当前位置:文档之家› 关于印发《汉口学院本科生毕业论文工作条例》的通知讲解
































































4、中文“内容摘要”、“关键词”与英文Abstract、Key words





应用文专项--------通知(Notice) 二、应用文的文体 请你辨识下面的应用文属于那种文体? 通知(notice)的基本写作技巧 通知(notice)是上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作、传达情况或告诉公众某种事情等时使用的一种应用文体,通常分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 书面通知格式的写法有点类似于书信的写法。 1. 格式: 口头通知的书写格式: (开头有称呼语,并用逗号) 由以上两个表格,能够看出口头通知和书面通知的格式上的区别是: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 时态:通知是传达将要做的事,所以,写通知多用一般现在时和将来时态。

3. 语言:书写通知的正文时,语言应简洁明了,把通知的对象、事由、时间、地点、内容有条理地说清楚即可。简单地说,就是"某人(单位)某时在某地干某事,加上注意事项"即可。当然,必须注意句子之间的安排,使之符合逻辑,条理清楚。 写通知的一些常用句子(当前我们水平所能及的): 1. May I have/call your attention, please? 请注意啦! 2. Attention, please, everybody! 大家请注意啦! 3. I have an announcement to make. 我要宣布一个通知。 4. I have something to tell you. 我有事情要告诉你们。 5. I have some good news for you! 我有好消息要告诉你们。 6. There will be a talk this afternoon. 今天下午有一个报告。 7. The Student Union has decided that... 学生会决定……(此句用的是现在完成时) 8. We shall have a lecture on... 我们将要听一个关于……的报告。 9. It has been decided that we'll pay a visit to... 我们已决定要参观…… 10. Please take your notebook with you. 请随身带着笔记本。 11. We'll gather at the school gate at eight tomorrow.我们明天八点在校门口集合。 12. Please be there on time and don't be late. 请准时到达那儿,不要迟到。 13. I hope you can have a good time. 我希望你们能过得愉快。 14. That's all. Thank you. 完了,谢谢。 一、真题展示 根据中英文信息完成应用文 学校决定在五月二十日全体同学观看电影Chicken Run, 请你代表学生会写一篇通知来告诉 NOTICE Boys and girls, The ____________ union 分析:1. 什么文体:_________________,先解决格式问题(格式分1分) 2. 应该写哪些信息(要全和准1分):____________________________________ 3. 很多于五句话(每个句子中必须有谓语动词,1分) 提示:句子的基本结构:主语+谓语+宾语+地点状语+时间状语等 4. 语法准确(1分)


第三章告启文书 第一节通知 从语言表达上来看,英语的通知可分为两类,即书面通知和口头通知。我们在日常生活中所见的书面通知包括正式文体及非正式文体。从正式文体上来说通知是“适用于发布行政法规和规章,批转下级机关的公文,转发上级机关或不相隶属机关的公文,传达要求下级机关和有关单位需要周知或共同执行的事项,任免和聘用干部”的公文。而在非正式文体中通知也是使用非常广泛的公文文体,面广、量大,涉及学习、生活及工作的方方面面,因此根据其适用范围我们可将其分为一般性通知、指示性通知、发布性通知、会议通知等。但就我们日常生活中最常见的为一般性通知,格式及内容语言都较为简单。 一、基本格式 1.种类 (1)一般式通知:即成段落形式的把事情通知给有关人员,如学生、观众等,可用或不用称呼; (2)广告式通知:把事情通知给有关人员,只要写明通知的具体内容即可。广告式要求简明扼要,一个句子可以写成几行,且尽量写在中间,各行的第一个字母一般要求大写。通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。 2.结构要素 (1)标题 通知必须有标题。作为正式公文的通知一般要求发文机关、事由、文种三要素齐备。而一般性书面通知,多用“通知(Notice)”作标题。标题写在正文上方居中,为了醒目起见,标志的每个字母可以用大写NOTICE(但如发出通知的单位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的标志之上,则也要首字母大写形式Notice),并常写在正文上方的正中位置。书面通知的标题有完全式和省略式两种。 ①完全式:包括发文机关、事由、文种, 如“×××单位关于××××××的通知”、“电视台招商通知”; ②省略式:根据需要省去发文机关、文种其中的一项或两项。即可由事由加“文种”组成标题,如“会议通知”;也可只用文种作标题,如“通知”、“紧急通知”。 (2)受文机关或对象 即通知送达的单位或个人名称,通常首行顶格。若为普发性通知,则此项可省略。被通知的单位或人员一般用第三人称;但如果带有称呼语,则用第二人称表示被通知的对象,口头通知就常用第二人称表示被通知的对象。涉及要求或注意事项时,也常用第二人称表示被通知的对象(祈使句中常常省略)。 (3)正文 正文一般由开头、主体、结尾三部分组成。开头交代发通知的原因、目的、意义;主体陈述须办理、周知、执行的事项;结尾提出贯彻执行要求。根据通知的不同类型,有的正文比较简单,只明确告知通知的内容,三言两语即可;有的正文内容较多,则须安排好层次段落,写好开头、主体和结尾。


非信函类应用文写作 非信函类应用文主要包括通知、便条、备忘录、海报、演说词、电子邮件、简历、请示、在职证明、启事、广告等。 一、通知★★ 通知(Notice)是一种使用范围很广的应用文估,通知的正文包括被通知的对象、事由、时间、地点等。通知主要分为书面通知和口头通知两种。书面通知的语言简洁明了、要求明确;口头通知的语言具有明显的口语特征,通俗易懂。写作部分一般只会考查书面通知。写通知时应注意以下要点★ (1)标题,即Notice,常大写为NOTICE。 (2)标题的上面常写上发通知的单位名称,单位名称也常写在通知末尾右下角的地方,成为落款。 (3)发通知的日期通常写在左下角,有时可省略。 (4)通知的语言应简洁明了,不能含糊不清。 实例: NOTICE The Student Union has recently agreed to set up a swimming cub.it s aimed at encouraging swimming and forming a college swimming team. During the summer there will be a number of practices and demonstrations, and Mr.Wang, the swimming coach of Wuhan Sports University, has agreed to give us training. Anyone in the school can join the club by filling in the application form and providing two passport-size photographs by the end of the month. The inaugural meeting will be held in the school gym at 3 p.m. on September 18, 2020. Don’t miss it! The Student Union August 20, 2020


NOTICE(通知) 明天早晨8 :00 ,二年级学生要在校门外集合。请穿上旧衣服,去农场劳动。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知。(’ 98 吉林中考试题) NOTICE All (of )the students of (in )Grade Two ,We’llgo to work on the farm tomorrow . Please meet at8 :00o’clock outside the school gate Don’t forget to(You’d bett er )put on your old clothes . June 25 ,1998 [中文提示] 7 月 2 日放暑假时,学校团支部为了给中国足球队助威,通知同学们在暑假期间观看亚洲杯足球赛电视直播交且写一篇作文。 [范文展示] July 2,2004 Dear students. A FC will be held in Beijing,Chongqing,Chengdu and Jinan in China from July 17 to August 7. Please watch the live matches with Chinese team on TV. Write a composition after the matches. Communist Youth League 篇一:初三中考英语作文 Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know it’s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features. For example, Sihuan hot pot is hot while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its fresh. Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot. Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It’s a good way to relax. 篇二:初三中考英语作文 Many people regard money as the most important thing in their life, but I don’t agree with them. There are so many things tha t money can’t buy. The first, money can’t buy us knowledge, abilities and experience. The second, money can’t buy us a happy mood and a good health. However, money plays a significant role in our daily life. We can’t live without it, because we have to use money to buy our daily necessities, like food, ()drinks, clothes, books, and so on.


notice的用法总结 以下是小编为大家总结了notice的用法,希望能帮助大家更好地掌握notice这个单词,提高英语水平。 1.notice作名词,意为布告,公告,启事,是可数名词。如: There is a notice on the office gate saying No Parking. 办公室门口上贴着一张禁止停车的告示。 We have put a notice of renting these flats in the newspaper. 我们已经在报上登了出租这几套房的启事。 2. notice作名词,意为通知,预告,警告,是不可数名词。如: The hotel is closed until further notice. 宾馆现已停业,开业时间另行通知。 These rules cant be changed without notice. 这些规则不预先通知不可以随便更改。 3. notice作名词,意为注意,是不可数名词,常用的词组有: ①take notice of sb./sth.意为注意某人/某物。如: Take notice of what they say. 注意听他们说。②take no notice of sb./sth.意为不理会某人/某物。如: Take no notice of his angry words-he is not well. 别理会他那些气话,他身体不好。③bring sth. to ones notice意为使某人注意某事(物)。如: It was the director of the company who brought the problem to our notice. 正是公司董事长提醒我们注意那个问题。④come to ones


Notice-通知,Notice-通知范文 Notice-通知英语作文网收集整理假设你们将于5月10日去体检。请根据下列内容和提示,写一篇口头通知,词数80左右。 1.体检地点:人民医院,离我们学校不远,步行大约15分钟的路程。 2.体检日期:5月10日上午8点,星期六。 注意: 1.7:45在医院门口集合,可以骑车或步行前往。 2.体检前空腹。 3.在医院保持安静,听从医生和护士的安排。 Notice Attention please, everyone, Our class will go to have a physical examination in People`s Hospital on Saturday, 10th May. We`ll meet at the hospital gate at 7:45.. It is not far from our school. It`s about fifteen minutes` walk.You may either walk there or go there by bicycle. The examination will begin at 8:00. We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. Keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses. After the examination you may go home. Notice-通知英语作文网收集整理


初中英语作文通知-Notice 初中英语作文通知-Notice An English Christmas evening party is to be held in the meeting hall of our school from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on Christmas Eve. Each group has to give at least two performances, such as singing English songs, giving English plays, telling jokes or stories in English and reading English poems. Please get everything ready and be present at the party on time. Thanks. 圣诞前夜,晚上7:00到10:00在学校会议大厅将举行英语晚会。每个小组至少出两个节目。节目内容和形式不限,如演唱英文歌曲,表演英文短剧,用英语讲笑话或故事优秀作文专注写作作文人,朗诵英文诗歌。敬请大家做好准备,准时出席。 谢谢。 Christmas day is coming. We will hold an English party on Christmas Eve in the meeting hall of our school. It will begin at 7:00 and end at 10:00 in the evening. Each group has to prepare two or three performances. For example, singing English songs,playing English plays, telling jokes or stories in English and reading English poems. Welcome to take part in the party on time. Thanks.

英语作文 通知Notice-精品

通知Notice Notice The sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rairi these days. All students are required to e to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must e to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will e and give special training and coaching then. Office of Physical Education 10th April, 2019 通知 由于近日连降大雨,我校原定本周六举行的运动会将作延期。同学们周六早晨照常到校上课,周六下午停课。如果天气允许的话,运动会将在下周六早晨举行。学校乒乓球队的队员们请本周六下午4:30到乒乓球大厅受训。武汉的乒乓球健将们将为你们做专门指导。 校体育办公室 2019年4月10日 2019年09月16日


通知(Notice) 通知是上级对下级、组织对成员等布置工作、传达事情、召开会议时使用的文体。通知有两种:书信形式和公告形式。 1.书信形式:在通知对象有限或内容不便公开时使用,格式类似书信或便条,使用第二人称。 2.公告形式:格式上首先在上部正中写出Notice或Notification作为标题,正文简单明确。发通知的单位或负责人名一般在正文后面右下方,也有放在标题之上的,成为标题一部分。发通知的日期通常位于右下角,在署名下方一行。通知行文使用第三人称,一般不用称呼语。 3.范文 讲座通知: The Hunan Physics Office Notification Under the auspices of the Hunan Physics Society a lecture will be given on atomic energy and its uses by visiting American Prof. Milford in the reading room of the library on Saturday, May 13, 2008, at 2:30 p. m. All are warmly welcome. May 8, 2008

晚会通知: Notice The annual English evening is to be held in the assembly hall on Sunday, June 16, at 8:00 p. m. The members of the Extracurricular Activities Group are requested to be there on time. Those who are going to give performances please get ready. The Extracurricular Activities Group June 5, 2008


notice用法详解 1. notice作名词,意为"布告,公告,启事",是可数名词。如: There is a notice on the office gate saying "No Parking". 办公室门口上贴着一张"禁止停车"的告示。 We have put a notice of renting these flats in the newspaper. 我们已经在报上登了出租这几套房的启事。 2.notice作名词,意为"通知,预告,警告",是不可数名词。如: The hotel is closed until further notice. 宾馆现已停业,开业时间另行通知。These rules can't be changed without notice. 这些规则不预先通知不可以随便更改。 3.notice作名词,意为"注意",是不可数名词,常用的词组有: ①take notice of sb./sth.意为"注意某人/某物"。如: Take notice of what they say. 注意听他们说。 ②take no notice of sb./sth.意为"不理会某人/某物"。如: Take no notice of his angry words-he is not well. 别理会他那些气话,他身体不好。 ③bring sth. to one's notice意为"使某人注意某事(物)"。如: It was the director of the company who brought the problem to our notice. 正是公司董事长提醒我们注意那个问题。 ④come to one's notice意为"被某人看到、听到等"。如: It has come to my notice that you are always careless. 我觉察到你老是粗心大意。 4.notice作动词,意为"注意到,留心,看到"。常用于notice sb. do sth.; notice sb. doing sth.和notice sth. done结构中。如: Didn't you notice? He has dyed his hair. 你没注意?他染了头发。 He was too proud to notice me. 他太傲慢了,理都不理我。 Did you notice his hand shaking? 你有没有注意到他的手在抖?


通知告示类英语作文 一. 书面通知 1. A Brief Introduction 1) What is a notice? As an effective means of written communication, a notice gives information published by the appropriate authority. It is intended to publicize social events, to report on matters of general interest to staff, to inform staff of instructions, change of plan, new systems and regulations, and to make the staff conform to certain arrangements, etc. 一般告示类文体都需要写标题,如Notice或者Announcement。告示类文体主要用于说明或者传达某件事情、某项活动等,重在言简意赅。如果是关于活动的通知,需要说明活动的内容、时间、地点、参加人员范围以及其它必要细节。请注意通知的三大要素:1)时间;2)地点;3)内容。书面通知或告示应在题头中间写“Notice”,最后右下方写出通知的单位或者个人。2) How to write a notice? The heading of the notice is usually in the middle of the page, in boldfaced words. For example, NOTICE ENGLISH EVENING LECTURE 1) The main information such as time, place, should be made distinct. 2) Give the name of the person who gives the notice. 3) Give the date when the notice is issued if necessary. 3) A notice should be: 1)Attractive (so that people will NOTICE it) 2)Simple and easy-to-read 3)Clear and specific


英语通知范文 篇一:英文通知及范文 英文通知及范文 通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用 的应用文。通知的写法有两种,一种是以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;另一种是以书信的形式,发给有关人员,此种通知写作形式同普通书信,只要写明通知的具体内容即可。通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。例一:布告形式的通知:通常此类通知上方正中写Notice或NOTICE(通知),发出通知的单位 的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文后,右下角处,发出通知的日期写在左下角处。 例如: NOTICE All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in te college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions concerning international academic exchanges. 通知 本星期六(8月18日)下午二时,全体教授和副教授在学院会议室开会,讨论国际学术 交流问题,请准时出席。 例二:书信形式的通知 Dear Examinee: As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the October 1992 TOEFL administration in the Peoples Republic of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration. You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you. Russell Webster Executive Director TOEFL Program Educational Testing Service


Notice-通知范文 Notice The sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rairi these days. All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must come to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and give special training and coaching then. Office of Physical Education 10th April, 2005 通知 由于近日连降大雨,我校原定本周六举行的运动会将作延期。同学们周六早晨照常到校上课,周六下午停课。如果天气允许的话,运动会将在下周六早晨举行。学校乒乓球队的队员们请本周六下午4:30到乒乓球大厅受训。武汉的乒乓球健将们将为你们做专门指导。 校体育办公室 2005年4月10日

通知 Notice(高中英语作文)

通知Notice 高中英语作文 Inorder to make our school life colorful and improve our English skills, we’regoing to hold an English Play Show at 8:00 p.m. this Saturday, April 10th. inthe meeting room, No.2 Teaching building, At the English Play Show, we can notonly enjoy other’s plays and speeches, but also sing songs and play games.What’s more, our foreign teacher Mike will give a talk about how to improveoral English. I hope anyone who comes here will have a great time. If you’dlike to come , please sign your name at the Students’Union, Room 203, Officebuilding. 为了使我们的学校生活更加的丰富多彩,提高我们的英语水平,我们要在四月十日本星期六下午八点在会议室2号教学楼举行英语戏剧表演。在英语戏剧表演中我们不仅可以欣赏其他的戏剧和演讲,还可以唱歌,玩游戏。更重要的是,我们的外教迈克会给我们做一个关于如何提高英语口语的讨论。我希望来的人都能玩得开心。如果你愿意来,请在学生会,办公楼203室签名。 April 7th, 2010 Students’Union

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