当前位置:文档之家› 口译中笔记法重点符号汇总




英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。



MKT: market

MGR: manager

MSG: message

STD: standard

RCV: receive


INFO information

INS insurance

EXCH exchange

I owe you IOU

In stead of I/O


WK week

RM room

PL people


R are

THO though

THRU through


acc = account, accountant

acdg = according

acpt = accept

ad = advertisement

adm = administration

ads = address

adv = advice

agr = agriculture

agt = agent

alt = altitude

a.m. = ante meridiem = before noon AMAP = as much as possible

amb = ambassador

amt = amount

anal = analysis

anc = ancient

anon = anonymous

ans = answer

app = appendix

Apr = April

apt = apartment

arch = architecture

arr = arrive; arrival

ASAP = as soon as possible

ass = assistant; association

at = atmosphere; atomic

att = attorney; attention

Aug = August

aux = auxiliary

av = average

ave = avenue

a.w.l. = absent with leave (准假)

a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave (无故缺席) B.A. = Bachelor of Arts

bal = balance

B.C. = before Christ

bd = board

bdl = bundle

bk = bank; book

bkts = baskets

B/L = bill of lading (提单)

BLDG = building

bp = birthplace

br = branch; brother

B.S. = Bachelor of Science

bu = bureau

C = capacity; century; chapter; centigrade; cost; city; center cal = calendar; caliber; calories

cap = capital; captain

cat = catalog

cc = carbon copy (复印件;抄送)

CEO = chief executive officer

cert = certificate

CFM = confirm

cncl = cancel

cp. = compare

cit = citizen

civ = civil; civilization

clk = clerk

cml = commercial

co. = company

c/o = care of(转交)

col = college; color

com = commentary; common; communication; community comm = commission

comp = complete; computer; competition con = conclusion; against

cond = condition

cont. = continent; continued

corp = corporation

cust = customer; custom; customs

Dec = December

dec = deceased; declaration

def = defender; defense

deg = degree

dep = deposit

DEPT = department

disc = discount

dist = distance; distinguish

div = divide; divorced

do. = ditto (同上)

dorm = dormitory

dpt = departure

dz = dozen

e = east; earth; engineering

econ = economics; economy

ed. = education; editor

e.g. = exempli gratia = for example encl. = enclosed; enclosure

esp. = especially

etc. = et cetera = and so on

ex. = example; exception; extra

exp. = export

expln = explain

ext = extend; extension

FAX = facsimile

Feb. = February

fem = female; feminine

ff. = following

fig = figures

fin = finance; financial

fl = fluid

FLT = flight

FOB = free on board (船上交货;离岸价格) for = foreign; forestry

fp = freezing point

fr = frequent

Fri. = Friday

frt = freight (货物;货运)

ft = foot; feet (脚;英寸)

fut = future

FYR = for your reference (仅供参考)

g = gold; grain; guide; gender; gravity G.A. = General Assembly (联合国大会) gen. = generally

gent = gentleman; gentlemen

gm = gram; general manager

gov = government

gs = general secretary (秘书长)

h = harbor; hundred; husband; hydrogen hd = head (头部;首脑)

hf = half

Hon = honorable; honorary

H.Q. = headquarters

hr = hour

ht = height

hypoth = hypothesis; hypothetical

i.a. = in absence; absent

ib. = ibidem = in the same place

ID = identity; identity card

i.e. = id est = that is

imp = import; imperial

IMPS = impossible

IMPT = important

in. = inch; inches

ind = industrial; independent

indiv = individual

info = information

ins = insurance

inst. = instant; institute

int. = interior; interest (兴趣;利息)

I/O = instead of

IOU = I owe you (借据)

I.Q. = intelligence quotient

IVO = in view of (鉴于,考虑到)

is. = island

J = judge; justice

jour = journal; journalist

jr. = junior (大学三年级学生; 年少的; 初级的)

kg = kilogram (千克;公斤)

km = kilometer (公里)

lat. = latitude

lb. = pounds (磅;英镑)

L/C = letter of credit (信用证)

leg = legal

lib = library; librarian

liq = liquid

lit = literature

long. = longitude

M.A. = Master of Arts

mach = machinery

mag = magazine

man. = manual; manufacture

Mar = March

math = mathematics

MDL = model (型号;模特)

Mdm = Madam

med. = medicine; medical

mem = member; memoir (回忆录) memo = memorandum (备忘录)

mid = middle

min = minute; minimum

mkt. = market

mod = moderate; modern

Mon. = Monday

mph = mile per hour (每小时英里数; 车速) Mr. = Mister

Mrs. = Mistress

MS = manuscripts (手稿)

msg = message

Mt = Mount; mountain

mus = music; museum

n = north; noon; name; normal

nat = national; native; natural

n.d. = no date (无日期)

NLT = not later than (不迟于)

No. = number

Nov. = November

nr = near

obj = object; objective

obs = obsolete (过时的); observe

obt = obtain

Oct. = October

off. = office; official

op. = opera; operation; opposite

ord = ordinary

org = organization

orig = original

oz. = ounce (盎司)

p. = page; power; pressure

para = paragraph

part = particular; partner

pass = passive; passenger

PAT = patent

payt = payment

pc = piece; personal computer

pd. = paid (钱款)已付

perf = perform; performance

Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy

pk = park; peak (备注:pk这个符号大家可以根据时髦的用语来灵活拓展其含义) pkg = package

PLS = please

p.m. = post meridiem = [w]afternoon POB = post-office box

pop = popular; population

pr. = pair; preferred

prec = preceding

prim = primary; primitive

prin. = principle

pro = product

Prof. = professor

pub. = public; publish

qr. = quarter

qt. = quantity

qua = quality

r. = radius; railroad; retired

rcd = received

rcpt = receipt

Rd = road

re = about (关于)

reg = register; region

rep = representative

rev = revise; reverse; revenue

rm. = room

rpt = report; repeat

Sat. = Saturday

sch = school

sci = science

sec = second; section; sector

sig. = signal; signature

sitn = situation

sp. = species (物种); specimen (标本) sq. = square

STD = standard

Sun. = Sunday

surg = surgery; surgeon

tech = technology

tel. = telephone

temp = temporary; temperature Thur. = Thursday

TKS = thanks

trans = transaction; translation

trf = traffic

Tu. = Tuesday

T.U. = Trade Union (英)工会

ult = ultimate

UN = United Nations

univ = university

up = upper

usu. = usually

vil = village

V.P. = Vice President

vs. = versus

v.v. = vice versa (反之亦然)

wel = welcome; welfare

XL = extra large (特大号)


Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:JZ。

C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government。governmental official 可以表示为CZ

P 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。那么politician 就可以表示为PZ

E 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up,

ect. E 数学符号表示总值。

G 表示效率:efficient, effective。G为效率符号。

Q 表示"通货膨胀":inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。

A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。

B 表示商业:business。

C×表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation "C×"中的"×"表示反对,字母"C"将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和confrontation。

W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。它是work的第一个字母。所以WZ就可以用来表示worker, 而W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示employee)。

i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。

U U看酷似一个酒杯,在笔记中表示合同、协议(treaty, agreement)一般只有在谈判成功、协议成交后才会表示"举杯祝贺"。如果在U内填入2××××,就可以表示为bilateral (双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral(三边的)。填入在U中填入1表示: Unilateralism (单边主义),填入m (multiple) 表示多边主义。如果在U上加一个"/"××××表示谈判破裂。

O 表示"国家"、"民族"、"领土"等:country, state, nation, etc.gO表示进口,Og表示出口

h 这个符号酷似一把椅子,可以表示主持、主办:chair, host, preside over。那么在此符号上加Z表示主席,主持人:chairman, host, etc.

T 表示"领导人":leader, head那么head of government, head of company 便可以表示为CT


k 这个符号看上像条鱼,所以表示"捕鱼业"等合fishery 有关的词汇。

O 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc.

J 表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc.

L 表示不满、生气unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc.

EO 表示听到、总所周之:as we all know, as is known to all, as you have already heard of, etc.

O 表示漠不关心、无动于衷:indifferent, apathetic, unconcern, don't care much, etc.


g 表示到达、传达:go into,arrive at,give to,send to,present to etc.

表示导致、引导:lead to, result in, in the direction of, etc.

表示屈服:submit to

f 表示来自于:be/come from,return,receive from, etc.

表示追溯到:come/go back to,originate

h 表示上升:up/upward/rise,increase,arise,ascend, etc.

表示发射、投放市场、发行:launch,open, start, etc.

表示发展、加强、推进:develop,strengthen,promote, etc

表示"波折":ups and downs, twists and turns, etc.


+ 表示"多": many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.

++(+2) 表示"多"的比较级:more

+3 表示"多"的最高级:most

-表示"少": little, few, lack ,in short of/ be in shortage of etc.

×表示"错误"、"失误"和"坏"的概念:wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc.

> 表示"多于"概念:bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, etc.

表示"高" 概念:superior to,surpass, etc.

< 表示"少于"概念:less/smaller,etc.

表示"低"概念:inferior to,etc.

= 表示"同等"概念:means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc.

表示"对手"概念:a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc.

( ) 表示"在......之间":among, within, etc.

≠ 表示"不同"概念:be different from, etc.

表示"无敌"概念:matchless, peerless, etc.

~表示"大约"概念:about/around,or so,approximately, etc.

/ 表示"否定","消除"等概念:cross out, eliminate, etc.


: 表示各种各样"说"的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, etc.

? 表示"问题":question,issue,例如:台湾问题:tw?

. (dot) 这个"."点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样".d"表示yesterday, ".y"表示last year, ". 2m" 表示two month ago。"y"表示this year, "y2." two year later"next week", 可以表示为"wk."


√ 表示"好的"状态,right/good,famous/well-known,etc.

表示"同意"状态,stand up for,support,agree with sb, certain/ affirmative, etc.


n 表示"交流"状态:exchange,mutual, etc.

& 表示"和","与":and,together with,along with,accompany,along with,further more,etc.

∥表示"结束":end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc.


-ism 简写为 m 例如:socialism Sm

-tion 简简写为 n 例如:standardization (标准化) stdn

-cian 简简写为 o 例如:technician techo

-ing 简写为 g 例如:marketing (市场营销) MKTg

-ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd

-able/ible/ble 简写为 bl 例如:available avbl

-ment 简写为 mt 例如:amendment amdmt

-ize 简写为 z 例如:recognize regz

-ful 简写为 fl 例如:meaningful mnfl


口译笔记速记符号归总 一、做口译笔记时的注意事项 1.口译笔记应记要点,切忌求记“全”。口译笔记是记忆的延伸或补充,不应也不必取代记忆。口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、正反、上下、升降、因果关系等),笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 2.口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。 3.口译笔记可使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用。只要有利于口译的准确性和流利性,不必拘泥于某种文字或符号。例如,“联合国大会”可笔录为“UN”或“联大”。 4.口译笔记使用大量常见略语,例如:cf(compare),Co(company),eg(for example),etc(and so on),esp(especially),ie(that is),max(maximum),min(minimum),ref(reference),std(standard),usu(usually),等。 二、常用速记符号 速记是一项特殊的技巧,速记语言是由一套完整的符号组成的体系。在口译实践中逐步掌握一些简单的速记符号是有益的。 口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。记录分为“脑记”和“笔记”两种。 人脑的记忆由短时记忆和长时记忆两部分组成。顾名思义,短时记忆是一种操作性的暂时记忆,长时记忆属于一种储存性的永久记忆。影响一个人短时记忆的因素很多,其中最主要的因素是记忆内容的意义性。即便是当感知的信息有意义时,人的短时记忆只可容纳由二十多个单词组成的句子,或者一组十位数的数字。因此,对于口译工作者来说,完全依赖人脑的记忆能力是危险的,记笔记便显得十分重要。 in Note taking Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time. Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references. S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g. = example dept = department Use only the first syllable of a word. pol = politics


口译笔记速记符号归总 缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: 拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MGR: manager MSG: message STD: standard RCV: receive 保留前几个字母 INFO information INS insurance EXCH exchange I owe you IOU In stead of I/O 保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK week RM room PL people 根据发音 R are THO though THRU through 高级口译听力常用英语缩略词表 acc = account, accountant acdg = according

acpt = accept ad = advertisement adm = administration ads = address adv = advice agr = agriculture agt = agent alt = altitude a.m. = ante meridiem = before noon AMAP = as much as possible amb = ambassador amt = amount anal = analysis anc = ancient anon = anonymous ans = answer app = appendix Apr = April apt = apartment arch = architecture arr = arrive; arrival


记笔记:常用符号和缩略语 (Note-taking: Useful Signs and Abbreviations) 1.常用笔记符号: 符号信息意义 箭头符号 ↑上升;提高;增强;上涨;增长;扩大;起飞;升空;提拔;晋升(grow, expand, develop, rise, go up, increase , ascend, launch, skyrocket, soar, appreciation, promote, upwards) ↓ 下降;下沉;降低;滑坡;轰炸;减少;恶化;降职;削减/裁减(drop to, bomb, jump, go down, descend, decrease, deteriorate, depreciation, reduce, downwards) ↗上扬;渐渐好转(become better and better) ↘下挫;不断亏损(become worse and worse) →出口;去;向前;出国;前往;运往;导致;发展成为…(export to, enter, arrive in/at, present to, result in, send to, transmit to, lead to, export to, cause) ←回顾;从前;进口;倒退;来自;源于(come from, originate from, receive from, go back to, import from)例如:café← French意为: café源自于法语 数学符号 + 增加;补充;除此之外另外(furthermore, in addition to, with, and, besides, etc) —减少;删除;缺乏(minus, lack) ×表示“不对的,错的,坏的,不好的,臭名昭著的”(incorrect, wrong, bad, inappropriate, notorious) > 超过,大于,胜过,优于(more than, bigger than, surpass, better than, superior to)< 小于,不足,次于,逊色(fewer than, less than, worse than, inferior to) = 等于符号(equal) 在听力笔记中相当于“与…一样”(equal to, the same as),另外可以表示“是…的对手“(a ri-val, a competitor)等意思。那么, ≠表示否定意思“不等于”(not equal to ),或者“不是…对手”(no match for) ≈表示“大约,左右”(approximately, around, about, or so) ∑总和;总数(total, the total number/sum, totally) ∵表示“原因,理由”(because, owing to, thanks to, due to) ∴表示“结果、结论”(therefore, as a result, consequently, so) 标点符号 :表示“说,告诉,认为,宣称,声明,抗议,譬如”(say, speak, tell, declare, announce, protest, such as) ? 表示“问题,疑问,问”(question, doubt, suspicious, skeptical, ask) ·(1)表示“观点,意见,注意,论点”(viewpoint, opinion, idea, point)(2)表示不同的时间概念。如用“d”表示“今天”(today),那么“昨天”(yesterday) 即用“·d”表示,“前天”(the day before yesterday)同理类推,可记为“··d”,3天前 (Three days ago)可写成“·3d”;“d·”表示“明天”(tomor-row),“d··”表示“后天” (the day after tomorrow)。 !表示“惊讶,很重要”(very important, vital, crucial, critical) ( ) 表示“包括,在…之中”(including, within, among, inside) 其他符号 ⊙表示会议室的圆桌(round table),中间的一点可以把它看作一个烟灰缸或一个


口译笔记符号大汇总 一. 地名简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号Korea K Sweden SD Switzerland SW 东西南北中等方位“|-” the Republic of Korea(南朝鲜) ROK “K” the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(北朝鲜) DPRK “_K” Eastern Germany (东德) “G|”Western Europe(西 欧) “|EU” 二. 货币简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号Sterling/pound £US dollar $ Renminbi/RMB ¥Australian dollars #A Austrian schillings Sch Canadian dollars Can$ Eurodollar €New Zealand dollars NZ$ Japanese yen 円 三.时间简写 原词速记符号原词速记符号hour hr minute ’ second ’’morning m afternoon a evening/night/tonight n today d yesterday .d the day before yesterday ”d tomorrow d’ the day after tomorrow d’ ’day by day/everyday dd last night ’n next morning m’ this week w the week before last ”w Monday 1w Tuesday 2w Wednesday 3w Thursday 4w


常用符号 (一)数学符号 +表示“加上”、“另外”、“除此之外”or“多”(plus, and, in addition to 或者many, lots of, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.) ++(+2) 表示“多”的比较级:more +3 表示“多”的最高级:most -表示“减去”or “缺乏/少”(minus, lack, in short of/ in shortage of etc或者little, few) ×表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念(wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc.) √表示“对的”、“好的”、“积极的”(correct, good, positive, affirmative) > 表示“多于”或者“超过”(bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, surpass, superior to, etc.)< 表示“少于”或者“不如”、“逊色”(less/smaller/fewer than, worse than, inferior to, etc.) ≥表示“大于或等于”、“不少于”(more than or equal to, no less than) ≤表示“小于或等于”、“不多于”(less than or equal to, no more than) = 表示“同等”、“相当于”(means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc.) 也表示“对手”概念(a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc.) ≠表示“不同”概念(be different from, etc. )表示“无敌”概念(matchless, peerless, etc.) ≈表示“大约”概念(about/around,approximately, or so,etc.) ?表示“属于”(belong to) ( ) 表示“在......之间”(among, within, etc. ) ( 和)都可以表示并列 / 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念(cross out, eliminate, etc.) ∵“由于”、“因为”、“幸亏”(because, due to, thanks to, as, owing to) ∴“所以”、“因此”、“结果是”(so, therefore, as a result, consequently) ⊥表示“在……基础上”(based on),或者“影响”、“效果”、“压力”“负担”(influence, effect, impact, pressure, stress, burden, load) E 数学符号表示总值(total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. )(二)标点符号 : 表示各种各样“说”或“想”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, express, think, etc. ? 表示“问题”或“疑问”:question,issue,doubt例如:台湾问题:tw? 也可表示“问”(ask)·(dot) 这个“·”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样“·d”表示yes terday, “·y”表示last year, “·2m”表示two mo nths ago。“y”表示this year, “y2·”two year later. “next week”, 可以表示为“wk·” !(感叹号)用来引起注意,表示“危险”、“警告”、“当心”或者“值得注意的是”(dangerous, warning, alarming, alert, hazardous, jeopardy, watch out或者sure, certainly, of course) (三)图形符号 ∥表示转折(but, however, although, nevertheless) ☆表示“重要的”状态:important,exemplary(模范的)best,outstanding,brilliant,etc. ?表示“人”(person, people),因为它看起来像个人头。但是一般不单独用,用在单词、符号或者字母的右上角,比如“中国人”可以写成“中?”,“美国人”(US?), “政客/政治家”(政?),“老师”(T?或者教?) ?表示“会议”、“开会”、“讨论”或“谈判”等(meeting, meet, conference, discussion, negotiation),因为看起来像圆形的会议桌。 表示“国家”、“民族”(country, state, nation)



inquiry, interrogate, ask, mystery,…?问题;question, problem, … !危险,警告,当心,值得注意的是;dangerous, warning, alarm, watch out, of course °人,人民,伙伴,朋友;people, partner, … ?信息,消息,情报;information, message, intelligence, … 删除,废除,放弃;delete, discard, give up, …?贸易,交换,交流,关于,关联,替代;trade, exchange, communication, relationship __ 这个,强调;emphasize a certain word/ phrase. …继续,持续,不断的,长期的,各种各样的,多的;more, continuous, … => 加强,推动,促进;enhance, promote, … × # 不仅;not only, … & 和,而且;and… @关于;about e.g . 例如,比如;for example, such as, … (三)图形符号 ?高兴,激动;happy, pleased, excited, … ?失望,不满意,生气;unhappy, unsatisfied, angry, … 会议,聚会;conference, symposium, convention, session, forum, seminar, council, congress, meeting, assembly, gathering, committee,


口译笔记符号及数字口译 在口译第一阶段考试过程中,听力部分的句子听译和段落听译是难点,这一部分成功与否很大程度上取决于考生对听到的信息进行记录的能力。对考生来说,“脑记”和“笔记”缺一不可,考生听的时候应该把注意力集中在理解和抓要点上,以脑记为主,笔记为辅。 听译部分笔记记要点是关键,而不应该盲目追求“全”。考试对考生的要求是准确传达所听到内容的最基本的、实质性的内容,这就需要考生集中精力抓住并记下关键的词和意群。我们无需也不可能采取听写的方法,整句整段地记录源语信息。笔记记得太多反而会影响对于源语整体的理解。 下面是一些常用的笔记符号,在新世界的口译课堂都会给学生练习到,这里总结出来供更多学生参考使用。 1.缩略(Abbreviations) AMAP——尽可能多(as much as possible) APEC——亚太经合组织 ASAP——尽快(as soon as possible) ASEAN——东盟 B.A.——文学士 B.C.——公元前 B.S.——理学士 CPC——中国共产党 DEPT——系;部门 e.g.——例如 esp.——尤其是 FIE——外资企业 H.Q.——总部 ID——身份;身份证 IOU——欠条

org——组织 Ph.D.——博士 EU——欧盟 UN——联合国 V.P.——副主席 2.数学符号(Mathematical Symbols) + 可以表示“增加”,“另外”,“除此以外”,还可表示“正确”或“好”。 -可以表示“减去”,“少”,或者“差”等。 ×可以表示“错误”,“坏的”,“不好”,“不对”。 >可以表示“大于”,“超过”,“比……好”。 <可以表示“小于”,“不如”,“比……差”。 =可以表示“等于”,“相当于”,“意味着”。 ≠可以表示“不等于”,“不是这个意思”,“不是……的对手”。 ∵可以表示“因为”,“由于”。 ∴可以表示“所以”,“因而”,“因此”。 3.箭头符号(Arrow Symbols) ↑可以表示“上升”,“发展”,“加强”,“改善”,“发射”,“提拔”,“晋升”。 ↓可以表示“下降”,“衰退”,“下跌”,“恶化”。 ←可以表示“来自”,“来源”,“进口”,“回归”。 →可以表示“到达”,“出口”,“前往”,“派遣”,“发送”,“导致某个结果”。 4.标点符号(Punctuation Marks) :可以表示“说”,“认为”,“宣称”,“声明”,“抗议”。 ?可以表示“问题”,“疑问”,“问”。


口译笔记常用符号及缩略语 ::详细内容:: 一、常用符号 (一)数学符号 +表示“加上”、“另外”、“除此之外”or“多”(plus, and, in addition to 或者many, lots o f, a great deal of, a good many of, etc.) ++(+2) 表示“多”的比较级:more +3 表示“多”的最高级:most -表示“减去”or “缺乏/少”(minus, lack, in short of/ in shortage of etc或者little, few)×表示“错误”、“失误”和“坏”的概念(wrong/incorrect,something bad,notorious,negative, etc.)√表示“对的”、“好的”、“积极的”(correct, good, positive, affirmative) > 表示“多于”或者“超过”(bigger/larger/greater/more than/better than, surpass, superior to, et c.) < 表示“少于”或者“不如”、“逊色”(less/smaller/fewer than, worse than, inferior to, etc.) ≥表示“大于或等于”、“不少于”(more than or equal to, no less than) ≤表示“小于或等于”、“不多于”(less than or equal to, no more than) = 表示“同等”、“相当于”(means,that is to say,in other words,the same as,be equal to, etc.) 也表示“对手”概念(a match, rival, competitor, counterpart, etc.) ≠表示“不同”概念(be different from, etc. )表示“无敌”概念(matchless, peerless, etc.) ≈表示“大约”概念(about/around,approximately, or so,etc.) Є表示“属于”(belong to) ( ) 表示“在......之间”(among, within, etc. ) ( 和)都可以表示并列 / 表示“否定”,“消除”等概念(cross out, eliminate, etc.) ∵“由于”、“因为”、“幸亏”(because, due to, thanks to, as, owing to) ∴“所以”、“因此”、“结果是”(so, therefore, as a result, consequently) ⊥表示“在……基础上”(based on),或者“影响”、“效果”、“压力”“负担”(influence, ef fect, impact, pressure, stress, burden, load) E 数学符号表示总值(total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. )(二)标点符号 : 表示各种各样“说”或“想”的动词:say, speak, talk, marks, announce, declare, express, think, etc. 表示“问题”或“疑问”:question,issue,doubt例如:台湾问题:tw? 也可表示“问”(ask)·(dot) 这个“·”点的位置不同表示的概念也不一样“·d”表示yesterday, “·y”表示last year, “·2m”表示two months ago。“y”表示this year, “y2·”two year later. “next week”, 可以表示为“wk·”


常用速记符号大于> 小于< 小于或等于≢ 大于或等于≣ 等于、意味着= 不等于≠ 约等于≈ 遗憾、悲哀; 高兴、荣兴( 错误、否、不、否定× 正确、对、好、肯定√ 不同意N 同意Y 上升、增加↑ 下降、减少↓ 强、好+ 更强、更好++ 弱、差- 更弱、更差―― 因为∵

优秀★ 属于↔ 胜利V 问题、疑问? 和、与& 结论是=> 促进、发展↗ 国家□ 国与国□/□ 原因← 导致、结果→ 对立、冲突>< 波折<< 会议、会面⊙ 进入∩ 接触、交往∞ 分歧⊥ 非常、十分重要** 坚持≡ 关键!

有关@ 替换为∽ 但是‖ 与……比较而言∥ 空洞○ 代表△ 口译成功与否在很大程度上取决于译员在口译表达前对感知的信息进行记录的能力。记录分为“脑记”和“笔记”两种。 人脑的记忆由短时记忆和长时记忆两部分组成。顾名思义,短时记忆是一种操作性的暂时记忆,长时记忆属于一种储存性的永久记忆。影响一个人短时记忆的因素很多,其中最主要的因素是记忆内容的意义性。即便是当感知的信息有意义时,人的短时记忆只可容纳由二十多个单词组成的句子,或者一组十位数的数字。因此,对于口译工作者来说,完全依赖人脑的记忆能力是危险的,记笔记便显得十分重要。 一、做口译笔记时的注意事项 1.口译笔记应记要点,切忌求记“全”。口译笔记是记忆的延伸或补充,不应也不必取代记忆。口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(如大小、先后、正反、上下、升降、因果关系等),笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 2.口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。 3.口译笔记可使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用。只要有利于口译的准确性和流利性,不必拘泥于某种文字或符号。例如,“联合国大会”可笔录为“UN”或“联大”。


口译笔记符号大全 口译笔记符号是口译员在工作中常用的重要工具,它能帮助口译员快速准确地记录和理解演讲内容,提高口译效率。本文将详细介绍口译笔记符号的使用方法和应用技巧,帮助口译员更好地掌握口译笔记符号,提高口译水平。 一、口译笔记符号的概念 口译笔记符号是口译员在口译过程中使用的一套特殊的标记符号,它可以帮助口译员快速准确地记录演讲内容,包括演讲者的语速、语调、重点内容等,从而提高口译的准确性和流畅度。口译笔记符号通常由一些简单的线条、点、圈和箭头组成,每个符号都对应着一种含义或操作。 二、口译笔记符号的分类 口译笔记符号可以根据其功能和用途进行分类,主要包括主题标记、人名标记、时间标记、数字标记、动作标记等几类。 1.主题标记:用于标记演讲内容的主题关键词,通常采用圆圈、方框、下划线等符号来表示,以便口译员在整理笔记时更容易找到主题要点。 2.人名标记:用于标记演讲中涉及到的人名、组织机构、地名等信息,通常采用特定的符号或缩写来表示,以节省时间和空间。 3.时间标记:用于标记演讲中涉及到的时间线、顺序、时态等信息,通常采用箭头、数字、横线等符号来表示,以便口译员更好地掌握演讲内容的时间逻辑。 4.数字标记:用于标记演讲中的重要数字、百分比、数量等信息,通常采用特定的符号或格式来表示,以便口译员更直观地理解和记录。 5.动作标记:用于标记演讲中的动作、态度、情绪等信息,通常采用特定的符号或图形来表示,以便口译员更生动地准确记录演讲者的表达方式。 三、口译笔记符号的使用技巧 1.简洁明了:口译笔记符号要求简洁明了,尽量用简单的线条和图形来表示复杂的信息,避免出现混乱和繁杂的标记。 2.标准规范:口译笔记符号需要根据一定的规范和约定来使用,以确保口译员之间的交流和理解。口译员可以根据自己的习惯和风格进行适当的调整和创新,但不要偏离主流的标记符号。


口译笔记速记符号归总---笔记符号汇总 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(口译笔记速记符号归总---笔记符号汇总)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为口译笔记速记符号归总---笔记符号汇总的全部内容。

口译笔记速记符号归总 目录 [1]。Note-taking symbols and abbreviations [2]。关于缩略词 [3].关于字母和图像 [4]。用箭头、数字符号、标点符号来表示 1。 Note—taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference: Abbreviations in Note taking Use only the abbreviations that fit your needs and that you will remember easily. A good idea is to introduce only a few abbreviations into your note taking at a time。Symbols helpful in math —— these are commonly used in texts and references。 S = sum f = frequency Leave out periods in standard abbreviations. cf = compare e.g。 = example dept = department Use only the first syllable of a word。 pol = politics dem = democracy


弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧 口译笔记符号大汇总 一、地名简写 高级口译听力部分要求考生准确拼写出主要国家的名称和首都。如果要把每个国家的名称完整的记录下来.会很费时间。因此,常用国名的记录方法应常记心中,比如K=Korea, SD= Sweden, SW=Switzerland等等。 有时还可以借助“|-”来表示东、西、南、北、中等方位。例如:the Republic of Korea(ROK,南朝鲜),表示为“-K”; 相应的the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK,北朝鲜), 就可以表示为“K-”, Central London,表示为LD。Western Europe (西欧)表示为“|EU”,Eastern Germany (东德)表示为“G|”。 练习: Eastern Europe, South Africa, North China, Western Germany, South Asia,Central Ital 二、缩略词 英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。 缩略词的写法一般为四种方式: (一)拿掉所有元音 MKT: market MSG: message RCV: receive MGR: manager STD: standard RCV: receive (二)保留前几个字母

INFO information EXCH exchange In stead of I/O INS insurance I owe you IOU (三)保留开头和结尾个发音字母 WK week RM room PL people (四)根据发音 R are THO though THRU through (五)口译听力常用英语缩略词表 原词缩略词原词缩略词原词 缩略 词 ACC Accountant ACPT Accept AMAP As much/many as possible ACDG According AD Advertisement AMT Amount ADV Advice ADS Address BAL Balance BLDG Building CMPE Compete/competitive CERT Certificate

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