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Linhai Deyi Plastic CO.,Ltd

Form No.:VV20120810C Serial No.:

检验报告 Inspection Report


OQC出货检查程序 Out-going Inspection Product 一、目的Purpose: 規定出貨檢查工作在有效受控下進行。To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control. 二、適用範圍說明Scope: 一般情況下,本公司产品终检后不再做出貨檢查:但在以下四种情況任一種出現時,必須進行出貨檢查。對于特別的部品(如尼龙用料部品)在某种情況必需做出貨檢查的,由项目部、QC部门等相關人員共同确定。Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary. Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining which parts need to do out-going inspection. 1.產品庫存期超過6個月(若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质评估,可根 据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之,则必须做出货检查)。 Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed by FQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of the corresponding <> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is a must for FQC to perform out-going inspection.) 2.因受外界環境的影響發生异常,影響到產品質量Product quality is effected by the changing of environment; 3.包材被損坏.Damage of package; 4.出貨海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。Oversea delivery(including H.K.) or customer appointed products. 三、執行單位Performer: FQC科、貨倉部、船务部、PMC 。FQC section, Storage dept, Shipping dept, PMC。 四、程序Procedure:

Out-going Inspection Product(中英文)

Out-going Inspection Product 出货检查程序 一、目的Purpose: 规定出货检查工作在有效受控下进行。To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control. 二、适用范围说明Scope: 一般情况下,本公司产品终检后不再做出货检查:但在以下四种情况任一种出现时,必须进行出货检查。对于特别的部品(如尼龙用料部品)在某种情况必需做出货检查的,由项目部、QC部门等相关人员共同确定。Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary. Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining which parts need to do out-going inspection. 1.产品库存期超过6个月(若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质评估,可根 据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之,则必须做出货检查)。 Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed by FQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of the corresponding <> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is a must for FQC to perform out-going inspection.) 2.因受外界环境的影响发生异常,影响到产品质量Product quality is effected by the changing of environment; 3.包材被损坏.Damage of package; 4.出货海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。Oversea delivery(including H.K.) or customer appointed products. 三、执行单位Performer: FQC科、货仓部、船务部、PMC 。FQC section, Storage dept, Shipping dept, PMC。 四、程序Procedure:


ISO9001出货检验程序 Out-going Inspection Product 文件更改历史记录 Amendment History

ISO9001出货检验程序 Out-going Inspection Product 一、目的Purpose: 規定出貨檢查工作在有效受控下進行。To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control. 二、適用範圍說明Scope: 一般情況下,本公司产品终检后不再做出貨檢查:但在以下四种情況任一種出現時,必須進行出貨檢查。對于特別的部品(如尼龙用料部品)在某种情況必需做出貨檢查的,由项目部、QC部门等相關人員共同确定。Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary. Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining which parts need to do out-going inspection. 1.產品庫存期超過6個月(若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质评估,可根 据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之,则必须做出货检查)。 Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed by FQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of the corresponding <> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is a must for FQC to perform out-going inspection.) 2.因受外界環境的影響發生异常,影響到產品質量Product quality is effected by the changing of environment; 3.包材被損坏.Damage of package; 4.出貨海外(包括香港)或客户指定产品。Oversea delivery(including H.K.) or customer appointed products. 三、執行單位Performer: FQC科、貨倉部、船务部、PMC 。FQC section, Storage dept, Shipping dept, PMC。 四、程序Procedure:


I Q C进料检验报告Prepared on 21 November 2021

最终处理结果:□允收□特采打折或扣款□特采但不扣款□供应商挑选加工□生产线挑选加工□退货□报废 深圳市纽莱克科技有限公司 IQC进料检验报告 表单编号:N4-QA-002-A

品质异常成本扣款单填表日期: 年月日供应商物料编号产品名称 订单号型号规格不合格数 交货数抽查数量不良比率 不 良 状 况 扣 款 原 因 核 扣款总金额(小写) : (大写): 算 制造资材PMC采购开发工程品保财务承办人 会 签 部 门 总(副总)经理核准 供应商回签 确认加盖公章 2、如不按规定回签,则视同承认并接受上述扣款内容. 表单编号:N3-QA-003-A

供应商改善行动通知单 承蒙贵公司提供品质优良的材料至为感谢,今贵公司交来材料发生不良情况,请速分析原因并提供改善方法及预防对策(本联络请协厂商名称订单号码品名日期年月日料号规格 来料数量PCS抽样数PCS不良数量PCS不良率% 不良内容(由深圳市纽莱克科技有限公司品质部IQC填写): 检验员:审核:批准: 已交货处理方式:囗派人来厂全检囗本厂返工,收取加工费囗全数退货囗特采且单价打折囗特采但单价不打折囗其它 备注:本对策请于年月日时分前回复,否则列入考核协力厂商绩效中并直接在货款中作强行扣款处理。每张每次扣款50元人民币 根本原因(发生原因和流出原因): 签名:审核:责 任 归 属 部门/人员 责 任 者 签 名 临时对策: 签名:审核:永久对策: 签名:审核: 厂商库存数量及处理方式: 签名:审核: 对策效果跟踪(本公司IQC填写): 签名:审核:备注:


【简要介绍】 除了上次介绍的血常规检查以外,血生化也是一项很常见的化验检查项目。 本文想介绍的“血生化”检查,英文叫:Comprehensive Metabolic Panel,简写为CMP。我不是特别肯定其“标准”中文翻译,印象中叫“血生化全项”或“大生化”。这项检查在英文中也有不同的名字,例如:Chemistry Panel等。 CMP是相对于BMP(Basic Metabolic Panel)而言的。BMP俗称“小生化”,或“基本生化”。BMP包括8项“核心”生化检查。CMP则在BMP 所检查的8项核心内容的基础上,又添加了6项检查,共14项,因此称为“生化全项”。 另外,在一些国家和地区,除了CMP中的14项检查外,更进一步添加另外6项内容,合称“血生化20项”,英文简写为SMA-20,或SMAC-20,或Chem 20等。 【检查项目】 本文主要介绍生化20项中除了血胆固醇外的19项内容,并另外加上一项“血镁”。有关血胆固醇的信息将在以后的“血脂”检查中进一步讨论。 主要项目有:

1。BMP。包括5项基本电解质:钠(Sodium,,Na),钾(Potassium,K),氯(Chloride,,Cl),碳酸氢离子(Bicarbonate,HCO3),以及钙(Calcium Ca)。2项肾功能检查:肌酐(Creatinine),及尿素氮(Blood Urea Nitrogen,BUN)。再加1项血糖(Glucose)。 2。CMP中另外6项。包括2项蛋白指标:总蛋白(Total Protein,TP)及白蛋白(Albumin)。和4项肝功能检查:碱性磷酸酶(Alkaline Phosphatase,ALP),谷丙转氨酶(Alanine amino Transferase, ALT/SGPT),谷草转氨酶(Aspartate amino Transferase,ALT/SGOT),和胆红素(Bilirubin)。 3。SMA-20(或Chem 20)中多出来的6项。包括3项肝功能检查:直接胆红素(Direct Bilirubin),谷酰转肽酶(Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase,GGT),乳酸脱氢酶(Lactate Dehydrogenase,LDH)。1项血磷(Phosphorus,Phos/P)。1项血胆固醇(Cholesterol)。1项血尿酸(Uric Acid,UA)。 【解读BMP】 BMP之所以叫“基本生化”检查,是因为其中每一项指标都很重要,如果任何一项不正常,都有可能反映出身体的某种“病态”。一般来说,如果有异常,医生都会进一步做检查,找出原因,并给予相应治疗。BMP的8项内容是: 1。钠(Sodium,,Na)。


出货检验程序 Out-going Inspection Product (ISO9001:2015) 一、目的 Purpose: 规定出货检查工作在有效受控下进行。To ensure that out-going inspection is performed under effective control. 二、适用范围说明 Scope: 一般情况下,本公司产品终检后不再做出货检查:但在以下四种情况任一种出现时,必须进行出货检查。对于特别的部品(如尼龙用料部品)在某种情况必需做出货检查的,由项目部、QC部门等相关人员共同确定。 Generally, no need out-going inspection after final inspection. But in any one of the following situations, out-going inspection is necessary. Related personnel in Program Dept and QC section are responsible for determining which parts need to do out-going inspection. 1.产品库存期超过6个月 (若FQC当月已对待出货产品进行了仓贮品质 评估,可根据其《仓库物资评估报告》QF-PW-009的结果进行,反之, 则必须做出货检查)。 Stored more than 6 months (If the waiting-for-delivery product has been assessed by FQC in the same month, then FQC conduct in accordance with the result of the corresponding <> QF-PW-009, otherwise it is a must for FQC to perform out-going inspection.)


来料检验报告 Incoming Inspction Report 报告编号(NO.) 供应商:Supplier 物料名称: Description 物料型号: P/N Rev. 来料数量:Quantity 来料日期: Date Incoming 送货单号: Shipping 抽样计划(samping plan):C=0Refer to IQC Sampling Work Instruciton(参见IQC取样检验工作指导书)检验标准(Inspection Standard):参考部件图纸及检验指导书(Drawing&WI) 序号NO 检验项目及标准 Item Inspection&itsSPEC 抽样数量 Sample Size 检验记录 Inspection Records 不良数量RejectsOTY 结果 Result Critical Major Major 批号(Lot NO.):生产线(Line): 备注(Remark): 判定(Comment):合格(Acceptable)不合格(Rejectd) 生产验证:(Production verification)是否 Yes No 生产验证描述及结果判定:(Production validation description and result determination) 不合格品评审处理方案(Method of disposition of onoconforming materials); 让步接收(Concession)加工/选用(Reworking/Sorting) 退货(Return Vendor) 检验员Inspector:审核Checked by:日期Date:


流 程 Flow path 负责单位Duty dept.说明Description 库管员Librarian 1:供应商送货到我公司附送货单(订单、名称、数量、产品检测报告),仓库接收。1.The supplier shall deliver the goods to our company's attached delivery list (order, name, quantity, product test report), which will be received by the warehouse. 库管员Librarian 2:仓库点收并确认接收后,如有紧急物料在收货单上标识,将供应商送货单交给IQC检验员,检验人员依照送货单零部件名称按AQL抽样水准去待检区抽样检验。2: After the warehouse receives and confirms receipt, if there is urgent material on the receipt, the supplier delivery note will be handed over to the IQC inspector. The inspector will go to the inspection area according to the AQL sampling level according to the name of the delivery part. Sampling test.质量部Quality dept.IQC根据物料紧急程序安排检验计划IQC检验员根据产品名称,及图纸或SIP要求,选择合适的量检具,对产品进行检验IQC arranges inspection plans based on material emergency procedures The IQC inspector selects the appropriate gauge according to the product name, and the drawing or SIP requirements to inspect the product. 质量部Quality dept.4:IQC需参照相对应零部件名称的图纸并依照SIP内容进行尺寸/性能等检验 。 4: IQC needs to refer to the drawing of the corresponding component name and perform the size/performance test according to the SIP content. 5:IQC检验时,需将检验数据记录于《进料检验记录表》内。 5: When the IQC test is performed, the inspection data shall be recorded in the “Incoming Inspection Record Form”.质量部Quality dept.IQC对检验合格物资直接贴“合格”标签,将检验结果记录于《进料检验记录表》中,并通知仓库入库IQC directly affixes the “qualified” label to the inspection qualified materials, records the inspection results in the “Incoming Inspection Record Form”, and informs the warehouse to store the goods. IQC 对检验合格物资直接贴“不合格”标签,将检验结果记录于《进料检验记录表》中,并将不合格物资移动至不合格品区域。随后,将《进料检验记录表表》连同不良(视需求)交由质量主管确认。 The IQC directly attaches the “failed” label to the qualified materials, records the inspection results in the Record, and moves the unqualified materials to the non-conforming product area. Subsequently, the Record together with the bad (as required) is confirmed by the quality supervisor.质量部Quality dept.采购部Purchasing Dept.质量主管根据《进料检验记录表》判定不合格品严重程度,并开具《不合格评审处理表》连同《进料检验记录表》、图纸转送至生产部、工程部、采购部、总经理(视需求)进行处理意见会签。根据最终评审结果对物资进行重新标示(结果与之前不同),并追踪处理结果。The quality supervisor shall determine the severity of the non-conforming product according to the “Incoming Inspection Record Form ”, and issue the “Unqualified Review Processing Form” together with the “Incoming Inspection Record Form” and drawings to the Production Department, Engineering Department, Purchasing Department and General Manager ( According to the needs), the processing opinions will be signed. Re-mark the materials based on the final review results (the results are different from before) and track the results. 质量部Quality dept.采购部 Purchasing Dept. 确认退回的物料,由采购负责联系供应商安排退货事宜。Confirm the returned materials, and the purchaser is responsible for contacting the supplier to arrange the return.质量部Quality dept.采购部Purchasing Dept.质量部将不良现象及供应商异常改善报告回复,留电子档案,作为每月供应商来料数据分析The quality department will reply the bad phenomenon and the supplier's abnormal improvement report, and keep the electronic file as the monthly supplier's incoming data analysis.有 限 公 司 进料检验作业流程图 Feed inspection operation flow chart 厂商来料 Supplier supply 仓管签收《收货单》后交品质 IQC检验,标识出紧急物料。 After receiving the receipt, the warehouse keeper shall submit it to the quality IQC for inspection and identify the emergency materials.IQC根据送货单优先顺序安排检 验 IQC will arrange inspection according to the priority of delivery order IQC依照标准检验/并做检验记录IQC inspects/makes inspection record according to the standard 检验判定Test to determine IQC 标示不良标签.通知仓库隔离,开《不合格品评审处理表》IQC marks defective labels. Inform the warehouse to isolate and open the unqualified product review and treatment table.特殊状况决议是否(退货、让步、返工)等使用,决议部 门《质量、工程、生产、采购》 Special situation resolution (return, concession, rework), etc., resolution department "quality, engineering, production, procurement"退料确认 Return to confirm material 结案OVER 入库Put in storage NG OK OK NG

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