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中考试题精选(31) (2014)

第I 卷(选择题,共55 分)

、单项选择(共15小题;每小题I 分,计15分)

从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选择一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。

10. I ' m going to take him to some famobstongs__________________ he can learn more about China.

11. Shenzhou X, China ' s fifth manned spacecraft, A. has sent B. was sent


— Could you tell me ____________ ?

—Sure. Walk straight along this street and you

A. how can I get to the post office C. which is the way to the post office

13. UNICE was ___________ in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. A. set up B. put up

C. picked up

D. turned up


— Mum, I won the first prize in the school drawing competition. — _________ , Sam. I ' m proud of you!

A. Have a good time.

B. Good luck.

C. Best wishes

D. Con gratulati ons


— Shall we ask more friends to help raise money for charity? —Good idea. As an old say ing goes, _______________ .

A. many hands make light work

C. don ' t put all your eggs in one basket 二、完形填空

A. because

B. whe n

C. so that

D. as if 1. Where has the time gone is a beautiful ______________ . Can you sing it? A. picture

B. song

C. game

2. __________ good time we have had in the junior middle school! A. What

B. What a

C. How

3. — _______ does Nancy help the old lady with her housework?

— About twice a week.

A. How ofte n

B. How long

C. How much

4. People usually like the TV cha nn els with funnier programmes but __________________

A. few

B. little

C. fewer 5. It was raining __________ when my sister and I got to the museum. A. badly

B. softly

C. hardly

D. film

D. How a

D. How soon

advertiseme nts. D. less

D. heavily

6. Many cities in Ch ina, __________ Beiji ng, have bee n deeply affected by dirtier air. A. in cludi ng

B. behi nd

C. without

7. I thi nk coffee tastes good, but not __________ l ikes drinking it. A. somebody

B. an ybody

C. n obody

8. I can ' t find my no tebook any where. I ' m afraid I _

A. lose

B. lost

C. have lost

9. The on li ne shop sells _________ cloth ing at a very good price. A. child and man ' s

B. child ren and men

C. children ' s and men

D. children ' D. beyond

D. everybody


D. was los ing


s and men 's __________ into space on June 11.2013. C. will send

D. is sent

'll find it.

B. where is the post office D. how far the post office is

B. too many cooks spoil the broth D. it is better to be safe tha n sorry



Rece ntly, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relati on ships were n't good, I was n't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to 16 .My life seemed to be full of en dless homework, tests and Ion eli ness. Noth ing anyone said seemed 17 to me. I was n't sure what to do about myself. All I wan ted was to be happy aga in, but I did n't know who or what would 18 that.

During these days, I had trouble sleep in g. I had to take sleep ing pills but still woke up in the midni ght. I had no

19 ___ but to tell my dad. He 20 the book The Secret. I immediately bought the e-book on li ne and read the whole

thing that night. rm 21 quite a stubborn person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was

22 ___ . Sudde nly, I felt like life was beautiful aga in. I had n ever felt such a deep and quick 23 in my life before.

In fact, the book's message was very simple —think positively(积极地).The book had many success stories about how people were able to 24 money, soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to tha nk everyth ing in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work 25 I believed these people's success stories.

Now rm sure I can bring myself happ in ess.

16. A. take care of B. come up with C. look dow n on D. look forward to

17. A. helpful B. colourful C. peaceful D. powerful

18. A. serve B. offer C. an swer D. preve nt

19. A. problem B. idea C. need D. doubt

20. A. borrowed B. collected C. returned D. recomme nded

21. A. normally B. mai nly C. fin ally D. probably

22. A. realistic B. com mon C. obvious D. serious

23. A. breath B. no tice C. surprise D. change

24. A. attract B. con trol C. imagi ne D. men ti on

25. A. un til B. When C. uni ess D. before





One of the things to be learnt in a foreign Ianguage is guessing all the time what kind of thing to come when liste ning to some one talk ing. People do this all the time in their own Ian guage, so it is n ecessary to do this in a foreig n Ian guage, too. Here are some examples.

?“What' s the matter? ”"I went to a party last night, so I …”

?" I feel so tired these days. ”" I think you ' d better …”

?“ Of course, she n ever stops talk ing. She is one of the most …”

You can see from the above three examples that the context(上下文)helps a lot in understanding what is being talked about. So

“ guessing ” is very important in understanding English, especially spoken English.

()26. This passage tells us mainly about _____________ .

A.the importanee of “ guessing ” in learning a foreign Ianguage

B.how to guess what one is going to talk about

C.some examples of right guess ing

D.how importa nt it is to guess all the time

()27. Which of the following best finishes the sentence in EXAMPLE 3 ?

A.She is one of the most famous film stars.

B.She is one of the most beautiful wome n.

C.She is one of the most famous speakers.

D.She is one of the most talkative women.

()28. From the passage we can infer(推断)that guessing is ________________ i n learning a foreign Ianguage.

A.the on ly way

B.more important in spoken English than in written English

C.more importa nt tha n any other way

D.more important in written English than in spoken English


Katherine Commale is an 11-year-old girl from Pennsylvania. At the age of five she began raising money to buy bed nets (蚊帐)for children in Africa to help stop the spread of malaria(疟疾).

When she was five, Katherine learnt about malaria in Africa. She learnt that every 30 seconds a child died from this disease. She, also lear nt that people would n'tget that disease if they had eno ugh bed n ets. "I was retal i ytasadthat a

child died every half a mi nute because of malaria . "Says Katheri ne, " I wan ted to send n ets right away, so thhat I did. ”

Five-year-old Katherine made presentations (演讲)at churches and schools. She told students and others how importa nt bed n ets were for Africa ns. After people heard the prese ntati ons, many of them don ated mon ey. Katheri ne sent the money to NBN. NBN is an organization that sends bed nets to Africa.

Besides, every holiday Katherine makes something called “ net gift certificate ” with the help of her friends and brothers. On each l0-dollar certificate there is a message. It explains that a bed net would be sent to Africa. When more certificate orders come, Katheri ne gets help from stude nts in her school.

Katheri ne has helped to raise $200,000 for NBN. It makes me proud to help Africa n childre n. I won t stop worki ng un til every one in

Africa has a bed n et. says Katheri ne.

29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.When Katheri ne was six, she bega n help ing childre n in Africa.

B.Katheri ne lear nt that two childre n died from malaria one minu te.

C.Katherine did a lot and helped to raise $ 20,000 for NBN.

D.Katherine ' parents helped her make “benlet gift certificate ”.

30.In Paragraph 4, It ” referto " ________ ”.

A. a 10-dollar note

B. a gift certificate

C. an orga ni zati on

D. a message

31.From the passage we know Katherine did the following EXCEPT ______________________ .

A.raisi ng a great deal of money for NBN

B.giv ing prese ntati ons at churches and schools

C.explai ning the importa nee of n ets for Africa ns

D.ordering people to learn to use the nets well

32.It can be inferred from the passage that ________________

A.Katherine ' work is very helpful and meaningful

B.the spread of malaria in Africa will be more serious

C.every child in Africa gets a net with Katherine ' help

D.Katheri ne has received much money from NBN


These days haze(雾霾)is around us here and there .In fact, every one has the power to cha nge their liv ing habits to help reduce it. Many local gover nments call on their people to take acti on to make the air clea ner.

Tran sport is one of the biggest con tributors (促成物)to haze. When, where, how, why and what you drive all affect air quality. When one drives to work for one year , he uses as much energy as a bus rider uses in 10 years. So walk or ride your bicycle to work or school whe never

possible. If it is n ecessary , you can use public tran sport in stead of your car.

Each person using public tran sport for a year in stead of a car can save n early a tonne of polluta nts (污染物),in cludi ng CO2, from going into the atmosphere(大气层).

Carpooli ng is ano ther way to reduce carb on emissi ons (排放).Carpooli ng is the shari ng of car journ eys so that more than one person travels in a car. It immediately reduces your car ' s emissions by half.

What you do in side your livi ng space can have a big effect on the air quality outside it. You can do a lot of things in side and around your home that will help you pollute less and save some mon ey.

A large amount of our energy supply comes from burning coal , another contributor to haze. By cutting down your electricity use , you are cutting down on haze. So you may try to reduce your use of electricity by turning off lights , using your air con diti oner wisely duri ng the summer mon ths , or updati ng some of your electrical applia nces to low-e nergy models. For example , you can use en ergy-saving lamps that

require less en ergy and last 10 times Ion ger tha n com mon bulbs.

()33. Which does the writer think should play an important rode in reducing haze ?

A. City clea ners

B. Haze producers

C. Local gover nments

D. Com mon people

()34.We can infer (推断)from the passage that the writer thinks ____________________ .

A.cars can be used only whe n people have to

B.cars should be give n up as soon as possible

C.cars must be improved to reduce air polluti on

D.cars may cause the most serious pollution of all

()35. We should reduce the use of electricity mainly because ____________________ .

A.we can save a lot of money by using less en ergy

B.coal is now beco ming rarer and rarer on our pla net

C.harmful things come out while electricity is produced

D.electrical applia nces send out someth ing harmful to our air

()36. Which can be the best title for the passage ?

A.What are caus ing haze around us

B.What you can do to reduce haze

C.How dan gerous haze is to our life

D.How importa nt it is to reduce haze


For 21 years, Georges Bwelle watched his ill father traveling to hospitals , which could not offer him all necessary help.

Jamef Bwelle suffered on ly a broke n arm at first , but it fin ally developed into a hematoma(血肿).That would affect him for the rest of his life. Bwelle spent years taking his father to overcrowded hospitals.

It was not easy. They would leave home at 5 a.m. and ran to the hospital to be the first. There were a lot of patients. Some people could die because they were wait ing.

The situation hasn ' t changed much since Bwelle ' s father died in 2002.

In Cameroon , there is one doctor for every 5,000 people while in the United States there is one doctor for every 413 people. And even if they could see a doctor , many Cameroonians couldn ' t afford it.

When he saw his father and so many of his countrymen suffer , Bwelle decided to do something about it.

He became a doctor himself.And he started an organization , ASCOVIME. It travels into the countryside on

weekends to provide free medical care. Since 2008 , he and his group of volunteers have helped nearly 32,000 people.

Almost every Friday , his team jam into vans and travel to villages in need. In each trip they receive 500 people. Patie nts come on foot from 60 kilometers around the village for free treatme nt.

The next morning , the team begins meeting with hundreds of patients . They provide different kinds of medical care and even offer crutches (拐杖)and eyeglasses to those in n eed.

In the evening, the team will do simple operations in a schoolhouse , town hall or home , and work into the early

hours of Sun day morning.

On Sun day, the team heads back to the city , tired but proud of their work. They know that their help can make a world of differe nee to those they help.

For his devotion to his country and people , Georges Bwelle becomes one of the 2013 Heroes voted throughout the world.

()37. Jamef Bwelle ' s broken arm developed into a serious illness probably because

A.he had bee n hurt too seriously

B.he had bee n take n to hospital too late

C.he had not received proper treatme nt

D.he had not followed the doctor ' s advice

()38.Which is one of the problems about medical care in Cameroon ?

A.The country has too large a populati on.

B.Many people are too poor to pay for treatme nt.

C.Doctors gen erally have too poor medical skills.

D.Hospitals are too far away from the coun tryside.

()39.We can reach the conclusion that Bwelle and his team are ______________________ .

A.patie nt and con fide nt

B.polite and helpful

C.ki nd and hardwork ing

D.lively and creative

()40.The passage mainly tells us __________________ .

A.why Bwelle decided to become a doctor

B.what bad con diti ons Camero onians are in

C.that doctors are badly n eeded in Camero on

D.how Bwelle has become an admired doctor




41.There is no _____________ (怀疑)that Nantong will develop into a modern city in the near future.

42.We see smiling faces _______________ (环绕,至U处)here and they make us feel at home.

43.Johnson is such an ______________ (very good)engineer that he is suitable for the job.

44.Daniel , shall we ______________ (get ready)food and drink for the welcome party now ?

45.The temperature here was ___________________ 25C and 35C last week.

46」t ' tim e to have a rest. Let s go out for a ______________ (呼吸)of fresh air.

47.__________________ (幸运地)for the villager, the fireman put out the big fire in time.

48.Thomas Bach of Germa ny was __________________ (选择,选为)to be the ninth IOC preside nt last year.

49 __________________ (无论在哪里)some one falls ill, Doctor Mei rides to see the patie nt in the mountainous area.

50.The guide is so ______________________ (精力充沛的)that he can always help tourists have a good time on the trip.


Every minute of the day some one somewhere n eeds blood, maybe a (51) s _____________________ baby, or some one' s mum or dado

it is not just for emergencies and (52) a _____________ They need blood to help them beat diseases like cancer, or do a

planned operation. And tha t s (53) w __________ w e need people to give blood, 3 times a year if you can. If you are in good

health, (54) b ___________ the ages of 17 and 59 and weigh at least 50kg, you can start (55) g __________________ blood now. And

whe n you act, you '11 see how easy it is lo save some one's life.



Why should stude nts play sports? Some people thi nk that stude nts play sports in order to get exercise. Others think

it can help stude nts have fun. But that is not eno ugh. If stude nts play sports, they can get more tha n healthy bodies. Why? Here are three more reas ons.

Stude nts who play sports do better in school. Some people think that doing exercise will take up stude nts

time. But a recent study has shown that students who play sports get better scores in school than those who don' t. Exercise gets stude nts to lear n, remember things and concen trate better.

Stude nts who play sports develop their teamwork spirits and learn problem-solvi ng skills. Whe n they are worki ng together with oth ers to win games and reach goals, they ' re learning how to be successful in practice. And these skills v

be useful to them for study or their future work.

Playi ng sports can also improve con fide nee. Stude nts who play sports feel better about themselves. Whe n they

know they can improve and reach their goals by practici ng, it builds their con fide nee. And sports can also help them com muni cate with others actively and make new frien ds.




Stress is a state of being upset that happe ns whe n we are un der pressure. We stude nts have all experie need stress over problems with our everyday l 66 .We may go to school or come back home with worries. Some worry about the r 67 of tests or exams,difficulty with their studies ,or too mush homework. O 68 feel bad about being overweight or lack (缺少) of free time.

Since stress can make us sick,we have to learn how to d 69 with it. When you are stressed,don ' t forget your

hobbies. If you are fond of m 70 , just turn on the radio or CD player. Gen erally , p 71 thi nk that TV may

interfere (干扰)with their children ' s studies. Howeverorry about your English and don 72 ' Whkit to do ,

you can get help from English TV programs. It is also helpful to s 73 your worries with your friends. They will

surely give you some a 74 and help you out of trouble.

So, if we treat stress properly , we can r 75 ourselves and keep away from its bad effects.

66. ______________ 67. _______________ 68. _______________ 69. ________________ 70. _______________

71. ______________ 72. _______________ 73. _______________ 74. ________________ 75. _______________



76—Time for dinner. Mum and Dad.

—There ' re onl ____________________________ (两双筷子)on the table. We need one more.

77._____________________________________________ Millie said she (等不及看)her computer. It' apresent from her parents.

78.__________________________________________ My watch (比你的新).I bought it last week.

79—We' have a trip early tomorrow morning, won t we?'

—Yes, you '(better ____________________________ (不要熬夜)ton ight.

80. It ________________________________ (对我们是有帮助的)to choose public transport to change traffic jams.





Dear _______________

Words can ' t show my thanks to you, ________________________________________________________

Best wishes


Li Ming

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燃料及燃烧中考试题精选 可能用到的相对原子质量: Zn-65 O-16 C-12 H-1 S -32 Ca-40 Cl-35、5 一、选择题: 1、 (08年潍坊)石油就是—种重要能源,人类正面临着石油短缺、油价上涨的困惑。以下解决 能源问题的方法不当的就是( ) A、砍伐树木作燃料 B、利用太阳能 C、利用风能 D、开发核能 2、 (08年昆明)下列不属于化石燃料的就是( ) A、煤 B、石油 C、天然气 D、氢气 3、 (08年无锡)化学反应提供的能量已不能满足人类的需求,需要开发新的能源。下列属于新能 源的就是( ) A、煤 B、天然气 C、石油 D、太阳能 4、 (08年无锡)下列变化不属于缓慢氧化的就是( ) A、甲烷燃烧 B、酒的酿造 C、食物腐烂 D、动植物呼吸 5、 (08年肇庆) 储存烟花爆竹的仓库应贴上的标志就是 ( ) A B C D 6、(肇庆)1854年5月30日,英国战舰“欧罗巴”的船舱里装滿了供战马吃的草料,航行途中突 然草料着火,整个战舰瞬间变为火海。则下列有关说法错误的就是( ) A、草料舱没有氧气 B、草料舱通风不好 C、草料发生缓慢氧化积累了大量的热 D、草料温度达到了草料的着火点 7、古语道:“人要实,火要虚”。此话的意思就是说:做人必须脚踏实地,事业才能有成;燃烧固体 燃料需要架空,燃烧才能更旺。从燃烧的条件瞧,“火要虚”的实质就是( ) A、增大可燃物的热值 B、提高空气中氧气的含量 C、提高可燃物的着火点 D、增大可燃物与空气的接触面积 8、每年的4月22日为“世界地球日”。下列说法中与“世界地球日”的主题无关的就是( ) A、使用压缩天然气作燃料的汽车 B、开发利用太阳能、水能等无污染能源 C、燃料脱硫以减少酸雨的产生 D、我国政府已向全世界承诺:在全国消灭碘缺乏病 9、(08年晋江)建设城市,市政府向市民征集到的下列措施中,您认为不可行的就是 ( ) A、使用清洁能源代替煤与石油 B、实施绿化工程,防治扬尘污染 C、分类回收垃圾,并露天焚烧 D、使用燃煤脱硫技术,防治SO2污染 10、(08年晋江)从科学的角度来瞧,下列说法正确的就是 ( ) A、冬天用煤炉取暖,为防止热量散失,应关紧门窗 B、进入古井前,应先做灯火试验 C、一次性塑料袋使用方便又经济,应大力提倡生产 D、油锅不慎着火,应立即用大量的水冲灭 11、(08年嘉兴)在消防知识中有一个词叫做“物理性爆炸”,就是指在没有发生化学反应的情况 下发生的爆炸,下列各项描述中属于物理性爆炸的就是 ( ) A、煤矿中因遭到明火而发生的瓦斯爆炸 B、高压锅因排气孔堵塞而爆炸 C、节日的烟花在空中爆炸 D、厨房中因燃气泄漏而爆炸 12、 (08年重庆)煤、石油、天然气就是当今世界上最重要的化石燃料,对这三种燃料的叙述不 正确的就是( ) A、都就是混合物 B、燃烧后都会放出热量 C、都就是可再生能源 D、都就是重要的 化工原料 13、下列各组气体中,既不能都用排水法,也不能用相同的排空气法收集的就是( ) A、CO2 、O2 B、H2、CO2 C、H2、O2 D、H2、CO


中考材料作文题目精选 以下是一些各地的中考材料作文精选,欢迎大家参考! 【?河北省仙桃等市】 三、写作(50分) 25.请以“在春光里奔跑”为题写一篇作文。 要求:文体不限;不少于600字(若写诗歌,不少于20行);文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;不得抄袭。 【?浙江省湖州市】 四、写作(50分) 21.根据要求作文。 你认真地望过一朵云吗?认真地唱过一首歌吗?认真地品过一句话吗?认真地爱过一个人吗?认真地追过一个梦吗?……认真是一种态度,认真地去做每一件事吧! 请以“认真”为题目,写一篇文章。 要求: (1)文体不限。 (2)字数不少于600字(如写成诗歌,则要求不少于l6行)。 (3)错别字满三个扣1分,不满三个不扣分,重复错误不扣分,2分扣完为止。 (4)标点使用错三处扣l分,不满三处不扣分,2分扣完为止。 1 / 14

(5)文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?湖北省黄冈市】 五、写作展示(50分) 35.从下面两题中任选一题,按要求完成任务。 题一:温暖 要求:①结合个人生活经历,选取真实的生活片段,写一篇600字以上的记叙文;②文章叙事清楚,结构完整,内容充实;③恰当运用描写、抒情等表达方式,写出真情实感;④作文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名。 【?湖北省黄石市】 26.作文(50分) 请以“读你”为题写一篇600字左右的记叙文。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名。 【?山东省济宁市】 四、写作(共40分) 19.成长是一个漫长的过程,在成长的过程中有烦恼也有快乐。请以“成长的快乐”为题目,写一篇不少于600字的文章。要写出真情实感,在内容和表达上有创意者,可获得1—5分的加分。 【?湖北省荆门市】 六、作文(50分) 25.请以“那不一样的美丽”为题,写一篇不少于600字的记叙2 / 14


2020年全国数学中考试题精选50题(7)——反比例函数及其应用 一、单选题 1.(2020·徐州)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,函数与的图像交于点,则代数式的值为() A. B. C. D. 2.(2020·铁岭)如图,矩形的顶点在反比例函数的图象上,点和点 在边上,,连接轴,则的值为() A. B. 3 C. 4 D. 3.(2020·阜新)若与都是反比例函数图象上的点,则a的值是() A. 4 B. -4 C. 2 D. -2 4.(2020·朝阳)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,一次函数的图象与x轴、y轴分别相交于点B,点A,以线段AB为边作正方形,且点C在反比例函数的图象上,则k的值为() A. -12 B. -42 C. 42 D. -21 5.(2020·淄博)如图,在直角坐标系中,以坐标原点O(0,0),A(0,4),B(3,0)为顶点的Rt△AOB,其两个锐角对应的外角角平分线相交于点P,且点P恰好在反比例函数y=的图象上,则k的值为()

A. 36 B. 48 C. 49 D. 64 6.(2020·威海)一次函数与反比例函数在同一坐标系中的图象可能是() A. B. C. D. 7.(2020·威海)如图,点,点都在反比例函数的图象上,过点P分别向x轴、y 轴作垂线,垂足分别为点M,N.连接,,.若四边形的面积记作,的面积记作,则() A. B. C. D. 8.(2020·滨州)如图,点A在双曲线上,点B在双曲线上,且AB//x轴,点C、D在x 轴上,若四边形ABCD为矩形,则它的面积为()

A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 12 9.(2020·赤峰)如图,点B在反比例函数()的图象上,点C在反比例函数()的图象上,且轴,,垂足为点C ,交y轴于点A ,则的面积为() A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 10.(2020·长春)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标为,轴于点B,点C是线段 上的点,连结.点P在线段上,且.函数的图象经过点P.当点C在线段上运动时,k的取值范围是() A. B. C. D. 11.(2020·营口)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,△OAB的边OA在x轴正半轴上,其中∠OAB=90°,AO =AB,点C为斜边OB的中点,反比例函数y=(k>0,x>0)的图象过点C且交线段AB于点D,连接CD,OD,若S△OCD=,则k的值为() A. 3 B. C. 2 D. 1 12.(2020·内江)如图,点A是反比例函数图象上的一点,过点A作轴,垂足为点C ,D为AC的中点,若的面积为1,则k的值为()


《西游记》练习题 一、下面一段文字节选自《西游记》第四十二回,读后回答问题。 话说那六健将出洞门.径往西南上,依路而走。行者暗想道:“他要请老大王吃我师父,老大王断是牛魔王。我老孙当年与他相会,真个意合情投,……虽则久别,还记得他模样,且等老孙变作牛魔王,哄他一哄,看是何如。”问:①孙悟空变作牛魔王后是如何引起红孩儿的怀疑并最终被识破的?②后来孙悟空又是怎样救出师父的? ① ② 二、阅读下列名著选段,完成1—3题。 行者笑道:“老人家,茶饭倒不必赐。我问你:铁扇仙在那里住?”老者道:“你问他怎的?”行者道:“适才那卖糕人说,此仙有柄‘芭蕉扇’。求将来,一扇息火,二扇生风,三扇下雨,你这方布种收割,才得五谷养生。我欲寻他讨来扇息火焰山过去,且使这方依时收种,得安生也。”老者道:“固有此说;你们却无礼物,恐那圣贤不肯来也。”三藏道:“他要甚礼物?”老者道:“我这里人家,十年拜求一度。四猪四羊,花红表里,异香时果,鸡鹅美酒,沐浴虔诚,拜到那仙山,请他出洞,至此施为。”行者道:“那山坐落何处?唤甚地名?有几多里数?等我问他要扇子去。”老者道:“那山在西南方,名唤翠云山。山中有一仙洞,名唤芭蕉洞。我这里众信人等去拜仙山,往回要走一月,计有一千四百五六十里。”行者笑道:“不打紧,就去就来。”那老者道:“且住,吃些茶饭,办些干粮,须得两人做伴。那路上没有人家,又多狼虎,非一日可到。莫当耍子。”行者笑道:“不用,不用!我去也!”说一声,忽然不见。那老者慌张道:“爷爷呀!原来是腾云驾雾的神人也!”1.选文中孙悟空想借“芭焦扇”的目的是: (1); (2) 。(用原文回答) 2.结合选文中的语言描写,分析孙悟空这一人物形象。 答: 3.联系原著,概述孙悟空第二、第三次借“芭蕉扇”的经过。 第二次: 第三次: 三、在《西游记》中,孙悟空还有以下几个名号。请任选一个,结合具体情节说说得名缘由。 ①美猴王②弼马温③齐天大圣④孙行者⑤斗战胜佛


2013年中考数学分类汇编几何图形初步 一.选择题 1.(2013温州)下列各图中,经过折叠能围成一个立方体的是() A.B.C.D. 故选A. 2.(2013宁波)下列四张正方形硬纸片,剪去阴影部分后,如果沿虚线折叠,可以围成一个封闭的长方形包装盒的是() A.B.C.D. 解答:解:A.剪去阴影部分后,组成无盖的正方体,故此选项不合题意; B.剪去阴影部分后,无法组成长方体,故此选项不合题意; C.剪去阴影部分后,能组成长方体,故此选项正确; D.剪去阴影部分后,组成无盖的正方体,故此选项不合题意; 故选:C. 3.(2013福州)如图,OA⊥OB,若∠1=40°,则∠2的度数是() A.20°B.40°C.50°D.60° 故选C. 4.(2013昭通)如图是一个正方体的表面展开图,则原正方体中与“建”字所在的面相对的面上标的字是() A.美B.丽C.云D.南 解答:解:由正方体的展开图特点可得:“建”和“南”相对;“设”和“丽”相对;“美”和“云”相对;故选D. 5.(2013曲靖)如图是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的侧面展开图是()

A.B.C.D. 解答:解:根据几何体的三视图可以得到该几何体是圆柱,圆柱的侧面展开图是矩形,且高度=主视图的高,宽度=俯视图的周长. 故选A. 6.(2013重庆市)已知∠A=65°,则∠A的补角等于() A.125°B.105°C.115°D.95° 故选C. 7.(2013百色)一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的侧面展开图的面积为() A.6cm2B.4πcm2C.6πcm2D.9πcm2 解答:解:主视图和左视图为长方形可得此几何体为柱体,俯视图为圆可得此几何体为圆柱,故侧面积=π×2×3=6πcm2. 故选:C. 8.(2013百色)已知∠A=65°,则∠A的补角的度数是() A.15°B.35°C.115°D.135° 解答:解:∵∠A=65°, ∴∠A的补角=180°﹣∠A=180°﹣65°=115°. 故选C. 9.(2013台湾)数轴上A、B、C三点所表示的数分别为a、b、c,且C在AB上.若|a|=|b|,AC:CB=1:3,则下列b、c的关系式,何者正确?() A.|c|=|b| B.|c|=|b| C.|c|=|b| D.|c|=|b| 解答:解:∵C在AB上,AC:CB=1:3, ∴|c|=, 又∵|a|=|b|, ∴|c|=|b|. 故选A. 10.(2013台湾)附图的长方体与下列选项中的立体图形均是由边长为1公分的小正方体紧密堆砌而成.若下列有一立体图形的表面积与附图的表面积相同,则此图形为何?()


电学中考试题精选 一.选择题 1.如图所示电路,要使灯泡L 1和 L2 组成串联电路,应该() A .只闭合 S3 B.只闭合 S2 C.同时闭合 S1和 S2 D.同时闭合 S1和 S3 2.高铁每节车厢都有两间洗手间,只有当两间洗手间的门都关上时 (每扇门的插销都相当于一个开关),车厢中指示牌内的指示灯才会发光提示旅客“洗手间有 人”.下列所示电路图能实现上述目标的是() A .B.C. D . 3.新交通法规于 2013 年 1 月 1 日施行,驾驶员不系安全带记 3 分,罚 100 元.汽车上设置了“安全带指示灯”,提醒驾驶员系好安全带.当安全带系好时,相当于闭合开关,指示灯不亮;安全 带未系好时,相当于断开开关,指示灯发光.图中符合上述要求的电路图是() A . B .C. D . 4.如图 9 所示,为保证司乘人员的安全,轿车上设有安全带未系提示系统.当乘客坐在座椅上 时,座椅下的开关S1闭合.若未系安全带,则开关S2断开,仪表盘上的指示灯亮起;若系上 安全带,则开关S2闭合,指示灯熄灭.下列设计比较合理的电路图是()新课标 xk b1. c om A B图9C D 5.从 2013 年 4 月 9 日起,交管部门将依法严管行人无视交规闯红灯行为。根据你对指挥行人过 斑马线红绿交通信号灯的了解,下列控制红绿灯的电路图可行的是() 6.有一种电蚊拍,具有灭蚊和照明等功能.当开关S1闭合, S2断开时,只有灭蚊网通电起到灭

蚊作用;当开关S1和 S2都闭合时,灭蚊网与灯都通电同时起到灭蚊和照明的作用.下列电 路设计符合这种要求的是() A . B .C.D. 7.某种电吹风机可以吹出冷风或热风,使用时闭合“冷风”开关,吹出冷风;再闭合“热风” 开关吹出热风。但只闭合“热风”开关,电吹风机不会工作,以“”表示电热丝,“” 表示电动机,该电吹风机内部的电路连接可以是下图的() 8.由欧姆定律公式I=U / R 变形得 R=U / I ,对此,下列说法中正确的是() A.加在导体两端的电压越大,则导体的电阻越大 B.通过导体的电流越大,则导体的电阻越小 C.当导体两端的电压为零时,导体的电阻也为零 D.导体的电阻跟导体两端的电压和通过导体的电流无关 9.在图5中所示,电源两端电压保持不变,闭合开关S 后,电路正常工作,过了一会儿灯L 突然变亮,两表示数都变大,则该电路出现的故障可能是() A .灯 L 短路B.灯L断路C.电阻R断路D.电阻R短路 10.小明将酒精气体传感器,电阻R与电压表组成如图所示电路,闭合开关,将传感器逐渐靠近 装有酒精的杯口上方,发现电压表示数逐渐增大,此过程中() A. 通过传感器的电流逐渐减小 B.传感器两端的电压逐渐增大 C. 传感器的电阻逐渐减小 D.传感器的电阻逐渐增大 11. 在图 4 中所示,电源两端电压保持不变,闭合开关S 后,滑动变阻器的滑片P 向右移动的过 程中,下列说法正确的是( )


2012年全国各地中考数学压轴题精选讲座七 阅读理解型 【知识纵横】 阅读理解问题是近年中考的热点题型之一。重在考查阅读理解能力、分析能力、辨别判断能力以及生活经验是否丰富等,所给定的阅读材料,可能是新定义的概念、公式等,要求理解应用;或者是图象表格,从中提取有用的解题信息;或者是范例式呈现,去模仿解答新问题;或者是根据一些特殊信息探求规律等.常见的类型有猜想型、概括型、探索型、应用型等。阅读理解的整体模式是:阅读—理解—应用。重点是阅读,难点是理解,关键是应用,通过阅读,对所提供的文字、符号、图形等进行分析和综合,在理解的基础上制定解题策略。 【选择填空】 1. (浙江台州)请你规定一种适合任意非零实数a ,b 的新运算“a ⊕b ”,使得下列算式成立: 1⊕2=2⊕1=3,(﹣3)⊕(﹣4)=(﹣4)⊕(﹣3)=﹣,(﹣3)⊕5=5⊕(﹣3)=﹣,… 你规定的新运算a ⊕b =(用a ,b 的一个代数式表示). 2. (山东省临沂市)读一读:式子“1+2+3+4+……+100”表示从1开始的100个连续自然数的和,由于式子比较长,书写不方便,为了简便起见,我们将其表示为 ∑=100 1 n n ,这里 “ ∑ ”是求和符号,通过以上材料的阅读,计算 ∑=+2012 1 n 1)(n 1 n = . 【典型试题】 1. (江苏盐城) 知识迁移: 当0a >且0x >时,因为2(a x x ≥0,所以2a x a x -+≥0,从而 a x x + ≥a (当x a =时取等号).记函数(0,0)a y x a x x =+>>,由上述结论可知:当x a =,该函数有最小值为a


2018全国各地中考试题精选之名著阅读及答案 1.【2018年中考江苏无锡卷】下列对名著有关内容的表述不正确的一项是() A.《汤姆·索亚历险记》“铁钳甲虫戏弄小狗”的故事中,汤姆觉得去教堂做礼拜若能碰到点新鲜事儿还是挺有趣的。 B.《范爱农》一文中的范爱农和鲁迅是同乡,都在日本留过学,但他们在对徐锡麟等人被杀要不要打电报到北京痛斥满政府的无人道时持不同意见。 C.《西游记》中唐僧师徒受阻于火焰山,土地交代了此山的来历,说是当年大圣“蹬倒丹炉,落了几个砖来,内有余火,到此处化为火焰山”。 D.《水浒传》塑造的被逼上梁山的众多好汉中,林冲的经历最为典型,他曾因误入白虎堂而被发配沧州,途中大闹野猪林,最终一步步被逼上梁山。 【答案】D 【解析】本题考查学生对名著的理解,本题的难度不大,主要考查考生对名著的理解和感悟能力。平时阅读文学作品,对作品的内容和相关信息要注意记忆,一方面丰富自己的知识,一方面积累写作的材料。D.大闹野猪林的是鲁智深,不是林冲。 2.【2018年中考江苏无锡卷】阅读下面的文字,回答问题。 当下宋江看视A.虽然不死,已成废人。A对宋江说道:“小弟今已残疾,不愿赴京朝觐,尽将身边金银赏赐,都纳此六和寺中陪堂公用,已作清闲道人,十分好了。哥哥造册,休写小弟进京。”宋江见说:“任从你心。”A自此只在六和寺中出家…… 选文中A是《水浒传》中哪位人物?选文表现了该人物哪些思想性格? 【答案】武松不爱钱财、不恋权贵、看破红尘。 【解析】此题考查学生对名著的阅读和理解。名著的考查越来越深入,因此名著的学习要注意积累的 3.【2018年中考安徽卷】运用课外阅读积累的知识,完成小题。 (1)“用苦痛换来欢乐”是他写给埃尔多迪伯爵夫人信中的话也是他的人生写照。他是(________)A.罗曼,罗兰 B.贝多芬 C.米开朗琪罗 D.托尔斯泰 (2)“却说那【甲】久坐林间,盼望行者不到,将行李搭在马上,一只手执着降妖宝杖,一只手牵着缰绳,出松林向南观看。” 上面文字中【甲】指的是《西游记》中的_____________,他忠心耿耿,任劳任怨,终成正果,受封为_____________。 【答案】(1)(1)B (2)(2)沙僧(沙和尚、沙悟净);(3)金身罗汉(八宝金身罗汉


中考试题精选(十二) 一.单项选择: 1.----People, especially teens ,think it ______ great fun to surf on ______ Internet. ----- I agree with you. A. a; the B. a; / C. /;the D./;/ 2.--- Would you mind my closing the window ?--- ______________ . Do as you like. A. No, of course B. That’s all right C. Not at all D. Never mind 3.What did he ______ about the meeting? A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell 4.House prices have ________ so quickly in Yangzhou in the past few years. A. raised B. been raised C. risen D. been risen 5. He is hard-working and is often _______ .I hope we will have more ___________. A. success ; success B. successful; success C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful 6.--- He was seen _________something from the shop. A. steal B. to steal C. to be stolen D. stealed 7. Sorry for being late again.---- _____here on time next time ,or you will be punished . A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been 8. This pair of jeans looks nice____ Sandy because she looks nice_______ blue. A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in 9. —Can you tell me ____ it is from here to the Summer Palace? —Let me see. It's about 15 minutes' ride. A. how far B. how soon C. how much D. how long 10. —You haven’t been to the Hong Kong Disneyland Park, have you? —______. How I wish to go there! A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t 11. There are many shops on ________side of the road and you can see crowded people on it at any time. A. neither B. either C. any D. none 12. China has changed a lot during recent years. Its change goes ______ our expression. A. above B. beyond C. below D. with 13. My father taught Math in Cheng Gong High School in _______ when he was in _____. A. 1950s; his twenties B. 1950’s; the twenties C. the 1950’s; the twenties D. the 1950s; his twenties 14. —Why did you leave your city last year? —Because I _____ a new job in another city. A. offered B. am offered C. was offered D. offer 15. Mr Li Britain several times. Tomorrow he will give us a talk about British culture. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. has been to D. have been to 二.完形填空: A These days,cars are designed using computers.Let’s look at how a new car is created. First,several 16 talk about the new car and any good ideas that they have.Then they sit


2017年中考试题选择题精选汇总一、选择题 1.的相反数是() A .B .﹣C.2 D.﹣2 2.计算(﹣a3)2的结果是() A.a6B.﹣a6C.﹣a5D.a5 3.如图,一个放置在水平实验台上的锥形瓶,它的俯视图为() A . B .C .D . 4.截至2016年底,国家开发银行对“一带一路”沿线国家累计发放贷款超过1600亿美元,其中1600亿用科学记数法表示为() A.16×1010B.1.6×1010C.1.6×1011D.0.16×1012 5.不等式4﹣2x>0的解集在数轴上表示为() A .B .C .D . 6.直角三角板和直尺如图放置,若∠1=20°,则∠2的度数为() A.60°B.50°C.40°D.30° 7.为了解某校学生今年五一期间参加社团活动时间的情况,随机抽查了其中100名学生进行统计,并绘制成如图所示的频数直方图,已知该校共有1000名学生,据此估计,该校五一期间参加社团活动时间在8~10小时之间的学生数大约是() A.280 B.240 C.300 D.260 8.一种药品原价每盒25元,经过两次降价后每盒16元.设两次降价的百分率都为x,则x满足()A.16(1+2x)=25 B.25(1﹣2x)=16 C.16(1+x)2=25 D.25(1﹣x)2=16 9.已知抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与反比例函数 y=的图象在第一象限有一个公共点,其横坐标为1,则一次函数y=bx+ac的图象可能是() A .B .C .D . 10.如图,在矩形ABCD中,AB=5,AD=3,动点P满足S△PAB =S矩形ABCD,则点P到A、B两点距离之和PA+PB的最小值为() A .B .C.5D . 11.如图所示,点P到直线l的距离是() A.线段PA的长度B.线段PB的长度C.线段PC的长度D.线段PD的长度 12.若代数式有意义,则实数x的取值范围是() A.x=0 B.x=4 C.x≠0 D.x≠4 13如图是某个几何体的展开图,该几何体是() A.三棱柱B.圆锥C.四棱柱D.圆柱 14.实数a,b,c,d在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则正确的结论是()


中考数学试题之选择题100题 1、在实数123.0,330tan ,60cos ,7 22 ,2121121112.0,,14.3,64,3,80032----Λπ中,无理数有( b ) A 、3个 B 、4个 C 、5个 D 、6个 2、下列运算正确的是( ) A 、x 2 x 3 =x 6 B 、x 2+x 2=2x 4 C 、(-2x)2 =4x 2 D 、(-2x)2 (-3x )3=6x 5 3、算式2222 2222+++可化为( ) A 、4 2 B 、2 8 C 、82 D 、16 2 4、“世界银行全球扶贫大会”于2004年5月26日在上海开幕.从会上获知,我国国民生产总值达到11.69万亿元,人民生活总体上达到小康水平,其中11.69万亿用科学记数法表示应为( ) A 、11.69×1410 B 、1410169.1? C 、 1310169.1? D 、14101169.0? 5、不等式2)2(2-≤-x x 的非负整数解的个数为( ) A 、1 B 、2 C 、3 D 、4 6、不等式组? ??-≤-->x x x 2813 2的最小整数解是( ) A 、-1 B 、0 C 、2 D 、3 7、为适应国民经济持续协调的发展,自2004年4月18日起,全国铁路第五次提速,提速后,火车由天津到上海的时间缩短了7.42小时,若天津到上海的路程为1326千米,提速前火车的平均速度为x 千米/小时,提速后火车的平均速度为y 千米/时,则x 、y 应满足的关系式是( ) A 、x – y = 42.71326 B 、 y – x = 42 .71326 C 、 y x 13261326-= 7.42 D 、x y 13261326-= 7.42 8、一个自然数的算术平方根为a ,则与它相邻的下一个自然数的算术平方根为( ) A 、1+a B 、 1+a C 、12+a D 、1+a 9、设B A ,都是关于x 的5次多项式,则下列说法正确的是( ) A 、B A +是关于x 的5次多项式 B 、 B A -是关于x 的4次多项式 C 、 AB 是关于x 的10次多项式 D 、 B A 是与x 无关的常数 10、实数a,b 在数轴对应的点A 、B 表示如图,化简a a a b 244-++-||的结果为( ) A 、22a b -- B 、22+-b a C 、2-b D 、2+b 11、某商品降价20%后出售,一段时间后恢复原价,则应在售价的基础上提高的百分数是 ( ) A 、20% B 、25% C 、30% D 、35% 12、某种出租车的收费标准是:起步价7元(即行驶距离不超过3km 都需付7元车费),超过3km 以后,每增加,加收2.4元(不足1km 按1km 计),某人乘这种车从甲地到乙地共支付车费19元,那么,他行程的最大值是( ) A 、11 km B 、8 km C 、7 km D 、5km 13、在高速公路上,一辆长4米,速度为110千米/小时的轿车准备超越一辆长12米,速度为100千米/小时的卡车,则轿车从开始追及到超越卡车,需要花费的时间约是( ) A 、1.6秒 B 、4.32秒 C 、5.76秒 D 、345.6秒 14、如果关于x 的一元二次方程0962 =+-x kx 有两个不相等的实数根,那么k 的取值范围是( )


初中九年级上册化学水的净化中考试题精选 课题2 水的净化 1.(2012年株洲市)自然界的水因含有许多杂质而需要净化,下列操作中不能使水得到净化的是() A.蒸馏 B.活性炭吸附 C.加入肥皂水 D.过滤 2.(2012年黄石市)以下是净水的操作,单一操作相对净化程度由低到高的排列顺序正确的是() ①静置沉淀②过滤③吸附沉淀④蒸馏 A.①②③④ B.①④②③ C.①③②④ D.③①②④ 3.(2012年陕西省)自来水的生产过程主要包括以下流程,其中发生化学变化的是() 4.(2012年荆州市)关于过滤操作的下列叙述中,不正确的是() A.滤纸的边缘低于漏斗口 B.液面低于滤纸边缘 C.玻璃棒靠在三层滤纸一边 D.漏斗下端的管口至于烧杯的中间 5.(2012年佛山市)硬水中含有较多的可溶性钙和镁的化合物,会给生活和生产带来许多影响。下列软化硬水程度最高的方法是() A.蒸馏 B.煮沸 C.沉淀 D.过滤 6.(2012年日照市)用右图所示的简易净水器处理浑浊的河水,下面分析 正确的是() A.净水器能杀菌消毒 B.净化后的水属于纯净物 C.活性炭的主要作用是吸附 D.净水器能将硬水变为软水 7.(2012年杭州市)杭州市的自来水由于增设了加臭氧(O3)和加活性炭两道处理程序,水质处于全国大城市优秀水平。根据以上报道,人们得出的下列结论中,符合科学道理的是

() A.杭州市的自来水属于纯净物 B.杭州市自来水的物理、化学性质就是水的物理、化学性质 C.加臭氧和加活性炭都是利用它们的化学性质来净化水质 D.以上水处理过程中,水分子的化学性质不变 8.(2012年昆明市)(1)云南连续三年干旱,图中土地龟裂,孩子盼水的情景与我们生活中浪费水的现象形成了极大的反差。请你举一例生活中浪费水的现象 _________________。 (2)生活中的饮用水必须达到某些指标: ①病理学指标,其中对铬、铅等重金属离子含量有严格的限制: ②感官指标,自来水厂在净化水时,常加入活性炭以清除水中异色、异味,其净 化原理是利用活性炭的__________________________作用: ③水的硬度是一项重要的化学指标。生活中区分硬水和软水最简便的方法是_____________ ______________________。 9. (2012年自贡市)人类生活和工农业生产都离不开水,下图是自来水厂净化水的过程示意图: 清水池 请根据图示回答下列问题: (1)自来水厂生产自来水时,使用的净水方法有___________(填序号)。 A.沉淀 B.过滤 C.煮沸 D.蒸馏 E.吸附 (2)取水后加入絮凝剂(明矾)的作用是________________________________________。(3)节约用水人人有责,请举出一种节水的措施____________________。 10.(2011年邵阳市)2011年邵阳市初中毕业和化学实验操作技能考查中,小 波抽到的试题是“水的净化”,请你与小波一起试验,并回答下列问题。 (1)过滤操作中用到的玻璃仪器有漏斗、玻璃棒和 _____________________, 其中玻璃棒的作用是 _________________________________________。 (2)小波准备按右图所示的装置进行操作时,发现装置存在一处明显错误,该 错误是________________________________________,纠正错误后,接下来的 过滤操作可除去水样中的_______________________(填“可溶性”或“不溶 性”)杂质。


最新中考英语试题精选及答案 (满分:120分) 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 1. Though Kongfu Panda 3 is popular with teenagers, it won't be liked by ____. A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody ( ) 2. Our teacher a bookshelf at the back of our classroom to make a small reading corner. A. picked up B. put up C. took up D. got up ( ) 3. --I've bought all the food for the party tonight. -- Thank you. Then I go to the supermarket. A. can't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. needn't ( )4. ---Do you enjoy yourself at the concert? --Yes. I have never been to one before. A. a better B. the best C. a worse D. the worst ( )5. ---Do you know when we ? --I'm not sure. I will tell you about it when the time A. leave; is fixed B. will leave; is fixed C. leave; will be fixed D. will leave; will be fixed ( ) 6. The coach thinks of Mary's sports talents, for she jumped very _______at the sports meeting. A. high; high B. highly; highly C. high; highly D. highly; high ( ) 7. --What shall we buy for Lucy as a present? --Let's buy a new bike for her. Her bike breaks down from time to time . A. after all B. above all C. at all D. in all ( ) 8. --How did you put together the model plane so perfectly? ---It's easy. I just followed the . A. instructions B. instruments C. interviews D. inventions ( ) 9.--_______will the discussion last? --________we reach an agreement. A. How long; Not until B. When; Not until C. How long; Until D. When; Until ( ) 10. --Could you show me how to make a fruit salad? --______. First, you need to choose some fresh fruit of different A. It doesn't matter B. My pleasure C. You're welcome D. With pleasure ( ) 11. If someone is in your way, you should say “___________” and be polite enough to wait till he or she moves. A. excuse me B. I’m sorry C. thank you D. never mind ( ) 12. When you are home, give me a call to let me know you __________ safely. A. arrived B. have arrived C. will arrive D. are arriving ( ) 13. Could you help me with housework _____________ you are free today? A. since B. though C. unless D. until ( ) 14. —We’ve got everything ready for the picnic. —Do you mean I _____________ bring anything with me? A. can’t B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. needn’t ( ) 15. Sam is __________ about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared. A. honest B. confident C. modest D. curious 第二部分完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


:2016年内蒙古中考试题及答案汇总-中考总结:话题作文与学期梳理 课程特色: 以写作问题为纲,以解决中高考语文写作问题和讲授踩分词为主,每节课仍会讲解2—3篇阅读题,作为对应练习和提高。学习时,要求学生熟记理解每一讲的”地图内容”,以便考试时融会运用。 适合学员 想扎实写作基础,稳固提高作文水平的初中生 赠送 《中学语文知识地图—中学必考文学常识一本通》

第十五章:学期课程融汇与升华 课程特色: 以解决阅读问题为纲,融会踩分词和阅读答题要求,进行专题训练,侧重点分为两个方面,一是结合《中学语文知识地图踩分词》进行阅读答题运用,二是答题结构与题型 ,每节课中以阅读概括能力、理解表述能力、判定分析能力和鉴赏能力题为引导进行学习。 适合学员 现代文阅读答题技巧掌握不够全面,想稳固提高的初中生赠送

《中学语文知识地图—中学文言文必考140字》 课程特色: 全面地检测与分析学生考试丢分的问题, 让学生清楚自己问题在哪,并且怎样改,通过思维训练,加以解决,重点教会学生如何凭借一张知识地图,去解决所有的语文阅读写作问题。 适合学员 想夯实语文基础知识,成绩稳步提高的初中生 赠送

《学生优秀作品及点评指导(2.0版)》 第八章:以小见大与虚实相应 课程特色: 对考场三大作文类型悉数讲解,针对考场作文,黄保余老师现场充精彩点评得失。 适合学员 作文写作水平寻求短期突破的初中生 赠送 《中学考场作文训练营》(图书)

第八章:以小见大与虚实相应 课程特色: 对考场三大作文类型悉数讲解,针对考场作文,黄保余老师现场充精彩点评得失。 适合学员 作文写作水平寻求短期突破的初中生 赠送 《中学考场作文训练营》(图书)


2019年生物中考试题精选(含答案) 2019年生物中考试题精选(含答案) 选择题 1.在同一块地里同时栽培大蒜,若栽培在露天环境,长出的叶片是绿色的;而在遮光条件下栽培,长出的叶片是黄色的。该探究实验说明影响叶绿素形成的环境因素是 A.水分 B.光 C.无机盐 D.空气 2. 取一个成熟的番茄果实,用开水烫过,其表面撕下一层皮,此层皮属于 A.机械组织 B.营养组织 C.输导组织 D.保护组织 3.麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,生物体内存在不同的结构是由于细胞 ________的结果。 A.生长 B.分裂 C.分化 D.癌变 4.青藏铁路的唐古拉山越岭段,海拔5000多米,风大且频,气温很低,这里的松树都匍匐在地面,称为爬地松。影响这种松树形态的主要非生物因素是 A.水 B.温度 C.空气 D.风 5.下列与螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后这句谚语相关的说法中,正确的是 A.谚语中包含的食物链是:螳螂蝉黄雀 B.在生态系统中,蝉、螳螂和黄雀都属于消费者 C.螳螂和蝉的发育过程中,都没有蜕皮现象

D.蝉、螳螂和黄雀体内与外界进行气体交换的场所是气管 6.海葵、乌贼、河蚌、虾、蟹、鲸等的形态各异,但它们有一个共同特征,那就是 A.都有贝壳 B.都用肺呼吸 C.身体都很柔软 D.都适应水中生活 7.右图所示是用显微镜观察根尖横切结构时看到的图像,该部分应该位于 A.根冠 B.成熟区 C.分生区 D.伸长区 8.把煮熟的稻谷种到地里,一定不会长出水稻秧苗来,原因主要是 A.温度还是太高 B.缺少营养物质 C.种子的胚已破坏 D.营养已被破坏 9.蚯蚓的身体是由许多彼此相似的体节构成,下列动物与它的特点最相近的是 10.对于饮食与健康的关系,下列说法中正确的是 A.中学生学习重要,不吃早餐上学,抓紧时间学习 B.某同学牙龈经常出血,吃蔬菜和水果对缓解此症状无益 C.饭菜多加盐和辛辣物质,吃起来才有味道 D.合理膳食,并做到一日三餐,按时就餐 11. 成熟的红细胞富含血红蛋白。血红蛋白在氧含量高的地方容易与氧结合,在氧含量低的地方又容易与氧分离。请问红细胞的主要功能是

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