当前位置:文档之家› 英语国家概况练习题




True or False

1. The United Kingdom is located in northern Europe.

2. The United Kingdom consists of four political

divisions —England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

3. England is one of the two large islands in the British


4. The British Isles are made up of three large islands

and hundreds of small ones.

5. Wales lies on the east coast of the island of Great


6. The Commonwealth of Nations is a free association

of independent countries that all used to be colonies of Britain.

7. In Scotland, rugged mountains, green valleys, and

deep, blue lakes provide some of the most beautiful

scenery in Europe.

8. The longest river in Britain is the Thames.

9. The largest lake in Britain is the Lough Neagh in

northwest England.

10. Britain’s climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream, a

warm ocean current that sweeps up from the

equator and flows past the British Isles.


1. The British Isles are made up of _______.

A. three large islands and hundreds of small ones

B. three large islands and dozens of small ones

C. two large islands and hundreds of small ones

D. two large islands and dozens of small ones

2. Which of the following is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain?

A. England.

B. Scotland.

C. Northern Ireland.

D. Wales.

3. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _______ and the North Sea in the east.

A. east

B. south

C. west

D. north

4. The Republic of Ireland was totally independent in the year _______.

A. 1920

B. 1945

C. 1918

D. 1949

5. The highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis, lies in ______.

A. the Highlands

B. the Southern Uplands

C. the Central Lowlands

D. the Lake District

6. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in __________.

A. 1921

B. 1931

C. 1945

D. 1950

7. The mountain system the Pennines is often called the backbone of _______.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Great Britain

D. Ireland

8. The regional capital of Northern Ireland is _______.

A. Glasgow

B. Edinburgh

C. Cardiff

D. Belfast


1. The English, the Scots, and the Welsh are Anglo-Saxons, but the Irish are Celts.

2. London and England as a whole have great influence over the rest of the United Kingdom because of their large population.

3. People of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi origin are the largest group of immigrants in Britain.

4. Compared to the rest of the world, the UK has a smaller percentage of older people and a higher percentage of younger people.

5. The Welsh language is the official language in Wales.

6. Scottish Gaelic is the official language in Scotland.

7. The English language is the predominant language in Northern Ireland.

8. English people all strive to free themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated English-speaking people.

9. Social class in the UK lays more emphasis on money and property.

10. Britishness is associated with political, historical, technological, sporting, and cultural achievements in Britain.


1. The English people and the English language were born from the union of ________.

A. the Angles and the Saxons

B. Romans and the Norman French

C. Danes or Vikings and the Norman French

D. Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons

2. The first known settlers of Britain were _______.

A. the Iberians

B. the Beaker Folk

C. the Celts

D. the Romans

3. About 80,000 Scots speak Gaelic which is an ancient _________.

A. Scottish language

B. English language

C. Irish language

D. Celtic language

4. About three million people have migrated to Britain since World War II. They are mainly from the West Indies, India and __________.

A. Indonesia

B. Singapore

C. Hong Kong

D. Pakistan

5. In Britain _______ of the population is urban and _______ is rural.

A. 90% ; 10%

B. 80% ; 20%

C. 70% ; 30%

D. 60% ; 40%

6. The ancestors of the Welsh were the ancient __________.

A. Celts

B. Romans

C. Normans

D. Britons

7. The average population density in Britain is ______ people per square kilometer.

A. 250

B. 370

C. 800

D. 500

8. During the 5th century when the Roman Empire fell, the Germanic _________ invaded and conquered Britain.

A. Angles and Celts

B. Angles and Picts

C. Angles and Brythons

D. Angles and Saxons

9. The upper class in Britain consists of the following except _________.

A. peerage

B. gentry

C. landowners

D. professionals

10. “Britishness”can be reflected in the following except _________.

A. Union Jack

B. conservativeness

C. the Beatles

D. Thanksgiving Day


1. The first Roman invasion took place in 43 AD, headed by the Emperor Julius Caesar.

2. The name “England”derived from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who came to England in the 5th and 6th centuries.

3. The Magna Carta defined the King’s feudal rights, preventing him from arbitrarily collecting revenue.

4. The Black Death once ravaged England, carrying off three fourths of the population.

5. During Edward III’s reign, the war with France known as the Hundred Years’War began.

6. The Wars of the Roses were in the main a great contest for Crown


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


《英语国家概况》课程习题集西南科技大学成人、网络教育学院版权所有 习题 【说明】:本课程《英语国家概况》(编号为12010)共有单选题,名词解释题,简答题,填空题2等多种试题类型,其中,本习题集中有[简答题]等试题类型未进入。 一、单选题 1. Celts were different groups of ancient people who came originally from________ A. France B. Denmark C. Ireland D. Germany 2. Who invaded and conquered Britain for the first time in 55 BC? A. Emperor Claudius B. Julius Caesar C. King Alfred D. King Ethelred 3. Who is the author of Murder in the Cathedral? A. Christopher Marlowe B. T. S. Eliot C. Ben Johnson D. Thomas Becket 4.When Oliver Cromwell died in 1658, and was succeeded by his son, ______, the regime began immediately to collapse. A. Henry B. Hamilton C. Richard D. Charles 5. The 18th century saw selective breeding of cattle, sheep and houses by _________. A. Jethro Tull B. Thomas Coke C. George III D. Robert Bakewell 6. Which of the following is not one of the members of the Lords Temporal? A. all hereditary peers and peeresses of the England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom (but not peers of Ireland) B. lire peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties C. senior bishops of the Church of England D. all other life peers 7. Two years after the ending of the Hundred Years’ War with France, England was thrown into another series of civil wars, ________. A. the War of the Celts


I. Choose the correct answer from the options given: (20 points, 1 point each) 1. Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London ? A. The cultural centre. B. The business centre. C. The financial centre. D. The sports centre. 2. Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain ? A. Economic differences between north and south. B. Differences of social systems between Scotland and Wales. C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker. D. Cultural differences between immigrants and the British. 3. In 1969, the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Ireland Street They came first _______. A. to maintain traffic order in Northern Ireland B. to protect the Catholic people C. to protect the Protestant people D. to replace the Royal Ulster Constabulary since they were unable to keep social Order 4. In the early 1970s, the IRA _________. A. killed many Protestants and Catholics B. burned down the houses of Catholics’ C. murdered individuals at random D. carried out a series of bombing and shooting and attacked the security forces as their main target 5. Why did the British government decide to replace the Power-Sharing policy with “direct-rule” from London ? A. The Power-Sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants. B. The Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the province effectively. C. The Power-Sharing policy couldn’t be carried out. D. All the above.


内蒙古广播电视大学2010-2011学年度 第二学期《英语国家概况1》期末试题 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the AmericanRepublic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D TheBlue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden C The Scarlet Letter D The Fall of the House Usher 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 参 考 内 容 《英语国家概况1》第1页 共6页 《英语国家概况1》第2页 共6页


英语国家概况(课后问答题) 第一部分英国概况 1 What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth? Britain is the shortened form of the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland while the British Isles is a geograpical name. 2 What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain? They are England, Scotland and Wales 3. What is the official name of Great Britain? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4. Where did the King Harold defeat Tostig and Harold Hardrada? ( At Stanford Bridge) 5.What did William do after he suppressed the Saxon risings in the north? (He built a string of defense castles to ensure his military control of the whole country.) 6. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation? ( For nearly 400 years) 7 What was the peculiar features of the feudal system of England? (All landowners, whether the tenants-in-chief or subtenants, took the oath of allegiance for the land they held, not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.) 8 What did Willliam I leave to his sons after he died? ( He left Normandy to his eldest son, Robert, and England to his second son William, and a large sum of money to his third son, Henry.)9 What was William I’s policy towards the church? (He wanted to keep it completely under his control, but at the same time to upload its power.) 10 When was the Domesday Book completed? ( In 1086) 11 What was the consequence of the Hundred Years’ War? (The French drove the English out of their land. By 1453, Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English) 12 What did the Lollards preach? (The Lollards preached the equality of men before God) 13 What were the two countries Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years? ( France and Spain were the two countries that Elizabeth I successfully played off against each other for nearly 30 years) 14 What was the outcome of the English Civil War? (It not only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook the foundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history.) 15 What were the three main causes of Henry VIII’s religious reform of the Church? ( The three main causes were: a desire for change and reform in the Church had been growing for many years and now, encouraged by the success of Marin Luther, many people believed its time had come; the privilege and wealth of the clergy were also resented; and Henry needed money) 16 Which party did Margaret Thatcher represent in the 1970s? (She represented the Conservative Party) 17 What did the Whigs stand for in the early 19th century? Whigs stood for a reduction in Crown patronage, sympathy towards Nonconformists, and care for the interests of merchants and bankers. 18 Why did changes in farming methods affect lives of millions in the 18th century? (Because village and agriculture were the backbone of England at that time.) 19 When did Britain finally become a full member of the European Economic Community? (Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community in January, 1973) 20 Why was Mrs. Thatcher removed from office in 1990? (It was because of her opposition to European Union and her imposition of an extremely unpopular flatrate ‘poll tax’ in place of property taxes to pay for local government service. 21 What were the two groups of the Chartiests? What was their difference? (The Chartists could be divided into two groups: the Moral Force Chartists and the Physical Force Chartists. The former wanted to realize their aims by peaceful means while the latter wanted to achieve their purpose by violence) 22 What was the goal of the London Working Men’s Association in its struggle? (It aimed to ‘ to seek by every legal means to place all classes of society in possession of equal political and social rights) 23 Why was Britain known as the factory of the world in the mid-19th


Chapter 1 1.The two main islands of the British Isles are . A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England 2.is the capital city of Scotland. 3. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff 4.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. A. England B. Scotland C. Wales D. Northern Ireland 5.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D. Roman 6.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words to English. A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek 7.The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence. A. Norman B. Dutch C. German D. Danish 8.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of . A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation 9.At present, nearly o f the world’s population communicate in English. A. half B. a quarter C. one third D. one fifth Chapter 2 p29 1. The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic 2.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. A. Celtic Christianity B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity C. Germanic Christianity D. Roman Christianity 3.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. A. Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C. Norman Conquest D. Adoption of common law 4.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of . A. the House of Valois B. the House of York C. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lancaster 5.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to . A. divorce his wife B. break with Rome C. support the Protestants D. declare his supreme power over the church 6.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between . A. Protestants and Puritans B. Royalists and Parliamentarians C. nobles and peasants D. aristocrats and Christians 7.was passed after the Glorious Revolution. A. Bill of Rights B. Act of Supremacy C. Provisions of Oxford D. Magna Carta 8.The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle of the century. A. 17th B. 18th C. 19th D. 20th


期末考试题型及范围 Part I True or False (10%) 来自整本书课后习题 Part II M ultiple Choice (10%)来自整本书课后习题 Part II I Reading Comprehension (30%) 课外 Part IV Vocabulary (20%) 来自课本英国部分和美国部分 Part V Explanations (10%) 十选二 Give explanation to the following terms. 1.Anglo-Saxons 2. The House of Commons 3. The Bill of Rights of 1689 4. the Cabinet of the UK 5. Constitutional Monarchy 6. The New Deal 7. the Civil Rights Act of 1964 8. The US Federal system 9. Comprehensive schools 10. the Gettysburg Address Part VI Questions (20%) 八选二 State your understanding of the following questions in at least 80 words for each. 1.What were te results of the Industrial Revolution in Britain? 2.What were the major causes of Britain's relative ecnomic decline in the post-war period? 3.What are the general features of Britain's independent schools? 4. What do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society? 5. What was the cause of the American Civil War? 6. What made the United States a powerful country by the end of World War II? 7. How is the American President voted into office? What are your ideas about the American election? 8. Cite examples to illustrate the role of govenment intervention in America's economic development.


《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案 一Multiple choice ( 30’) ( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England. A grain B farm tools C houses D labor ( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ . A the Jew of Malta B the School of Archery C Novum Organum D Paradise Lost ( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association. A householders B tenants C small shopkeepers D office workers ( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______. A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals ( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike. A a choir B a political party C a trade union D a club ( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________. A People’s Charter B Magna Carta C King’s Charter D the Declaration of human rights ( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty. A Malcolm B Plantagenet C Windsor D Tudor ( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sports A Cricket B Golf C Tennis D Horse-racing ( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain. A Nanjing, Hong Kong B Tianjing, Hong Kong C Nanjing, Macau D Tianjing, Macau ( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being. A 1689 B 1702 C 1701 D 1707 ( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___. A the farm failure B the bank failures C the stock market crash D the high unemployment ( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? A Inflation B Depressions C Recessions D all of the above ( ) 13.The real American literature began________. A after the war of Independence B after the Westward Movement C after the Civil War D after the Civil Rights Movement ( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ . A coal B electricity C oil D wheat ( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ . A the state government will be responsible for it B they will educate the children themselves C they can save a lot of money D they are breaking the law ( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____. A 1974 B 1972 C 1978 D 1979 ( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” A Woodrow Wilson B Theodore Roosevelt


08 英语社会类英语国家概况选择题及答案 1.On the island of Great Britain, there are __c______. [A]four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland [B]four political divisions—England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland [C]three political divisions—England, Scotland, and Wales [D]three political divisions—England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland 2.The largest lake in Britain is __b____. [A]Loch Lomond [B]the Lough Neagh [C]Windermere [D]Ullswater 3.Britain’s climate is influenced by __a_____ that sw eeps up from the equator and flows past the British Isles. [A]the Gulf Strteam [B]the Brazil Current [C]the Labrador Current [D]the Falkland current

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f214108368.html,ngd enclosure in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands led to mass emigration, particularly to ___d____. [A]Africa [B]Eastern Europe [C]Asia [D]the Americas 5.Christianity was first brought to England by ___a___. [A]the Romans [B]the Celts [C]the Anglo-Saxons [D]the Danes 6.William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in ___b___. [A]1086 [B]1066 [C]1035 [D]1381 7.When Wales was brought under the English Crown, the title of “Prince


1.第1题 Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords? do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament sittings. consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal. lords are expected to represent the interests of the public. of the lords in the House of Lords are males. 您的答案:C 题目分数: 此题得分: 2.第2题 The largest religion in the US is ___. 您的答案:B 题目分数: 此题得分:

3.第3题 Which of the following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain? differences between north and south of social systems between Scotland and Wales differencs between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar worker. differences between immigrants and the British 您的答案:B 题目分数: 此题得分: 4.第4题 Which of the following agreement is accepted by both Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland? Anglo-Irish Agreement Belfast Agreement Good Friday Agreement Multi-Party Agreement 您的答案:C 题目分数: 此题得分: 5.第5题 Which of the following statements is NOT correct? When the Constitution was written, ___.

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