当前位置:文档之家› unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案

unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案

unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案
unit5 it was herejust now第1-4课时导学案


1、能听说认读写下面单词和短语:scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers



1、我会认。scarf, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, warm jacket, rain boots, school bag, skirt, sweater, dress, T-shirt, shorts, trousers


________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.我会用。我会造句。

(1).Where is my s________?

(2). Where are my r_______ b______?

(3). Where are my g_______?

(4). I wear a sweater on a windy day.







sc_ _f, w_ll_t, s_ngl_sses, gl_ves, w_ _m j_ck_t, r_ _n b_ _ts, school b_g, sk_ _t, sw_ _ter, dr_ss, T-shirt, sh_ _ts, tr_ _sers


in, on, under, behind, beside.

(1).The shoes are _______ the bed.

(2).The desk is ________ the bed.

(3).There is a computer ________ the desk.

(4). There are some flowers _______ the computer.

(5).------- Where are the ruler and the pen?

------- They are _______ the desk


1.能听懂、理解let’s talk 部分的对话内容。




h_ _vy, r_ _coat, w_s, rain b_ _ts, w_r_,st_ll, in fr_ _t of,y_st_rday,l_st, heavy rain( ) just now( ) behind the door( ) last night ( ) in front of ( )

2、再读P27Let’s talk.的对话,翻译对话。


(1)What a heavy rain!___________________________

(2)It was here just now.___________________

(3)Where are my rain boots?____________________

(4)I have to go now. ________________________

(5)Where is my bike?______________________

3.写出下列单词的过去式:is _______ are _________





(一) 连词成句。







(二) 写出本课有关was,were以及过去时间的句子并翻译。



______________________________________________________________________ (三) 完成课本P44的order and act.

Unit5. It was here just now.第三课时导学案

主备人:孟娟年级:Grade6 学生姓名:


1.能听懂、理解let’s learn more部分的对话内容。




thirty years ago()at that time ( ) six hundred students( ) two thousand( )



(1.)Were you at this school thirty years ago?

(2.)But the school was small at that time.

(3.)Was there a library?

(4.)Was there a computer room thirty years ago?

(5.)How many students were there at that time?



2.交流讨论there be 句型在过去时态中的变化。


(一) 根据所给单词的正确形式填空。






6.were (否定形式)______________

7.is (否定形式)_____________

8.are (否定形式)______________


1.There aren’t so many books thirty years ago.

2.Are there a library at that time?

3.Look, there were still there.

4.Is there a computer room thirty years ago?

5.Now there were about two thousand students.

人教版九年级数学上册导学案 23.1 旋转和旋转的性质

如图,E 是正方形ABCD 中CD 边上任意一点,以点A 为中心,把△ADE 顺时针旋转90°,画出旋转后的图形. 例题: 练习1 :如图,?ABC 是等边三角形,D 是BC 上一点, ?ABD 经过旋转后到达?ACE 的位置。(1)旋转中心是哪一点?(2)旋转了多少度? (3)如果M 是AB 的中点,那么经过上述旋 转后,点M 转到了什么位置? E D C B A M . 随堂训练 1.如图a ,△AOB 旋转到△A′OB′的位置.若∠AOA′=90°,则旋转中心是点______.旋转角是______.点A 的对应点是______.线段AB 的对应线段是______.∠B 的对应角是______ ∠BOB′=______. 图 a 图b 2.如图b ,已知△ABC 是直角三角形,∠ ACB=90°,AB=5㎝,BC=3厘米,△ABC 绕点C 逆时针方向旋转90°后得到△

DEC,则∠D=______,∠B=______,DE=_______㎝,EC=______㎝,AE=_______㎝三.归纳总结 (总结本节课所学的内容和掌握情况) 四.拓展提升: 1.如图1.正方形ABCD中有一点P,把△ABP绕点点B旋转到△CQB,连结PQ,则△PBQ的形状是____________. 2.如图2. P是等边△ABC内一点,△AQC是由△APB旋转所得,则∠PAQ= _______ 中考链接 (2016.深圳)如图边长为1的正方形EFOG绕与之边长相等的正方形ABCD的对角线交点O旋转任意角度,求图中重叠部分的面积。(让学生思考、讨论,充分想象,寻求不同的解法) G E F O C A B D

2019-2020年高中人教版英语必修一教学案:Unit 5 Section Ⅰ(含答案)

Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa who was a symbol (象征) of social justice (公正), passed away on Dec. 5, 2013. His death is a great loss to the whole world, since this modern hero, who used to fight for the black people, helped the black people get the same rights as white people, and began a school to help those who had little learning even during the time when he was put into prison. He was the one who always gave priority to (优先考虑) his nation. Nelson was a great man, but he was more than a great man. He was, is, and always will be a hero. In my view, being a hero means more than making great achievements. In fact, heroes are extraordinary (非凡的), because their hearts are filled with love for people. It is this love that makes them heroes, rather than great men. So this is the difference between great men and heroes. What makes a hero is not only one’s achievements, but also his selfless (无私的) love. With great achievements and selfless love, the person can become a true hero, just like Nelson Mandela. 2019-2020年高中人教版英语必修一教学案:Unit 5 Section Ⅰ(含 答案)

人教版高中英语必修3Unit5Canada — “The True North”Period 2 language points 优秀教案

Unit 5Canada—“The True North”Period 2 language points 优秀教案(人教版必修3)Period 2Learning about language: Important language points 整体设计 教材分析 This is the second teaching period of this unit. The teacher can first check students’ homework and offer chances for students to review what they learned during the first period. The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions and sentence patterns in the parts Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending. In order to make students understand these important points thoroughly, we can first get students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations about them, later offer some practice to make students master their usages. Some new words and expressions, such as surround, measure, confirm, impress, rather than, manage to do, and so on are very useful and important. So are the sentence patterns “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ” and “It is so wet there that the trees are e xtremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. ” We ought to pay more attention to them and design special exercises. At the end of the class, the teacher can make students do more exercises for consolidation. In doing so, they can learn, grasp and use these important language points well. 教学重点 1. Enable students to grasp the usages of such important new words and expressions as surround, measure, confirm, impress, rather than, manage to do, etc. 2. Get students to master the patterns “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ” and “It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. ” 教学难点 1. Let students learn the usage of the expression “manage to do”. 2. Enable students to learn the sentence patt ern “The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. ” 3. Get students to understand some difficult and long sentences. 三维目标 知识目标 1. Get students to learn and grasp the important useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Let students learn the following important useful sentence patterns: 1)Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. (rather than. . . ) 2)The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. (noun clause as the appositive) 3)Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. (present participle used as adverbial) 4)Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbor make Vancouver one of Canada’s most popular cities to live in. (make+O+O. C. ) 5)It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 meters. (“pronoun+doing” used as adverbial) 6)Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. (more. . . than any other. . . )


古鲁板蒿小学“以导促学,同伴互助,构建有效课堂”模式的活页教案执笔人:授课人:审阅人:李淑荣李银峰 Unit 4 What Can You Do ? 温馨寄语:Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 学习内容(Learning contents): Unit 4 PartB Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time. 学习目标(Learning aims) 1.听懂、会说、正确读写句型:What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. 2.听,说,认读句子:Mother goat is ill.We can help her.Just do it. 3.总结字母结合or,all,pl,pr的发音规律,并能朗读Pronuciation 部分的例词 4 .听懂,理解Story time中的故事 知识链接: 1.“Mother Goat ”可译为:山羊妈妈。 2. “just do it ”可译为:就这么干吧。 学习指导(Learning guide) 1.自主学习对话内容(试读,试翻译,理解对话的含义并完

成句子填空。) 2.正确书写Read and write中的四会句子 3.理解Pronunciation 中字母组合的发音规则,读出相 应的单词。 4.根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中 注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流) 自主学习(Self-learning) 你能读懂Read and write部分的内容吗?你能正确翻译下面句子的汉语意思吗?来试试吧! Mother Goat is ill. ( ) What can you do ?( ) I can water the flowers.( ) Just do it .( ) 合作探究(Group work) (小组内讨论交流展示,组员推荐二人在全班展示。) 1.你能读懂P48页的对话吗?小组内自由读。找出不懂的词句。 2.你能用本节课所学的知识完成课本48页Read and write 部 分的填空吗? (1)在小组里完成Let’s play 部分的内容。 (2)在小组里总结字母组合的or all pr 的发音规律。并朗读Pronunciation 部分的例词。 小组展示(Group show)


仁爱英语七年级下册Unit5导学案 Unit5 Topic1 Section A 一、学习目标: 1、知识与技能: A:频度副词:如usually(通常),你在P1 还能够找到两个,试一试: ____________(经常);______________(总是) B:学习交通方式的表达法:骑自行车:by bike ;你来试一试: 乘火车_______________乘飞机_______________乘地铁_______________ 乘轮船_______________乘小船_______________乘公交_______________ 乘小轿车_______________ 特别注意!:步行_______________ (可以参考课本P2) C:能够用一般现在时谈论交通方式,尝试翻译: How do you usually come to school ?____________________________? I usually come to school by bus . _______________________________ 康康总是怎样回家的?______________________________________? 2、过程与方法 课前做好预习,预习中做好预测,标出不会的内容,寻求同桌、小组帮忙,聆听别人的见解,专注于老师的总结。 二、重点难点: 1、写出下列动词的单三形式 A. come _______ look_______ work_______ live _______ B. teach_______ watch______ catch_______ C. try _______study _______carry_______ fly _______ D. go _______do _______have_______ 3、补全对话: A: Nice to see you again ! B: ________________________! A: Your new bike looks very new !B:___________________! A: Happy birthday !B:_________________! A: Happy New Year ! B:___________________! 三、学习过程: Step1 : Read 1a . 理解并翻译下列词组或句子 1. Happy New Year ! The same to you !


Unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero Warming up & Reading学案 【学习目标】 1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。 2.通过自主学习,合作共赢,达到对文章进行深层理解的目的。 3.了解曼德拉的传奇人生,学习他的优良品质。 【话题美文导读】 曼德拉曾在牢中服役27年,在其40年的政治生涯中获得了超过一百项奖项,其中最显著的是1993年的诺贝尔和平奖。他是南非首位黑人总统,被尊称为“南非国父”,而且是一位当代英雄。让我们细读下文,了解他不平凡的一生吧。 Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. His father was chief of a tribe(部落首领). Mandela was educated at University of Witwatersrand and qualified (符合资格) in law in 1942. He joined the African National Congress(议会, 国会)in 1944. In June 1961, the ANC considered his proposal(建议)on the use of violent actions and agreed that those members who wished to involve(卷入,参与) themselves in Mandela's campaign would not be stopped from doing so by the ANC. Mandela was arrested(逮捕) i n 1962 and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment(关押,监禁) with hard labour. In 1963, Mandela was brought to stand trial with them for plotting(策划) to overthrow the government by violence. On June 12, 1964, Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment. From 1964 to 1982, he was kept at Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town. During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela’s reputation(名声) grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most significant(重要的, 有意义的) black leader in South Africa. Nelson Mandela was released on February 18, 1990. After his release, he devoted himself wholeheartedly(全心全意地) into his life’s work, trying to achieve the goals he and others had set out almost four decades earlier. In 1991, at the first national conference of the ANC Mandela was elected President of the ANC 1918出生于南非特兰斯凯豪萨部落的酋长家庭 1944参加主张非暴力斗争的非国大 1961创建非国大军事组织“民族之矛” 1962因“煽动”和“非法越境”罪名入狱 1990南非当局迫于舆论无条件释放曼德拉 1993曼德拉获诺贝尔和平奖 1994曼德拉当选为南非第一位黑人总统 1999成为首位访华的南非国家元首 2009联大宣告7月18日为“曼德拉国际日” 2010曼德拉因曾孙女车祸缺席世界杯开幕式1. Guessing game: Who is he/she? ( 7 great persons) 2. Discussion: In your opinion, what qualities make a great person? 3. What’s the connection between Elias and Mandela? A. Strangers B. Friends C. Father and son D. Teacher and student Step2 Fast reading 1. What kind of passage does it belong to? A. essay B. biography C. report D. review It is written by The events happened to Elias: 1940 :1946 : 1948 :1952 : 1963 : 2. How many parts can the text be divided into? Give the general idea of each part. Step3 Careful Reading 1. True or False (1). Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. ( ) (2). Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. ( ) (3). Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. ( ) (4). Elias was happy blowing up government buildings. ( ) (5). Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. ( ) 2. Choose the best answer: (1). What disadvantages did Elias have in finding a job? A. He helped Nelson Mandela blow up the government building. B. He had poor education. C. He was very young. (3). Why did Elias help Mandela blow up some government building? A. Because he liked violence. B. Because it was not dangerous. C. Because he thought it was a way to make black people and white people equal. D. Because he wanted to be famous. (4). From Mandela’s saying, we can get a conclusion that A. Mandela wanted to break the law in a violent way in the beginning.


2020-2021学年七年级英语电子导学案 Self Check 知识目标 类别课时要点 重点词组sports center 运动中心 play popular music 播放流行歌曲 重点句式You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 仅仅用五元钱就得到一大盘饺子。 课堂环节 §自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材P32的单词),看谁记得又快 1.sports center 运动中心 2.play popular music 播放流行歌曲 【新词自查】 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1.—Where are you going? —I am going to sports center (运动中心). 2.—Why do you like the station best? —Because it plays popular music (播放流行歌曲). §课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 参考案例 Teacher: Who is the funniest teacher you know? Who is the most creative writer you read? Which is the most boring lesson you take? Which is the quietest park you visit? Teacher: Well, in our city there are many well-known big stores.Discuss the following three questions I give you in pairs. (1)Which has the best service/ quality? (2)Which is the cheapest/ the most expensive? (3)Which has the worst service/ quality? 环节说明:通过谈论本单元所学的话题来复习本单元所学的目标语言。让学生巩固已学的语言基础知识,更好地灵活运用所学的语言知识。 Step 2完成教材“1”部分的任务 【操作案例】 1.完成“1”部分的任务。(2分钟) Teacher: We have learned many new adjectives and adverbs in this unit.Look at the five words given in the box.Can you use them to complete the sentences? 2.让学生朗读“1”部分中的句子,老师及时纠正学生的发音。(3分钟) Teacher: Make your own sentences with each of the five words in the box. 环节说明:通过本单元重点词汇的灵活运用,让学生掌握其意义和常见用法。 Step 3完成教材“2”部分的任务 【操作案例】 Teacher: Here are some information and five sentences.There are some mistakes in the sentences.We should correct the mistakes in the sentences according to the information. 1.让学生快速阅读课文,熟知大意,然后让同学们讨论完成“2”部分的任务。(3分钟) 2.先邀请几位同学朗读短文(可以一人一段),并进行翻译。教师要注意语音和翻译的准确度,及时纠正错误。(3分钟) 3.巩固练习。(5分钟) 句子翻译: 1.我想要一盘饺子。 I want a______ ______ ______ . 2.三元钱你能得到一本字典。 You can_______a dictionary_______ three yuan. 3.他舒服地坐在这个座位上。 He ______ on the seat______ . 【答案】1.plate of dumplings 2.get;for 3.sits; comfortably 环节说明:通过阅读训练,培养学生的阅读技巧与能力,巩固本单元所学的语言知识和语法知识。 §当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)


Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 单元分析 —-、单元分析 本单元的中心话题是“谈论个人的打算,及对某事物的看法意见=具体涉及电视节目,时尚流行,以及学生围绕电视节目和时尚饰品谈论不同程度的喜好,并发表见解。语言技能和语言知识集合都是围绕“喜好”这一中心话题设计的。Section A所呈现的是各类电视节目以及与此相关的基本语言知识点的初步运用并会发表见解。Section B具体让学生对各类电视节目进行评价。 二、单元目标 (-)知识目标: What do you think of??.?句式在不同人称中的使用极其几种不同的答语方式。 (-)能力目标: 能熟练地用英语表达自己对事物的不同意见及不同程度的喜好。 (三)情感目标: 让学生了解各类电视节目,对各类电视节耳有筛选型的进行收看,通过本单元学习,让学生认识时尚,理解时尚。 三、课时安排 Section A la一lc 1 课时Section A 2a一2c 1 课时 Section A 2d 1 课时Section A 3a-3c 1 课时 Section B la一le 1 课时Section B 2a—4 1 课时 Section B 3a一3c 1 课时Section B Self-check 1 课时

授课人授课时间学案编号 课时 【课题】Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section A la—— 1c 教师复备栏或学生笔记栏 【学习目标】1.会读背单词:news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn ...from...., plan/hope to do sth. 2.谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称。 3.句型:?…What do you think of game shows? -——I like them. /1 love them. /1 don't like them. /1 can't stand them. /I don't mind them. 【学习重点学会询问他人对某事物的观点并会正确表达「I己的看法。 难点】——What do you think of game shows? ——I like them. /1 love them. /1 don't like them. /1 can't stand them. /I don't mind them. 【学法指 导】 主动读记单词、门觉捕捉听力屮的关键词、听示跟读、读用重点旬型 一、导入(启发探究3分 【教学过程】 Do you like to watch TV? Yes ,1 do. What kind of TV program do you know Guide students to say some TV programs. 二、口学(自主探究6分钟) (一)预习指导 1.预习33页单词,并理解意思。 1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检杳读、写情况. 3.写出下列单词并展示. 计划__________ 希望 ___________ 预料 情景喜剧_______________ 4.在小组内核对答案. 5.完成la将单词与图画匹配. 将la中单词与图画匹配。 (二)预习检测同桌互相提问短语。 把1"词纟F1译成汉语。 新闻 ______ 忍受. ,肥皂剧___ 2.


23.1 图形的旋转(1) 学习目标: 1.了解旋转及其旋转中心和旋转角的概念,了解旋转对应点的概念及其应用它们解决一些实际问题. 2.通过复习平移、轴对称的有关概念及性质,从生活中的数学开始,经历观察,产生概念,应用概念解决一些实际问题. 学习重点:旋转及对应点的有关概念及其应用. 学习难点:从活生生的数学中抽出概念. 学习过程 一、复习引入 (学生活动)请同学们完成下面各题. 1.将如图所示的四边形ABCD平移,使点B的对应点为点D,作出平移后的图形. 2.如图,已知△ABC和直线L,请你画出△ABC关于L的对称图形△A′B′C′. 3.圆是轴对称图形吗?等腰三角形呢?你还能指出其它的吗? (口述)老师点评并总结: (1)平移的有关概念及性质. (2)如何画一个图形关于一条直线(对称轴)?的对称图形并口述它既有的一些性质.(3)什么叫轴对称图形? 二、合作交流: 我们前面已经复习平移等有关内容,生活中是否还有其它运动变化呢?回答是肯定的,下面我们就来研究. 1.请同学们看讲台上的大时钟,有什么在不停地转动?旋绕什么点呢??从现在到下课时钟转了多少度?分针转了多少度?秒针转了多少度? (口答)老师点评:时针、分针、秒针在不停地转动,它们都绕时针的中心.?如果从现在到下课时针转了_______度,分针转了_______度,秒针转了______度. 2.再看我自制的好像风车风轮的玩具,它可以不停地转动.如何转到新的位置? 3.第1、2两题有什么共同特点呢? 图形的旋转定义: 旋转中心: 旋转角:

三、应用迁移: 下面我们来运用这些概念来解决一些问题. 例1.如图,如果把钟表的指针看做三角形OAB,它绕O点按顺 时针方向旋转得到△OEF,在这个旋转过程中: (1)旋转中心是什么?旋转角是什么? (2)经过旋转,点A、B分别移动到什么位置? 例2.(学生活动)如图,四边形ABCD、四边形EFGH都是边长为1的正方形.(1)这个图案可以看做是哪个“基本图案”通过旋转得到的? (2)请画出旋转中心和旋转角. (3)指出,经过旋转,点A、B、C、D分别移到什么位置? 四、巩固练习 教材P56 练习1、2、3. 23.1 图形的旋转(2) 学习目标 理解对应点到旋转中心的距离相等;理解对应点与旋转中心所连线段的夹角等于旋转角;理解旋转前、后的图形全等.掌握以上三个图形的旋转的基本性质的运用.学习重点:图形的旋转的基本性质及其应用. 学习难点:运用操作实验几何得出图形的旋转的三条基本性质. 学习过程 一、复习引入 (学生活动)老师口问,学生口答. 1.什么叫旋转?什么叫旋转中心?什么叫旋转角? 2.什么叫旋转的对应点? 3.请独立完成下面的题目. 如图,O是六个正三角形的公共顶点,正六边形ABCDEF能否看做是某条线段绕O点旋转若干次所形成的图形? (老师点评)分析:能.看做是一条边(如线段AB)绕O点,按照同一方法连续旋转60°、120°、180°、240°、300°形成的. 二、合作交流: 上面的解题过程中,能否得出什么结论,请回答下面的问题: 1.A、B、C、D、E、F到O点的距离是否相等? 2.对应点与旋转中心所连线段的夹角∠BOC、∠COD、∠DOE、∠EOF、∠FOA是否相等?


Unit Five Nelson Mandela---a modern hero 词汇学案Words and Expressions Ⅰ.根据要求写出下列单词 1.写出下列单词的词义及反义词 1)mean ___________ ( 反) _________ 2)devote _________(形) _________ 3)unkind __________ ( 反) ________ 4) selfless_________(反) _________ 5)legal ________ ( 反) ________ 6)fair ________(反) _________ 2.构词法 A. 连线组成新的单词 B.构词法 1 hard a hearted 1 hope ____________ (形) 2 warm b going 2 equal _____________(副) 3 easy c working 3 self _____________(反) 4 suit d quake 4 friend _____________ (形) 5 over e coat 5 lazy ______________(名) 6 earth f case 6 free ______________(名) 7 head g line 7 reliable __________(动) 8 out h book 8 active __________(副) 9 man I kind 9 devote ______________ (形) 10 pass j line 3.写出短语 1. 失业_____________________ 2.事实上__________________ 3. 在危难,痛苦中__________________ 4.求助于,致力于______________ 5. 丧失勇气或信心__________________ 6. 当权;上台_________________ 7. 设立,建立______________________ 8. 被判处_____________________ 4. 重要单词短语讲解 1.quality n. 质量,品质, 性质 quantity量,数量,大量 【典型例句】 This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either. I prefer quality to quantity. Kindness is his best quality. 『过关练习1』 1) This shirt is made of cloth of a poor ____________ A. quality B. feature C. quantity D. characteristic 用quality 和quantity的正确形式填空。 2)Vicky has all the ___________ of a good manager 3) The photos are of poor _____________. 4) Tom drank a small _________of water. 2.willing be willing to do =be ready to do sth._____________________ 【典型例句】 Are you willing to help Are you willing to accept responsibility?你愿意承担责任吗? 【类比延伸】 1)willing 指对于别人的建议和要求迅速并高兴的同意。如: The first requisite of a good citizen is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight. 成为一个好公民的第一个要求事他能够并且乐意努力做好其分内的工作。 2)voluntary指没有强迫,自愿选择的活动。 She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.她是这家医院义务服务的。 『过关练习2』 1) I _____ that I have hurt her , but that’s not my real meaning A. willing to admit B. am willing to admit C. am willing to admitting D. willing to admitting 3. fight 1)vi. 打仗;战斗(常与with/ against连用);打架,争论 2)n. 战斗;打架;争论 【典型例句】 People often have to fight for their liberty. 人们往往不得不为自由而战 We must fight the government’s education policy. (比喻)我们必须同政府得教育方针进行斗争。 The two boys had a flight. 【拓展】 fight +n. 与……..作战/ 打架 fight for 为了……..而作战 fight against 与…….作战/斗争 fight with 与…作战/与…并肩作战 fight about/over 因…….而争吵/打斗 用上面的短语填空 1)They told the workers to their rights.

英语必修三Unit 5 Canada课文翻译

英语必修三Unit 5 Canada课文翻译 作者:未知来源:尚学苑2014-09-20 A TRIP ON "THE TRUE NORTH" Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch "The True North", the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. "Youre going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in V ancouver, youre in Canadas warmest part. People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres." That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canadas population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an urban area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the worlds total fresh water,and much of it is in the Great Lakes. That night as they slept, the train rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southward towards Toronto. "真北方"之旅 李黛玉和她的表妹刘倩要去加拿大大西洋海岸的蒙特利尔市看望他们的表兄妹。他们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。要横穿整个大陆的想法很是令人兴奋。 朋友林丹妮,在机场等候她们。他要带着她们和行李去火车站乘坐横穿加拿大的"真北方"号列车。在去火车站的路上,林丹妮聊起了她们的旅程,"你们沿途将会看见美丽壮阔的风景。一路向东行,你们会经过一座座山脉,上千个湖泊,森林还有宽阔的河流和许多大城市。有人想在不到五天的时间里穿越加拿大,他们忘记了加拿大从东海岸到西海岸有5500千米。这儿,温哥华,是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和太平洋环抱。落基山脉可以滑雪,海港供你们扬帆,这些使得温哥华是加拿大最受欢迎的居住城市之一。这个城市的人口增长

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