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Lesson9China's most famous farmer教学设计


Step 4: Presentation

Ask students to listen to the mp3 of the lesson 9, then read the lesson again and again.

Let the students underline the key points and the key sentences.

Teach the students the questions they don’t know.

Step 5:Reading task

1.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.

People call Yuan Longping the “Father of Hybrid Rice”. In 1973, together with other scientists, he succeeded in __introduction__ hybrid rice. The

__developing___ of this new product made China a leader in rice production. Because of Dr. Yuan’s hard work, China now _produces__ enough rice to feed its people every year. He also has many other interests. He loves playing the _violin, listening to music, reading and swimming.

2.Retell the story:

Step 6: language points:

1.He grew a new type of rice that was as big as a peanut

as +adj/adv+as …和…一样

as +adj/adv+as …和…一样

not as/so……as 不如、不及

not as/so……as 不如、不及

Eg:Lucy Runs as fast as Jenny

Danny is as careful as Li Ming.

Eg:Lucy doesn’t run as fast as Jenny

Danny isn’t as careful as Li Ming.

2.Now Dr. Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice.

work on 从事于;致力于;对……有影响

3.In the 1960s, a few years after he finished his studies in agriculture at university, he came up with an idea for hybrid rice.


in+the+ 年份-s/ 年份-’s在……世纪……年代。


in the 1960s 在20 世纪60 年代

e.g. This story took place in the 1930s/1930’s.

这个故事发生在20 世纪30 年代。

in the 1700s 在18 世纪

拓展: “in one’s+ 整十基数词的复数形式”表示“在某人……多岁时”。

e.g. He died in his forties. 他四十多岁就死了。

4.Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties.

since then 从那时起, 自那以后

since then 常与现在完成时连用, 指过去某一时刻起到现在为止的一段时间。

since可为介词,常用于“since+时间段+ago”,“since + 过去某一时间点”等结构。

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 2:Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “F

—Lesson9:China’s Most Famous “Farmer”【教学目标】: 1.掌握本课重点单词和短语的用法:introduction,leader,produce;allow sb to do sth, come up with,introduce …into…, be know as ,because of, Father of Hybrid Rice , since then,together with 2.认识“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平并了解他成功培育杂交水稻的过程。 【重难点】: 掌握allow,come up with,together with, be known for /as/to,introduction的用法。 I.【导入】 Did you have a dream /What is it? A scientist in China had a dream when he was a child and he became a great person. II.【自主学习】 1.预习词汇表中本课单词短语,熟记并默写在导学案上。 单词:_________________________________________________ 短语:___________________________________________________

2.重点句型: (1) Because of Dr.Yuan’s hard work ,China now produces enough rice every year to feed on its people. (2) Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. 3.仔细朗读课文,完成下列任务。 (1)用红笔在文中勾画出重点单词短语和句型;并自学课文中短语。 a new type of sth _____________ grow up_________ allow s b to do sth________________ come up with________________ introduce …into…________________ because of_______________ Father of Hybrid Rice_______________ the introduction of sth____________ since then__________ together with________________ succeed in doing sth________________ be known as _______________ work on doing sth______________ in one’s spare time_______________ (2)写出疑难点,供课堂解决。

Lesson9China's most famous farmer教学设计


Step 4: Presentation Ask students to listen to the mp3 of the lesson 9, then read the lesson again and again. Let the students underline the key points and the key sentences. Teach the students the questions they don’t know. Step 5:Reading task 1.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks. People call Yuan Longping the “Father of Hybrid Rice”. In 1973, together with other scientists, he succeeded in __introduction__ hybrid rice. The __developing___ of this new product made China a leader in rice production. Because of Dr. Yuan’s hard work, China now _produces__ enough rice to feed its people every year. He also has many other interests. He loves playing the _violin, listening to music, reading and swimming. 2.Retell the story:

冀教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 2:Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “F

Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”教学设计 【教材依据】 我采用的是2013教育部审定,衔接三年级起点的冀教版教材。本课为冀教版九年级英语(全一册)第二单元的第三课,在教材中起承上启下并延伸的作用。 一设计思路: 1.指导思想。学生们有自己的认知能力。已经学习了外国名人爱因斯坦,在此基础上进一步学习了解中国科学家“杂交水稻之父”——袁隆平。 2.教学目标。 知识目标:识记词汇,掌握句型的用法 . 能力目标:能用已学知识描述熟悉伟人的生平,经历及取得的成就。 情感目标:通过对伟人们的学习,激励学生从小树立科学的人生奋斗目标、科学的人生价值观。 教学手段和活动设计:本课主要采用任务型教学方法。课堂的不同时段分别设置不同的问题,让学生讨论和讲授。另外辅助讲授法,电子白板演示法。,操作法,小组反馈法,问题解决式策略等。 3. 教学重点: 识记词汇,掌握重点短语和句型的用法。 introduction,leader,produce;allow sb to do sth, come up with,introduce …into…, be known as ,because of, Father of Hybrid Rice , since then,together with 要求学生应用这些词汇短语造句,根据小组学习情况分配任务,限时完成。 教学难点: 时间状语从句 before和after引导的时间状语从句,了解主从时态变化,能完成相应的习题。 二教学准备 我本节课主要将采用图片和问题导入,所以会整合有关本课的在线图片,并制作多媒体课件,相关影像资料及录音机,让学生在听说读写中理解课文。以名人为榜样,激发学生学习兴趣、感悟人生。 三教学过程 I.【导入】 What is your dream /What do you want to be when you grow up? A scientist in China had a dream when he was a child and he became a great person. Today we will know about him. II.【自主学习】 1.预习词汇表中本课单词短语,熟记并默写在导学案上。 单词: _________________________________________________________________ 短语:___________________________________________________________ 2.重点句型: (1) Because of Dr.Yuan’s hard work ,China now produces enough rice every year to feed on its people. (2) Since then, he has spent much of his time researching and developing new varieties. 3.仔细朗读课文,完成下列任务。 (1)用红笔在文中勾画出重点单词短语和句型;并自学课文中短语。

冀教版九年级全一册英语 Lesson 9 教案(教学设计)

Unit 2 Great People Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer” 单词peanut,hybrid,variety, 掌握本课的词汇和短语。 熟练运用状语从句和定语从句。

Step 1:Leading-in 1.根据图片,复习并呈现上一节课所学的句子。 2.多媒体展示“水稻之父”袁隆平的图片。 T:Boys and girls,look at the picture.Who is he,can you tell me? Ss:Yes.He is Yuan Longping. T:Yes,very good.What is he famous for? Ss:A new kind of rice. T:Why is the rice special? Ss:... T:OK.Let’s learn Lesson 9 to learn about it.Ready?Go! 设计意图:根据图片导入本课话题,师生互动,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设轻松的学习氛围,开发他们的最大潜能,从而使这堂课在最大程度上达到最高效能。 Step 2:Pre-reading 在屏幕上呈现更多的问题,让学生根据问题旁边的图片,试着理解这些问题。老师可以适当给予帮助,对新单词和一些词组可以给出提示。 设计意图:向学生展示本课的重要词汇以及它们所处的情景,帮助学生学习新单词和重要句型,为下面课文的学习做好准备。 Step 3:While-reading

Task 1 Read and do Exercise 1 on Page 23. 设计意图:培养学生快速阅读短文提取文章大意的能力,此环节老师可以对学生进行阅读策略方面的指导。 Task 2 Read the article aloud after the recorder. Let the students listen to the tape and repeat it sentence by sentence,then read it aloud by themselves. 给学生播放录音,学生跟读,学生起立模仿,小组间进行竞争,评出“朗读之星”。 设计意图:让学生跟着录音仿读,纠正学生的语音和语调及句子重音,然后朗读课文培养其语感,此环节可以评出“朗读之星”调动学生的积极性。 Task 3Work in group of 8 to deal with the key words,phrases and sentences 教师把学生分为8人一组,学生通过合作探究找出大屏幕上出现的重点句子,并学习。 the key words,phrases and sentences: 1.In the dream,he grew a new type of rice that was as big as a peanut. 在梦里,他种出了一种和花生一样大的新型水稻。 句子结构:本句是由that引导的定语从句。that was as big as a peanut作rice的后置定语。 2.The plant allowed farmers to rest in its shade. 这种农作物可以让农民在它的阴凉里休息。 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人干某事。allow的其他句式:allow doing sth.允许干某事be allowed to do sth.被允许干某事 3.Since then,he has spent much of his time researching and developing new


课题:书法---写字基本知识 课型:新授课 教学目标:1、初步掌握书写的姿势,了解钢笔书写的特点。2、了解我国书法发展的历史。3、掌握基本笔画的书写特点。 重点:基本笔画的书写。 难点:运笔的技法。 教学过程: 一、了解书法的发展史及字体的分类: 1、介绍我国书法的发展的历史。 2、介绍基本书体:颜、柳、赵、欧体,分类出示范本,边欣赏边讲解。 二、讲解书写的基本知识和要求: 1、书写姿势:做到“三个一”:一拳、一尺、一寸(师及时指正) 2、了解钢笔的性能:笔头富有弹性;选择出水顺畅的钢笔;及时地清洗钢笔;选择易溶解的钢笔墨水,一般要固定使用,不能参合使用。换用墨水时,要清洗干净;不能将钢笔摔到地上,以免笔头折断。 三、基本笔画书写 1、基本笔画包括:横、撇、竖、捺、点等。 2、教师边书写边讲解。 3、学生练习,教师指导。(姿势正确) 4、运笔的技法:起笔按,后稍提笔,在运笔的过程中要求做到平稳、流畅,末尾处回锋收笔或轻轻提笔,一个笔画的书写要求一气呵成。在运笔中靠指力的轻重达到笔画粗细变化的效果,以求字的美观、大气。 5、学生练习,教师指导。(发现问题及时指正) 四、作业:完成一张基本笔画的练习。 板书设计:写字基本知识、一拳、一尺、一寸 我的思考:通过导入让学生了解我国悠久的历史文化,激发学生学习兴趣。这是书写的起步,让学生了解书写工具及保养的基本常识。基本笔画书写是整个字书写的基础,必须认真书写。 课后反思:学生书写的姿势还有待进一步提高,要加强训练,基本笔画也要加强训练。

课题:书写练习1 课型:新授课 教学目标:1、教会学生正确书写“杏花春雨江南”6个字。2、使学生理解“杏花春雨江南”的意思,并用钢笔写出符合要求的的字。 重点:正确书写6个字。 难点:注意字的结构和笔画的书写。 教学过程: 一、小结课堂内容,评价上次作业。 二、讲解新课: 1、检查学生书写姿势和执笔动作(要求做到“三个一”)。 2、书写方法是:写一个字看一眼黑板。(老师读,学生读,加深理解。) 3、书写教学“杏花春雨江南”6个字。 杏:上大下小,上面要写得大,大在哪里?(大在撇捺)写的时候撇捺要舒展,象燕子张开的翅膀;下面的“口”要写得小,左右两竖要内斜,稍扁;“木”的竖写在竖中线上。 花:也是上下结构,草字头两竖要内斜;下面单人旁起笔对准上面的左竖,竖弯钩起笔对准上面的右竖;竖弯钩要舒展,(用红笔描竖弯钩,并在旁边书写一个大的竖弯钩)要求弯处圆转,不能僵硬(书写僵硬的竖弯钩,并在旁边打×)。春:上部三横都是短横,收笔处不要顿;撇画最长,捺画从哪里起笔?从第三横下面起笔,不能碰到撇;下面“日”的两竖要竖直,不能斜。 雨:旁边两竖要内斜,上横短,中竖写在竖中线上;从下面看,哪一笔最低?钩最低,中竖最短;四个点都是斜点。 江:左右结构,左窄右宽左边三点水第二点略向外展;右边“工”字上横是短横,下横是长横;中竖略斜。 南:上横短;下边两竖内斜;框架中两横都是短的,中间一竖悬针;三个竖画左、中差不多长,右竖钩最低;横折钩要写出弯势。 4、学生练习,教师巡回指导。 三、讲评:


冀教版初三英语全册Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”学案 导学目标 1. 四会词汇introduction, leader, produce 认知词汇peanut, hybrid, variety, production, super 2. 短语come up with,since then, together with, in the+年代’s, in one’s spare time, 3. 用英文介绍袁隆平和他的杂交水稻 自主预习 翻译短语 1. 自从那时________ 2. 和……一起________ 3.在几世纪几年代________ 4. 在某人业余时刻里________ Ⅱ. 依照课文回答问题 6. Who is “father”of Hybrid rice in China. _______________________________. 7. When did Yuan Longping come up with an idea for a hybrid ric e? _______________________________. 8. When was the technology for hybrid rice introduced to the United States? _______________________________. 9. Which university did Yuan Longping graduate from? _______________________________. 10. What is he doing now? _______________________________. 指点迷津 1. He came up with an idea for hybrid rice in the 1960s. Since the n, he has devoted himself to research and to the development of new var

冀教版英语九年级上册Unit 2 Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”教案

Lesson 9: China’s Most Famous “Farmer” I. Learning aims: Master the new words: universe, Albert Einstein, lifetime, solve, theory, relativity, Switzerland, pioneer, Nobel, Princeton, nuclear, weapon, conclusion, false II. Learning important and difficult points: 1)Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. 2)For one of those articles, he received the Nobel Prize in 1921. 3)The important thing is not to stop questioning. 4)Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Language Points: 1. produce 【用法】作及物动词,意为“出产、生产”,是后加名词或代词作宾语。 【举例】Our factory produces radios and televisions. 我们工厂生产收音机和电视机。 【拓展】product是produce 的名词形式,意为“产品”。 【举例】This kind of product sells well. Is that so? 这种产品很畅销。是这样吗? 2. In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was as big as a

2019-2020学年(秋季版)英语上册 Unit 2《Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”》导学案(新版)冀教版

2019-2020学年(秋季版)英语上册 Unit 2《Lesson 9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”》导学案(新版)冀教版 【背记清单】单词和短语: 1.devope发展(v) ----developing发展中的---developed发达的---- development发展(n)hero(pl)-----heroes 英雄 2.a new type of 一种新类型 3.so that(为了) 4. graduate from(毕业于) https://www.doczj.com/doc/c219097823.html,e up with想出,提出…办法 6.in the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代初 句型结构: 1.devote(oneself) to(致力于)doing 2.because of 由于,因为 3.benefit from(从中受益) 4. be honoured with(被授予…荣誉) 5. in one’s spare time(在某人的空闲时间) 6.It is said that 据说 7.work on doing sth 从事做某事 8.set a good example树立榜样 9.day after day一天又一天 10.make friends交朋友 二.翻译并背诵文中的重点句型: 1. The grain of this new type of rice would be as big as a peanu t so that farmers could rest in the cool shadows of big rice plants. 意思是__________________________ 2.He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 195 3. 意思是______________________________ 3.He came up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s. 意思是__________________________ 4.Since then ,he has devoted himself to research and to the developm ent of new varieties 意思是_________________________________________ 5.He was honoured with the name “Father of Hybrid Rice”.In 1980, the technology for hybrid rice was introduced to the United State s.意思_____________

冀教版九年级上Lesson 9 课程教学设计

冀教版九年级 Unit 2 Great People Lesson 9: China’s Most Famous “Farmer” Ⅰ. Analysis of teaching material The topic of this unit is “talking about great people and their life”. This lesson is about “Father of Hybrid Rice”——Yuan Longping. It introduces Yuan Longping and his life. He is China’s most famous farmer. Students are familiar with him. It’s easy for them to understand the lesson. Through reading, students can improve their social responsibility and sense of innovation. Ⅱ. Analysis of students Students in grade nine have a certain reading foundation and vocabulary accumulation. They have mastered certain reading skills and strategies. This lesson is relatively easy for students to understand. They are interested in reading the stories of great people. It is easy to stimulate students’ interests and improve their enthusiasm of learning. Ⅲ. Teaching objectives (five-dimensional objectives) By the end of the lesson: 1. students will be able to use the words, expressions and appropriate language to talk about great people and their lives. 2. students will be able to use appropriate strategies to get main idea of an article and each part. 3. students will be able to guess the meaning of a word or phrase according to the context. 4. students will be able to use words and expressions to talk about what we can learn from Yuan Longping. 5. students will be able to cooperate in groups and improve their social responsibility and sense of innovation.

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