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(1)He's in constant tr ouble with the police.

(2)He's usually quiet polite in my presence.

(3)Stan's dad died,leaving his mother to raise three sons alone.

(4)I have great faith in you——I know you'll do well.

(5)Things will get easier As time goes by.

(6)I got up early the next morning to jog.

(7)Julia began to clear the dishes from the table.

(8)He's about average height.

(9)If it all goes wrong,don't blame me.

(10)The match was cancelled due to a lack of support.

(11)I'm still bitter about the whole affair.

(12)I cherish the memory of those happy times.

(13)I have the impression that she is very good at her job.

(14)Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

(15)The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

(16)I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.

(17)First,make sure the printer has enough paper in it.

(18)I had no option but to ask him to leave.

(19)We need to learn to accept people who have different beliefs from ours. (20)People tend to need less sleep as they get older.

(21)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived.

(22)He may look 30,but he is actually 45.



I want to have a cold drink rather than coffee.


He was determined not to smoke in my prensence.


It's time we got rid of these old toys.


He doesn't play half as well as his sister.


Not until 84 years ago did American women get the right to vote.

(6)The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale”and that none of the occupations she listed were women's job(她所列举的工作没有一项是女人能够做的)

(7)Jean was scared of her at first but grew to respect her firmness and fairness.(对她的严厉和公正渐渐心生敬佩)

(8)When you leave school,if you don't go for your dreams,no one will do it for you.(如果自己不去追求梦想,那么就没有人会来帮你忙的)

(9)He dreams of becoming a trainee dancer.(他梦想成为一名舞蹈教练)

(10)What Mr.John said changed the course of his son's life.(改变了他儿子的一生)

(11)我俩过去常常一起逛超市(hang out)

We two used to hang out in supermarket.

(12)情人节那天,他送给女友一束花(a bunch of)

He gave his girlfriend a bunch of flowers on Valentine's day.

(13)你是否已经决定到什么地方去度假?(decide on)

Have you decided on where you will spend your holiday?


I am grateful to you for showing me around the city.


A young man saved a little girl from drowing.


He performed best and deserved the gold medal.

(17)我一点也不想卷入他们的争论(get sucked into)

I have no intention of getting sucked into their argument.


There is no book that can compete with this one.

(19)如果你再这样下去,你会一无所获的(end up with)

If you go on like this,you will end up with nothing.


I am skeptical about the Chinese football team's chances of winning.

(21)或许我们能想出一个解决问题的办法(come up with)

Maybe w can come up with a solution to the problem.


His parents lacked the money to send him to university.

(23)我们应当不遗余力把失去的时间补回来(make up for)

We should spare no efforts to make up for lost time.


I don't think we'll succeed,but let's try anyway.

(25)如果你碰巧见到他,让他给我打个电话(happen to)

If you happen to meet him,ask him to call me.

(26)他设法在人群中找到了自己的朋友(seek out)

He managed to seek out his friend in the crowd.
