当前位置:文档之家› (完整版)仁爱版英语八年级下册导学案(全册)


Topic 1 Why all the smili ng faces?

Section A

任务一:I 1听录音补全下面的答句。

1. How does Kan gka ng look?

He looks ___________ .

2. Why does Kan gka ng look excited?

Because his pare nts want to _______ Jane's pare nts ___________________ t o the movies.

3. Is Jane fond of the movie The Sound of Music?

Yes, it is _______________ her favorite movies.

4. What are Jane and Kan gka ng going to do on Saturday eve ning?

They will _________ the evening at Kangkang ' ____________ .

5. What will Kangkang ' mom do?

She will __________ some delicious food ___________ them.


1. How are you doing? ”的意思是________________ ,这是一个问候语,与之类似的还有

How are you?/ How is it going? /How are you getting along? ,回答此类问候,常用:fine/ very well, + tha nk you/tha nks.

2. Invite your parents to go to the movies "意思是_________________ ,我们可以总结"邀请

某人做某事”,句型为__________________________ .例:Sally昨天邀请我参加她的生日聚

3. spend the evening at my house.” 意思是__________________ 。 Spend 当花费讲,句型为

_______________________ 或_____________________________ 。

4. prepare some delicious food for us ” 意思是 ____________________ 。我们可以总结 "为…准备…”,句型为:_________________ 。“为…做准备”是_________________ 。和我们之

前学过的句型____________________ 意思相同。例:他们正在为考试做准备。_____________ __________________ 或______________________________ 。

5. “ say thanks to your mom. ”意思是__________________ 。我们可以总结“向某人道谢”

句型为______________________ 。扩展一下:向某人道歉、道别、打招呼分别为say ___________ / ______________________ t o sb.

6. You look excited. ” 意思是______________________ 。句中的excited 是____________ (形容词/副词)修饰句中的 ____________ (you/ look )。这一句也可以改写成You are excited. ”意思与原句基本相同。那么我们发现原句中的look和be动词起到的作用一样,都是用

来说明主语的。are excited这种用来说明主语的结构,叫做“系表结构”,那么同样look excited也是系表结构,其中look做句中的______________ 语。与之类似的表达如:

①The music sounds won derful.

②The sweater feels soft.

③Kan gka ng looks tired..

④The food tastes delicious.

⑤The milk smalls sour.

通过观察我们发现,以上例句中的动词都与人的感官有关,我们把这些动词叫做感官动词。我们可以得出结论:感官动词在句中可以做 ________________ 语,后面常加 ___________ (形容词/副词)做表语。表达看起来、听起来、摸起来、闻起来、尝起来……的意思。例:①你的注意听起来很棒!_______________________



④Alice 看起来很伤心,因为她的宠物狗死了。 _________________________________________


III 2,根据图片,选择正确的形容词,用系表结构描述图片。

任务二:I 3.听录音,补全下面的句子。

1. Micheal and his friends _______________ very happy this morning.

2. Their pare nts are goi ng to the __________________________ , And they are goi ng to __

________ the evening at Kangkang ' _____________ .

3. Their parents are ____________ . Because there was _______________ left when Mr. Lee went to buy a ticket. Mr. lee _____________ disappo in ted.


1. Why all the smiling faces? ”意思是______________________ 。这是一个省略句,全局应为:

Why do all of you have the smili ng faces?,也可以改写为同义句:Why _________ everyo ne ________ ?

2. but there was none left. ” 意思是________________________ 。

None的意思是____________ 。与all相对,是指三.个以及三个以上人一或事物中没有一--一个。如果是两个人或事物中没有一个则用neither, neither与both相对。例:

咖啡、水、果汁,你最喜欢哪一个?Which do you like best, coffee, water or juice?

哪一个也不喜欢,我只喜欢茶。_______________ . _________________

None还常与介词of连用,表示…中没有一个。例:None of us is afraid of difficulties.

我们班学生中没有一个会唱英语歌。 __________________________________________ 。

句中left意思是____________ ,常用语名词或不定代词的后面。例:There's no ticket left. 他还剩有大把的钱。_______________________




任务一:I 1听录音补全下面的答句。

1. How does Mr. Lee look?

He looks a little ____________ .

2. Why is Mr. Lee un happy?

He __________ disappo in ted because he could n 'get a ticket _______ T he Sound of Music.

3. What does Jane thi nk of the movie?

She thi nks it's very ______________ .

4. What does Maria think of the opera Cats?

She thinks it's so _____________ and in teresti ng.

5. What does Kan gka ng thi nk of the opera?

He thinks it '______________ .

6. What does Kangkang think the movie, Love Me Once More ?

He thinks it 'so ____________ .


1. “ He seems a little unhappy.” 意思是__________________ . 这一句中的seem 意思是

,通过观察我们发现seem在句中也是用来做语,后面加词做语。例:你爸爸似乎生气了。. Seem后

除了可以加形容词以外,还可以加动词不定式构成:seem to do sth.的句型,意思是似乎

要做某事。例:The weather seems to rain.也可以加that从句,构成It seems that… 的句型。例:It seems that he is quite happy.



①seem (似乎)

②get (变…,常指温度等缓慢、逐渐的变化)The weather gets warmer in spri ng.

③go (变…,指进入某种状态)Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.

④become (变…,指从一种状态变为另一种状态)My father became angry when I lied to him.

⑤turn (变…,常指颜色的变化)Leaves turn green in spring.

2. a ticket to The Sou nd of Music "意思是___________________ .通常我们用of来表示"…的...”,但有时也用to来表示,除了“…的票”以外,还有“…的钥匙” ___________________

和“…的答案” __________________ 。


我们已经知道,在系动词后面常加 _______________ 词来做表语,而很多的形容词是由


㈠名词变形容词,通常是在名词的词尾加y,如:sun- ________ , cloud- ______ , wind- _____ , rain - ________ , snow- ______ , fog- ________ , fun- ______ , noise- ________ , health- _______ , luck- ________ .

有个另U名词变形容词力口____________________ ly,如:friend- , love-______ , day- .

㈡动词变形容词,可以在词尾力口ful女口:use- _____ , care- ________ , help- ______ 通常是用动词的过去分词(-ed),女口:please- ________________ , excite- ________ interest- ______ , relax- __________ , surprise- _________ , tire- ________ , bore- _________ worry- _______ , pride - ________ . 这些形容词通常用来修饰___________ (人/物)。

或者是加ing 构成形容词,女口e xcite- _________ , interest- ________ : relax- ________ ‘surprise- ________ , tire- __________ , bore- __________ worry- _______ 这

些形容词通常用来修饰_________ (人/物).


1. It rained heavily yesterday. But this morning it became ________ (sun).

2. This story is so _______ (fun) and _________ (in terest) that I read it aga in and aga in.

3. Lucy seemed_________ (worry). What 'wrong with her?

4. Michael felt _________ (surprise) and happy whe n he knew he got a full score in the exam.

5. We are _______ (pride) of Yao Ming and Yi Jia nlia n.

6. Our teacher is _______ (pleased) with our grades.


1. “ Are you setting the table for you friends?"意思是_______________ ,短语"摆桌子”表达

为__________________ 。

2. Michael isn 'able t come .'意思是___________________ ,短语"be able to do sth."意思是

,通常也可以用情态动词+动词原形来表达。那么原句也可以改写为。需注意的是“ can+动词原形”不能用于一般将来时,而“ be

able .to.dQ”...…则可以。一.

3. “ He has a temperature.意思是________________ , 也可以表达为____________________ 。

4. “I hope everyth ing goes well. ” 意思是________________________ , goes well 意思是

_____________ ,例:学校运动会开得很顺利。_____________________________

5. “'llring up Michael later. ” 意思是____________________ , ring up 意思是_______________ , 给某人打电话也可以说:_______ / __________sb.需要注意的是,如果ring up加代词作

宾语,则要放在ring up 的____________ (中间/后面)。如:I rang you up yesterday.



Section C

任务一:I 1a,看海报回答文前的三个问题。

II •读课文,回答下面的问题,并完成解析。

1. What is the story about?

2. What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?

3. How did the family feel after Mrs. V on Trapp died?

4. What did the childre n do everyday and how did the father feel?

5. Why did the father ofte n become an gry?

6. How did Maria cheer up the childre n?

7. How did the father feel at first?

8. How did the father feel when he saw the smiling faces of his children?


1. When and where will the movie be shown? ” 意思是______________________________ , 其

中be shown 意思是_____________ 。例:这部电影将会在下周日上映。____________________ 。

2. “ How much does a ticket cost?” 意思是_____________________________ . Cost 意思是

,它的主语是(人/物),只能表示花钱。句型是sth. cost sb. ...,例:这台电脑花了我4000元。.其他表示花费的词分别是:

①spend, 主语是___________ ,可以花___________ 或__________ ,句型是: ________________ 或_________________________ 。

②pay,主语是________ ,只能花_______________ ,句型是____________________________ 。

③take,主语是__________ ,只能花_______________ ,句型是___________________________ 。

3. c are for seven children. ” 意思是______________________ . Care for 意思是____________ ,

与之意思相近的表达有____________________ 禾廿__________________ .

4. The father was lonely ” 意思是_____________________ . lonely 意思是 __________________ ,

是一个形容词,通常用来修饰人,做 ____________ 语。例:他感觉很孤独,因为他没有朋

友。_________________________________________ 。alone 与Ionely 词形相近,但alone 是

一个副词,意思是独自=by on eself,通常用来修饰动词。如:He lives in the forest alo ne.

5. because of the noisy children ” 意思是________________________ 。 Because of 意思是

____________________ .我们注意到,在这个句子中because后面加了介词 _____________ 。

而我们之前because的用法是不加的,例如:He didn 'go to school, because he was ill.那么为什么文中的because后面要加of呢,加与不加有什么区别呢?请你试着通过这两个句子来分析一下。答:because后面力口 _____________ , because of后面力口 ____________ 。

这与我们以前所学be sure 后面加_________________ ,而be sure of 后面加 _______________ 是


6. “ Maria taught the children to sing lively songs ” 意思是__________________ ,我们可以

总结句型“教某人做某事”为________________________ .例:你可以教我跳舞么?_________

。句中的lively 意思是, 是一个词,修饰人或者事物都可以。例如:She is a lively girl.

7. “o cheer them up. ”意思是___________________ . Cheer sb up. 意思是_________________ .

在上学期我们学过cheer sb. up, 意思是______________________。

8. “ the smiling faces of his children pleased him ” 意思是 _________________________ , 句

中please用做行为动词,意思是 __________________ ,例:他的话让我高兴。_____________

. Please的过去分词形式pleased常用与动词的后面做表语,构成句型be pleased with … 意思是, 或be pleased to do sth.意思是。

例:老板对我的工作感到很满意。 _______________________________ .我很乐意和你聊天。

9. “ What did Maria go to the V on Trapp family for? ” 意思是 _________________________ ,

句型:What…for?意思是___________________ ,等于疑问词 ______________ 。

例: What did Kangkang go to the teacher 'office for?

= ________ did Kangkang go to the teacher 'office?

任务二:2 I选择方框中所给的形容词补全电影介绍,并完成下面的解析。

1. “ Jack and Rose fell into the sea"意思是____________________ , fall (过去式fell) into 意

思是_________________ .介词in to 意思是______________ ,其他带有in to 的短语有:get into

______________ , change into ________________ , break into _______________ 。

2. “they were afraid of losing each other. ” 意思是______________________ . Be afraid of 意

思是_______________ ,后面加名词或动名词。例如:她害怕在晚上外出。__________________

3. in the end” 意思是_____________________ , 与之意思相同的词为_________________ , 短

语为_________________ 。反义短语为: _____________________。

4. “ the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere. ” 意思是_____________

_______________________________ ,这一句可总结为句型:__________________________ ,意思是_____________________________ , 例如:I am so tired that I can 'walk any Ion ger.

如果that后面加了一个否定句,那么这个句型也可以改写为“too…to do…“的句

型。那么上面的例句也可以改写为 ______________________________________ .有时候也可以

改写为” not …eno ugh to do … “的句型。如:He is so young that he can 'go to school. 可以改写为,He is not _____________________ t o go to school.

She was very sad and went mad. ” 意思是 _____________________ , 短语,go mad 意思是

___________ .例如:我们担心她可能会失去理智。_____________________________________ .

Section D

任务一:I 1a,1b,读课文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F),并解释原因。

1. Beijing Opera has a history of 250 years.()

2. There are only four roles in Beijing Opera.( )

3. People love Beiji ng Opera because of the famous stories.( )

4. Beiji ng opera is popular with people of all ages all the time.( )


1. It came into being after 1790” 意思是_________________________ ,句中短语come into being意思是_____________________ .例:这种风俗在很早以前就形成了。This custom _____________________ long ago.

2. Beijing Opera is full of famous stories, beautiful facial paintings, wonderful gestures and fighting. ” 意思是____________________________________________ ,句中短语be full of 意

思是_____________________________ ,例:在五一节,商场里面挤满了人。On May Day holiday, the supermarket __________________________ .

3. Beiji ng Opera used to be popular with old people, while young people did n 'like it very much.” 意思是______________________________________________________________ . 句中短语be popular with意思是______________________ ,例:摇滚乐不受老年人欢迎。The rock music _____________________________ 。句中while 的意思是 __________ , 用来表示对比,

例:Sally 喜欢户外活动,而Maria 却喜欢呆在家里。____________________________________ .

4. are becoming interested in it nowadays. ”意思是 ________________________________ , 句中become interested in … 意思是________________________ . 例:在看过音乐之声后,我对

唱英语歌产生了兴趣。I became __________________________ after seeing The Sound Of Music.句中nowadays 意思是___________________ ,是一个 _________ 词,用于句尾或句首(用逗号隔开),例:如今几乎没有人写信了。Few people ________________________ .任务二:1c,听录音补全短文,并完成解析。

1. then they find a way to make peace with each other. ” 意思是_________________________ ,句中短语make peace with… 意思是 __________________________ ,例:他正计划着和他的父

母和解。He is pla nning ____________________________ his pare nts.

2. The stories usually end with happ in ess. ” 意思是__________________________ ,句中短语end with… 意思是______________ , 我们上个学期学过 "以..... 开始”表达为______________ ,例:他的生日聚会以一首歌开始,以欢乐结束。His birthday party began ________________ and ________________________ .

任务三,2. I看图回答问题。

Picture 1.① How did he feel to be in Beijing?

② How did he go to the hotel?

Picture 2. ①What happened when he reached the hotel?

② How did he become after he looked for his ID card everywhere?

Picture 3. ①Who came back and give him his ID card?

② How did he feel whe n he got his ID card back?

Picture 4.①What did he do in the end?

② How was he in the end?

II •根据以上问题及答案,写一篇短文来讲述这个故事。

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案Unit 5 Feeling Happy - 9 -

Topic 2 I feel better now

Section A

任务一:I 1a,听录音补全下面的短文。

Hele n is w _______ about Li Hong. She is so u _________ , and she is crying because she did b ________ in the En glish exam. She is very s ________ with herself. She is n ____ here. She is quiet and s _____ . She feels very l _________ because she has no f _______ to

talk with. So she feels s _______ . Miss Wang thinks she should have to talk with her.


1. “Anything wrong? ”意思是______________________ ,这一句省略了there be,全句应该

是__________________________________ .

2. What seems to be the problem?” 意思是_________________________________ ,句中短语seem to be…意思是___________________ ,例:这道题对你来说似乎太难了。This problem

_____________________ for you.

3. because she did badly in the English exam.” 意思是_________________________ ,句中短

语do badly in sth./doing sth.意思是_________________________ ,例:他期末考试表现很糟。

__________________________ t he final exams.

4. She is very strict with herself . ” 意思是 __________________ ,句中短语be strict with sb.

意思是_____________________ .如果要表达对某事要求严格,则应当用be strict about sth. 例:我的父亲对我的学习要求很严格。My father _______________ m e _______ my study. 5. because she has no friends to talk with. ” 意思是_____________________________ ,句中friends to talk with 意思是________________________ ,我们发现这一句中一…..to . talk, with….起到了一


可以看。There 're lots of new movies before the Spring Festival. 这里我们需


可以住的房间了。He has no ________________ .而如果被修饰的名.词是……https://www.doczj.com/doc/3219242663.html,ce ,或.space ,则介词也常可以省略。例:The people's park is a good place to have fu n (i n).

6. I,should have a talk with her. ” 意思是___________________________ , 句中短语have a talk with sb. 意思是_______________________ .

仁爱版初中英语八年级下册导学案Unit 5 Feeling Happy - 10 -7. f''m really worried about her. ” 意思是_________________________ , 句中短语be worried

about … 意思是_____________________ . 例:你担心即将到来的考试么? ______ you

_________________ t he comi ng exam?


任务三:3听录音,补全Helen写给Li Hong的电子卡片。并完成下面的解析。

1. f ake it easy”意思是_________________________ ,常用来劝解他人不要因为某事而紧张、

心神不宁或过于兴奋。例:上台的时候不要紧张。_____________________ when you are on the


2. Try to talk to others, ” 意思是_____________________ , 句中try to do sth. 意思是 ________

_________________ , 句中talk to sb. 意思是____________ , 其中介词to 也可以换成。而talk about 的意思是___ .


Section B

2. Why?

Because she is ____________ , She always tells ____________ to Li Hong and makes her

_________ . She seems _______________________ Li Hong.

3. How does Li Hong feel now?

She is feeli ng _________ now.


1. because I failed the English exam. ” 意思是____________________________ , fail +n./ to do

意思是_______________.例:1.他没有通过驾照考试。He _________ his driving test. 2.医

生们没能拯救这个女孩的生命。Doctors __________________________ the girl 'life.

2. Every one gets these feeli ngs at your age.” 意思是__________________________________ , 句中at your age意思是_______________________ .例:在你(们)这个年龄,我的吉他已经弹

的很好了。I played the guitar ______________________ .

3. Who do you want to make friends with? ” 意思是______________________________ .句中make friends with sb. 意思是 ______________________________ . 例:我想禾廿Helen 交朋友。

4. She always tells me jokes ” 意思是_______________________ . 句中短语tell sb. jokes 意

思是_______________________ .如果要说“讲一个笑话”,表达为_________________________ .需要注意的是play a joke意思是开玩笑,如果要说"同某人开玩笑”,其表达为play a joke./jokes…on ..sb....例: 1.他很擅长讲笑话。______________________ . 2.别和我开玩笑。

同时joke还可以当动词,意思是说笑,或者开玩笑。例:I was just joking.我只是在开玩笑。

5. There, there! It 'l be OK. ” 意思是________________________ ,句中There, there!意思是

任务二:1, 2a,读课文,完成下面的解析。

1. 'They may have unhappy feelings after some bad experiences. ” 意思是________________ _________________________ , 句中的experiences 意思是. 需要注意的是experienee当经历讲时时可数名词,当经验讲时是不可数名词。例: 1.我从过去的经历

总学到很多。I learned a lot from the ______________in the past. 2.她没有教学的经验。She has no ______________ i n teachi ng.

2. but I don 'tknow how to stop these unhappy feelings. ” 意思是_________________________ , 句中how to stop 意思是_____________________ , 这是____________ + ________ 的结构,这

一结构常用来做动词的宾语。例:你能告诉我怎么去医院吗?Could you tell me ________ _______________ to the hospital?

3. ft 'snormal to feel sad when something bad happens to us. ” 意思是____________________

____________________ , 句型It S normal to do sth. 意思是: ___ , 例:在长途旅行之后感觉累是正常的。___________ tired after a long trip.

句中something bad意思是 __________________,在这一句中bad修饰something放在something的__________ .规则:.形容词修饰复合丕定代词要放在他们的后面。—...

句中happen to sb.意思是 ___________________. 注意, happen '.的主语必须是事情。例:他昨天出车祸了。 A traffic accide nt ____________________ him yesterday.

4. 在文中出现了很多”lt S…to do…”的句型,该句型的意思往往是 ________________________ . 例:1.向你的儿子道歉是没关系的。_________________________________________________


5. please call me at 2676790” 意思是_______________________ ,其中句型call sb. at ….

意思是________________________ .

II , 2b,读书上的六个句子,完成下面的解析,并且根据提示给出你的建议。

1. "Be afraid of speaking English in public. ” 意思是_________________________________ , 句

中短语be afraid of doing sth.意思是____________________________ .例:别害怕犯错误。

句中短语in public 意思是_______________________

2. Have difficulty talking with your parents. ” 意思是_________________________________ . 句

中短语have difficulty (in) doing sth. 意思是_____________________________________ . 例:他学

数学有困难。He _________________________ Maths.

Your suggesti ons:






Section C

任务一:I, 1,读李宏写给小芳的信,完成下面的解析。

1. How time flies! ” 意思是_____________________ .

2. What 'more,” 意思是_________________ .

3. f' couldn 'sleep as well as usual. ” 意思是__________________ ,句中as …as … 意思是

_______________ .这个句型常用来进行同级的比较,一……在一.as…..as. 一的中」间加形容词或副词的—一原形。例:我认为汉语将会和英语一样重要。__________________________________ I thi

nk Chi nese will be

En glish.

句中的as usual也可以作为一个单独的短语,意思是像往常一样。例:他像往常一

样早早去上班了。He went to work early _____________ .

4. “ was not used to everything here. ” 意思是_________________________ .句中be used to…意思是____________________ .注意不要与“ used to…”混淆。Be_u_sed -to一加..n./doing _做

宾语。例:1.我喜欢这里的天气。I _________________ the weather here. 2.托尼喜欢睡前喝

一杯牛奶。Tony ____________________ a glass of milk before going to bed.

5. “thought the roads here were not so clean as those in our hometown. ” 意思是_________

。句中not so/as… as… 意思是_____ . 这个句型常用来进行降级比较,中间同样加形容词/副词的___________ 。例:Helen写得不

女口Jane 认真。Helen ________ write ____________________ Jane.

6. ft also seemed that the people here were not so friendly as you. ” 意思是_______________

. It seemed that …意思是. 这个句型也通常可以改写成seem to do sth.的句型。如原句可以改写为People here seemed not to be so friendly as you. 请仿照例子改写:It seemed that he is quite interested in that book.= He in that book.

7. With the help of my teacher and classmates” 意思是________________________ . With the help of sb.意思是___________________________ .这个短语也往往可以改写成with one 'help.

那么原句也可以改写为______________________ .

8. f''m getting used to the life here. ” 意思是___________________________ . 句中get used to _______________________ .与be used to… 意思相同,但get used to…强调习惯的过程。例:你需要习惯城市里的生活。_ Y ou n eed to ___________________________ the life in the city.

9. f'm not afraid to talk with others now. ” 意思是_________________________ . 句中be afraid to do sth.意思是_______________________________ .例:我怕会吵醒你,所以调小了音量。

I ____________________ , so I tur ned dow n the radio.

任务二:2根据方框中的信息,用"as・・as…”和not as/so…as…”造句。



Section D

任务一:1a, I,读课文,将上面的词和短语与其相对应的英文释义连线,并完成下面的解析。1. 'Nobody can be happy all the time. ” 意思是___________________________ . 句中短语all the time意思是________________________ .

2. If you don 'tknow how to deal with these problems, ” 意思是 __________________________ ,

句中短语deal with… 意思是______________________ .例:你将怎样处理的旧电脑?________ will you _____________ your old computer?

3. Jeff almost went mad when his elder brother was killed in a car accident. ” 意思是_______

. 句中短语go mad 意思是, elder brother 意思是. elder通常用来修饰brother或sister,表示哥哥或姐姐,这时

不能用older, older通常只用来比较两个人的年龄。例:I am older than Tom.如果要表示

弟弟或妹妹则用_________ 来修饰brother或sister。

4. He refused to play soccer …” 意思是__________________ , 句中refuse to do sth.意思是

__________________ 。例:这个学生拒绝按照老师说的做。This stude nt ______________ as the teacher said.

5. instead, he just sat in his bedroom …” 意思是 _________________________ ,句中in stead

意思是_________________ ,在本句中应当翻译成“而是”,用于句首,用逗号与主句隔开,

也可用于句尾。上句也可以说:He just sat in his room in stead.例:1.他拒绝吃垃圾食品,

(而是)他吃大量的水果和蔬菜。He _______________ j unk food, __________ , He eats plenty of fruit and vegetables. 2. 他没有回家,而是去看了场电影。______________________ ,_______

6. He was quite angry with the driver ” 意思是____________________________ ,句中句型be angry with sb.意思是 _______________________ .例:请不要冲我发脾气,不是我的错。Please don'__________________ me , It wasn 'my fault.

7. Even though it was an accident.” 意思是__________________________ ,句中短语even

though 意思是___________________ ,也可以说...even. ..if,.一除此之外....though\ ..although.也表示.

“虽然、.尽管、、纵然.…」”…的意思。一要注意的是,这些词都丕能与...一_…but.连用。例:Even though Even if/ Though/ Although It was dark outside, he still went to the factory..

8. but he does n 'hate the driver any Ion ger. ” 意思是 _______________________ . 那么句型not…any Ion ger意思是__________________________ 。例:他不再害怕在课堂上回答问题了。

He ___________________________________ .

而文中另一句“ he no Ion ger stays in his room by himself. ” 意思是_________________ . 那么no longer 意思是, 通过观察我们发现no Ion ger 与意思相同,no lon ger 用于(句中/句

末),any Ion ger 用于________________ (句中/ 句末)。例:I don 'have any difficulty talki ng with my pare nts any Ion ger. 也可以说I _______________________________________ .

句中by himself ” 意思是________________ , 短语by on eself 意思是_______________ 。II再读一遍课文,回答下面的问题。

1. Is it a big problem if you feel un happy, sad or an gry? Why or why not?

2. What should we lear n from Jeff?

3. How does Jeff feel after his elder brother was killed in a car accide nt?

4. Did he play soccer or go to the movies with his friends after that?(需补充说明)

5. Why was he so angry with the driver?

6. How is he going now?

7. Does he still stay in his room by himself?(需补充说明)


Section A

任务一:I. 1a,听录音,补全下面的答句。

1. How are they talk ing to each other?

They are talk ing on the _________ .

2. How does Michael sou nd?

He sounds __________ .

3. What does Michael think happens to him?

He thinks he may have SARS. He feels __________ . He thinks he 'dying.

4. How long has he felt like this?

5. Why does n 'the go to see a doctor?

Because he is afraid of tak ing __________ medic ine.

6. What does Kan gka ng suggest that Michael should do?

He suggests that Michael should be _________ and follow the doctor ' ___________ .


1. ft makes me feel nervous. ” 意思是_______________________ . 句型make sb. do sth.意思

是___________________ .这是一个使动用法,在宾语sb.后要加动词_______________ 做宾语补

足语。也可以加名词或形容词来做宾语补足语,如: 1.杰克是个好学生,同学们让他当

班长。Jack is a good student and his classmates made him ___________ . 2. 好天气让我很

开心。The good weather _________________ .

2. f'think I m'd ying. ” 意思是_______________________ . 句中be dying 意思是_____________ . die是一个瞬间动词,通常不用进行时态,而它的进行时态通过表示“快要死亡”的意思。

3. How long have you felt like this? ” 意思是______________________________ ,意思与我们

上学期学过的__________________________________ 相同。句中How long 用来对

_______________ 提问。你能写出几个用来回答How long 的词么?____________________

句虫..have, .felt ..是一现在完成时…的谓语纟吉构。其结构为一.“一一…have/has .+一一过去分词”…,一用来.表. 达某一动作到目前为止已经完成的含义。也可以用来表达某一动作到目前为止已经持续

多久的意思。例:我读这本小说已经一周了。I the novel for a week. (read 的过去分词形式不变)

4. I'm sorry about your illness, ” 意思是 ____________________________ .句中短语be sorry about… 意思是________________________ . be sorry 之后除了可以加介词about之外,也

可以加介词for表示 ____________________ .还可以加动词不定式,表示____________________ .例:1.丢了你的书我很抱歉。I'm _______________________ y our book. 2.听到那个消息我很

难过。I'm __________________________ that.

5. ft can d be SARS. ” 意思是___________________________ . 句中can't 意思是 ___________ , 用来表达推测,如果要表示“一定”则用______________ .例:1.他不可能在家。He __________ _________ at home. 2.那一定是Michael的书,因为他的名字在上面。That _________ _________ Michael ' book, because his name is on it.

6. “ hate to go to he hospital.” 意思是____________________ .句中hate to do sth.意思是

_______________ . Hate 后面即可以加to do 也可以加 ____________ ,和like的用法一样。

7. “'m afraid of taking bitter medicine."意思是_________________________ , 句中be afraid of doing sth.意思是__________________________ , be afraid 后面也可以加to do, 那么原句也

可以改写为__________________________________ .

任务二:I. 2a,听录音,补全下面的表格。


1. “ missed a lot of less on s.” 意思是__________________________ .句中miss 的意思是

__________ 。除此之外,我们还学过miss还有____________ 的意思。

2. “'m worried about the test at the end of the mon th. ” 的意思是_____________________ . 句中at the end of… 的意思是___________________________ .

3. We can take turns to help you with your lessons. ” 意思是___________________________ , 句中短语take turns to do sth.意思是_________________________ .例:我们轮流打扫房间。We

4. Then you can lear n by yourself. ” 意思是 _____________________ , 句中lear n by on eself 意思是___________________ .也可以用________________ 来表达相同的意思。那么原句也

可以改写为_______________________ .

5. That' very nice of you. ” 意思是 _____________________ . 这一句常用来表示感谢,也常

说That 'very kind of you.

6. 'He may ask one of our classmates to give the speech in stead of you. ” 意思是________

______________________________________ . 句中短语give a speech意思是 _________ .短语in stead of 意思是________________________ .


Section B

1. “'m very happy for Michael. ” 意思是________________________ . 句中be happy for …意

思是_________________ .例:我为即将到来的假期感到高兴。I __________________________

the coming vacati on.

2. "If we cant getalong well with our schoolmates, ” 意思是 _____________________________ , 句中get along (well) with sb. 意思是______________________________ .例:你和你的同学相处

得怎么样?How are you _____________________________ your classmates?

3. If we are always in a bad mood, ” 意思是______________________________ , 句中短语in

a bad mood 意思是_____________________ . 如果要说 "心情愉快” 则用___________________ . 与之类似的短语还有"身体(不)健康”,表达为____________________ .

4. he or she should try to smile at life. ” 意思是________________________ , 句中短语smile

at life 意思是 __________________ .

5. So let' give Michael a surprise!” 意思是 __________________________ ,句中give sb. a

surprise 意思是________________________ .

6. We can put on a short play. ” 意思是______________________ . 在这一句中put on 的意

思是______________ . Put on 还有______________ 的意思。

7. "Let'prepare for it. ” 意思是________________________ .句中短语prepare for 的意思是

_____________________ ,意思与短语_________________ 相同。

III •以第一步表格中的前半句为提示复述对话。任务二:听录音,将给出的习惯用语填写在对话的横线上。

Man: ________________ my tooth. It hurts badly.

Den tist: .Open your mouth, please! Ma n: ,no! Sorry …er, I don 'like that. Den tist:

.I have to fill that bad tooth.

Ma n: No, Please don't …

Den tist: .Now, Let 's go on the n …

Man: Stop! I 'm sorry, but I really can 't …I'm so afraid. I'd better go.

Den tist: ____________ . __________ . It only takes a few minu tes. Five mi nu tes at most.

We'll finish it. Now, close your eyes …

任务三:我们之前已经学习过使动用法的两个句型,分别是 _____________________________ 和 _____________ .请你用这两个句型,仿照例句,根据图片和提示造句。 1. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________ 6. _________________________________________ 任务四:读下面的句子,分别形容词来描述你的感觉。 任务五:总结本课出现的短语和句型。


the full moon on Mid-autu mn Festival noise the sunny day orange and yellow Wen chua n earthquake

1. especially when the full moon is hanging in the sky on Mid-autumn Festival. ” 意思是

_____________ . 句 中 especially 意思是 _________________ ,是一个 (形容词/副词),用来强

happy con fide nt Sad and worried Ion ely and sad hard to fall asleep


八年英语下册Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces ? Section A 一、预习目标 1.学习表达情感的形容词 upset, worried, disappointed, unhappy 2.学习linking verb+adj. 结构 You look excited. You look very happy.. I feel disappointed. The music sounds wonderful. 3.学习如何表达个人情感 4.能够询问并表达对事物的感觉 二、知识链接(1)系表结构 何谓主系表结构:所谓主系表结构就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语。 1. 主语 ( Subject ):主语是一句话的中心,表示所说的是谁或是什么,其位置一般放在句首。英语中主语一般不省略。主语主要由名词、动名词、代词或起名词作用的短语或从句来充当。例如: Li Lei is a Chinese boy. ( Li Lei 是名词,作主语。) He is from England. ( He 是代词,作主语。)Feeding the bird s is my hobby. (“ Feeding the birds ”是动名词短语,作主语。)What she said is right. (“ What she said ”是从句,作主语。) 2. 系动词( Linking verb ):系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和句子中的表语一起构成谓语。简单地说,将主语和表语联系在一起,并构成一个完整句子的动词就叫做系动词。目前学到的系动词有 be , feel , look , sound , taste , smell 等。 3.例如:This flower is beautiful. I felt very tired. You look worried. It tastes delicious. 连系动词分为三类:be 动词,感官动词,趋势动词。 1) Be 动词:am, is, are, was, were 2) 感官动词:sound, look, taste, feel, smell 3) 趋势动词:appear, become, grow, get, turn, seem, remain 3. 表语( Predicative ):表语是用来说明主语的身份、特征或状态的。它又叫作主语补足语。表语位于系动词之后,主要由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、分词(短语)或动名词(短语)等来充当。 例如:I am fine . ( fine 是形容词,作表语) He is a boy . ( boy 是名词,作表语) Five plus two is seven . ( seven 是数词,作表语) We are here . ( here 是副词,作表语) He is not at home . (“ at home ”是介词短语,作表语) 二 . 主系表结构的否定形式和一般疑问句形式的构成情况 (一)否定形式: 1. 主语+ be ( is , am , are ) not +表语She is a good girl. → She is not a good girl. 2. 主语+助动词( do/ does )+ not + feel/ smell/ look……+表语。 例如:You look happy. → You don’t look happy. It smells bad. → It doesn’t smell bad. (二)一般疑问句形式: 1. Be ( Is / Am/ Are )+主语+表语?This girl is in Row One. → Is this girl in Row One? 2. 助动词( Do/ Does )+主语+动词原形+表语?例如: She feels terrible. → Does she feel terrible?We look excited. → Do you look excited? 四.随堂练习 1. My brother ____ a teacher. He ____ his pupils very much. A. is, like B. is, likes C. are, likes D. are, like 2. I ____ tired last night. A. become B. felt C. look D. am


课题:Unit 5 Felling Excited Topic 1 You look excited Section A 第课时计划课时【学习目标】 反思与纠错栏Ⅰ. 知识与能力 1.能正确拼读并运用新词汇、重点短语以及功能型句子。 2.能听懂有关情绪的询问与表达的简单对话和陈述。 3.能正确运用本课连系动词加形容词作表语的语法结构,以及交际功能语言写出简 单问候和询问情绪的对话。 Ⅱ. 过程与方法 小组讨论与合作 Ⅲ. 情感态度和价值观 通过对话增强学生口语和沟通能力 【学习重难点】 1. 功能用语How are you doing? 的理解。 2. 描述他人情绪时连系动词正确形式的运用。 【学法指导】 理解掌握连系动词的定义与用法 【知识链接或课前预习要点】 1.invite v. (名词invitation) 邀请invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事; invite sb to+地 点名词邀请某人去某地e.g. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我的父亲和母亲想邀请你父母去看电影。 2.smell v. 发气味;闻(到),嗅(到)n.气味E.g. The flower smells nice.这花闻 上去很香。 3.语言点: 词汇:1)连系动词本身大多都有一定的意义,但意义不完整,须与它后面的表语 一起构成系表结构主要的分类:1、表示“感官”的连系动词:look, sound, feel, smell, taste等。2、表示“变化”的连系动词:get, turn, go, become等。3、表示“保持某种 状态”的词:keep, stay, seem等。 2)重要短语:invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某物 E.g. My mom will prepare some delicious food for us. say thanks/ goodbye /hello/sorry to sb. E.g. Please say thanks to your mom. a ticket to … E.g. He was not able to buy a ticket to the movie. 3)功能型句子: S1. -How are you doing? (答语-Very well, thank you.)相当于how are you?你好吗? 类似的见面问候语还有:how is it going?近况如何?How’s everything with you? 你 的一切如何?How are things going? 事情进行得怎样?How are you doing these days? 你最近怎样? S2. Guess what ! 你猜怎么着!(口语中用于吸引对方注意并引起下一话题) S3. What a pity!真遗憾!感叹句。 【导学环节】

(仁爱版)八年级英语下Unit 5(第2课时)(Topic1 SectionB)导学案【精校版】

仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版) Unit5 Topic1 Section B 一、话题导学:(学习目标) 1. Learn some new words and phrases: seem, opera, not…at all, feel sorry for sb., feel+ adj. to do… 2. Describe feelings and express emotions. 二、预习导纲: 1、单词互译与记忆 1) seem _ 2) opera 2、短语互译与记忆 1) seem a little unhappy看起来有点不高兴2) not …at all一点也不3)I don’t think…我不认为...…4)feel sorry for…为……感到抱歉5)feel + adj. to do sth. 做某事感到…… 3、句子理解与熟读 1) He seems a little unhappy. 2) I think it’s very interesting. 3) I don’t like it. It’s boring. 4) I don’t think the movie is interesting. 5) The parents felt happy to see the movie together. 三、课堂导练: 1.根据句子意思填上适当的词。 1) What’s the _______ with your bike? It doesn’t work. 2) Your sister ______ a little shy. Her face turns red. 3) I____ ____ the book is interesting. It’s boring. 4) We felt happy ________ the good news. 5) Why not _____ the ticket to me? You have no time to watch the film. 2.单项选择 ( ) 1) He lives _________, but he doesn’t feel _________. A. lonely, alone B. lonely, lonely C. alone, lonely D. alone , alone ( ) 2) I _____ The Sound of Music is ___________. I like it. A. think, not boring B. don’t think, interesting C. don’t think, boring D. think, boring ( ) 3) ---Why do you look ____________? ----Because I can’t find my key. A. excited B. happy C. worried D. disappointed ( ) 4) Ann will __________ come to your birthday party because she has a temperature. A. be able to B. not be able to C. can D. can’t ( ) 5) —What ____ news! —Yes, all of the children were ____. A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting 四、复习自测:


Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 I?m so happy. Section A 一、话题导学 学习目标 1.Learn some new words and phrases: invite, film, smell, look excited/ disappointed, invite sb. to do sth. , prepare…for…, say thanks to sb. , a ticket to… , plan to do sth. 2. Describe feelings and express emotions. (1) You look excited. (2) He felt disappointed because he was not able to buy a ticket to The Sound of Music.` (3) What a pity! 二、预习导纲 1、单词互译与记忆 1) invite 2)film 3)smell 4)excited 5)disappointed _______ 2、短语互译与记忆 1) look excited 看起来兴奋2) invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。3 one of my favorite movies 我最喜欢的电影之一4 prepare…for…为……做好准备5 say thanks to sb.对某人说谢谢6 feel disappointed 觉得失望7 a ticket to…一张……的票8 What a pity!真遗憾 9)plan to do sth. 计划做某事。 3、句子理解与熟读 1) You look excited 2) My mother and father want to invite your parents to go to the movies.


课题:Unit5 Unit1Topic2 I’m feeling better now. Section B第课时计划课时 【学习目标】 反思与纠错栏Ⅰ. 知识与能力 1. 能正确拼读并运用新词汇、重点短语以及功能型句子。 2.能正确朗读课本的有关情绪询问和给出建议的文本材料及难度相当的材料。 3.能正确地运用本课新呈现的短语,原因状语从句以及交际功能语言完成类似的对话 Ⅱ. 过程与方法 运用本课新呈现的短语,原因状语从句以及交际功能语言完成类似的对话 Ⅲ. 情感态度和价值观 增强用英语表达情感的能力 【学习重难点】 1.熟练运用原因状语从句 2.学习有关情绪询问和给出建议的对话的写作。 【学法指导】 熟记重要短语 【知识链接或课前预习要点】 词汇: 1.fail v. 不及格;失败;未做; 1) fail (in) the exam考试不及格、没通过;反义词pass the exam. 2) fail to do 未能做到,未履行某事, 如:Doctors failed to save the girl’s life. 医生们未能保住那女孩的性命。 2.joke n. 笑话,玩笑(可数名词);v. 说笑话,开玩笑;tell sb. Jokes 给某人讲笑话; 如:She always tells me jokes and makes me laugh. 她总是给我讲笑话逗我发笑。 play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑。 3.at one’s age:在某人这样的年龄时, 如:Everyone gets these feelings at your age. 每个人在你这样的年龄时都会有你这样的感觉 4.by the way 顺便提一下,捎带说一下(常用于谈话间引入新的话题), 如:By the way, Miss Wang says that you want to be friends with me. 顺便提一下,王老师说你想和我做朋友。 5.seem to do 似乎/好像…… 如:She seems to like me. 她好像挺喜欢我。 (二).语法:复习原因状语从句,如:I’m feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 我真的很难过,因为我英语考试不及格。 (三).功能型句子: S1. –How are you feeling today? “今天感觉如何?” —I’m feeling really sad.”我很难过”或者—I’m feeling better. “我现在感觉好些了。” S2. Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad?“在你难过时为什么不找个人说说话呢?” Why don’t you do …用于提出建议,类似的表达还有why not do…?/ how/ what about doing?/ you should do… / you had better do… S3. There, there! “好啦!好啦!”there 在这里是语气词,用于安慰别人,尤其是孩子。表示 安慰的句子还有:Don’t worry./ It’ll be OK.

仁爱英语八(下)Unit 6topic1section C导学案

临溪中学校_八_年级_英语_学科导学案 重庆石柱临溪中学校:程冬 导学案背景: 1. 学生:中学 2. 学科:英语 导学案课题: We’re going on a spring field trip. 教材分析: 本课是仁爱版英语八年级下册unit6 topic1 section C的一篇阅读文章,通过继续谈论旅行,巩固学生对动词不定式的掌握,并了解西方学生是如何自己筹钱去旅行,让学生思考我们旅行的费用是跟自己父母要,还是通过做一些适合中学的劳动,自己筹钱去旅行,使学生养成自食其力的优良品质。 知识目标: 1.学习新单词和短语: afford ,come up with ,look forward to doing sth ,hear from 2.巩固学生对动词不定式的掌握 情感目标: 养成独立自主、自食其力的优良品格 导学重难点: 1.继续学习动词不定式 2.谈论旅行的话题,训练英语口语 3.通过国西方学生筹钱旅行的了解,思考自己如何筹钱旅行 导学方法: 通过“自我思考、同桌互助、小组讨论”,是“读—思—练”模式贯穿课堂 教具: 多媒体、课件 导学过程: 一.自主学习,交流生疑 1.收集小组成员“五一假期”的旅行安排, 做出费用的预算, 思考筹钱的途径 go to _________, by ________, _____ hours, costs _________ 2.预习Section C,划出重点短语、句型以及不定式 二.合作探究,成果展示 Step 1 Lead-in To sing an English song and to talk about your feelings now https://www.doczj.com/doc/3219242663.html,/data2/music/8237515/8237515.mp3?xcode=b5959c31c2a529658199f051 eaf3926f&mid=0.31131656059554 Step 2 Group Work To talk about your plans for May Day,then give a report like this: May Day is coming. In my group, Jane will go on a visit to the Great Wall because spring is the best time to visit it. She will go there by airplane. And it takes her 2 hours to get there by airplane. She will book


Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?同步作业 SectionA 一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1.掌握表达个人情感的词汇,并能正确表达个人情感; 2.掌握“系动词+形容词”的系表结构及用法。 二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】 Ⅰ.读译1a,回答问题 1.Why does Kangkang look excited? ________________________________________________ 2.When are they going to see the movie? _____________________________________________ 3.Where are Kangkang, Michael and Jane going to spend the evening? ___________________________________________________________ Ⅱ.读译3a,回答问题 1.Did Mr. Lee get a ticket to the movie? ______________________________________ 2.How did he feel? ______________________________________ Ⅲ. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1.看上去很激动___________ 2.邀请…做… _____________ 3.去看电影__________________ 4.《音乐之声》__________________ 5.我最喜爱的电影之一_____________________ 6.为…准备… _________________ 7.向…致谢________________ 8.笑脸___________________ 9.去电影院看电影__________________ 10.感到失望_____________ 11.尝着很香___________ 12.听着很美_____________ 13.帮助别人____________ 14.受到穷人们的欢迎_______________ 15.对穷人们很残暴____________________ 16.不受人们的欢迎________________________ 17.本周六______________ 18.真遗憾!_______________ 19.感到开心__________________ 20.在电视上播出______________ Ⅳ. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.How are you doing? Very well. 译:_________________________ 思考:well可以换成good吗?链接:我们学过的见面问候的方式有很多: 第一次见面问候(正式的)_________________________对应答语_________________________ 第一次见面问候(非正式的)_______________________对应答语_________________________ 熟悉的人见面问候______________________________对应答语_________________________ 熟悉的人见面问候______________________________对应答语_________________________ 2.My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movie. 1 2 3 译:_____________________________________________________________ 点拨:to的用法有两种: 一、不定式符号to ; 二、介词to 分析:句子中的三个to: (1)_____________ (2)_____________ (3)______________ 练习: 妈妈让我早睡早起。Mum______me_____ _____ _____bed and_____ _____ early. 3.I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left. 译:_____________________________________ 对比:I went to look for the children, but there was none left. 译:___________________________


2022-2023学年最新仁爱版八年级英语下 册全册优秀教案 Lesson 1: Meeting New Friends This lesson aims to teach students vocabulary for describing personality and how to introduce themselves and ask questions to get to know someone new. Lesson 2: Personal Information The focus of this lesson is on learning vocabulary related to personal information such as age, occupation, and nationality. The lesson also teaches how to ask and answer questions using the correct verb forms. Lesson 3: Summer Jobs In this lesson, students learn vocabulary related to jobs and employment, as well as how to ask and answer questions about summer jobs. Lesson 4: Planning a Vacation

The aim of this lesson is to teach students vocabulary for travel and tourism, and how to plan a vacation using the future tense. Lesson 5: Eating Out This lesson focuses on teaching students vocabulary related to food and restaurants, as well as how to order food and ask for the bill. Lesson 6: Future Plans The focus of this lesson is on learning vocabulary related to future plans and how to use the simple future tense to talk about them. Lesson 7: Leisure Activities This lesson teaches students vocabulary for leisure activities such as watching movies and playing sports, and how to make suggestions and invitations using appropriate language. Lesson 8: Health and Fitness The aim of this lesson is to teach students vocabulary related to health and fitness, as well as how to ask and answer questions about their own health habits.

2021仁爱英语八年级下册Unit8-Topic 1 Section ABCD导学案

仁爱英语八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 1 导学案 Section A 学习目标: 1.学习有关服装的词汇 2.学习so…that…引导结果状语从句的用法 学习过程: 一、话题导学: 本课新的衣服名称,翻译。 1.牛仔裤____________ 2.女士衬衣___________ 3.长大衣____________ 4.风衣____________ 5.围巾____________ 6.帽子____________ 7.短袜_____________ 8.手套_____________ 9.制服____________ 本课衣服材质: 1.棉花,棉质的_______________ 2.蚕丝_____________ 3.皮革_______________ 4.羊毛 ______________ 二、在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子 1.多漂亮的外套啊!___________________________ 2.在三楼_______________________________ 3.在校门口__________________________________ 4.举办班级时装秀____________________________ 5.一起去购物___________________________ 6.下个星期一___________________________ 7.支付不起…___________________________ 8.够到那些苹果_________________________

三. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.You look great today. 译:_________________________ It feels quite soft and smooth. 译:_____________________ 思考: 句中look和feel 是______ 动词。这两个句子同为_____+_____+_____结构。 练习:1)The cookies taste delicious.译_______________________ 2)In spring, trees turn green.译:_________________ 3)他看起来很累。He _______ ______ _______ . 4)天气变得越来越热。It is _________ _______ ______ _______ . 5)迈克似乎很失望。Michael ________ ________ ______________. 6)它太难闻了。It__________ _____________. 2. I like it so much that my father bought it for me. 译:____________________________________________________ My old coats are so small that I want to buy some new ones. 译:__________________________________________ 思考:so ---that---_______________ that引导了__________状语从句 练习:1) I was so busy that I had no time to watch TV. 译:_______________________________________________ 2) The green bl ouse is so expensive that I can’t afford it. 译:_________________________________________ 3)那个男孩是那么矮以至于他够不到树上的橘子。 The boy is _________ _________ ________he ________ ________the oranges ________ the tree. 4)玛丽是那么可爱,每个人都很喜欢她。 Maria______ ________ _________ _________everyone _________ her. 5)Peter跑得那样快以至于我们班没人能赶上他。 Peter _______________________________________________in our class. 链接:so that--- 以便,为了引导__________状语从句 1) I sit in front of the classroom so that I can hear clearly. 译:_________________________________________ 2) We turned on the light so that we coul d see what it was. 译:________________________________________ 3)我起得很早以便能赶上早班车。 译:__________________________________________________________ 4)他们正很努力地学习以便能通过英语考试。 译:_________________________________________________


一、重要字词 唐装如此……以至于时装秀 有时间去购物在第三层 第一层女装区明天见 二、Questions about 1a 1.What is Maria wearing? 2.Is it a cotton one? 3.What does Jane want to buy? 三、重要句子 1. My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones. 2. Do you have time tomorrow? 3. Shall we meet at the school gate at 8 a.m.? 四、重要知识点 so ... that ... 意为“如此······以至于······”。that 引导的是结果状语从句,其结构是“so + 形容词/副词+ that 从句”。 Eg: I liked it so much that my father bought it for me. Such……that当形容词后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词时,只能用such。如: They are such lovely children that we all like them. 五、单项选择。 ( ) 1. He was ____ tired ____ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. enough; that ( ) 2. —Look, here is my new mobile phone. —It’s very nice. Could you tell me____? A. where to buy B. where to buy it C. where will buy it D. where I will buy 3.My dad got up early he could catch the early train. A.so;that B.such;that C.very;but D.very;that 4.Jane's silk dress feels so soft that Lily wants to buy A.it B.that C.one D.ones 5.It's a pity that Mary couldn't that cotton blouse. A.spend B.cost C.like D.afford 6.There are few new words in the article that everyone in our class can understand it. A.a B.so C.such D.every 7.----We can use MSN to talk with each other online now. ------Great! But can you show me use it? A.how to B.when to C.where to D.what to 六、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 Many women have a _________(手提包)with them. This T-shirt is made of ______(棉花). The s____ around the girl’s neck makes her more beautiful. The cowboys (牛仔)in the U.S.A. like wearing j______.

2020-2021学年仁爱版八年级英语下册Unit8Topic3 SectionA-D导学案

Unit8 Topic3 SectionA 学案 学习目标 1. Learn some useful expressions: talk about, watch the fashion show, another one, not…at all 2. Learn how to talk about a fashion show. Did you watch the fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center last month? There will be another one there tomorrow. Would you like to go with me? 3. Continue to learn Object Clauses ( Pay attention to the tenses of the object clauses) Kangkang said he watched it. He said the fashion show was wonderful. She asked Kangkang what he was doing. He said he was designing their school uniforms. 预习导纲: 1、短语互译与记忆 1) 谈论________________________ 2) 看时装秀_____________________ 3) not…at all______________________ 4) another one_____________________ 5) 有两个口袋的长裤_______________ 6) 和某人一起去__________________ 2、根据汉语提示完成句子 1)Did you _____(看) the fashion show last month. 2)He said the fashion show was _____(好极了). 3)The poster __________(写着) it will start at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow. 4)It also says many _____(著名的) models are going there. 5)That _____(听起来) interesting! 3、句子理解与熟读 1) There will be another one there tomorrow. 2) Kangkang said he watched it. 3) He said the fashion show was wonderful. 4) She asked Kangkang what he was doing. 5) He said he was designing their school uniforms.

仁爱版八年级下册英语《Unit 5 Topic 2 I feel better now Section B》导学案【精校版】

仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版) 八年级英语下册《Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 I feel better now Section B》导学案(无答案) 课型:对话课阅读课 课时:2课时 学习目标: 1. Learn some new words: feeling, fail, experience, suggestion, normal, soft 2. Go on learning adverbial clauses of reason (原因状语从句): 3. Learn some sentences of reassuring(安慰) others: Don’t worry. There, there! It’ll be OK. 4. Learn to deal with unhappy feelings.(坏情绪). 学习重点:学习目标第2点。 学习难点:学习目标第3、4点。 Task 1 预习热身(学生版:自学) 一、过词汇、短语关: 1.试拼读125-126页P11-12的新单词,小组内相互拼读。 2. 在家听写P11-12单词。 3. 读1a、2a找出下列重点单词、短语, 并在课文中勾画出来。 英汉互译: (1)英语考试不及格 = (2)在某人的年龄时 _ (3)给某人讲笑话(4)似乎/好像喜欢我 (5)怎样和别人交流 _(6)怎样抑制这些坏情绪 (7)糟糕的事(8)用……号码给某人打电话 (9)soft music 10)sth. happens to sb

二、对话1a。 句型: 1. I am feeling really sad because I failed the English exam. 意思是 . f ail the… exam =fail to pass the… exam =not… pass an exam意思是 2.Why don’t you talk to someone when you feel sad? 意思是 . talk to sb.≈意思是 3. E veryone gets these feelings a t your age. 意思是 . at your age意思是 4.There, there! It’ll be OK. 意思是 . (There, there!“好啦,好啦!”在这里是语气助词,表示安慰别人) 三、对话2a。

仁爱英语八年级下册导学案Unit6 3D

Unit6T opic3SectionD导学案 授课教师:王小慧 一教学目标 知识目标 1. 学习下列生词和短语: altitude, International Cycling Union, stage, athlete, the Alps, the Massif Central, the Pyrenees Mountains, championship, champion 2.学习一些有用的表达法: It has the highest altitude of any race hosted by the International Cycling Union. The winner is the person with the best total time. He can do that without winning even one of the stages. 能力目标 1.能听懂有关交通规则和交通安全的材料从中获取信息 2.能简单地用英语表达交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则 情感目标学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识 二教学重难点:由if引导的条件状语从句 三导学方法:(1)自主预习(2)合作探究(3)小组展示(4)达标检测四导学内容: (一)【预习案】 1.读并翻译下列单词 altitude, International Cycling Union, stage, athlete, the Alps, the Massif Central, the Pyrenees Mountains, championship, champion 2.完成练习册第一题 (二)【研学案】 1. (教师放1a录音,要求学生合上书本。听录音,注意其中的数字性语言,如年份、距离等。) (教师让学生完成1b。辨别五句话中哪些是描述环青海湖自行车赛的,哪些是描述环法自行车赛的。) (教师在处理重难点词句中,须做板书。) Words and phrases Important expressions largest, Asia, altitude, International Cycling Union, cover, 21 timed stages, one day to rest, go through the Alps (1) If you go to Qinghai Lake, maybe you can see the Qinghai Lake Race. (2) The winner is the person with

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