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1:My parents are both (retired) teachers.

Ben wants to (retire) next year.

2: After a short (romance) the couple announced(宣布) their engagement.

I saw a lovely (romantic) comedy(喜剧)yesterday.

3: The doctor was very (thorough) and asked me lots of questions. Wash the fruit (thoroughly) before eating.

4: I looked around (hopelessly), finding no one at the place.

It’s a (hopeless) dream for us to win the football game.


1:My English class is worth three (credits)(学分).

2: An (desert)(沙漠)is a large area of land, usually in a hot region(地区), where there is almost no water, rain, trees ,or plants.

3:She (figured)(认为)that she should do some volunteer (志愿者/志愿)work.

4:She is studying German language and literature.

5:This magazine has a lot of interesting (stuff)(内容)in it.

6:- What’s the (title) of this movie?


7:How many students have (registered)(登记)for the English class. 8:Underline the new words and remember them after class.


1:Mrs .Zhang treats(对待) her students with (motherly) (母爱)love. 2:This magazine is published(出版)(monthly).

3:The villagers(村民)treated us in a (friendly) way.

4:I often see them walking (happily) arm in arm(挽着手臂).

5:The old lady has (kindly) agreed to help us.



Many parents have no time to tutor their children.


Why don’t you do something in stead of just talking about it.


We must wake up to the fact that the Earth’s resources are limited.



1:Does the UFO really (exist).

We need new computers to replace(替代) the existing ones.

2:Bob is (eager) to visit me.

She shows great (eagerness) for success.

3:He gave no explanation for his fault(错误).

Please (explain) the rule to me.

4:These two events were (related) to each other.

Their (relation) seemed quite close.


1:The most likely (explanation) is that his plane was delayed(拖延). 2:The government is taking immediate (action) (采取行动)on the housing crisis(危机).

3:There’s no (relation) between the two things.

4:He won the gold medal in the volleyball (competition).

5:He read the letter with an (expression) of surprise.



All game should be played according to the rules.


You will be informed when this book is available.


Susan’s room seemed like a palace compared with mine.



1:American blacks are said to be the (descendants)(后代) of African slaves(奴隶).

2:He received a large (fortune)(财富)when his uncle died.

3:If you lose other people’s trust, you’ll something (precious)(贵重的), something you may hardly get back.

4:Pandas are (native) to China.

5:(Moral) (道德)beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty. 6:Eating dumplings during the Spring Festival is a Chinese (tradition)。7:The (integrity)(正直)of the judge(法官)was praised by many people.

8:Gun(枪)is often used as a (symbol) (标志)of war or violence.


1:Employers say they are more likely to promote(晋升)(well-educated) (有教养的)worker.

2:Books, like friends, should be few and (well-chosen)(精选的).

3:If you say that someone is (well-informed)(被很好的告知)you mean that they know a lot about something.

4:The decision(政府)spoiled(毁掉)the peace talk(和平谈论)though it was (well-meant)(没有恶意).

5:He seems like a charming(有魅力)guy who is very (well-dressed)(穿着讲究).



This principle is deeply rooted in the minds of Chinese people.


The peaceful development of China will have an important influence on the world.


They think the style of these paintings could be traced back to early medieval influences.


英语期末复习资料 选词填空 (1)He's in constant tr ouble with the police. (2)He's usually quiet polite in my presence. (3)Stan's dad died,leaving his mother to raise three sons alone. (4)I have great faith in you——I know you'll do well. (5)Things will get easier As time goes by. (6)I got up early the next morning to jog. (7)Julia began to clear the dishes from the table. (8)He's about average height. (9)If it all goes wrong,don't blame me. (10)The match was cancelled due to a lack of support. (11)I'm still bitter about the whole affair. (12)I cherish the memory of those happy times. (13)I have the impression that she is very good at her job. (14)Make exercise a part of your daily routine. (15)The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. (16)I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. (17)First,make sure the printer has enough paper in it. (18)I had no option but to ask him to leave. (19)We need to learn to accept people who have different beliefs from ours. (20)People tend to need less sleep as they get older. (21)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. (22)He may look 30,but he is actually 45. 句子翻译 (1)我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡 I want to have a cold drink rather than coffee. (2)他决心不当着我的面抽烟 He was determined not to smoke in my prensence. (3)是时候扔掉这些旧玩具了 It's time we got rid of these old toys. (4)他演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半 He doesn't play half as well as his sister. (5)直到84年前美国女性才取得了投票权 Not until 84 years ago did American women get the right to vote.


期末考试英语课后习题 第五单元 第一题 1:My parents are both (retired) teachers. Ben wants to (retire) next year. 2: After a short (romance) the couple announced(宣布) their engagement. I saw a lovely (romantic) comedy(喜剧)yesterday. 3: The doctor was very (thorough) and asked me lots of questions. Wash the fruit (thoroughly) before eating. 4: I looked around (hopelessly), finding no one at the place. It’s a (hopeless) dream for us to win the football game. 第二题 1:My English class is worth three (credits)(学分). 2: An (desert)(沙漠)is a large area of land, usually in a hot region(地区), where there is almost no water, rain, trees ,or plants. 3:She (figured)(认为)that she should do some volunteer (志愿者/志愿)work. 4:She is studying German language and literature. 5:This magazine has a lot of interesting (stuff)(内容)in it. 6:- What’s the (title) of this movie? -Hero.


一.词汇与结构1'×10=10' 1. In our class, most discussions and activities take place in assigned small groups. These groups provide a supportive and safe environment that learning. 2. It is the development strategy of the company to Its overseas expansion in order to take a slice of the world market. 3. Nearly six million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, attracted by the of her smile. When you're not looking at she seems to be smiling; when you look at her, she stops. 4. To live with a family whose native language is English is the ideal way to further improve one's English and to gain into Its culture. 5. There is a real need to academic achievement in schools and help with the development of a students overall character. 6.Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from , reason and language. 7. Being a single parent, there is no way for her to the time and energy she has devoted to her children for the past 10 years. 8. It is essential that you start by listening because one of of the main teenagers and their parents face in forming positive relationships is that neither listens to the other. 9.We all know the dangers the of an earthquake: the to buildings, the troubles can be caused by falling trees, and the terror occurs when the earth actually opens up. 10. Not until recently have we realized that the increasing world population may lead to a potential gloomy for humanity: starvation.


大学英语期末总结 日子一天天的寒冷,年关将近。大学期末如期而至,下面是品才小编为您整理关于大学英语期末总结,欢迎阅读! 大学英语期末总结篇 1 本学期我主要担任大专部英语专业07(1)班英语精读,07(2)、(3)、(4)班公共英语教学工作。并任06(1)、07(1)班辅导员。现将本学期的教学工作总结如下: 一、认真钻研教材,继续探索大专英语教学模式,努力提高课堂教学质量。 1 本学期我担任的精读课虽然不是新课,但我并没有因此马虎。课前认真备课,钻研教材,教学中能总结去年的经验,根据学生具体情况和需求力求在教学内容和方法上有所改进和突破。07(1)班学生经过3+x考试,词汇和阅读基础较好,但听说能力差,语音也存在很多问题。这学期,课堂上我除了加强学生的词汇、造句、翻译等方面的基本功训练,还采用课文复述,看图说话,讲故事,角色表演等形式强化学生的口语水平。课外则通过每周的听力训练和观看教学录象带提高听力水平。每周定期抽查学生的语音作业,及时指出问题,攻破难点。这些方法取得了一定的效果。 2 为了了解学生的的英语水平和学习要求,开学初在07(2)(3)(4)班进行调查,收集了学生意见。针对学生的年龄和知识特点在教学中主要采用对话表演,看图说话,以及

针对课文设计的话题讨论。这些方式激发了学生的学习热情,活跃了课堂气氛,一些男生也开始喜欢说英语。除了口语表达,还注重抓学生笔头的基本功,通过短语、句子翻译和其他大量练习巩固提高词汇语法基础。经过一学期的训练,学生的句子翻译水平有明显进步。 3 在两门课中根据教材内容适当选取"走向未来"、"跟我学"等教学录象片辅助教学。为学生提供了生动的语言环境,激发了学生的学习兴趣、活跃了课堂气氛,收到了良好的教学效果。 4 教学中努力探索以学生为中心,教师为主导的教学模式。运用视听媒体,采用听说法、讨论法、表演等方式调动学生积极性。注意引导学生积极思考,注重知识的归纳和总结,加强学法指导。例如:如何记单词,课文朗读技巧,对话、叙述原则等。学生的学习效率得到了提高。 二、在语言教学中注意文化知识的渗透。根据教学内容介绍了英美国家的历史地理、风情习俗和有关文学常识。 三、认真使用电子教室,探索计算机辅助教学模式 1、本学期我任教的四个班中有三个班使用电子教室。我课前认真备课,花了大量时间设计制作幻灯片。每堂课严格按照学校的要求进行。电子教室的使用加大了课堂教学容量和密度,提高了教学效率。英语精读课尤为明显。教师可以在短时间内对学生进行大量的高密度的语言训练。学生的


大学英语期末复习资料及答案英语是一门广泛学习的语言,尤其是对于大学生而言,掌握一定的英语能力对他们的学习和未来的发展都十分重要。本文将提供一些大学英语期末复习的相关资料和答案,希望能够帮助大家更好地准备期末考试。 一、听力理解 听力理解是英语考试中的一个重要部分,也是大多数学生较为薄弱的一个方面。为了帮助大家提高听力水平,以下是一些复习资料和答案供参考: 题目一: 听力材料:A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I enjoy watching romantic comedies. 问题:What kind of movies does B enjoy watching? 答案:B enjoys watching romantic comedies. 题目二: 听力材料:A: Did you go to the party last night? B: No, I had to finish my assignment. 问题:Why didn't B go to the party? 答案:B didn't go to the party because he had to finish his assignment.

二、阅读理解 阅读理解是英语考试中另一个重要的部分,考察学生的阅读能力和理解能力。以下是一些阅读理解题目和答案供复习之用: 题目一: 阅读材料: Growing up in a small town, Tom felt trapped. He dreamed of seeing the world, experiencing new cultures and meeting different people. When he finished high school, he decided to travel abroad. 问题:Why did Tom decide to travel abroad? 答案:Tom decided to travel abroad because he wanted to see the world, experience new cultures, and meet different people. 题目二: 阅读材料: The invention of the light bulb had a significant impact on people's lives. Before its invention, people relied on candles and oil lamps for lighting. The light bulb not only provided a brighter and more convenient source of light, but also contributed to the development of many other industries. 问题:What impact did the invention of the light bulb have on people's lives?


大学英语期末个人总结 时间像流水一样,不知不觉中,一个学期就要结束了。在大学我认识了一帮新同学,很多新老师,结识了很多新的朋友,也学到了很多。关于个人总结我从以下几个方面做简单的总结。 首先,在学习方面,我的态度还算认真,作业都是自己经过思考完成的,即使有时来不及完成也会向老师说明,下次补上,决不以抄袭来应付老师。学期开始时,早、晚自习我基本保持不迟到,在这个学期内早、晚自习从不缺勤。后来我申请了晚自修在图书馆自修,每天都会提前比晚自习一个小时左右的时间去图书,自习结束后,我一般会留图书馆继续自习,用这种方法来提高时间利用律。在提高英语听力方面,我主要是坚持每天晚上睡觉前和早上起来听半个小时的英语听力材料或课文的朗读材料,也确实感觉有效果。口语方面,注重平常生活中对英语的使用,创造英语学习环境。闲暇时间,如果有讲座,我一般回去听讲座,来拓宽自己的视野和见闻。 其次,在工作方面,我在班内担任生活委员。一开始,我以为没什么事做,可后来才发现,原来生活委员的工作也很多,每天最起码要去一次综合楼的收发室,拿同学们的信件和学校的报纸,有时候还要通知同学们学校最近的通知和活动,以及一些竞赛的安排。更重要的是,作为一个班的生活委员,掌管着班里的班费,负责班里(本工作总结来源于)的日常开销和班级集体活动的经费预算,还有账目管理。刚开始接管班费时,我被琐碎的账目搞的很头痛,有点不知所措,但后来细细梳理,把班级的每次开销都做整理与记录,一段时间后我也就适应了。在和其他班委共同工作的同时,注重并积极向其他

班的班委们学习经验,参与班级的活动讨论和策划,使班里的活动正常有序的进行。一个学期下来,我感觉自己总体上工作做的还不错,每月我们都会召开班级例会,大家一起开开心心的聚在一起,促进彼此的感情和友谊。我们班实行签到制,而且每天早上都要对同学们的出勤情况做记录,该工作由班委负责。在班级活动组织方面,我和其他班委一起配合,开展了主题班会、秋季外出旅游活动、爱国宣传活动等,丰富了同学们的课余生活,也增进了同学们之间的相互了解,同时增进了彼此之间的友谊。 在生活方面,我认为自己做的还是不错的。 第一次离家这么远,从安徽来到浙江读书,但感觉还好,由于从小独立的较早,所以我的恋家情结显得很淡,能很快适应南方的生活习惯和饮食习惯。而且,在作息时间上,大部分同学都有早上睡懒觉的习惯,而我却坚持每天早起,继续坚持高三时的勤奋习惯,每天保证学习时间。在上课期间,认真听取老师所讲的每一点。 当然,我在平时的工作中也存在不足。例如有时候我比较忙,可能忘了去收发室,致使同学们的信件不能第一时间传到他们手中,对此我深表歉意,尽量不让类似的事情再次发生。还有就是自从我申请了在图书馆自修以后,在班里的时间自然就少了很多,对班里的工作方面也有所欠缺,但如果接到班级任务,我一定会第一时间处理完毕,尽量做好工作。 自任职以来,我深感在大学期间当班委远远不同于中学时代,首先,辅导员过问的较少,班级活动和工作要求班委们共同讨论和解决,这就要求我们必须具备组织、策划、发动的能力,还有就是一些同学在工作上的不理解,给班委的工作带来了很大的困难。而且这些


1. 使某人声名永驻to give sb. permanent fame 2. 给予某人掌声和收益to provide applause and profit where sb. is concerned 3. 永久地离开了某地to quit a place for good 4. 不幸的是sad to say 5. 为??????拍手喝彩to clap for sth./sb. 6. 反抗/反感?????? to revolt against/at/from sth./sb. 7. 绊倒某人;使某人犯错误;使某人受挫to trip sb. up 8. 把??????对准?????? to aim… at… 9. 尽管如此;仍然all the same 10. 瞟某人/某物的眼神one’s quick eye for sb./sth. 11. 落魄,潦倒to come down in the world 12. 闻名世界to achieve world fame 13. 有意做某事to do sth. on purpose 14. 有一种要做??????的欲望to have the urge/a deep need to do sth. 15. 把??????写成文字to hav e… written into a script 16. 以沉重的代价换来的自知之明painfully-bought self-knowledge 17. 进入,来到(某处)?????? to find one’s way into… 18. 失去了对??????的信心to los e one’s fai th in sb./sth. 19. 与某人共同走进夕阳之中/与某人白头偕老to walk into the sunset with sb. 20. 发现某人是一个?????? to find in sb. a man/woman of… 1. Jack’s shirt was burned by ____ from the fire. A) spots B) spills C) sparks D) sprays 2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments. A) broke off B) broke away C) broke up D) broke through 3. We shall have to ____ the meeting until next week, I’m afraid. A) postpone B) conduct C) replace D) last 4. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A) entertainment B) judgment C) relief D) relaxation 5. The working of the machine ____ that of the human brain. A) compromises with B) competes with C) communicates to D) corresponds to 6. The attack was the latest in a series of border ____ in that area. A) accidents B) incidents C) events D) occurrences 7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ____ themselves better. A) direct B) accustom C) adjust D) behave 8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed ____.


第一单元 (1)Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a(n)harmonious(adj.和谐的,融洽的)society. 只有当我们意识到互相帮助的重要性,我们才能致力于构建一个和谐社会。 (2)College education can help enrich(v.充实,丰富)our knowledge,but more importantly,it prepares us for entering society and serving society in the future. 大学教育有助于丰富我们的知识,但更重要的是,它为我们将来进入社会和服务社会做准备。(3)He adopted(v.采用)a more cautious approach and decided to run more tests. 他采用了更谨慎的方法,并决定运行更多的测试。 (4)They have warned the world to expect more frequent and intense(adj.强烈的)extreme weather events, and this is what we are seeing. 他们警告说,世界将面临更频繁、更剧烈的极端天气事件,这就是我们所看到的。 (5)We hope that both sides exert calmness and restraint(n.克制)and continue to dissolve differences through negotiation. 我们希望双方保持冷静克制,继续通过谈判化解分歧。 (6)Even after the economic crisis,South Asia continues to be one of the most dynamic(adj.动态的)economic regions in the world. 即使在经济危机之后,南亚仍然是世界上最具活力的经济区域之一。 (7)I have a steady income and a(n)flexible(adj.能适应新环境的,灵活的)schedule so that I can visit different countries every year. 我有稳定的收入和灵活的时间安排,这样我每年都可以去参观不同的国家。 (8)The young woman ran after the robbers but collapsed(n.崩溃,瓦解)almost immediately due to the exhaustion from the struggle. 那个年轻的女人追着强盗跑,但由于挣扎的疲惫,她几乎立刻瘫倒在地。 (9)In many countries being fat does not fit in with the modern ideal of beauty which is exemplified(v.举例说明)by fashion models and young film stars who are all incredibly thin. 在许多国家,胖不符合现代美的理想,时尚模特和年轻的电影明星都瘦得令人难以置信。(10)School in the United States have stepped up recruitment of foreign students,to diversify(v.使多样化)their student bodies,as well as to boost their funding. 美国的学校已经加强了对外国学生的招生,使他们的学生群体多样化,同时也增加了他们的资金。 翻译: 1)爱人者有仁爱之心,自爱,爱亲人以及其他人 A loving person is a person who is kind-hearted, loves himself, loves his family and all the other people. 2)所谓"和而不同"是指君子之间保持互相尊重,和谐,友爱的关系。 Harmony but not sameness means that a gentleman keeps mutually respectful,harmonious and friendly relations with other people. 3) 中国人庆祝春节与西方人过圣诞的方式基本相同,大量购物,互赠礼物,大快朵颐。The Chinese people observe the Spring Festival in muchthe same way that theWesterners do Christmas, doing a lot of shopping, exchanging presents, and havingbig meals. 4) 我们需要改变的不一定是自己的生活方式,或者物质条件,而是我们对待生活的态度。What we need to change is not necessarily our lifestyle, or our physical conditions,but rather our attitude toward life.


一.听力35%: (选择题,来自第1,2,3,6,7 单元section 4 部分,以及Model Test 1。 复合式,来自四级题目) Unit 1, 短:A the woman C the women friend ask him to cheat in the exam A tom like the man C the woman think the man should have real friend C the man lost contact with jean 长:B since they were in the kindergarten A sincere Cthe women want to know whether for the job C the women done an investigation into jack 篇:B those who make many friend at school B because they can help management and teamwork A because we have different relationship with different people C one hunderd and fifty Unit 2, 短:BCBAC 长:CBAA 篇:DACD Unit 3, 短:ADDBB 长:BBBA 篇:ADAD Unit 6, 短:BCDDB 长:CBDC 篇:BAAC Unit 7, 短:CDBBC 长:BADC 篇:ACBD 二.阅读 35%:(两篇来自四级,两篇来自 3 级) 三.翻译 15%:(第 1,2,3,6,7 单元课后习题翻译部分改编) Unit1 p14 1, Lively behavior is normal 2, Fast cars appeal to 3, diverse arguments 4, I asked my boss for clarification 5, sensitive to light 6, Mutual encouragement 7, made fun of him 8, persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9, to be the focus of the attention 10, we buy our tickets in advance Unit 2 p45 1, the main drawback with this type of search engine 2, She’s very generous with her time 3, they will never be more than a casual acquaintance 4, He doubted that the car was hers 5, they will remain in the memory forever 6, In a world too often filled with uncertainties 7, a year ahead of the prediction by the research group 8, so long as she doesn’t make a habit of it Unit3 p71 1, Carry over into personal life


大学英语学生期末总结 《大学英语学生期末总结》是一篇好的范文,感觉很实用途,希 望对网友实用。 篇一:大学英语期末小结大学英语期末小结算起来,我学习英语 也有七、八年啦,但是自从上大学以来我逐渐发现大学的英语与中学 英语有很大的差别,关于大学英语的学习与我们中学的学习有了很大 的差别,自己也逐渐发现我需要改变过去的学习方式,追求新的打破。 上大学以来,这是我第一次去总结自己英语学习中的一些经验和 弊端。 说真话,关于英语我素来都是十分自信的,也素来没有感觉英语 的学习会有多困难。 但是,此次期末考试英语成绩很不理想,使得我开始反省自己在 英语学习中的弊端。 总结自己此次英语考试,说真话上大学以来关于英语学习并没总 结出来一些新的学习方法。 面对考试,我的复习方式也十分的简单,一般就是简单背诵一些 可能在考试中出现的知识,如填单词,熟习英语听力课本知识,读课 本上的英语文章等,这些只好简单的对付试题中出现的课本知识,不 可以真实的对付考试。 关于阅读理解等非课本知识,却没有适合的方法。 同时,在此次考试中,我关于做题时间的安排不是十分的适合,

以致于整个做题时间都十分的紧张,最后写作文的时间十分紧张,这 也直接影响到了我的作文质量和考试成绩。 总而言之,是因为考试准备的不充足致使了考试成绩的不好,是 因为考试安排的不适合致使了考试成绩的不理想。 此次考试,给我敲了一个警钟,思想报告专题是我开始反省自己 的英语学习,找寻自己英语学习中的弊端。 我想在下个学期的学习中我需要更正的还有好多。 除了要认真的上好每一节课外,还要认真的做好每一道练习题。 同时要多进行练习,多做一些阅读理解,提高做题的质量。 自己也要多做一些小的作文练习。 考试成绩的提高归根结底在于平常知识的累积和综合能力的提高。 我要做到,勤于练习,着重累积,促使综合能力的提高,才会取 得优秀的成绩。 在这里,要感谢英语老师的教育和帮助,王老师是一个知识渊博 的人,你老是以笑脸面对我们,在讲堂中给我们灌注了很多课本中没 有的知识。 希望我们可以有更多的互动,老师可以更多的认识我们的需求, 丰富讲堂知识。 让我们共同努力,在此后的考试中获得优秀的成绩,获取更大的 进步。 篇二:大学英语总结大学英语总结期末转瞬就到了,时间如流水!


大学英语(4)期末复习资料 (附参考答案) 一、语法(75题) Grammar: Choose the best choice to complete the sentences. 1.I every week. A go swimming B goes swimming C went swimming 2.I work yesterday. A doesn’t go to B didn’t go to C don’t go to 3.my father phone me last night? A Do B Does C Did 4.What in their spare time? A do the students often read B the students often read C the students do often read 5.I was reading the newspaper Joyce came over to chat. A at then B when C where 6.I sleep well when I was younger. A don’t used to B didn’t used to C didn’t use to 7.We everything together, but now we don’t. A use to do B used to do C used do 8.There have been a lot of changes 1978. A since B from C for 9.Her brother in the army for three years. A have been B has been C was 10.I haven’t paid DJ Richard . A since B already C yet https://www.doczj.com/doc/1319298321.html,st year I often that library. A went to B go to C goes to 12.anything wrong with the machine? A Are there B Is there C Do there 13.Who gave you those flowers? A / B do C did 14.I some drinks when I noticed this woman. A am making B make C was making 15.Did you play basketball? A use to B used to C be used to 16.She has just Shanghai. A went to B gone to C go to 17.You borrow my bike tomorrow. A must B can C should 18.You go there. A don’t have to B need not to C don’t need 19.The nights be cold. A are B should C will 20.Hurry up, we’ll be late. A or B and C but 21.I go to the party. A might not B not might C mustn’t 22.He be ill. He looks so pale. A can B must C mustn’t 23.I can’t promise you . A something B anything C nothing 24.Jim is Jack. A as tall than B as taller as C as tall as 25.He is boy in our class. A the tallest B the most tall C a tallest 26.you don’t know the answer, ask me. A Since B Because C If 27.You smoke here. A mustn’t B needn’t C don’t 28.Paris tonight. Look -- here’s the plane ticket. A I’m flying to B I fly to C I can fly to 29.My car consumes gas than hers. A few B less C little 30.Mary has more books her brother.


全新版大学英语综合教程3期末复习资料 汇总 Unit 1 XXX Dream Life XXX to live a simple life in the XXX to make it on his own terms。and so he bought a small house in a quiet suburb. XXX。canoeing on the lake。XXX。He even had a hawk that would visit him in his XXX roof。which was long overdue for improvement. XXX. XXX cherries。raspberries。asparagus。and beans from XXX his XXX。He had a freezer that was always full of food. At that point。Mr。Doherty was decidedly happy。He felt blessed to live the life he had always dreamed of。On balance。he felt that he had everything he needed.

One winter。XXX。XXX。He even read the latest XXX to pass the time. After the storm passed。XXX to pay for his insurance policy。He decided to cut back on XXX him to lower his insurance premium and appreciate his simple life even more. XXX countryside would be content with our way of life。It takes a few specific XXX here。One of those XXX。Because we are always busy and have a tight budget。XXX very often。During the growing season。XXX socializing。Jim and Emily are involved in school activities。but they too spend most of their time at home. The scale of our n is small。and our XXX Instead。XXX is on profit。but we XXX. In order to live in the countryside。one must be prepared to embrace a simpler way of life。This includes being self-sufficient and making do with what you have。It means being XXX。But


大学英语(3)复习资料 Unit1 1.Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean Air Zones" whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel. 中国大多数城市都引入了“清洁空气区”,即工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。(凭那个,借以) 2. He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort. 他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。(追求) 3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit the spread of the disease. 由于目前还没有发现任何能抑制这种疾病传播的药物,医生们都不知所措。(阻碍,抑制) 4. We see many special education directors trying to maintain the quality of their programs with much less money and much smaller staff. 我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用更少的钱和更少的员工来维持他们项目的质量。(保持,维持) 5. People there are told it is their patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying their own products. 人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国义务。(爱国的)6. Darwin's thinking both drew upon and transcended transcended the conventional ideas of his time. 达尔文的思想既吸引了他,也超越了他那个时代的传统观念。(超越) 7. In spite of all your endeavors, there may be times when you encounter difficulties in the training process. 尽管你尽了最大努力,但有时你在训练过程中会遇到困难(努力,尽力) 8. My advice to Mr. Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine, as this is a field which requires a lot of dedication and long working hours. 我给Stewart先生的建议是,在进入医学领域之前要慎重考虑,因为这是一个需要大量奉献和长时间工作的领域。(奉献,献身) 9. Most Chinese parents would prefer to choose some professions that are stable and could bring prestige and economic benefits. 9.大多数中国父母更倾向于选择一些稳定的职业,并能带来声望和经济效益。(名望,声望) 10. It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves. 10.在法律上,一个上了年纪的人如果不能照顾自己,就可以提名一个人来为他们代理。(提名,推荐) 1. When Francis got back after Easter, he was far behind his classmates and he was removed from the second into the third class at his own desire.

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