恋练有词高频词汇Unit 10

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高频词汇Unit 10

【part 1】


A concept is an idea or abstract principle. 概念; 观念

It’s very simple, once you grasp the concept .你一旦掌握了这个概念之后就很简单了。

our basic concepts of decent human behaviour 我们对得体的人类行为的基本观念

the concept that we are citizens of one world 我们是同一个世界的公民的观念

She added that the concept of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. 她补充说包办婚姻的概念在西方被误解了。


the conception of parliamentary democracy 议会民主的概念

have (no) conception of sth.

They have no conception of what women really feel and want. 他们对女性真正的感受和需求一无所知。

the original conception of the book 此书最最初的构想

the moment of conception 受孕的一刻


1. If you cannot conceive of something, you cannot imagine it or believe it. 想像; 相信

I just can't even conceive of that quantity of money. 我简直无法想像那样一笔数量的钱。(cannot) conceive of (doing) sth.

Many people can’t conceive of a dinner without meat or fish. 许多人无法想象正餐怎么可以没有肉或鱼。

We could not conceive that he might soon be dead. 我们无法相信他可能很快就会死去。

2.If you conceive something as a particular thing, you consider it to be that thing. 认为conceive of sth/sb as sth

The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water. 古人认为地球漂浮在水里。

We conceive of the family as being in a constant state of change. 我们认为家庭是处于不断变化之中的。

3. If you conceive a plan or idea, you think of it and work out how it can be done. 构想出

She had conceived the idea of a series of novels, each of which would reveal some aspect of Chinese life. 她已经想出了个关于一个系列小说的主意,每一部都将反映中国人生活的某一方面。

4.When a woman conceives a child or conceives, she becomes pregnant. 怀(胎); 怀孕

Women, he says, should give up alcohol before they plan to conceive. 他说女人在计划怀孕前应该戒酒。


a belief or opinion that you have already formed before you know the actual facts, and that may be wrong.事先形成的看法[想法];先入之见,成见

have preconceptions about/of


to improve something提高;改进;增强

•Good lighting will enhance any room. 良好的照明能给房间增色不少。

•The publicity has enhanced his reputation. 这次宣传提高了他的声誉。

enhancer[C]flavor enhancers 增味剂

enhanced improved or bette提高的;改进的;增强的enhanced access to information 有更多机会接触资料



✓augment[ɔːg'ment]v.&n. to increase the value, amount, effectiveness etc of something augment the income

✓chancellor n.总理(德、奥等的);(英)大臣;校长(美国某些大学的);(英)大法官;(美)首席法官



boost the economy/tourism

boost sb’s confidence/morale/ego增强(信心、士气)

We need a big win to boost our confidence. 我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。

He boosted her up. 他向上托了她一把。