当前位置:文档之家› 2010年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测英语












第一节听力理解( 5段共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



1. How did Judy spend most of her time in Florida?

A. Sightseeing.

B. Lying on the beach.

C. Scuba diving.

2. What was Tom doing in February?

A. He was on a field trip.

B. He was studying most of the time.

C. He was vacationing in Florida.

3. What kind of class went on the field trip?

A. Biology.

B. Swimming.

C. Painting.


4. What is the proportion(比例) of adults and teenagers in the camp?

A. 1 to 3.

B. 1 to 4.

C. 1 to 5.

5. What will people do when someone breaks the rule?

A. Criticize him or her.

B. Have a group discussion about it.

C. Ask him or her to work in the woods.

6. What’s the purpose of the program?

A. To make the people there understand the meaning of work.

B. To help people enjoy working together.

C. To find a way to solve the generation gap.


7. What’s the possible relationship between the man and the woman?

A. They are classmates.

B. They are teacher and student.

C. They are colleagues.

8. What’s the topic of the woman’s term paper?

A. The Spread of English Idioms.

B. The Idea of Progress in the Science-Technology English in the 20th Century.

C. Brief History of American Indians.

9. How does the man find the term paper he has chosen?

A. Though interesting, he has read few books about it.

B. Interesting and he has read a lot on it.

C. He’s neither read about nor been interested in it but has to write.


10. Which is the picture of Karl Howard?


11. Where did the robbery happen?

A. In a gas station.

B. In a drug store.

C. In a jeweler’s.


12. Where has Maria just arrived?

A. In Nottingham.

B. At Edinburgh University.

C. At Oxford University.

13. What was the weather like in Edinburgh?

A. Rainy and sunny.

B. Fine and sunny.

C. Nice in winter.

14. What is Maria’s room like?

A. Small and ordinary.

B. Small and graceful.

C. Large and beautiful.

15. What does Maria not like?

A. The food.

B. Her roommate.

C. The room.


听下面一段独白, 请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为16-20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间,录音读两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。


Time (16)___________________

What to take (17)________________pens

Content Articles and three of the five questions have to be answered Percentage in the grade The final exam will count for (18) _____________of your grade in the

course, (19)___________will count for 20%, and the mid-term 25% What to review Mid-terms, the textbooks and (20)______________




Mary Kimble-Smith was an ordinary 12-year-old girl; ordinary, that is, in every way 21 one. She suddenly started to walk in her sleep. No one knew why this happened. The best guess seems to be that it represents 22 : the sleep-walker is worried. This feeling normally remains under control during 23 hours, but at night, when the mind is in a more passive mode, it 24 to the surface and shows itself in the form of physical movement.

At first, her family 25 help from just about every doctor they could find. But none of them were able to suggest a means by which she could be 26 .Then her parents were

frightened, and they tried to wake her up. In fact, the general advice is that we should not wake a

sleepwalker. To wake a person and bring them to a sudden 27 that they are not where they

thought they were could 28 the feelings of anxiety and perhaps even reinforce (强化) the


Most sleepwalkers at last stop without any warning—they just 29 do it again. In Mary’s

case though, she started sleep-walking soon after her twelfth birthday and was still doing it the

day 30 she died in 1989, at the age of 93.

21. A. beside B. except C. besides D. including

22. A. anxiety B. excitement C. anger D. fear

23. A. daytime B. night C. sleeping D. waking

24. A. rises B. falls C. reduces D. raises

25. A. looked B. searched C. obtained D. sought

26. A. helped B. saved C. cured D. improved

27. A. recognition B. realization C. knowledge D. impression

28. A. develop B. increase C. form D. produce

29. A. sometimes B. often C. never D. usually

30. A. before B. after C. when D. since



In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear 31 spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without hesitation. 32 , we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success 33 language learning. 34 good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only 35 (memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long lists of words and 36 meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. 37 we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece

of 38 (advise) for those39 are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and 40 (write) the language whenever we can.





August has always been difficult for me. It is the time when I realize that the books my English teacher assigned to me are not going to read themselves and that I have a difficult month in front of me.

You might think that I don’t want to spend my summer reading, but that’s not the problem: I love reading. On the first day of my summer holidays this year, I went to the library and got “A Gathering of Old Men” by African-American writer Ernest Gaines. I enjoyed it very much. I read all the magazines that my parents subscribe to and spend about 30 minutes every day with the morning paper. So why do I hate summer reading for school? Because the books on summer reading lists are often slow-going and just uninviting. Teachers and librarians don’t understand that summer reading can be entertaining as well as educational. They choose books that a friend of my mother’s calls “spinach books”: good for you, but not much fun to take in. Every summer, I read them, hate them and get bitter about the experience.

This bitterness started three years ago when I was about to begin high school. As preparation, my English teacher told me to read “The Age of Innocence” by American author Edith Wharton. I’m sure there are many people who enjoyed “The Age of Innocence”—some might even say it’s their favorite book.

But I don’t think any of these people read it as a 14-year-old boy on his summer vacation.

“The Age of Innocence” is the story of a forbidden romance in New York 100 years ago. At 14, my only experience with romance was my love for baseball. I couldn’t imagine being in love, much less being in love in 1900. “The Age of Innocence” was totally different to my life.

Most of my required summer reading has been like that—books written in a style that plays up the adjectives and plays down the verbs. I guess teachers don’t think exciting plots make for “good literature”. To me, though, a good writer describes events and characters in a way that makes the reader want to know what happens next.

If I were making up a summer reading list, it would include “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” by George V. Higgins, “The Right Stuff” by Tom Wolfe, and “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. These are all books that have literary value but, just as important, can also entertain kids on vacation. If the teachers could stand a little fun in the books they assign, my Augusts would be a lot more enjoyable.

41. The author thinks he will have a difficult August because _______.

A. he doesn’t like reading in summer vacation

B. he is to read the books boring and not right for kids

C. he hates the English teacher assigning homework

D. he hates August

42. What can make students interested in August reading ought to be ______.

A. romantic

B. out of date

C. entertaining and educational

D. pure

43. The author listed such books as “The Friends of Eddie Coyle” because he thinks ______.

A. they can change his opinion

B. he can learn a lot more from them

C. they are of literary value, and enjoyable

D. he has to do as teachers tell him to

44. In the opinion of the author of this passage, a good writer should be _______.

A. one who describes events and characters in different ways

B. one who is full of imagination

C. one who is learned

D. one who uses a way of describing that makes the reader wish to know what to happen next

45. Which of the following could be the best title of this passage?

A. Why Can’t Teachers Set Us Fun Books?

B. I Don’t Like Reading on the V acation

C. Teachers, Don’t Set Us Any Reading Assignments

D. Teachers, Set Us Free


World top-ranked badminton player Lin Dan said last Friday that he was a better player than Taufik Hidayat in the year of 2006 despite losing the Asian Games single title to the Indonesian Olympic champion.

“I have ranked No.1 in the world for two straight years and I think people can easily come to a conclusion on who is a better player for the whole year,” said Lin Dan, also known as Super Dan in the badminton world because of his marvelous performance in the sport.

Hidayat beat Lin 21-15, 22-20 to give Indonesia its second gold medal in Doha on December 9, retaining his Asian Games singles title and avenging(报仇) two losses to the badminton world champion.

Lin, 23, led China to the men’s team title after defeating Hidayat twice in three days, in the preliminary round and in the semifinals of the Asian Games.

In their third meeting, Lin came up against a better-prepared Hidayat than he had encountered previously.

Hidayat was cheered on by the noisy support from dancing and flag-waving Indonesian fans, who had converted the badminton arena into a national celebration even before the two players stepped on to the court.

There’s been a lot of acrimony(言语的刻毒) between Hidayat and Lin, who this year won the single title in the world championships after former champion Hidayat crashed out in the quarterfinals.

In Doha, Hidayat was quoted as calling Lin “arrogant” before the event began, but the two stars played down the rift.

“It’s no problem, we’re close friends,” said Hidayat. “The media fabricated it.”

Lin said last Friday in Beijing that he and Hidayat remain friends despite all the rumors.

“There is no problem between Taufik and me although we don’t talk to each other very much,” said Lin. “Media tends to make up things in order to make their stories juicy.”

46. What does the underlined word “fabricated” mean?

A. made up

B. reported

C. discovered

D. found out

47. What is the relationship between the two players like?

A. They are only opponents.

B. Lin looks down upon Hidayat.

C. They both think they are friends.

D. The media has worsened the relationship between them.

48. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Lin beat Hidayat in all the games of 2006.

B. Lin won the single title in the world championships in 2006.

C. Indonesian fans held a national celebration after the two players stepped onto the court.

D. Hidayat beat Lin 21-15, 22-20 to give Indonesia its first gold medal in Doha on the ninth of


49. This passage implies that________.

A. Hidayat was in a better prepared condition than Lin in the Asian Games

B. Lin helped to win the men’s team title in the Asian Games of 2006

C. Both of them are the best badminton players in the world

D. Media tends to make up rumors

50. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Opponents Become Good Friends

B. True Friendship

C. World Top-ranked Badminton Players

D. Who Is a Better Player?


More than four out of five people admit to telling little white lies at least once a day and the preferred way of “being economical with the truth” is to use technology such as cell phones, texts and e-mails, a survey last Thursday said.

The research by UK pollsters 72 Point found that “techno-treachery(高科技说谎)”was wide-spread with nearly 75 percent of people saying gadgets made it easier to fib(撒小谎).

Just over half of respondents(被调查者) said using gadgets made them feel less guilty when telling a lie than doing it face to face.

The workplace was a favorite location for fibbing with 67 percent of the 1,487 respondents admitting they had lied at work.

The top lie was pretending to be ill (43 percent) followed by saying work had been

completed when it hadn’t (23 percent). Worryingly for bosses 18 percent said they lied to hide a big mistake.

But, employers were not the only ones on the receiving end of dishonest statements. Just over 40 percent of the respondents said they had lied to their families or partners.

Key topics to lie about were: buying new clothes or the cost of them (37 percent), how good someone looked in something (35 percent), how much they had eaten (35 percent) and drunk (31 percent) and how much they weighed (32 percent).

51. The underlined phrase “being economical with the truth” probably means ________.

A. telling lies

B. making apologies

C.feeling guilty

D. admitting mistakes

52. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. employers sometimes lie to their employees, too

B. 75% of people have ever lied to someone

C. without gadgets, people may feel more pressure when telling white lies

D. more people lie to their family than to their bosses

53. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cell phones make people more likely to lie.

B. Some people might lie to their bosses when they are not doing their work well.

C. 40% of employers admit that they have lied to their families or partners.

D. Nearly 1500 people were questioned in the survey.

54. According to the passage, in which of the following situations are you most likely to lie?

A. You are going to spend the night at your friend’s, which your parents won’t allow.

B. Your friend is wearing a new dress and asks you how you find it.

C. You are a little too fat, and you’re trying to tell your friend how heavy you are.

D. You want to ask your boss for a sick leave, although you are not ill.

55. The main idea of the passage is that ________.

A. people are getting more likely to lie

B. gadgets are seen as the best way to tell white lies

C. most people tell white lies at the workplace

D. 18% of people lie to their bosses




A. Discover

Newsmagazine of science devoted to the wonders and stories of modern science, written

for the educated general reader. Published by Disney Magazine Publishing CO., Discover tells many of the same stories professionals read in Scientific American. A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue brings to light new and newsworthy topics to make dinnertime and water-cooler conversations interesting.


This weekly magazine can bring the world to your home. Have you ever wondered what the Chinese eat for breakfast? Did you know that the Sahara Desert is getting bigger every year? This fascinating magazine, full of color photographs, is your window on the world.

C. Self

Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc., Self is a handbook devoted to women’s overall physical and mental health. Every issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”, in which wearable clothes are mixed and matched on non-models and the “Eat-Right Road Map”, with tips on how to eat properly.


The weekly magazine tells what you need to know if you’re thinking of traveling.

Helpful advice on what to pack and what to buy once you’re there. Lots of colour photos to help you choose the best hotel, the cheapest flights and a special guide to different climates each week.

E. Wired

This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries.

Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc, Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s lives.


The weekly magazine keeps you in touch with what’s happening. Filled with facts and figures about almost everything you can think of, plus articles by our regular writers on the week’s most interesting new stories. Special back page sums up the news for the busy readers.


56. Bill travels a lot when he was younger. Now that he has stopped his work, he enjoys

reading about foreign people, places and customs even if he has already visited that part of the world.

57. Emi is a university student studying Italian and Politics. She doesn’t have much time to read anything very detailed but she is looking for something with plenty of news and information.

58. Ben serves as an assistant to the general manager of an American company in Los Angels. He is very interested in management and the use of high technology.

59. Up till now Brigitte has never traveled far so this year she has decided to go abroad for the first time. The travel agent suggests that she should read about various countries first before choosing her holiday.

60. Susan likes shopping. She is interested in buying clothes and she needs to be offered advice on clothes.





1. 地理位置:中国广东,毗邻香港;

2. 有300多年的悠久历史, 人口达200万;


4. 教育现代化,90%的高中毕业生进入大学学习;

5. 风景秀丽,每年接待大量来自海内外的游客。




3. 答案请写在答题卷的相应位置上。

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to introduce my hometown to you.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________




Thank you and welcome to my hometown!



Years ago it was very difficult to travel from one place to another. The journeys were often long, tiring and dangerous. Today the picture has changed. Science has improved transportation and communication facilities a great deal. Traveling has become safer, more enjoyable and above all, more economical.

Traveling—whether within one’s country or abroad—brings many invaluable benefits. People travel for pleasure, business or for education and knowledge. In the world of yesterday most people were only able to read about strange and fascinating places across the mountains and seas. Later, with the coming of the cinema and television, man’s curiosity about faraway places with strange sounding names was further stirred up. Today man’s curiosity can be satisfied in luxurious comfort. There are first-class ships and airplanes to take him where his dreams lie.

We travel to increase our knowledge of the world in which we live. Knowledge obtained from books alone is not enough. New knowledge of different land and peoples enriches our mind and soul. Books generally do not give us a very true picture of lands beyond our shores. Some of them are even misleading.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“交通的发展给我们带来什么”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:

1) 简述从古到今交通方式的变化;

2) 现代交通给我们带来的好处,如快捷性、舒适性、经济性及帮助我们扩大视野等;

3) 现代交通给我们带来的一些负面影响;

4) 你如何评价现代交通?


1. 可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 标题自定。

3. 答案请写在答题卷的相应位置上。




1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. B 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A


16. Next Thursday 17. Two or three 18. 55% 19. the research project 20. class notes



21-25 B A D A D 26-30 C B B C A


31. it 32. Thirdly 33. in 34. A 35. to memorize 36. their 37. If 38. advice 39. who 40. writing



41—45 B C C D A 46—50 A C B C D 51—55 A C C D B


56—60 B F E D C




Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to introduce my hometown to you.

My hometown, neighboring Hong Kong, is located in Guangdong Province of China. It has a history of more than 300 years and a population of two million. With its highly-developed economy, the people in my hometown are leading a happy life. It offers children modern education and 90% of the high school leavers are admitted to universities. Every year the picturesque scenery attracts lots of visitors from home and abroad.

Thank you and welcome to my hometown!


What Does Modern Transportation Bring Us?

Science has made traveling much more convenient than before, and in turn, traveling brings us lots of benefits. We get happiness and know more about different places through the comfortable and convenient traveling.

T ransportation has changed a lot during the past years. In ancient times, the fast way to travel was to ride a horse or carriage, while most people just walked. Then, people had bicycles, ships, cars and trains and now we have planes or even spaceships, which are much faster. Modern transportation helps us a lot. It offers us quicker and more comfortable traveling and brings people to closer contact. We can also get more knowledge through traveling. With the help of more economical traveling and modern media, people’s curiosity about things in other places can be satisfied. However, it also brings about negative things like lack of energy and air pollution. So nothing is really perfect, isn’t it?




1分next Thursday




17 1分two or three/2or 3

0.5分two / three


1分55%/ fifty-five percent/fifty-five per cent


0.5分fifty-five percents/fifty five percent(per cent)


1分the research project


0.5分research project/project


1分class notes


0.5分class note/notes






档次分数要求备注第一档12--15 要点完整,结构严谨,上下文连贯,




第二档9--11 要点基本完整,结构较严谨,上下




第三档5--8 要点不够完整,结构松散,上下文











3. 经济高度发达(1分),人民生活安康(1分)

4. 教育现代化(1分),90%的高中毕业生进入大学学习(2分)

5. 风景秀丽(1分),每年接待大量来自海内外的游客(2分)

6. 表达内容的连贯性。(3分)





评分原则:概括的准确性、语言的规范性、内容的合适性以及篇章的连贯性 项目 分档


要求:能够按照要求概括文章,并自定一个合适的标题 0 没有标题或不能用正确的格式写出标题或标题不能表达作文的主题思想 标题 1 标题能够概括作文的大意,并且格式正确 0 没有按照要求概括、概括的内容不是文章的主题或只是照抄文章原句 1 只概括到1个要点,语言表达基本准确而又无抄袭现象 2 能概括到2个要点,语言表达基本准确而又无抄袭现象 3 能概括到全部要点,语言表达基本准确而又无抄袭现象,字数在25-40之间。 概

性 概括 4


要求:能够表达到要求的所有内容 0

没有按要求写出任何要点 1-2

只能写到一到两个要点,但内容模糊不清。 3-4

能写到2至3个要点,个别内容不大清晰 内 容 合 适 性 5-6


要求:保证上下文的连贯性,并正确使用必要的语句连接成分 0

内容缺乏连贯性,而且结构松散 1-2

内容连贯性比较好,而且结构比较紧凑 篇 章 连 贯 3-4


要求:正确应用语法结构和词汇 0-2

有很多语法及词汇方面的错误,很难理解 3-4

有较多语法结构和词汇方面的重大错误,严重影响了对写作内容的理解 5-6

有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解 7-8

有一些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解 语 言 规 范 性 9-10 具有较强的语言运用能力,语法结构和词汇方面有少许错误或没有错误 附“概括部分”要点:

① 科技改变交通(使交通更舒适、方便、快捷、经济等)

② 交通的改变给人们带来好处。

③交通带给人们哪些好处, 如pleasure和knowledge,或是pleasure和curiosity,但可以用其他的词来代替


山东师大附中2011届高三第七次质量检测 数学试题(文科) 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共4页,满分150分,考试时间120分钟,考试结束后,将答题纸和答题卡一并交回. 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号;填空题请直接填写答案,解答题应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤,在试卷上作答无效. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合U={1,2,3,4},A={1},B={2,4},则() U C A B =( ) A. {1} B. {2,4} C. {2,3,4} D. {1,2,3,4} 2.复数1i z i = +在复平面内对应点位于( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 3.水平放置的正方体的六个面分别用“前面、后面、上面、下面、左 面、右面”表示,如图是一个正方体的表面展开图,若图中“努” 在正方体的后面,那么这个正方体的前面是( ) A. 定 B. 有 C. 收 D. 获 4.为积极倡导“学生每天锻炼一小时”的活动,某学校举 办了一次以班级为单位的广播操比赛,9位评委给高三.1 班打出的分数如茎叶图所示,统计员在去掉一个最高分 和一个最低分后,算得平均分为91,复核员在复核时, 发现有一个数字(茎叶图中的x )无法看清,若记分员计 算无误,则数字x 应该是( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 5. 函数()sin()f x A x ω?=+(其中π 0,||2 A ?>< )的图 象如图所示为了得到()f x 的图象,则只要将()sin 2g x x =的图像( ) A. 向右平移 π 12 个单位长度 B. 向右平移π6个单位长度 C. 向左平移π 12 个单位长度 D. 向左平移π6个单位长度 6. 已知函数2 ()2f x x bx =+的图象在点(0,(0))A f 处的切线L 与直线30x y -+=平行,若数列1()f n ? ?? ??? 的前n 项和为n S ,则2011S 的值为( )


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

20XX届山东省高三教学质量检测 英语试卷 本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分为150分,考试时间120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(共105分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答 有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When do the speakers plan to have a picnic? A.In the early morning B.In the mid-morning C.In the afternoon 2.Where does this conversation most probably take place? A.At a clothing store B.At a tailor’s shop C.At a sports center 3.What do we know about the woman and David? A.She has met him before. B.She gets along well with him. C.She knows something about him. 4.What time will the woman meet the man? A.At10:00. B.At10:20. C.At10:40. 5.What is the man going to do this morning? A.Do his work. B.Go out with Linda.C.Enjoy the sunshine in the open. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


高三英语下学期综合素质检测试题 考生注意: 1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名和座位号填写在答题卡上。 3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题 区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效 ...........................。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9. 15. 答案是C。 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a telephone booth. B. In a clothes shop. C. In a post office. 2. Why does the woman dislike the movie? A. It's too long. B. It's a foreign movie. C. It's too violent. 3. How does the man learn about animals? A. By surfing the Internet. B. By reading a few books. C. By watching a TV program. 4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Salesman and buyer. C. Customer and waiter. 5. What does the man want the woman to get for him? A. Hard drinks. B. Mineral water. C. Some medicine. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完

安徽省十校联盟高三线上自主联合检测英语试题 缺答案

安徽省十校联盟2020届高三线上自主联合检测 英语试题2020.3.29 注意事项: 1.答题前,务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.答题时使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What was the man planning to do next month? A.Go skiing. B.Go on vacation. C.Take part in a football game. 2.What does the man find in the closet? A.An umbrella. B.A raincoat. C.Rain boots 3.How many cups of soy sauce does the woman suggest? A.1B.2C3 4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Sister and brother B.Friends C.Co-workers 5.Why did the student fail the test? A.He got too many answers wrong B.He didn't finish the test C.He left the answer sheet blank 第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.Who will watch the show with the speakers? A.Jimmy. B.Marlon. C.Jack. 7.How does the man probably feel now? A.Annoyed B.Confused. C.Excited 听第7段材料,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8.What day is it today? A.Monday. B.Tuesday C.Wednesday 9.Which character does the man like most? A.The mad scientist B.The Jedi C.Spiderman 10.What does the woman think of Spiderman? A.Brave B.Shy C.Funny 听第8段材料,回答第11至第13三个小题。 11.What's making the man feel sad? A.He isn't allowed to make his own decisions


山东省临沂市2011年高三教学质量检测考试 数学试题(理科) 本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 2.非选择题必须用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相 应位置上,如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 项是符合题目要求的。 1.已知1{||3|4},{ 0,},2x M x x N x x Z M N x -=-<=<∈+则=?( ) A.φ?B.{0}?C.{2}?D.{|27}x x ≤≤ 2.若i 为虚数单位,图中复平面内点Z 则表示复 数1z i -的点是( ) ?A.E B.F ? C .G ? D .H 3.某空间几何体的三视图如图,则该几何体 的体积是 ( ) ?A.3 B.2? ?C .32 ?D .1 4.已知直线20ax by --=与曲线3y x =在点P (1,1)处的切线互相垂直,则 a b 为( ) ?A .13?B .23 C.23- D.13 - 5.在样本的频率分布直方图中,一共有n 个小矩形,若中间一个小矩形的面积等于其余(n-1) 个小矩形面积之和的 15,且样本容量为240,则中间一组的频数是??( ) A .32 B.30?C .40?D .60 6.设2 04sin ,n xdx π=?则二项式1()n x x -的展开式的常数项是? ( ) ?A.12 B.6 C.4?D.1 7.一个盒子中装有4张卡片,上面分别写着如下四个定义域为R 的函 数:31234(),()||,()sin ,()cos f x x f x x f x x f x x ====现从盒子中任取2张卡片,将卡片

高三教学质量检测试题(一) (文科 )

陕西省高三教学质量检测试题(一) 数学 (文科 ) -01-22 本试卷分第工卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,共4页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第I 卷(选择题,共50分) 注意事项: 1.在第I 卷的密封线内填写地(市)、县(区)、学校、班级、姓名、学号(或考号)。 2.答第I 卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型(A 或B)用2B 铅笔和钢笔准确涂写在答题卡上。 3.当你选出每小题的答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的选项标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选其它选项,把答案写在试题卷上是不能得分的。 4.考试结束后,本卷和答题卡一并交由监考老师收回。 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.若集合},01|{>+=x x A },2|{2x x x B <=则=?B A ( ) A. }21|{<<-x x B. }1|{->x x C. }20|{<乙 B. x 甲=x 乙,s 甲s <乙 C. x 甲>x 乙,s 甲s <乙 D. x 甲>x 乙,s 甲s >乙 }1 0|{<

2021年高三第一次综合检测英语试题 含答案

湛江一中xx届高三第一次综合检测英语试题 2021年高三第一次综合检测英语试题含答案 I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的四个选项A、B、C 和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 There is a small shop about 200 meters from where I live that sells groceries, meat and other basic necessities. About 10 years ago, there was a beggar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a 1 . The owner, although he would love to help, simply didn’t have any jobs available, so he kept 2 the man’s request. This situation continued 3 for a few months, until the owner 4 to give the homeless man a job which 5 sweeping outside the shop. Every single day from 5 am, the homeless man was there doing the very best he could for the 6 , and it did earn him some pennies. 7 , the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and gave him a job working as a cashier. He was watched closely to make sure that he didn’t 8 any of the money received from the sales. He was still homeless, after all. The homeless man did a/an 9 job as a cashier for over 2 years, and


高三数学 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题纸相应位置上. 1.设集合A ={x |x 2–5x +6>0},B ={x |x –1<0},则A ∩B =▲. 2.已知平面α,直线m ,n 满足m ?α,n ?α,则“m ∥n ”是“m ∥α”的▲条件. 3.在公比为q 且各项均为正数的等比数列{a n }中,S n 为{a n }的前n 项和.若a 1=1q 2 ,且S 5=S 2+7,则首项 a 1的值为▲. 4.已知0.20.32 log 0.220.2a b c ===,,,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为▲. 5.在天文学中,天体的明暗程度可以用星等或亮度来描述.两颗星的星等与亮度满足m 2?m 1= 2 1 52lg E E , 其中星等为m k 的星的亮度为E k (k =1,2).已知太阳的星等是?26.7,天狼星的星等是?1.45,则太 阳与天狼星的亮度的比值为▲. 6.已知()f x 是定义域为(),-∞+∞的奇函数,满足()()11f x f x -=+.若()12f =,则 ()()()123f f f +++?+f (50)=▲. 7.等差数列{}n a 的首项为1,公差不为0,若a 2,a 3,a 6成等比数列,则数列{}n a 的通项公式 为▲. 8.在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,点是棱1BB 的中点,则三棱锥11D DEC -的体积为▲. 9.等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,33a =,410S =,则 1 1 n k k S ==∑▲. 10.若f (x )=lg(x 2-2ax +1+a )在区间(-∞,1]上递减,则a 的取值范围为▲. 11.设函数10()20 x x x f x x +≤?=?>?,,,则满足1()()12f x f x +->的x 的取值范围是▲. 12.几位大学生响应国家的创业号召,开发了一款应用软件.为激发大家学习数学的兴趣,他们推出 了“解数学题获取软件激活码”的活动.这款软件的激活码为下面数学问题的答案:已知数列1,1,2, 1,2,4,1,2,4,8,1,2,4,8,16,…,其中第一项是20 ,接下来的两项是20 ,21 ,再接下来 的三项是20 ,21 ,22 ,依此类推.求满足如下条件的最小整数N :N >100且该数列的前N 项和为2的整 数幂.那么该款软件的激活码是▲. 13.已知当x ∈[0,1]时,函数y =(mx ?1)2的图象与y =√x +m 的图象有且只有一个交点,则正实数m 的取值范围是▲. 14.设函数f(x)的定义域为R ,满足f(x +1)=2 f(x),且当x ∈(0,1]时,f(x)=x(x ?1).若对任意x ∈(?∞,m],都有f(x)≥?8 9,则m 的取值范围是▲. 二、解答题:本大题共6小题, 共计70分. 请写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.


高三教学质量检测考试 化学2016.3 说明: 1.本试卷分第I卷(1—4页)和第II卷(5—8页),全卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 2.答卷前请将答题卡上有关项目填、涂清楚,将第I卷题目的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上,第II卷题目的答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔写在答题卡的相应位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 3.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Al 27 Cl 35.5 Mn 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ba 137 Ce 140 第I卷(选择题共48分) 选择题(本题包括16小题。每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题3分,共48分) 1.化学与人类生产、生活密切相关,下列说法正确的是 A.有机玻璃受热软化,易于加工成型,是一种硅酸盐材料 B.煤的气化是物理变化,是高效、清洁地利用煤的重要途径 C.纯银器在空气中久置变黑是因为发生了电化学腐蚀 D.硫酸亚铁片和维生素C同时服用,能增强治疗缺铁性贫血的效果 2.下列物质反应后,固体质量减轻的是 A.水蒸气通过灼热的铁粉 B.二氧化碳通过Na 2O 2 粉末 C.将Zn片放入CuSO 4 溶液 D.铝与MnO 2 发生铝热反应 3.下列颜色变化与氧化还原反应无关的是 A.将乙醇滴入酸性K 2Cr 2 O 7 溶液中,溶液由橙色变为绿色 B.将SO 2 滴入盛有酚酞的NaOH溶液中,溶液红色褪去 C.将H 2C 2 O 4 溶液滴入酸性KMnO 4 溶液中,溶液紫红色褪去 D.将葡萄糖溶液加入新制Cu(OH) 2 悬浊液至沸腾,出现红色沉淀4.对右图两种化合物的结构或性质描述错误的是

A.互为同分异构体 B.均能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色 C.均可以发生加成和取代反应 D.既能用红外光谱区分,也可以用核磁共振氢谱区分 5.某离子反应中共有H 2O 、ClO -、NH 4+、H +、N 2、Cl - 六种微粒。其中C(ClO -) 随反应进行逐渐减小。下列判断错误的是 A.该反应的还原剂是NH 4+ B.消耗1mol 氧化剂,转移2mol 电子 C.氧化剂与还原剂的物质的量之比是2:3 D.反应后溶液酸性明显增强 6.短周期主族元素X 、Y 、Z 、W 的原子序数依次增大,且原子最外层电子数之和为24.X 的原子半径比Y 大,Y 与Z 同主族,Y 原子的最外层电子数是电子层数的3倍,下列说法正确的是 A.Y 元素形成的单核阴离子还原性强于X B.Z 元素的简单气态氢化物的沸点比Y 高 C.W 元素氧化物对应的水化物的酸性一定强于Z D.X 的气态氢化物可与其最高价含氧酸反应生成离子化合物 7.设N A 为阿伏伽德罗常数的值 A.ag 某气体的分子数为b ,则cg 该气体在标况下的体积为 B.2L0.5mol.L -1 磷酸溶液中含有H +的数目为3N A C.25℃,PH=13的Ba(OH)2溶液中含有OH -为0.1N A D.标准状况下,28g 乙烯和丙烯的混合气体中,含有碳碳双键的数目为N A 8.常温下,下列各组离子在指定溶液中一定能大量共存的是 A.“84”消毒液中:K +、CO 32-、Na +、I - B. ) ( H C K W =1×10-13mol.L -1的溶液中:NH 4+、Ca 2+、Cl -、NO 3 - C.能使PH 试纸显蓝色的溶液中:Na +、CH 3COO -、Fe 3+、SO 42- D.通入足量的H 2S 后的溶液中:Al 3+、Cu 2+、SO 42-、Cl - 9.依据反应原理:NH 3+CO 2+H 2O +NaCl=NaHCO 3↓+NH 4Cl ,并利用下列装置制取碳酸氢钠粗品,实验装置正确且能达到实验目的的是


高三英语期末综合检测题(二) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分) ◆第一节单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — I lost your bike at school. I suppose I should pay for it. —Oh, ________. It is an old bike anyway. A. forget it B. take it easy C. no way D. don’t say so 22. — How is Dennis getting along with his work? —Well, he could always ____________ new ideas for increasing sales. A. come up with B. come about C. get away with D. put up with 23. Keep your password safe: Most on-line sites ________ a user name and a password before placing an order. A. suggest B. imply C. require D. permit 24. My demand is that the information referred to in my report ________ to Mr. Brown without delay. A. might be e-mailed B. would be e-mailed C. be e-mailed D. could be e-mailed 25. The performance supposed to be popular ________ to be a great disappointment after it was over. A. turned up B. turned down C. turned out D. turned over 26. —I’m really tired out. —So am I. We ________ computer games for nearly 2 hours. A. played B. play C. are playing D. have been playing 27. — Did you see her off the day before yesterday? —No, but I wish I ________. A. were B. did C. had D. have 28. The value of the unusual stamp is ________ a common one, which adds to my collection. A. twice as much B. twice so much C. twice as much as D. so much twice 29. Don’t ________ important matters too quickly. You’d better think before you act in case you regret doing it later. A. put on B. rely on C. carry on D. decide on 30. After the operation, the doctor gave the patient some tablets to ________ the pain. A. take up B. take away C. take in D. take back 31. Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, ________ how it turns out! A. regardless of B. free from C. apart from D. except for 32. This is the same jewel ________ I lost yesterday, for inside it is engraved with my lover’s name. A. as B. like C. that D. one


济宁市第一中学 2019-2020年高三质量检测(数学文科) 一.选择题(12×5′=60′) 1若集合M={y|y=2x},P={y|y=},则M∩P等于()A.{y|y>1} B.{y|y≥1} C.{y|y>0} D.{y|y≥0} 2.已知f(x2)=log2x,那么f(4)等于() A. B.8 C.18 D. 3.如果0(1-a)B.log1-a(1+a)>0 C.(1-a)3>(1+a)2D.(1-a)1+a>1 4.下列说法中正确的是() A.一个命题的逆命题为真,则它的逆否命题一定为真 B.“”与“”不等价 C.“,则全为”的逆否命题是“若全不为, 则”  D.一个命题的否命题为真,则它的逆命题一定为真 5.若, 的二次方程的一个根大于零,另一根小于零,则是的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 6.设函数定义在实数集上,它的图像关于直线对称,且当时,,则有 () A.B. C.D. 7.已知函数在上是单调函数,则实数的取值范围是 () A.B. C.D. 8.函数与在同一直角坐标系下的图象大致是()

9.对于上可导的任意函数,若满足,则必有() A. B. C.D. 10.下列函数的图象中,经过平移或翻折后不能与函数y=log 2x的图象重合的是()A.y=2x B.y=log x C.y=D.y=log 2+1 11.曲线在点处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积为() A.B.C.D. 12.已知在上有,则是() A.在上是增加的B.在上是减少的 C.在上是增加的D.在上是减少的 二、填空题(4×4′ =16′) 13.函数y=的定义域是. 14.设函数为偶函数,则. 15.若“或”是假命题,则的范围是___________。 16.函数的单调递增区间是 =74′) 三、解答题(5×12′+14′ 17.(12′)已知集合A,B,且,求实数的值组成的集合 18.(12′)求垂直于直线并且与曲线相切的直线方程。


年高三教学质量检测试题(一) 数学 本试卷分第卷(选择题)第卷(非选择题)两部分,满分分,考试时间分钟。 第卷(选择题,共分) 一、选择题:本大题共小题,每小题分,共分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 .集合{(, ) }, {(, ) 2 3 , ∈},则∩等于( ) { (, )} {} {?} ? .函数x y 2log -=的反函数的图象经过点(, ),则的值为( ) 4 1 - .长方体的长、宽、高的和为,则长方体的体积的最大值是( ) .复数()·的幅角主值为 π3 2 ,则实数的值为( ) 3 3- 33 3 3- .若)2,4 (ππ ∈θ,则使θ<θ<θtg cos sin 成立的θ取值范围是( ) )2,4(ππ ππ,43 )23,45(ππ )2,4 7 (ππ .在市场调控下,已知某商品的零售价年比年降价,厂家想通过提高该产品的高科技 含量,推出该产品的换代产品,欲控制年比年只降低,则年计划比年应涨价 .焦点在直线01243=--y x 上的抛物线的标准方程是( ) , , - , - -, .(理科做)设是圆θ=ρcos 6上一点,它的极径等于它到该圆的圆心的距离,则点的极坐标是( ) )32,3(π± )3,3(π± )32,6(π± )3 ,6(π ± (文科做)如果直线与直线--互相垂直,那么系数等于( ) 32 32- 23 2 3- .如图,在三棱柱中—中,⊥,⊥,,,则与所成角的余弦值是( )

53 54 43 5 1 .已知各项都是正数的等比数列{}的公比为≠,且,,成等差数列,则4 23 1a a a a ++的值为 ( ) 21 5+ 215- 2 1 .轴截面是正三角形的圆锥的侧面积与其内切球的表面积之比为( ) 34 43 32 2 3 .已知双曲线)0,0(122 22>>=-b a b y a x 的右顶点为,左焦点为,点的坐标为(,),若 ⊥,则该双曲线的离心率为( ) 2 21 5+ 2 1 3+ 第卷(非选择题,共分) 二、填空题:本大题共小题,每小题分,共分。 .圆心为(-,),一条直径的两个端点分别落在轴和轴上的圆的方程是 。 .设数列{}的前项和为-,则=??????++∞ →)111( lim 21n n a a a .一个圆台的高是上、下底面半径的等比中项,高为,母线长是13,这个圆台的体积是 。(S S S S h V +'+= (3 1 台体) .有四种不同颜色,用这些颜色在如图甲、乙、丙、丁四个区域分别着色,要求相邻两区域的颜色不同,则不同的着色方法有 种(数字作答)


学科:英语 教学内容:高三英语综合测试题 【同步达纲练习】 I.听力部分略 II. 单项选择填空 21. Now that the wind has ______, we can go out to play badminton. A. dipped B. dropped C. reduced D. slowed 22. Is this the way which you enjoy _____ yourself English? A. in teaching B. to teach C. teaching D. to learn 23. _____ , I had no idea this would happen so soon. A. To be honest B. Being honest C. Having being honest D. My being honest 24. —Where ____ you put my dictionary? —I left it on your desk when you _____ to Tom. A. did; spoke B. have; spoke C. had; were speaking D. did; were speaking 25. The engineer and worker referred to ____ to design something. A. be going B. are going C. is going D. be likely 26. Food is ____ into useful substance by chemicals in the body. A. broken off B. broken out C. broken down D. broken away 27. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her. A. first time B. the first time C. for the first time D. by the first time. 28. A computer does only _____ thinking people _____. A. what; have it done B. what; have it do C. that; have it done D. that; having it do 29. The police didn’t believe the traffic accident that he insisted on seeing ____ on the road the other day. A. happen B. happened C. happening D. to happen 30.—I am sorry I broke your mirror. —Oh, really? _____. A. Not at all B. That’s nothing C. Don’t be sorry D. I don’t care 31. —I didn’t think the job would be so hard. —You ____ of that earlier. A. should think B. must have thought C. must think D. ought to have thought 32. The factory is producing this kind of telephone ____. A. a great number B. in large number C. in large numbers D. a great number of


高三数学教学质量检测试题 作者:

--------------- 日期:

试卷类型:A 2009年佛山市普通高中高三教学质量检测(二) 数学(文科)2009.4 本试卷共4页,21小题,满分150分.考试用时120分钟. 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生要务必填写答题卷上的有关项目. 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答案代号涂在答题卡对应的格内. 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指定区域内;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液不按以上要求作答的答 案无效. 4. 考生必须保持答题卷和答题卡的整洁.考试结束后,将答题卷和答题卡交回参考公式: 1 棱锥的体积公式V - S h,其中S是底面面积,h是高. 3 一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分,在每小题给出的四个选项中项是符合题 ,只有目要求的. 2 1. 设U 01,2,3,4,5 , A 1,3,5 , B x x 2x 0 ,则AI (e U B) A. B. 3,4 C. 1,3,5 D. 2,4,5 2. 设x是实数,则“ x 0”是“ |x| 0”的

(m, n)共有 A . 1 个 B . 2个 C . 3个 D . 4 个 10.家电下乡政策是应对金融危机、积极扩大内需的重要举措 .我市某家电制造集团为 A.充分不必要条件 C.充要条件 B.必要不充分条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 3.由1,2,3三个数字组成的无重复数字的两位数中 ,任取一个数,恰为偶数的概率是 1 A . B . 6 4.若i 是虚数单位,且复数z C .- (a i)(1 2i)为实数,则实数a 等于 A . 5.已知 B . 2 是不同的平面,m 、 C . 1 D . 2 2 n 是不同的直线,则下列命题不 正确的是 A .若 m ,m // n, n ,则 B .若 m // , n,则 m // n C .若 m // n , m ,则 n D .若 m ,m ,则 // 6.已知函数 f(x) 2,x x, x A . C .(, 1)U(1,) 7.如图,是函数y tan (-x 4 A . 4 B . 2 2 2 8 .若双曲线M 古 1(a 0, b 0)的一个焦点到一条渐近线的距离等于焦距的 1 ,则 4 该双曲线的离心率是 A . .5 B .上 2 9.已知函数y 2M 的定义域为 m, n (m, n 为整数),值域为 1,2 .则满足条件的整数数对

高三教学质量检测试题 数学

2001年高三教学质量检测试题(一) 数学 本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第I 卷(选择题,共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.集合M={(x, y)| x 2+y 2=1}, N={(x, y) | x= 2 3 , y ∈R},则M ∩N 等于( ) A { (0, 0)} B {0} C {?} D ? 2.函数x y 2log -=的反函数的图象经过点(2, m),则m 的值为( ) A 4 1 B 4 C 1 D -1 3.长方体的长、宽、高的和为12,则长方体的体积的最大值是( ) A 16 B 54 C 64 D 216 4.复数Z=(a+i)·i 的幅角主值为 π3 2 ,则实数a 的值为( ) A 3 B 3- C 3 3 D 33- 5.若)2,4 (ππ ∈θ,则使θ<θ<θtg cos sin 成立的θ取值范围是( ) A )2,4(ππ B ππ,43 C )23,45(ππ D )2,4 7 (ππ 6.在市场调控下,已知某商品的零售价2000年比1999年降价25%,厂家想通过提高该产品的高科技含量, 推出该产品的换代产品,欲控制2001年比1999年只降低10%,则2001年计划比2000年应涨价 A 10% B 12% C 20% D 25% 7.焦点在直线01243=--y x 上的抛物线的标准方程是( ) A y 2=16x, x 2=12y B y 2=16x, x 2=-12y C y 2=12x, x 2=-16y D y 2=-12x, x 2=16y 8.(理科做)设是圆θ=ρcos 6上一点,它的极径等于它到该圆的圆心的距离,则点M 的极坐标是( ) A )32,3(π± B )3,3(π± C )32,6(π± D )3 ,6(π ± (文科做)如果直线ax+2y+2=0与直线3x -y -2=0互相垂直,那么系数a 等于( ) A 32 B 32- C 23 D 2 3- 9.如图,在三棱柱中ABC —A 1B 1C 1中,A 1A ⊥AB ,C 1B ⊥AB ,AC=5,AB=3,则A 1C 1与AB 所成角的余弦 值是( )


华南师大附中2018届高三综合测试(一) 英语 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分, 满分120分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 注意事项: 1、做第I卷前,考生务必将自己的、号填写在答题卡上。 2、选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 3、请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4、保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 第I卷 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A ANNOUNCEMENTS At the Newton Public Library REGISTER FOR A SUMMER OF STORIES Sign up and receive your reading log at the Circulation Desk. Record books you read over the summer and have a parent sign next to each title. The top five readers will receive prizes such as gift cards, magazine subscriptions, and movie tickets. TEEN ZONE RESOURCES Look to the Teen Zone’s “Ready Reference” corner for all the help you need to locate information on the Internet. Ms. Frye, the librarian, will share tips on keyword searches to find interesting information about certain books. You must have a signed parent permission slip before using the computers. Access is limited to 30 minutes and is on a first-come, first-served basis. EVENTS Poetry Session Monday, June 16 6:00-8:00 P.M. Teen poets can be literary celebrities for a night by reading their original work at this special event. Friends and family members are encouraged to attend and show their support. A few original poems may be selected for publication in the next library newsletter. Food and drinks

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