚了 (像你脸上的鼻子一样清楚) The whole event is as plain as the nose in
your face.
3. Jim和他兄弟Billy很像 Jim looks like his brother Billy.
1. 用like\as\表示比喻关系 The water of the pool was too dirty,and
what was more,the swimmers were packed like sardines .
原他句深: 色的眼睛里闪着光,好似擦亮了的玻璃. (1) His dark eyes shone like polished gl译a文ss.
2) Sb./Sth. does sth., as if … 某人/某物做某事就好像是……
1). 她看上去似乎是冰做的。
She looked as if she were made of ice.
2). 河床上遍布裂缝,像是在大声抗 议人类在开发自然资源时的贪婪。
2. 正如狮子是万兽之王,鹰就是禽之首。 As the lion is king of beasts,so is the eagle
king of birds.
6. 用no more\less…than…表示比 喻关系
He is no more skilful at swimmingHale Waihona Puke Baiduthan you are.
I am no more fond of playing poker than he is.
他既不是画家,也不是作家。 He is no more a writer than a painter.
他和我都读不懂西班牙语。 He’s no more able to read Spanish than I am.
(2)一 人p…Th伤张uort张心noig翻的nrg看河apt并流hhos研上sies读,pli这…akge些…efs照loaw片ndi,nsg仿tuo佛dny漂ains流gad在thc一euirr条re让译n文t 句型提炼
1) Sb/Sth does sth like sth. 某人/某物做某事, 好像/好似…一样。 Doing sth is like (doing) sth else.做某事仿佛 (做)另一件事一样。

我对西班牙语和希腊语同样都不懂。 I know no more Spanish than I know Greek.
7. 用and结构表示比喻关系
1. A word and a stone let go cannot be called back.
2. 岁月不待人 (时间和潮水一样不会等人) Time and tide wait for no man.
At once,the Eastern and Western Chang’an Roads became roaring oceans.