当前位置:文档之家› 计算机网络名词中英翻译





附录1英文及其译文 Computer Networks Network Goals Some reasons are causing centralized computer systems to give way to networks. The first one is that many organizations already have a substantial number of computers in operation, often located far apart .Initially, each of these computers may have worked in isolation from the other ones, but at a certain time, and management may have decided to connect them to be able to correlate information about the entire organization. Generally speaking, the goal is to make all programs, data, and other resources available to anyone on the network without regard to the physical location of the resource and the user. The second one is to provider high reliability by having alternative sources of supply. With a network, the temporary loss of a single computer is much less serious, because its users can often be accommodated elsewhere until the service is restored. Another important reason for distributing computing power has to do with the relative price of computing versus communication. Now the cost of a small computer is negligible, so it becomes attractive to analyze the data at where it is captured, and only to send occasional summaries back to the computer center, to reduce the communication cost, which now represents a larger percentage of the total cost than it used to. Yet another reason of setting up a computer network is that a computer network can provider a powerful communication medium among widely separated people. Application of Networks One of the main areas of potential network use is access to remote data bases. It may someday be easy for people sitting at their terminals


第三章英汉词语比较与翻译对等 第一节翻译对等 Equivalence is the relationship between a source text (ST) and a target text (TT) that allows the TT to be considered as a translation of the ST in the first Place. 对等是翻译理论中的中心概念。 卡特福德认为翻译的中心任务就是确定翻译对等的性质和条件。 奈达提出了“动态对等”与“形式对等”这两个概念。形式对等:原语文本的形式在目的语中被机械地再现,目的是允许原语文本以自己的表达方式说话,而非经过调整来适应目的语文化,实践中,既不分句也不合句并保留标点和分段等形式标示。由于两种语言之间的差异,这类翻译扭曲了目的语的语法和文体风格,从而导致信息歪曲。运用形式对等主要是追求翻译的精确性并尽可能保留原语的形式。形式对等有其局限性,但有时却是最为合适的翻译策略。动态对等就是将原语译成目的语后,目的语读者的反应与原语读者读原语时的反应一致。它通过分析、转移和重建三个过程来实现,进行动态对等翻译包括:运用适合目的语文化的表达法去替代原语中的相应表达法;使原语文本中语言上隐含的信息明显化;为了增进理解增加一定量的冗余表达。例如,奈达将《圣经》中的“Lamb of God”译为“Seal of God”。有时功能对等也被用来代替奈达提出的动态对等。 第二节英汉词语比较与翻译对等 词的意义是它在特定的语言系统中的具体价值或通过在特定语言系统中的运用而具有的个性。 词的意义可分为四种:命题意义(propositional meaning)、表情意义(expressive meaning) 、搭配意义(collocational meaning)和唤起意义(evoked meaning)。 命题意义描述一个词与现实世界或想象世界中所指称或描述的事物之间的关系,是判断话语是真还是假的基础。语言以符号的方式描绘经验世界。 人总是能够说出他们经验当中的任何事物,因为语言符号覆盖了这个经验世界。但是,语言对经验世界的分割表现出若干层次性。词对于世界的分割应表现为不同的层次。 English: skill craft craft guild 汉语:技巧技巧行会行会


计算机网络新技术外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 计算机网络新技术 摘要 21世纪是一个信息时代的经济,计算机网络技术是这个时期的代表技术,以非常快的、具创造性得不断地发展,并将深入到人民群众的工作,生活和学习中。因此,控制这种技术看起来似乎具有很重要的意义。现在,我主要是采用新技术的几种网络技术在现实生活的应用。 关键字 因特网数字证书数字银包网格存储 3G

1.前言 互联网满36岁,仍然是一个进展中的工作。36年后在加州大学洛杉矶分校的计算机科学家使用15英尺的灰色电缆连接两台笨重的电脑,测试了一种在网络上新的数据交换的方式,这将最终成为互联网依然是一个在取得进展的工作。 大学的研究人员正在试验如何提高网络容量和速度。编程人员正在设法为网页注入更多的智能。并正在进行重新设计网络以减少垃圾邮件(垃圾邮件)和安全麻烦的工作。 与此同时威胁织机:批评人士警告说,商业,法律和政治压力可能会阻碍一些使互联网发展到今天的创新的类型。 斯蒂芬克罗克和温顿瑟夫属于1969年9月2日研究生加入的加州大学洛杉矶分校斯莱昂兰罗克教授工程实验室的团体,作为位无意义的测试数据两台计算机之间默默流动。到第二年的1月,其他三个“节点”加入到了这个网络。 然后是电子邮箱,几年之后,在七十年代后期一个所谓的核心通信协议即TCP / IP 协议,在80年代域名系统和在1990年万维网-现在的第二个最流行的应用背后电子邮件出现了。互联网的扩大,超出其最初的军事和教育领域延伸到了企业和全球的家庭中。 今天,克罗克仍然为互联网工作,为协作设计更好的工具。作为互联网管理机构的安全委员会主席,他正试图保卫系统的核心处理免受来自外部的威胁。 他认识到,他帮助建立的互联网工作远未完成,而这些改变是在商店,以满足多媒体日益增长的需求。网络供应商现唯一的“最佳努力”是在提供的数据包上。克罗克说,需要有更好的保障,以防止跳过和过滤现在常见的视频。 瑟夫,现在在MCI公司说,他希望他建立了有内置安全的互联网。微软,雅虎和美国在线公司,和其他的一些,目前正在努力改进网络,使邮件发送者可以验证的方式发送以降低使用虚假地址发送垃圾邮件。 瑟夫说,现在正在制定许多功能,是不可能立即解决计算速度慢和互联网管道窄,或


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/e26986571.html, 英汉词汇的文化差异及翻译 作者:徐洁 来源:《新一代》2011年第03期 摘要:文化差异是造成翻译困难的重要原因,而词汇作为构成语言的最小单位,它所表 现出来的文化差异对翻译的成功有着重要影响。本文从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来探讨英汉文化的差异以及如何采取灵活的翻译手法,尽可能减少文化亏损,全面传达词汇的文化含义。 关键词:词汇;文化差异;指称意义;语用意义 中图分类号:G640 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2851(2011)03-0185-02 翻译是译者对所认识的事物的再认识和再表达,这种再认识和再表达常常是从不同的角度,按照译语民族的习惯方式进行的,所以说翻译不仅仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程,文化的差异必定造成翻译的困难。王佐良先生曾经说过:“翻译的最大困难就是两 种文化的不同。”(1989)因此,解决好翻译中的文化差异问题是保证译作成功的关键。本文拟从词汇的指称意义和语用意义来看英汉文化的差异及差异在翻译中的补偿。 一、英汉词汇层上的跨文化差异 (一)指称意义上的文化差异 词的指称意义即语言交际中所表达出来的词语的最基本的意义,也就是词的确切和字面的意思。由于客观事物本身的差异和人们在对客观事物做出反映和概括时,始终都受到本民族文化的影响,这种反映或概括就在不同的语言上表现出差异。 1.原语中的指称对象在译语文化中不存在或不常见。 英语中的一些词汇,如hot dog,hippy,fairplay,等都是汉语文化中没有的词汇,而汉语中的“天干”、“地支”、“楷书”、“赤脚医生”等也无法在英语中找到对应的词。(刘川,段跃萍,1998) 2.原语文化在概念上加以明确区分的实体,译语文化不加区分;或反之。 一种语言用单个词语明确标记的东西,另一种语言却可能兜圈子才能表述。文化重点(cultural load)直接影响着语言词汇的多寡,特化程度和分化程度。 亲属称谓是语言反映文化的一个突出例证。例如,在英语中的brother是“兄”或“弟”,sister是“姐”或“妹”,汉语中没有一个字与brother或sister完全相等。在我们的文化中严格区别


翻译的英语单词 翻译是在准确、通顺的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。那么你知道翻译的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 翻译英语单词1: translate 翻译英语单词2: interpreter 翻译的英语例句: 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 人们很难翻译幽默或笑话。 You really can 't translate humor or jokes. 逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。 A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. 我认为她对这篇文章的翻译要比他强的多。 I think her translation of the article is much better than his. 你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?

Can you translate the sentence into English? 我不太满意他对这个句子的翻译。 I'm not satisfied with his interpretation of this sentence. 我正在逐字的翻译。 I am making a verbal translation. 我给你当翻译。 I'll act as interpreter for you. 要不要我来帮你翻译? Would you like me to interpret for you? 被翻译成英语的爱尔兰童话故事 Irish fairytales that had been translated into English 在你们的合同中已订定有可能要翻译这本书。 The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract. 受控语言加机器翻译就是受控翻译。 Machine translation plus controlled language is called controlled translation. 这部书已经翻译成多种语言。 This book has been translated into several languages. 翻译诗歌在许多情况下都是困难的。 It's often difficult to translate poems.


《计算机网络》中英文对照 Chapter 1 End system P28 端系统 Modem P29 调制解调器(俗称:猫) Base station P29 基站 Communication link P30 通信链路 Physical media P30 物理介质 Coaxial cable P30 同轴电缆 Fiber optics P30 光纤 Radio spectrum P30 射频频谱 Transmission rate P30 传输速率 Packets P30 (数据)包,或分组 Routers P30 路由器 Link-layer switches P30 链路层交换机 Path P30 路径 ISP (Internet Service Provider) P30 网络服务提供商 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) P31 传输控制协议 IP ( Internet Protocol) P31 网际协议 Intranets P31 内网 API (Application Programming Interface) P32 应用程序编程接口Network edge P35 网络边缘 Access Networks P38 接入网 Ethernet P42 以太网 Network core P48 网络核心 Circuit Switching P50 电路转换 Packet Switching 分组交换 FDM (frequency-division multiplexing) P50 频分多路复用 TDM (time-division multiplexing) P50 时分多路复用 Statistical Multiplexing 统计复用 Store-and-forward 存储转发 Queuing delays P53 排队延迟 Transmission delay P60 传输延迟,或发送延迟 Propagation delay P60 传播延迟 Throughput P59 吞吐量 Internet backbone P57 骨干网 Delay P59 延迟,或时延 Loss P59 丢包 Packet-Switched Network P59 分组交换网络 Nodal processing delay P60 节点处理延迟 End-to-end delay P66 端到端延迟 Instantaneous throughput P68 瞬时吞吐量


英汉翻译中的词汇搭配问题 Collocation in the Translation Between English and Chinese 代绍荣许芳 摘要:在英汉翻译中,词汇搭配问题不容忽视。本文试图通过一些实例说明词汇搭配的规律,并探讨解决词汇搭配问题的办法以及考虑这个问题的角度。 关键词:英汉翻译词汇搭配现象分析解决办法考虑角度 Abstract: Collocation is highly worth special attention in the translation work between English and Chinese. This article attempts to illustrate some general principles for collocation in translation , and proposes solutions to this problem and the seven angles from which to consider this problem. Key words: translation between English and Chinese collocation phenomenon analysis solution consideration angles 在翻译活动中,对原文的正确理解是做好翻译工作的基础,而对原文中词汇的恰当翻译是做好翻译工作的重点。在词汇翻译过程中,我们会不可避免地遇到词汇搭配问题。这个问题不解决好,翻译活动就没法进行下去,或者就不会译出好的作品来。本文拟就英汉翻译活动中经常遇到的各种词汇搭配问题作一分析,并提出解决的办法,以供参考。 一 在英汉两种语言当中,都有一些可以直接对译成目的语的词汇,包括简单的词、短语和习语等。它们的意义比较容易理解和把握,在目的语中有比较明显的对应词汇。这种直译不影响原文的意义和风格,是词汇翻译中最简单的一种,例如: He is a diligent student。 他是个勤奋的学生。 也因为如此,这类翻译中的词汇搭配问题比较容易解决,又例如: I bought a bunch of red roses for my girlfriend. 我买了一束红攻瑰送给女朋友。 这种搭配大多是因为下面的原因: (1)词汇本身意义不复杂,如diligent, bunch等。 (2)两个词汇经常搭配使用,形成惯用法。如:a lucky dog(幸运儿), watch TV(看电视), crude oil (原油) 等。 (3)涉及专用词汇,如in China 等 虽然这种情况下的翻译比较简单,但我们还是要注意弄清原文中每个词汇的含义,选择恰当的目的语词汇来翻译。 二 大多数情况下,词汇的翻译并不是那么容易的,需要我们动一番脑筋。词汇的搭配对所涉及的每个词汇的具体含义起相当大的限制作用。特别是有些词,本身含义比较广泛,词性也比较多,当它们和不同的词搭配时,具有不同的含义,这就需要我们熟读原文,弄清原文的准确含义、文体风格、表现手法,然后在目的语中捕捉最贴切的词汇来翻译。下面举一个例子: free competition 自由竞争free room 空房间 free medical care 公费医疗free goods 免税货物 free bloomer 开花多的植物free state 游离状态 free gait 从容和步伐free wind 顺风


附录A With the new network technology and application of the continuous rapid development of the computer network should. Use of becoming increasingly widespread, the role played by the increasingly important computer networks and human. More inseparable from the lives of the community's reliance on them will keep growing. In order for computers to communicate, they must speak the same language or protocol. In the early days of networking, networks were disorganized in many ways. Companies developed proprietary network technologies that had great difficulties in exchanging information with other or existing technologies; so network interconnections were very hard to build. To solve this problem, the International Organization for Standardization(ISO)created a network model that helps vendors to create networks compatible with each other. Finding the best software is not easy. A better understanding of what you need and asking the right questions makes it easier. The software should be capable of handling challenges specific to your company. If you operate multiple distribution centers, it may be beneficial to create routes with product originating from more than one depot. Few software providers though, are capable of optimizing routes using multiple depots. The provider should be able to support installation of its product. Make sure to clearly understand what training and software maintenance is offered. Obviously, selecting the right routing/scheduling software is critically important. Unfortunately, some companies are using software that may not be best suited to their operation. Logistics actives with responsibility for approving the software ought to be comfortable they've made the right decision. It is important to realize that not all routing/scheduling software is alike! There questions to ask are:Which operating system is used?How easy is the software to use?Here is a good way to tell. Ask if its graphical user interface(GUI)is flexible. Find out about installation speed - how long does it take?Is the software able to route third party customers with your core business?When was the software originally released and when was it last upgraded? In 1984, ISO released the Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)reference model,


微博Microblog 山寨copycat 异地恋long-distance relationshiph 剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 裸婚naked wedding 炫富flaunt wealth 团购group buying 人肉搜索flesh search 潮人:trendsetter 发烧友:fancier 骨感美女:boney beauty 卡奴:card slave 下午茶high tea 愤青young cynic 性感妈妈yummy mummy 亚健康sub-health 灵魂伴侣soul mate 小白脸toy boy 精神出轨soul infidelity 人肉搜索flesh search 钻石王老五diamond bachelor 时尚达人fashion icon 御宅otaku 橙色预警orange signal warning 预约券reservation ticket 上相的,上镜头的photogenic 80后:80's generation 百搭:all-match 限时抢购:flash sale 合租:flat-share 荧光纹身:glow tattoo 泡泡袜:loose socks 裸妆:nude look 黄牛票:scalped ticket 扫货:shopping spree

烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods 纳米技术:nanotechnology 正妹hotty 对某人念念不忘get the hots for 草莓族Strawberry generation 草根总统grassroots president 笨手笨脚have two left feet 拼车car-pooling 解除好友关系unfriend v. 暴走go ballistic 海外代购overseas purchasing 跳槽jump ship 闪婚flash marriage 闪电约会speeddating 闪电恋爱whirlwind romance 刻不容缓,紧要关头crunch time 乐活族LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability) 一夜情one-night stand 偶像派idol type 脑残体leetspeak 挑食者picky-eater 伪球迷fake fans 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy 奉子成婚shotgun marriage 婚前性行为premarital sex 开博to open a blog 房奴车奴mortgage slave 上课开小差zone out 万事通know-it-all 赌球soccer gambling 桑拿天sauna weather 假发票fake invoice 二房东middleman landlord


AN (Access Network) 接入网 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line):非对称数字用户线 ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line):非对称数字用户线 ATU (Access Termination Unit) 接入端接单元 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 地址解析协议 ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) 自动重传请求 BER (Bit Error Rate) 误码率 CBT (Core Based Tree) 基于核心的转发树 CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) 无分类域间路由选择 DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) 数字用户线 DMT (Discrete Multi-Tone) 离散多音调 DSLAM (DSL Access Multiplexer) 数字用户线接入复用器 DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol) 距离向量多播路由选择协议EGP (External Gateway Protocol外部网关协议 FTTH (Fiber To The Home) 光纤到家 FTTB (Fiber To The Building) 光纤到大楼 FTTC (Fiber To The Curb) 光纤到路边 FCS (Frame Check Sequence) 帧检验序列 HDSL (High speed DSL):高速数字用户线 IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol内部网关协议 ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) 网际控制报文协议 ISP (Internet Service Provider) 因特网服务提供者 ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) 网际控制报文协议 IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) 网际组管理协议 LCP (Link Control Protocol) 链路控制协议 LLC (Logical Link Control) 子层逻辑链路控制 LAN (Local Area Network) 局域网 MAC (Medium Access Control) 媒体接入控制 MOSPF (Multicast Extensions to OSPF) 开放最短通路优先的多播扩展 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 城域网 NCP (Network Control Protocol) 网络控制协议 NAT (Network Address Translation) 网络地址转换 NIC (Network Interface Card) 网络接口卡 OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) 光内部网关协议 ODN (Optical Distribution Node) 分配结点 PAN (Personal Area Network) 个人区域网 PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) 点对点协议对等方式(P2P 方式) PIM-SM (Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode) 协议无关多播-稀疏方式PIM-DM (Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode) 协议无关多播-密集方式RTO (RetransmissionTime-Out) 超时重传时间 RPB (Reverse Path Broadcasting) 反向路径广播


附录 一、英文原文: The NetWorks Birth of the Net The Internet has had a relatively brief, but explosive history so far. It grew out of an experiment begun in the 1960's by the U.S. Department of Defense. The DoD wanted to create a computer network that would continue to function in the event of a disaster, such as a nuclear war. If part of the network were damaged or destroyed, the rest of the system still had to work. That network was ARPANET, which linked U.S. scientific and academic researchers. It was the forerunner of today's Internet. In 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created NSFNET, a series of networks for research and education communication. Based on ARPANET protocols, the NSFNET created a national backbone service, provided free to any U.S. research and educational institution. At the same time, regional networks were created to link individual institutions with the national backbone service. NSFNET grew rapidly as people discovered its potential, and as new software applications were created to make access easier. Corporations such as Sprint and MCI began to build their own networks, which they linked to NSFNET. As commercial firms and other regional network providers have taken over the operation of the major Internet arteries, NSF has withdrawn from the backbone business. NSF also coordinated a service called InterNIC, which registered all addresses on the Internet so that data could be routed to the right system. This service has now been taken over by Network Solutions, Inc., in cooperation with NSF. How the Web Works The World Wide Web, the graphical portion of the Internet, is the most popular part of the Internet by far. Once you spend time on the Web,you will begin to feel like there is no limit to what you can discover. The Web allows rich and diverse communication by displaying text, graphics, animation, photos, sound and video. So just what is this miraculous creation? The Web physically consists of your personal computer, web browser software, a connection to an Internet service provider, computers called servers that host digital data and routers and switches to direct the flow of information. The Web is known as a client-server system. Your computer is the client; the remote computers that store electronic files are the servers. Here's how it works: Let's say you want to pay a visit to the the Louvre museum website. First you enter the address or URL of the website in your web browser (more about this shortly). Then your browser requests the web page from the web server that hosts the Louvre's site. The Louvre's server sends the data over the Internet to your computer. Your web


这是08年整理的,最近增加了09到14年部分。所以可能大家会发现09年到14年单词很少,原因是大部分单词都在早期08年到94年的单词里出现过。这一点也足以说明真题单词的重复率很大。大家务必背诵,确保记得。一进考场,你就会看到很多熟悉的单词。 最新补充 as作为、随着、当、因为、象; with和、用、装有、具有; in在...中、以...方式; A of B一般翻译为B的A(注意数量词a piece of paper一张纸,不能翻译为“纸的张”); 注意and并列关系,弄清谁与谁并列。 14年 46) articulate 清晰的表达, 47) by all accounts根据、根据报道;by one’s own account根据某人自己所说,let alone更别提, 48) intensity紧张,abruptly突然地,sudden突然,soft柔和的,passage 段落,rarely很少、几乎不,composer作曲家,compose作曲、编写, 49) associate联系, 50) suffer遭受, inevitable不可避免, render转换、使变成; 13年 46) strike打、震撼,for all尽管,style风格,urge需求、督促、鼓励,decoration装饰,

47) sacred神圣的,crude原始、粗糙,as opposed to与相反,shelter 避难所, 48) in effect实际上,urban城市,discernible容易看出的,discern看出、识别, 49) blame批评, 50) implicit隐含的,explicit明确的,reference谈到、提及、参考,synthetic 人造的; 12年 46) impulse冲动,unification统一、一致,generative生产的、生成的,generate产生, 47) constrain力劝、强迫、限制,constraint限制, 48) filter过滤, cognitive认知的, 49) empirical实证的、根据经验得到的, bias偏见, 50) track跟踪; 11年 46) erroneous错误的,error错误, 47) sustain支持、维持,illusion幻觉,conscious有意识的, 48) justification合理,借口,justify证明是公正的,rationalization合理,exploitation剥削、开发, bottom底, 49) circumstance环境, 50) upside积极的、正面的,contain包含,be up to取决于,array展示、陈列、一系列;


各种数学名词的英语翻译 数学mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE) 公理axiom 定理theorem 计算calculation 运算operation 证明prove 假设hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.) 命题proposition 算术arithmetic 加plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.) 被加数augend, summand 加数addend 和sum 减minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.) 被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数multiplicand, faciend 乘数multiplicator 积product 除divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.) 被除数dividend 除数divisor 商quotient 等于equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于is greater than 小于is lesser than 大于等于is equal or greater than 小于等于is equal or lesser than 运算符operator 平均数mean 算术平均数arithmatic mean 几何平均数geometric mean n个数之积的n次方根倒数(reciprocal)x的倒数为1/x 有理数rational number 无理数irrational number


Chapter1 1-11.What are two reasons for using layered protocols? (请说出使用分层协议的两个理由) 答:通过协议分层可以把设计问题划分成较小的易于处理的片段。分层意味着某一层的协议的改变不会影响高层或低层的协议。 1-13. What is the principal difference between connectionless communication and connection-oriented communication? (在无连接通信和面向连接的通信两者之间,最主要的区别是什么?) 答:主要的区别有两条。 其一:面向连接通信分为三个阶段,第一是建立连接,在此阶段,发出一个建立连接的请求。只有在连接成功建立之后,才能开始数据传输,这是第二阶段。接着,当数据传输完毕,必须释放连接。而无连接通信没有这么多阶段,它直接进行数据传输。 其二:面向连接的通信具有数据的保序性,而无连接的通信不能保证接收数据的顺序与发送数据的顺序一致。 1-20. A system has an n-layer protocol hierarchy. Applications generate messages of length M bytes. At each of the layers, an h-byte header is added. What fraction of the network bandwidth is filled with headers? (一个系统有n层协议的层次结构。应用程序产生的消息的长度为M字节。在每一层上需要加上一个h字节的头。请问,这些头需要占用多少比例的网络带宽) 答:hn/(hn+m)*100% 1-28. An image is 1024 x 768 pixels with 3 bytes/pixel. Assume the image is uncompressed. How long does it take to transmit it over a 56-kbps modem channel? Over a 1-Mbps cable modem? Over a 10-Mbps Ethernet? Over 100-Mbps Ethernet? (一幅图像的分辨率为1024 x 768像素,每个像素用3字节来表示。假设该图像没有被压缩。请问,通过56kbps的调制解调器信道来传输这幅图像需要多长时间?通过1Mbps的电缆调制解调器呢?通过10Mbps的以太网呢?通过100Mbps的以太网呢?) 答:The image is 1024*768*3 bytes or 2359296 bytes.This is 18874368 bit. At 56,000 bits/sec, it takes about 337.042 sec. At 1,000,000 bits/sec, it takes about 18.874 sec. At 10,000,000 bits/sec, it takes about 1.887 sec. At 100,000,000 bits/sec, it takes about 0.189 sec. Chapter2 2-2. A noiseless 4-kHz channel is sampled every 1 msec. What is the maximum data rate? (一条无噪声4kHz信道按照每1ms一次进行采样,请问最大数据传输率是多少?)

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