当前位置:文档之家› 河南洛阳市汝阳一高高三年级上学期一轮复习英语写作巧用因果关系词(含答案)




英语作文中时常用到“因为---所以---”这样的表达。Because, because of ,so 这样的词语很难激起阅卷老师心底哪怕一丝丝的涟漪。如何有效诠释这个人们时常挂在嘴边的“因为”“所以“呢?我们在写作时应尽量避免重复使用相同的词语,要用贴切多变的词语来展示自己的水平。用词不同、表达方式迥异,也是高级用法。


1.首先as a result of, as a consequence of, due to, owing to, on account of, thanks to, by reason of, for the reason of, for the sake of等介词短语都将是你不错的选择。

(2019·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)Because of my familiarity with Chinese painting culture, I can get foreigners and the locals to know more about Chinese paintings .


2.若想连接句子,则可使用since, for, as, now that, in that, considering等连接词。

Since it happened, why not try hard to get it settled?


3.倘若认为以上表达稍显单调,则可加入各种从句。譬如:借助名词性从句,可构成owing/due to the fact that ...此类表达;借助定语从句,可构成which results from, accounts for, makes for等表达。

①Due to the fact that Ryan was severely injured in the car accident, he was immediately sent to the ICU.


②Generation gap, which may result from differences in thoughts and consciousness, makes it hard for children to live harmoniously with their parents.




Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend.


Owing to the guidance from Laura, Samuel has made steady progress in grammar learning.


Now that you are unwilling to tell us the truth, we have to turn to the police for help.


Considering that you have broken the traffic rules, you are running the risk of being fined.


Due to the fact that playing online games will swallow a huge amount of time, it does great harm to teenagers.


Recently, our daily life has been greatly affected by the smog, which results from the growingly serious air pollution.


简单地使用“because, so”来表示英语中的因果关系,难免会使你的作文落入俗套。然而,若巧妙动用一些小心机,借用炫酷“结果”表达法,则极易引人入胜。

1.表达“结果”“因此”,可借用以下衔接词:thus, therefore, consequently, as a result, as a consequence等,简洁明了,干净利索。

①I was badly treated in your store. Consequently,I am writing to you in expectation of getting things settled.


②(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)Therefore, please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty.因此,请花些时间简单地看看唐朝的历史。

2.非谓语动词的加入也为“结果”表达法增色不少,极易吸引阅卷老师的眼球。其中,较为突出的表达有thus/therefore doing, end up doing, only/never to do等,充分展示了非谓语动词这种高级语言结构的妙用。

①The scientists made joint efforts, therefore making a great breakthrough.


②I eagerly unpacked the package, only to find a broken book in it.


3.在表达“结果”时,定语从句也可作为生机勃勃的主力军。拥有“结果”“因此”“导致”之意的动词短语、介词短语和定语从句的有机结合,如:which results in/leads to/contributes to或者as a result/consequence of which等,更是为“结果”表达法注入了亮点。

When facing trouble, he couldn't keep calm, which results in his constant failures.




It rained dogs and cats. Consequently, the sports meeting couldn't be held as scheduled.


You helped me out when I was in trouble. Thus, I owe my most sincere gratitude to you.


Mike defeated Bill for his marvelous performance, therefore winning the championship.


Lily stood out among thousands of competitors, thus winning widespread attention.


Being nervous about the interview can lead to bad performance, which might result in a negative impression.







5. 因为昨天生病,所以缺席了会议。

The key :

1. The reason why I am writing to you is that I have a piece of good news to tell you!

2. I like spring best, owing to the fact that I love to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green trees and hear the singing of small birds.

3. He worked hard at his lessons, so that he gained high grades in the exams.

4.As a proverb goes, “Two heads are better than one.” As a result, teamwork is of vital importance.

5. The reason why he was absent from yesterday’s meeting is that he was/fell ill.

He was / fell ill yesterday, which accounted for / resulted in his absence from the meeting.

He was / fell ill yesterday, as a result/consequence of which he was absent from the meeting.


河南省洛阳市洛龙区七年级下学期语文期中考试试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、字词书写 (共1题;共4分) 1. (4分) (2020七下·奉化期末) 小佳、小国两位同学正在讨论“天下国家”综合性学习活动,我们一起参与吧! 下面是活动开场白,请根据语境完成题目: 小佳:家是最小国,国是千万家。家国情怀是中国人最重要、最héng①久的情感。每个中国人都深深地热爱祖国大好河山,热爱家乡土地人民,愿意为家国繁荣贡献自己的力量。 小国:新年伊始,我国暴发病毒疫情,闭门不出或面dài②口罩,成为常态。但钟南山、李兰娟等专家悬壶jì③世,救国于危难④(A.nánB.nàn) ;更多的一线医护人员,义无反顾,逆行疫情前线;警察、工人、货车司机、农民等千千万万的中国人默默贡献自己的力量,这就是家国情怀的最好例证。 ①________②________③________④________ 二、句子默写 (共1题;共4分) 2. (4分) (2017七上·芜湖期末) 根据要求默写古诗文。 (1)淫慢则不能励精,________。(诸葛亮《诚子书》) (2)乡书何处达?________。(王湾《次北固山下》) (3) ________,一夜征人尽望乡。(李益《夜上受降城闻笛》) (4)晴空一鹤排云上,________。(刘禹锡《秋词(其一》) 三、其他 (共2题;共6分) 3. (4分) (2019七下·鄞州期中) 解释下列划线的文言字词。 ①尝射于家圃________ ②策勋十二转________ ③康肃忿然曰________ ④但微颔之________ 4. (2分) (2017七上·永定期中) 按照古人的礼仪,一般称呼对方的儿子为________,称自己儿子为________。 四、中国名著 (共1题;共7分) 5. (7分) (2018七下·苏州期中) 名著阅读,根据要求填空或作答。 (1)祥子最大的梦想是________。他买的第二辆车因________而被卖掉。 (2)祥子前后有什么变化?造成这种变化的原因是什么? 五、现代文阅读 (共2题;共55分) 6. (30分)阅读课文选段,回答问题。 ①时间在慢慢地过去。影子在慢慢拉长,太阳已经没在西边低矮的树梢下,夜幕开始降临。周围一片寂静,我


河南省洛阳市汝阳县【最新】九年级上学期期末化学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.根据质量守恒定律,电解NaCl 的水溶液,不可能得到的生成物是( ) A .Cl 2 B .KNO 3 C .H 2 D .NaOH 2.A 、B 、C 三种物质各30g ,在一定条件下充分反应生成物质D60g ,若增加15gA ,A 与C 恰好完全反应,则参加反应的B 与C 的质量比是( ) A .5:3 B .1:2 C .2:3 D .3:2 3.下列化学方程式书写正确的是( ) A .2343Fe+2O Fe O 点燃 B .225 4P+2O 2P O 点燃 C .2442Zn+H SO ZNSO + H = D .22CuO+H =Cu H O ↓+ 4.人类生活需要热量,下列热量主要有化学变化产生的是( ) A .物体间相互摩擦产生的热量 B .生石灰遇水放热 C .太阳能热水器中的水所吸收的热量 D .硝酸铵溶于水吸收热量 5.灭火时往可燃物上喷大量水的主要作用是 A .隔绝空气 B .降低温度 C .使水分解 D .使水变成水蒸气以挥发 6.以美国为首的北约曾用“石墨炸弹”使南联盟的高压输电线短路,这是因为石墨( ) A .质软 B .耐高温 C .具有导电性 D .具有润滑性 7.在化学反应3CO +Fe 2O 3高温 2Fe +3CO 2中,下列说法正确的是( ) A .CO 在反应中得到了氧,具有氧化性,是氧化剂 B .Fe 2O 3在反应中失去氧,具有还原性,是还原剂 C .CO 发生了还原反应 D .Fe 2O 3发生了还原反应 8.下列几种情况,能证明“金刚石和石墨是由相同元素组成”的是( ) A .它们的熔点相同 B .都不溶于水 C .燃烧后都得同一产物二氧化碳 D .石墨在一定条件下可转化为金刚石 9.实验室选择制取气体的仪器装置时,可以不考虑的因素是( )


一、表示递进关系的关键词语additionally 加之;又besides 此外;除……之外equally important 同样重要的是furthermore 此外;而且in addition 另外 in other words 换句话说last but not least 最后但同样重要的是 moreover 而且;此外that is to say 即;就是;换句话说what’s more 而且;此外二、表示转折关系的关键词语although 虽然;尽管at the same time 同时;但是despite 不管;尽管;不论even if 即使 even though 即使however 然而;可是in spite of 不管instead 代替;而不是nevertheless 然而;不过on the contrary 正相反otherwise 另外;不同地 regardless of 不管;不顾 still 依然;仍然 though 虽然;可是 while 而 yet 然而;但是;仍 三、表示选择关系的关键词语 either…or………或…… instead of………,而不是…… neither…nor …和…都不… not…but…不是……而是…… rather than…宁可;胜过 whether…or not 是否 四、表示比较关系的关键词语 compare with/to 与……比较 equally 相等地;平等地 in comparison with 与……比较 in contrast 相反;大不相同 in contrast to 和……对比 in the same way 同样地 instead 代替;改为 on the contrary 正相反 while 而 五、表示因果关系的关键词语 accordingly 因此;从而 as a result of 作为结果 because (of)因为 consequently 从而;因此 due to 由于;应归于 hence 因此;从此 in that 由于;因为;既然 now that 因为;既然 on account of 由于 owing to 由于;因……的缘故 so 所以 so that 所以 thanks to 由于 therefore 因此;所以 thus 因此 六、用于表示总结的关键词语 above all 最重要的是 accordingly 于是 as a consequence 因此 as has been noted 如前所述 at last 最后 briefly 简要扼要地


常用程度和语句副词: 常用的程度副词包括: absolutely,almost,awfully,completely,considerably,deeply,entirely,exactly, extremely,fairly,greatly,hardly,immensely, increasingly, more and more, much, nearly, partly, perfectly, profoundly, quite, rather, scarcely, slightly, somehow, somewhat, thoroughly, to some extent, utterly, very. 常用语句副词包括: Actually,admittedly,certainly,clearly,definitely,evidently,fortunately,frankl y,honestly,luckly,more importantly,naturely,surprisingly,obviously,perhaps,preferably,probably,p ossible,strangely,superficially,surely,technically,theoretically,undeniably,u nexpectedly,unfortunately. 常用逻辑连接词: 1.因果关系:…and so …; another important factor/reason…; as a consequence; as a result; as; because; because of; being that; consequently; due to; for the reason that; for the same reason; for; hence; for this reason; in consequence; in that…; in view of; owing to; since; so; …so that…; the reason seems obvious; there are about…; therefore; thus; obviously; evidently 2.并列关系:and; also; as well as; both…and…; either…or…; neither…nor…; not only…but also; in the same way; too 3.序列关系:first…,second…,third, and so forth; A…,B…,C…, and so


初中英语作文常用连接词 (1)表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,again,another,first/ second/ third等。 (2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in afew days,gradually,suddenly,finally 等。 (3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right/ left,around,outside等。(4)表示比较的过渡词:in the same way,just like,just as等。 (5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on the other hand,on the contary,in spite of,even though等。 (6)表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,therefore,then,thus,otherwise等。 (7)表示目的的过渡词:for this reason,for this purpose,so that等。(8)表示强调的过渡词:in fact,indeed,surely,necessarily,certainly,without any doubt, above all等。 (9)表示解释说明的过渡词:for example,in fact,in this case, actually 等。 (10)表示总结的过渡词:finally,at last,in conclusion,in brief,in short,in general,on the whole等。


汝阳 1 基本概况 汝阳县位于河南西部,洛阳市南部,伏牛山麓,北汝河上游,县境呈长条形,东邻汝州市,西接嵩县,南界鲁山县,北连伊川县,地处东径112。8′~112。38′,北纬33。49′~34。21′,距九朝古都洛阳市约75km,焦枝铁路从县境东北部穿境而过,南洛高速、二广高速从境内穿过。总面积约1325km2,其中山地、丘陵、平川面积依次为930km2、260km2和35 km2,分别占总面积的70.2%、19.6%和10.2%。总人口43万人,其中农业人口36.8万人。辖4个镇、9个乡、和1个工业区、216个行政村、1360个自然村。 1.1 自然地理 1.1.1 自然气候 汝阳县属暖温带大陆性季风气候,光照充足,气候温和,四季分明,年平均气温14℃,无霜期213天,年平均日照时数2177.3h,日照百分率达49%。降雨量由于受气候等因素影响,年际变化大且年内分配不均,降雨大多集中在6~9月份,占全年降雨的60%左右,多年平均降雨量690mm,多年平均径流深267.3mm。 1.1.2 地形地貌 县境内属伏牛山麓,县域地势由西南向东北倾斜,地跨黄河、

淮河两大流域,南部群山环绕,层峦叠嶂,山势雄伟陡峻,起伏连绵,峡谷幽深,峰谷相间,海拔高度在200~1600m 之间,王坪乡和付店镇之间的鸡冠山海拔1602.4米,是全县最高点,蔡店乡的杜康河底海拔220米,是全县最低点。大虎岭横卧县城之北,把全县自然分成山南、山北两部分。山南及山北陶营全乡、内埠大安部分区域属淮河流域,水归北汝河,北汝河是汝阳县最大河流;山北杜康河、柳沟河、杜庄河等河流则入黄河。 1.1.3 水文 汝阳县地处山区,沟壑纵横,山地面积占70.2%,跨黄河、淮河两大流域,主要河流有北汝河及其支流马兰河、斜纹河、靳村河等,北汝河干流蜿蜒横穿东西,全县20km以上的河流有5条,常流水的沟河20余条,坡降大,水流急,水能资源丰富,据勘察和分析,总量多年平均值为46181万立方米,其中地表径流水约35421万立方米,过境水1107万立方米,陆浑渠客水5750万立方米,重复量1360万立方米,潜水蒸发量1184万立方米。境内库塘遍布,有中小型水库16座,堰塘150余座。 1.2 社会经济 全县耕地面积 39.02万亩,其中有效灌溉面积21.3万亩,约占总耕地面积的54.9%。地貌基本是“七山二陵一分川”,基本上分为南部深山区、中南部浅山区、平川区和丘陵区,


作文常用关联词 表示时间关系: first of all /above all, second, then, finally / at last / in the end , immediately, suddenly, at the same time, meanwhile, recently 表示对称顺序关系: for one thing…for another thing, on the one hand,…on the other hand, the former…the latter 表示递进关系:what is more, moreover,besides , furthermore, in addition,what’s worse 表示换种方式表达:in other words ,that is to say 表示举例说明:for example, for instance ,like, such as 表示陈述事实:in fact , actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth 表示总结:in conclusion,on the whole, in a word, to sum up, in short, from what I have said above 表示因果关系:as a result ,thus, therefore, so that, as, because, consequently 表示转折:but, however, while, instead, although,


(二)巧用连接词 要想使文章有整体性、连贯性,就要学会正确使用连接词 1.表示罗列增加 First, second, third, First, then / next, after that / next, finally For one thing … for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, Besides / what’s more / in addition / furthermore / moreover / another / also, Especially / In particular, 2.表示时间顺序 now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment, form now on, from then on, at the same time, meanwhile, till, not…until, before, after, when, while, as during, 3.表示解释说明 now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, moreover, furthermore , in fact, actually 4.表示转折关系 but, however, while, though, or, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all, 5.表示并列关系



序言 本报告以数据为基点对洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入和社会消费品零售总额的现状及发展脉络进行了全面立体的阐述和剖析,相信对商家、机构及个人具有重要参考借鉴价值。 洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入和社会消费品零售总额数据专题报告知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需要注明出处。 洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入和社会消费品零售总额数据专题报告主要收集国家政府部门如中国国家统计局及其它权威机构数据,并经过专业统计分析处理及清洗。数据严谨公正,通过整理及清洗,进行洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入和社会消费品零售总额的分析研究,整个报告覆盖城镇居民人均可支配收入,社会消费品零售总额等重要维度。

目录 第一节洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入和社会消费品零售总额现状 (1) 第二节洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入指标分析 (3) 一、洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入现状统计 (3) 二、全省城镇居民人均可支配收入现状统计 (3) 三、洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入占全省城镇居民人均可支配收入比重统计 (3) 四、洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省城镇居民人均可支配收入(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省城镇居民人均可支配收入(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、洛阳汝阳县城镇居民人均可支配收入同全省城镇居民人均可支配收入(2017-2018)变 动对比分析 (6) 第三节洛阳汝阳县社会消费品零售总额指标分析 (7) 一、洛阳汝阳县社会消费品零售总额现状统计 (7) 二、全省社会消费品零售总额现状统计分析 (7) 三、洛阳汝阳县社会消费品零售总额占全省社会消费品零售总额比重统计分析 (7) 四、洛阳汝阳县社会消费品零售总额(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、洛阳汝阳县社会消费品零售总额(2017-2018)变动分析 (8)


英语写作常用关联词句 式 集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

英语写作常用关联词 及句子套用模式 第一部分:关联词 表示开场: (introduction): generally speaking, comparatively speaking, in general, in a sense, in a way, in my opinion, in some cases, nowadays, recently, currently, obviously, clearly, undoubtedly 表示层进: first, firstly, to begin with; second, secondly, to start with;third, thirdly, what's more, also, and then; and equally important; besides, in addition; further, in the first place; still, furthermore; last, last but not the least; next, besides; too, moreover; finally 表示列举: (enumeration): first, second, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, in the second place, next, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally; for example, for instance, to illustrate, after all, as an example, as a case in point, as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say 表示解释:


中考英语作文逻辑关系连接词 1.表强调: still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially, obviously, clearly. 2.比较: like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 3.对比: by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 4.列举: for example, for instance, such as, take…for example, except (for), to illustrate. 5.时间: later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. 6.顺序: first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.


高考英语作文常用连接词 一、根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,即“起”、“承”、“转”、“合”。(一)表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出扩展句。 at present 现在;当今首先,(其次), at first 最初 recently 最近first(ly)第一 in the beginning 起初 to begin with 首先;第一一方面 first of all 首先;第一 in the first place 首先;第一 currently 目前;最后 lately 最近 presently 现在;此刻 in general 一般说来 generally speaking 一般地说 on the whole 总起来说 one the one hand,(on the other hand) (二)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。 after a few days 几天以后 after a while过了一会儿 after/after that/afterwards此后 therefore 因此;结果 for example 例如 for instance 例如 such as 正如 beside 此外 in addition 此外 in addition to,除,之外 Besides/what,s more 而且此外 moreover 而且,此外 what is more 而且;此 外 also/too 并且,又 for this purpose 为了这个目的 from now on 从此 secondly 第二;第二点 secondly 第二 third 第三;第三点 thirdly 第三 in fact 事实上 similarly 同样地 in other words 换句话说 in particular 特别(地) soon 不久 still 仍然 by the way 顺便提一句 then 然后 indeed 的确 by this time 此时 meanwhile 与此同时 at the same time 同时 in the same way 同样地 for another 其次 no doubt 无疑地 certainly 无疑地;当然地 obviously 明显地 later 后来 of course当然 truly 事实上;真实地 particularly特别地 unlike ,不像,,;和,,不同 (三)有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见。 after all 毕竟fortunately 幸运地luckily 幸运地all the same 依然;照样though/although 尽管 however 然而;无论如何anyway 无论如何 in spite of 尽管,,;虽然,, at the same time同时;然而 by this time 此时 in/by contrast 对比之下 on the contrary 相反地 even though即使 otherwise 否则 still 仍然 unfortunately 不幸地 in fact 事实上 unlike 不像,,;和,,不同 as a matter of fact 事实上 yet仍;然而但是especially 特别地 (四)有关“合”的常用词语:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。 above all 最重要的是 accordingly 于是


2017-2018学年河南省洛阳市洛龙区七年级(下)期中数 学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分) 1.在下列各数:3.14,-π,,、、中无理数的个数是() A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 2.下列图案中的哪一个可以看做是由图案自身的一部分经平移后而得到的?() A. B. C. D. 3.下面四个图形中,∠1=∠2一定成立的是() A. B. C. D. 4.化简的结果是() A. B. 3 C. D. 5.点P(-7,10)所在象限为() A. 第四象限 B. 第三象限 C. 第二象限 D. 第一象限 6.下列语句写成数学式子正确的是() A. 9是81的算术平方根: B. 5是的算术平方根: C. 是36的平方根: D. 是4的负的平方根: 7.如图,下列条件中,不能判断直线a∥b的是() A. B. C. D. 8.点A(3,-5)向上平移4个单位,再向左平移3个单位到点B,则点B的坐标为() A. B. C. D. 9.如图,直线m∥n,一个含30°角的直角三角板ABC的顶点 A在直线m上,则∠α等于() A. B. C. D. 10.给出下列说法: (1)在同一平面内,若直线a∥直线b,直线b⊥直线C,则a⊥c;

(2)不相等的两个角不是同位角; (3)平面内的一条直线和两条平行线中的一条相交,则它与另一条也相交; (4)从直线外一点到这条直线的垂线段,叫做该点到直线的距离; (5)过一点作已知直线的平行线,有且只有一条. 其中真命题的有() A. 0个 B. 1个 C. 2个 D. 3个 二、填空题(本大题共5小题,共15.0分) 11.如图,∠1=∠2=40°,∠3=50°,则∠4=______. 12.已知+=0,则(a-b)2的平方根是______. 13.命题“邻补角互补”的逆命题是______. 14.平面直角坐标系内,点A(n,1-n)一定不在______. 15.同学们玩过五子棋吗?它的比赛规则是只要同色5子先成一条直线就算胜如图是 两人玩的一盘棋,若白的位置是(1,-5),黑的位置是(2,-4),现轮到黑棋走,你认为黑棋放在______位置就获得胜利了. 三、计算题(本大题共1小题,共9.0分) 16.观察下列各式:,,,…,根据你的发现, 完成下面各题: (1)按照这个规律,写出第4个式子:______; (2)请你用正整数n表示你所发现的规律:______(n为正整数) (3)若式子(a、b为正整数)符合以上规律,则=______. 四、解答题(本大题共7小题,共66.0分) 17.计算: (1) (2)


河南省洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况数据研究报告 2019版

前言 本报告主要收集权威机构数据如中国国家统计局,行业年报等,通过整理及清洗,从数据出发解读洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况现状及趋势。 洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况数据研究报告相关知识产权为发布方即我公司天津旷维所有,其他方引用我方报告均需要注明出处。 洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况数据研究报告深度解读洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况核心指标从年末总户数,年末总人口数量,常住人口总数量,城镇常住人口数量等不同角度分析并对洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况现状及发展态势梳理,相信能为你全面、客观的呈现洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况价值信息,帮助需求者提供重要决策参考及借鉴。

目录 第一节洛阳汝阳县城镇常住人口数量情况现状 (1) 第二节洛阳汝阳县年末总户数指标分析 (3) 一、洛阳汝阳县年末总户数现状统计 (3) 二、全省年末总户数现状统计 (3) 三、洛阳汝阳县年末总户数占全省年末总户数比重统计 (3) 四、洛阳汝阳县年末总户数(2016-2018)统计分析 (4) 五、洛阳汝阳县年末总户数(2017-2018)变动分析 (4) 六、全省年末总户数(2016-2018)统计分析 (5) 七、全省年末总户数(2017-2018)变动分析 (5) 八、洛阳汝阳县年末总户数同全省年末总户数(2017-2018)变动对比分析 (6) 第三节洛阳汝阳县年末总人口数量指标分析 (7) 一、洛阳汝阳县年末总人口数量现状统计 (7) 二、全省年末总人口数量现状统计分析 (7) 三、洛阳汝阳县年末总人口数量占全省年末总人口数量比重统计分析 (7) 四、洛阳汝阳县年末总人口数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (8) 五、洛阳汝阳县年末总人口数量(2017-2018)变动分析 (8) 六、全省年末总人口数量(2016-2018)统计分析 (9)


写作常用逻辑衔接词 一、根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,即“起”,“承”、“转”、“合”。 1. 表示“起”的词/组:用于开篇引出扩展 at present 现在,当今 presently现在,此刻 currently 目前,最近 recently 最近 lately 最近 in general 一般来说 generally speaking 一般来说 on the whole 总起来说 it is said that ┅据说 it goes without saying ┅不用说as a proverb goes, ┅俗话说得好at first 最初 firstly 第一 at the very beginning起初 first of all 首先 in the first place 首先,第一 to begin with 首先,第一 to start with 首先,第一 for one thing ┅(for another) 首先┅(其次) on the one hand ┅(on the other hand ) 一方面┅(另一方面) 2. 有关“承”的常用语:用来承接上文。 after/ after that/ afterwards 此后after a few days/ years 几天/几年以后after a while 过了一会 later后来 soon 不久 then 然后 from now on 从此 at the same time 同时 by this time 此时 meanwhile 同时 secondly 第二 thirdly 第三 for another 其次 besides 此外 furthermore 而且;此外 moreover 而且,此外 what’s more而且;此外in addition 此外 in addition to ┅除┅之外 in the same manner/ way 同样的similarly 同样地 in other words换句话说consequently 因此;结果 so 所以 for this purpose 为了这个目的for example 例如 for instance 例如 such as 正如 particularly 特别地 in particular 特别(地) indeed 的确 there is no doubt that…无疑地obviously 明显地 of course当然 3. 有关“转”常用的词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见。 after all 毕竟 all the same 虽然,但是conversely 相反地however然而;无论如何but 但是 whereas┅然而┅ yet 然而;但是in contrast 对比之下on the contrary 相反地even though即使though/ although尽管despite 尽管┅虽然┅in spite of 尽管┅虽然nonetheless 尽管如此


英语写作常用的连接词详解 一表示罗列增加 First, second, third, 首先,其次,其三 例句:Nowadays why there are so many students dislike studying in school. First, it is an extremely uninteresting thing for the students to listen their teachers carefully. Second, it is unaccustomed for them to wake up early in the morning. Third, they would rather spend more time playing games than study at school. 如今为什么有那么多的学生不喜欢在校学习呢。首先是因为对于学生来说上课认真听老师讲课是件极度没兴趣的事情。其次,那么早起床让学生们感到不习惯。其三,比起在校学习,学生们宁愿花更多的时间在玩游戏上。 First, then / next, after that / next, finally 首先之后/接下来在那之后/接着最终 例句:First, the government should investigate the origin of pollution, then analyses the statistics that was collected, finally, taking the best measure to copy with the serious pollution. 首先,政府应该调查污染之源,之后分析收集起来的数据,最终,采取最佳方式解决严重的污染问题。 For one thing …for another…, On (the) one hand…on the other hand, 一方面……另一方面 例句:For one thing/On one hand, it is the attractive profit that drives more and more businessmen to run the risk of selling pirated products. For another/On the other hand, consumers also play an essential role in the prevalence of piracy. 一方面,诱人的利润驱使着越来越多的商人冒着危险贩卖盗版商品。另一方面,顾客在当今盗版商品盛行的年代里扮演着重要的角色。 Besides 除之外/ what’s more 更重要的是/ in addition 加之另外/ furthermore 此外/ moreover 而且此外 例句:Besides:Besides,there are a lot of factories around the village that which is one of the most factor that pollute the environment. 除此之外,在村庄附近还有很多的工厂,这是污染环境最主要的因素之一。 What's more :what's more, parents don't understand how to communicate with their child when the children make mistakes. 更重要的是,父母亲不懂得在孩子犯错的时候怎么和他们进行沟通。 Especially / In particular, 特别是/尤其是 It is easy for us to make conflict with foreigners especially when we don't know their cultures. 当我们不了解外国人的文化的时候,我们很容易和他们发生冲突。 In particular, we shouldn't disturb him when he is driving a car. 特别是当他开车的时候,我们不要打扰他。 二表示时间顺序的作文连接词 Now 现在, at present 目前, recently 最近, 例句:Now :now, the government has taken an effective measure to protect the precious animals from hunting. 现在,政府已经采取有效措施来保护珍贵动物免遭猎杀。 At present :At present, there are a plenty of students have taken part in this campaign


高中英语作文常用关联词及高级词汇 A、常用关联词 一、表示递进关系的关键词语additionally 加之;又 besides 此外;除……之外equally important 同样重要的是furthermore 此外;而且 in addition 另外 in other words 换句话说 last but not least 最后但同样重要的是moreover 而且;此外 that is to say 即;就是;换句话说what’s more 而且;此外 二、表示转折关系的关键词语 although 虽然;尽管 at the same time 同时;但是 despite 不管;尽管;不论even if 即使 even though 即使 however 然而;可是 in spite of 不管 instead 代替;而不是nevertheless 然而;不过 on the contrary 正相反 otherwise 另外;不同地regardless of 不管;不顾 still 依然;仍然 though 虽然;可是 while 而 yet 然而;但是;仍三、表示选择关系的关键词语either…or………或…… instead of………,而不是……neither…nor………和……都不……not…but…不是……而是……rather than…宁可;胜过whether…or not 是否 四、表示比较关系的关键词语 compare with/to 与……比较equally 相等地;平等地 in comparison with 与……比较 in contrast 相反;大不相同 in contrast to 和……对比 in the same way 同样地 instead 代替;改为 on the contrary 正相反 while 而 五、表示因果关系的关键词语accordingly 因此;从而 as a result of 作为结果 because (of)因为 consequently 从而;因此 due to 由于;应归于hence 因此;从此 in that 由于;因为;既然now that 因为;既然 on account of 由于 owing to 由于;因……的缘故so 所以 so that 所以 thanks to 由于 therefore 因此;所以 thus 因此 六、用于表示总结的关键词语 above all 最重要的是accordingly 于是 as a consequence 因此 as has been noted 如前所述 at last 最后 briefly 简要扼要地 by doing so 如此 certainly 当然地;无疑地consequently 因此 eventually 最后 hence 因此 in a word 总之 in brief 简言之 in conclusion 总之;最后 in short 简而言之 in summary 简要地说 in sum 总之;简而言之obviously 显然 on the whole 总体说来;整个看来

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