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Chapter 1Multiple choices D D D A C C B D E D B

1. What will WTO bring to Chinese firm in international marketing?

China successfully participating in the WTO offers both challenges and opportunities to Chinese companies.

China officially joined the WTO on 10th November 2001. WTO is one of the most influential international governmental bodies to affect marketing. WTO and the World Court are set up to help to solve international trade disputes, and they also help the member countries to gain fair treatment in international trades. Since China is a member country of the organization, China can also enjoy low trade tariffs and seek equal treatment among association members, which would, of course, give companies more chances to expand their international markets.

2 The differences between domestic marketing and international marketing. International marketing is more complex than domestic marketing in a number of ways. 1. Different environments, 2. Different applications of marketing principles, concepts and techniques 3. Different relations between enterprises and government.

3 what are the functions of marketing?

Contact: The seeking out of prospective consumers and it may be based on a variety of determinants. Improper handling of the initial contact can keep a company out of the marketplace indefinitely. Merchandising: Merchandising is the process of bringing the right product to the right place at the right time in the right quantity at the right place. Pricing: The price of a product is often the determining factor when a purchase is made and is always a key to profit. Promotion: Promotion is used to support marketing efforts: paid advertising, personal selling, public relations, and supplemental efforts. Distribution:The process of putting the consumer and the product together. Human resources: Internal marketing that occurs within a company between employers and employees is a reflection in the ability to market externally to the public. It’s essential that sellers understand, communicat e with, and value buyers.

4.There are many reasons for that, environment, Competition, legal restraints, government controls, weather, fickle consumers, and any number of other uncontrollable elements can, and frequently do, affect Chapter 3Multiple choices C A C E A B D A B B

The Global economy has experienced the following changes

a) Capital movements rather than trade have become the driving force of the global economy.

b) Production has become "uncoupled" from employment.

c) Primary products have become uncoupled from the industrial economy.

d) The world economy is in control.


a) World trade is some US$ 3 trillion, whereas the London Eurodollar market - alone is some US$ 75 billion per annum and foreign exchange transactions were US$35 billion per annum. Interest and exchange rate - gains are often more lucrative than investment in goods and services manufacturing.

b) Employment is in decline while manufacturing either grows or remains static. Sectors are becoming more productive, with injections of capital equipment and new technologies.

c) Commodity prices may collapse but industrial economies can be unaffected.

d) World trade is recognized as vital to economies as domestic growth slows down and opportunities overseas grow. Growth achievable in international trade is often at a greater rate than domestically and the returns higher.

Chapter 4 Multiple choices A D D B D A A C B C

1. Important to have a regulatory framework for the following reasons.

a) Framework states the political, social and legal ground rules for doing business between and within countries.

b) The framework gives:

i) the basis for all production, exchange and distribution activities

ii) gives rise to expectations and assurances about the actions of others and

iii) gives order and stability to the means of doing business.

The most important rules are these:

a) Defining, allocating and enforcing property rights.

b) Establishing rules and conventions defining allowable and non allowable forms of cooperation and coordination (standards, rules of conduct, fair trading etc).

2. Tariff barriers/duties (terms of access)

a) Tariffs - single column, two column, preferential.

b) Duties - ad valorem, specific, alternative, compound, anti-dumping.

c) Import charges - variable, temporary, compensatory.

Non tariff barriers

a) Quota and trade controls.

b) Discriminatory Government and private procurement policies.

c) Restrictive customs procedures.

d) Selective monetary control and discriminatory exchange rate policies.

e) Restrictive administrative and technical regulations.

Chapter 5Multiple choices C E B D D D B E C C

1. Main elements of culture -

"Definition of culture" - The integrated total sum of learned behavioral traits that are manifest and shared by members of society.

Elements are - language, social norms, religion, ethics, socio economics, mores, traditions, societal regulations, nationalism, aesthetics, material culture, attitudes, values, social organization. (Discuss each in turn with students).

2. Main approaches to culture

a) Anthropological - relevance to interpretation of ways of doing business e.g. Japan versus USA.

b) Marlow’s hierarchy of needs - relevance to product type, sophistication and price

c) Self reference criterion - relevance in the standardization versus adoption concepts of marketing strategy.

d) Diffusion theory - relevance to rates of adoption of innovations and of new products.

e) High and low context - relevance to the degree of necessity to have explicitly verbal or written communications e.g. contracts.

f) Perception - relevance to sensitivity in operation of the marketing mix variables e.g. advertising

Chapter 6 Multiple choices A D A C C E C C C E 1. Distinguish between primary and secondary data. When should each type be used?

Answer: Primary data is data collected through observation, survey or controlled experiment for the first time during a marketing research study. Marketers rely on primary data when up-to-date, specifically targeted information is essential; when they have sufficient time to conduct the analysis; and when the good or service plays a major role in the company's total marketing strategy to warrant the expense of data collection.

Secondary data refers to previously collected data from internal and external sources. Internal data include sales records, product performance, sales force activities and marketing costs. External data are obtained from local, provincial (state) and federal governments and private sources. The reasons for using secondary data include the relative low cost, the easy availability and the limited time taken by searching for it.

2. What contributions can each make to the marketing research function? Answer: A marketing information system (MIS) is a planned, computer-based system designed to provide managers with a continuous flow of information relevant to their specific decision areas. An MIS permits a continuous, systematic study of any deviation from marketing goals, and allows management to adjust actions as conditions change. A marketing decision-support system (MDSS) consists of computer software that helps users obtain and use information to make marketing decisions. An MDSS is the portion of an MIS that enables marketers to explore the state of the market and do market forecasting and simulations that illustrate what might happen if various components of the marketing strategy were changed. Data mining consists of a program that searches customer information stored in data warehouses for connections. Organizations are using data mining to enhance decisions about customer preferences, sales trends, and marketing programs. Chapter 7Multiple choices E B A D A A C C E D

1. List and discuss the requirements for effective segmentation.

Answer: If a market segment is large, but not homogeneous enough, it becomes difficult to develop a marketing mix that would effectively fit all customers in this segment. In this case some customers may become dissatisfied and lured away by competitors who offer a better tailored marketing mix. If market segments are

properly defined most customers should be addressed with a marketing mix that can satisfy their needs well. Very well satisfied customers are more loyal. On the other hand breaking markets down into too many segments and addressing each of them with a separate marketing mix is costly. This is why it is very important to define segments in such a way that they would be large enough to be profitable, and, on the other hand, homogeneous enough to be satisfied with the same marketing mix. Chapter 8 Multiple choices C B B D D A C E E D

1. Different methods of foreign market entry.

These are either "direct", "indirect" or "cooperative” based.

2.The advantages and disadvantages of barter, counter-trade, and export processing zones as market entry strategies.

1) Export processing zones -


· host country obtains know-how,

· capital, technology, employment opportunities;

· foreign exchange earnings;

· "reputation", "internationalization".


· short term investments,

· capital movements,

· employment movements,

· transaction costs and benefits,

· not part of economy so alienisation,

· labor laws may be different,

· bureaucracy creation.

2) Barter-


· simple to administer,

· no currency,

· commodity based valuation or currency based valuation.


· risk of non delivery, · poor quality,

· technological obsolescence,

· unfulfilled quantities,

· risk of commodity price rise thus losing out on an increased valuation,

· depressed valuation,

· marketability of products.

3) Counter trade -


· method of obtaining sales by seller and getting a slice of the order,

· method of breaking into a "closed" market.


· not covered by GATT,

· so dumping may occur,

· variety differences,

· difficult to set price and service quality,

· inconsistency of delivery and specification,

· difficult to revert to currency trading.

Chapter 11Multiple choices A B D B C B D C C C

1. What is a product? What are the features of products?

A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption and that might satisfy a want or need. It refers to both tangible and intangible products. When talking about product, one needs to consider its characteristics. They are 1) primary functional purpose, 2) secondary purpose, 3) durability and quality, 4) method of operation, and 5) maintenance.

2. How to classify products traditionally and internationally?

Product may be classified according to a variety of criteria. Traditionally, classification of products is based on users, hence the consumer goods and industrial goods.

Consumer products include Convenience products, Shopping products, Specialty products, Unsought products, Industrial products include Materials and parts, Capital items, Supplies and services. Another traditional method of classifying products is

how long a product may exist. Thus, there are durable, consumable, or disposable goods. In recent years, with the fast speed of globalize economy, a product with international profit potential is more likely to gain attentions than that with local potentials. Therefore, some researchers further classified products according to their marketing potentials, ie. Local products and international products

3. What is a product life cycle? Give a brief description of the separate stages. Products have a limited market life. Typically there are 4 stages for the development of a new product: Introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

Introduction stage is a period of slow sales growth as the product is introduced in the market. This stage starts when the new product is first launched. Introduction takes time, and sales growth is apt to be slow. Innovators will buy product in this stage. In growth stage, sales will start climbing quickly. It’s a period of rapid market acceptance, and substantial profit improvement. The innovators will continue to buy, and early adopters will start to follow their lead, especially if they hear favorable word of mouth. They will introduce new product features, and the market will expand. Maturity stage is a period of a slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved acceptance by most potential buyers. This maturity stage normally lasts longer than the previous stage, and it poses strong challenges to marketing management. Most products are in the maturity stage of the life cycle. In the decline stage, because the demands are less, technology advances, consumer tastes shift, or competition increases, sales show a downward drift and profits erode. Some firms withdraw from the market. As for those remaining companies, they may cut the promotion budget and reduce their prices further.

4. Describe the process of designing and developing a new product.

Product design is the process of designing a product’s style and function: creating a product that is attractive, easy, safe, and inexpensive to use and services, and simple and economical to produce and distribute.

Eight major steps are necessary for the new product development process. They are idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing, marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization. 5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of branding? Why are people willing to pay more for branded product than unbranded products?

Some companies such as Toyota, McDonald’s, Shell Oil, and Sony have established international brand names. Branding brings both advantages and disadvantages.

On a positive note, companies with well established brand can be recognized pretty soon by new markets. If the target markets have no preconceived notion about what the company represents, products of the companies can be very easily accepted by the consumers in those new markets.

But famous brands of big companies sometimes are rejected for local protest. They are also blamed for some serious social and environmental problems. The fact of the international market is many companies are not equipped with highly accepted brands. These companies have even bigger problems. They have to spend extra time and money to persuade the local government, their distributors and consumers. In a foreign market, more effort would be taken to overcome problems of language and cultural differences.

People are willing to buy products with well established brand because of the brand equity. Brand equity is defined as the added value a brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided. In another word, it is the value of a brand, based on the extent to which it has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality, strong brand associations, and other assets such as patents, trademarks, and channel relationships. The most valuable brands have a brand equity that is considered an important company asset. It is very important to establish the brand equity of product.

Chapter 12Multiple choices C A B D A C C C D C

1. What is price? Describe factors that influence price of a product.

Price is the value of what a consumer exchanges in return for products. It may take the form of monetary exchange, bartered services, or other goods.

Pricing is driven by three major forces. They are costs, demands and competition. Costs are very important factors that set the floor for the price that the company can charge. Whereas costs set the lower limit of prices, the market and demand set the upper limit. Competition forces companies to offer special prices to attract customers.

2. What are the objectives of pricing a product?

Profitability objectives involve profit levels and target-return.. V olume objectives include sales maximization and market-share goals, which are specified as a percentage of certain markets. Some prices are set to beat competition by beating the pricing leader's prices hence, the meeting competition objectives.

3. What are the pricing strategies in pricing a product?

Market skimming price charges the highest price possible over those buyers who most desire the product will pay. In market penetration pricing, a relatively low initial price is established for a new product. Market holding pricing is a strategy intended to hold market share. There are basically two types of cost plus pricing: the historical accounting cost method and the estimated future cost method. While costs are important they should be looked at alongside the prices of competitive products in the target markets, hence competitive pricing. Marketers of raw commodity traded on the international market subject to world prices have no alternative but to take the going price - a price governed by competition, especially on the supply side. They accept market pricing strategy. Pricing strategy also involves psychological pricing and product life cycle pricing. Psycholog ical pricing considers how consumers’ perceptions and beliefs affect their price evaluations. Product life cycle pricing strategies recognize that products and product categories generally go through a cycle, including introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

4. Explain the increasing importance of value –based pricing and contrast it with cost-based pricing.

Explain the increasing importance of value-based pricing and contrast it with cost-based pricing.

To compete effectively, marketers may be the lowest cost producer. Sometimes the companies set their price low to gain market share and preventing competitors from entering the market. They must be willing and able to change the price frequently by responding quickly and aggressively. However, competitors can also respond quickly. Customers adopt brand switching to use the lowest priced brand. Sellers move along the demand curve by raising and lowering prices. Price sensitivity varies among market segments and across different products. Marketers need t o know buyers’ acceptable range of prices and sensitivity towards price changes and set their price according to different segments.

Cost plus pricing includes direct and indirect costs or assumptions of production volume which will be a principal factor determining costs, but it has the disadvantage of ignoring demand and competitive position in the target market which now plays a very important role.

5. What are the international pricing strategies?

Extension (standardized pricing) is to set the same global price no matter where the target market is. It is a very simple method but does not respond to market sensitivity. Few firms use these methods to price their products in the international trade.

Adaptation (differential pricing) is to set different prices in different markets. The only control is setting transfer prices within the corporate system. It prevents problems of arbitrage when the disparities in local market prices exceed the transportation and duty costs separating markets.

Invention is to a mix of extension and adaptation strategy. This takes cognizance of any unique market factors like costs, competition, income levels and local marketing strategy. In addition, it recognizes the fact that headquarters price coordination is necessary in dealing with international accounts and arbitrage and it systematically seeks to embrace national experience.

6. What is transfer pricing? What are the attitudes of government to transfer pricing?

When a company decentralizes, organizing itself into separate profit centers, it is necessary to transfer components or finished products between units. Transfer pricing is used to motivate profit center managers, provide divisional flexibility and also further corporate profit goals. Across national boundaries the system becomes complicated by taxes, joint ventures, attitudes of governments and so on.

Many governments see transfer pricing as a tax evasion policy and have, in recent years, looked more closely at company returns. Rates of duty encourage the size of the transfer price: the higher the duty rate the more desirable a lower transfer price.

A low income tax creates a pressure to raise the transfer price to locate income in the low tax setting. Harmonization of tax rates worldwide may make the intricacies of

transfer pricing obsolete. Government controls, like cash deposits on importers, give an incentive to minimize the price of the imported item. Profit transfer rules may apply which restrict the amount of profit transferred out of the country. Although many multinational companies practice transfer pricing, they have various attitudes towards it. Many companies regard it as a means of encouraging and measuring corporate efficiency. Others emphasize the opportunities for financial gain or market manipulation.

7. How do international trade finance? What are the most commonly used payments of international trade?

Drafts covering exports, Sales against cost advances, Sales on a consignment basis, collection arrangement, Letters of credit, letter of credit is of most common use. Chapter 13 Multiple choices C C B A D C A B A D

1. What is distribution? What are channels? What are the functions of channels?

Distribution is the process that goods are distributed from the manufacturer to the end user. Different companies may adopt different distribution services according to their marketing objectives and strategies. Some companies have their own means of distribution, some companies deal directly with the most important customers, but many companies rely on other companies to perform distribution services for them. Channel members should have interdependency.

There are eight main functions for distribution channels. Information collecting: gathering and distributing marketing research. Promotion: developing and communicating offers. Contact: communicating with prospective buyers. Matching: fitting the offer to the buyer's needs. Negotiation: reaching agreement on price and terms. Physical distribution: transporting and storing the goods. Financing: getting and using funds to cover the costs of channel work. Risk taking: assuming the risks the channel work.

2. What are the different types of channels?

Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels involved. Each layer of marketing intermediaries that performs some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer is a channel level. Because the producer and the final consumer both perform some work, they are part of every channel. We use the number of intermediary levels to indicate the length of a channel. Generally there are customer marketing channels and business marketing channels each has their own characters and features.

3. How are channels structured?

There are Vertical marketing system (VMS) which is a distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system. One channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate. Horizontal structure which means two or more companies at one level combine their marketing efforts to open new marketing opportunities. By combination, companies enjoy greater capital, improved production abilities and extended marketing resources and accomplish more than just one single company may do. and Hybrid marketing structure which refers to the situation that single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more customer segments. Retailers, catalogs, and sales force form a typical example for the hybrid marketing structure.

4. Why are intermediaries used in marketing?

The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Through their contacts, experience, specialization, and scale of operation, intermediaries usually offer the firm more than it can achieve on its own. From the economic system's point of view, the role of marketing intermediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments5 wanted by consumers.

5. Tell briefly the intermediaries in both domestic and international marketing. An agent or broker brings together buyers and sellers but does not take ownership of the products being traded. A wholesaler is a business that buys large quantities of an item and resells them to retailers. Wholesalers do not usually sell directly to final users of a product. A retailer is a store or other business that sells directly to the final user. Retailers are located at shopping malls, open markets, small shops, or large retail stores. Retailers attract the attention of potential customers through product selection, convenience, product quality, sales staff assistance, and special services.

Retailers are in the form of many different kinds of stores. Convenience stores usually locate near other shopping or near the homes of potential customers. Prices may be higher since smaller quantities of convenience or necessary items are carried by these stores. General merchandise retailers offer a larger variety of product types and offer more service than convenience stores. Supermarkets, department store, discount stores, warehouse club stores, and outlet stores are part of the general merchandise retailers. Specialty stores cater to one particular area such as shoes, furniture, clothing, flowers, etc. Direct sellers include mail order, telephone contacts, and door-to-door marketing. Electronic retailers are common on home-shopping TV. International trade may include intermediaries different from domestic companies. An export management company (EMC) provides complete distribution services for businesses that desire to sell in foreign markets. Export trading companies (ETC) are full-service global distribution intermediaries. An ETC buys and sells products; conducts market research; and packages, ships, and distributes goods abroad. Freight forwarders ship goods to customers in other countries. Like a travel agent for cargo, these companies get an exporter's merchandise to the required destination.

A customs broker is an intermediary that specializes in moving goods through the customs process which involves inspection of imported products and payment of duties.

Packaging is an important part of the marketing process, especially for international trade. When preparing for international shipping, an item should be packaged to avoid breakage, maintain the lowest possible weight and volume provide moisture-proof surroundings, and minimize theft. Shipments going by land or sea require strong containers.

6. What is logistics system? How a company deals with its logistic distribution? Briefly describe it.

Physical distribution refers to the physical requirements necessary to move a product from producer to end-user; it can also be called a logistics system. The major logistics functions include order processing, warehousing, inventory management, and transportation.

7. What are the documents that would be prepared for international distribution? Shipped items must be accompanied by shipping and billing documents, with copies going to various departments. These documents may include: 1.) A bill of lading is a contract between the exporter and the transporter. This form describes the weight, number, and value of goods along with the names and addresses of the seller and buyer. 2.) Certificate of origin documents the country in which the goods being shipped were produced. 3.) Export declaration is required by the U.S. Department of Commerce for shipments with a value of more than $500. This form lists the information on the bill of lading along with the name of the carrier and exporting vessel. And 4.) Destination control statement verifies the country to which goods are being shipped. This document notifies the carrier and all other handlers that the shipment may only go to certain destinations

Chapter 14Multiple choices B C A D B A D C B D A D B

1. What is promotion? What is promotion mix?

Promotion is one of the major elements of the marketing mix of the business. Promotion is a form of persuasive communication, or getting others to do what marketers want them to do.

The combination of different forms of promotion is called the promotional mix.

2. What are the differences among informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising? In what circumstances might a company use each?

Informative advertising is the advertising used to inform consumers about a new product or feature and to build primary demand. An informative advertising is telling the market about a new product, suggesting new uses for a product, informing the market of a price change, explaining how the products works, describing available services, correcting false impressions, reducing buyers’ fears and building a company image. Persuasive advertising is to build selective demand for a particular brand (later growth and early maturity stages). It is the advertising used to build selective demand for a brand by persuading consumers that it offers the best quality for their money. Persuasive advertising is about building brand preference, encouraging switching to the bran d, changing buyers’ perception of product attributes, persuading buyers to purchase now and persuading buyers to receive a sales call.

Reminder advertising is advertising used to keep consumers thinking about a product.

As a reminder advertisement, it is very important to remind buyers that the product may be needed in the near future, tell them where to buy it, keep it in buyers’ minds during off-season and maintain its top-of –mind awareness.

Informative advertising is heavily used in the pioneering period. (During introduction and early growth stages its object is to build primary demand). Persuasive advertising is very important in the competitive stage; Reminder advertising is for mature products (later maturity and decline stages).

3. What are the push and pull strategies?

A push strategy is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to push the product through channels. The producer promotes the product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote to retailers, and retailers to customers. It involves “pushing” the product through distribution channels to final consumers.

A pull strategy is a promotion strategy that calls for spending a lot on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand. If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retails for the product, the retailer will ask the wholesalers and wholesalers will ask the producers.

4. What is advertising? What are the features of advertising?

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services. It can be an identified sponsor in such media as magazines, newspapers, outdoor posters, direct mail, novelties, radio, TV, bus posters, catalogs, directories, programs and circulars. There are five obvious features for advertising: it is paid for it is non-personal it is delivered to an audience via mass media. it has identified sponsor. it is attempting to persuade

5. What are the five Ms in advertising?

The mission, the money, they message, the media and the measurement.

6. What are the steps of selecting media?

The major steps in media selection are: 1). deciding on reach, frequency, and impact;

2). choosing among major media types; 3). selecting specific media vehicles and 4). deciding on media timing.

7. How to evaluate the performance of advertising? Measurement of advertising campaigns includes two aspects: a). Communication impact and b). Sales impact

Communication impact research seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively. It can be done before an ad is put into media (pre-testing) and after it is printed or broadcast. (Post-testing). There are several measurements to measure an ad before it is put into media. Direct rating method asks consumers to rate alternative ads. The higher the rate, the more effective the ad might be. Portfolio tests ask consumers to view and listen to a portfolio of advertisements, taking as much time as they need. Then ask consumers to recall all the ads and their content, aided or unaided by the i nterviewer. The recall level indicates an ad’s ability to stand out and to have its message understood and remembered. Laboratory test uses equipment to measure consumers’ physiological reactions—heart beat, blood pressure, pupil dilation—to an ad.

Sales impact research is generally harder to measure than its communication effect. Sales are influenced by many factors besides advertising, such as the product’s features, price, availability and competitors’ actions.


1 企业为何要开拓国际市场? 国内市场的国际竞争与威胁交换; 国外市场可能比国内有更多的利润机会; 获取更广泛的顾客基础以实现规模经济; 追随客户进入国际市场; 减少对国内市场的依赖以降低风险; 2 国际市场营销是指对商品和劳务流入一个以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程进行计划、 定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。 3 国际营销与国内营销的差异 市场环境复杂 市场竞争激烈 交易障碍增多 营销风险增大 4 国际营销的主要文化障碍 国际营销所面临的最具挑战性、最重要的文化障碍主要有二: 自我参照标准,即无意识地参照个人的文化价值观、经验和知识,并以此作为决策的依据。 民族中心主义即认为自己的文化和公司最清楚应该如何做事。 自我参照标准和民族中心主义可能使国际企业意识不到文化差异的存在或其重要性,影响公司对在国内设计的国外市场营销组合方案的合理性评估。 5 建立跨文化分析框架 第一步:按照本国文化特征、习惯或规范定义经营问题或目标; 第二步:通过向目标市场国人士咨询,按照该国文化特征、习惯或规范定义经营问题或目标,但不进行价值判断; 第三步:分离自我参照标准的影响,仔细分析自我参照标准是如何使问题复杂化的; 第四步:在没有自我参照标准影响的情况下,重新定义问题,并解决问题,谋求最佳经营目标。 6 国际市场营销演进的五个阶段 间接性对外营销阶段 偶然性对外营销阶段 有规律的对外营销阶段 国际市场营销阶段 全球市场营销阶段 7 国际市场的含义及发展趋势 国际市场是指本国市场以外的各个国家市场交织在一起形成的的复杂的市场整体。 既有全球化的特点,又有集团化的趋势; 既有激烈的竞争,又有很强的垄断; 既有较大的动荡性,又有稳步增长的趋势; 国际市场商品结构不断升级和优化; 国际市场的深度和广度都在不断发展。 8 霍夫斯泰德的国别文化差异评价理论 个人主义/集体主义指数 权力距离指数 不确定性回避指数 男性/女性化指数


2019年4月自考《国际市场营销学》真题完整试卷 课程代码:00098 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称姓名准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、单项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。在每小题列出的备选项中只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将其选出。 1.国际市场营销难度更大的表现主要包括国际市场营销具有更高的风险、竞争更加激烈和 A.产品生命周期更短 B.产品价格变动更快 C.产品分销渠道更长 D.营销人才更缺乏 2.世界各国都采取多种形式不同程度地对出口商品和服务进行控制,控制的类型主要 有出口国控制和 A.出口价格控制 B.出口产品控制 C.出口渠道控制 D.出口促销控制 3.做生意比较关注企业的财务指标,会使用统计数据,尽可能避免空谈的国家是

A.美国 B.英国 C.法国 D.德国 4.自由贸易原则旨在通过协议逐步降低各国的 A.生产成本 B.交易成本 C.产品价格 D.贸易壁垒 5.网络营销呈现的突出特点是 A.自然性 B.社会性 C.文化性 D.技术性 6.实现社会可持续发展战略最基本、最关键的因素是 A.法律 B.政府 C.企业 D.消费者 7.从市场角度出发,北美市场主要是指 A.美国和加拿大 B.德国和意大利 C.美国和格陵兰岛 D.加拿大和格陵兰岛

8.对复杂的国际市场现象进行统计分析,建立数学模型,能有效地帮助营销管理人员分析复杂的国际市场营销问题并作出最佳营销决策的系统是 A.内部报告系统 B.营销情报系统 C.营销调研系统 D.营销分析系统 9.胶卷行业的柯达公司,因其在行业中的地位,可采用市场竞争战略是 A.市场追随者战略 B.市场后起者战略 C.市场领导者战略 D.市场挑战者战略 10.一旦服务企业确定了细分市场,就必须对各个细分市场进行 A.市场调研 B.客观的评价 .制定促销计划 D.公共关系 二、多项选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。在每小题列出的备选项中至少有两项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出,错选、多选或少选均无分。 11.企业开展国际市场营销的动因主要有 A.国际市场竞争不激烈 B.国际市场需求潜力大 C.在国际市场延长产品的生命周期 D.本国政府的支持 E.东道国丰富和廉价资源的吸引 12.世界上的法系主要有

国际市场营销学试题及答案 (2)

2002年10月国际市场营销学试题及答案.txt等待太久得来的东西多半已经不是当初自己想要的了。一层秋雨一阵凉,一瓣落花一脉香,一样流年自难忘,一把闲愁无处藏。幸福生活九字经:有希望,有事干,有人爱。女人和女人做朋友,要之以绿叶的姿态,同时也要暗藏红花的心机。2002年10月国际市场营销学试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.在下列经过联合国大会批准的半国际性组织中,对国际营销影响较大的是( ) A.ISO B.ILO C.UNESCO D.WHO 2.除了极少数资源丰厚和投资能力极强的公司,几乎所有刚开始国际化战略的企业通常都选择( ) A.多元化战略 B.集中化战略 C.市场集中化战略 D.区域集中化战略 3.在国际技术转让的实践中,技术的价格主要由四部分组成,即直接转让费用、研究开发费用的补偿价值、市场机会损失的补偿价值和( ) A.预期利润 B.转让税负 C.中间商提成 D.保险费用 4.跨国公司内部贸易的组织联系形式可分为中心型、分散型和( ) A.区域型 B.集中型 C.扩张型 D.整合型 5.以下是某种商品的国际市场单价:US$ 200per S/T CIF New York。其中“CIF New York”是( ) A.计价货币名称 B.目的港名称 C.销售商名称 D.价格术语 6.国际营销活动可能遇到多种政治风险,其中最严重的是( ) A.税收管制 B.劳工问题 C.没收 D.征用 7.西方国际营销学认为,世界各国的经济发展状况可以分为四种类型,即:自给自足经济、原料出口经济、工业化过程中经济和( ) A.农业主导型经济国家 B.工业化经济国家 C.技术密集型经济国家 D.贸易主导型经济国家 8.以“新产品—现有需求—国际市场”为基本思路的国际产品市场进入模式是( ) A.产品开发型模式 B.市场渗透型模型 C.市场开发型模式 D.多种经营型模式 9.联系买卖双方达成交易,但不拥有货物所有权,不实际持有货物,也不代办货物运输方面工作的出口代理商是( ) A.出口经营商 B.厂商出口代理人 C.出口佣金商 D.国际经纪人 10.在国际上常常被视作技术贸易同义语的概念是( ) A.合作研究 B.合作生产 C.许可贸易 D.特许专营 11.国际广告是指( ) A.对国外零售商所作的广告 B.对国外代理商所作的广告 C.对出口国或地区所作的广告 D.由国外广告公司代理的广告 12.制定较高(或较低)的转移价格,可以起到以下作用:加强公司竞争地位,减少麻烦,逃避税收和( ) A.转移资产 B.避开风险 C.促进销售 D.强化管理 13.根据国际产品生命周期理论,当企业需要通过在国外直接生产和销售的方式保持其在国外


“成人教育”期末考试 国际市场营销试卷 2013 年1月 一、名词解释(每小题3分,共1 5分) 1. 市场营销 2. 本土化 3. 消费者市场 4. 国际转移定价 5. 国际广告 二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共2 0分,每小题有一项答案正确,请将正确答案的序号填写在括

号内) 1. 国际市场营销与国际贸易的相同点是( )。 A. 主体和对象 B. 以盈利为目的 C. 商品流通的形态 D. 信息来源 2. 社会营销观念强调的利益是( )。 A. 企业和消费者强调的共同利益 B. 消费者和社会的长远利益 C. 企业、消费者和社会的长远利益 D. 消费者的利益 3. 国际公司在情况不明时,为找出问题的症结,明确进一步调研的内容和重点,通常要 进行( )。 A. 探测性调研 B. 描述性调研 C. 预测性调研 D. 因果性调研 4. ( )强调企业营销活动的全球化,认为营销策略的制定应以整个世界市场为目标。 A. 国内市场延伸观念 B. 多国市场观念 C. 全球营销观念 D. 市场营销观念 5. 国际营销者在进入某国市场后,努力融入东道国的经济体系,成为具有当地特色的经 济实体的发展战略称为( )。 A. 国有化 B.本土化 C. 多元化 D. 国际化 6. ( )是营销决策者使用的最基本的信息系统。 A. 营销情报系统 B. 营销调研系统 C. 营销决策支持系统 D. 内部报告系统 7. ( )时,不能采用低成本战略。 A. 市场容量小,市场需求缺乏价格弹性 B. 使用新的技术和设备 C. 企业所处行业生产的产品都是标准化产品 D. 企业具有较高的生产管理水平


全球市场营销学复习资料一、名词解释 1、自我参照标准P13民族中心主义P13 自我参照标准指无意识地参照个人的文化价值观、经验和知识,作为决策的依据。 民族中心主义是一种认为自己文化优于他人文化的信条。广义上说就是轻视其他群体的成员。 2、国际市场营销P8 国际市场营销:指对商品和劳务流入一个以上国家的消 费者或用户手中的过程,企业进行计划、定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。3、文化P62 文化:人们通过学习获得的区别于其他群体行为的特征 的集合。文化是人类所创造的物质财富与精神财富的总和。文化是一个复杂的整体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及作为社会成员而获得的其他方面的能力和习惯。4、无计划变革与有计划变革P83 无计划变革是引进一种产品,然后听天由命;有计划变革,有目的地改变那些会对实现预定营销目标产生阻力的文化因素。5、文化的强制性、选择性与排他性P88 有些商业惯例有着强制性,人们必须承认它、遵守它;有些商业惯例,适应是有益的,但不是必须的,是有选择性的;还有些习俗,“外人”不得介入,具有排他性。 6、单一时间利用方式与多种时间利用方式P98 单一时间利用方式强调“专时专用”和“速度”,单一时间 利用方式就是线性的使用时间,专时专用,仿佛时间是

有形的一样。多种时间利用方式强调“一时多用”,注重人际交往。7、收买与打点P105 收买是用财物或其他好处笼络人,以便利用一个政府官员;打点指送人钱财疏通关系,托人关照,希望对方加快工作速度和提高效率。8、主权国家116 主权国家指拥有独立主权的国家。9、本土化121 本土化指东道国政府通过制定一系列的政府法令来增加对外国公司的控制和限制,逐渐将外国投资置于控制之下的过程。10、政治贿赂133 政治贿赂是企图通过收买掌权者,让其代表跨国公司出面干预,从而减少公司的政治风险。 11、调解141 调解是指争端双方在第三方主持下,自愿进行协商,促成双方达成协议、解决纠纷的办法。12、仲裁142 仲裁是指买卖双方达成协议,自愿将有关争议交给仲裁机构进行裁决,这个裁决是最终的,对双方都有约束力,双方必须遵守。 仲裁是指争端双方达成协议,自愿将有关争议提交非司法机构的第三方审理,由第三方作出对争议双方均有约束力的裁决的一种解决纠纷的制度和方式。 13、市场营销研究165 市场营销研究:系统地收集、记录和分析资料,为营销决策提供有用的信息。14、定量研究171


北京语言大学网络教育学院 《国际市场营销》模拟试卷一 注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零分计算。 3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为90分钟。 4.本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。 一、【单项选择题】(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在答题卷相应题号处。 1、PEST分析法中的P代表的是()。 [A] 政治和法律环境[B] 经济环境 [C] 技术环境[D] 社会环境 2、在营销组合中,哪一项决策属于最基本的决策()。 [A] 产品决策[B] 渠道决策[C] 定价决策[D] 促销决策 3、差异化全球营销战略相对于无差异全球营销战略最大的优点在于()。 [A] 生产成本更低[B] 市场覆盖范围广 [C] 满足不同市场的个性化需求[D] 企业的投入少 4、在维持产品原有的质量和价格的前提下,增加同一种产品的款式、规格与花色,这属于()。 [A] 缩短产品组合策略[B] 扩大产品组合策略 [C] 产品仿制策略[D] 产品线延伸策略 5、本国政府为了支持国内企业的出口行为会给企业额外补贴以奖励出口行为,但是进口国为了抵消这种补贴行为,推出()。 [A] 反补贴税[B] 从量税[C] 特惠税[D] 反倾销税 6、一个厂家对分销商基本上不加选择,任何一个分销商都可以分销企业的产品,这种渠道模式是()。 [A] 选择分销[B]密集分销[C] 稀疏分销[D] 以上均可 7、施耐德公司由于成本和竞争等原因于2002年申请破产保护,TCL国际控股有限公司2002年出资收购这一公司,从而利用施耐德的销售网络迅速进入了欧洲,这种进入国际市场的途径是()。 [A] 由出口商或进口商进行分销 [B] 国内企业同外国企业进行营销系统的置换和共享 [C] 中国企业自己在境外建立营销网络 [D] 通过并购方式收购国外企业的营销渠道系统 8、某企业生产小型洗衣机,通过出口将产品运至国外市场,洗衣机的定价采取与国外


国际市场营销6月27日(三)18:30-20:00 327考试 一、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) ?1.人均可支配收入,即家庭总收入扣除应缴税金、社会保障支出及其他记账补贴后剩余的部分,是家庭可用于最终消费支出、其他非义务性支出以及储蓄的收入。 ?2.汇率是指用一国货币所表示的另一国货币的价格,或一国货币折算成另一国货币的比率。 ?3.间接出口是指企业通过本国的中间商或其他企业实现的产品出口。企业所作的努力不过是谈判和履行与国内订单相似的海外订单,此外不需要任何投入,不需要改变已有的生产系统和营销组织,不需要 承担汇率损失,因此,风险也最小。 ?4.本土化战略又可称为名族品牌策略,即在不同国家或地区,为产品树立不同的品牌。 ?5.倾销是指出口产品在海外市场的销售价格低于国内市场销售价格的现象。 二、简述题(每小题9分,共45分) ?1.国际营销是在两个以上国家或地区开展的营销活动,请分析国际营销与国内营销有哪些异同点? 答:国际营销与国内营销的最大区别就是营销环境的差异。国际营销的特殊性主要体现在三个方面:1、国际营销者在不同国家面临不同的营销环境;2、为了满足国际市场差异化的需求,需要对国际营销组合 进行适应性调整;3、国际营销需要进行多国协调与控制。国际市场营销需要做出的特殊战略决策有: 关于是否进入国际市场的决策,关于进入国际市场范围的决策,关于进入国际市场方式的决策,关于 国际营销组织模式的决策等。 ?2.宗教是文化体系中深层次的构成要素,对消费者需求及购买行为有深刻影响。请问,国际营销者应从哪些方面分析宗教对国际营销的影响? 答:1、宗教的节日。2、宗教特殊要求与禁忌。3、宗教组织。对于国际营销者来说,宗教组织有两方面的意义,一是宗教组织对外来产品或营销活动的态度对国际营销的成功十分关键。二是宗教组织也是一类 重要的机构购买者4、妇女在经济事务中的地位。国别或区域不同,妇女在经济事务中的地位有很大的 差异,这往往与宗教信仰、文化传统有直接关系。5、宗教冲突。宗教冲突是国际营销中政治风险的重 要来源。 ?3.人口和收入是决定一国市场容量大小的两个基本因素。国际营销者如何分析一国人口及收入状况? 答:要研究一国人口状况及其对国际营销的影响,可以从以下几方面下手:1、人口总量及其增长速度。2、人口结够。3、人口城乡分布和地理分布。 ?4.您认为贴牌战略是中国企业进入国际市场的一种重要方式吗?为什么? 答:贴牌战略是中国企业进入国际市场的重要方式。因为品牌是企业无形资产的重要组成部分,是企业竞争力的综合现,也是企业国际竞争力的象征。采取贴牌战略,主要有两方面的考虑,一是有利于发挥中国 企业的成本优势。丰富而廉价的劳动力是中国企业得天独厚的资源优势,这就决定了中国企业在生产制 造方面具有巨大的发展空间。所以围绕成本下功夫,走规模代道路,在自己所熟悉的生产制造领域做 大、做强,是中国企业发挥自身比较优势、参与跨国公司全球产业结构调整的必然选择。二是企业资源 条件和现实能力的客观要求。与国外拥有知名品牌的企业合作,是企业产品低成本、低风险走各国际市 场的现实选择。需要强调的是做“贴牌”并不是永久性战略,随着企业素质和实力的增强,以及国际市 场经验的积累,企业完全可以改“贴牌”为自创品牌,甚至购买当地品牌。 ?5.请描述标准化产品策略和差异化产品策略的基本思路及利弊。国际营销者应如何处理二者的关系。 答:所谓标准化产品策略也就是无差异营销策略,是指营销者把整个国际市场都作为目标市场,并针对其共性,设计一个标准化的营销组合方案,并组织实施。无差异营销策略的最大好处是通过大批量生产和标 准化的营销活动,获取规模经济好处,降低生产和营销成本。弊端就是消费者的需要可能得不到较好满 足,并因此使企业易受到来自竞争对手发动的攻击。差异化营销策略是指在根据一定因素将国际市场进 行细分后,针对不同子市场的需求特征和营销环境,设计几乎独立的营销组合方案,并分别组织实施。 实施差异化营销的好处首先由于企业在不同子市场实施不同的营销方案,因此能够更好地满足差异化的 市场需求,进而获得差异化竞争优势。其次,由于企业比竞争对手更好地满足了市场需求,因此企业可 以定高价,获取超额收益。弊端:因为企业不同国际市场实施几乎独立的营销方案,所以研发、生产和 营销等方面的成本明显上升。如果成本太高,价格必然也要定的很高,那么可能造成消费者转移购买对 象的结果。


国际市场营销 第一章国际市场营销学导论 学习内容:一、企业进军国际市场的动因 二、国际市场营销的概念 三、国际市场营销与国际贸易的关系 四、国际营销的发展阶段 五、国际营销的挑战 教学要求:知识目标:掌握国际营销概念; 了解国际营销发展阶段,掌握企业开展国际营销的动因; 了解国际营销观念的演变,掌握国际营销发展阶段的特点; 了解跨国公司与国际营销的关系。 能力目标:能够运用国际营销观念分析国际营销活动,指导国际营销实践; 能够结合实际案例分析企业所处的国际营销阶段及其策略。 引导案例吉利收购沃尔沃成为中国汽车首家跨国企业----略 一、企业进军国际市场的动因 ?(一)动因:1.经济全球化的必然结果,是时代发展的必然趋势; 2.国内市场需求趋于饱和,市场竞争日益加剧; 3.国际市场的吸引力; 4.政府的鼓励与支持; 5.其它原因:*获得国外先进的科学技术和管理经验 *充分利用国外的资源,有利于提高规模经济效益 *其它 ?(二)方式: 1.出口Exporting; 2.许可证贸易Licensing; 3.在国外设立销售办事处或营销子公司; 4.国外直接生产与营销; 5.其它方式。 例1 从“海尔中国造”到“海尔世界造” 二、国际市场营销的概念 (一)国际市场营销的概念:国际市场营销是企业在一国以上从事经营与销售活动。 ?特点:复杂性、多样性、风险性 ?任务:从国际市场顾客需求出发,依据国内外不可控的各类环境因素,运用企业可控制的因素,制定、执行及控制企业的国际营销计划,实现企业的营销目标。 (二)国际市场营销体系 (三)国际市场营销与国际贸易的关系 ?国际市场营销与国际贸易的联系: 1.基本的经营方式相同; 2.所面临的经营环境是相同的; 3.部分理论基础相同: “比较利益学说”,“国际产品的生命周期理论”等。 判断正误:“国际贸易中的产品一定要跨越国界,而国际营销中的产品却不一定需要跨越国界。”?国际营销与国际贸易的比较 三、国际营销理念的演进 EPRG模型 美国宾州大学教授波尔穆特提出国际营销企业有四种导向:母国中心导向(Ethnocentric)、多元中心导向(Polycentric) 及全球中心导向(Geocentric) 、区域中心导向(Regioncentric) 国际营销企业的四个基本导向(EPRG模型)


1.市场营销:(P1)是指企业为满足市场需求并获得利润而进行的一切与市场有关的经营和销售活动。 2.文化适应:(P41)是指企业的决策要适应社会的文化特点。对国际营销来说,文化适应就要求企业在制定国际营销决策时,充分考虑目标市场上的文化特点,使决策在实施过程中不但不会触犯当地的文化传统、生活习惯、宗教禁忌等,而且能比竞争对手更能满足消费者需求,取得竞争优势。 3.自我参照准则:(P41)企业经营人员无意识地参照自己的文化价值观。 4.市场细分:(P153) 是指企业按照某种标准将市场上的顾客划分成若干个顾客群,每一个顾客群构成一个子市场,不同的子市场之间,需求存在着明显的差异。5.目标营销:(P171) 是指企业在市场细分的基础上,选择一个或若干个子市场作为目标市场,并相应地制定营销策略的过程。 6.整体产品:(P235)是指购买者需要得到的各种有形的利益和无形的满足感。三部分构成: 1)核心部分---顾客需求的中心内容(顾客得到的根本利益) 2)有形部分---产品的实体外观、包装、牌号、款式、规格、质量等(商标、品牌、设计、样式) 3)附加部分---顾客希望得到的附加利益,如送货、安装、保证等服务(备用零件、培训、维修保养、其他服务) 7.促销:(P330) 是促进销售的简称,是指企业将本企业及产品的心细通过各种方式传递给消费者和用户,促进其了解、信赖并购买本企业的产品,以达到扩大销售的目的。 8.人员推销:(P364) 是指企业派出推销人员或委托,雇佣当地或它国的推销人员向顾客和潜在顾客面对面地介绍和宣传产品,以期促进产品的销售。 1.国际营销与国际贸易的关系:(P2) 国际营销并不一定意味着产品的跨国界转移(进出口),只要营销决策具有“跨国”性质,其营销活动也就属于国际营销的范畴。 2.国际营销与全球营销的关系:(P4) 国际营销概念比全球营销更广,它不只是全球营销之前的一个初级阶段;而全球营销却是国际营销的最高阶段。 3.国际营销观念的类型:(P5) 市场延伸观念(本国市场策略在国际市场的延伸)、多国市场观念(国际市场与国内市场同等重要)、全球市场观念(国际市场与国内市场的是没有区别的)5.企业进行国际营销的方式:(P14)出口、许可贸易、国外销售办事处或营销子公司、国外生产和营销 6.文化环境的构成:语言与教育、宗教与社会组织、美学观念与价值观念 7.文化变迁对企业国际营销的影响:(P44)文化变迁迫使企业改变营销,使决策适应新的文化特点; 文化变迁可以为企业带来新的营销机会,因为文化的变迁标志着人们的需求发生了变化。 8.国际营销经济环境的构成:(51) 1)世界经济:或称国际经济,主要指国际贸易体系和国际金融体系。 2)国别经济:在研究某一国的经济环境时,主要研究其市场规模和经济特性两大类因素。 9.市场规模的影响因素:(52)人口、消费模式、收入 明确营销中存在的问题、制定营销调研计划、执行调研计划、分析解释调研结果并撰写调研报告。 14.国际营销决策的类型:(P111) 进入国际市场的决策、市场选择决策、进入方式决策、营销组合决策、资源配置决策 16.国际市场细分的整体概念:(P153)宏观细分:世界上有众多的国家,企业究竟进入哪个(或哪些)市场最有利?这就需要根据某种标准(如经济、文化、地理等)把整个市场分成若干子市场,每一个子市场具有基本相同的营销环境。企业可以选择某一组或某几个国家作为目标市场。这种含义的国际市场细分称为宏观细分。 微观细分:企业进入某一国外市场后,将发现该国的顾客需求也是千差万别,企业不可能满足该国所有顾客的需求,而只能将其细分为若干子市场,满足一个或几个子市场的需求,这种含义上的国际细分叫做微观细分,也叫一国之内的细分。 17.市场细分的作用:(P156) 有利于发掘新的市场机会;有利于针对目标市场制定适当的营销方案;有利于企业扬长避短,获得竞争优势。 18.企业进入目标国家时可采用的战略:(P164)(要懂得区分) 逐个进入策略与同时进入策略、集中策略与多元化策略、先发制人战略、正面进攻战略、迂回战略 19.子市场有效的条件:(P170)可衡量性、可接近性、足量性、可实施性 20.目标营销的三种策略:无差异营销策略、差异化营销策略、集中化营销策略 21.进入国际市场的方式:


1、在波士顿矩阵分析法中,销量增长快、市场占有率低的产品称为(C) [A] 金牛产品[B] 明星产品[C] 问题产品[D] 瘦狗产品 2、食品相对于建筑材料对环境的敏感性更高,为适应环境产品所需要的修改程度( B )。 [A] 更低[B] 更高[C] 更小[D] 不变 3、将世界市场划分为高收入国家市场、高中等收入国家市场、低中等收入国家市场、低收入国家市场的划分标准是( D )。 [A] 地理标准[B] 文化标准 [C] 政治法律标准[D] 经济标准 4、对于金融、保险、教育等产业,( A )优势更被人们看重。 [A] 品牌[B] 成本[C] 产品[D] 价格 5、时令蔬菜与家用塑料制品相比应该采用( B )渠道。 [A] 长渠道[B] 短渠道[C] 两者均可[D] 两者均不可 6、市场细分的核心是消费者需求和消费行为的( A )。 [A] 差异性[B] 相同性[C] 稳定性[D] 发展性 7、某项调查是从高、中、低收入者中各抽取1/3的样本,则该项抽样调查属于( D )。 [A] 非概率抽样[B] 简单随机抽样 [C] 分层抽样[D] 分群抽样 8、对于拥有良好的声誉且生产的产品的质量水平相近的企业,宜采用的包装策略应是( B )。 [A] 等级包装策略[B] 组合包装策略 [C] 再使用包装策略[D] 类似包装策略 9、某产品在市场上销售迅速增长,利润显著上升,该产品这时正处在其生命后期的( B )。 [A] 试销阶段[B] 畅销阶段[C] 饱和阶段[D] 滞销阶段 10、很多商场某小商品定价9.9元,而非直接定价10元,这种定价策略属于( A )。 [A] 心理定价策略[B] 折扣定价策略 [C] 新产品定价策略[D] 价格调整策略 11、许可证贸易的优点包括( BCD )。 [A] 许可人能够轻易对被许可人国家的市场营销计划进行控制 [B] 有利于进入目标国家的市场 [C] 将较高的投资和适应性变化风险转嫁给海外被许可人 [D] 利于被许可人迅速取得生产技术、著名产品或商标 12、下列因素中,企业可控的因素包括( ACD )。 [A] 产品[B] 政策[C] 促销[D] 价格 13、国际营销的特殊性主要表现在( ABD )。 [A] 竞争激烈[B] 经营复杂 [C] 利润高[D] 风险及难度大 14、下列( ABC )选项属于可供企业选择的成长策略。 [A] 密集型成长策略[B] 一体化成长策略 [C] 多元化成长策略[D] 内外成长策略 《国际市场营销学》模拟试卷一第1 页共7 页



国际市场营销学自学考试模拟试题一 一、单项选择题(从四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,每小题1分,共15分) 1.某企业采用标准化的产品、价格、分销和促销策略开展国际市场营销,其经营指导思想属: A.市场营销观念 B.推销观念 C.营销战略性观念 D.大市场营销观念 2.一家只有国内业务的公司决定从事国际市场营销,最初的主要动因是: A.获得海外市场的销售利润 B.国内市场竞争激烈 C.推销剩余产品 D.获取国际市场信息 3.造成国际市场营销企业海外业务中绝大多数问题的根源是: A.日益猖獗的贸易保护主义 B.产品质量不高 C.营销渠道太长 D.没有及时调整营销策略适应新环境 4.中小企业在进入国际市场时,适合以一个或少数几个国家的市场部分或亚市场作为目标市场,为一个或少数几个国家市场部分服务,即为下述目标市场策略: A.无差别市场营销 B.集中市场营销 C.差别市场营销 D.多角化经营 5.某服装出口企业发现,目标市场所在国的消费者按年龄结构划分,存在老年、中年和青年三种需求偏好不同的群体,且群体内需求偏好相近。该市场顾客偏好分布属: A.分散偏好 B.同质偏好 C.人文变数细分 D.集群偏好 6._ 就是指企业利用国内外中间商,把产品出口到目标国市场。这是一种最脆弱的进入国际市场的方式。 A.间接出口 B.许可证贸易 C.对外直接投资 D.直接出口

7.当国际市场营销环境发生变化,出现了有利于新市场建立的时机;或是原有市场需求饱和,导致企业采取向新市场扩张。 A.市场渗透策略 B.产品开发策略 C.市场开发策略 D.多角化经营 8. _是影响国际市场消费者购买行为的最大、最深远的因素。 A.文化因素 B.经济因素 C.社会因素 D.心理因素 9.在下述营销调研方法中,最适宜于分析购买者行为和意向的是: A.询问法 B.观察法 C.实验法 D.类比分析法 10.当企业外销产品品种多、数量大、外销市场多时,宜采用的组织形式是: A.国际业务部门化 B.职能部门化 C.产品部门化 D.地理位置部门化 11. _指在老产品基础上采用多种改进技术,使其结构、性能、造型、款式或包装具有新的特点的产品。 A.全新产品 B.换代新产品 c.仿制新产品 D.改进新产品 12.产品在成长期的营销策略,应突出一个“_”字。 A.“快” B.“长” C.“转” D.“好” 13.对国际市场营销企业而言,实行_易于控制市场,强化服务,提高经营效率,但这种分销策略的风险亦很大。 A.国际市场广泛分销策略 B.国际市场选择性分销策略 C.国际市场独家专营策略 D.集中市场营销策略 14.跨国公司广泛利用公司各部门之间的来逃避子公司所在国的税收。 A.参考价格 B.记账贸易价格 C.转账价格 D.滑动价格 15.率先提出大市场营销或广义市场营销思想的人是: A.科特勒 B.鲍敦 C.麦卡锡 D.弗龙


20 -20 学年第二学期期末试卷评分标准及答案要点 《国际市场营销》(B) 一、单向选择题(共10小题,每题2分,共计20分) 1、D 2、A 3、D 4、A 5、B 6、A 7、A 8、A 9、B 10、B 二、判断题(共10小题,每题1分,共计10分) 1、× 2、√ 3、× 4、√ 5、× 6、× 7、√ 8、× 9、√ 10、× 三、名词解释(共3小题,每题2分,共计6分) 1、国际市场细分是指企业按照一定的细分标准,把整个场细分为若干个需要不同的产品和营销组合的子市场,其一个子市场中的消费者都具有相同或相似的需求特征,企业在这些子市场中选择一个或多个作为其国际目标市场。 2、国际战略联盟是两个以上的企业为了实现优势互补、提高竞争力及扩大国际市场的共同目标而制定的双边或多边的长期或短期的合作协议。 3、渗透定价是指企业把新产品投入国际市场时价格定得相对较低,以吸引大量顾客及迅速打开市场,短期内获得比较高的市场占有率,同时通过接近成本的定价,威慑其他打算进入该领域的竞争者的一种定价策略。 四、简答题(共2小题,每题6分,共计12分) 1、简述产品生命周期中成熟期的策略 答案要点:在产品生命周期中,成熟期是产品的黄金时代。为延长产品的成熟期,可以选择的策略如下: (1)市场改革:包括发展产品的新用途和开辟新市场两种方式。(2分) (2)产品改革:即通过改革产品的品质、特性、造型等,扩大产品的销售量。(2分) (3)经营改革。还可以通过调整原有的市场营销策略,刺激购买。(2分) 2、简述产品差异化策略的运用。 答案要点:1)运用新技术、新材料和新工艺为产品增添新的功能和效用,使之与竞争产品产生显著差异。这是与技术革新和新产品开发相关的产品差异化。 (2)在基本不改变产品性能和效用的基础上,改变产品的非物质特性,使之具有符合消费者期望,为消费者使用产品着想,吸引消费者等特性.从而与竞争产品产生差异,胜过竞争对手。(3分) 一般而官,企业实施产品差异化策略时,还可以从下述方面着手: (1)改变产品赋予消费者的期望。 (2)扩大产品赋予消费者的期望。 运用差异化策略;生产者应尽量从满足或改变消费者对产品的期望,扩展到顾客未想到的领域,即扩大产品赋予消费者的期望。(3分) 五、论述题(共2小题,每题12分,共计24分) 1、试述国际市场的进入模式及其选择的影响因素? 答案要点:1、出口进入方式(4分) 是生产企业把本国生产的产品向国际市场出口的方式,是最简单、最普遍的形式。主要有两种方式: (1)间接出口。指企业并不直接参与国际市场的任何活动,也不需要有对外经营的专门知识、专门技术和专门机构,而是把产品卖给或交给国内的出口贸易机构,由他们负责向国际市场销售。这是企业进入国际市场的最初学习过程,多为尚未在国际市场上建立自己的销售网络的中小企业采用。优点是投资较少,风险也较小。缺点是企业只负责产品的生产,不直


附录1 章后习题参考答案与提示 第1章 □知识题 1.1 阅读理解 1)国际市场营销(International Marketing,简称国际营销,也有的称国际行销)指的是企业在跨越国境的基础上计划和实施交易,以实现满足个人和组织需要的交换的过程。这里其主要特点是跨越国境的交易。与国内营销的主要区别是:①国际营销比国内营销面临更多不可控因素;②国际营销比国内营销面临着更复杂的需求;③国际营销比国内营销更需要统一的协调和控制;④国际营销的目标市场在国外,它的产品(或服务)应该满足国外客户的需要。 2)开展国际市场营销,主要是为了让企业的决策者在综合考虑分析国内外市场营销环境的基础上,捕捉营销机会,避免风险,制定进入国际市场的营销战略、策略,以实现企业的基本目标。因此,企业开展国际营销的目的是:①拓展企业的市场基础,扩大企业的经营业务;②获得国际市场的经验和资源,参与全球竞争;③获得全球基础上的竞争优势,加强企业的核心竞争能力;④分散化经营,规避经营风险。 3)这些环境因素包括三个方面。①营销可控因素。产品、渠道、价格和促销就是营销的可控因素,企业要达到自己的经营目标,必须以目标市场消费者的需求为中心,制定一个适应企业外部环境的营销方案。企业对外部环境认识得愈深刻,适应得愈好,效益就愈佳。 ②国内不可控因素,包括政治力量、经济形势和竞争环境等。这些因素往往对企业在国际市场上的营销活动产生直接或间接的影响。有时政府一项政治决定会给企业带来巨大的营销机会;而另一项决定也可能使原来谈妥的生意告吹。国内经济形势的好坏,也会影响企业海外投资办厂的能力,以及在国际市场购买的多寡。竞争环境往往构成企业实现营销目标的直接威胁。③国外不可控因素,包括政治力量、经济形势、社会文化环境、科技条件、竞争因素、地理环境、分销结构等,这些都是无法控制而且更为复杂的环境,但它们又是企业进入国际市场制订营销规划的基础和依据。 4)国际市场营销的主要任务包括:适应环境差距,包括文化差距、行政差距、地理差距和经济差距;进行跨国的组织协调;确定和管理组织的全球化决策,包括战略的全球化决策、企业组织的全球化决策、产品全球化决策及全球品牌决策等。 5)国际市场营销的观念包括民族中心主义、多元中心主义、区域中心主义及地球中心主义等。国际市场营销观念和国际市场营销的发展阶段以及组织形式是紧密相联的。企业处于什么样的发展阶段,就需要什么样的营销观念作为指导,同时也需要相应的组织形式来实践这些观念。例如,企业实施出口营销通常是因为贯彻了“国内市场延伸观念”的国际市场营销观念;实施国际市场营销的企业多采用国别市场营销观念,即公司意识到国外市场的重要性以及不同国别市场的差异性;实施全球营销的企业奉行全球营销观念,即认为世界市场是一个具有同质化特征的整体市场,因此,企业可以在全球范围内以近乎相同的营销组合来满足市场需求和欲望。


国际市场营销学期末考试试题库国际市场营销学期末考试试题库一、单项选择题1、国际贸易和国际营销在以下哪个环节是不同的()A、定 价B利润C购销D促销2、推动企 业营销观念变化的根本原因是()A、消费需求的 变化B竞争状况的变件C社会生产力水平的提高D、消费观念的变件3.奉行全球化战略的企业在营销策略的使用上()A、既重视国外市场又重视国内市场B重视各国市场的差异C按国别组织营销活动D更强调一体化4、属于国际市场营销策 略组合4PS中的策略是()A、国际产品策略 B、国际公共关系G国际市场探查D国际广告策略5、下列观点体现了现代市场营销观念()A、 酒香不怕巷子深”、B帮助客户成功就是成功你 自己” 、C “己所不欲不施与人”、D “营销就是推销产品”参考答案:1、 C 2、 C 3、 D 4、A 5、B 一、单项选择题1、下列行为中不属于政治干预的是 ()A、没收、征用和国有化B外汇管制C 政治冲突D本国化2、国际商业纠纷的解决途径有 ()A、友好协商、谈判和诉讼B友好协 商、诉讼和仲裁G友好协商、谈判和仲裁D

诉讼、审判、仲裁3、东道国的“号召人民只买国货; 反对进口;反对外国投资”等观念和行为是()的表现。A、民族主义B政局不稳定C文化分裂D、经济主义4、外国雇员限制、税收政策限制、地方含量法规等属于政治风险中的()A、政局不稳定 风险B所有权风险C经营风险D转移风险5、由于教育水平的差异,导致各国居民对()A、同一消费品偏好相同B同一消费品偏好不同C任何产品接受程度不同 D 产品接受程度无影响 6 国际文化环境中最敏感的因素是() A 语言 B 宗教 C 教育水平 D 社会组织7 高科技产品的营销对下列哪个文化因素比较敏感()?A 语言 B 宗教 C 教育水平 D 物质要 素8 文化对国际营销的影响包括() A 语言在很小程度上影响促销效果; B 语言为便捷了解当地情况提供了通道; C 语言仅仅是公司内部沟通的工具; D 多语言国家的国际营销更容易成功。参考答案1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 C 8 B 一单项选择题1 城市化程度是反映一个国家或地区经济特征的重要指标,它是指() A 工业产值占国内生产总值的百分比 B 城市人口占全国人口总数的百分比1


《国际市场营销》考卷 复习资料 (一) 一、判断题 (判断下列各题正误,正者在括号内打"√",误者在括号内打 "×"。) 1、一个国家或地区的经济发展周期对国际企业开展市场营销的影响很小。() 2、在国际市场营销学中,所谓产品,就是指实体的产品或物质的产品。() 3、某企业通过与东道国的一企业签订合同组建合资企业的方式进入该国经营。它这是合同进入模式。() 4、用古色古香的、可作茶杯的瓶子作酒瓶,这在产品包装策略中属附赠品包装策略。() 5、国际市场必须按一种模式化的标准进行细分。() 6、在国际营销中,人口分布对国际市场规模大小影响很大。() 7、在国际营销活动中,产品必须实现跨国界的转移。() 8、营业推广是效果最好但费用最昂贵的促销手段。() 9、国际营销企业在国际市场上给予中间商一定时期内的独家销售特定 商品的权力的策略是短渠道策略。() 10、国际市场营销活动的主体是国家。() 二、选择题 (下列选项中,至少有一个是正确的。请将正确选项的题号写在 括号内。) 1、在国际市场营销中,成本付出最高的是()方式。 A、选择型性营销 B、集中型营销 C、差异型营销 D、广泛型营销 2、下列因素中,属于国际营销可控因素的是()。 A、各国的语言与文化 B、各国的贸易和经营习惯 C、产品分销渠道 D、各国的政治、经济与法律体系 3、相对而言,用()对国际市场进行宏观细分能更全面地反映市场特 征。 A、地理标准 B、文化标准 C、经济标准 D、组合法 4、下列商品中较宜选择无差异性策略的是()。 A、粮食 B、服装 C、鞋类 D、化妆品 5、一国人口增长,意味着该国市场规模()。 A、扩大 B、不变 C、缩小 D、不一定扩大 6、目标市场是指()。


国际市场营销知识重 点

国际市场营销 一、国际市场营销:是指对企业的商品和劳务进入一个以上的国家的消费 者或者用户手中的过程进行规划、定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。 二、国际市场营销的任务:是通过市场营销组合策略以适应环境不可控因 素,以实现企业的经营目标。 三、国际市场营销阶段:1、非直接对外营销阶段2、非经常性对外营销阶 段3、经常性对外营销阶段4、国际营销阶段5、全球营销阶段 四、国际市场营销理论:EPRG框架,霍德华玛尔马特认为,国际企业管 理决策者用于知道其工作的定位有种族中心(ethnocentric)、多重中心 (polycentric)、区域中心(regiccentric)和全球中心(geocentric)。 五、经济全球化:是商品、服务和生产要素在全球范围内自由流动,合理 配置的趋势不断扩大和加深,在这一趋势中各国逐渐建立起统一的市场经济运行体制,各国经济的依赖性、渗透性的程度日益增强。 六、经济全球化的特征:1、国际贸易规模扩大,自由化程度加深。2、生 产国际化,跨国公司继续保持强劲的发展势头;3、金融全球化进程迅速发展,自由化程度将继续;4、区域性经济组织间的协作日益完善;5、国际产业结构继续进行调整;6、信息产业以前所未有的速度发展,极大的促进了经济全球化的进程。 七、企业的母国环境包括微观环境和宏观环境。微观环境包括:1、企业本 身;2、上下游企业;3、市场;4、竞争者;5、各种公众7、企业内部公众。宏观环境包括:1、人口环境;2、经济环境3、自然环境;4、技术环境;5、政治法律环境;6、社会文化环境。

八、企业的东道国环境的特殊性:1、东道国经济环境增添影响因素;2、 东道国文化环境的陌生化;3、东道国环境的不可控性;4、东道国环境中的“客人身份”;5、企业员工观念上的差异。 九、东道国环境的分析框架:1、文化;2、历史地理;3、经济;4、政治 法律;5、科技;6、商业习俗;7、竞争。 十、东道国环境的评价方法:1、障碍评价法;2、冷热国对比分析法;3、 抽样评估法;4、动态分析法;5、等级评分法 十一、地理环境是指生物,特别是人类赖以生存和发展的地球表层。广义的地理环境包括自然环境、经济环境和社会文化环境。 十二、文化的定义:文化是一个由社会(集体)所需要的知识、信仰、艺术、道德、风俗以及其他能力和习惯等构成的复杂整体。 十三、文化的特征:1、文化是习得的;2、文化是共享的;3、文化是规范性的。 十四、文化的要素:人类学家认为,文化包括生活的各个部分,文化可以通过诸多要素加以说明:一是物质文化,包括技术、经济;二是社会制度,包括社会组织、教育、政治机构、媒体;三是人和宇宙,包括宗教、迷信及相关的权力机构;四是美学,包括书法及造型艺术、民间故事、音乐戏剧和舞蹈;五是语言,国际市场营销可以应用这一框架评价营销计划或研究国际市场的潜力。 十五、文化借鉴的定义:人们在解决社会问题过程中,会借入一些被认为是有用的其他文化,并会对它进行调整,使之适应社会发展的需要,可以称之为文化借鉴。

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