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英语圣诞晚会主持词 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

It is Christmas is known that this is an important

festival in western countries

.During the festival people exchange their presents to each other to celebrate.

Now we're here to celebrate Christmas together,and let's

enjoy the exciting perform

as a X'mas prensent to all of you~

A: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas.

B: You know what a lot of Americans do before they eat Christmas dinner?

A: What do they do?

B: They pray first, hand in hand.

A: Alright! Let's welcome our first performance: HAND IN HAND.

B: That was great.

A: Although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. But there are times when we need private space and time.

B: Escaping from conformity and gaining freedom are important values in life. Introducing our next performance: BREAKING FREE.



A: Ok, everyone is so good! It's time for a little break. We are playing a game.

B: 说game的规则。

A: I hope everyone enjoyed the game just now.

B: You know life is filled with all types of love.

A: You are right. Love is everywhere.

B: Next up is a love song : WHEN THERE WAS ME AND YOU.

A: AWww, that song was very sweet. But you know, love is powerful and sometimes destructive.

B: True, let's hear from our next singer: ALWAYS GETTING OVER YOU to see how he (or she) got over with love. (smile sarcastically)

A: Love is definitely one of the stronger emotions people could have. But you know what else is very important?

B: What is it Don't tell me it's food.... (this is a joke here)

A: No no no. It's dream. With hope and dream, one can achieve anything. (貌似冥思苦想,陷入深思)B: OKAY (sarcastically). while he is dreaming, let's get our next performance up: I HAVE A DREAM.

A: Ohh I guess it's time for me to wake up! Did i miss a good show?

B: You sure did! But the next one is also great. So, let's welcome our next singer with her song: BIG BIG WORLD.

A: I hope people are not falling asleep like I was. I bet not! The performance was just so great right?

B: Of course. Alright, let's do another game right now. A: Ok we are back to our show. Next up is a short skit called 孔雀东南飞.

B: Oh that was FUNNY! They really knew how to move the crowd.

A: Yes. Hey Do you like pretty boys?

B: hmm... everyone does right i mean pretty girls and pretty boys.

A: Well....So do you like me (装害羞)

B: (smile) i think he is still dreaming. Ok, let's welcome our next singer for : PRETTY BOY.

A: You know we had a lot of people singing today. Do you want to see something different?

B: Sure!

A: Let's welcome XXX bringing for us Magic trick YYY.

B: That was amazing! How did he(or she) do that? A: I don't know... let's go ask him.

B: HEy hey hey! we are hosting a show here!

A: Oh, right... you know I learned something new today.

B: What is it?

A: How to host a show....

B: It's your first time hosting a show?

A: Yes. I hope I am doing alright.

B: You are doing great! You know everyone should learn something new everyday.

A: Let's welcome our next song: Start of something new. Maybe that will inspire everyone here a little. B: That was great. And we have another singer up for song EVERYDAY.

A: After the songs. I think people want to listen to something more smooth.

B: Oh I think so. Let's welcome our next performance: THE WING OF LOVE.

A: You know I feel like by talking so much in between performances... we are just grinding time.

B: Wow... you are so good... introducing our next song already.

A: Oh, did I (装糊涂)

B: Alright, next up is XXX for GRIND TIME.

A: Oh wow... time is already up.

B: Wait wait... I think there is one more.

A: Really Oh ... wait! There is.

B: Alright. Applause for our last but for sure the best : 下沙.

A: Thank you for coming today. I hope everyone enjoyed the show.

B: Thanks to all the performers. :)

Good evening. On this Christmas Eve, We send our best wishes to you as we gather in hall to celebrate the holiday. we hope the holiday season brings all of you happy reunions with families and friends

now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready

both:let's begin our grand christmas party.

b:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness.

a:yeah!The new year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year. b:but now,please enjoy ,we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a life time. a:Have a wonderful evening everybody.

both:Merry Christmas!

Respect of everyone leadership, dear friends, everyo ne evening good!

Farewell fine of yesterday, face come happiness of to day, outlook happiness of tomorrow, once a year of C

hristmas will soon approach, we take very thick deep feeling, take festival of pleased celebrate, happy reun ion 1, total celebrate joyful want to advance to wish e veryone festival here happiness!

In this the day for national celebration of the merrime nt the day, leadership have never forgotten everyone, sincerity and an inside each the single of the busines s section the officers and workerses together sharing this fine time!At we with warmly of applause, welcom e leadership arrival of in the meantime, we want all th e way be 1, you pain!

Admire Han of today, record several generation admi re Han the person be hard struggle of history, not onl y satisfied strenuous effort with the large employee a nd sweat, more can not get away from leadership of exactitude guide line and concern!

In pastly of about four the year, I be lucky into admire Han work, I all the time not for myself is admire Han t he person feel proud, with matchless and proud be I saw us this several years make rapid progress of pro spects, this make we young generation rightness ad mire Han of future be full of in the leadership of conc

ern and under the instruction, I am in the work obtain very big of progress, in the research also little walk a lot of curved difficult ability valuable is my feeling to our team of this kind of solidify, cooperation, harmony of the atmosphere is exactly in this kind of atmosphe re, make our mood pleased, work enthusiasm Be gett ing fuller, the work efficiency be higher!So lend this o pportunity, appreciate helpful lead my everyone lead ership and the of the thanks!

Admire Han be our house, pleased here the festival a tmosphere for celebrate inside, let we all at this famil y feeling arrive sweet, feeling arrive concern, feeling arrive happiness, feeling arrive love!

The end wish a wish in newly of a year:Leadership h ealthy body, all the luck;Wish wish dear colleagueses study progress, work smooth!More previous floor in new year, not only studies progress, and successful!I n addition to this, my still needing to wish happiness of the colleagues of become the house have already been happy!Also wish just at madly in love of the coll eagues can whatever one wishes is fulfilled!



画几个格子(你想让他们拼的那个单词有几个字母,就画几个) 让大家猜,一个人说出一个字母,无论在哪一个位置,单词里只要有这个字母,就算对,如matter,一个人说了个t则两个t都算对。






、Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.

We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.


3、There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight.

for a bright night light is just like a slight light.



4、How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew


5、The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。

6、Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.


7、A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake.


9、Underwood would wear underwear if Underwood knew where his

underwear was.

Underwood's underwear was in Durwood's woods.

Underwood went into Durwood's woods and got his underwear.





The Wright rightly writes about the righting of the Rights rights to have rites on the right,right


11、Wally Wrinkle wriggles his white,wrinkled wig.

Wyatt wondered why the wom wires were not wrapped right.

Wally Wrinkle扭动着他皱皱的白色假发。


12、Will will not write a real will.


13、Wee Willie Winkie risks three wishes.

Wild wrens wing westward.

Wee Willie Winkie许了三个愿。

疯狂的鹪鹩(jiāo liáo)向西方飞去。

14、woodchuck could chuck wood

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck

If a woodchuck could chuck wood

He would chuck the wood as much as he could





15、Real wristwatch straps.

Real wristwatch straps.


16、I washed all the wheels and the works.


17、I wish I had not washed this wristwatch.


18、Since this wristwatch got all washed, oh,how it jumps and jerks!


19、Xmas wrecks perplex and vex.

X-ray checks clear chests.



20、Tongue Twister A

A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. 大黑虫咬大黑熊,大黑熊流血了!

A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where's the big black bear the big black bug bit


A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"


A bloke's back bike brake block broke.


A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.


A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.


A laurel-crowned clown!


A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory.


A noisy noise annoys an oyster.


A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.


A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.


A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.


A tree toad loved a she-toad who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad but a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree toad loved the ground that the three-toed tree toad trod. But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain. He couldn't please her whim. From her tree toad bower with her three-toed power the she-toad vetoed him.


A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot"


All I want is a proper cup of coffee made in a proper copper coffee pot,

you can believe it or not, but I just want a cup of coffee in a proper coffee pot. Tin coffee pots or iron coffee pots are of no use to me.

If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!


Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, with stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, he thrusts his fist against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.


Have yourself a merry christmas

Last christmas


开场白: 单:Dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,Good morning! 亲爱的领导,老师,同事们,早上好! 单:Time flies ,the youth are bloom here. 时光荏苒,青春在这里绽放。 单:As time goes by ,our dream are still bright. 岁月更迭,梦想依旧灿烂。 单:The situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion. 此情此景是美好的,是温馨的,是充满激情的。 合:We get together.Let’s enjoy the fun . 我们相聚在这里,让响彻云霄的快乐在这里汇成为欢乐的海洋。 单:We are very honored to host this party, Our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们非常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精心准备了一些极好的节目。 单:Everybody, are you ready?And then,Let the party begin. 大家做好准备了吗?让我们开始演出吧。 视频:《贸大生活》 单:How time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will be remembered forever,Now, let’s go for the VCR to search for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个月的学习生活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,下面就让我们在VCR中去回味,感悟最美好的曾经。 。。。。。。。。 单:Give more thanks to GongXiannan and ZhaoXingmin.After the VCR,We will show our strong confidence.Let’s invite DongGuoqing declain a poetry 再次感谢巩向楠和赵兴民,接下来我们将呐喊出心中最强的信心,下面有请董国庆带来的诗朗诵《I Think I Can》 单:Have you ever seen our study achivements?Please allow us to continue our learning show.Next, we will watch a scene play. 大家是否看到了我们的学习成果了呢?让我们继续我们的学习秀吧。下面我们将看到一出情景剧。 单:As we all know,love is the most beautiful thing in our life.For love we are willing to devote our life.For love we are wlling to stay away from home.Then, let’s enjoy an English song 正如我们所知,爱是生命中最美好的东西。为了爱我们甘愿献出生命,为了爱我们甘愿远离家乡。下面让我们聆听一首爱情歌曲《哦,苏珊娜》 单:Thank you for bringing us a lively song.Next,let’s watch a fierce negotiation. 感谢我的同事们,为我们带来了一首欢快的歌曲。下面我们将欣赏到一场激烈的商务谈判。单:.................Let’s enjoy an amazing kongfu show from WangGang. 。。。。。。


It is Christmas is known that this is an important festival in western countries .During the festival people exchange their presents to each other to celebrate. Now we're here to celebrate Christmas together,and let's enjoy the exciting perform as a X'mas prensent to all of you~ A: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas. B: You know what a lot of Americans do before they eat Christmas dinner? A: What do they do? B: They pray first, hand in hand. A: Alright! Let's welcome our first performance: HAND IN HAND. B: That was great. A: Although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. But there are times when we need private space and time.


2020年圣诞晚会主持词 20xx年圣诞晚会主持词篇1 {开场语} T:尊敬的各位家长,S1:各位老师,S2:亲爱的同学们,合:大家晚上好! T: 我是Cici! S1:我是Sam。S2:我是Linda。合:欢迎参加 20xx立英小新星英语风采晚会! S1\S2:ladies and gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to New Star English school! S1:此时此刻,在遥远的大洋彼岸,美国和英国的小朋友正在欢庆他们一年中最重要的节日圣诞节! S2:圣诞节已经有两千多年的历史了,在这一天,不同国家的人们用他们自己不同的方式在庆祝这个节日。 S1:传说,慈祥的圣诞老人会在平安夜驾着雪橇从北极赶来带一大堆的圣诞礼物,看到哪个小朋友懂礼貌又好学,会从烟囱进到屋子里,把礼物放进小朋友的袜子里。 S2:每家都准备一棵大圣诞树,挂上各种漂亮的装饰品,在树下互赠礼物和卡片。 T:此时此刻,到处洋溢着圣诞的祝福,我宣布:20xx 立英小新星圣诞节英语风采晚会 合:正式开始! 一、开场舞《we wish you merry christmas》 S1:linda,你有没有收到过圣诞老人送的礼物呢? S2:有啊,不过是我妈妈送给我的。

S1:听说今天圣诞老人会出现在我们的晚会,跟小朋友一起欢唱圣诞! S2:看那边。圣诞老人真的来了! 二、幼一班《a lazy fly》 S1:linda,你喜欢听童话故事吗? S2:很喜欢。小时候妈妈给我讲的童话故事我现在还记得呢! S1:下面,请欣赏幼一班的小朋友们带来的英语童话剧表演《a lazy fly》 三、领跑班《you are my sunshine》 S2:幼一班的小朋友真是太可爱了,各位观众再给他们一些鼓励吧!掌声响起来! S1:看完了英语童话剧,突然很想唱一首歌《you are my sunshine》。 S2:那现在我们一起来唱吧!友请领跑班英文歌曲演唱《you are my sunshine》。欢迎! 四、新概念情景表演《我要出国了》 S1:Linda,你最想去哪个国家? S2:美国。 S1:新概念班的同学马上就要去美国了,我们来看看他们去美国之前要做哪些准备吧? S2:下面请欣赏新概念班英语情景对话《我要出国了》 五、《小新星之歌》 S1:新概念班的哥哥姐姐英语说得真棒!Linda,你来小新星学英语开不开心呢?


圣诞节晚会英文主持词 good eve ning and welcome to the p arty. i am **, i am honored to have the cha nee to be your host toni ght. on behalf of the en tire staff of xx educatio n, i wish all of you a happy Christmas eve. 大家晚上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会。我是今晚的主持人,** 非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会。我谨代表 **培训机构的所 有同事,祝大家度过一个愉快的夜晚。 before we go, i ' d like you to know that we have planned various in teresti ng p rograms and games for tonight them and have some fun. 在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今晚的晚会准备了很多 丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。 's welcome our principal, mr. yang, to give us a welcome sp eech. 首先请我们杨校长致欢迎辞。 thank you mr. yang. 感谢杨校长。 's Party, we hope you would jo first of all, let

n ext, our first p rogram, all the stude nts sing the song with your teachers together, p lease. 接下来,第一个节目,师生齐唱《新年好》。 what a beautiful song! good job, everybody. no w, let read the letter of commitme nt. 多美的一首歌啊。大家的表现都非常棒。下面有请 xx 老师诵读承诺 书。 ok, here comes the first excit ing more nt, boys and girls, the lucky draw! duri ng this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 rmb and a nice gift for the third p rize. 接下来,我们将迎来本场晚会第一个激动人心的时刻,抽奖环节 !在 这一轮抽奖中,将有八位男生或女生获得三等奖,奖品是每人 50元的教 育基金以及精美礼品一份。 have you heard the story of snow white? i thi nk every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am i right? but i am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now let ' s enjoy, the snow white, p layed by sixth grade stude nts. thank you for their excit ing p erforma nee, tha nk you. great job. app laud 'happy s welcome r for them.


圣诞节晚会主持稿 甲:尊敬的老师 乙:亲爱的同学们齐:大家好! 丙:踏着时间的步伐,我们又迎来了一个祥和的元旦节。 乙:是啊,让我们把祝福珍藏在心中,感受元旦给我们带来的这非同凡响的一刻。 甲:在这一刻我们应该干些什么呢? 丙:咦!不如出几个节目吧! 乙:恩!真是个好主意! 甲:第一个节目先由我们男生开始吧!最近我们男生在玩溜溜球,不如就请他们先上来表演一段吧! 乙、丙:我同意! 乙:有请男生们! 丙:你们还不知道吧,我们班中还隐藏着一位舞蹈高手呢!有请李博为我们表演拉丁舞! 乙:有请! 乙:哎!让你们猜一个谜语怎么样!

丙:好呀,我最喜欢猜谜语了! 乙:心肠正直嘴儿多,肚里有气就唱歌。要它唱歌捂它嘴,越捂越唱心越乐。 丙:嗯~~这我还真不知道! 甲:我也不知道! 乙:那你看看这个节目你就知道了! 丙:尽请期待吧! 乙:现在你知道了吧! 甲丙:知道了! 甲:虽然咱们班有几个人是合唱团的,但是我们班的独唱能唱好的却很少! 丙:恩,比如我就是。【班级圣诞晚会学生主持词】班级圣诞晚会学生主持词。 (甲转着魔方上场) 丙:诶,诶,诶你玩什么呢? 甲:魔方,这怎么玩呀? 丙:我也不会。

乙:你们不会有人会,有请刘雨霏和焦一佳。 (甲哼着友谊地久天长的调上场) 丙:好熟悉这个调,这不是友谊地久天长嘛? 甲:是呀我们全班来唱一唱这首歌吧! 乙:休息一下,我们来玩个游戏! 第一个游戏叫“福尔摩斯” 甲:游戏规则: 1.让队员们结对儿 2.每人仔细观看自己的搭档一分钟。 3.一分钟后,彼此转过脸去,再不能看自己的搭档。 4.每人做7处以上的外观改变,改变可以是细微的,也可以一目了然。 5.让搭档们再次相互观察,依次说出对方都做了哪些改变。 乙:那第二个游戏呢就叫“官兵捉贼” 丙:需要分别写着“官、兵、捉、贼”字样的四张小纸。方法将四张纸折叠起来,参加游戏的四个人分别抽出一张,抽到“捉”字的人要根据其他三个人的面部表情或其他细节来猜出谁拿的是“贼”字,猜错的要罚,有猜到“官”字的


开幕词 A: 看万物勃发,阳春三月,百花怒放 B: 赏界中之景,绿树碧草,生机盎然 A:过去的一年,我们同心同德,开创佳绩; B: 警院的明天,我们挥洒汗水,放飞希望 C:good evening .ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please.welcome to tonight's party. A: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾 B:亲爱的老师,同学们 AB:大家——晚上好 A: 弹指一挥间,我们送走了硕果累累的2012年,迎来了充满希望的2013年 B: 站在新学年的门槛,回首不平凡的2012年,我们骄傲,我们自豪C:In the past year ,we struggle together ,in order to get a good achivement ,we have no complainment and regrets. Because we believe temorrow will be better. A: 2012年,全院上下抓学习,抓纪律,抓就业,通过不懈努力、共同奋斗,各项工作成绩斐然 B: 2013年我们沐浴十八大之春风,传递党的温暖 A:我们感悟十八大之精神,释放青春正能量

AB:携手共进,共创新的辉煌 C: let's learn from the 18th National Congress of the Communist an be to determined potential .be our develop China .and of Party excellent college student . A:今天,我们相聚,用歌声迎接希望 B:今天,我们相聚,用笑声传递能量 A:敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情,让快乐响彻云霄 C:so next .please allow me to announce the beginning of the evening party. B:下面我宣布武汉警官职业学院“感悟十八大,青春正能量”文艺晚会 AB:正式开始 A:出席本次晚会的领导有: B:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。在晚会开始之前,让我们掌声有请xx为本次晚会致辞 节目串词 《鸿雁》 A:让我们再次把掌声送给XX,感谢XX的致辞。 C:Now I want ask you a question ,do you remder the contest YuanJie from Voice of China?


( 演讲稿 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改2020圣诞节晚会主持词Host speech of Christmas party 2020

2020圣诞节晚会主持词 篇一 一、开场白 1、开场舞蹈《大地飞歌》 2、开场白: 女:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾, 男:亲爱的朋友们, 男女:大家晚上好! 男女:自我介绍:我是××,我是×× 女:鲜花代表美好祝福, 男:歌声唱出心中的欢乐, 男女:今晚我们欢聚一堂,共同迎接新年的到来。

男:由共青团举办的第××届非公企业联谊会,即圣诞晚会现在开始了。首先,请允许我代表主办单位,向大家的光临表示热烈的欢迎! 女:本次活动得到县领导和各企业的共同关注,出席今天活动的领导有...... 男:让我们对各位领导的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 3、介绍各方队 女:参加我们活动的还有来自我门们企业各条战线的年轻朋友们! 他们是......(每介绍到一团队,则每一团队都喊一下口号) 男:欢迎我们这些朋友的到来! 女:首先请×××领导为本次晚会致词。 4、领导致词 二、演出与游戏 1、男:咱们先来做个游戏:《抢椅子》 2、女:在这次“艺术节”中,涌现了不少人才。

男:××单位的××就在英语朗诵比赛中技压群雄,以扎实的功底和出色的表现荣获了第一,接下来,我们就请×××为我们献上配乐诗朗诵《秋之湖》 3、游戏《向左向游走》 4、抽奖活动--抽三等奖 女:各位来宾,各位朋友,现在我告诉大家一个好消息:我们这次联欢会设立幸运抽奖,在座的每位朋友手中都有一个对奖号码,在联欢会进行过程中,我们会相继抽取幸运三等奖三名、幸运二等奖两名、幸运一等奖一名,每人都有中奖的机会,小小的惊喜等着您。现在让我们以热烈的掌声有请幸运三等奖的抽奖嘉宾:××上台抽取幸运三等奖3名,掌声有请! 5、男:没有中将的朋友不要着急,还有好运在后面等着您,咱们先来看一个小品《昨天、今天、明天》。 6、游戏《食神争霸》 7、舞蹈《掀起了你的盖头来》 8、游戏《传球》

主持词 英语圣诞晚会主持词

英语圣诞晚会主持词 合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! welcome to our christmas party! boy: with the snow flakes falling from the sky, girl: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears boy: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves girl: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us 合:let's shout,christmas is coming! merry christmas!!! girl: jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can't be more excited. how about you? boy: of course, monica(女主持人姓名), me too. and i dare say that i've never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah?

girl: sure, you are right. so why are we still waiting? i gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. do you think so? boy: it's just the truth. so now, let's enjoy!!! 结束: girl: thanks for the great performance of our students! boy: thanks for the present of our dear parents! 合:today we gather here to celebrate our christmas, let's look forward to our next gathering! merry christmas again! see you....... 2. good evening and welcome to the party. i am xx, i am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. on behalf of the entire staff of xx education, i wish all of you a happy christmas eve. 大家晚上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会。我是今晚的主持人,xx,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会。我谨代表xx培训机构


迎新晚会主持词 迎新晚会主持词 开场白 贾:Good afternoon, dear teachers and students,nice to meet you! 刘:This is the scene of international school of 贵财 2015 freshman welcoming afternoon party. 徐:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们同学们,大家 合:下午好(鞠躬) 温:这里是贵州财经大学国际学院2015迎新晚会的现场,我是主持人温沂兴 贾:我是主持人贾宏阳 刘:我是主持人刘子桐 徐:我是主持人徐犇 合:欢迎你们的到来!nice to meet you! 徐:下面我隆重介绍到场嘉宾有 停顿 刘:今天,我们来自五洲四海、祖国八方的莘莘学子欢聚一堂,为我们即将开始的全新的大学生活而举杯相庆。 Today we all gathered ,from every corner of our country and cheered for our new college life. 贾: We went through “egrets fly before the cisse mountain.the peach blos soming,the water running and the mandarin fish being fat”meeting the spring breeze,magnificently 我们走过“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥”,迎着春风,洋洋洒洒。 刘: we went through the summer which rain moiste the soil and the grass increasingly grwoth (我们走过夏天“天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无”) 徐: We went though “The cranes line and fly along the cloud,with the p oetry to the blue sky.”look clear and filled with joy 我们走进秋天“晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄”神情明朗,满心欢喜。 温:we went into the guozhou university of finance and economics ,to meet here,keeping the belief of innovation knowledgeableness morality integrity and welcome the wonderful college life。


圣诞晚会英语主持稿 开始:合:good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! wele to our christmas party! boy: with the snow flakes falling from the sky, girl: with the christmas carols resounding around our ears boy: with the christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves girl: with the kindest santa christ in red walking towards us 合:let"s shout,”christmas is ing! merry christmas!!! girl: jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, i can"t be more excited. how about you? boy: of course, monica(女主持人姓名), me too. and i dare say that i"ve never been so happy in my life. i bet you do, yeah? girl: sure, you are right. so why are we still waiting? i guess our audience can"t wait to enjoy our exciting performance. do you think so?


大学外语系圣诞晚会主持词 甲:火树银花,夜色阑珊。 乙:星河灿烂,流光溢彩。 丙:璀璨灯火,欢乐海洋。 丁:相聚今晚,共庆圣诞。 共:尊敬的领导,亲爱的老师、同学们,大家晚上好! 欢迎来到xx大学外语系圣诞联欢晚会的现场。 甲:看,星光灿烂,那是圣诞绚烂的色彩。 乙:听,金钟朗朗,那是圣诞动人的旋律。 丙:今晚,我们相聚在此,共同庆祝,携手共度美好的圣诞。 丁:首先,让我们来认识一下今天光临晚会现场的各位嘉宾,他们是。。。让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来~ 再此,感谢大学城xx街xx书屋,大学生服务中心地下美食城xx号xxxx以及xx影城对本次晚会的大力赞助。 甲:下面我宣布,xxxx年外语系圣诞联欢晚会现在开始。 乙:大家都知道,外语系来了一位有着美丽面庞和动听声音的辅导员,今晚,就让我们来领略这位老师的风采,有请xxx老师为大家带来歌曲<节日快乐>. 男:x老师果然是名不虚传哪,不但人美,歌声也一样动听. 女:是呀.大家都知道,圣诞节起源于西方,但是我们的圣诞晚会也不能少了传统的节目,接下来让我们一同欣赏大学生艺术团的同学为大家带来的乐器合奏<金蛇狂舞>. 甲:xx,考你一下啊,你知道”;圣诞快乐”;用英语怎么说么? 乙:merry christmas.那我也考你一下用日语和法语怎么说? 甲:这个嘛,这个。。。 乙:哈哈,你知道么,我们外语系不仅有会讲英文的老师,还有会讲日语和法语的呢。现在就让老师来告诉你答案吧。让我们有请xx,xxx、xx老师和同学们为

大家带来的歌曲连唱。 乙:掌声欢迎。 甲:哎,、、、你来评价下我们外语系女生的特点吧。 乙:美。(毫不犹豫) 甲:谢谢谢谢。 乙:那你也评价下我吧。 甲:青春靓丽,朝气蓬勃,活力四射~~ 乙:呀,说到这几点,我立马就想到了接下来要出场的几位呢。让我们一起来欣赏精彩的t台秀。 女1:感谢帅哥靓女们的精彩表现,接下来这个环节,那是十分温馨感人哪。 女2:是啊,首先让我们请出圣诞老爷爷为大家带来今天的第一份礼物;;爱心板。 女1:在圣诞元旦以及新春佳节即将到来之际,我们外语系学生分会的各部室也带来了他们最诚挚的问候。 女2:是的,我们首先看到的是主席团的成员……;……; 女1:好了,大家看圣诞老爷爷都来了,小妹妹在哪呢? 女1:让我们马上请出她~~(游戏环节) 甲:xx,有首歌叫《lose in paradise》,你听过没? 乙:当然听过,那首歌旋律轻松,每次听过后心情都很好呢。 甲:那今晚就让我们再次感受一下,相信这两位的歌声一定不会让大家失望。有请马俞似,刘晓霞为大家带来《lose in paradise》。 乙:欢迎。 甲:来到大学之后啊,我发现才人真是不少。 乙:是啊,我就特别崇拜会跳街舞的同学们,一个个那是舞艺精湛啊。 甲:对啊,我还喜欢肚皮舞和爵士呢。 乙:那今晚你可有眼福了,接下来就让我们一起来欣赏街舞,肚皮舞与爵士的串烧。


(中英文双语)圣诞晚会主持词 ××年圣诞晚会主持词中英文双语 ⒈, 男十二年历经磨厉,我们带着微笑走过风雨。 女十二年秋实春华,我们播下真情收获太阳。 男我们同舟共济,走过十二年的征途。 女我们朝气蓬勃,展现十 二岁的青春 男今天,华灯闪烁的华美学园中期盼已久的熊博士和圣诞老人又向我们走来了。 女 男让我们在欢歌笑语中迎接圣诞老人的祝福。首先,有请幼儿园可爱的小朋友拉开我们圣诞晚会的序幕! 女’ ……、 谢谢名小朋友和全体幼儿园教师带给我们节日《喜洋洋》的心情和气氛。 ⒉ 女你喜欢唱歌吗? 男那当然! 女那你喜欢唱什么歌?

男那还用问,流行歌。 女可这些歌适合我们唱吗? 男这……确实是个问题,不如我们来听听他们是怎么说的吧!请欣赏群口相声《哪有我们能唱的歌》。 ⒊ 男在全校的几十个课外兴趣小组中,木琴小组是一个多月前才成立的。但我们的小学生已经想向大家汇报了。这次他们将和钢琴、电子琴的同学合作。大胆尝试民族乐和西洋乐相结合。 女×— 请欣赏乐器合奏《乌苏里船歌》《快乐的罗嗦》,让我们用掌声鼓励这些初次登台的同学们。 ⒋《》 下一个幽默、短小具有西方风情的舞蹈将由来自三大洲的演员们献上。我相信,你们一定猜到他们就是今年刚刚入学的小学部国际班的同学们。 ⒌女手牵手我的朋友,爱永远在你左右,因为你和我,才有明天的彩虹; 手牵手我们共同走过人生的风雨历程,母校啊,你见证我们的成长! 今天我们迎来了几十名校友,他们有的刚从海外大学回到家乡,有的白天还在国内的名校教室中刻苦攻读。级级同学与中学部高二同学联合演唱的《手牵手》,将为我们牵出今夜归来的校友,牵出他们给母校华美的祝福和问侯。 ⒍ 男华美是学园、乐园。我们在这里学习生活,享受着无尽的欢乐与温馨。看!我们的快乐英语是我们的好朋友。请欣赏小学英语戏剧《狮子王》 女’’’“” ⒎


16:35-16:40 开场歌舞(江南style+兔子 舞)+开场白 活跃晚会气氛 开场白 A:伴着时光的年轮,今天我们又迎来了一年一度的圣诞节。 B:圣诞的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。 A:伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,满怀着喜悦的心情, 合:今天让我们一起来欢庆这美丽的节日——圣诞。.首先祝大家MERRY CHRISTMAS圣诞节快乐 B:每个小朋友都是可爱的精灵,都有自己的风采,希望大家能把自己的笑容和热情的掌声留给我们可爱的孩子们!谢谢! A:今天,我们相聚在这里,一起用心来感受真情,用爱来融化冰雪 B:今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开你的心扉,释放你的激情。 A:今天,我们相聚在这里,这里将成为欢乐的海洋,让快乐响彻云霄。 B:今天,我们送去我们的祝福,祝福大家:在新的一年里――――天天开心,万事顺利。A:现在我宣布大桥外语新城校区2012圣诞节晚会现在开始。(鼓掌) B: 一提起圣诞,我们便会不由自主地联想起郊外一望无际的银色世界,飞奔的马车,悦耳的马铃儿声,下面我要问大家一个小问题,有谁知道圣诞节的由来吗?那下面老师就给大家讲一个关于圣诞节的故事…… 16:50-17:00 讲述耶稣诞生,圣诞节的由 来。(耶稣降生背景音乐)让孩子们对圣诞节有进一步的了解 A:听了老师的介绍、相信小朋友们都对圣诞节有了更清晰地了解和体会、老师希望小朋友们可以记住这个故事、回到家后讲给爸爸妈妈听、好吗? B:既然是圣诞节、我相信每个宝贝都会有一个小小的愿望。接下来,就是宝贝们把自己的愿望表达出来的时间。老师会给宝贝儿们每人一张纸。现在每个人都把自己的愿望写下来,也许圣诞老人会帮我们实现哟。 17:00-17:10 唱响圣诞快乐歌曲(欢快的圣 诞歌曲)+写下圣诞愿望将晚会推向第一个高潮,让孩子写下圣诞愿望。 A:愿望已经许下来、那么我们是不是该帮助小朋友实现愿望呢? B :当然,礼物快快出来。 17:10-17:20 圣诞老人派发圣诞礼物 (伴奏) 将晚会推向第二个高潮,圣诞老人发放礼物,实现获得礼物的愿望。 A:亲爱的小朋友们,我们的圣诞礼物你们是不是很喜欢呀?


长江大学 艺术学院2013 年圣诞晚会 主 持 词 (初稿) 主持人:刑宇熊宛如罗娜赖强(李超)

此处需要一名男生非晚会主持人来播读】有请晚会主持人闪亮登场。 开场白 刑宇:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾;熊宛如:Dear teachers and students ;四人合:大家(晚上好);赖强:今天是圣诞节,欢迎大家的到来。 罗娜:today is Christmas day ,welcome to the English Christmas performing party. 刑宇:大家好,我是的刑宇熊宛如:我是的熊宛如;赖强:大家好,我是的赖强(李超); 罗娜:我是音乐学11301 的罗娜;熊宛如:First, allow me to introduce today's guest. 刑宇:下面请允许我为大家介绍今天的领导与嘉宾。 【由刑宇提供名单附件】 赖强: The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year 's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness. 罗娜:新的一年即将来临,我把我新年的问候赠予所有的来宾们,并祝大家身体健康,家庭幸福。 熊宛如:Inspired by the quiet Christmas bells, we have

ushered in a most happy New Year festival before - Christmas! 刑宇:踏着圣诞宁静的钟声,我们又迎来新年之前最快乐的一个节日——圣诞节!赖强:是的,满怀喜悦的心情,我们即将迎来生机勃勃的新年,回首过去的一年,我们有收获,也有失落:但不管怎样,我们努力过,奋斗过,我们无怨无悔; 罗娜:在这回首往事、百感交集的时刻;在这辞旧迎新、祥和欢庆的夜晚,让我们珍惜这难得的相聚,让今夜成为欢乐的夜晚,幸运的夜晚! 刑宇:耶稣, 他用最柔和的声音带来了宇宙上帝的命令:我怎样爱你们, 你们也要彼此相爱。 熊宛如:Love is sacrifice, love is inclusive. (爱是奉献,爱是包容) 赖强:Love is patient, love is kind. (爱是忍耐, 爱是仁慈) 罗娜:我想我会爱你多一点点,一直就在你的身边。外院是一个温馨和谐的大家庭,我们是相亲相爱的一家人。让我们的爱永不改变,我们的爱永无止息。 刑宇:请欣赏由13级2班学生穆黎、熊娇带来的《爱一点》熊宛如、赖强 熊宛如:千百年来,有一座海拔最高的高原,它巍然矗立,面对着苍天,仿佛在唱着无言的歌,它呼唤上苍,普照天下,它期盼


It is Christmas again.It is known that this is an important festival in western countries .During the festival people exchange their presents to each other to celebrate. Now we're here to celebrate Christmas together,and let's enjoy the exciting perform as a X'mas prensent to all of you~ A: We are joining here today celebrating a special holiday - Christmas. B: You know what a lot of Americans do before they eat Christmas dinner? A: What do they do? B: They pray first, hand in hand. A: Alright! Let's welcome our first performance: HAND IN HAND. B: That was great. A: Although people get together in groups sharing common interest and background. But there are times when we need private space and time.


最新圣诞晚会主持人主持稿五篇范文(4) 甲:在那遥远的两千多年前,有一对虔诚信仰上帝的夫妇,他们生活在小亚细亚的巴勒斯坦地区。 女:丈夫是个诚实质朴的木匠,妻子是位虔诚信仰上帝的贞女。 男:他们在圣城耶路撒冷附近,白冷城郊外的山洞中,一个不荒废的马厩里,生下了一个的婴儿。 女:在哪荒凉的郊外,没有喧哗的吵杂声,没有亲朋的欢呼声。 男:只有婴儿的啼哭声和婴儿父母对上天的赞颂声。 女:多么美妙的时刻! 男:多么令人欣喜的时刻! 女:这个新生的婴儿就是“耶稣”! 男:就是被称之为救世主的“耶稣”! 女:耶稣诞生了!

男:这个被传送了两千年的耶稣,给人类留下了博爱的思想,给人类带来了不朽的救恩。 女:他更给我们建立了教会,让他的思想世世代代有人捍卫。 男:我们就是捍卫耶稣思想的人,我们就是维护他教会的人。 女:在这个举世欢腾的时刻,我们要讴歌赞颂! 男:我们要高歌欢呼! 合:XX年圣诞晚会现在开始! 男:此时此刻我们按耐不住内心的欢乐,因为我们认识了人类的救主。女:此时此刻我们无法表达我们对上帝的赞颂! 男:让我们用歌喉唱出对上主的赞歌, 女:让我们用欢快的舞蹈来表达我们的心声。

1、在圣诞之夜,孩子们都在期盼圣诞老人的莅临,而圣诞老人要乘着雪橇,梅花鹿儿戴着铃铛,发出清脆的声音,使人倍感温馨。请欣赏由孩子们表演的舞蹈:铃儿响叮当 2、圣诞节已经成为家喻户晓的伟大节日,在这个普世欢腾的节日里,人们张灯结彩鼓舞欢欣,互相传递着救恩的喜讯。请欣赏舞蹈:张灯结彩 3、是上帝创造了世界,是耶稣救赎了世界,我们理当赞颂上主,我们要上主献出我们的赞歌。请欣赏诗朗诵:主的赞歌 4、天主教会是普世公教会,不论肤色、不分民族、不分国家,甚至超越民族、超越国家、超越肤色。在我国的西藏也拥有两千多名,他们在雪域高原用藏族固有的传统赞颂伟大的天主。下面请欣赏:藏舞 5、相声,向来是我们中 ___曲艺艺术。这是中国人所独有的艺术形式,它会给人带来美的享受。借着幽默的言辞,诙谐的表演,给人带来笑声。下面请欣赏相声:多愁 6、当我们感到疲倦时,我们多么想躺下休息休息。当我们要赶往要去的地方,我们多么想插上翅膀飞。天主最初创造了天使,天使


2017圣诞晚会中英文主持稿 一、主持人开场白 Opening 女:圣诞的祝福、激情的狂欢、璀璨的灯火、欢乐的晚会 It’s the time of the year for joy, love and Christmas festivity. 男:尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们, To all faculties and students, 合:大家~晚上好! Good evening! 男:我是今天的主持人汪汇强 We are your hosts for tonight. I am Jordan. 女:我是主持人刘妹含 I am Keeno. 男:我是主持人邓成杰 I am Jack. 女:我是主持人何海珊 And I am Helen. 男:今晚,是热情和缘分让我们珠海英华国际学校和六艺传媒相聚一起,共度圣诞晚会。 Tonight we are fortunate enough to have a joined Christmas celebration with Yinghua College and 六艺 Entertainment. 女:伴着圣诞的钟声,伴着圣诞快乐的歌声,愿每一个虔诚祈祷和心愿,在来年都能够实现。 May your prayers and wishes come true in the chimes of Christmas bells and Christmas carols. 男:因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为浪漫的圣诞让我们承载无尽的祝福。 We are here to share the joy and blessing of Christmas. 女:亲爱的的老师们、同学们,真心地祝愿 We sincerely wish all teachers and students 男:大家在新的一年里万事如意,好运常在,平安快乐! the best of luck in the coming year. 合:我们的圣诞晚会现在开始! Now let the party begin! 二、给外教送礼 Gifting foreign teachers 圣诞节是西方传统的节日,也是西方最重视的节日之一。今晚我们很荣幸和外教们一起共度圣诞晚会,下面有请英华的同学给外教献花,有请外教Roboson、 Aye、 Boris、 Boomer、Tim、William上台,让我们一起给外教们献上最真挚的祝福。大家掌声欢迎。 Christmas is the most important festival in Western culture. We are glad to celebrate this special time with our foreign teachers. We want to give our most sincere blessing to our Western friends. Please welcome Robson, Mr, Aye, Boris, Boomer, Tim and William to come on to the stage to receive their flowers. 三、外教William代表讲话 Speech by William 我知道大家早已按耐不住自己内心的激情和对节目的期待,但在我们精彩的节目上演之前,首先请我们的良师益友,William献上一段精彩的演讲。

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