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元音(20 个)

辅音(28 个)

Section A 1a 用过去式表达下列词组:

1. 待在家里:__________ a t home 5. 去爬山:________ to the

2. 去纽约市:______ to ______________ City 6. 去海滩:______ to the __________

3. 看望我的叔叔:___________ myuncle 7. 参观博物馆: _______________________

4. 去夏令营:________ to _____________________

1c.例题:She went to the mountains. (对划线部分提问)

__________________ s he ________ (on vacati on)?


①你和别人一起去的吗?Did you go ________________ ?

②你买了特别的东西了吗?Did you buy ___________ ? __________

③你遇见有趣的人了吗?Did you meet ___________________________ ?

④你做有趣的事了吗?Did you do ____________________________ ?

⑤你为考试学习了吗(做准备了吗)Did you 一 tests?


①好久不见了。__________________________________ .

②你去有趣的地方了吗?Did you go __________________________ ?


______ you _______ Huan gguoshu ________ ? Yes, I did. It __________________ .


We ________ quite ______________ photos there.


Did you do _____________________ last mon th?


I just ___________ at home ________________ the time ______________ and ________ . Grammar Focus:


____________ w as here. Every one _______ on vacati on.

2. 我为我的爸爸买了点东西。

I __________ someth ing ________ my father.

3. 我什么也没买。

=I ______________________________ .(把上句改为同义句)

3a 用anyone, somethi ng, anything, everythi ng, nothing 填空

A: Did you do ___________ fun on your vacati on, Alice?

B: Yes, I did. I went to San ya.

A: How did you like it? (改为同义句)= ___________ you ________________ it?

B: Well, it was my first time there, so ____________ was really in terest ing.

A: Did you go with ___________ ?

B: Yes, I did. I went with my pare nts.

A: Did you go shopp ing? = Did you ___________________________ ? (购物)

B: ________________ !(当然!)I bought ___________ for myparents, but ___________

for _____________ (我自己).

A: Why didn ' t you buy _____________ for ____________ ? (你自己)

= ______________ buy anything for yourself ? (把上句改为同义句)

B: I didn ' t really see _____________ I liked.


3b 用any thi ng, everyth ing, nothing, every one, no one (没人)填空

Dear Bill,

How was your vacatio n? Did you do ____________ in terest in g? (你做有趣的事情了吗?)Did __________ in the family go with you? (家里的每个人都和你去了吗?)

I went to a friend ' s farm in the countryside with myfamily. _________________ was great.

(一切都很棒。)We fed some hens and baby pigs (小猪).They were so cute! The __

only problem (仅有的问题)was that there was _____________ muchto do in the evening

but read.(晚上没有事情可做除了读书。在这里“but ”的意思是:除了)Still seemed to be bored.

(然而似乎没人是烦闷的。)(改为同义句=Still it that no one bored. )Buy for now.

Section B 1a 写出下列相应的形容词

1. _________________________________ 可口的,美味的:____________ 3.令人兴奋的: 5.糟糕的:

2. _______________________ 昂贵的:__________________ 4.便宜的:________________ 6.无聊的: _________________________


1. 今天早上我和我的家人到达了马来西亚的槟城市。

I ____________________ Penang in Malaysia this morni ng with my family.

2. 所以我们决定去我们旅馆附近的海滩。

So we ________________________ to the beach n ear our hotel.

3. 我感觉我是一只小鸟。

I ________________ I ________ a bird.

4. 我们骑自行车去乔治市。

We _________ b icycles ______ Georgetow n.

5. There are a lot of new ___________ (build) now, but _____________ the old

buildings were still there.(但是许多老建筑仍然在那里.)

6. 我们看到了100年前的中国商人的房子。

We saw the houses of the ________________________ from 100 years ago.

7. 我想知道这儿过去的生活

I wonder ________ life __________________ here in the past. (短语:in the past


8. I really enjo yed ____________________ the tow n. (我真地喜欢在这个小镇周


9. 今天的差异是多么的大啊!

a ____ a day ___________ ! ________________ (感叹句,因为修饰的词是名词,故用What引导

10. 我们想步行到山顶。

We wan ted to ______________ to the top.

11. 但是天开始下小雨了。But then it _______________________ a little.

12. 我们等了一个多小时的火车因为车

We _________ over an hour _____________ the train because there were ___________ __________ p eople.

(在这里over = more than 多于,超过)

13. 当我们到达上顶,雨下得很大了。