当前位置:文档之家› 专业英语-专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题32


专业英语-专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题32 专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题32

1、 We live in a narrowed world ______ we must be alert, awake to realism.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. whose

2、 The following are all correct responses to "Who got him to do that?" EXCEPT ______.

A. Jack did

B. Jack did that

C. Jack did so

D. Jack did this

3、 Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)?

A. The question is whether populations would put up with this.

B. The problem whether it is right or wrong has not yet been discussed.

C. It doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin.

D. It depends on whether the manager will agree to the plan or not.

4、 Which of the following sentences indicates suggestion?

A. Don't follow me all the way!

B. Pick up the model plane.

C. No smoking here.

D. Why not try this red skirt?

5、 Which of the following italicized parts is used as a subject complement?

A. She was the only person awake at that night.

B. Exploring a jungle alive with wild animals is hazardous.

C. He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.

D. The man responsible should be their manager.

6、 ______ the diagram shows, the sum spent on tobacco is nearly as large as that spent on alcohol.

A. As

B. Which

C. What

D. Like

7、 ______ the persons concerned had anything important to say.

A. No one of

B. Nobody of

C. None of

D. No one

8、 The announcement ______ greatly distressed the waiting passengers.

A. that all flights were cancelled

B. why all flights were cancelled

C. which all flights were cancelled

D. of which all flights were cancelled

9、 Not until it was completely dark ______ working.

A. had they stopped

B. they stopped

C. they didn't stop

D. did they stop

10、 Which of the following italicized phrases indicates comparison?

A. The car had a sharp turn to the left.

B. To him, it was a journey of tension and conflict.

C. Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric.

D. Preparation is the key to success.

11、 Rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. The italicized part is used to modify ______.

A. the object

B. the verb

C. the subject

D. the prepositional phrase

12、 I only got round to ______ this a few days ago.

A. do

B. doing

C. having done

D. have done

13、 Nothing but some magazines ______ in her handbag.

A. were found

B. was found

C. has found

D. had found

14、 Fossil records indicate ______ existing in the past have become extinct.

A. that many species of organisms

B. many species of organisms that

C. many species of organisms are

D. there are many organisms

15、 In "You will make yourself tired, keeping on your legs. " the -ing participle phrase is used ______.

A. as a purpose

B. as a condition

C. for concession

D. as a result

16、 His decision is made too quickly and without enough thought, so it is a(n) ______ one.

A. hasty

B. urgent

C. instant

D. prompt

17、 He has ______ himself to his work and become just a writing machine.

A. dedicated

B. dictated

C. decorated

D. directed

18、 Which of the following sentences expresses OFFER?

A. What's your favorite festival?

B. I have bought several skirts. Which one do you want?

C. Can you go along with me?

D. I have no cash with me, may I pay by check?

19、 If you wish to go away for the weekend, our office will be delighted to make hotel ______.

A. complaints

B. claims

C. reservations

D. decisions

20、 Alcoholics get special treatment making them throw up every time they drink

alcohol. The underlined part means ______.

A. abandon

B. vomit

C. cure

D. rise

21、 After the shock of the electoral defeat, the party really began to pull

together. The underlined part means ______.

A. gather things together

B. work out together

C. work with combined effort

D. defeat the enemy together

22、 Are you just joking about our starting a software company together, or do you mean business? The underlined part means ______.

A. be ashamed

B. be serious

C. be cautious

D. be consistent

23、—She is ______ to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income.

—Yes, but she doesn't earn any money.

A. resorted

B. granted

C. afforded

D. entitled

24、 Some men seek office, not to be useful to the state and the grassroots, but for the ______ and fishes.

A. bread

B. meat

C. loaves

D. foods

25、 She has a ______ reputation in both jazz and classical music.

A. massive

B. quantitative

C. surplus

D. formidable

26、 He lent money, made ______ and encouraged others to do likewise.

A. pensions

B. earnings

C. salaries

D. donations

27、 Many children who can't or don't ______ are often bullied.

A. confine

B. confirm

C. confront

D. conform

28、 Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?

A. He made us laugh with his jokes.

B. They dragged him down from

his high position.

C. He acted so out of gratitude.

D. They roped her on to us for the sake of safety.

29、 He had lived illegally in the United States for five years

after his visitor's visa ______.

A. abolished

B. expired

C. amended

D. constrained

30、 I dream of being a writer. But I am afraid maybe it is just a

pipe dream.

The underlined part means ______.

A. daydream

B. reality

C. desire

D. fact

31、 The sentence that expresses OFFER is ______.

A. Does she have your number?

B. How can he get people to believe in him?

C. I'll get something to eat. What will you have?

D. May I bring my chair next to yours?

32、 The qualities of my hometown, ______ on me as a boy, had a profound effect on the philosophy that directed my career.

A. having impressed

B. impressed

C. impressing

D. to be impressed

33、 Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?

A. To do this would be to cut the foot to fit the shoe.

B. He made it a rule to speak English in class.

C. It made us very angry to hear him talk like that.

D. This will be a good opportunity to exchange experience.

34、 Which of the following italicized part indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?

A. The secretary's departure disorganized the whole company.

B. Brian spent a large part of his career in Hollywood.

C. The middle-aged woman's children have no one to play with.

D. He tends towards Tom's opinion on this matter.

35、 Restaurants can buy fish in bulk at a fish market. The

underlined part

means ______.

A. large quantities

B. basket

C. advance

D. addition

36、 My father will blow his top when he sees what happened to the car. The underlined part means ______.

A. give an explanation

B. come off duty

C. become conscious

D. fly into a great rage

37、 Which of the following italicized parts DOESN'T indicate reason?

A. Something fell in, for I heard a splash.

B. Much as I love sports, I prefer to stay at home on Sunday.

C. He saw her, as they were both getting on the bus.

D. Now that I'm here, I'd better stay.

38、 According to the law which he later produced, everything in the universe attracts everything else towards ______.

A. it

B. everything

C. itself

D. each

39、 In phrases like generally speaking, judging from, or talking of, the -ing participle is used as a ______.

A. comment

B. result

C. condition

D. reason

40、 The commander said to his troops that under no circumstances

______ to step across the border.

A. the enemy should be allowed

B. should the enemy be allowed

C. should allow the enemy

D. the enemy should allow

41、 George Washington ______.

A. always will and always has been an American hero

B. always has and always will an American hero

C. always has and always will be an American hero

D. always has been and always will be an American hero

42、 To be frank, I'd sooner you ______ a good review yesterday for the coming test.

A. hadn't done

B. didn't do

C. couldn't have done

D. wouldn't do

43、 These goods are sold at reduced prices, ______.

A. the defects are pointed out to the customers

B. the defects pointed out to the customers

C. the defects have been pointed out to the customers

D. the defects being pointed out to the customers

44、 There is ______ what will happen to them.

A. no telling

B. not telling

C. not to tell

D. not to be told

45、 ______ touching in O'Henry's stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity.

A. Most is

B. It mostly is

C. Is it most

D. What is most

46、 Suffice it to say that the manager is interested in the work. The underlined

word means ______.

A. be angry

B. be excited

C. be doubtful

D. be sufficient

47、 After a long struggle, Sam finally got the better of himself. The underlined

part means ______.

A. improved

B. beat

C. influenced

D. prevented

48、 To my surprise, the house which looked rather shabby outside was luxuriously and ______. furnished inside.

A. complicatedly

B. comparatively

C. completely

D. competitively

49、 There was snow everywhere, so that the shape of things was difficult to ______.

A. identify

B. authorize

C. justify

D. rationalize

50、 He said it would not be all that difficult to reach a peaceful conclusion to the ______.

A. paradox

B. dilemma

C. prejudice

D. conflict

51、 It will be casting pearls before ______ because he does not know how to appreciate favors.

A. cow

B. swine

C. dog

D. sheep

52、 Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?

A. He ran so fast that I couldn't keep up with him.

B. It is so important a match that we can't miss it.

C. He told us such funny stories that we all laughed.

D. There are such many people that we have nowhere to sit.

53、 In these circumstances, it is the managers who come ______ best.

A. off

B. on

C. round

D. down

54、 There is an unquestionable link between job losses and ______ services.

A. descending.

B. declining

C. deteriorating

D. depressing

55、 Each of the area managers enjoys considerable ______ in the running of his own area.

A. autonomy

B. dignity

C. monopoly

D. stability

56、 The students hoped that their choice of play would be ______

with their parents.

A. popular

B. fascinated

C. favorable

D. recognized

57、 He has been ______ by magistrates that he is under

investigation for corruption.

A. certified

B. classified

C. clarified

D. notified

58、 He's already ______ several of the proposals in his economic

plan to

accommodate demands of special interests.

A. altered

B. alternated

C. substituted



59、 He thought of putting the blame on his brother to escape punishment himself.

The italicized word is used to modify ______.

A. the object

B. the verb

C. the subject

D. the

infinitive phrase

60、 The average daily ______ of fruits and vegetables is around 200 grams.

A. dissipation

B. consumption

C. disposal





[解析] 定语从句题。本题中定语从句的先行词为world,且先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故关系代词只能用where,因此C为正确答案。


[解析] 疑问句题。对Who got him to do that?的标准回答是Jack did,即Jack did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前文中提到的内容,而this通常用于指代下文内容,故D不正确,为本题正确答案。


[解析] 语法功能题。A中斜体部分为表语从句。B中斜体部分为同位语从句,用来解释说明the problem;C中斜体部分为主语从句,其中it为形式主语,斜体部分为真正的主语;D中斜体部分为宾语从句,作depends on的宾语。因此C为正确答案。


[解析] 句子理解题。A“别老跟着我!”表示命令;B“将飞机模型捡起来。”是一个陈述句;C“此处禁止吸烟。”表示强调;D“为什么不试一试这件红色的裙子呢?”表示建议。根据题意可知,选D。 5、C

[解析] 语法功能题。A中的斜体部分是后置定语,句意为:她是那天晚上唯一一个醒着的人;B中的斜体部分是后置定语,句意为:到有野兽的丛林里去探险是很危险的;C中的斜体部分是主语补足语,句意为:他在风雪中度过了七天,又冷又饿;D中的斜体部分是后置定语,句意为:负责任的应该是他们的经理。因此C为答案。


[解析] 非限定性定语从句题。as是关系代词,修饰逗号后的整句话;which虽然也可以引导定语从句,修饰完整的一个句子,但不能位于句首,故本题应选A。


[解析] 不定代词用法题。复合不定代词no one是分开写的,但不可以用no one of them或no one of the teachers等,应用。none of...结构,所以本题应选C。


[解析] 同位语从句题。本题已有的成分句子结构已很完整,缺少的部分可以是定语从句或同位语从句,“航班被取消”是宣布的具体内容,是对announcement的具体说明,因此应选A。 9、D

[解析] 倒装结构题。本题考查not until的倒装句型,not until位于句首时,主句中主谓部分要倒装,故选D。


[解析] 语法功能题。A意为“车向左急转弯。”其中to the left表示方向;B 意为“对他来说,这是一个充满矛盾和冲突的旅程。”其中To him表示对象;C意

为“合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。”其中to cotton fabric表示对比;D意为“准

备工作是成功的关键。”其中to success表示归属。由此可知,C为正确答案。


[解析] 浯法成分题。句中的斜体部分修饰主语rights,是主语的后置定语,

此句也可改写成:Rights, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements, exist only within a social

contract. 因此C为答案。


[解析] 同定搭配题。get round to+名词或动名词,表示“(处理完其他事以后)花时间和精力去做某事”,例如:I'm very busy at the moment but I hope

to get round to answering

your letter next week. (我现在很忙,希望下周能抽出时间给你回信。)故

正确答案为B。 13、B

[解析] 主谓一致题。本句的主语是nothing,but短语用作修饰语,因此谓语


B:was found。


[解析] 句子结构题。本句的主干是一个宾语从句,即fossil records

indicate that...;宾语从句中的谓语动词是have become,主语是many species of organisms,existing in the past是主语的定语,故应选A。


[解析] 语法功能题。在这句话中,现在分词短语表示的是条件,相当于if

you keep on your legs,因此正确答案是B。


[解析] 形容同辨析题。hasty意为“草率的,仓促的”;urgent意为“紧急的,迫切的”;instant意为“立刻的,立即的”;prompt意为“迅速的,敏捷的”。根据句意,应选择与too quickly and without enough thought意思相近的词,故A:hasty为正确答案。


[解析] 动词辨析题。dedicate oneself/sth. to sth. 表示“将(自己、时间、精力等)奉献给……”;dictate表示“口授;听写;命令”;decorate表示“装饰”;direct表示“指导;管理”。根据句意应选A:dedicated。


[解析] 句式理解题。I have bought, several skirts. Which one do you want?意为“我买了几条裙子。你想要哪一条?”表示提议,因此B为正确答案。其他三个选项均表示询问,故排除。 19、C

[解析] 名词辨析题。reservation表示“(座位、房间等)预订”;complaint

表示“抱怨,投诉”;claim表示“声称;索要”;decision表示“决定,确定”。根据句意应选C:reservations。 20、B

[解析] 短语理解题。题干中的throw up为动词短语,表示“呕吐”,因此B:vomit为正确答案。 21、C

[解析] 短语理解题。pull together为固定搭配,意思是“同心协力,通力合作”,由此可见,正确答案为C。


[解析] 短语理解题。固定搭配mean business意为“认真的,严肃的,不是开玩笑的”。A意为“感到惭愧的”;B意为“认真的,不开玩笑的”;C意为“小心谨慎的”;D意为“与……相一致的”。因此B为答案。


[解析] 动词辨析题。entitle sb. to sth. 表示“使某人有权利或资格得到……”:entitle sb. to do sth. 表示“给某人权利或资格做某事”;resort为不及物动词,resort to sth. 表示“求

助于,诉诸于某事物”;grant表示“同意给予;正式给予”,搭配是grant,sth. to sb. ;afford表示“买得起;承受得住”,也表示“供给,给予”,但较正式,搭配是afford sth. to sb. 。根据句意及搭配应选D:entitled。


[解析] 固定搭配题。the loaves and fishes是固定搭配,表示“私利;物质利益;实惠”,故选C。


[解析] 形容词辨析题。formidable表示“极好的,了不起的”;massive表示“大而重的,大量的”;quantitative表示“数量的;关于数量的”;surplus表示“剩余的,过剩的”。根据句意应选D:formidable。


[解析] 名词辨析题。donation表示“捐赠,捐送”;pension表示“养老金;抚恤金;退休金”;earnings表示“赚的钱;生的利”;salary表示“薪金,薪水”。根据句意应选D:donations。 27、D

[解析] 动词辨析题。conform是不及物动词,表示“符合或遵守(公认的规则、准则)”;confine是及物动词,表示“限制,监禁”;confirm是及物动词,表示“证实,确认”;confront是及物动词,表示“面对,正视,面临”。根据句意应选D:conform。


[解析] 句意理解题。C意为“他是出于感激才这么做的。”其中斜体部分是他这么做的原因,故C为正确答案。A意为“他用自己的笑话引我们发笑。”句中的



[解析] 动词辨析题。expire表示“期满,不再使用,终止,到期”;abolish 表示“废除,废止”;amend表示“稍微改动,修改”;constrain表示“抑制,强迫”。根据句意应选B:expired。 30、A

[解析] 名词辨析题。pipe dream意为“白日梦”,故A:daydream为答案。B:reality意为“现实”;C:desire意为“欲望”;D:fact意为“事实”,此三项均可排除。


[解析] 句式理解题。I'll get something to eat. What will you have?意为“我要去买点吃的。你想要什么?”表示提议,因此C为正确答案。其他三个选项均表示询问,故排除。 32、B

[解析] 非谓语动词用法题。本句谓语动词为had,两个逗号之间的部分是主语的定语;根据impress sth. on/upon sb. (使某人铭记某事)的搭配,主语与impress之间构成动宾关系,故应用过去分词,所以本题应选B:impressed。


[解析] 语法功能题。A中的斜体部分作表语;B中的斜体部分作made真正的宾语,it只是形式宾语;C中的斜体部分作主语;D中的斜体部分作定语。因此B为正确答案。


[解析] 语法功能题。A中的斜体部分意为“秘书的离职”,名词所有格表示主谓关系,因此A为答案。B中的斜体部分意为“他的职业生涯”,表示所属关系;C



[解析] 词组辨析题。固定搭配in bulk意为“大批量地”,与in large quantities同义,因此A为答案。


[解析] 短语理解题。固定搭配blow one's top意为“勃然大怒,大发脾气,大发雷霆”。A意为“做出解释”;B意为“下班”;C意为“有意识”;D意为“勃然大怒”。因此D为答案。


[解析] 语法功能题。因为B中包含much as这个短语,所以斜体部分不表示原因而表示让步,整个句子的意思是:虽然我喜爱运动,但是我周末还是想待在家里,因此正确答案为B。在其他的句子中,斜体部分都表示的是原因,均可排除。


[解析] 代词用法题。反身代词itself与主语everything形成互指关系,表示向它自身的方向吸引另一物体,故选C。


[解析] 语法功能题。本题中speaking,judging和talking分别用来修饰全句,表明说话者的观点态度,因此A为正确答案。


[解析] 倒装结构题。本句宾语从句中带有否定意义的短语under no circumstances提前位于句首,表示“在任何情况下都不”,其主谓部分应倒装,所以应选B。C中缺少宾语从句中的主语。 41、D

[解析] 动词时态题。本题考查be动词的现在完成时和一般将来时的用法,四个选项中只有D语序正确,且结构完整。


[解析] 虚拟语气题。would sooner表示“宁愿”,后接宾语从句时应用虚拟语气,本宾语从句中是对过去事实的虚拟,所以应该用过去完成时,故选A。


[解析] 独立主格结构题。本句前半句结构完整,后面若是完整句子应用连接词,故A和C可排除;后面的主语与句子主语不一致,故可用独立主格结构,因此只有B正确。


[解析] 句子结构题。There+be+no+动名词是固定句型,表示“不能……,无法……”。 45、D

[解析] 主语从句题。本句的主语不完整,只有D能与后面的touching in

O'Henry's stories



[解析] 短语辨析题。suffice的意思是“足够,满足”,suffice it to say that...是固定表达法,意思是“只需说……就够了”,由此可见,正确答案是D。


[解析] 短语理解题。get the better of sb. 为同定搭配,表示“打败某人,战胜某人”,因此B:beat为正确答案。


[解析] 副词辨析题。completely意为“完全地,彻底地”,其中completely furnished表示“家具一应俱全”,因此C.为答案。complicatedly意为“复杂地,难懂地”;comparatively意为“比较地,相对地”;competitively意为“有竞争力地,好竞争地”,均不符合句意,故排除。 49、A

[解析] 动词辨析题。identify表示“识别,鉴别出”;authorize表示“授权,委托”;justify表示“表明或证明……是正当的、有理的或公正




[解析] 名词辨析题。conflict表示“冲突,战斗,争执”;paradox表示“看似矛盾而实际(或可能)正确的说法”;dilemma表示“进退两难的窘境,进退维谷的困境”;prejudice表示“偏见,成见”。根据句意应选D:conflict。


[解析] 固定搭配题。cast pearls before swine是固定搭配,表示“对牛弹琴”,故选B。 52、D

[解析] 状语从句题。用so...that...表示结果,so...that...中间一般接形容词或副词。若中


“so+adj.+a/an+n.+that从句”;若中间出现复数名词或不可数名词,则应该用“such+adj.+n.(pl.)/n.(U)+that从句”;若中间出现由“许多”修饰的名词,则应该用“so+many/few/much/little+n. (pl.)/n.(U)+that从句”或“such+a lot of+n.(pl.)/n.(U)+that从句”,因此D表述错误,故为答案。


[解析] 动词短语辨析题。come off表示“成功,达到预期效果或结果”;come on表示“快点,试试”,用于祈使句以鼓励某人做某事;come round表示“绕道而来,苏醒”;come down表示“坍塌,下降”。根据句意应选A:off。


[解析] 动词辨析题。deteriorate表示“变坏,变质,恶化”;descend表示“下降,下沉”;decline表示“减少,谢绝”;depress表示“使沮丧、消沉,萧条”;depressing表示“令人忧愁的,令人沮丧的”。根据句意应选



[解析] 名词辨析题。autonomy表示“自治,自主;独立”;dignity表示“尊严;尊贵”;monopoly表示“垄断;专卖”;stability表示“稳定性;沉稳”。根据句意应选A:autonomy。 56、A

[解析] 形容词辨析题。popular意为“受欢迎的”,其中be popular with为固定搭配,表示“受……欢迎,为……所喜欢”,因此A为答案。fascinated意为“被……迷住的”,后面常接by,故排除B;favorable意为“讨人喜欢的”,但与for搭配使用,故排除C;recognized意为“公认的”,不符合句意,故排除D。


[解析] 动词辨析题。notify表示“通知,报告”;certify表示“(书面)证明……”;classify表示“分类,归类”;clarify表示“澄清;使清楚易懂”。根据句意应选D:notified。 58、A

[解析] 动词辨析题。alter表示“改变,更改,修改,改(性质、位置、大小、形状等)”;alternate表示“交替发生或出现;轮流安排”;substitute表示“代替,替换,取代”;exchange表示“交换;交流”。根据句意应选A:altered。


[解析] 语法成分题。根据句意“他想归罪于他的兄弟以避免自己受罚”,himself是用来修饰主语he的,表示强调“本人”之意,因此C:the subject,为正确答案。


[解析] 名词辨析题。consumption表示“(食物、能量、资源等)消耗,消耗量”;dissipation表示“驱散,消散,浪费”;disposal表示“清除,处理,处置”;expenditure表示“(金钱的)支出额”。根据题意应选B:consumption。


英语专四语法与词汇模拟练习题(含答案) 1.My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: "Are you feeling all right?" A. must be B. must have been C. had been D. had to be 2.It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him. A. do you become B. then you become C. that you become D. have you become 3.Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ____ the atmosphere. A. as it is B. so is C. the same as D. and so is 4.While driving along the treacherous road, ____ . A. my right rear tire blew out B. my right rear tire had a blowout C. I had a blowout on my right rear tire D. I had my right rear tire blowout 5.Jean Wagner's most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American Poetry is his insistence that ____ it in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. A. is to be analyzed


专业英语四级-32 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、完型填空题(总题数:3,分数:100.00) America is one of many countries where the state gives a leg-up to members of certain racial, ethnic, or other groups 1 holding them to different standards. The details 2 . In some countries, the policy 3 only to areas under direct state control, such as public-works contracts or 4 to public universities. In others, private firms are also obliged to take 5 of the race of their employees, contractors and even owners. 6 the effects are strikingly similar around the world. Many of these policies were put in place with the best of intentions: to 7 for past injustices and purify their legacy. No one can deny that, 8 , blacks in America have suffered awful wrongs, and continue to suffer 9 . Favouring members of these groups seems like a quick and effective way of making society 10 . Most of these groups have made great 11 . At the same time, the downside of affirmative action has become all too 12 . Awarding university places to black students 13 lower test scores than whites sounds reasonable, 14 the legacy of segregation. But a study found that at some American universities, black applicants who scored 450 points worse than Asians on entrance tests were 15 likely to win a place. That is neither fair on Asians, 16 an incentive to blacks to study in high school. The book "Mismatch" produces evidence that 17 affirmative action reduces the number of blacks who 18 as lawyers by placing black students in law schools 19 they are ill-prepared, causing many to drop out. Had they attended less demanding schools, they 20 .(分数:30.00) A.with B.in C.at D.by √ 解析:[解析] 空格后的“给他们设定不同的标准”是“让特定的种族、少数族裔或、者其他族群享受特殊待遇”的方式,因此选表“方式”的介词,by符合要求。with为强干扰项,但其后只接名词。 A.vary √ B.alter C.remain D.shift 解析:[解析] 从下文的提示:In some countries...In others,可以推测,空格处要填入表示“不同” 含义的词,故选A。alter“改变”;remain“仍然”;shift“移动”。 A.refers B.applies √ C.amounts D.contributes 解析:[解析] apply...to意为“应用到……”,代入句中意思为“该政策只在政府职权范围内适用”, 选B。 A.admission √ B.confession C.concession D.conversion 解析:[解析] 此处为政府在其职权范围实施的两项政策,一项为“国有的雇佣合同”,一项为“公立大学的______”。admission意为“入学”,符合句意。 A.care B.toll C.account √


2023专四英语词汇语法模拟试题及答案 2023专四英语词汇语法模拟试题及答案 专四英语词汇语法模拟试题及答案 1 1.____in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown. A. Unpopular has as white been ? B. White has been as unpopular C. Unpopular has been as white ? D. Unpopular as white has been 2.____for a long time, the fields are all dried up. A. There has been no rain ? B. Having no rain C. There having been no rain? D. There being no rain 3. The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A. had they been done ? B. they had been done C. having been done ? D. they were done

4. Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment____. A. which they are happening ? B. they are happening C. which they happen ? D. they have happened 5.____me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident could handle a pen with his feet. A. That amazed B. It amazed? C. Which amazed D. What amazed 6. Although she wrote a lot of short stories and poems when she was very young, ____she was twenty?five. A. her first real success did not e until B. her real first success came until not C. since her first real success did not e until D. not until her first real success 7. You should know better than____ your little sister at home by herself. A. to leave B. leaving C. to have left D. left 8. As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____grab a bite at the snack bar.


专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题32 1. We live in a narrowed world ______ we must be alert, awake to realism. A.that B.which C.where D.whose 答案:C [解答] 定语从句题。本题中定语从句的先行词为world,且先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故关系代词只能用where,因此C为正确答案。 2. The following are all correct responses to "Who got him to do that?" EXCEPT ______. A.Jack did B.Jack did that C.Jack did so D.Jack did this 答案:D [解答] 疑问句题。对Who got him to do that?的标准回答是Jack did,即Jack did it的省略句。此外,还可以用其他代词指代问句中出现的内容,so和that都可以指代前文中提到的内容,而this通常用于指代下文内容,故D不正确,为本题正确答案。 3. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)? A.The question is whether populations would put up with this. B.The problem whether it is right or wrong has not yet been discussed. C.It doesn't matter whether the paper is thick or thin. D.It depends on whether the manager will agree to the plan or not.


专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题30 1. She answered with an ______ "No" to the request that she attend the public hearing. A.eloquent B.effective C.emotional D.emphatic 答案:D 2. Everyone who has visited the city agrees that it is ______ with life. A.vibrant B.violent C.energetic D.full 答案:A [解答] 形容词辨析题。vibrant表示“充满生气的;兴奋的”,be vibrant with life表示“生机勃勃,生机盎然”;violent表示“强烈的,猛烈的;暴力的”;energetic表示“精力充沛的”;而full要与of搭配。根据句意和搭配要求应选A:vibrant。 3. The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the ______. https://www.doczj.com/doc/e919053879.html,tter https://www.doczj.com/doc/e919053879.html,test https://www.doczj.com/doc/e919053879.html,ter https://www.doczj.com/doc/e919053879.html,st 答案:A

表示“最后的”。根据句意应选A:latter。 4. With ______ exceptions, the former President does not appear in public now. A.rare B.unusual C.extraordinary D.unique 答案:A [解答] 形容词辨析题。rare表示“稀有的,罕见的,难得的,特别的”,with rare exceptions表示“除了极其特殊的情况”,故A为正确答案。unusual表示“不平常的,异常的”;extraordinary表示“非常的,特别的;额外的”;unique表示“唯一的,独特的”。 5. We have been hearing ______ accounts of your work. A.favoured B.favourable C.favourite D.favouring 答案:B [解答] 形容词辨析题。favoured表示“受人喜爱的,偏袒的”;favourable表示“赞许的;有利的”;favourite 表示“(让人)最喜欢的”;:favouring是favour的现在分词。根据句意应选B:favourable。 6. During the summer holiday season there are no ______ rooms in this seaside hotel. A.empty B.blank C.deserted D.vacant 答案:D


专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷100(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 4. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1.Look at these clouds._____. A.It will rain B.It’s going to rain C.It will be raining D.It is to rain 正确答案:B 解析:选项A中will表示一种意愿。B项中的be going to do sth.表示目前已有迹象表明即将发生某种事情。C项中使用了将来进行时,用来表示将来某一时刻或某一时期正在进行的动作。D项中的be to do sth.表示一种按现在的计划或安排将要发生的动作。知识模块:动词时态 2.Our boss, Mr. Thompson,_____a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. A.was promising B.has been promising C.has promised D.is promising 正确答案:B 解析:这句话考的是现在完成进行时。表示长久时间以来某件事情一直在发生,比现在完成时所能表达的延续的时间跨度更长。知识模块:动词时态 3.By the end of next month we_____this assignment. A.will finish B.will be finishing C.will have finished D.have finished 正确答案:C 解析:by the end of next month(year)是将来完成时的典型状语,故选C。知识模块:动词时态 4.We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours_____miracle.


专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇-32 (总分100,考试时间90分钟) PART Ⅲ CLOZE Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps (1) the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, (2) reading material and giving out (3) . The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and (4) what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture (5) notes which do not catch the main points and (6) become hard even for the (7) to understand. Most institutions provide courses which (8) new students to develop the skills they need to be (9) listeners and note-takers. (10) these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skill guides which (11) learners to practice these skills (12) . In all cases it is important to (13) the problem (14) actually starting your studies. It is important to (15) that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills (16) in college study. One way of (17) these difficulties is to attend language and study-skill classes which most institutions provide throughout the (18) year. Another basic (19) is to find a study partner (20) it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support. 1. A. extending B. illustrating C. performing D. conducting 2. A. explaining B. attributing C. contributing D. distributing 3. A. assignments B. information C. content D. definition 4. A. suspects B. understands C. wonders D. convinces 5. A. without B. with C. on D. except 6. A. what B. those C. as D. which 7. A. lecturer B. classmates C. partners D. student 8. A. require B. prevent C. assist D. forbid 9. A. effective B. passive C. relative D. expressive 10. A. Whether B. Because C. Though D. If 11. A. enable B. stimulate C. advocate D. prevent 12. A. repeatedly B. independently C. logically D. generally 13. A. evaluate B. acquaint C. tackle D. formulate 14. A. before B. after C. while D. for


英语专业四级真题完形填空及答案解析 PART III CLOZE [15 MIN] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two. How men first learned to invent words is unknown; (31) , the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain (32) to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, (33) they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (34) certain signs, called letters, which could be (35) to represent those sounds, and which could be (36) . Those sounds, whether spoken, (37) written in letters, we call words. The power of words, then, lies in their (38) the things they bring up before our minds. Words become (39) with meaning for us by experience; (40) the longer we live, the more certain words (41) to us the happy and sad events of our past; and the more we (42) , the more the number of words that mean something to us (43) . Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal (44) to our minds and emotions. This (45) and


专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷32(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 4. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1.Evidence came up_____specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old. A.what B.that C.which D.whose 正确答案:B 解析:evidence后面的同位语从句被全句的谓语动词came up隔开,同位语从句须由that引导,所以B项正确。知识模块:语法词汇 2._____right now, she would get there on Sunday. A.Would she leave B.If she leaves C.Were she to leave D.If she had left 正确答案:C 解析:Were she to leave明显是一个倒装形式,等同于If she were to leave…该题考查非真实性条件状语从句中的虚拟表达。从该句结构可以看出,其时间状语为right now,主句是would do,由此可知该句是对将来情况的虚拟,因而从句要用were to do的结构。由于省略了连词if,从句需要倒装,将were提前,选C。知识模块:语法词汇 3.We left the meeting, there obviously_____no point in staying. A.were B.being C.to be D.having 正确答案:B 解析:该题考查分词的独立结构。being用在该句中构成there obviously being no pointin staying,现在分词短语,在句中用作原因状语,亦可视为独立主格结构,在语义结构上符合逻辑,故选B。知识模块:语法词汇


专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇模拟题1 PART ⅢCLOZE A market is commonly thought of as a place where commodities are bought and sold. Thus fruit and vegetables are sold wholesale at Covent Garden Market and meat is sold wholesale at Smithfield Market. But there are markets for things 1 commodities, in the usual 2 There are 3 estate markets, foreign exchange markets, labour markets, short-term capital markets, and so on; there may be a market for anything that has a price. And there may be no particular place to which dealings are 4 . Buyers and sellers may be 5 over the whole world and instead of actually meeting together in a market-place they may deal with one another 6 telephone, telegram, cable or letter. 7 dealings are 8 to a particular place, the dealers may consist wholly or in part of agents 9 instructions from clients far away. Thus agents buy meat at Smithfield 10 retail butchers all over England; and 11 on the London Stock Exchange buy and sell 12 on instructions from clients all over the world. We must therefore define a market as any area over which buyers and sellers are in such close touch with one another, either directly or through 13 , 14 the prices 15 in one part of the market affect the prices paid in other parts. Modern means of communication are so rapid that a buyer can discover 16 by asking, and can accept it if he wishes, 17 he may be thousands of miles away. Thus the market for anything is, 18 , the whole world. But in fact things have, normally, only a local or national market. This may be because nearly the whole demand is 19 in one locality. These special local demands, 20 , are of quite minor importance. The main reason why many things have not a world market is that they are costly or difficult to transport. 1. A.rather than B.other than C.more than D.less than 答案:B 篇章题。上下文理解题。文章首句介绍了什么是市场,举例说明后,用but表示转折,表达与前面相


英语专业四级考试模拟题1 PART II CLOZE Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer sheet. Early Tudor England was to a large extent self-sufficient. Practically all the necessities of life-- food, clothing, fuel and housing -- were produced from native resources by native effort, and it was to (26)_____ these primary needs that the great mass of the population labored (27)______ its daily tasks. Production was for the most part organized in innumerable small units. In the country the farm, the hamlet and the village lived on (28)____ they could grow or make for themselves, and(29) _____ the sale of any surplus in the local market town,(30) ____ in the towns craftsmen applied themselves to their one-man business, making the boots and shoes, the caps and the cloaks, the (31)____ and harness of townsmen and countrymen(32)____. Once a week town and country would meet to make(33) ___ at a market which came(34) ___ realizing the medieval idea of direct contact between producer and(35) _____. This was the traditional economy, which was hardly altered for some centuries, and which


专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷327(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 3. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence. 1.If television programs did not feature criminals, they ______ result in increased violence in society. A.would not B.will not C.did not D.cannot 正确答案:A 解析:根据题意,本句是对现在事实的虚拟,所以从句用的是一般过去时态,主句要用过去将来时态,故选A项。 2.Which of the following sentences is a REQUEST? A.Go and wash your hands. B.Have fun! C.Be an angel and fetch me my slippers please. D.Keep off the grass! 正确答案:C 解析:A项中“Go and wash your hands.”意为“去洗手。”表示命令;B项中“Have fun!”意为“祝你玩得开心!”表示祝愿;C项中“Be an angel and fetch me my slippers please.”意为“请行行好,帮我把拖鞋拿来。”表示请求;D项中“Keep off the grass!”意为“请勿践踏草地!”表示禁止。根据句意可知,C项为答案。 3.What does “For all you say, I think she’s the best teacher we’ve got.” mean? A.Because of all you say, I think she’s the best teacher we’ve got. B.I want to tell all of you that she’s the best teacher we’ve got. C.Despite all you say, I think she’s the best teacher we’ve got. D.I think she’s the best teacher we’ve got for all of you who are speaking. 正确答案:C 解析:理解这句话的关键在于分析短语for all的意思。for all是一个习惯搭配,相当于介词despite或in spite of,意为“尽管,虽然”,因此这句话的句意为“不管你说什么,我都认为她是我们最好的老师。”由此可见,答案为C项。


专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷423(题后含答案及解析) 题型有: 3. LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence. 1.“Let’s take a walk before we start to study.”“Oh, I think it’s_____for walking.” A.much too hot B.very much hot C.too much heat D.very much heat 正确答案:A 解析:much too和far too作副词,用来加强语气,修饰形容词。因此A为正确选项。知识模块:形容词、副词 2.She walked 7 miles today in order to lose weight; I never imagined that she could walk _____far. A.as B.such C.that D.very 正确答案:C 解析:此句应用so来修饰far,但四个选项中没有so。这里that作副词用,相当于so的用法。知识模块:形容词、副词 3.“How dark your brother’s hair is!”“It’s_____mine when I was at his age.” A.no darker than B.no more darker as C.not dark more than D.not darker as 正确答案:A 解析:形容词与副词的比较级前可用much,far,a lot,still,even等副词修饰,也可用否定词no修饰,意为“不比……,和……一样”。因此A为正确选项。知识模块:形容词、副词 4.The harder the shrub is to grow,_____.


陕西专升本英语(词汇语法)模拟试卷32(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. V ocabulary and Structure V ocabulary and Structure 1.What he described as only a______detail I thought was the most important part of the plan. A.common B.plain C.just D.mere 正确答案:D 涉及知识点:词汇语法 2.I’m sorry to have taken up too much of your______time. A.worthy B.valueless C.valuable D.price 正确答案:C 涉及知识点:词汇语法 3.Complicated work requires a______person to carry it out. A.careless B.hostile C.patient D.casual 正确答案:C 涉及知识点:词汇语法 4.He left in such a hurry that I______had time to thank him. A.fairly B.rarely C.nearly D.scarcely 正确答案:D 涉及知识点:词汇语法 5.It was the second time that he______to Europe. A.has been B.had been C.was

D.is 正确答案:B 涉及知识点:词汇语法 6.Being married won’t make any difference,______? A.will it B.will you C.is it D.are you 正确答案:A 涉及知识点:词汇语法 7.Farmers______to apply more chemical fertilizers to their fields since last year. A.will be able B.are able C.have been able D.had been able 正确答案:C 涉及知识点:词汇语法 8.I would have seen her off but I______fully engaged yesterday so I just said goodbye to her over the phone. A.were B.was C.had been D.have been 正确答案:B 涉及知识点:词汇语法 9.If I______you I______to night school for my language learning. A.am; will go B.were; would go C.was; had gone D.were; had gone 正确答案:B 涉及知识点:词汇语法 10.Eighty-five percent of people ______ recently had no idea as to what information technology meant. A.survey B.surveying C.surveyed D.who surveyed

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