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2 loss n. 损失 遗失 丧失 lose v. suffer a a great loss 遭受重大损失 at a loss 不知所措 eg: The company suffer a great loss as a result of that mistake.
3 hunt vt /vi 打猎 猎取 /搜寻 • hunt for sth = search for sth寻找 某物 • go hunting 去打猎 • eg: Weather permitting, we'll go hunting this Sunday morning. • She is still hunt for a new job.
has been employed as
a shop
have been employed to deal with
13 harm
• • • • • 对某人有害 Do harm to sb 对…有害 eg: Smoking do great harm to our health. mean no harm 无恶意,不想伤害 eg:She's a terrible gossip but she means no harm. • harmful adj. • 同义词:damage. injury. hurt
9 attention n. 注意,关注,注意力
• pay attention to 注意 • fix/focus one's attention on sth • 把注意力集中在......上 • draw/attract/ catch/get one's attention to • 吸引某人对...的注意 eg. She is always pay little attention to her own health.
Period One
[题组训练] 用适当的介词填空 (1)Antonio was so merciful that he even showed mercy Shylock. (2)Having lost the engine’ s power,the boat was now the mercy of the wind. (3)She is a kindhearted woman and often has mercy people who are in trouble. (4)The cruel man killed the injured dog
[题组训练] (1)用 inspect 的适当形式填空 ① He gave the car a complete inspection ② He has a job as an before buying it. the child’ s
Those who suffer from headache will find they get _____ from this medicine. A.relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter 【点拨】 选A。题意:那些头痛的人会发 现这种药物能减轻疼痛。relief 符合题 意。safety安全;defense防御,防护 ;shelter遮蔽,庇护。
拓展: die away 声音 风 光等渐渐消失 die down 情绪逐渐平息 die off 相继死亡 草木先后枯死 • eg The wind died away at dusk. • The noise has died down. • Many trees are dying off for lack of water.
words and expressions in Unit 4
1.die out 1)家族种族灭绝; eg:This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. 2)习俗观念消失 eg:The old custom died out many years ago.
• • • • •
• • • •
5.relief n (痛苦、忧虑)的减轻、消除 v,relieve 减轻缓解 in relief 如释重负 松了口气 eg: Seeing the lost children, the mother was in relief. to one's relief 令某人感到欣慰的是 eg: To her relief, her son was out of danger
Period One
[题组训练] (1)Drinking too much don’t care. 喝酒太多对我们的身体有害,但有些人不在乎。 (2)He may say no, but there’s no harm in asking/it does no
does harm to our health ,but some
4 respond vi 回答 回应 对...做出反 应 • 回信 respond to eg: She responded briefly to the questions. n. response
• • • • •
in response to 对......回应 make a quick reaponse to 对......作出快速反应 eg: I'm writing in response to your letter.
12 employ
Period One
[题组训练] (1)For the past five years he assistant. 过去五年他受雇当店员。 (2)A number of people the work. 已雇了一些人来处理这项工作。 (3)She was employed in making done. 她忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。 a list of all the jobs to be
without mercy.
7.certain adj 1)某个,某些(仅做定语) The library is only open at certain times of day. 2) 确定的,一定 = sure for certain =for sure • 无疑地 确定地 • be certain to do sth 一定会做某事 • be certain of/about sth 对某事有把握 • be certain that 确信…… • It is certain that 对....有把握 • certainly adv.
• Most attention must be paid ____the c endangered animals. • A protect B to protect • C to protecting D proteting
• appreciate vt 欣赏 鉴赏 感激 意识到 • eg: I appreciate your help very much. • appreciate 后不接to do 作宾语,但可接名词、 代词、或动名词做宾语。 • Appreciate one’s doing sth • 感激某人做某事 • I would appreciate it if … • 假如…我将不胜感激 • eg: I would appreciate it if you could deal with the difficult problem for me.
harm to ask
• inspect vt.检查 视察(强调上级对下级的检 查) • n. inspection • inspector 检查员 视察员 eg: The mayor will inspect our school tommorrow. • 同义词:examine 检查,可指身体检查 • check 强调”核实“
eg: He is certain to come. = It is certain that he will come. I'm certain of your seccess. = I'm certain that you will succeed.
8. contain vt. 1) 包含, 容纳,装有 eg How much will this bottle contain? Fruits contain many vitamins. 2) 抑制,控制,克制(强烈的情感) contain oneself 克制自己 eg Try to contain your anger.
8 affect v 侵袭 感染
• 1)影响 =influnence • As a matter of fact, your opinion will not affect my decision. • 2)感动= move • Most people present at the meeting were deeply affected by his speech. • effect n • have an effect on = have an influence on • 对...产生影响
relief from sth.
e.g. The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些
6. mercy n 仁慈 宽恕 怜悯 • ask/beg for mercy 请求宽恕 • show mercy to sb =have mercy on sb • 同情,怜悯某人 • without mercy毫不留情地, 残忍地 • at the mercy of sb • 任由某人控制或摆布
[题组训练] (1)I’ d appreciate use the computer. A. that C. this B. it D. you
B if you would like to teach me how to
11 succeed v 成功
• 1)成功 • Succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 • eg:She studied very hard, as a result, he succeed in passing the entrance examination to college. • 2)继承,接替,继任 • succeed sb as 接替某人担任... • Trump succeed Obama as president in the USA. • succeed to sth. 继承某物
• eg:The prince succeeded to the throne after the king's death. • success n. • Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduuccessful adj. • fail v • failure n
• • • • • • • • •
employ 雇佣 利用(时间、精力)=make use of employ sb 雇佣某人 employ time 利用时间 Employ sb to be/as 雇佣某人担任 eg: She has been employed as a secretary in a big company. employ sb to do sth 雇佣某人做某事 sb be employed in doing sth 忙于做某事 employer 雇主, employee 雇员
辨析: contain & include.
contain 指某物装在比其更大的物体内。 include 指某物为整体的一部分或一个 要素。 eg: The jar contains olives. The meal includes steak. 注意,including 为介词,included 为 形容词 比较: Everyone laughed, including me ( me included ).