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在这个星期里,我们专业的学生在专业老师的带领下进行了c 语言程序实践学习。在这之前,我们已经对c语言这门课程学习了一个学期,对其有了一定的了解,但是也仅仅是停留在了解的范围,对里面的好多东西还是很陌生,的在运用起来的时候还是感到很棘手,毕竟,万事开头难嘛。



上机实验是学习程序设计语言必不可少的实践环节,特别是c 语言灵活、简洁,更需要通过编程的实践来真正掌握它。对于程序设计语言的学习目的,可以概括为学习语法规定、掌握程序设计方法、提高程序开发能力,这些都必须通过充分的实际上机操作才能完成。


试卷代号:1093 语言学概论(本) 模拟试题 一、举例解释下列名词(每词5分,共10分) 1. 音位变体 2.借词 二、单项选择(每小题2分。共10分) 3.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字也是人类最重要的交际工具 B.不同的阶级使用语言具有不同的特点,说明语言具有阶级性 C.人类多种多样的语言说明语言具有任意性特点 D.语言是一种纯自然的现象 4. 下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语法的组合规则是潜在的 B.语法的聚合规则是潜在的 C.语法的组合规则存在于书面语言中 D.语法的聚合规则存在于口头语言中 5.单纯词就是由一个( )构成的词。 A.词根 B.词干 C.词缀 D.词尾6.下列各种说法只有( )是正确的。 A.词义的模糊性说明词义是不可捉摸的 B.多义词使用不当会产生歧义,如“门没有锁” C.“glass”的本义是玻璃,派生义指玻璃杯,这是隐喻 D.同义词在修辞上具有对比作用,可以利用来突出对立面 7.下列说法只有( )是错误的。 A.语法的规则可以类推,但也有例外,如“wife”的复数不是“wifes” B.}昆合语又叫克里奥尔语,它可以被孩子们作为母语来学习 C.混合语只限于某社会集团使用,缺乏广泛性 D.“墨水”原指黑墨水,现指各种颜色的墨水,这种变化是词义的扩大

三、综合分析题(共40分) 8.描写下列音素的发音特点。(8分) ① [u]: ② Ea]: ③ [m]: ④ [x]: 9.分析下面词语中各个构词语素的类别,是词根、词缀还是词尾。(12分) ① going ②老乡 ⑧绿化 10.指出下列词组的结构类型。(10分) ①学生和老师 ②空气新鲜 ③热烈欢呼 ④摆放整齐 ⑤阅读报纸 11.指出下列句子中画线词语的词尾所表示的语法意义和语法范畴。(10分) He buys many books. 四、问答题(每小题10分,共40分) 12.为什么说语言是一种特殊的社会现象? 13.语言符号是一种分层装置,这种分层的核。g,是ffA?其上层由哪些要素构成? 各要素在数量上有何特点? 14.举例说明基本词汇的特点,并简要说明这些特点之间的相互影响。 15.什么是双语现象?双语现象随着社会的发展会出现怎样的结果?


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.


一. What is language? 1. Language can be generally defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Systematic---- rule-governed, elements in it are arranged according to certain rules; can’t be combined at will. e.g. *bkli, *I apple eat. Arbitrary---- no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it denotes, e.g. “pen”by any other name is the thing we use to write with. Symbolic---- words are associated with objects, actions ideas by convention. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”----Shakespeare Vocal---- the primary medium is sound for all languages; writing system came much later than spoken form. Human-specific---- different from the communication systems other forms of life possess, e.g. bird songs, bee dance, animal cries. The design/defining /distinctive features of human language: Arbitrariness (任意性) Productivity/Creativity(创造性) Duality (二元性、二层性) Displacement (移位性) Cultural transmission(文化传递性) 2.语言&言语 Langue--- the language system shared by a community of speakers Parole--- the concrete act of speaking in actual situations by an individual speaker. 3. Synchronic vs. diachronic Synchronic (linguistics)---languages are studied at a theoretic point in time: one describes a ‘state’of language, disregarding whatever changes might be taking place. Diachronic----languages are studied from point of view of their historical development –for example, the changes which have taken place between Old and Modern English could be described in phonological, grammatical and semantic terms. 二.语音学(选择题) 三.音位学Phonology 1.音位变体 Allophones ---- the phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments. 同一音位在不同环境中表现出来的两个或多个语音上不同的音段. 例如,在英语里,音位/t/在tin里是送气的[th], 在stand里是不送气的[t],在eighth里是齿化的[t],在cotton里是鼻除阻的[tn],在bottle里是边除阻的[tl],在hit里则表现为声门化的[t]. 此外,随着说话人口音的不同,可能还会有其他的语音形式. 这样一套在说话人话语中的语音形式就是音位/t/的音位变体. 把两个音素划归成同一音位的两个音位变体必须满足语音相似性原则,而且它们不能处于对比分布. [p, ph] are two different phones 音子and are variants of the phoneme /p/. Such variants of a phoneme are called allophones of the same phoneme. In this case the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution 互补分布because they never occur in the same context: [p] occurs after [s] while [ph] occurs in other places. /p/ [p] / [s] _____


语言学概论 复习题 (课程代码 00541) 、单项选择题 1.主张把语言和言语分开的代表学者是 【 】 A . 乔姆斯基 B . 索绪尔 C . 布隆菲尔德 D . 洪堡特 2. 中国将传统的音韵、文字、 训诂、虚词等研究统称为 【 】 A .小学 B .经学 C .语言学 D . 文字学 3. 音高主要决定于 【 】 A .发音体振动的振幅 B ?发音体振动的频率 C ?发音体振动的时间 D .发音体振动的声波形式 4. 汉语普通话的j 1 su cn j 1(计算机)可以切分岀的音素数量为 【 】 A ? 3 个 B ? 6个 C .7 个 D . 8个 5. 汉语普通话语音系统中,可以将拼音 b 和p 区分开来的区别特征是 [ 】 A .送气与不送气 B . 清音与浊音 C .双唇音与舌面音 D . 塞音与塞擦音 6. 北京话中将“慢” [man]+ “慢儿” [mar] 读作“慢慢儿” [mai mar] 属于语流音变中的【 】 A .同化 B 异化 C .弱化 D .脱落 7. 下列不是成语的是 【 】 A .过河拆桥 B .风风火火 C .醉翁之意不在酒 D . 爱屋及乌 8. 在汉语中管某种东西叫“书 sh u” 英语中叫“ book ”, 这反应了语汇在产生时的【 】 A .理据性 B 普遍性 C .任意性 D . 民族性 9. 下列属于借词的是 【 】 A .尴尬 B 看好 C .拜会 D .袈裟 10 .下列属于体词属性范畴的是 【 】 A .体 B .态 C ?数 D ?时 11 .“三人行必有我师”是《论语》中的名句,它至今仍被人广泛引用,且理解起来不大费 力, 这是由于语言的 【 】 A .抽象性 B .递归 性 C .系统性 D .稳定性 12 .词义最基本和最核心的部分是 【 】 A .通俗意义 B 非通俗意义 C .理性意义 D 非理性意义 13. 把句子分成“单句”和“复句” , 这种分类是 【 】 A .句子的句型类 B .句子的句式类 C .句子的功能类 D ?句子的繁简类 14. “天气凉了”和“这汤太热,把它凉一凉”中的“凉”是 【 】 A ?冋音关系 B .多义关系 C .同形关系 D ?同义关系 15. 文字起源于 【 】


练习1 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is one of the design features of language.A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 3. ___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation .A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 4. __ __ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 7. To say “How are you.” “Hi” to your friends is the ____ __of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, y ou should use the _____ of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __ ___. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural D. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in ___A. speech sounds only B. all sounds C. vowels only 11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p 12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ] 13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ? ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ] 14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫] C. [ l ] D. [θ] 15. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiceless affricative? A. [dЗ] B. [v] C. [t∫] D. [θ] 16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a __ __. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. vowel 17. Of the “words” listed below___ is not an English word A. [r∧b ] B. [ l? b ] C. [m?sta:∫] D. [lm?p] 18. ___ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released. A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives D. Glides 19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in _____. A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 1788 20. ___ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value. A. Phone B. Phoneme C. Allophone D. Sound 1. [ f ] is a dental consonant. F 2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. F 7. The three / p / are allophones. T 3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. T 4. Phone is a phonetic unit. T


Chapter one Introduction 1.1什么是语言学 1.1.1定义 语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学)The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音位学) The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax(句法学) The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学) The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) 1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3 (1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language people actually use, whether it is “correct” or not. 规定性Prescriptive It aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say. 描述性Descriptive A linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use. (2)Synchronic and diachronic 共时和历时 The description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study; the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. In modern linguistics, synchronic study is more important. 历时语言学Diachronic linguistics The study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time. 共时语言学Synchronical linguistics The study of a given language at a given time.


语言学概论 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分} 1.下列说法只有是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的辅助性交际工具。 B.语言就是说话,说话就是语言。 C.语言是一种特殊的社会现象。 D.语言具有地方色彩,说明语言不具有社会性。 2.下列说法只有是错误的。 A.汉语的声调是由音高变化形成的。 B.语言中的轻重音是由音重变化形成的。 C.音位具有区别词形的作用。 I).音素具有区别词形的作用。 3.下列说法只有是正确的。 A.“老”可以同“新、旧、少、嫩”等构成反义词。 B.“大”和“小”是绝对对立的反义词。 C.“红”与“黑”这对反义词具有非此即彼的关系。 D.反义词“冷”和“热”具有相对性。 4.下列说法只有____正确。 A.意译词如“激光”、“电话”都是借词。 B.仿译词如“机关枪”、“铁路”都是借词。 C.“尼姑”、“和尚”、“玻璃”是借词。 D.“爱神”、“北极熊”、“超人”都是借词。 5.下列词义的变化,属于词义的缩小。 A.“meat”原指菜肴,现在指荤菜。 B.“走”本义是跑,现在指步行。 C.“江”原指长江,今泛指江河。 D.“book”原指一种树木,今指成本的著作。 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.A 3.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字也是人类最重要的交际工具 B.不同的阶级使用语言具有不同的特点,说明语言具有阶级性 C.人类多种多样的语言说明语言具有任意性特点 D.语言是一种纯自然的现象 4.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语法的组合规则是潜在的 B.语法的聚合规则是潜在的 C.语法的组合规则存在于书面语言中 I).语法的聚合规则存在”ji【j头沿吉中 5.单纯阋就是由一个( )构成的词。 A.词根 B.词干 【!.词缀


模拟试题1 一、名词解释 1.1.个别语言学 2.2.言语 3.3.音位 4.4.义素 5.5.语法手段 二、判断题 1.语言和种族无关。() 2.语言自始至终都没有阶级性。() 3.任何词义都具有抽象性。() 4.凡能区别意义的音节叫闭音节。() 5.以元音收尾的音节叫闭音节。() 6.分析语是以词形变化为主要语法手段的语言。() 7.由一个词根加词缀构成的词是派生词。() 8.洋泾浜是语言转用的表现。() 9.语言的分析和统一来自于社会的分化和统一。() 10.语法与词汇相比,具有很强的稳定性。() 三、单项选择题(把正确的答案呈码填在括号内) 1.现代汉语属于() A.普通语言学 B.应用语言学 C.共时语言学 D.历时语言学 2.[i]是一个() A.舌面元音 B.舌尖元音 C.卷舌元音 D.舌根元音 3.[p]是一个() A.音位 B.音质音位 C.音素 D.音节 4.[b]是一个() A.双唇浊音 B.双唇清音 C.双唇鼻音 D.双唇擦音 5.下列词中属于复合词的是() A.天子 B.傻子 C.席子 D.椅子 6.以声音的高低来区别意义的语言单位叫()

A.重位 B.时位 C.两位 D.音质音位 7.下列词语中属于音译词的是() A.电话 B.马力 C.葡萄 D.面包 8.下列单位中属于成词语素的是() A.菠 B.猩 C.的 D.槟 9.下列文字中,属于表音文字的是() A.纳西族东巴文 B.汉字 C.俄语 D.古埃及圣书字 四、多项选择题(在下列5个备选答案中选择2—5个你认为正确的答案,把正确的答案号填在括号内) 1.舌根清时有() A.[g] B.[k] C.[k‘] D.[x] E.[h] 2.下列词中,处于同一个语义场的词是() A.桌子 B.椅子 C.沙发 D.柜子 E.鞋子 3.下列词形变化中,运用附加手段的是() A.pen-pens B.Long-Longer C.foot – feet D.man – men E.go – went 4.“数”是有些语言的名词所具有的() A.语法范畴 B.语法形式 C.语法意义 D.词法范畴 E.语法手段 5.分析手段指() A.内部屈折 B.附加 C.语序 D.异根 E.虚词 6.下列语言中属汉藏语系的是() A.日语 B.苗语 C.侗傣语 D.维吾尔语 E.越南语 7.下列句式中属于多义句式的是() A.我说不好 B.王师傅已经了解了 C.一辆老吉普车 D.接近电影的尾声 E.小王也不知道 8.下列语言属于印欧语系的是() A.法语 B.英语 C.德语 D.阿拉伯语 E.维吾尔语 9.语法单位指的是() A.音位 B.语 C.词 D.词组 E.句子 10.[P]是一个() A.双唇音 B.塞音 C.舌面音 D.擦音 E.清音 五、分析题


英语语言学练习题 Ⅰ. Matching Match each of the following terms in Column A with one of the appropriate definitions in Column B. Column A 1.displacement https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a6946497.html,ngue 3.suprasegmental feature 4.deep structure 5.predication analysis 6.idiolect 7.pidgin 8.mistakes 9.interlanguage 10.motivation 11.arbitrariness https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a6946497.html,petence 13.broad transcription 14.morphology 15.category 16.errors https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a6946497.html,ponential analysis 18.context 19.blending 20.culture 21.learning strategies 22.selectional restrictions 23.phrase structure rules 24.culture diffusion Column B A.Learners’ independent system of the second language, which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language to the target language. 9 B.Learner’s attitudes and affective state or learning drive, having a strong impact on his efforts n learning a second language. 21 C.The rules that specify the constituents of syntactic categories. 23 D.Through communication, some elements of culture A enter culture B and become part of culture B. 24 E. A personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations. 6 F. A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 7 G.The kind of analysis which involves the breaking down of predications into their constituents- ---- arguments and predicates. 5 H.They refer to constraints on what lexical items can go with what others. 22 I.The structure formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’s subcategorization properties. 4 J.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. 3 K.The study of the internal structure of words, and the rules that govern the rule of word formation. 14 L.The abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. 2 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6a6946497.html,nguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. It is one of the distinctive features of human language. 1 N.Learner’s conscious, goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to achieve learning efficiency. 10 O.The total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterizes the life of the human community. 20 P.The common knowledge shared by both the speaker and hearer. 18


文化人类学 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单选题(共10分) 1、文化唯物论的代表人物哈里斯的代表作是() A《文化唯物论》B 《原始文化》C 《洁净与危险》D 《忧郁的热带》 2、《江村经济》的作者是() A 林耀华 B 费孝通 C 瞿同祖 D 吴文藻 3、基诺族属于() A 平等社会 B 阶层社会 C 阶级社会 D 开放的阶级体制 4、马埃男子社团属于() A 年龄社团 B 性别社团 C 区域社团 D 民族社团 5、《新教伦理与资本主义精神》的作者是() A 韦伯 B 涂尔干 C 斯旺森 D 马克思 6、“男耕女织”表达的是一种() A 年龄分工 B 性别分工 C 地域分工 D 阶层分工 7、认为宗教是精神鸦片这是()的观点 A 韦伯 B 涂尔干 C 斯旺森 D 马克思 8、《癫狂与文明》的作者是() A 德里达 B 福柯 C 涂尔干 D 米德 9、年龄和性别分工() A 存在于狩猎社会 B 存在于采集社会 C 存在于工业社会D存在于一切社会 10、对“神圣”与“凡俗”的区分出自() A 布朗 B 涂尔干 C 马克思 D 韦伯 二、多选题(共20分) 1、狩猎与采集社会的一般特点() A小规模的社会群体B以性别为基础的社会分工C没有恒久稳定的领导者D食物共享 2、下面关于形式主义流派说法正确的是() A以研究市场经济的西方经济学理论为自己的基础 B以西方经济学的方法论作为自己的方法论指导 C形式主义流派是经济人类学中历时最久的、影响最大和人数最多的一个学派。 D主张从社会、生态自然环境与人类之间的互动、交换关系的角度来考察经济问题。 3、关于平等社会的表述正确的是() A财富和权利平等B个人声望平等C主要指狩猎和采集社会 D无论是个体还是群体,在经济资源和权利上都处在平等的地位上 4、改革前中国社会的分层情况() A一种缺少公平竞争机会的体制 B政治色彩浓厚 C以身份指标确定个人的社会地位 D是开放性的 5、人类学中关于乱伦禁忌的理论有() A近亲繁殖理论 B童年期亲密理论 C家庭破裂理论 D广泛联姻论 6、宗教仪式的基本类型包括() A 祈祷 B 音乐 C 强化仪式 D 转换仪式

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