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两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee2043389.html,/test/xiaobai.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 分析学习新概念外语的重要性 《新概念英语》教材中短小精悍、生动有趣的课文最适合用来背诵。很多重点中学的 教师都要求其学生能够熟练背诵《新概念英语》。部分准备考研及托福考试的考生也都通 过背诵《新概念英语》来提高其英语口语和写作水平。实践证明,背诵不但可以帮助学习 者加深对课文的理解,提高阅读能力,锻炼记忆力,还可以帮助学生学习课文中用词造句、布局谋篇的方法,培养和提高作文能力。有则谚语说:“能背诵多少书籍,就能获得多少 知识。”由此可见,背诵是英语学习能力快速提升的一个重要方面。 第一册内容贴近现实生活,涉及范围覆盖了方方面面。语言生动幽默风趣,能极大地 提高学生英语的学习兴趣;第一册也是一本经典地道的口语教材。可以训练学习者掌握基本语音、语调和基本词法、语法、句法及句型结构知识。 学完第一册后能够达到的水平:达到初中或高中一年级的英语水平。对英语形成基本 的语感,熟悉标准的英语发音系统,拥有简单的英语听力能力;能进行简单的日常对话;掌握英语基本时态,能进行简单阅读和写作;掌握高频词汇800~1500。 第二册能使学习者从一个会说日常英语的人,提高成为一个敢动笔进行基本写作的人。第二册以96篇小故事为素材,培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力,其优势在于扩充词

汇、统揽语法、结合实践、听说兼修。系统地掌握从词汇、时态开始的语法知识和各种句型,同时加强了写作能力。 学完第二册后能够达到的水平:达到优秀高中毕业生或大学一年级英语水平。能用英 语毫无障碍地与人进行普通的交流;能用英语写出流畅的,时而还闪着幽默的记叙文;可以达到每分钟50个英语单词的阅读速度,能阅读中等难度的英语文章;可以掌握英语中常用的 前缀、后缀及词根,为你继续扩充词汇量铺平道路;练就浑厚的内力,轻松准备各种英语考试;具备一定的英语自学能力,知道如何去解决学习中的难题;掌握高频词汇1500~4000。 第三册的文章全都是原汁原味的英文精品,语言优雅、凝练,句型工整而又富于变化。教材着重分析句子之间内在的逻辑关系,把一、二册所学的语法、词法、句法等综合运用,使学习者认识到句型的精炼、优美、实用与可模仿性,从而将其有机地运用于英语写作之中;并进一步扩大英语词汇量、扩展词汇、短语及语法的实战运用。使你体味到英语作为一种语言的魅力,在陶醉中不断进步。三册学完,您会发现英语是多么美丽的一种语言。 学完第三册后能够达到的水平:达到大学四级英语水平。 第四册涵盖了文化、经济、哲学、艺术、体育、政治、美学、心理学、社会学、伦理学、教育学、天文学等三十多个学科门类,语言文字精美独到,"字字珠玑",句型结构复 杂多变而又不失简洁酣畅。同时诸多文章里蕴含着深厚的哲思、美学及西方文化中独特的 思维方式,这使得该教材成为每一位与掌握英语语言精华的学习者不可多得、不可不学的


Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活 【Text】 §Lesson 12 Life on a desert island 荒岛生活 What was exceptional about the two men's stay on the desert island Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is wretched. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out. Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave. 参考译文 我们许多人对于荒岛生活有一种不切实际的想法。我们有时想象荒岛是阳光终日普照的天堂。在那里,生活简单又美好。成熟的水果从树上掉下来,人们根本无需劳动。另一种想法恰恰相反,认为荒岛生活很可怕,要么饿死,要么像鲁滨孙那样,天天盼船来,却总没见船影。也许,这两种都像都有可信之处。但很少有人能有机会去弄个究竟。 最近有两个人在一座珊瑚岛上呆了5天,他们真希望在那儿再多呆一些日子。他们驾着一条严重损坏的小船从维尔京群岛阿密修理。途中,船开始下沉,他们迅速把食物、火柴、罐装啤酒往一只救生筏上装。然后在加勒比海上划行了几英里,到了一座珊瑚岛上。岛上几乎没有一颗树,也没有淡水,但这不算什么问题。他们用像皮艇蓄积雨水。由于他们随身带了一支捕鱼枪,因此,吃饭不愁。他们天天捕捉龙虾和鱼,正如其中一位所说,吃得“像国王一样好”。5天后,一条油轮从那儿路过,搭救了他们。这二位不得不离开那个荒岛时,还真的感到遗憾呢! 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 ◆desert island 荒岛 ◆unrealistic adj. 不真实的 ◆Paradise n. 天堂,乐土 ◆wretched adj. 可怜的,艰苦的 ◆Starve v. 挨饿 成分element n. ◆. ◆opportunity n. 机会 ◆coral n. 珊瑚 ◆Virgin Islands 维尔京群岛 ◆Miami n. 迈阿密(美国最南的城市) ◆dinghy n. 救生筏,小船 ◆Caribbean n. 加勒比海 ◆spear gun 捕鱼枪


新概念英语第三册课后题答案Lesson 1 1-5 d a c c d 6-10 b d d c b 11-12 b a Lesson 2 1-5 d b c b d 6-10 b c a b a 11-12 a c Lesson 3 1-5 d d a d b 6-10 c b b a d 11-12 b b | Lesson 4 1-5 a c d b d 6-10 c b c d b 11 -12 c a Lesson 5 1-5 c b a b c 6-10 d b c c b

11-12 d d Lesson 6 1-5 b a c d b 6-10 a a d a a 11-12 b c Lesson 7 ) 1-5 b d b a c 6-10 b c a a d 11-12 b b Lesson 8 1-5 c c d d a 6-10 a c c b a 11-15 d c Lesson 9 1-5 a d a c b 6-10 d b a b c 11-12 c a Lesson 10 1-5 d c a b d 6-10 d b d a c

~ 11-12 b a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a * Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b


走下神坛的《新概念英语》 (本博客荣登新浪博客首页、教育博客同时推荐) 佛教里有一个词,叫“所知障”,意思是人们太过于熟悉了一件事情,就再也不去思考这件事情的真相了,结果就永远也难以知道这件事情真正的真相,使得认识这件事情的真相反而成了一件极困难的事。英语究竟该怎么去学,就是这样的一件事情,正因为大家都在学英语,都在不假思索地按照学校布置的方式去学英语,都在按照越来越流行的教材去学英语,反而学英语的觉醒者极难找到。《新概念英语》,就是在这样一个背景下流行了多年的并一统天下的巨无霸型的英语教材。我敢说,中国人近百年来花时间最多去读的书有两本:一本是《毛泽东选集》,另一本就是著名的《新概念英语》。这两本书一本是中国人写的,一本是外国人写的,一本是改革开放前最常读的,一本是改革开放后最常读的,这两本书绝对代表了中国从封闭到开放的过程。 几十年来,由于中国的学英语人对《新概念英语》太熟悉和对它太顶礼膜拜了,反而产生了“所知障”,导致没人敢评价这套教材的优劣,甚至无人能觉悟出这套教材的优劣。其实英语是一个汪洋大海,任何一种英语教材都不足以包罗万象地包括全部英语的内容,不同的作者会站在不同的视点上以不同的感觉来写一本英语教材,而学习者则应该在各种教材之间取长补短、各取所需。若对一本教材几十年过于顶礼膜拜而对其优缺点视而不见,则必然带来认识和行动上的偏差和误区,影响我们的正常进步。下面我就结合自己多年的学习体会对在中国流行了几十年的并一直处于神坛位置上的《新概念英语》阐述一些它的不足之处,供大家参考,为中国的英语教学界早日走进百花齐放的时代做一点努力。请大家不要以为我不喜欢这套教材,请大家不要以为我不熟悉这套教材,我对这套教材曾倒背如流,它给我学英语带来过很大的好处,是我的英语“老师”,我至今珍藏着恐怕是中国最古老的《新概念英语》教材,上面密密麻麻地写满了我的学习笔记,但在20多年后的今天,望着我这套古老的《新概念英语》和学生们书包里印刷变化很大但内容却几乎没什么变化的最新版本的《新概念英语》,我确实觉得中国的英语教学有停止不前的感觉了,让我们呼唤进步,发现不足吧! 首先,新概念英语已的确是一部“老”概念英语了。不仅其中的单词有的已不在使用或不常用,其中的国家的名称很多都不存在了(比如苏联)。英语是一种世界通用的语言,也正因为如此,它是一种快速流动变化的语言,用英国人自己的话说,他们的英语每一代人都不一样(British English language changes by a generation)。二战后随着美国的强大和高速发展,美国英语的变化速度就更快,平均每十年就可看出大变化(American English language changes by a decade),很多老的词语已不再用,而新的词语诞生了。二战结束后,英国人亚力山大要写一本给德国人学英语的教材,由于他感叹英语词汇的变化之快,便搜集了当时最时兴的语言和词汇编写了这本英语教材,并给他的书取了名字《新概念英语》,意思是说,这本书里的词汇都是最新的词汇,都是最新的概念。然而这本教材问世后,英语世界的变化之快是《新概念》作者本人也始料未及的,特别是冷战之后,全球经济一体化和互联网的普及使英语发生了日新月异的大变化。这种变化使新概念英语很快又成了旧概念英语,成了一本“老概念”英语了,就连《新概念英语》的作者本人都表达过一定要更新《新概念英语》。但是,〈新概念英语〉的更新却特别难,尤其是在中国就更难,这是因为多年来中国的英语老师们和无数的英语培训机构已花了很大精力来熟悉这套教材,并已太熟悉和习惯这


Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫 The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop. The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds. Language points (Attention:The following points are may not covered by the video. It is better for you to watch the video or listen to the MP3 first and try to take notes on your own. Then you may check here to get more details. ) 1, The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. in a famous arcade near Piccadilly介词短语修饰shops e.g. The shoe shop in my neighborhood was just opening.我家附近的鞋店刚刚开们营业。 2, After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop. after gazing...=after he gazed... 本句运用-ing形式结构,表明其逻辑主语要和主句的主语是一致的。


新概念英语第三册课后题答案 答案具体的解释可以参考外研社的《新概念英语练习详解3》(注:外研社的参考答案个别有误,请以这里的答案为准。)答案错误的个别题我会在课上讲解。 Lesson 1 1d 2a 3c 4c 5d 6b 7d 8d 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 2 1d 2b 3c 4b 5d 6b 7c 8a 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 3 1d 2d 3a 4d 5b 6c 7b 8b 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 4 1a 2c 3d 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 5 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6d 7b 8c 9c 10b 11d 12d Lesson 6 1b 2a 3c 4d 5b 6a 7a 8d 9a 10a 11b 12c Lesson 7 1b 2d 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c 8a 9a 10d 11b 12b Lesson 8 1c 2c 3d 4d 5a 6a 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12c Lesson 9 1a 2d 3a 4c 5b 6d 7b 8a 9b 10c 11c 12a Lesson 10 1d 2c 3a 4b 5d 6d 7b 8d 9a 10c 11b 12a Lesson 11 1c 2c 3a 4d 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10a 11d 12b Lesson 12 1c 2d 3a 4b 5d 6c 7b 8c 9b 10d 11d 12a Lesson 13 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6b 7b 8c 9a 10d 11a 12b Lesson 14 1b 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10d 11d 12c Lesson 15 1c 2d 3a 4b 5b 6d 7a 8c 9a 10c 11b 12b Lesson 16 1c 2b 3b 4d 5d 6c 7d 8b 9a 10b 11c 12a Lesson 17 1d 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b 7d 8d 9a 10c 11c 12d Lesson 18 1a 2c 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 8d 9d 10a 11b 12c Lesson 19 1a 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7b 8d 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 20 1c 2b 3b 4c 5a 6c 7d 8a 9c 10d 11a 12d Lesson 21 1b 2d 3c 4a 5a 6b 7b 8a 9c 10a 11a 12d Lesson 22 1a 2c 3c 4c 5a 6c 7c 8a 9d 10d 11b 12c Lesson 23 1d 2a 3d 4a 5b 6c 7a 8c 9d 10d 11b 12b Lesson 24 1a 2c 3a 4a 5d 6b 7c 8b 9d 10a 11d 12a Lesson 25 1c 2a 3d 4c 5b 6d 7a 8d 9b 10a 11a 12c Lesson 26 1d 2a 3c 4c 5b 6a 7c 8d 9c 10d 11b 12a Lesson 27 1a 2d 3b 4b 5b 6b 7d 8c 9c 10a 11b 12c Lesson 28 1b 2c 3b 4d 5c 6a 7d 8c 9c 10b 11b 12a Lesson 29 1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7b 8c 9d 10d 11c 12b Lesson 30 1d 2a 3d 4b 5c 6b 7a 8a 9c 10b 11d 12a Lesson 31 1b 2b 3d 4b 5b 6a 7a 8a 9d 10d 11c 12d Lesson 32 1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6d 7c 8c 9d 10b 11c 12a Lesson 33 1c 2b 3a 4b 5d 6a 7a 8c 9c 10b 11a 12d Lesson 34 1b 2b 3c 4b 5d 6c 7a 8d 9c 10b 11a 12c Lesson 35 1c 2b 3b 4d 5c 6d 7c 8c 9a 10d 11b 12d Lesson 36 1d 2c 3c 4b 5d 6a 7b 8b 9d 10c 11a 12d Lesson 37 1b 2c 3a 4b 5c 6a 7d 8c 9d 10d 11b 12a Lesson 38 1b 2d 3a 4d 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a 10a 11c 12a Lesson 39 1c 2a 3a 4d 5a 6d 7b 8c 9a 10c 11b 12c Lesson 40 1a 2c 3c 4d 5a 6d 7c 8c 9b 10a 11d 12a Lesson 41 1d 2b 3a 4c 5a 6c 7b 8b 9a 10b 11b 12a


新概念英语学习的有效途径 《新概念》英语教材堪称英语教学界最经典的教材。这本教材问世30年以来,影响了一批又一批的英语学习者。纵贯林林总总的英语教材,只有新概念的地位从来没有被撼动过。无数英语高手就是凭借对新概念的痴迷和疯狂而练就了一身硬功夫。客观而言:如果一个人能够讲出新概念英语第二册水平的英语,那他的口语已经完全过关了;如果有谁能够写出新概念英语第三册水准的英语,那他的写作能力已经很少有人能够超越了;如果哪一位能够写出、讲出新概念英语第四册高度的英语,那么,他的英语运用能力已经登峰造极了。这绝非空穴来风的无 十年寒窗,一无所成,腹中空空如也; 很多学生,辛辛苦苦学习英语长达十年,最后的结果是哑巴、聋子英语,除了一点点单词、语法和生活常用表达方式以外,其他的一无所知。说白了,就是感觉收获甚微,肚子里没货啊! 全能新概念英语将使用全新英语教学理念和方法将听、说、读、写、译五项能力有机整合在每一篇新概念课文中,以课文为平台,拓展加深,激情背诵课文,在最多一年的时间里实现从零起点到流利英语的飞跃!我们追求的境界是:一载

辛苦,五项全能,满腹诗卷文章。 2.如何全能新概念 每一课都是一个挑战,每一课都是一次进步,全能新概念课程的每一节课都有六项特色: 特色一:扩充词汇 使用联想记忆法扩充词汇 词缀词根联想: 如:modern adj. →modernize v.(~ize→make sth. modern)→modernization building while others were waiting on the airfield. (第二册7课,过去进行时) 通过对关键句型的理解和背诵达到对于相关单词、句型、时态等语言知识和能力的提高。 特色三:锻炼口语 学习语言的最终目的是为了交际,所以口语能力的提高将是全能新概念英语的一个重点。主要有以下几个环节在课堂上锻炼口语: 单个语音、单词发音的校正:校正中国学生最容易发错的发音。


Lesson1 A puma at large Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的). The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found


新概念英语第三册选择题答案Lesson 1. (d),(a),(c),(c),(d),(b),(d),(d),(c),(b),(b),(a) Lesson 2. (d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(b),(c),(a),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 3. (d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(b),(a),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 4. (a),(c),(d),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 5. (c),(b),(a),(b),(c),(d),(b),(c),(c),(b),(d),(d) Lesson 6. (b),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 7. (b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 8. (c),(c),(d),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(c) Lesson 9. (a),(d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(b),(b),(b),(d) Lesson 10. (d),(c),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(d),(a),(c),(b),(a) Lesson 11. (c),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(a),(d),(b) Lesson 12. (c),(d),(a),(b),(d),(c),(b),(c),(b),(d),(d),(a) Lesson 13. (d),(c),(c),(c),(b),(b),(b),(c),(a),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 14. (b),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(d),(c) Lesson 15. (c),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b) Lesson 16. (c),(b),(b),(d),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 17. (d),(a),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(d),(a),(c),(c),(d) Lesson 18. (a),(c),(d),(c),(c),(b),(a),(d),(d),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 19. (a),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(b),(d),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 20. (c),(b),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(a),(c),(d),(a),(d) Lesson 21. (b),(d),(c),(a),(a),(b),(d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 22. (a),(b),(c),(c),(a),(c),(c),(a),(b),(d),(b),(c) Lesson 23. (d),(a),(d),(a),(b),(c),(a),(c),(d),(d),(b),(b) Lesson 24. (a),(c),(a),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 25. (c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(c) Lesson 26. (d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(a),(c),(d),(c),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 27. (a),(d),(b),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(c),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 28. (b),(c),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(a),(c),(c),(b),(d) Lesson 29. (c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(a),(b),(c),(d),(d),(c),(b) Lesson 30. (d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(c),(b),(d),(a) Lesson 31. (b),(b),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(d),(d),(c),(d) Lesson 32. (a),(b),(a),(c),(b),(d),(c),(c),(d),(b),(c),(a) Lesson 33. (c),(b),(a),(b),(d),(a),(a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(b) Lesson 34. (a),(b),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d),(c),(b),(a),(c) Lesson 35. (c),(b),(b),(d),(c),(d),(c),(c),(a),(d),(b),(d) Lesson 36. (d),(c),(c),(b),(d),(a),(b),(b),(d),(c),(a),(d) Lesson 37. (b),(c),(a),(b),(c),(a),(d),(c),(d),(d),(b),(a) Lesson 38. (c),(d),(a),(d),(c),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(a),(b) Lesson 39. (c),(a),(a),(d),(d),(a),(d),(b),(a),(a),(b),(c) Lesson 40. (a),(c),(c),(d),(a),(d),(b),(c),(b),(a),(d),(a) Lesson 41. (d),(b),(a),(c),(a),(c),(b),(b),(a),(b),(b),(a)


新概念第三册语法精粹 第一章英语从句 Subordination 英语从句主要有定语从句,状语从句和名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句) 一.定语从句 定语从句:由关系代词who, whom, whose, that, which; 关系副词when, where, why 引导。 (下面十个句子请读5遍并脱口译出!) 1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week. 2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend. 3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 4. Please find a place which we can have a private talk in. 5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. 7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn't finish it in time. 8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war. 9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English. 10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.

【2019-2020】新概念英语背后的故事word版本 (1页)

【2019-2020】新概念英语背后的故事word版本 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 新概念英语背后的故事 《新概念英语》( NewConceptEnglish )是一部享誉全球的、英语学习宝典,是全球英语学习者的首选教材。新概念英语的学习是一个循序渐进的过程,它 以其严密的体系性、严谨的科学性、精湛的实用性、浓郁的趣味性深受英语学 习者的青睐。 新概念英语第一册从最基础的单词,句型教起,从拼写到发音,无所不包。新 概念英语第一册内容看似简单,其实已经把大部分的场景对话和口语基本举行 都包括在了其中,同时,新概念英语第一册的800词汇全部是英语日常用语中 出现频率最高的词汇,学习者应该完全掌握。同时,在学习新概念英语第一册 的时候应进行大量的语音语调练习、跟需要较长时间培养良好的发音习惯,这 是后面进一步的英语学习所必需的良好的基础。 新概念英语第一册课程适合: & middot ;零起点的学习者 & middot ;欲在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者 在全面掌握新概念英语第一册的知识后,新概念英语第二册的内容由浅入深, 进一步在语法、口语、阅读、写作技能方面进行全面培训,通过独特的文章选材,对关键句型的分析、词汇基本用法的讲解、摘要写作及作文练习中的串联 造句、书信格式与题材的逐步介绍,训练学生用听、说、读、写来实践英语, 掌握地道的英语句型。同时也锻炼了英语四级和 TOEFL 、 IELTS 的阅读与听力,对该书文章的朗读与背诵会极大增强您在英语口语和写作方面的能力。新 概念英语第二册的内容需要学习者反复练习,认真体会,因此在学习的过程中,会花费大量的精力和时间,也会遇到比较多的困难,但突破以后将进入一个新 的高度。


新概念英语第三册作文和书信写作Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 Mrs. Stone had spent the whole morning picking blackberries in the countryside near her home. It was nearly lunch time, so she decided to return for lunch. She was just picking up her basket when she heard a noise in the bushes. Then she saw an animal which looked like a cat. She knew it was not a cat because it was so large. The animal suddenly turned round to look at her and she thought it was going to come towards her and perhaps attack her. She dropped her basket and screamed loudly. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, after which Mrs. Stone picked up her basket and ran all the way home.She told her neighbours that she had seen a puma in the countryside, but they did not believe her. She also telephoned the police but they didn't believe her either. (148 words) Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一 A sticky business We were used to hearing our church bell striking the hours in our small village. For as long as anyone could remember, the bell had struck the hours day and night. However, one night the church bell remained silent and the next morning we saw that the clock had stopped at exactly one a.m. Our clock was clearly damaged, but no one could explain how this had happened. Armed with a torch, our vicar climbed into the church tower to see what was going on. He heard a loud buzz as he went towards the clock and in the torchlight he found it had been invaded by bees. He was lucky they didn't sting him! He shone his torch into the great bell and saw that it was full of wax and honey. No wonder it wasn't working! A bee keeper was called in to deal with the situation. He immediately removed the queen bee to one of his bee hives and the other bees followed. The clock was cleaned and was soon working again. We not only enjoyed hearing it strike the hours day and night, but we enjoyed eating the honey as well.(195 words) Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神 After walking round the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered an ancient temple. This temple had obviously been a place of worship because it contained a sacred room. On entering the sacred room, the archaeologists found the clay fragments of fifteen statues, each of which was a goddess which had once been painted. After this, workmen began digging and soon discovered the head of a statue among remains dating from the fifth century B.C. They also found the body of this statue among remains from the fifteenth century B.C. The archaeologists carefully put the fragments together. They were astonished to find that the figure was a goddess. The goddess was a modern-looking woman. She had her hands on her hips and she was wearing a full-length skirt. Although the archaeologists tried very hard to identify her, they were unable to find out her name. (143 words)

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